Book Handreading M.N. Laffan 1932-1

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eA. Study of
Character and Personality





m. THE L1NE oF INsnNcT oR ,, L1PE

Pia,. Poring pag,
MnTic Ca.oss 1o6

THE study of Personality throws a wide net over

many subjects, and to-day the markings of the
human hand are engaging the interest of practical
minds. For many years I have been observing
handmar kings as an index to character and
personality, and I am convinced that if the study
of the hand were developed in a scientific way
it would prove a valuable aid to the understanding
of " the capacities, dispositions and tendencies
that make up the whole mind.'' 1 Moreover,
through handreading the individual may be
helped to a clearer knowledge of his powers and
limitations than would otherwise be possible.
The study of the shape and lines of the hand
has not yet received scientific treatment, partly
because of the difficulty of extricating the
empirical evidence from the confused systems
of palmistry, and its association with fortune
telling or divination. But some empirical
1 McDougall, TM Gt'oup MiM.
evidence of the correlation of handmarkings
with mental characteristics, though it is admittedly
extremely meagre, hypothetical, fragmentary, and
difficult of access, does exist.
i have had the opportunity of observing the
hands of many interesting individuals, some of
them from time to time during a course of years.
Tbis enabled me to watch the changes in the lines,
and their relation to the development of the mind.
I do not however claim to have evolved a proper
system, or to have ascertained the exact truth
regarding handmarkings ; but merely to have
ac;:cumulated,from my observation of hands and
the study of books on palmistry and modern
psychology, sufficient data to form a basis for
the collection of new evidence of the correlation
of handmarkings and mental characteristics. If
I appear over-dogmatic in my statements in this
book, it is merely for the purpose of a clear
In ancient times, handreading was honoured
and practised by the great races of mankind.
Chaldeans, Indians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Arabs,
and notably the Greeks and Romans, esteemed
the study of the hand a definite science ;
Aristotle wrote a great deal concerning it in his
HistoryofAnimals, and the historian Josephus is
said to describe Gesar as such an expert hand-
reader that having once seen a man's hands he
could not be deceived as to his pretensions.
Though genetally attributed to the Hindus,
the exact origin of palmistry is uncertain. In
La P.ryrhologie
dela Main (a modern book described
in the preface by Professor Charles Richet 1 as
" une reuvre faite d' originalite et de l' erudition ")
the late Dr. Vaschide• discusses the possibility
of handreading having developed apart from
astrology. He considers that this is unlikely, but
says that in the opinion of some writers, and
particularly of Alfred Lehmann,• the Danish
psychologist, palmistry originated as an indepen-
dent study among the Bohemians and Tartars.
Dr. Vaschide adds that this view is tenable
" especially as the history of chiromancy has not
yet been written."
The origin of Palmistry· among nomadic
tribes may easily be imagined. Seated round their
camp fires, holding up their hands to the blaze,
they would have noticed the lines across their

1 Professeur ~ la Faculte de Medecine de Paris, membre

de l' Aca.demie des Sciences et de I'Ac.adCm.iede Medecina, professeur
de physiologie, I887.
1 -Ul.I'ecteur-adjoint du Laboratoire de Psychologie Patholo~
gique de !'Ecole des Hautea-Etudes, Paris, 1874-i:907.
• Professor of the University of C.Openhagen, i:895-1903, author
of several books on philosophy and psychology.
companions' palms. Their curiosity would have
been aroused by the likeness and unlikeness of
the hands themselves, and the lines across them.
They would have seen that their men of action
mostly had square hands and strong lines round
the thumb (which we call now the line of
Instinct) ; that their wise .men, whose counsel
was valued, all had long hands and a strong
middle line across the palm (the line of Reason).
Poets, who sang to them of love and adventure,
and their most magnetic women, had hands of a
different type; fine, sensitive hands, the salient
characteristic being the high line across the palm,
which we call the line of Intuition. Maybe, too,
they saw that those of their friends who had
weak or broken lines often had accidents, some-
times even a violent death. It is easy to imagine
how they looked at hands, and talked of the
meanings of lines and marks, and so arrived at a
generalized idea of the association of a certain
sort of character with a particular shape of hand
and position of the lines. They were, of course,
prone to make signs and omens out of other
and simpler associations, but with far less
opportunity of checking the truth of the relation-
ship, which they were apt to take for granted
after one coincidence only, especially if it
happened to suit their mood and purpose to do
so. The meaning of handmarkings, however,
would be compared and checked by communal
discussion and observation, and the truth sifted
from error more easily than it could be in the
case of omens read in the flights of birds, the
shape of the clouds, and other nature phenomena.
To gypsies and other nomads, the characters
and emotions of individuals are the very stuff of
life's interest and enjoyment, so that the hand-
markings and their meanings would be of
supreme value ; and a competent handreader
might acquire honour and fame. Knowledge of
interpretations that they found were reliable
would be a treasured possession, and carefully
handed on to their descendants. But always
there would be fresh empirical observation of
hands and the meaning atta~hed to the shape and
lines, so that in time their significance would
become an established tradition ; and this would
form a basis for the instinctive perceptions of
their free uncultured minds.
About a hundred years ago, observation of
hands took place in very different circumstances.
A smart young French officer, proud of his
shapely hands, noticed that at the receptions at a
neighbouring chiiteau the particular friends of
the hostess all had hands somewhat alike, and
very different from those of her husband's friends.
Madame loved art and poetry, Monsieur cared
only for engineering affairs. From these observa,-
tions, Monsieur le Capitaine d' Arpentigny' was
impelled to investigate the meaning of the differ-
ent shapes of the human hand, and he wrote a
book which has been looked on as a classic by
later writers.
Desbarolles,• the author of Les Mysteres de la
Main, who was a contemporary, quotes largely
from d' Arpentigny's book, and Desbarolles may
be called the" Father of Modern Palmistry." He
did for the lines and marks what d' Arpentigny
had done for the shape of the hand. He seems
to have relied on the system expounded in the
Kabala ; but he had an opportunity, during a long
life, of studying the hands of the eminent men and
women of France, and was alert to gather con-
firmation of his interpretation of the meaning of
lines .and marks.
In my own case, interest in handmarkings was
aroused by the exact fulfilment of a palmist's
prophecy to a friend that he would shortly have
1 d'Arpentigny, author of Chirognomonie ow la
Science de la Main, Paris, 1856.
• Adrien Desba.rolles, ,a famous French palmist, author of
Les Myst,,es d8 la Main, Paris, 1859.
a very bad accident. Of course this might have
been merely a coincidence, but his hand showed
a curious formation ; for the primary lines were
all three joined together, and in palmistry books
this is said to be " a presage of misfortune." I
could not find any other hands with this peculiar
arrangement of the lines ; but I did find that any
unusual shape or marking was significant of
the character and mentality of the individuals
in whose hands I found it. Moreover, my
" readings " were often a very great help and
enlightenment to people, both as to the nature
of their minds and also how to deal with the
problems of their lives. In the case of difficult
children the help given was often of very great
importance. Therefore I continued to study
hands with the aid of Desbarolles' Mysteresde la
Main and "Cheiro's "' Langwge of the Hand,
though I could not believe·in their theories as to
the cause of the lines, and in many respects found
their methods inadequate and confused.
Most palmists attribute handmarkings to the
influence of the stars, and the theory of some
writers on Handreading is that " the astral fluid

