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1 BROASTE TA 2013 en de 09 Furniture Locking Systems

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2096 www.hettich.

Furniture locking systems
 Summary of ranges

Electronic furniture locking systems

Summary 2098 - 2099

Mechanical furniture locking systems

Summary 2148 - 2149

Catches and locks

Summary 2234 - 2235

Technik für Möbel 2097

Electronic furniture locking systems

Keyless locking - thanks to transponder technology. A handy also very secure. Access rights are granted separately for
little transponder replaces the key. No need to fumble each transponder and cancelled via the central software if
around looking for the key: doors and pull-outs are locked necessary, e.g. if the transponder is lost.
and unlocked via the remote control. Very convenient and

Hettlock SV with SimonsVoss Hettlock RC with wireless identi- Hettlock RFID with electromagne- Hettlock Fingerprint: biometric
technology: Installed in furniture, fication: actuated via the keypad, tic chip technology: this rugged access system with fingerprint
the module can be integrated into fingerprint or radio signal, this lock and secure lock system can also be identification.
the building services management system ensures maximum conveni- integrated into the building
system and centrally controlled. ence. Programming without additi- services management system.
Revolutionary furniture manage- onal equipment.
ment for maximum security and

2098 www.hettich.com
Electronic furniture locking systems
 Summary

Hettlock SV
Transponder and control unit
Range summary 2100 - 2101

Hettlock RC
Transmitter and control unit
Range summary 2100 - 2101

Hettlock Fingerprint
Lock and control unit
Range summary 2100 - 2101

Hettlock keypad
Lock and control unit
Range summary 2100 - 2101

Hettlock RFID
Chip and locking unit and Freelocker slam lock
Range summary 2100 - 2101

Technical Information 2146 - 2147

Lock plan software 2123

Technik für Möbel 2099

Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock
 Range summary

System configurations

Pin locking
Hettlock SV see pages
Transponder and 2102 - 2103
control unit 2106 - 2107
see pages Latch locking
2102 - 2103 mechanism
see pages
2102 - 2103
2106 - 2107

Two-point locking
see pages
2102 - 2103
2106 - 2107

Hettlock RC Sliding door locking

Transmitter and mechanism
control unit
see pages
see pages 2102 - 2103
2106 - 2107 2106 - 2107

Workstation pedestal locking

see pages
2102 - 2103
2106 - 2107

Cupboard locking
see pages
2102 - 2103
2106 - 2107

Visual feedback unit

see pages
2102 - 2103
2106 - 2107

Case lock and

control unit
see pages
2106 - 2107

Shooting bar lock and

control unit
see pages
2106 - 2107

Fingerprint with lock
and control unit

see pages
2126 - 2127

Keypad with lock and
control unit

see pages
2126 - 2127

2100 www.hettich.com
Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock
 Range summary

System configurations

Hettlock RFID Slam lock

Chip and locking unit

125 kHz 125 kHz
see pages
see pages 2132 - 2133 2132 - 2133

13,56 MHz
see pages
2132 - 2133

Drawer lock

125 kHz
see pages
2132 - 2133

13,56 MHz
see pages
13,56 MHz 2132 - 2133

see pages 2132 - 2133

Sliding door lock

125 kHz
see pages
2132 - 2133

13,56 MHz
see pages
2132 - 2133

Catch lock

125 kHz
see pages
2132 - 2133

13,56 MHz
see pages
2132 - 2133

Hettlock RFID
Chip and locking
Slam lock
see pages 2132 - 2133 MIFARE CLASSIC 1K
see pages
2132 - 2133

Technik für Möbel 2101

Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock SV

Keyless locking: Hettlock SV either the lock plan software or the building services
Hettlock SV is the electronic furniture locking system you system. The system can manage up to 8,000 users and
don‘t even need a separate key for. It is simply and con- 16,000 locks.
veniently integrated into the electronic locking system of Hettlock SV meets the highest security standards: the
the building as a whole. The same transponder with which copy-proof transponder automatically identifies users
you enter the building is also used to lock and unlock which means it also knows their authorisation. Whenever
drawers and cabinet doors. Needless to say, authorisations a lock is accessed, the time and user are logged in the lock
can be programmed to suit individual requirements using cylinder in the furniture.

The transponder for the most Controlled access to the building. For locking storage units with Stop For locking sliding doors.
stringent security requirements. Control Plus central locking on
both sides.

2102 www.hettich.com
Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock SV
 Summary

Hettlock SV
Transponder, control unit and connection cable 2104

Hettlock SV
Accessories for lock plan software 2105

Hettlock SV
Locking mechanisms and visual feedback unit / accessories 2110 - 2122

Technical Information 2146 - 2147

Lock plan software 2123

Technik für Möbel 2103

Hettlock SV
 Transponder, control unit and connection cable

Hettlock SV transponder
 Active wireless transponder
 Drives the nearest control unit for the Hettlock furniture locking
system as well as for lock and organisation system 3060 from
SimonsVoss Technologies AG at the press of a button
 Diameter = 42 mm, height = 13 mm
 Housing: black plastic with red or blue button
 Condition on delivery: unprogrammed, for programming by the owner
 Programming accessories, see page 2105

Finish Order no. PU

black, Blue 0 041 234 1 ea.
black, Red 0 041 235 1 ea.

Hettlock SV control unit

ø 3,3 40 20
 The locking system‘s “intelligence“ decides whether a transponder is
authorised or not for opening
 Locking authorisations for as many as 8,000 transponders
 Withdrawing locking authorisations or adjusting to new situations is
50 64 possible at any time
 Well-planned energy concept:
- Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated
20 wiring and provides independence from a mains power source
- The system automatically checks the amount of power left, with a
beep providing early warning of the need to change the batteries
- Can be programmed to unlock automatically just before the battery
runs flat, making it impossible to lock yourself out
 Locking mechanisms, see page 2110 - 2122
 Condition on delivery: unprogrammed, for programming by the
 Black plastic housing

Set comprises:
 1 control unit
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
0 041 221 1 set

Connection cable, control unit - mechanism

 For connecting a control unit with one or two locking mechanisms
 For locking mechanisms, see page 2110 - 2122 onwards

Length mm Order no. PU

100 0 041 224 1 ea.
250 0 041 225 1 ea.
400 0 041 226 1 ea.
550 0 041 227 1 ea.
850 0 041 229 1 ea.
1000 0 041 231 1 ea.

2104 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV
 Accessories for lock plan software

Programming transponder
 For programming smaller locking systems with up to 99 transponders
and 99 building and furniture locks, excluding PC, laptop and
additional software
 Including password card
 The password lets you transfer the “transponder lock plan“ to the
PC / laptop, permitting extension of the locking system.

Order no. PU
0 041 236 1 ea.

SmartCD programming device

 For Windows Mobile 5.x based handhelds and for connecting
to a PC or laptop
 Includes USB connection cable and software CD
 Housing dimensions: 120 x 70 x 20 mm
 Battery type: 2 rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (included)
 IP rating: IP20

Order no. PU
0 041 238 1 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2105

Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock RC

For remote-controlling your furniture: Hettlock RC without physical contact. Up to 20 transponders can be
No need to fumble around looking for the right key and programmed for each control unit. Additional programming
trying to insert it in the keyhole - that‘s now thing of the devices are not needed and the control unit is quickly
past with Hettlock RC. With 2.4 GHz wireless identification, programmed.
furniture doors, drawers etc. can be locked and unlocked

The new 2-key transmitter with The control unit is the basic module Locking mechanism for various
“unlocked“ / “locked“ indicator in that processes the incoming wire- applications, z. B. hinged doors,
a new design. less signals. This works at 2.4 GHz flaps, sliding doors, ...
and is approved in Europe. Up to
20 hand-held transmitters can be
programmed per control unit.

2106 www.hettich.com
Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock RC
 Summary

Hettlock RC
Transmitter, control unit and connection cable 2108

Hettlock RC
Locking mechanisms and visual feedback unit / accessories 2110 - 2122

Hettlock RC
Case lock and control unit 2124

Hettlock RC
Shooting bar lock and control unit 2125

Technical Information 2146 - 2147

Technik für Möbel 2107

Hettlock RC
 Transmitter, control unit and connection cable

Hettlock RC transmitter
 Active wireless transmitter, radio frequency 2.4 GHz
 Controls all control units in range for the Hettlock RC furniture lock
system at the press of a button
 Reach indoors: 10 m max.
 Diameter 44 mm, height 13 mm
 Black plastic housing
 Condition on delivery: unprogrammed, for programming by the

Order no. PU
9 133 880 1 ea.

Hettlock RC control unit

 Radio frequency 2.4 GHz
ø 3,3 40 20
 Installation in furniture
7  Power-assisted locking
 Self-locking
50 64  Up to 20 hand-held transmitters can be programmed per control unit
 Optional cable management
 Visual feedback unit, see page 2122
20  Locking mechanisms, see page 2110 - 2122
 Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated wiring
and provides independence from a mains power source
 Black plastic housing

Set comprises:
 1 control unit
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 710 1 set

Connection cable, control unit - mechanism

 For connecting a control unit with one or two locking mechanisms
 For locking mechanisms, see page 2110 - 2122 onwards

Length mm Order no. PU

100 0 041 224 1 ea.
250 0 041 225 1 ea.
400 0 041 226 1 ea.
550 0 041 227 1 ea.
850 0 041 229 1 ea.
1000 0 041 231 1 ea.

2108 www.hettich.com
Technik für Möbel 2109
Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Pin locking mechanism

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC pin locking mechanism

 With spring-loaded pin
 For locking items, such as:
- single hinged doors
- flaps
- vertical roller shutters
- horizontal roller shutters
- folding/sliding doors
- Org@Tower
 Can be used with Hettlock control units, for plugging in directly or for
connection by connecting cable, see pages 2104 / 2108
 The locking mechanism can be set to “lock“ status when the furniture
item is open. The furniture then locks automatically when it is closed.
 Nickel-plated

Set comprises:
 1 pin locking mechanism
 1 striker plate
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
0 041 222 1 set

Striker plate Pin locking mechanism

4 75
31 9,1
3 5 4,5
12,5 23 ø 3,1 32


3,3 12,5 26 44,5

40 32 20 24

17,5 20

20 Lift 8 mm

Fitting situation

Door Side

20 12,5 20 12,5

Side Door

14,5 26 44,5 14,5 26 44,5

Overlay door Inset door

2110 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Pin locking mechanism

Fitting situation

Fitting situation

Technik für Möbel 2111

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Latch locking mechanism

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC latch locking mechanism

 With spring-loaded catch
 For locking items, such as:
- single hinged doors
- flaps
- drawers
 Can be used with Hettlock control units, for plugging in directly or for
connection by connecting cable, see page 2104 / 2108
 The locking mechanism can be set to “lock“ status when the furniture
item is open. The furniture then locks automatically when it is closed.
 Nickel-plated

Set comprises:
 1 latch locking mechanism
 1 locking hook
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
0 041 223 1 set

Locking hook Latch locking mechanism

9 75

20 23 ø 3,1 27,5 32

3 26 44,5
32 40 5

17,5 20


Fitting situation

Side Side

44,5 44,5
75 75

26 26

5,5 ±0,5
5,5 ±0,5
6,5 Door 6,5 Door

8,5 8,5
Overlay door Inset door

2112 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Latch locking mechanism

Fitting situation
5,5 ± 0,5

5,5 ± 0,5

Top panel




Installation below top panel Installation at side

Fitting situation

Technik für Möbel 2113

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Two-point locking mechanism

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC two-point locking mechanism

 Espagnolette lock with spring-loaded pin
 For locking single or double hinged doors
 Espagnolette lock is locked without actuating the turn knob
 Locking right and left
 Can be used with Hettlock control units, for plugging in directly or for
connection by connecting cable, see pages 2104 / 2108
 The locking mechanism can be set to “lock“ status when the furniture
item is open; furniture is then automatically locked when it is closed
 Nickel-plated
 Espagnolette rods, see page 2223

Set comprises:
 1 locking mechanism pin
 1 espagnolette lock
 2 locking hooks
 2 stop pins with roller
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
0 041 232 1 set

Espagnolette lock Pin locking mechanism

31 9,1
21 4,5
23 ø 3,1 32
32 M3
ø 3,3 12,5 26 44,5

17,5 20
17,5 30
Lift 8 mm

Screw-on stop pin with roller, locking hook left / right

40 10,5 10,5
15 28 28
32 3 2 2

4 26 26
6,7 030
16 26 26 16 031
ø 3,5 ø 3,5
14 11,5 11,5 14

2114 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Two-point locking mechanism


The door is automatically locked as it closes:

Fitting situation


16 18,5
A - 13

9 11,5 internal
11,5 11 height
21 19,2
71 B - 13
115 B


16 18,5
Observe rod length
The rod saddle on the closing hooks is tapered on the
27,5 inside and only provides optimum hold and precision
locking if exact dimensions are observed.