1. A famous palmist and seer. In 1900 celebrities of world

renown were among "Cheiro's" clienttle. His books on
F3lmistry are in demand terday.
flows in through the finget tips and causes the
lines in the palm." Since astrology and palmistry
were associated, astrological names were con-
sideted natural for parts of the hand and for the
lines. It is howevet more practical and more
scientific to think of the hand simply as an
instrument of the mind, and of the marks and
lines as a record of mental characteristics.
Psychological science presents suitable names
which we may borrow to assist in the under-
standing of the significance of the unusual
formations which are frequently encountered.
Moreover, it is an advantage that in discarding
the names of ancient deities for parts of the hand,
and substituting the name of the member itself
or its significance only, the study is greatly
In the present state of our knowledge it is
difficult to believe that the stars are intimately
concerned with the chances and changes of our
individual lives, so that if after numerous
observations of hands we are convinced that there
is a substratum of truth in the old systems of
Palmistry, a new theory to account for the
markings of the human hand is important and
even necessary.
Unlike Astrology, Handreading is not depen-
dent on occult knowledge or influence. Inter-
pretation of the meaning of the shape and the
lines of the hand is based on observations that
can be compared and have to a certain extent
been verified. The work of the old writers
provides a useful guide for its reconstruction as a
modern study ; but a revision of method and
nomenclature is necessary as well as observation
and the careful tabulation of results.
So far as I know, however, nothing of the sort
has yet been attempted. Authors of books on
the subject have been content to rely almost
entirely on the old systems ; and, though they
add remarks on their own experience and the
truth of their predictions, these are not in
the nature of evidence for the truth of Hand-
Psycho-analysts discovered that the ancient
practice of interpretation· of dreams had a
valuable substratum of truth, and in the light of
modern knowledge they have constructed a
system by which they make use of dreams for
their study of the human mind, more especially
the unconscious urges and motives. The work
of distinguished psycho-analysts has proved of
great value both for the treatment of mental
di~ease and also for knowledge of the nature and
powers of the mind. Indeed, on the basis of
an i=ense amount of observation, particularly
of pathological cases, they have been able to
construct an entire systematic psychology.
Handreading also badly needs scientific in-
vestigation and reconstruction. Though indirect,
it is a much simpler study of the mind than
psycho-analysis, since it deals with the objective
indications which the lines of the hand give of
the mental organisation as the basis of character
and conduct. This,· of course, is a postulate at
present. It is also concerned more with the
conscious development of the mind than with the
discovery of the unconscious desires and hidden
motives. Hence it is probably more useful for
normal people as a guide to wise self-discipline
and the understanding and education of their
It is obvious that every individual starts life
with capacities and potentialities that differ,
sometimes in kind and sometimes in degree,
from those of every other individual. Can these
capacities and potentialities be accurately de-
ciphered from the shape and lines of the hand ?
Though this can only be fully proved by strict
investigation, my own experience convinces me
that they can-in other words the lines in the
palm of the hand show the mental make-up
and organisation or " life plan " of the
Can a forecast of future events and changes of
life be made from the lines in the palm ? So far
as they depend on one's mental characteristics, I
have had strong evidence that in a general
degree they can ; but there is also evidence that
conscious effort has some control over the lines
themselves. I have often seen the lines in hands
change-either develop or fade-as directed by
the wishes and efforts of their owners. This
possible growth of new or improving lines could
soon be demonstrated in experimental work.
Plates IX and X show the development of the
line of Personality that took place within a year
in the hand of an artist. Unusual success was
achieved during this period and the age is
approximately given by the. line.
It is difficult to believe that the future can·be
confidently predicted ; for it seems impossible
that the chances of life which come from outside
influences can be foreseen, except perhaps in
those rare cases where the mind has an uncon-
scious foreknowledge of the future. Where this
exists it may possibly be apprehended by a
Handreader (or seer of any sort) who has a gift
of clairvoyance or telepathy' ; and this I think
might account for many of the successful pro-
phecies of future events that are quoted by
clairvoyants of all kinds. But the successful
prophecies are in reality exceedingly rare com-
pared with the mass of unsuccessful and un-
recorded ones. Owing to this uncertainty,
described by Hegel as "the dim and turbid vision
of clairvoyance,'' its practical utility is more than
doubtful, though its fascination is very great.
The ancient Seers or " Occult Masters "
were mostly wise men of great experience, the
philosophers and psychologists of their time.
Nowadays practical training and intellectual
development may subordinate the telepathic or
clairvoyant powers ; and the people who possess
and use them are generally speaking not trained
in scientific subjects or medical knowledge.
The prophetic power of the mind is mysterious
and difficult to examine. There seem to be two
distinct methods of gaining knowledge that are
beyond our conscious grasp ; one an instinctive