Technik für Möbel 2115

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Sliding door locking mechanism

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC sliding door locking mechanism

 With spring-loaded pin
 For locking sliding doors
 Can be used with Hettlock control units, for plugging in directly or for
connection by connecting cable, see pages 2104 / 2108
 The locking mechanism can be set to “lock“ status when the furniture
item is open; furniture is then automatically locked when it is closed
 Nickel-plated

Set comprises:
 1 locking mechanism pin
 1 sliding door locking system
 1 pin deflector
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
0 041 233 1 set

Sliding door locking Pin locking mechanism

ø 3,8
31 9,1
25 ø 10 ø 18 4,5
23 ø 3,1 32

12,5 26 44,5
ø 35

17,5 20
Lift 8 mm

Fitting situation

2116 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Sliding door locking mechanism

Fitting situation
Positioned Positioned
on middle panel at the top



Fitting situation

Positioned Positioned
on middle panel at the top

44,5 44,5
44,5 32

ø 35
ø 12
ø 35
ø 12

44,5 32 44,5 44,5

19 40±0,5

40 ±0,5
ø 12 ø 12

Technik für Möbel 2117

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Locking mechanism for desk pedestals

Hettlock front-panel connector for desk pedestals

 For pencil tray, installed width 392 mm
 For 32 mm hole-line pattern
 Locking mechanism, Order No. 9 141 822, must be ordered separately,
see below
 Can be used with Hettlock control unit, see 2104 / 2108
 The following Systema Top 2000, Stop Control and Stop Control Plus
components belong together and are therefore essential for the
Hettlock locking system to work:
- Pencil tray, height 40 mm, Order No. 9 086 348 and 9 111 484,
see page 1560
- Stop Control lock connector, see page 1690
- Alternatively: Stop Control Plus lock connector, see page 1694
 All other components for desk pedestals can be selected as required
from the Systema Top 2000 range starting on page 1546
 Black plastic

Order no. PU
9 141 294 1 ea.

Cross-sectional drawing
96 ø8

ø8 192

Locking mechanism for desk pedestals

 For 32 mm hole-line pattern and installed width 392 mm
 Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
9 141 822 1 ea.

2118 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Locking mechanism for desk pedestals

Positioning / installing front-panel connector and control unit

ø 18 x 16 + 0,5 3.


Fitting situation for locking mechanism

2 ø 18
14 18 15
4 4 24 16

Drill hole for 40 17 16
visual feedback unit

Installation of lock connector

Locking mechanism for Lock connector

desk pedestals Stop Control Plus

Locking bar
Stop Control Plus

Stop Control

Technik für Möbel 2119

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Lock mechanism for storage units

Hettlock Stop Control Plus lock connector for storage units

 For locking storage units with Stop Control Plus central locking on
both sides
 For 32 mm hole-line pattern
 Can be used with Hettlock control units, for connection with
connecting cable, see pages 2104 / 2108
 All other components for storage units can be selected as required
from the Systema Top 2000 and Stop Control Plus ranges, see office
furniture systems from page 1813 onwards

Set comprises:
 1 pair of locking mechanisms, left / right, pin
 1 pair of catch hooks left / right
 1 pair of lock connectors for Stop Control Plus system locking on both
sides for storage units, left / right
 This item is pre-mounted

Order no. PU
0 041 218 1 set

Cross-sectional drawing

96 32 32 96

25 25 25 25
32 32 32 32

Fitting situation



≥ 64

25 25
32 32

2120 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC Hett
 Lock mechanism for storage units




25 25

32 32

25 25

32 32


4. 25


Technik für Möbel 2121

Hettlock SV / Hettlock RC
 Accessories

Visual feedback unit

18,5  As an optional, additional signal to indicate whether furniture is
15 locked or unlocked:
- green LED = system unlocked
ø 14 ø 15,5 - red LED = system locked
 For recessing into the front or carcase side, drill hole diameter
14 mm
 Can be used with Hettlock control units, Order No. 9 136 710,
see page 2108 and Order No. 41 221, see page 2104
 To be connected with connecting cable for visual feedback unit,
see below
 Nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 041 215 1 ea.

Connecting cable, control unit - visual feedback unit

19  For connecting a control unit with the visual feedback unit

Length mm Order no. PU

100 0 041 334 1 ea.
250 0 041 335 1 ea.
400 0 041 336 1 ea.
500 0 041 337 1 ea.
19 700 0 041 338 1 ea.
850 0 041 339 1 ea.
1000 0 041 341 1 ea.

Connecting set for cable trunking

 For routing round inside and outside corners, bends and duct
 Simply clips onto the cable trunking
 Light-grey plastic

Set comprises:
 2 ea. 90° inside corners
 2 ea. trunking connectors, straight
 2 ea. 90° bends
 2 ea. 90° outside corners

Order no. PU
0 041 592 1 set

Cable trunking
16  For laying connection cables
 Length 1000 mm, for cutting to length, self-adhesive
 Light-grey plastic

10 Order no. PU
0 041 591 1 ea.

2122 www.hettich.com
Hettlock SV
 Technical Information

Lock plan software

 Defines what the hettlock SV transponder can and  The modular system is designed for allocating authorisations
is allowed to do to individuals and can be changed or extended at any time.
 Covers  This means that on moving into premises with a growing
- Up to 8,000 transponders security requirement, building complex, internal doors and
- Up to 16,000 building and furniture locks furniture can be included in the lock plan as part of a
These figures can be multiplied using gradual process.
further lock plans  The lock plan is configured as a 2-dimensional matrix:
 Permits a wide range of settings for a cross at the point of intersection between column and row
control units and transponders assigns a key operation to a person.
- Locking strategy – automatically or at the push  Lock and transponder are conveniently activated by PC or
of a button on the transponder handheld organiser.
- Time-related access rights
- Response when power reserve is exhausted
- Limited validity period of transponders
 The complex task of planning mechanical locking
systems months ahead are a thing of the past.

Technik für Möbel 2123

Hettlock RC Hett
 Case lock and control unit

Hettlock RC, case lock and control unit

 Installation in furniture
 Power-assisted locking
 Self-locking
 20 hand-held transmitters can be programmed per control unit
 With visual feedback unit
 Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated wiring
and provides independence from a mains power source
 The system automatically checks the amount of power left, with a
light signal providing early warning of the need to change the
 Housing: black plastic

Set comprises:
 1 control unit, 2.4 GHz / case lock
 1 visual feedback unit
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 133 882 1 set

Fitting situation


44 33 37
ø 14

51 51

14 32


13 Door ≥ 16


ø 14

3 5

40 32 3,3 20 24


2124 www.hettich.com
Hettlock RC Hett
 Shooting bar lock and control unit

Hettlock RC, shooting bar lock and control unit

 Installation in furniture
 Power-assisted locking
 Self-locking
 20 hand-held transmitters can be programmed per control unit
 With visual feedback unit
 Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated wiring
and provides independence from a mains power source
 The system automatically checks the amount of power left, with a
light signal providing early warning of the need to change the
 Black plastic housing
 Accessories, see page 2182

Set comprises:
 1 control unit, 2.4 GHz / shooting bar lock
 1 visual feedback unit
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 133 885 1 set

Fitting situation

74 76 ø 14
A - 53

internal 32

B - 53 32


32 74

16 14,7

Door ≥ 16
5 2 Door
1,25 ø 14

Technik für Möbel 2125

Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock Fingerprint and keypad

Hettlock Fingerprint: biometric access system with finger- nothing but a master finger. Capability of programming as
print identification. Administration and management using many as 50 different fingerprints.

Hettlock keypad lock with any Easy installation and simple lock
choice of code for changing programming.
users in facilities, such as hotels,
schools, practices etc. or set code
for personal / permanent applica-
tions, e.g. in strongboxes, medicine
cabinets etc.

2126 www.hettich.com
Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock Fingerprint and keypad
 Summary

Hettlock Fingerprint
Case lock and control unit 2128

Hettlock Fingerprint
Shooting bar lock and control unit 2129

Hettlock keypad
Case lock and control unit 2130

Hettlock keypad
Shooting bar lock and control unit 2131

Technical Information 2146 - 2147

Technik für Möbel 2127

Hettlock Fingerprint Hett
 Case lock and control unit

Hettlock Fingerprint, case lock and control unit

 Biometric access system with fingerprint identification
 Power-assisted locking
 Power-assisted locking
 Self-locking
 With visual feedback unit
 Can be programmed for up to 50 different fingerprints
 Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated wiring
and provides independence from a mains power source
 The system automatically checks the amount of power left, with a
light signal providing early warning of the need to change the
 Housing: black plastic

Set comprises:
 1 fingerprinter
 1 control unit / case lock
 1 locking system
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 133 883 1 set

Fitting situation


36 R4

Door 50


33 37

11 11

51 51 44

64 54

44 1,4

75 49

19 - 20

2128 www.hettich.com
Hettlock Fingerprint Hett
 Shooting bar lock and control unit

Hettlock Fingerprint, shooting bar lock and control unit

 Biometric access system with fingerprint identification
 Installation in furniture
 Power-assisted locking
 With visual feedback unit
 Can be programmed for up to 50 different fingerprints
 Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated wiring
and provides independence from a mains power source
 The system automatically checks the amount of power left, with a
light signal providing early warning of the need to change the
 Black plastic housing
 Accessories, see page 2182

Set comprises:
 1 fingerprinter
 1 control unit / shooting bar lock
 1 locking system
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 133 886 1 set

Fitting situation

27 36 87

42 internal
height 64 36

B 32 50


32 74
16 14,7

5 2 Door
≥ 16

44 1,4

75 49

19 - 20

Technik für Möbel 2129

Hettlock keypad Hett
 Case lock and control unit

Hettlock keypad, case lock and control unit

 Installation in furniture
 Power-assisted locking
 Self-locking
 Can be programmed for up to 1 billion different combinations
 With visual feedback unit
 Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated wiring
and provides independence from a mains power source
 The system automatically checks the amount of power left, with a
light signal providing early warning of the need to change the
 Housing: black plastic

Set comprises:
 1 keypad
 1 control unit / case lock
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 133 881 1 set

Fitting situation

54 32

33 ø 24
44 1 2 3

4 5 6
75 11
7 8 9

C 0 E 51
51 44

14 32


Door ≥ 16

ø 24

3 5

40 32 3,3 20 24


2130 www.hettich.com
Hettlock keypad Hett
 Shooting bar lock and control unit

Hettlock keypad, shooting bar lock and control unit

 Installation in furniture
 Power-assisted locking
 Can be programmed for up to 1 billion different combinations
 With visual feedback unit
 Powered by batteries, the control unit requires no complicated wiring
and provides independence from a mains power source
 The system automatically checks the amount of power left, with a
light signal providing early warning of the need to change the
 Black plastic housing
 Accessories, see page 2182

Set comprises:
 1 keypad
 1 control unit / shooting bar lock
 2 AA batteries, 1.5 volts
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 133 884 1 set

Fitting situation

74 76
A - 53
A 47

1 2 3
internal 4 5 6
64 75
42 height 7 8 9

C 0 E

B 54
B - 53 32 27

32 74

16 14,7

Door ≥ 16
5 2

1,25 ø 24

Technik für Möbel 2131

Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock RFID

Hettlock RFID with electromagnetic chip technology: into 13.56 MHz building services management systems.
this rugged and secure lock system can also be integrated

The slam lock can be used on side- Also available as catch, drawer or
hung furniture doors, flaps and sliding door lock.

2132 www.hettich.com
Electronic furniture locking systems
 Hettlock RFID
 Summary

Hettlock RFID 125 kHz

Slam, catch, drawer, sliding door lock 2134 - 2137

Hettlock RFID 125 kHz


Hettlock RFID 13.56 MHz

Slam, catch, drawer, sliding door lock 2139 - 2142

Hettlock RFID 13.56 MHz


Hettlock RFID
Freelocker slam lock 2144

Hettlock RFID
Accessory, Freelocker slam lock 2145

Technical Information 2146 - 2147

Technik für Möbel 2133

Hettlock RFID Hett
 Slam lock RFID 125 kHz

Slam lock RFID 125 kHz

 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used on side-hung furniture doors, flaps and drawers
 Can be used as opening mechanism in combination with Intermat
hinges with Push to open function
 Locking authorisations for up to 50 transponders per control unit
 RFID chip technology
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 20,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 For optional use with rod immobiliser for side-hung doors,
see page 2143
 Accessories, see page 2138

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 Hettlock RFID transponder
 1 programming card
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 958 1 set

Planning dimensions

Door ≤ 25
12 28,5
29 21

Side 20
14 29

6,5 ø3 19 27
89 ø9 40
40 27 6,5 ø3
3 12 8 4,5
Screw-on panel Stay-close element
for lock adapter for hinged door
70 50
Centre shelf panel Centre shelf panel ø4 26 40
24 24 39
3 7
22 2xM3
34 28 40 23
47 ø4



2134 www.hettich.com
Hettlock RFID Hett
 Catch lock 125 kHz

Catch lock RFID 125 kHz

 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used on side-hung furniture doors, flaps and drawers
 Can be used as opening mechanism in combination with Intermat
hinges with Push to open function
 Locking authorisations for up to 50 transponders per control unit
 RFID chip technology
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 20,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 Accessories, see page 2138

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 Hettlock RFID transponder
 1 programming card
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 961 1 set

Planning dimensions





17 28,5
Side Shelf



1,5 Door ≤ 19 5,2 Door


12,5 2,5


18 13

15,5 ø 2,2 6

Technik für Möbel 2135

Hettlock RFID Hett
 Drawer lock 125 kHz

Drawer lock RFID 125 kHz

 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used in furniture drawers
 Locking authorisations for up to 50 transponders per control unit
 RFID chip technology
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 20,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 Accessories, see page 2138

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 Hettlock RFID transponder
 1 programming card
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 959 1 set

Planning dimensions

26 52

12 panel

34 22

6,5 ≤ 19


Bottom panel

28,5 Handle

ø3 ø 3,2

12 ø3
41 50 41

8 5

2136 www.hettich.com
Hettlock RFID Hett
 Sliding door lock 125 kHz

Sliding door lock RFID 125 kHz

 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used on sliding furniture doors
 Locking authorisations for up to 50 transponders per control unit
 RFID chip technology
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 20,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 Accessories, see page 2138

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 Hettlock RFID transponder
 1 programming card
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 960 1 set

Planning dimensions

Sliding door /



2 22


2 Side

26 28,5


ø3 ø 3,2

12 ø3
41 50 41

8 5

Technik für Möbel 2137

Hettlock RFID
 Accessories, 125 kHz

Hettlock RFID external antenna, 125 kHz

 Additional antenna for external use, e.g. on the outside of furniture
 Required in conjunction with front-panel materials or thicknesses
that attenuate signal transmission

Set comprises:
 1 cable, length 1.5 m
 1 reception antenna
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 963 1 set

Hettlock RFID transponder, 125 kHz

 Passive transponder with RFID system
 Identifies itself in the reach of a control unit
 Housing: black / grey plastic
 Delivered unprogrammed, programming directly on the lock

Order no. PU
9 078 844 1/5 ea.

2138 www.hettich.com
Hettlock RFID Hett
 Slam lock 13.56 MHz

Slam lock RFID 13.56 MHz

 Invisible contactless identification for 13.56 MHz Legic Prime and
ISO 15693 data carrier systems (Legic Advant, I-Code, Picopass,
SkiData, Mifare)
 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used on side-hung furniture doors, flaps and drawers
 A super-master and a group-master card must be ordered for
programming, see page 2143
 A transponder must be ordered for opening and closing,
see page 2143
 Lock authorisations: maximum of 5 group-master cards with
64 transponders each
 RFID chip technology, 13.56-MHz multi-reader
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 10,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 For optional use with rod immobiliser for side-hung doors,
see page 2143
 Accessories, see page 2143

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 964 1 set

Planning dimensions

Door ≤ 25
12 28,5
29 21

Side 20
14 29

6,5 ø3 19 27
89 ø9 40
40 27 6,5 ø3
3 12 8 4,5
Screw-on panel Stay-close element
for lock adapter for hinged door
70 50
Centre shelf panel Centre shelf panel ø4 26 40
24 24 39
3 7
22 2xM3
34 28 40 23
47 ø4



Technik für Möbel 2139

Hettlock RFID Hett
 Catch lock 13.56 MHz

Catch lock RFID 13.56 MHz

 Invisible contactless identification for 13.56 MHz Legic Prime and
ISO 15693 data carrier systems (Legic Advant, I-Code, Picopass,
SkiData, Mifare)
 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used on side-hung furniture doors, flaps and drawers
 Can be used as opening mechanism in combination with Intermat
hinges with Push to open function
 A super-master and a group-master card must be ordered for
programming, see page 2143
 A transponder must be ordered for opening and closing,
see page 2143
 Lock authorisations: maximum of 5 group-master cards with
64 transponders each
 RFID chip technology
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 10,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 Accessories, see page 2143

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 967 1 set

Planning dimensions





17 28,5
Side Shelf



1,5 Door ≤ 19 5,2 Door


12,5 2,5


18 13

15,5 ø 2,2 6

2140 www.hettich.com
Hettlock RFID Hett
 13.56 MHz drawer lock

RFID 13.56-MHz drawer lock

 Invisible contactless identification for 13.56 MHz Legic Prime and
ISO 15693 data carrier systems (Legic Advant, I-Code, Picopass,
SkiData, Mifare)
 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used in furniture drawers
 A super-master and a group-master card must be ordered for
programming, see page 2143
 A transponder must be ordered for opening and closing,
see page 2143
 Lock authorisations: maximum of 5 group-master cards with
64 transponders each
 RFID chip technology, 13.56-MHz multi-reader
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 10,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 Accessories, see page 2143

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 965 1 set

Planning dimensions

26 52

12 panel

34 22

6,5 ≤ 19


Bottom panel

28,5 Handle

ø3 ø 3,2

12 ø3
41 50 41

8 5

Technik für Möbel 2141

Hettlock RFID Hett
 Sliding door lock 13.56 MHz

Sliding door lock RFID 13.56 MHz

 Invisible contactless identification for 13.56 MHz Legic Prime and
ISO 15693 data carrier systems (Legic Advant, I-Code, Picopass,
SkiData, Mifare)
 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 Can be used on sliding furniture doors
 A super-master and a group-master card must be ordered for
programming, see page 2143
 A transponder must be ordered for opening and closing,
see page 2143
 Lock authorisations: maximum of 5 group-master cards with
64 transponders each
 RFID chip technology, 13.56-MHz multi-reader
 Straightforward programming by programming card
 Approx. 10,000 key operations before batteries need changing
 Accessories, see page 2143

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 966 1 set

Planning dimensions

Sliding door /



2 22


2 Side

26 28,5


ø3 ø 3,2

12 ø3
41 50 41

8 5

2142 www.hettich.com
Hettlock RFID Hett
 Accessories, 13.56 MHz

Hettlock RFID transponder 13.56 MHz

 Passive transponder with RFID system
 Identifies itself in the reach of a control unit
 Blue / white plastic
 Delivered unprogrammed, programming directly on the lock

Order no. PU
9 136 970 5 ea.

Super-master card 13.56 MHz

 For teaching / programming 13.56-MHz locks

Order no. PU
9 136 968 1 set

Group master card 13.56 MHz

 For teaching / programming 13.56-MHz transponders
 Max. 5 group-master cards with 64 transponders each can be
programmed per lock

Order no. PU
9 136 969 1 ea.

Rod immobiliser for 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz slam lock

 For converting a slam lock into an espagnolette lock
5  Accessories, see page 2225

Order no. PU
23,5 9 136 962 1 ea.



Technik für Möbel 2143

Hettlock RFID Hett
 Freelocker slam lock

Freelocker slam lock Mifare Classic 1K

 For use in cabinets or lockers with side-hung doors, e.g. in fitness
centres, hotels etc.
 Compatible with Mifare Classic 1K transponders
 Reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 All locks can be programmed with a single programming card; at least
one master transponder must then be programmed
 Each lock is then assigned a new transponder with each locking

Set comprises:
 1 reader and control unit with integrated locking mechanism
 1 lock adapter
 1 CR123 A 3-Volt battery
 Fixing material

Order no. PU
9 136 971 1 set

Planning dimensions

Door ≤ 25
21± 4 12 28,5

Side 20
14 29

6,5 ø3 19 27
89 ø9 40
40 27 6,5 ø3
3 12 8 4,5

2144 www.hettich.com
Hettlock RFID
 Accessory, Freelocker slam lock

Mifare Classic 1K programming card

 White plastic

Order no. PU
9 141 862 1 ea.

Mifare Classic 1K transponder

 Passive transponder with RFID system
 Identifies itself in the reach of a control unit
 Plastic, black / white
 Condition on delivery: unprogrammed, for programming by the owner

Order no. PU
9 141 863 1/5 ea.

Mifare Classic 1K transponder with wrist strap

 Plastic

Finish Order no. PU

Yellow 9 136 972 1/5 ea.
Blue 9 136 973 1/5 ea.
Red 9 136 974 1/5 ea.
Green 9 136 975 1/5 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2145

Electronic furniture locking systems
 Technical Information

System configurations

Pin locking
Hettlock SV mechanism
Transponder and
control unit
Latch locking

Two-point locking

Hettlock RC Sliding door

Transmitter locking
and control mechanism
unit Workstation
pedestal locking

Cupboard locking

Visual feedback

Case lock
control unit

Shooting bar lock

control unit

System configurations

Slam lock
Hettlock RFID Hettlock
Chip and locking unit 125 kHz RFID
125 kHz Chip and
13,56 MHz locking unit
Freelocker MIFARE
Slam lock CLASSIC 1K

Drawer lock
125 kHz

13,56 MHz

Sliding door lock

125 kHz

13,56 MHz

Catch lock

125 kHz

13,56 MHz

2146 www.hettich.com
Electronic furniture locking systems
 Technical Information

Hettlock SimonsVoss (SV)

The active transponder system with SimonsVoss (SV) technology is
a cordless system. Data is transferred from the transponder to the
receiver by inductive means at a frequency of around 25 kHz. Both
transmitter and receiver are fitted with energy cells. The typical rea-
ding / transmission range between the transponder and furniture lock
is as much as 80 cm. While data are being transmitted, bidirectional
communication takes place, i.e. both the receiver and transponder send
and receive encrypted data. This means that a transponder can only
ever interact with one receiver at a time. Operating and programming a
locking system requires the use of special hardware and software. See
page 2105 and 2123

Hettlock RC
RC stands for Radio Control:
Wireless technology provides a way of transmitting information and
control signals without the need for cables. Control pulses are con-
veniently sent over large distances between transmitter and receiver
without ‘visual‘ contact. Transmitting information using electromagne-
tic waves in the 2.4-GHz band is safe for human beings and animals.
This technology also opens up the gateway to interregional use. Tried
and proven for decades  the world over, this transmission technology
is being improved all the time. As a result, 2.4-GHz technology stands
positively apart from the old-established frequencies and is right on

Hettlock RFID
RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. Radio waves are used
for identifying a person or object. This makes it possible to open a door
without using a key, or pay for a cup of coffee by holding a card near
the reader.

With Hettlock RFID, the transponder integrated in a card or fob is held

up close to a transmitter, also called a reader. The transmission energy
makes the transponder antenna oscillate, releasing a flow of low-level
current. This current is sufficient to make the chip emit its ID number
which, in turn, is registered by the reader. This technique can also be
used for communicating other data and storing them on the transpon-
der. Hettlock RFID works at 125 kHz, known as low frequency, or
13.56 MHz, known as high frequency. Locks operating at 13.56 MHz
can also be integrated in building service systems. Depending on chip
type, they have a reach of a few centimetres.

Technik für Möbel 2147

Mechanical furniture locking systems

Hettich locking systems for furniture come with the same in a superior surface finish. Innovative technology and lock
sound benefits as Hettich‘s furniture locks that have proven cylinders for maximum reliability.
their worth in thousands of applications: precision metals

Dial lock with any choice of code Trikey cylinder locks have exchan- Prestige 2000: Cylinder locks for Simple solutions are sometimes
and scramble function for chan- geable barrels. The lock system single key operation with exchange- all you need. Such as locks with
ging users in facilities, such as includes a general master key and able barrel. Variety of lock versions snapped key bit. A sound way of
hotels or schools. Set code for 10 groups with 1900 combinations for all standard situations and protecting personal effects and
personal / permanent applications each. Replaceable system, can be numerous special solutions. hazardous materials from unau-
in strongboxes etc. retrofitted or converted at any thorised access at home or at
time. work.