McDougall, in An Outline of Abnormal Psychology (page 517),
defines telepathy as " the direct communication of mind with
mind without the use of sense perception." In Body and Mind
(page 349) he writes : " I cannot attempt to present here the
evidence for the reality of telepathy. It must suffice to say
that it is of such a nature as to compel the assent of any competent
person who studies it impartially."
apprehension of conditions and thougl;tts, in the
nature of telepathy, which animals apparently
share in some degree ; the other intuitive and
visionary, best obtained by minds developed
through spiritual or mental effort.
It is important to discriminate between know-
ledge that can be gained by a wise synthesis of
the indications of the mental life given by the
shape and lines of the hand, and knowledge of
the personality, its conditions and problems, that
the Handreader may be able to reach by clair-
voyance or by telepathy. Though often of
greater interest, and possibly even greater value
for the individual, knowledge so gained is not so
reliable as the interpretation of handmarkings.
So many factors are involved that cannot be
controlled, and the results cannot be analysed or
tabulated. Accordingly, though these gifts may
have their place and value; they are of no assist-
ance in a scientific examination of Handreading.
When I first studied hands I found that ideas
and impressions frequently drifted into my mind
for which I could find no justification in the
handmarkings ; but they were generally true,
more personal, and more exciting than conclu-
sions based on the markings of the hand. By
ignoring these impressions my " readings " were
rendered somewhat dull compared to those of
professional palmists ; but I fumly repressed all
unconsciously formed opinions, as they gave me
no evidence of the real meaning of the hand-
markings which I was bent on discovering. There
seems no reason, however, why the clairvoyant
perceptions of the Handreader should not be
taken into account, once the study of the hand
has been established on a rational basis.
The reputation of a doctor depends not only
on his medical knowledge and skill, but also on
his powers of sympathy and insight, which give
him a more complete and intimate knowledge of
his patients than could be acquired by considera-
tion of their symptoms alone. Therefore it
would be unreasonable to deny the value of such
powers of insight in connection with the work of
Handreading. But in the first place the know-
ledge of the meaning to be attached to the lines
and shape of the hand, and the ability to weigh
the value of the contrasting mental qualities which
are indicated should be considered of fundamental
importance. For the practice of Handreading we
assume that there is a correlation between mental
characters and parts of the hand-which is the
instrument of the brain-filld that the pre-natal
growth of the members and lines of the hand

fhe han<l of a girl twelve year~ ol<l, sh<JV;ing tht Reason line joine<l ro the Instinct
lime. The latn:r 1s somn\'hat shurt


A. The instinct line

1:1. 'J he, H.cason line
C. Thee lntuitiun linc
The same hand as Plate I, hut fourteen year~ faicr. The· lines uf lns1.inct and of
Reason, which were joined together at twd\·c years olJ, arc now separatc<l. The
min<l has gained inlkpcnclencc and intdkctual power. Th<: ln-stinct line has
grown longer, showing an unproved constitution
took place in close correspondence with the
formation of the brain, its powers and potenti-
alities, and can be taken as in some degree
representing the nature of the mind. Only
careful and accurate observation can affirm or
disprove that this correspondence exists and
continues in the life of the individual.
I am told that hands are marked, and also move,
before birth. Certainly when babies are born
their hands are often heavily lined or creased. I
have noticed that as time goes on and the little
hands are Jess often closely folded, some of the
lines disappear, and all become less deeply
marked. The primary lines change much less
than the secondary ones. Very rarely is there
such an alteration in position of a primary line
as is shown in Plates I and II. Plate I is the hand-
print of a girl of twelve, sh~wing the Reason line
joined to the Instinct line. Plate II shows that
at twenty-five years of age the two lines have
become separated. The Reason line has moved
to a position higher in the hand, indicating more
independence of the intellectual capacity. This
development coincided with the necessity of
controlling a large country house owing to the
untimely death of the young girl's mother.
The lines of the hands seem to be partly caused
by the contraction of muscles, which make folds
or patterns in the skin. I understand that these
muscles are innervated by efferent neurones
having their origin in the brain ; and I am told
that when, through some accident or disease,
cortical control is interfered with, violent move-
ments of the limbs and undisciplined emotions
result. But the actual physiological explanation
of the primary lines or folds across the palm is a
matter for scientific investigation. The only
scientific book I have come across that gives more
than a cursory glance at the ancient study of
Palmistry is La P{Ychologie de la Main by Dr.
Vaschide; in which he says "Il est remarquable
que ces grandes plis, consideres comme !es plus
importants par !es chiromanciennes, aient des
rapports intimes avec des salies musculaires, avec
des articulations metacarpiennes, avec des inser-
tions musculaires, aponevrotiques ou tendin-
euses " (page 476). If satisfactory evidence could
be collected that the three folds across the palm
are definitely correlated with the faculties of
Instinct, Reason, and Intuition, physiologists and
psychologists might be encouraged to further
The collection of evidence for the correlation
of the shape and lines of the hand with certain
mental characteristics is the first necessary step
towards a definite science of Handreading. If
the study can be established on a satisfactory
basis it promises to be valuable in many directions,
more especially to those individuals who wish to
understand, and develop to the highest possible
point, the capacities of their minds.
The mystery that fascinated human minds in the
past is still with us in another form. We no
longer think that in the will of the Gods, or
influences of the stars, lies the origin of our fate.
But within the mind there are depths as mys-
terious and unfathomable, desires and urges as
imperious, as the will of the Gods that men
imagined to be the masters of their destiny ; and
they seem as uncontrollable. The change is one
of location only. Not above and beyond, but
within, lies the mysterious. world of destiny. It
is not easy to examine this world of the innermost
self, indeed it seems as far removed as the occult
powers from the experience of everyday life.
It is, of course, possible that the earlier faith is
nearer the truth, that our minds are but the
instruments of higher beings or cosmic forces
driving us to express ourselves according to their
will, and that the depth of our being does not
originate the urges and desires that drive us.
17 C
Intellect and will are, however, improving as
instruments for dealing with these promptings,
whatever their origin may be ; and in the develop-
ment of our conscious knowledge and power lies
the greatest promise both for the happiness of
the individual and also for the fulfilment of the
dream of human progress.