2148 www.hettich.com
Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Summary

Dial lock
Range summary / Technical comparison 2150

Trikey for exchangeable barrels

Range summary / Technical comparison 2150
Locking system with exchangeable cylinder 2164

Prestige 2000 for exchangeable barrels

Range summary / Technical comparison 2150

Locks with single key operation

Range summary / Technical comparison 2151

Accessories for mechanical furniture locking systems 2223

Technical Information 2231 - 2232

Technik für Möbel 2149

Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Range summary / Technical comparison

Dial lock Trikey Prestige 2000 Z23/Z32/Z25

Page 2152 - 2153 2155 2170 - 2171

Locking technology Dial lock Exchangeable disk tumbler Exchangeable

barrels ø 18 mm disk tumbler barrels
Z23, ø 18 mm or
Z32, ø 18 mm or
Z25, ø 16.5 mm

System philosophy   For more demanding lock Sets standards in quality,

security and convenience logistics and variety of locks

Main areas of use Schools Ideal for large premises and Variety of lock versions for all
Hotels properties with special security standard situations and innume-
Fitness areas requirements rable special solutions for furni-
ture for offices, hotels, hospitals,
shopfitting and the home ...

Lock system   Lock system 40000 Lock system 18000

Up to 19000 different combina-  Lock plans with up

tions on request to 1000 combinations
 for general master key and
1 general master key group master keys (2 groups)
5 group master keys
maximum of
1900 combinations per group

2150 www.hettich.com
Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Range summary / Technical comparison

Single key operation


Snapped key bit

 Extremely simple keys

 Always keyed alike
 Do not afford any particular
degree of security
 Shape and surface more
attractive than cylinder keys

Security in the home

Protect furniture at home and

at work from direct access

Single key operation

 Every key fits every lock

Technik für Möbel 2151

Dial lock Hett

Dial lock
 Free choice of codes with scramble function
 High security
 Service cylinder for emergency opening
 Easy coding and decoding by the user
 Flexible use by different users
 Suitable for fronts in wood, glass and steel
 Black

Set comprises:
 1 dial lock including 3 cams

Hinge side Order no. PU

right 9 133 887 1 set
left 9 133 888 1 set

Fitting situation in wood Fitting situation in steel



Fitting situation in wood Fitting situation in steel

79,5 75,5

27,5 23,5

R7 R6

2152 www.hettich.com
Dial lock Hett

Dimensional drawing Flat cam

82,5 20

14 2,5
33 ø 19


15 - 21

Flat cam Cranked cam

21,5 2,5
14 2,5 9

30,5 29


Technik für Möbel 2153

2154 www.hettich.com
Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Trikey
 Range summary

Cylinder espagnolette lock Turn knobs for cylinder locks Cylinder case lock

2156 - 2157 2158 - 2159 2160

Cylinder cam lock for desk pedestals Sliding door cylinder lock for 2-door sliding Cylinder cam lock
door cabinets
2161 2162 2163



40001 40003 41001 41003

40002 41002


Locking system with exchangeable cylinder Main keys, group keys, barrel cylinders Accessories for espagnolette locks

2164 2165 - 2169 2223

Technik für Möbel 2155

Cylinder espagnolette lock Hett
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Trikey cylinder espagnolette lock

 Can be set for left / right
 Including adjustable key removal preventer
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2165 - 2168
 Turn knobs, see pages 2158 - 2159
 Accessories for espagnolette locks, see page 2223
 Technical Information, see pages 2231 - 2232
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Mounting option Back set mm Order no. PU

Screw-on type 15 9 133 889 1/10 ea.
Screw-on type 25 9 133 890 1/10 ea.
Press-in type 15 9 133 891 1/10 ea.
Press-in type 25 9 133 892 1/10 ea.

Back set 15 mm, screw-on version Back set 15 mm, press-in version

8,5 15 8 8,5 15 8 8

10 10 ø8
5 7,5 5 7,5
L 32 L 32

18 55 ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24 18 55 ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24
32 R
24 6,5 24 6,5

28,5 14,5 28,5 14,5

Back set 25 mm, screw-on version Back set 25 mm, press-in version

8,5 8 8,5 25 8 8
10 10 ø8
5 7,5 5 7,5
L 32 L 32
18 55 ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24 18 55 ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24
32 R
24 6,5 24 6,5

28,5 14,5 28,5 14,5

39 39

2156 www.hettich.com
Cylinder espagnolette lock Hett
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Planning dimensions


Top rod
length =
A - 26 mm

H= 32
height 55

B Bottom rod
length =
B - 26 mm


19 - 20

Technik für Möbel 2157

Turn knobs for cylinder locks Hett
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Turn knob, type 571

 With silicone ring
 Max. door thickness 21 mm
 Trikey for exchangeable barrels
 Left-hand knob marked
 Matt nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2165 - 2168
 Removal pin, see page 2159
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
left right
9 133 896 9 133 895 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions

ø 18

25 30 ø 35
≤ 21 mm

Cover cap, type 571

 Cover cap for turn knob, type 571
 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
9 133 897 1/10 ea.


2158 www.hettich.com
Turn knobs for cylinder locks
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Furniture knob type 571

30  Complete with screw and washer
ø 10 M 5  Matt nickel-plated
ø 18 ø 35  Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781
Order no. PU
9 141 378 1/10 ea.

Removal pin
 For removing barrels and turn knobs
 Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
9 133 900 1 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2159

Cylinder case lock Hett
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Trikey cylinder case lock

 Can be set for left / right
 Including adjustable key removal preventer
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2165 - 2168
 Technical Information, see pages 2231 - 2232
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Back set mm Order no. PU

15 9 133 901 1/10 ea.
25 9 133 902 1/10 ea.

Back set 15 mm

8,5 15

5 7,5
L 32

18 55 ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24

28,5 12,5 24

Back set 25 mm

8,5 25

5 7,5
L 32

18 55 ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24


28,5 12,5 24

2160 www.hettich.com
Cylinder cam lock Hett
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Trikey cylinder cam lock

 For exchangeable barrels:
fit the locks in the workshop regardless of any lock plan and
subsequently insert the barrel with the chosen key operation on site
 Suitable for Systema Top 2000, see office furniture systems from
page 1546
 Barrels, see pages 2165 - 2168
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
9 133 903 1/10 ea.

30 20

61 2
18 ø 18

23 15
17 32
4 4 24 21,7

16 2

Technik für Möbel 2161

Sliding door cylinder lock Hett
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Sliding door cylinder lock

 For 2-door sliding-door cabinets
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2165 - 2168
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
9 133 904 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation





ø 18

Fitting situation

42 9,5


62 50 ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24

ø 40

2162 www.hettich.com
Cylinder cam lock Hett
 Trikey
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder cam lock

 With fitted cam, 2 mm cranked
 Right and drawer locking (depending on fitting situation)
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2165 - 2168
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
9 133 905 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

4,5 13 2

24,5 26
ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24

32 22 6,5

Technik für Möbel 2163

Locking system with exchangeable cylinder
 Trikey
 Maximum scope of lock system

Maximum scope of lock system

1 general master key


max. of 10 group keys


max. of 19000 different

key-operation keys
40001 40003 41001 41003

40002 41002

square double-profile key

Espagnolette lock GS
including barrel

2164 www.hettich.com
Master key
 Trikey
 Lock system 40000

General master key for lock system 40001 - 59900

 Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
On request 1 ea.

Group master key for lock system 40001 - 49900

 Steel, nickel-plated

Version Order no. PU

Lock system 40001 - 41900 On request 1 ea.
Lock system 42001 - 43900 On request 1 ea.
Lock system 44001 - 45900 On request 1 ea.
Lock system 46001 - 47900 On request 1 ea.
Lock system 48001 - 49900 On request 1 ea.

Trikey barrel lock system 40001 - 41900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Article Order no. PU Article Order no. PU

Trikey barrel lock system 40001 9 133 939 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40026 9 136 716 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40002 9 133 940 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40027 9 136 717 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40003 9 133 941 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40028 9 136 718 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40004 9 133 942 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40029 9 136 719 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40005 9 133 943 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40030 9 136 720 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40006 9 133 944 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40031 9 136 721 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40007 9 133 945 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40032 9 136 722 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40008 9 133 946 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40033 9 136 723 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40009 9 133 947 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40034 9 136 724 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40010 9 133 948 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40035 9 136 726 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40011 9 133 949 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40036 9 136 727 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40012 9 133 950 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40037 9 136 728 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40013 9 133 951 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40038 9 136 729 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40014 9 133 952 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40039 9 136 730 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40015 9 133 953 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40040 9 136 731 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40016 9 133 954 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40041 9 136 732 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40017 9 133 955 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40042 9 136 733 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40018 9 133 956 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40043 9 136 734 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40019 9 133 957 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40044 9 136 735 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40020 9 133 958 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40045 9 136 736 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40021 9 136 711 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40046 9 136 737 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40022 9 136 712 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40047 9 136 738 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40023 9 136 713 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40048 9 136 739 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40024 9 136 714 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40049 9 136 740 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 40025 9 136 715 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 40050 9 136 741 1 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2165

Exchangeable barrels
 Trikey
 Lock system 40000

Trikey barrel for lock range 40001 - 41900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Trikey barrel for lock range 40001 -
9 141 022 1 ea.

Trikey barrel lock system 42001 - 43900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Article Order no. PU Article Order no. PU

Trikey barrel lock system 42001 9 133 959 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42016 9 133 974 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42002 9 133 960 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42017 9 133 975 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42003 9 133 961 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42018 9 133 976 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42004 9 133 962 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42019 9 133 977 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42005 9 133 963 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42020 9 133 978 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42006 9 133 964 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42021 9 136 742 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42007 9 133 965 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42022 9 136 743 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42008 9 133 966 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42023 9 136 744 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42009 9 133 967 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42024 9 136 745 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42010 9 133 968 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42025 9 136 746 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42011 9 133 969 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42026 9 136 747 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42012 9 133 970 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42027 9 136 748 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42013 9 133 971 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42028 9 136 750 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42014 9 133 972 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42029 9 136 751 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 42015 9 133 973 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 42030 9 136 752 1 ea.

Trikey barrel for lock range 42001 - 43900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Trikey barrel for lock range 42001 -
9 141 023 1 ea.

2166 www.hettich.com
Exchangeable barrels
 Trikey
 Lock system 40000

Trikey barrel lock system 44001 - 45900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Article Order no. PU Article Order no. PU

Trikey barrel lock system 44001 9 133 979 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44011 9 134 009 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44002 9 133 980 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44012 9 134 010 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44003 9 133 981 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44013 9 134 011 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44004 9 133 982 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44014 9 134 012 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44005 9 133 983 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44015 9 134 013 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44006 9 133 984 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44016 9 134 014 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44007 9 133 985 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44017 9 134 015 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44008 9 133 986 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44018 9 134 016 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44009 9 133 987 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44019 9 134 017 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 44010 9 133 988 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 44020 9 134 018 1 ea.

Trikey barrel for lock range 44001 - 45900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Trikey barrel for lock range 44001 -
9 141 024 1 ea.

Trikey barrel lock system 46001 - 47900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Article Order no. PU Article Order no. PU

Trikey barrel lock system 46001 9 133 989 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46011 9 134 019 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46002 9 133 990 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46012 9 134 020 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46003 9 133 991 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46013 9 134 021 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46004 9 133 992 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46014 9 134 022 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46005 9 133 993 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46015 9 134 023 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46006 9 133 994 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46016 9 134 024 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46007 9 133 995 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46017 9 134 025 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46008 9 133 996 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46018 9 134 026 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46009 9 133 997 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46019 9 134 027 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 46010 9 133 998 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 46020 9 134 028 1 ea.

Trikey barrel for lock range 46001 - 47900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel
Version Order no. PU
Trikey barrel for lock range 46001 -
9 141 025 1 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2167

Exchangeable barrels
 Trikey
 Lock system 40000

Trikey barrel lock system 48001 - 49900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Article Order no. PU Article Order no. PU

Trikey barrel lock system 48001 9 133 999 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48011 9 134 029 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48002 9 134 000 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48012 9 134 030 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48003 9 134 001 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48013 9 134 031 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48004 9 134 002 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48014 9 134 032 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48005 9 134 003 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48015 9 134 033 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48006 9 134 004 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48016 9 134 034 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48007 9 134 005 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48017 9 134 035 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48008 9 134 006 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48018 9 134 036 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48009 9 134 007 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48019 9 134 037 1 ea.
Trikey barrel lock system 48010 9 134 008 1 ea. Trikey barrel lock system 48020 9 134 038 1 ea.

Trikey barrel for lock range 48001 - 49900

 For Trikey cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Trikey barrel for lock range 48001 -
9 141 026 1 ea.

2168 www.hettich.com
Technik für Möbel 2169
Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Prestige 2000
 Range summary

Cylinder espagnolette lock Cylinder case lock Cylinder rim lock

2172 - 2173 2174 2175

Cylinder cam lock Cylinder push lock Cylinder drawer lock

2176 2177 2178

Cylinder slam lock Cylinder shooting bar lock Cylinder shooting bar lock Adapt
with shooting bar on both sides
2179 2180 - 2182 2183 - 2186

Cylinder shooting bar lock 292 Double-door cylinder lock Cylinder lock for 2-door sliding-door
with shooting bar on one side cabinets
2187 2188 2189

2170 www.hettich.com
Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Prestige 2000
 Range summary

Cylinder lock for 3-door sliding-door Roller-shutter cylinder lock Roller shutter cylinder slam lock
2190 2191 - 2193 2194

Cylinder cam lock Glass-door cylinder lock with catch lock / Sliding glass-door cylinder lock / cylinder
glass-door cylinder lock push lock for sliding glass door
2195 2196 - 2198 2199

Cylinder cam lock for Systema Top 2000 Turn knobs for cylinder locks Insert recessed handle for square rod and
desk pedestals slam lock, type 587
1691, 1699 2200 - 2204 2205 - 2207

BarreI, Prestige 2000 Z23 / Z32 ø 18 mm, Master keys, spare keys, blanks and Accessories for mechanical furniture
Prestige 2000 Z25 ø 16.5 mm removal keys locking systems
2208 - 2211 2212 - 2214 2223

Technik für Möbel 2171

Cylinder espagnolette lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder espagnolette lock, Prestige 2000

 Can be set for left / right
 Including adjustable key removal preventer
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Turn knobs, see pages 2200 - 2204
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Technical information, see pages 2231 - 2232

Set comprises:
 1 cylinder espagnolette lock, Prestige 2000 can be set for left / right
 1 rosette
 2 stops
 1 pair of locking hooks, left / right
 1 striker plate
 2 rod saddles

Description Mounting option Back set mm Length mm Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm

Cylinder espagnolette Screw-on type 15 20 9 133 906 9 133 910 1/10 ea.

Cylinder espagnolette Press-in type 15 20 9 133 907 1/10 ea.
Cylinder espagnolette Screw-on type 25 20 9 133 908 9 133 911 1/10 ea.
Cylinder espagnolette Press-in type 25 20 9 133 909 1/10 ea.
Cylinder espagnolette Screw-on type 15 26 9 133 912 1/10 ea.
Cylinder espagnolette Screw-on type 25 26 9 133 913 1/10 ea.
Cylinder espagnolette Screw-on type 15 20 9 136 128 9 136 126 1 set
lock set
Cylinder espagnolette Screw-on type 25 20 9 136 129 9 136 127 1 set
lock set

Back set 15 mm, screw-on version Back set 25 mm, screw-on version

8,5 15 8 15 8

10 10
5 7,5 8,5 5 7,5
32 L
ø 16,5 / ø 16,5 / ø 17,5 / ø 22 / ø 16,5 / ø 16,5 / ø 17,5 / ø 22 /
18 55 ø 19 18 55 ø 18 ø 19
ø 18 ø 18 ø 24 ø 18 ø 24
20 / 26 6,5 20 / 26 6,5

28,5 14,5 28,5 14,5


2172 www.hettich.com
Cylinder espagnolette lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Back set 15 mm, press-in version Back set 25 mm, press-in version

8,5 15 8 8 15 8 8

10 ø8 10 ø8
5 7,5 8,5 5 7,5
32 L
ø 16,5 / ø 16,5 / ø 17,5 / ø 22 / 18 ø 16,5 / ø 16,5 / ø 17,5 / ø 22 /
18 55 ø 18 ø 19 55 ø 18 ø 19
ø 18 ø 24 ø 18 ø 24
32 R
20 6,5 20 6,5

28,5 14,5 28,5 14,5


Stop Screw-on locking hook, right / left

19 - 20 12
7 16



19 2,5

ø 7,5

Striker plate Screw-on rod saddle

1,25 8 11

20 30

11 14

Technik für Möbel 2173

Cylinder case lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder case lock, Prestige 2000

 Can be set for left / right
 Including key removal preventer, adjustable
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Technical information, see pages 2231 - 2232
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Back set Length Order no. PU

mm mm Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm

15 20 9 133 916 9 133 918 1/10 ea.

25 20 9 133 917 9 133 919 1/10 ea.

Back set 15 mm

8,5 15

5 7,5
L 32

18 55 ø 16,5 / ø 18 ø 18 / 16,5 ø 19 / 17,5 ø 24 / 22


28,5 12,5 20

Back set 25 mm

8,5 25

5 7,5
L 32

18 55 ø 16,5 / ø 18 ø 18 / 16,5 ø 19 / 17,5 ø 24 / 22


28,5 12,5 20

2174 www.hettich.com
Cylinder rim lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder rim lock Prestige 2000

 With adjustable back set 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm
 Can be adjusted to right-hand / left-hand / drawer locking
(on delivery: right, set to a back set of 25 mm)
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Back set mm Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm

15 - 40 0 079 736 9 078 963 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions

15 - 40 20


45 18 ø 18 / 16,5 ø 18 / 16,5 ø 19 / 17,5 ø 24 / 22

15 5
56 10,5

Adjusting backset

1. 2.

3. 54
0 4. 54

2 02 53 53
15 52 02 02
R R1 52 52
R1 R1

Technik für Möbel 2175

Cylinder cam lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder cam lock

 With fitted cam, 2 mm cranked
 Right and drawer locking (depending on fitting situation)
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Set comprises:
 1 Prestige 2000 cylinder cam lock with fitted cam,
2 mm cranked
 1 rosette
 1 striker
 1 cam, 11 mm cranked
 1 flat cam

Article Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm

Cylinder cam lock 0 072 502 9 078 913 1/10 ea.

Cylinder cam lock set 0 078 020 9 078 924 1 set

Planning dimensions

4,5 13 2

24,5 26
ø 18 ø 18 ø 19 ø 24

32 22 6,5

Planning dimensions
1,2 10

13 11

75 32,5

2176 www.hettich.com
Cylinder push lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder push lock

 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm

0 072 501 9 078 910 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions

21 1,5 22

42 32 ø7 ø 18 ø 21 ø 21,7 ø 22,3 ø 21,7 ø 22,3

3,5 6,5
12 6,5

Technik für Möbel 2177

Cylinder drawer lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder drawer lock

 Drawer locking
 Screw-on version
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Set comprises:
 1 cylinder drawer lock
 1 rosette
 1 striker plate

Description Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm

Cylinder drawer lock 0 072 300 9 078 887 1/10 ea.

Cylinder drawer lock 0 077 894 9 078 889 1 set


Planning dimensions

7 20
40 ø 18 / 16,5 ø 18 / 16,5 ø 19 / 17,5 ø 24 / 22

43 2

Striker plate

1,25 8

20 30

11 14

2178 www.hettich.com
Cylinder slam lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder slam lock

 Locking right and left
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm

0 045 741 9 078 900 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions

20 7,5

ø 18 / 16,5 ø 19 / 17,5 ø 24 / 22
13 ø 18 / 16,5


Technik für Möbel 2179

Cylinder shooting bar lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder shooting bar lock Prestige 2000 for exchangeable barrels

 Locking right or left
 Complete with 2 rod saddles
 Nickel-plated
 Push rods, see page 2182
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Set comprises:
 1 cylinder shooting bar lock Prestige 2000 right or left locking
 1 rosette
 2 rod saddles
 2 striker plates

Description Version Order no. PU

left right
Cylinder shooting bar lock Z23, ø 18 mm 0 045 742 0 072 686 1/10 ea.
Cylinder shooting bar lock set Z23, ø 18 mm 0 077 893 0 077 892 1 set
Cylinder shooting bar lock Z25, ø 16.5 mm 9 078 903 9 078 892 1/10 ea.
Cylinder shooting bar lock set Z25, ø 16.5 mm 9 078 919 9 078 978 1 set

Planning dimensions Striker plate

24 ø3
13,5 10,5

30 ø 18 / 16,5
53 65
17 8

2 1
14 7

Fitting situation Fitting situation

2180 www.hettich.com
Cylinder shooting bar lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Fitting situation (when using screw-on striker plates)


Top rod
length =
A A - 38 mm

internal 32,5


B Bottom rod
length =
B - 38 mm


Technik für Möbel 2181

Cylinder shooting bar lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 Accessories

Shooting bar 10 x 3 mm

 Steel, nickel-plated

Length mm Order no. PU

L 1000 0 072 687 1/10 ea.
1600 0 072 688 1/10 ea.



Striker plate
 Screw-on version
13,5 10,5  Steel, nickel-plated

17 8 Order no. PU

0 072 684 1/100 ea.

2 1

Striker plate
30  Screw-on version
20  Steel, nickel-plated

1,8 Order no. PU

6 0 073 318 1/100 ea.

Striker plate Wing

10  Press-in version
8,8 ø 20  For installation with Wing 77 folding-sliding door fittings,
see page 639
2  Nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 079 738 1/20 ea.

2182 www.hettich.com
Cylinder shooting bar lock Adapt Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable handle elements and ProDecor handle elements

Cylinder shooting bar lock Adapt

Set comprises:
 1 Adapt cylinder shooting bar
 Handle elements right locking
 Nickel-plated
 1 adapter and fixing sleeve
 1 Quick-fix connector (makes easy, fast work of installing the handle /
lock combination with the shooting bar already fitted)
 2 shooting bar guides
 2 Wing stops

A complete Adapt functional unit comprises:

1 Adapt cylinder shooting bar lock, as described above

2 Handle sleeve, see page 2184
3 HettLine or RoundLine handle element, see page 2184
4 Shooting bar, see page 2184
5 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211

Version Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm 0 079 739 1 set

Fitting situation
1. 2. 3. 4. 1



For example showing installation with Wing 77 folding-sliding door fittings, see page 639

Top rod 24 2,5

length = ø3
A - 32 mm 12
A 19 34

30 53 ø 19 ø 26

B HettLine: 224 3,5

RoundLine: 128 ø 10
10 7
Bottom rod
length = 5
B - 32 mm

10 ø 18 ø 6,5
6,5 14

ø 24 ø 20


Technik für Möbel 2183

Cylinder shooting bar lock Adapt Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable handle elements and ProDecor handle elements

Handle sleeve
 For handle elements ø 10 mm, HettLine and RoundLine, see below
 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 070 730 1 ea.

Shooting bar 10 x 3 mm

 Steel, nickel-plated

Length mm Order no. PU

L 1000 0 072 687 1/10 ea.
1600 0 072 688 1/10 ea.



Handle element HettLine

 Diameter 10 mm
 Hole spacing BA 224 mm
19 - 22  Thread depth 6 mm
 Matt nickel-plated
 For combining with Prestige 2000 cylinder and decorative knobs
22 ø 10
Order no. PU
0 078 724 1 ea.

RoundLine handle element

 Diameter 10 mm
19 - 22
 Hole spacing BA 128 mm
 Thread depth 10 mm
 Matt nickel-plated
 For combining with Prestige 2000 cylinder and decorative knobs
Order no. PU
ø 10 0 078 765 1 ea.


2184 www.hettich.com
Cylinder shooting bar lock Adapt Hett
 For combining with Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable handle and ProDecor handle elements

Knob with handle mount on one side

 For combining with HettLine or RoundLine handle elements,
see page 2184
 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 078 729 1 ea.

Planning dimensions


ø 26
ø 10


 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 078 733 1 ea.

Planning dimensions


5 ø 26


Technik für Möbel 2185

Cylinder shooting bar lock Adapt Hett
 For combining with Prestige 2000
 Handle elements

Handle element
 For combining with HettLine or RoundLine handle element,
see page 2184
 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 078 735 1/5 ea.

Planning dimensions

5 ø 12


2186 www.hettich.com
Cylinder shooting bar lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder shooting bar lock 292.03

 Right locking
 With one rod saddle
 For cabinets with double doors for inside carcase height up to
1064 mm
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
9 133 922 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions

24 7,5
33 4,5 12

57 ø 18 ø 19
ø 18 ø 24
H 30
A 26,5
Rod length = 4,5
A - 31 mm ø 3,3 20

Shooting bar 10 x 3 mm

3  For cutting to length
 Length 1000 mm
10  Steel, nickel-plated

ø 3,5 Length mm Order no. PU

1000 9 133 924 1/10 ea.