THE study of the hand is composed of two

parts-the study of the lines and the study of the
shape ; for Handreading a knowledge of both
is necessary.
Dr. Vaschide says," According to the harmony
that exists between the palm and the fingers
one may presume the mental and physical
equilibrium of the individual. The palm repre-
sents the personal faculties, the subjective
elements of the brain; the individual elements
characteristic of the mentality and of the greater
or less resistance of the physical and moral
health. The fingers indicate the expression, the
form which is given to the thought, and from
the physical point of view what is called in the
usual language of pa]mists the atavistic laws of
the temperament. They personify, in other
words, the elegance, the artistic sense, etc....
the different forms of the psycho-physical tem-
perament, act, or agitation, the act of prehension,
of contact."'
1 La Psychologie de la Main, page 63.
If this be so, a quick glance both at the shape
and the lines of each hand is advisable in order
to form a rough estimate of the quality of the
mind as a whole before studying the significance
of each part separately.
Handreaders are generally advised to consider
first the shape or the type of hand. I think,
however, that the primary lines which show the
intellectual capacities are of first importance.
These capacities may be counteracted to some
extent by abnormal weakness of disposition, but
they are the ruling factors in the development of
the mind.
Students are apt to find books on Handreading
very confusing, owing to so many different
meanings being more or less arbitrarily attributed
to one part or line of the hand ; even Des barolles
and " Cheiro " err in this respect. For instance,
the thumb is said by its three divisions to indicate
not only the will, the judgment, and the love dis-
position of the individual, but also various other
qualities and tastes. A strong thumb might be
likely to " go with " these other qualities ; but
their possession should be learnt from the parts or
the lines of the hand which specially signify them.
Assuming positive correlation, each line, or part,
should be given its own special meaning only.
The order of notation I advise is :
1st. The three Primary Lines.
Instinct, Reason, Intuition (or Life, Head,
Heart of the old systems).
2nd. The Thumb.
The three divisions representing the
power of the Will, of Judgment, and of
3rd. The Index Finger and Base.
Power or lack of Ambition, Leadership,
4th. The Other Fingers and Bases.
Dispositions and Tastes.
jth. Base bf hand, the Hypothenar Eminence.
Power of Imagination.
6th. Shape of the Hand.
Tendencies and Temperament.
7th. Secondary or Upright Lines.
The clash between the Personality and the
8th. Other Lines.
Health, Marriage, etc.
9th. Squares, Crosses, and Stars.
Special activities and possible events.
Unusual or abnormal features will be quickly
noted in the preliminary survey of the hand as a
whole ; and it is very important to bear in mind



A-Line of Happy Influence. C-Line of Adverse Influence.