Stop socket
 Steel, nickel-plated
10  Drill bits, see page 2781

ø8 Order no. PU
0 070 732 1/100 ea.
ø 10

ø 12

Technik für Möbel 2187

Double-door cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Double-door cylinder lock

 Right locking
 For smaller cabinets with double doors
 Instead of the espagnolette lock
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Set comprises:
 1 locking mechanism
 1 striker plate
 1 adapter
 1 rosette

Back set mm Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm Z25, ø 16.5 mm
15 9 078 895 9 078 896 1 set

Fitting situation
5 3
22,5 12

32 87 ø 18 /


Fitting situation

22,5 13,5

71 15


32 16 ø 18 /


26 15

2188 www.hettich.com
Sliding door cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For 2-door sliding-door cabinets

Sliding door cylinder lock for exchangeable barrels for 2-door sliding door cabinets
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Version Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm 9 133 926 1/10 ea.
Z25, ø 16.5 mm 9 137 026 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions





ø 18 /
ø 16,5

Planning dimensions

42 9,5


62 50 ø 16,5 / ø 18 / 16,5 ø 19 / 17,5 ø 24 / 22

ø 18
ø 40

Technik für Möbel 2189

Sliding door cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For 3-door sliding-door cabinets

Sliding door cylinder lock for exchangeable barrels for 3-door sliding door cabinets
Set comprises:
 1 cylinder lock and rosette, nickel-plated
 1 locking bar, 1200 mm long, can be shortened to 500 mm as
required, bright steel
 2 angled plates, right / left, black plastic

 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211

 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Version Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm 9 133 927 1/1 set
Z25, ø 16.5 mm 9 137 027 1 set

Fitting situation

42 9,5

62 50 ø 16,5 / 1200
ø 18
ø 40 32

20 ≥5 ≥8

Fitting situation

32 32

32 18 ø 18 / 16,5 ø 40 x 10 32

A / B = LW - 38 L = LW - 4


2190 www.hettich.com
Roller-shutter cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Roller-shutter cylinder lock

 Back set 15 mm
 Locking right or left
 For recessing in a 35 mm drill hole
 Complete with rosette
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Version Order no. PU

left right
Z23, ø 18 mm 0 046 802 0 046 801 1/10 ea.
Z25, ø 16.5 mm 9 080 158 9 080 155 1/10 ea.

Installation dimensions

D15 10

21 ø 19 / 17,5
ø 18 / 16,5 ø 24 / 22
17,5 17,5 52 ø18 / ø 35
ø 16,5


Example installations


Cylinder lock for roller shutters

Technik für Möbel 2191

Roller-shutter cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Lock catch for roller shutter cylinder lock

 For use on right or left
 For recessing in a 35 mm drill hole
 Either for key operation or, when the bolts are extended,
for catch operation
 Steel, nickel-plated
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
0 046 809 1/10 ea.

Installation dimensions

52 5
ø 35 25 ø3

7 2,7 15
10 10

Mounting example

ø 18

7 10

Lock catch Cylinder lock for roller shutters

2192 www.hettich.com
Roller-shutter cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Striker for roller shutter cylinder lock

 For use on right or left, for recessing
 Either for key operation or, when the bolts are extended,
for catch operation
 With bolt protection
 Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 046 810 1/10 ea.

Installation dimensions

13 5
8,5 3 ø3

50 26 60

60 2

13 3

Example installations


Cylinder lock for roller shutters

Technik für Möbel 2193

Roller-shutter cylinder slam lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Roller-shutter cylinder slam lock

 Locking right and left
 Complete with rosette
 Suitable for 6195 type striker, see below
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Version Order no. PU

Z23, ø 18 mm 0 046 481 1/10 ea.
Z25, ø 16.5 mm 9 078 907 1/10 ea.

Installation dimensions



32 43 ø 18 / 16,5
ø 18 / 16,5 ø 19 / 17,5 ø 24 / 22

D20 8


Striker type 6195

11  For roller shutter cylinder slam lock, see above
 Steel, nickel-plated
Order no. PU
66 20
0 046 482 1/100 ea.

2194 www.hettich.com
Cylinder cam lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder cam lock

 Right / left locking
 Suitable for different thickness of material
 With cylinders 15, 20 or 25 mm long
 Alternatively for steel or wooden cabinets
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Set comprises:
 1 cylinder cam lock
 1 flat latch
 1 adapter for connection to wood

Length mm Order no. PU

15 9 078 863 1 set
20 9 078 880 1 set
25 9 078 882 1 set

Cylinder cam lock Adapter for connection to wood

15 / 20 / 25 19

25 ø 30


Flat cam Drilling / stamping pattern for metal doors


13 2

26 ø 19

Technik für Möbel 2195

Glass-door cylinder lock with catch lock
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Glass-door cylinder lock, type 320, with catch lock

 For glass doors, 4 - 6 mm thick
 Right locking
 Including add-on key removal preventer
 Complete with rubber sealing ring, screws and sleeve
 High gloss nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211

Order no. PU
9 138 388 1 set

Planning dimensions

5 ø 18 ø 32

19,5 6 3
26,5 22


Glass-door cylinder lock, type 321, with integrated handle and catch lock
 For glass doors, 4 - 6 mm thick
 Right locking
 Including add-on key removal preventer
 Complete with rubber sealing ring, screws and sleeve
 High gloss nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211

Order no. PU
9 138 389 1 set

Planning dimensions

5 ø 18 ø 32

19,5 6
26,5 12 13,5


2196 www.hettich.com
Glass-door cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Glass-door cylinder lock, type 320

 For glass doors, 4 - 6 mm thick
 Right locking
 Including add-on key removal preventer
 Complete with rubber sealing ring and screws
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Accessories, see page 2198

Surface colour Order no. PU

Aluminium look 0 046 297 1/10 ea.
High-gloss nickel-plated 0 072 682 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions

19 4-6 16,5

ø 10

3 19

5 ø 26 ø 32

13,5 3

Glass-door cylinder lock, type 321, with integrated handle

 For glass doors, 4 - 6 mm thick
 Right locking
 Including add-on key removal preventer
 Complete with rubber sealing ring and screws
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Accessories, see page 2198

Surface colour Order no. PU

Aluminium look 0 046 298 1/10 ea.
High-gloss nickel-plated 0 072 683 1/10 ea.

Planning dimensions
8,5 4 - 6

5 ø 26 ø 32

3 13,5

Technik für Möbel 2197

Glass-door cylinder lock Hett
 Prestige 2000
 Accessories

Striker plate
 Screw-on version
 Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 072 684 1/100 ea.

Installation dimensions

13,5 10,5

17 8

2 1

Stop socket
 Steel, nickel-plated
 Drill bits, see page 2782

Order no. PU
0 070 732 1/100 ea.

Fitting situation


ø 12 ø 10 ø 8

2198 www.hettich.com
Sliding glass-door cylinder lock / cylinder push lock for sliding glass door Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Sliding glass-door cylinder lock, type 326, with push/turn function

 For 2 glass doors running behind one another, 5 - 8 mm thick
 Complete with rubber sealing ring and screws
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211

Surface colour Order no. PU

High-gloss nickel-plated 0 046 296 1/10 ea.
Aluminium look 0 046 499 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

12 4

ø 30 5-6

Cylinder push lock

 For glass up to 8 mm thick
 Can be mounted on left and right
 For exchangeable Z23 barrel, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Suitable for use with SlideLine 97, see pages 534 - 535
 Matt chrome-plated

Order no. PU
0 076 483 1 ea.

Fitting situation



Technik für Möbel 2199

Turn knobs for cylinder locks Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder turn knob, type 471 N

 For exchangeable Prestige 2000 barrels
 With silicone rings
 Left-hand knob marked
 Matt nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Removal pin, see page 2204
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

Order no. PU
left right
9 080 740 9 080 739 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

21 29 L

ø 18 ø 33 ø 18

≤ 20 mm

Turn knob, type 472 N

 With silicone rings
 Matt nickel-plated
 Removal pin, see page 2204

Order no. PU
9 080 741 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

21 29 L

ø 18 ø 33 ø 18

≤ 20 mm

2200 www.hettich.com
Turn knobs for cylinder locks Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Furniture knob type 474

 Complete with screw and washer
 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
9 141 379 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation


ø 10 ø 18
ø 33


Cylinder turn knob, type 451 N

 For exchangeable Prestige 2000 barrels
 Left-hand knob marked
 Matt nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211
 Removal pin, see page 2204

Order no. PU
left right
9 080 759 9 080 758 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

21 29 L

ø 18 ø 31 ø 18

≤ 20 mm

Technik für Möbel 2201

Turn knobs for cylinder locks Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Turn knob, type 452 N

 Matt nickel-plated
 Removal pin, see page 2204

Order no. PU
9 080 760 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

21 29 L

ø 18 ø 31 ø 18

≤ 20 mm

Furniture knob type 454

 Complete with screw and washer
 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
9 141 380 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation


ø 10 ø 18
ø 31


2202 www.hettich.com
Turn knobs for cylinder locks Hett
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Cylinder turn knob, type 411 N

 For exchangeable Prestige 2000 barrels
 Left-hand knob marked
 Matt nickel-plated
 Barrels, see page 2208 - 2211
 Removal pin, see page 2204

Order no. PU
left right
9 080 743 9 080 742 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

21 29

ø 18 ø 38 ø 18

≤ 20 mm

Turn knob, type 412 N

 Matt nickel-plated
 Removal pin, see page 2204

Order no. PU
9 080 744 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation

21 29 L

ø 18 ø 38 ø 18

≤ 20 mm

Technik für Möbel 2203

Turn knobs for cylinder locks
 Prestige 2000
 For exchangeable barrels

Furniture knob type 414

 Complete with screw and washer
 Matt nickel-plated

Order no. PU
9 141 401 1/10 ea.

Fitting situation


ø 10 ø 18
ø 38


Removal pin
 For removing barrels and turn knobs
 Steel, nickel-plated
 For diagram showing removal, see page 2232

Order no. PU
9 080 761 1 ea.

2204 www.hettich.com
Recessed handle Insert Hett
 For square rods
 For slam lock, type 587 Insert

Recessed handle Insert

 With locking function for slam lock type 587
 Can be used separately or with Insert lock element

Surface colour Order no. PU

Nickel-plated matt 0 041 618 1 ea.
Aluminium look 0 041 621 1 ea.

Planning dimensions
36,5 19
5 15 10,5 +0,3
32 7
ø8 ø8
M4 ø 16 32 76,5
10,5 +0,3
19 48

40 24
ø5 ø5


Fitting situation

Technik für Möbel 2205

Recessed handle Insert Hett
 For square rods
 Slam lock, type 587

Slam lock type 587 Insert

 For square rods
 For combining with Insert recessed handle, see page 2205
 Screw-on version
 Nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 041 466 1 ea.

Planning dimensions

40 12
8 25

13 32 43 ø 16

7 5

Lock element Insert

 For exchangeable barrels
 For combining with Insert recessed handle, see page 2205
 With lock operation
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2211

Colour / finish Order no. PU

left right
Nickel-plated matt 0 041 627 0 041 631 1 ea.
Aluminium look 0 041 629 0 041 687 1 ea.

Planning dimensions


ø 6,5 ø 6,5



2206 www.hettich.com
Recessed handle Insert
 Decorative handle
 Screw-on version

Decorative handle Insert

 Screw-fixing pattern identical with that of Insert recessed handle
with locking function

Surface colour Order no. PU

Nickel-plated matt 0 041 622 1 ea.
Aluminium look 0 041 624 1 ea.

Installation dimensions
15 36,5 19
5 10,5+0,3

32 80
ø8 ø8
32 76,5
10,5 +0,3
19 48

40 ø8 ø8

Fitting situation

Technik für Möbel 2207

Exchangeable barrels
 Prestige 2000
 Z23, ø 18 mm lock system 18000

Barrel Z23
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z23, with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z23 18001 - 18020 9 078 860 20 ea.
Barrel Z23 18001 - 18050 9 078 861 50 ea.
Barrel Z23 18051 - 18100 9 105 927 50 ea.

Barrel Z23
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z23, with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 Single key operation
 General master key capability
 High gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z23 18001 9 078 862 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18026 9 078 931 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18002 9 078 865 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18027 9 078 932 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18003 9 078 867 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18028 9 078 934 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18004 9 078 871 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18029 9 078 936 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18005 9 078 874 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18030 9 078 939 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18006 9 078 877 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18031 9 078 940 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18007 9 078 878 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18032 9 078 941 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18008 9 078 886 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18033 9 078 943 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18009 9 078 888 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18034 9 078 642 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18010 9 078 890 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18035 9 078 643 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18011 9 078 894 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18036 9 078 644 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18012 9 078 899 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18037 9 078 645 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18013 9 078 902 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18038 9 078 646 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18014 9 078 904 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18039 9 078 650 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18015 9 078 911 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18040 9 078 656 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18016 9 078 912 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18041 9 078 660 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18017 9 078 915 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18042 9 078 664 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18018 9 078 917 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18043 9 078 667 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18019 9 078 920 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18044 9 078 670 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18020 9 078 922 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18045 9 078 672 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18021 9 078 925 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18046 9 078 675 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18022 9 078 926 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18047 9 078 678 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18023 9 078 928 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18048 9 078 679 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18024 9 078 929 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18049 9 078 680 1 ea.
Barrel Z23 18025 9 078 930 1 ea. Barrel Z23 18050 9 078 684 1 ea.