B--Line of Sex Influence. D---Line of Clairvoyance.
the significance of any strong or unusual marking
thus noted during the subsequent more detailed
examination of each member and line of the hand
-more especially of those that are most detri-
mental to the use and development of capacities
strongly indicated.
To learn how one indication qualifies another
should be one of the first tasks of the student.
One is apt to overestimate capacities without
realising a weakness that counteracts them.
A weak thumb closely set to the hand would
discount the intellectual capacities, the tastes,
the aptitudes, elsewhere shown, except those
that are unusually good and strongly marked.
Bad{yshapedor crookpdfingers,or the abnormal
length of any one in particular, represent out-
standing dispositions of the nature that may
dominate the mind inste?-d of serving it.
A flabby hand shows want of physical energy.
Mental interest might counteract this ; and by
a study of the lines the Handreader could suggest
the best way to arouse mental activity and the
subject most suitable for study, in which success
might be achieved.
A thin hardhandrepresents a restless mind and
would make the development of intellectual and
artistic tastes difficult, but would not retard a
practical or adventurous nature (shown by a
strong line of Instinct).
A handcriss-crossedwith mal!Jlittle lines-some-
times described as " a barbed wire entanglement"
-indicates a mind distracted by thoughts and
feelings, or a kind of nervous instability. This
is especially the case when most of the lines
come from the ball of the thumb and cross over
the line of instinct into the middle of the palm.
This indicates that all the little instinctive desires
and urges, instead of being subordinated to higher
activities, invade, and to some degree interfere
with, the functioning of the intellectual faculties.
With strength of will (shown by a moderately
good thumb) these instinctive impulses might
be controlled by concentrating on the special
abilities of the mind which the Handreader may
be able to point out. The condition might
however be due to illness, and only temporary ;
in such a case advice as to how best to improve
the physical health by appropriate diet or mental
occupation may be useful.
Hands that are exactly or verynearlyalik.eindicate
that the mind is a very stable and balanced one ;
and, unless the stimulus of outside influences is
strong, it is unlikely to develop in any particular
direction. Any one outstanding capacity how-
ever would gain in significanceby being observed
in both hands.
Very flexible hands show an impressionable
nature to which concentration or sustained pur-
pose are difficult, owing to the ready response
the mind makes to any and every distraction or
demand for attention or sympathy. An exagger-
ated flexibility must be regarded as a qualification
of the intellectual capacities and tastes.
When the primary lines are deep and strong
but look like ruts rather than lines (Plate V),
as is often the case in e!ementaty or working-
class hands, I think it indicates that the capacities
of the mind are undeveloped or in abeyance.
I was much puzzled at first by finding such good
primary lines in the hands of monkeys and also
of people whose intellects were not developed ;
but the condition best described as " empty "
explains this. The lines are there in anticipation
of function ; and the thumbs are usually weak
with this condition.
Hands that have no secondaty or upright lines
are difficult to read because they show a nature
that lacks a definite plan, or pattern, which may
be deciphered ; but I do not think there is any
evidence that the lack of lines forebodes an early
death, as some writers claim ; for I have seen the
secondary lines develop in hands that at one time
had none. But a plan, even though an uncon-
scious one, would no doubt strengthen the hold
on life of an individual who without a definite
purpose might more easily succumb to an illness
or disaster. Carcl'ul examination will generally
disclose some small beginnings or incipient lines
of personal development ; and I feel quite sure,
from my own experience, that to direct the
attention of the subject to these lines and their
meanings is of very great importance. It helps
the personality to develop, to recognise-as
people generally do when the meaning of the
line is pointed out-that they ruave some special
gift or capacity that only requires effort to become
established as a source of pleasure and profit. On
the other hand, some fault or indulgence that is
blocking the right development may be made per-
ceptible. It is curious how ignorant individuals
often are of the possibilities of their own minds.
The shape of the band qualifies the lines. For
instance, a very good line of reason would have a
different significance in an elementary ruand from
tmt of a similar line in a philosophic type of
There is a curious line sometimes termed the
Mongol line, sometimes the Murderer's line. I
think its significance depends almost entirely on
the shape and other features of the hand. It is,
roughly speaking, a line that combines the two
primary lines of Reason and Inruition in one. In
a hand showing a bad disposition (crooked
fingers, etc.) this might indicate a mind prone
to violent temper or brutal acts.
In a fine, well-shaped hand the line would
indicate unusual strength of intellect. To call
such an individual a murderer would be absurd.
Ruthless he might be, but only when a situation
demanded strong action.
Then there is the problem of the meaning of
the difference between the two hands to be con-
sidered. " The left is the hand you are born with,
the right is the hand you make," is the explana-
tion given by all books on Palmistry. This is
not quite satisfactory. At birth there are differ-
ences between the shape and markings of the
two hands, and often very great ones. Moreover,
the markings of both hands change during life.
My own observation led me to the hypothesis
that we might consider the differences in the
shape and lines of the two hands as due to
differences in the organisation of the two cerebral
hemispheres ; just as we know right- or left-
handedness is dependent on this. Thus the hand
governed by the stronger or better organised
hemisphere becomes " the master hand."
Left-handed people are those whose best
organised hemisphere is the right one, the
motor neurones of which govern the left side of
the body. Being the stronger so far as the hand
is concerned, it refuses to let the right hand
govern, and itself becomes "the master." Then
the conscious development is shown by the lines
and markings in the left hand.
Careful examination of the hands of several
left-handed people convinced me that the reason
of their left-handedness was the mental superi-
ority shown by the left hand ; for the lines
indicating the intellectual capacities were in every
case so much better and stronger than those in
the right.
Consideration of slight differences in the case
of right-handed people confirmed this hypothesis.
Lines or marks in the left hand only showed
underlying or semi-conscious powers-or tastes.
Ambidexterity would be a good test, but I have
not seen a case where it was complete. Persons
who can use both hands almost equally well are
rare, but in one or two cases I have seen, the
markings, though not exactly alike in each hand,
were of nearly equal value, which is unusual.
Ordinarily, the two hands do not differ very
much. When there is a great difference there is a
problem for the Handreader-and generally
speaking for the person whose hands show such
difference also-to work out. In two or three
cases of very marked difference, amounting almost
to a dual personality, the subject has agreed with
this analysis. Though admittedly not sufficiently
numerous to prove such a theory, I have never
personally come across a case that did not support
this hypothesis of the difference between the
two hands.
I had an interesting experience of the difference
between the two hand~ in the early days of my
study, at a time when I still used the old formula
" The left is the hand you are born with, the right
is the hand you make." I was visiting the home
of a very clever man whose hands I was most
anxious to see. I had first of course to ask if I
might read his wife's hands, though from her
very direct and personal questions immediately
we met as to my soul's salvation, I knew her to
be suffering from religious mania. To my
amazement her right hand had quite good normal
lines ; it was the left hand that had the over-
developed eminence of Imagination, the sloping
line of Reason and stiff close-set thumb. These
features being together with no sign of artistic
tastes might well denote fanaticism.
I thought that Palmistry was very certainly
wrong, but kept to its dogmas as I had deter-
mined I would always do, no matter what I
thought. I told her that she had been born with
an egotistical disposition and a morbid imagina-
tion, but that she had made herself a sensible and
sympathetic woman. I emphasized and praised
this development, though from what I knew of
the lady it did not fit the facts. When I had
finished the reading, her brother-in-law asked :
" What difference would it make if the person
was left-handed ? "
" Oh, in that case, according to Palmistry, it
would exactly reverse things ; the right hand
would then represent what you were born, the
left what you had made yourself," I replied. I
noticed his amused expression as I answered his
question. Then he said with slightly malicious
"My sister-in-law is left-handed."
It was a difficult situation for me and I felt
the tense silence of the other members of the
party. But luckily the lady herself was very
pleased with the reading and did not seem to
realise all that this reversal meant.
· Later on, when I had evolved my own
interpretation of the difference between the two
hands, I saw that this case supported my
The old formula would have implied that the
lady had developed her abnormal dispositions
herself, whereas I felt sure that such a great
change could not have been brought about by
conscious effort. The difference in the hands
must have been there at birth. Using the left
hand most would, I imagine, give greater power
to the faculties represented by its abnormal
formations. As the right hand was less used for
conscious purposes, the better though weaker
qualities it represented would belong only to the
secondary self. A friend who knew her well
confirmed this interpretation. The lady, she said,
possessed two natures or personalities, one that of
an intolerant bigot, the other a kind and sym-
pathetic woman. Ordinarily, the narrow-minded
self held sway, but in any great trouble or crisis
the sympathetic woman emerged.
I have never seen any other person's hands
differ so greatly as this lady's ; but I have
frequently come across cases in which the left
hand pointed to some superior mental quality.
Tile individual generally has a feeling of some
latent power or knowledge he possesses but
cannot reach. For this reason I think the_!eft
' hand represents lhe less conscious or ~-econ~~l)'.
',self. It seems that in moments of great excite-
',,mentor mental strain this underlying and elusive
~elf is more available. The individual feels that
he is obtaining the use ofhis latent power, C"l'~n
if its nature is not fully grasped. This is more
especially the case if the emotionalinoment occurs
after a period of solitude.
Several people with unusually different hands
have told me that listening to good music gave
them the feeling of being wholly, though some-
what dreamily, aware of a deeper self. This they
feel as a definite enhancement of their personality
which continues for some time and enables them
to do more successful work.
The method and hypothesis I have tried to
explain have proved satisfactory at least in my
own experience, but this has naturally been
limited ; and they need to be tested on a larger
scale and by workers trained in scientific method.
I make no claim that my work may be found
I more than merely suggestive. My hope is that
it may provide a fresh starting point for a full
investigation of the meaning of the shape and
the markings of the hand.

THE lowest in the hand of the three primary lines

skirts the ball of the thumb and so encloses the
portion of the hand that seems to be correlated
with the instinctive dispositions of the mind. To
call this the Instinct line instead of the Life line-
as it is named in the old systems-indicates what
in my opinion is the particular capacity that it
Roughly speaking, the impulses and actions
that take place without ou:r conscious efforts or
direction may be termed instinctive, as well as
the vital processes such as breathing, heart-beat,
digestion, etc., which are necessary to life. And
we shall find that when the line of Instinct is
short, weakly marked, or broken, the vegetative
and instinctive life is defective, injured . or .
Impoverished. .. .
'···1am convinced that it is very false to predict
and wrong to foretell early death because the line
33 D
is short. It is wise to point out that there is
probably some weakness of physical or instinctive
force, and to advise that special care be taken in
building up the constitution. No one can say
that because the line is short now it will still be
short in one year's time or longer.
I have personally not been able to observe such
a growth of the line of Instinct ; but it is clearly
shown in Plates I and II as having taken place,
and I have seen equally great changes take place
in other lines. Nor do I think it right to infer a
long life because-theT1ne of Instinct .1s longaiic!
good.Danger to life may arise from other causes
tEarithe weakness of the nutritive and instinctive
We now know enough of the potency of
suggestion to realise the danger of putting an
idea into the mind, more especially with the
authoritative force of an accepted prediction given
with all the prestige of a person in whom the
subject has faith. But to say to the individual :-
,, You must build up your vitality to meet a
possible weakness, or crisis at such an age" might
Ee·1:hemeans of saving his life. To be aware of
the possibility of a future danger may be the
means of averting it ; a little extra care .fof
general health might improve the constitution,



l '.'