Barrel Z23
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z23, with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z23
9 101 019 1 ea.
Lock range 18001 - 18500

2208 www.hettich.com
Exchangeable barrels
 Prestige 2000
 Z23, ø 18 mm lock system 18000

Barrel Z23
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z23, with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High gloss nickel-plated
 Including 1 double-profile key, nickel-plated steel and
1 double-profile flexikey, nickel-plated steel, black plastic

Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z23
9 078 608 1 ea.
Lock range 18001 - 18500
Barrel Z23
9 078 613 1 ea.
Lock range 18501 - 19000

Barrel Z23
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z23, with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High gloss nickel-plated
 Including 1 double-profile key, nickel-plated steel and
1 double-profile flexikey, nickel-plated steel, translucent plastic

Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z23
9 136 112 1 ea.
Lock range 18001 - 18500
Barrel Z23
9 136 113 1 ea.
Lock range 18501 - 19000

Pad with customised lettering or emblem

 Suitable for double-profile flexikey, see above
 Plastic

Version Order no. PU

translucent 9 136 114 500 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2209

Exchangeable barrels
 Prestige 2000
 Z32, ø 18 mm lock system 18000

Barrel Signal Z32

 The Signal barrel shows at a glance whether furniture is locked or
unlocked: the barrel‘s slim-line design complements operating
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 Includes 2 double-profile keys with square profile
 Steel, nickel-plated

Version Order no. PU Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z32 18001 9 136 117 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18026 9 136 192 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18002 9 136 118 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18027 9 136 193 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18003 9 136 119 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18028 9 136 194 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18004 9 136 120 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18029 9 136 195 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18005 9 136 141 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18030 9 136 196 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18006 9 136 142 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18031 9 136 197 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18007 9 136 143 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18032 9 136 198 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18008 9 136 144 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18033 9 136 199 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18009 9 136 145 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18034 9 136 200 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18010 9 136 146 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18035 9 136 201 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18011 9 136 147 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18036 9 136 202 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18012 9 136 148 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18037 9 136 203 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18013 9 136 149 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18038 9 136 204 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18014 9 136 150 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18039 9 136 205 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18015 9 136 161 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18040 9 136 206 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18016 9 136 162 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18041 9 136 207 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18017 9 136 163 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18042 9 136 208 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18018 9 136 164 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18043 9 136 209 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18019 9 136 165 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18044 9 136 210 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18020 9 136 166 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18045 9 136 211 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18021 9 136 167 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18046 9 136 212 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18022 9 136 168 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18047 9 136 213 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18023 9 136 169 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18048 9 136 214 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18024 9 136 170 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18049 9 136 215 1 ea.
Barrel Z32 18025 9 136 191 1 ea. Barrel Z32 18050 9 136 216 1 ea.

2210 www.hettich.com
Exchangeable barrels
 Prestige 2000
 Z25, ø 16.5 mm lock system 18000

Barrel Z25
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z25, with 16.5 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High-gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z25 18001 - 18020 9 078 618 20 ea.
Barrel Z25 18001 - 18050 9 078 620 50 ea.

Barrel Z25
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z25, with 16.5 mm cylinder diameter
 Single key operation
 General master key capability
 High gloss nickel-plated
 Including 2 double-profile keys, nickel-plated steel

Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z25 18001 9 078 687 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18002 9 078 689 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18003 9 078 691 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18004 9 078 696 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18005 9 078 698 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18006 9 078 699 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18007 9 078 700 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18008 9 078 701 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18009 9 078 703 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18010 9 078 704 1 ea.

Barrel Z25
 For Prestige 2000 cylinder locks Z23, with 18 mm cylinder diameter
 General master key capability
 High gloss nickel-plated
 Including 1 double-profile key, nickel-plated steel and
1 double-profile flexikey, nickel-plated steel, black plastic

Version Order no. PU

Barrel Z25 18001 - 18500 9 078 624 1 ea.
Barrel Z25 18501 - 18900 9 078 628 1 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2211

Master keys, spare keys and blanks
 Prestige 2000
 Removal key

Removal key for Z23 / Z32 and Z25 barrels

 The cylinder can only be replaced when the lock barrel is open
 It must first be unlocked with the matching key!
 The removal key does not have any locking function
 For removal, see page 2232

Order no. PU
0 072 509 1 ea.

2212 www.hettich.com
Master keys, spare keys, blanks and removal keys
 Prestige 2000

General master key

 Brass-plated steel

Order no. PU
9 078 980 1 ea.

Z23 / Z25 master key 18001 - 18500

 Brass-plated steel

Order no. PU
9 078 982 1 ea.

Z23 / Z25 master key 18501 - 19000

 Brass-plated steel

Order no. PU
9 078 985 1 ea.

Z23 / Z25 spare key, lock range 18001 - 18500

 Galvanised steel

Order no. PU
9 112 981 1 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2213

Master keys, spare keys and blanks
 Prestige 2000

Z23 / Z25 spare key, lock plan 18501 - 19000

 Galvanised steel

Order no. PU
9 115 386 1 ea.

Double-profile flexikey, square profile

 Galvanised steel, black plastic

Order no. PU
9 078 989 1 ea.

Z23 / Z25 blank 18001 - 18500

 Galvanised steel

Order no. PU
9 078 990 1 ea.

Z23 / Z25 blank 18501 - 19000

 Galvanised steel

Order no. PU
9 078 991 1 ea.

2214 www.hettich.com
Locks with single key operation
 Range summary

Espagnolette lock Case lock Keys, single key operation

Nickel-plated or brass-plated
2216 - 2217 2218 2219

Escutcheons Keys, single key operation, burnished Escutcheons, burnished

Nickel-plated or brass-plated
2220 - 2221 2222 2222

Technik für Möbel 2215

Locks with single key operation Hett
 Espagnolette lock

Espagnolette lock
 Locking right or left
 Nickel-plated
 Accessories, see page 2223
 Keys / escutcheons, see pages 2219 - 2221

Set comprises:
 1 espagnolette lock with single key operation, screw-on version
 2 stops
 1 pair of screw-on locking hooks, right / left
 1 striker plate
 2 rod saddles, screw-on version

Article name Mounting option Back set mm Order no. PU

left right
Espagnolette lock Screw-on type 15 0 072 214 0 072 213 1/10 ea.
Espagnolette lock Screw-on type 25 0 072 218 0 072 217 1/10 ea.
Espagnolette lock Press-in type 15 0 072 222 0 072 221 1/10 ea.
Espagnolette lock Press-in type 25 0 072 226 0 072 225 1/10 ea.
Espagnolette lock set Screw-on type 25 0 077 884 0 077 883 1 set

Back set 15 mm, screw-on version Back set 25 mm, screw-on version
15 8 25 8

10 10
4 4
18 55 18 55 26

8,5 5

28 14,5 28 14,5

Back set 15 mm, press-in version Back set 25 mm, press-in version
15 8 8 25 8 8

10 ø8 10 ø8
4 4
32 32
4 55 4
18 18 55 26

32 32
5 5
8,5 8,5

28 14,5 28 14,5

2216 www.hettich.com
Locks with single key operation Hett
 Espagnolette lock

Stop Screw-on locking hook

19 - 20 12
7 16



19 2,5

ø 7,5

Striker plate Screw-on rod saddle

20 11

8 14

1,25 11

Planning dimensions


Top rod
length =
A A - 26 mm

internal 32
height 55

B Bottom rod
length =
B - 26 mm


19 - 20

Technik für Möbel 2217

Locks with single key operation Hett
 Case lock

Case lock, single key operation

 Left, right or drawer locking

Article Mounting option Finish Back set mm Order no. PU

left right
Case lock, single key Screw-on type Nickel-plated 15 0 072 511 0 072 510 1/10 ea.
Case lock, single key Screw-on type Nickel-plated 25 0 072 515 0 072 514 1/10 ea.
Case lock, single key Screw-on type Burnished 15 0 079 767 0 079 765 1/10 ea.
Case lock, single key Screw-on type Burnished 25 0 079 771 0 079 769 1/10 ea.

Back set 15 mm, screw-on version Back set 25 mm, screw-on version

12 12
2,5 2,5
32 32

23 50 23 50
4 4
32 5 32 5

9 9

39 10
29 10

2218 www.hettich.com
Locks with single key operation
 Keys
 Nickel-plated or brass-plated

Key type 08
 Zinc, die-cast
Finish Order no. PU
ø6 13,5 25 Nickel-plated, matt 0 044 565 1/10 ea.
50 Brass-plated 0 072 689 1/10 ea.

Key type 20
 Zinc, die-cast
Finish Order no. PU
ø6 25 Brass-plated 0 030 140 1/10 ea.

41 Nickel-plated, matt 0 043 888 1/10 ea.

Key type 27
 Zinc, die-cast
Finish Order no. PU
13,5 27 Brass-plated 0 030 128 1/10 ea.
37 Nickel-plated, matt 0 044 563 1/10 ea.

Key type 09
 Zinc die-cast, high-gloss nickel-plated

Order no. PU
ø6 13 21
0 048 596 1/10 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2219

Locks with single key operation Hett
 Escutcheons
 Nickel-plated or brass-plated

Escutcheon type 2175

 Zinc, die-cast
7 19  Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

ø 18 Finish Order no. PU

Nickel-plated, matt 0 044 560 1/10 ea.
22 11 3,3
Brass-plated 0 044 561 1/10 ea.

Escutcheon type 2178 for mirror doors

 Visually matches escutcheon type 2175
7 3-5  With longer shaft for better grip and longitudinal grooves to prevent
damage to the mirror
ø 18 ø 19
 Zinc, die-cast
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781
22 16 3,3
Finish Order no. PU
Nickel-plated, matt 0 043 999 1/10 ea.
Brass-plated 0 044 000 1/10 ea.

Escutcheon type 2575

 Zinc, die-cast
7 13  Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

ø 18
Finish Order no. PU
Brass-plated 0 030 149 1/10 ea.
25 11 Nickel-plated, matt 0 044 557 1/10 ea.

Escutcheon type 1429

 Zinc, die-cast
7 19  Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781

29 20,5 Finish Order no. PU

Nickel-plated, matt 0 043 893 1/10 ea.
10 11 3,5
13,5 Brass-plated 0 043 894 1/10 ea.

2220 www.hettich.com
Locks with single key operation
 Escutcheons
 Nickel-plated or brass-plated

Escutcheon type 1529

 Zinc, die-cast
15  Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781
7 19

Finish Order no. PU

Nickel-plated, matt 0 043 885 1/10 ea.
13,1 11 1 Brass-plated 0 043 886 1/10 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2221

Locks with single key operation
 Keys and escutcheons
 Single key operation, burnished

Key type 13
 Length 70 mm
 Burnished

Order no. PU
0 030 144 1/10 ea.

Key type 16
 Length 70 mm
 Burnished

Order no. PU
0 030 146 1/10 ea.

Key type 18
 Length 70 mm
 Burnished

Order no. PU
0 030 148 1/10 ea.

Escutcheon type 2585

23,5 14,5  Burnished
 Drill bits for hand and pillar drills, see page 2781
28 ø 18
Order no. PU
0 030 152 1/10 ea.
7 11

2222 www.hettich.com
Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Accessories
 Range summary

Adapter for extending Prestige 2000 Accessories for espagnolette locks without Accessories for espagnolette locks with
cylinder locks cover profile cover profile
2224 2225 2226

Accessories for espagnolette locks Accessories for mechanical locks

Stop pins Angled plate, striker plate, striker
2227 - 2228 2229 - 2230

Technik für Möbel 2223

Accessories for cylinder locks
 Prestige 2000
 Adapter

 To extend Prestige 2000 cylinder locks from 20 mm to 56.5 mm max.
 For 18 mm cylinder diameter
 Nickel-plated
 Barrels, see pages 2208 - 2210

Length mm Order no. PU

22 9 133 914 1 ea.
28 9 133 915 1 ea.

Fitting situation


20 26

ø 18 ø 18


20 22 26 28

ø 18 ø 18

44,5 56,5

20 28

ø 18


2224 www.hettich.com
Accessories for espagnolette locks Hett
 Without cover profile

Espagnolette rod 6 / 5
 Steel, nickel-plated

Length mm Order no. PU
1000 0 072 251 1/10 ea.
1500 0 072 253 1/10 ea.