:\. Thl' lnstinn luw

H. Th.: Rra~(>t11111,·
( .. The· l111ui1iun linv
lJ. \ lim: ol lnitiat.1e·
\ man of :1ction is sho11·11
l,v strung !nstinn Jim·. The l!rcatcr \\·idth acro~s the
ha~(' {Jfthe· hand, dLCrn,tl'san ..:ntcrrtising natufl
and the Instinct line grow stronger in conse-
The line of Instinct commences on the border
of the hand under the index finger. The best
position is when it begins half way between the
thumb and index finger, thus equally dividing
the two parts which represent respectively I
intellectual pride and the combative instinct.
The latter is indicated by what Palmists call the
" Mount of Mars." This is the portion that is
inside the Instinct line. The part abovethe line
forms the base of the index finger and indicates,
according to the lines and type of hand, either
creative power, or pride, or ambition.
A strongclearline ofInstinct sweeping well out
intb""the-handindicates a man ofactfon, Plate IV.
This does not mean that the subject cannot be
also a man of thought ; but if the line is stronger
in every way than the other two primary lines,
action-which demands a quick instinctive
response to circumstances-would be the mode
of expression best suited to the personality.
A line keepingcloseto the thumb would be a bad
sign on an elementary hand, because the person
showing this feature would need the stimulus of
an emotional disposition. In a well-shaped,
cultured hand in which the other lines are strongly
marked, it would only indicate that the intellect
had but little interference from instinctive
impulses. Desbarolles is of the opinion that a
line rising from high on the base of t_h_e)ndex
finger indicates an ambitious nature that nearly
always succeeds. in the " conquest of honou_r§,
?boon~ and decorations, and high dignitiss." I
have not come across such a line.
A doublefine, Desbarolles says, "is the luxury
of existence." It seems to me likely to indicate
ii"good constitution and unusual strength of the
power of the vegetative and instinctive faculties,
Plate VI. In the old terminology, the sister line
is called the line of Mars, and is said in a woman's
hand to signify success in love, and in a man's,
success in warfare. I should call it the line of
Vitality. I have _s~_~n it in the fu.ncls.ofsuccessfol
actors and actresses,and frequently in the hands
ofi:hose with a ta;te and desire for the stage;
but it seems likely to indicate the vitality and
instinctive power which some possess of affecting
other people ; a power necessary to support
a dramatic career, rather than the career
The line of Instinctjoined to the two otherprimary
lines js commonly said to be a «presage -of
misfortune." Thig will be dealt with later on.
From my experience I think it is undoubtedly
The linejoinedfor somedistanceto the line we call
that of Reason is said by Des barolles to mean
" timidity, excessive and insurmountable self-
distrust " ; which, he adds, is a disease. As it is
a very common formation, I have studied it a
good deal and have come to the conclusion that
the simple explanation is that the two lines being
joined in an ordinary hand indicates that Reason
is subordinated to Instinct ; the individual does
not make efforts to reason things out logically,
but acts almost entirely by instinct.
If this line is good, all is well. There does
not seem much timidity in the actions or asser-
tions of such people ; as a rule they ru:e, so to
speak, cocksure. It is only when the line of
Instinct is weak that w:rnt of self-confidence
appears ; and unless the intellectual lines of
Reason and Intuition are good, this may lead to
indecision and failure. It would seem that either
Instinct or Reason must rule and direct thought
and action if the individual is to achieve a strong
The linewhenbrokenindicates some great change
in life. If the new part of the line begins before
the old leaves off, the change would be to better
conditions. The break may be caused by illness
or by some event such as travel, or a great shock.
I have never seen such a break in a hand without
finding it was true in the past that such a change
had occurred at the time indicated ; but I have
never seen it as a future event.
A chainedline indicates poor health either from
organic disease or nervous debility.
Little lines leading down from this line show
troubles or loss of strength. TI1ese I have seen
in the " future " part of the line ; and they have
truly indicated a coming weakness, which
eventually developed.
Little lines risingfrom the line indicate increasing
health and well-being.
Islands in the line are signs of grave trouble
caused sometimes by disgrace or a time of great
strain ; this I have always found accurate when
interpreted to indicate a past event.
Small lines continually crossing the line from the
base of the thumb, but not going far into the
hand, indicate that desires, worries, or the tensions
of life preoccupy the mind, and generally speaking
cause unhappiness or a bad state of " nerves."
Religious thought and practice can take the mind
to higher levels, but where this is not congenial
(this is sometimes only because it has not been
tried), artistic, or scientific, or business interests
may be cultivated and provide an antidote. Some
sort of sublimation is necessary. Certainly the
mind must be diverted from dwelling on
instinctive conditions that cannot be controlled.
A religious, moral, social, or intellectual interest
is best, as it is of lasting value ; and most minds
are capable of creating it in some form. If not,
however, action or doing something definite is
the only cure or alleviation.
When a strong line crosses the Instinct line and
goes far into the palm and also crosses the
secondary lines with a downward slope, it
signifies a bad influence, generally of someone of
the opposite sex, which affects the life adversely,
Plate Ille. If, however, the line rises and goes
up the hand to the base of any of the fingers,
the influence is likely to be, helpful.
I have often seen these lines come and go in
hands that I have been able to observe constantly,
and they have always proved to be true indica-
tions. A warning of a growing influence might
be useful ; but what Desbarolles calls " amours
qui detruisent la destinee" are obsessions
difficult to combat.
Little black.spots on the line I have often seen
as true indications of operations performed, or
great nervous shocks experienced, in the past. I
have never seen them in a position in which
they might be taken to indicate future
Crosses on the line I have not seen. Desbarolles
calls them a sign of mortal injury.
A line with a small cross on it is said by the same
author to indicate a lawsuit. I have never
however seen one.
Squares on or I!)' the line I have very often
observed, especially on the hands of soldiers.
They are supposed to be signs of " preservation
from danger." Where I have personally seen
such squares this interpretation has been veri-
fied by the statements of the subject. \Xlhen
the square covers a thin or broken portion
of the line, the " preservation " is from an
When the lineforks at the end, Desbarolles says
it is a menace of weakness and loss of mental
power in old age. " Cheiro," however, says it
indicates a change to a new country from the one
of birth. It might however be a new country of
the mind. Thus a doctor or lawyer who took
up agriculture as an offset to professional work
might have the divided line, or a woman hitherto
concerned chiefly with home life who took up
philanthropic or political work. The forked
line implies, I think, the expenditure of instinctive
energy in two different directions.
The colouf'and width qf the line give a good idea
of the general health and strength. A pink, fairly
broad line is the best. When red and deep it
shows a brusque or turbulent nature ; when pale
and thin a melancholy or weak one.
There are very important lines that rise from
the line of Instinct itself; they are said by all
Palmists to signify " Increases won by personal
merit," Plate IV. I have verv often seen these
lines truly indicating the time when the individual
launched out " on his own," so to speak. It is
an instinctive push of the whole nature towards
its own ends ; and accordingly I prefer to call
them lines of Initiative and not " a continuation
of the Fate line " as they ate generally termed. If
seen rising from a " future " part of the line they
would indicate the psychological moment for
action ; and it might greatly help an individual
to be aware of such a favourable sign.



THE middle primary line is called by Palmists the

line of " Head," but this is the name of a portion
of the body and not of a function of the brain
or of any mental character. Unless we recognise
the precise capacity the line represents it is diffi-
cult to determine the meaning of the different
positions in which it is constantly found in the
palm. The power of Reason seems really to be
what is meant by the word head, as when we
speak of a man having "a good head on his
shoulders " ; I found Reason as the significance
of the line very satisfactory and was confirmed
in the use of this term by reading that Sir Charles
Sherrington in his presidential address to the
British Association in 1922 described the mind of
man as " actuated by instinct but instrumented
with reason."
The lines of " Head " and " Heart " are both
generally said to begin on or near the base of the
index finger. But in that case one line would be
beginning at its thinnest, the other at its thickest
end. It would seem best to regard the Reason
line, like the line of Intuition, as beginning at its
thinnest end. I am here assuming a correlation
between the imaginative power of the mind and
the part of the hand called the hypothenar
eminence ; hence Reason would be said to begin
in imagination. 'This agrees well enough with
what we know of the faculty of Reason. First
sensations and perceptions, next images, and then
thoughts and ideas about them, which sometimes
end in creative work, the power for which is
shown by the base of the index finger to which
the line of Reason tends.
A long,straight andclearline across the centre of
the palm indicates a good logical reason, and, it is
said, also a good memory.
A line beginninglow on the palm and sloping up
towards the base of the index finger indicates
that the reasoning power is of an imaginative
order ; and if the ring finger, and especially its
base, is well developed, this is likely to be used
for expression in art ; or, in a practical hand, for
science, business, or other affairs of life. Where
there are no special gifts for expression, such a
line may indicate great independence of thought,
tending to over self-confidence.
Ending on the very centre ofthe base of the index
finger a strong line in a good hand indicates
creativeness or an aptitude for making new
forms, Plate VI. What these might be would
depend on the nature of the mind as a whole.
Individuals with fine intellects would create
new ideas or forms of thought. A more practical
mind would invent new machines. A woman
with an elementary hand might be a good cook
and would then invent new dishes. The
creative line shows the capacity of the mind for
forming new ideas or things ; the way in which
this power will be used must be deciphered from
other parts of the hand.
A good line that begins with a fork. is said by
" Cheiro " to promise literary talent. Desbarolles
says it indicates deceit or " une maniere de voir
completement fausse." It may, I think, be taken
as an indication of a dramatic point of view, a
mind capable of seeing both the imaginative and
the practical aspects of thoughts and things ; the
use to be made of which would depend on the
powers and the tastes indicated elsewhere. It
generally indicates also the gift of a humorous
enjoyment of life and ideas.
A brokfn line is described by Desbarolles as
i -~
.. c