Locking hook
 For use without cover profile
 Nickel-plated

Order no.
28 left right
0 072 267 0 072 266 1/10 ea.

Rod saddle
 For use without cover profile
 Nickel-plated
Order no. PU
0 072 274 1/20 ea.


Technik für Möbel 2225

Accessories for espagnolette locks Hett
 With cover profile

Espagnolette rod 6 / 5
 Steel, nickel-plated

Length mm Order no. PU
1000 0 072 251 1/10 ea.
1500 0 072 253 1/10 ea.

Cover profile for espagnolette rods

 Wood, finely sanded

Length mm Order no. PU

1000 0 072 255 1/10 ea.
10 13,5
1500 0 072 256 1/10 ea.

Press-in profile clip

 For use with cover profile
10 7  Black plastic

Order no. PU
ø8 0 072 265 1/20 ea.

Locking hook
28  For use with cover profile
 Screw-on version
17,5 10  Nickel-plated
5 11,5
Order no.
ø8 PU
left right
10 0 013 984 0 013 980 1/10 ea.

2226 www.hettich.com
Accessories for espagnolette locks Hett
 Stop pins

Stop pin
 Centred
 Nickel-plated
Order no. PU
15 0 030 103 1/100 ea.


Stop pin
 Off-centre
 Nickel-plated
Order no. PU
15 0 030 102 1/100 ea.


Stop pin
 Centred with socket
 Plastic, natural, nickel-plated

10 Order no. PU
8 0 030 104 1/100 ea.


Stop pin
 Off-centre with sleeve
 Plastic, natural, nickel-plated

10 Order no. PU
8 0 030 105 1/100 ea.


Technik für Möbel 2227

Accessories for espagnolette locks Hett
 Stop pins

Stop pin
19 - 20 12  Nickel-plated
7 Order no. PU
4,5 0 058 797 1/100 ea.

19 2,5

ø 7,5

2228 www.hettich.com
Accessories for mechanical locks Hett
 Angled plates, striker plates, strikers

Closing angle type 5514

10 13  Plastic

Finish Order no. PU

21 white 0 030 123 1/100 ea.
55 30
21 Brown 0 030 124 1/100 ea.

3 5

Angled plate type 1807

 Steel, nickel-plated
8 12,5
Order no. PU
18 8,5
0 041 626 1/100 ea.

Striker plate type 3011

1,25 8  Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
20 30 0 030 125 1/100 ea.

11 14

Striker plate type 4515

37  For screw-fixing with direct fixing screws ø 6.3 mm in System 32
32 4,5 15,5
 Steel, nickel-plated

32 Order no. PU
0 079 786 1/100 ea.
10 32 37

Technik für Möbel 2229

Accessories for mechanical locks Hett
 Angled plates, striker plates, strikers

Striker plate type 4516

28  For screw-fixing with chipboard screws ø 3.5 in System 32
32 4,5 15,5  14 mm depth adjustable
 Steel, nickel-plated

32 32 44,5
Order no. PU

25,5 14
0 079 788 1/100 ea.
10 32

Striker type 8012

1,2 12
 Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
34 4
0 045 750 1/100 ea.
80 32,5


Striker type 7510

1,2 10
 Steel, nickel-plated

Order no. PU
9 137 000 1/100 ea.
75 29

2230 www.hettich.com
Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Technical Information

Locking directions

1 lock housing for 2 locking directions =

half the amount of stock for retailers and

• Cylinder espagnolette locks

• Cylinder door locks

left locking drawer locking right locking

Conversion from right-hand to left-hand lock, Trikey und Prestige 2000



Setting key removal preventer, Trikey und Prestige 2000

L L L L R R 2

Setting key removal preventer right locking left locking

for espagnolette case lock

Technik für Möbel 2231

Mechanical furniture locking systems
 Technical Information

Removing Trikey barrel lock

Removing Prestige 2000 barrel


He He
ttic ttic
h h

Removing Prestige 2000 turn knob

2232 www.hettich.com
Technik für Möbel 2233
Catches and locks

Different types of catches

and locks to meet a wide
range of demands:
- child safety
- automatic locking
- keeping doors closed with
push catches, magnetic
catches or mechanical

Automatic door bolt locks double Die-cast zinc or plastic magnetic Mechanical catches with plastic or
doors in combination with one catches or push catches with a brass housing.
case lock without additional bolt. holding force of 0.9 to 8 kg.
The system unlocks when the door
is pushed or pulled.

2234 www.hettich.com
Catches and locks
 Summary

Child safety
SafeFix child safeguard 2236

Automatic door bolt 2237

Magnetic push catches 2238

Magnetic catches with metal housing / magnetic catches 2239

Magnetic catches with plastic housing 2240 - 2243

Mechanical catches
Double ball catches 2244

Technik für Möbel 2235

Child safety Hett
 SafeFix child safeguard

 Child safeguard for added safety in the home

 Prevents direct access
 Suitable for use as left-hand, right-hand or drawer lock
 White plastic

Please note:
Safe-Fix contains very powerful magnets. For this reason, please keep
credit cards, etc. well away from SafeFix.

SafeFix child safeguard

Set comprises:
 1 magnetic knob
 1 striker plate
 1 lock

Description Order no. PU

Safe Fix complete set 0 069 646 10 set
1 striker plate + 1 lock 0 070 670 1/10 set
1 magnetic knob 0 070 671 1 ea.

Mounting information



Planning dimensions

Side Side

25 25
8 8

15 Door 15 Door

≤5 ≤5

ø7 ø7
20 20
Overlay door Inset door

2236 www.hettich.com
Automatic door bolt Hett

Automatic door bolt

 Locks double doors in combination with one case lock without
additional bolt
 The casing of the automatic door bolt is screw-mounted under the
centre of the top panel, each of the catch hooks to the top of both
 As the catch hooks enter the automatic casing, the left-hand door is
held in place and locked with the right-hand door
 Unlocks by pressing on right-hand door
 Nickel-plated

Order no. PU
0 048 259 1/10 ea.


36 8
11,5 26
31,5 11,5
4,2 3 44
10 32,5

Fitting situation

Right-hand door Left-hand door

Top panel

≥ 400


10 9,5

Technik für Möbel 2237

Magnetic push catches

Magnetic push catch D 1 / GP 9

 Holding force 0.9 - 1.3 kg
8 18  Lift 11 mm
22 ø 14 28
 Black plastic
ø 14
 Rigid counterplate
17 34 18  Steel, chromated

Order no. PU
0 046 284 1/20 ea.

Magnetic push catch D 2 / GP 9

8 18  Holding force 2 x 0.9 - 1.3 kg
ø 14
 Lift 11 mm
 Black plastic
51 57
 Rigid counterplate
ø 14  Steel, chromated
17 34 18
Order no. PU
0 046 285 1/20 ea.

Magnetic catch D7 / GP9

1,4 8 5 10  Holding force 0.7 - 1.1 kg
 Lift 11 mm
16  Dimensions: height 16 mm, width 40 mm, depth 36 mm
ø 14
41  Hole spacing 32 mm
 Black plastic housing
30 5,5  Counterplate: galvanised steel

Order no. PU
0 020 873 1/20 ea.

2238 www.hettich.com
Magnetic catches

Magnetic catch LM 5402

 Holding force 4 kg
 Housing: zinc
44 57 37 51  Rigid counterplate, steel

2 15 15 Finish Order no. PU
Chrome-plated, high-gloss 0 046 293 1/10 ea.
Nickel-plated 0 046 294 1/10 ea.
Gold-plated 0 046 295 1/10 ea.

Magnetic catch LM 5103

 Holding force 4 kg
 Housing: zinc
44 57 39 50  Rigid counterplate, steel

2 16 16 Finish Order no. PU
Chrome-plated, high-gloss 0 046 286 1/10 ea.
Nickel-plated 0 046 287 1/10 ea.
Gold-plated 0 046 288 1/10 ea.

Magnetic catch LM 5203

 Holding force 8 kg
 Housing: zinc
76 92 75 85  Rigid counterplate, steel

Finish Order no. PU

2 16 16
16 Chrome-plated, high-gloss 0 046 289 1/10 ea.
Nickel-plated 0 046 291 1/10 ea.
Gold-plated 0 046 292 1/10 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2239

Magnetic catches

Magnetic catch M 61 / GP 3
 Holding force 3 kg
 Movable counterplate
18,8 20,5  Plastic, galvanised steel
49 49
18,8 20,5
Finish Order no. PU
5 4,5
12 7,5 12
7,5 13 White 0 013 143 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 144 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 62 / GP 3
 Holding force 4 kg
 Movable counterplate
18,8 20,5  Plastic, galvanised steel
49 49
18,8 20,5
Finish Order no. PU
5 4,5
12 7,5 12
7,5 13 White 0 013 145 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 146 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 63 / GP 4
 Holding force 3 kg
 Movable counterplate
20 20  Plastic, galvanised steel
49 49
20 20
Finish Order no. PU
4 79 4,5
7 13,5 White 0 013 147 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 148 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 64 / GP 5
 Holding force 5 kg
 Movable counterplate
23,5 23,5  Plastic, galvanised steel
58 58
23,5 23,5
Finish Order no. PU
4 4,5
6 12,5
16,5 White 0 013 149 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 150 1/50 ea.

2240 www.hettich.com
Magnetic catches

Magnetic catch M 91 / GP 6
 Holding force 3 kg
 Movable counterplate
18,5 19  Plastic, galvanised steel
45,5 47
18,5 19
Finish Order no. PU
13 4,5 9
13 White 0 013 151 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 152 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 92 / GP 7
 Holding force 4 kg
 Movable counterplate
19 19,5  Plastic, galvanised steel
47 48,5
19 19,5
Finish Order no. PU
5 5,5 12
13 10
13 White 0 013 153 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 154 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 93 / GP 8
 Holding force 5 kg
 Movable counterplate
21 21,5  Plastic, galvanised steel
51,5 52
21 21,5
Finish Order no. PU
15 6 12,5 10
6 15 White 0 013 155 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 156 1/50 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2241

Magnetic catches

Magnetic catch M 73 / GP 9
 Holding force 4 kg
 Housing: plastic
ø 13,6  Rigid counterplate, galvanised steel
ø 14

1,4 15 Finish Order no. PU

White 0 013 157 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 158 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 71 / GP 1
 Holding force 4 kg
 Housing: plastic
19  Rigid counterplate, galvanised steel
35 46
Finish Order no. PU
1,5 15 4,5
12,5 1,5
White 0 013 139 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 140 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 72 / GP 2
 Holding force 4 kg
 Housing: plastic
17,5 19  Rigid counterplate, galvanised steel
45 46
17,5 19
Finish Order no. PU
1,5 15 4,5
13,5 White 0 013 141 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 013 142 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 74 / GP 15
 Holding force 4 kg
 Movable counterplate
17,5 18,5  Plastic, galvanised steel
45 46
17,5 18,5
Finish Order no. PU
4 6 15 4,5
6 13,5 White 0 006 343 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 006 344 1/50 ea.

2242 www.hettich.com
Magnetic catches Hett

Magnetic catch M 320 / GP 3

 Holding force 4 kg
 Movable counterplate
18,75 16  Plastic, galvanised steel
49 44
18,75 16
Finish Order no. PU
5 6,5
12 7,5 36 14
White 0 025 432 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 025 437 1/50 ea.

Magnetic catch M 321 / GP 3

 Holding force 5 kg
 Movable counterplate
18,75 16  Plastic, galvanised steel
49 44
18,75 16
Finish Order no. PU
5 6,5
12 7,5 36 14
White 0 025 095 1/50 ea.
Brown 0 025 096 1/50 ea.

Plastic catch
15  Screw-on version
2 8  White plastic
25 31 25 31
Set comprises:
27 15  2 catches
 2 catch hooks

Order no. PU
0 000 381 1 ea.

Technik für Möbel 2243

Mechanical catches
 Double ball catches

Double ball catch

 With ball-pressure adjustment capability
 Screw-on version
7 2
 Brass
25 15 35 43
Set comprises:
 1 ball catch
8  1 catch hook

Length mm Order no. PU

43 0 000 530 1 set

Double ball catch

 With ball-pressure adjustment capability
 Screw-on version
8 2
 Brass
26 17 39 49
Set comprises:
 1 ball catch
9  1 catch hook

Length mm Order no. PU

49 0 000 531 1 set

Double ball catch

2  With ball-pressure adjustment capability
2  Screw-on version
 Brass

36 24 39 60
22,5 Set comprises:
 1 ball catch
 1 catch hook
Length mm Order no. PU
60 0 000 532 1 set

2244 www.hettich.com
Technik für Möbel 2245

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