c ~
foreboding death on the scaffold in a bad hand
and signifying in a good hand ·a monal head
wountl or the head being broken by accident.
Herein he cenainly mistakes, I think, effect for
cause. It seems likely that a broken line would
indicate a reason subject to eclipse ; and this
interpretation agrees with my own experience of
such a line in hands I have been able frequently
to observe. In a bad hand it would show the
danger that moments of folly might occur, when
reason could not restrain brutal action. In a
good hand it would indicate rather a lapse of
reason in a moment of danger, which might
result in an accident. On the other hand, such
moments of strain and danger might never
occur in the lifetime of the individual. Desbarolles
says he saw the broken line on the hands of two
criminals who were hangeg ; but there certainly
are more broken lines than executions and, in any
case, no valid generalisation could be made from
only two observations.
A broken line of Reason is therefore likely to
mean that the mind, when agitated, would lose
to a greater or lesser extent the power of Reason,
or what is generally known as " presence of
mind." Persons liable to such disturbance should
avoid careers or occasions when dangerous
situations might demand instant decision. The
truth of this interpretation of a broken line might
easily be tested if a sufficient number of instances
were taken ; and if confirmed would be a useful
guide for education.
A wavy line that curves sometimes up and
sometimes down indicates a Reason that inclines
sometimes to emotional enjoyments of the
instinctive life, sometimes more to the intellectual
pleasures stimulated by intuitive feeling. Such a
wavy line appears to be the sign of a vigorous
mind and responsive nature ; but for intellectual
work and development the instinctive emotions
must be subordinated to the Reason and not
deflect it from its path.
A very strongline dominating the whole palm,
and seeming to have partly or wholly absorbed
the higher line of Intuition, so that there are
practically only two instead of three primary lines,
is a formation I have referred to in a previous
chapter as being often called " the murderer's
line," but wrongly so as I think. It indicates a very
powerful Reason which would dominate the
mind and insist on such action as it decided was
desirable in the circumstances, undeterred by
instinctive fear or intuitive sympathy. It is
obvious that such a line in a fine hand would not
indicate the possibility of brutal deeds, though it
might do so in the hand of an elementary or evilly-
disposed person.
The line joined to the othef' two primary lines is
described by Palmists as " a presage of mis-
fortune " ; and this is indeed likely to result
from such a confusion of the capacities of Instinct,
of Reason, and of Intuition. For a person whose
right hand showed the joining of the Jines, useful
advice might be given as to some congenial
pursuit that would induce the free development
of Reason. Some course of study requiring
concentrated thought would be best to advise.
In this the mind might achieve a sense of power
and well-being ; and the growth of a branch to
the line of Reason free from the entanglement
would give tangible evidence of the improve-
ment in the mind itself. I .have actually seen
such a branch develop in a hand that previously
had the three lines deeply joined; and in
this case, historical research coincided with
the growth of a free branch to the line of
I have only twice seen the three lines joined
together without any free branches, and this in
both hands. These cases were those of imbecile
children. It would be interesting to see what
proportion of insane persons have such a forma-
tion of lines in their hands ; and this would be an
investigation easy to carry out.
There is a formation sometimes called the
Suicide line, which is mostly seen on the long
thin hand known as that of the psychic type,
where it would be more or less expected. I have
not seen many hands of this type ; and when I
have seen the line on hands of what is known as
the mixed type, it has indicated what seems likely
to be its meaning, as follows.
Such a line beginningvery low downon the pad of
imagination, sometimes sloping right up to the
very centre of the base of the index finger, would
indicate the imaginative Reason of a creative
mind. This would be a very valuable asset for
an artist, but dangerous for an undeveloped or
ineffective mind, in which case its possessor might
be tormented by un-coordinated images and
become morbid. To use the Reason for some
sort of constructive effort, no matter how humble,
might relieve the over-burdened mind ; and
advice to this effect in point of fact has been
found useful.
A line beginninglow but stopping short of the
base of the index finger, or becoming merged in
the line of Instinct, shows that the Reason
would be of the imaginative kind, but without
the power of expression shown by the upward
The line of Reason deeplyjoined to the line of
Instinct seems to show that one of the two
faculties is subordinated to the other, and usually
that the instinctive impulses govern the mind.
With a strong line of Instinct, this is a quite
usual formation in the hand of a man of action ;
but for an individual desiring intellectual develop-
ment, the instinctive impulses would need to be
curbed. I have seen the t)VO lines become
separated where this discipline has been imposed.
When both lines are weak, the person is likely to
lack initiative and self-confidence.
A doubleline of Reasonis seldom seen, and its
meaning would depend on the relative position
and strength of the two lines, as well as upon the
other indications of the hand also. I can recall
only three cases. Once, in the hands of a famous
poet, I saw a second line above the ordinary one,
and near to the line of Intuition. This seemed to
me to indicate a faculty of Reason to function in
transcendental as well as in practical spheres, but
then I had already read the poet's verses. In
another case, the second line was not nearly so
strong ; and the rest of the hand showed that
49 E
there was more concern with material conditions
and practical alfairs. Still, the individual in
question had poetical power and enjoyment of
transcendental thought and feeling ; and of this
I was not aware at the time. In the third case, the
line was strongly marked but occurred in a less
cultured hand. I was somewhat at a loss for its
meaning until my subject told me that she had
lately developed the power of automatic writing.
It was a chance meeting, and I have not seen the
lady again ; or I should have been interested to
see the quality of what she wrote. The line is
certainly not always present in the hands of those
who practise automatic writing.
Spots or dents on the line I have always found a
true indication of nervous overstrain or " brain
fag," often causing headaches which are attributed
to indigestion, chills and so on ; whereas unless
the brain is rested and refreshed, there will be
no cure of the evil.
A line in " chains " shows that there are mental
troubles, the cause of which may sometimes be
deciphered in the upright lines. The indication
is, as Desbarolles says," a want of fixity of ideas,
and sometimes migraine."
Islands on the line are said by the same author
to indicate " prospects of murder, or shameful
thoughts." " Cheiro " says they are " a sign of
weakness from which, if they are strongly marked,
the person will never recover." I have not been
able to verify either of these drastic statements.
It seems more likely that " islands " indicate
some disorder of the brain that would tempor-
arily affect the Reason. If this disorder could be
foreseen, a warning of its approach might be
very useful; but I have no experience of the
mark as foreboding a future state.
An entire!Jnewposition ofthe line may present a
difficult problem for the Handreader. Consider-
ing its normal position as lying across the middle
of the palm, midway between the lines of Instinct
below and of Intuition above, any deviation to
a higher or lower position of the line of Reason
may, roughly speaking, be construed as indicating
a mind absorbed either in the material affairs of
life or the emotional feelings and desires if it is
set low. If running high and near the base of
the fingers, intellectual interests or idealistic
feelings are indicated.
A line connectingthe two upper primary lines,
Plate VI, is said by " Cheiro " to " foreshadow
some great fascination or affection at which
moment the subject will be blind to reason and
danger." I think that the sudden realisation of a
great love is only one form in which the power
indicated by the line might function. Individuals
who have what we may regard as a pathway along
which messages from the Intuition can travel to
the Reason, would be able to obtain a quick
perception of the truth and import of many
different situations and affairs. In an elementary
hand the line might indicate a grasp of quite
simple and practical matters ; in a finer hand the
understanding might be that of intellectual truth.
In both cases the individual would feel that his
mind was inspired at times beyond its normal
perceptive power. In the very rare cases in
which I have seen such a line in hands of a fine
shape, the individuals undoubtedly possessed a
unique poise of mind, felt by other people as a
superior quality which could not be exactly
analysed, but which diffused a sense of harmon-
ious well-being and happiness to those in contact
with them.


THE third primary line, which Palmists call the

Heart Line, I renamed the line of Intuition,
because I found the meaning of " heart " so
unsuitable to the significance of the line, as
marked in the hands of people who had unusual
ones. I found that individuals who had this
line strongly marked and in a good position
high in the palm had sensitive minds of an
intellectual or idealistic nature. They invariably
had also the gift of intuition, used either for
expression in art or thought, or for the affairs
of life. Tbe only " heart " affairs marked on
the line by breaks, chains, islands, etc., were those
that caused sorrow, great disappointment, or
remorse ; and these would naturally affect the
intuitive capacity. All the sex affairs and in-
fluences of other people that affect the life are
marked either on the instinctive or imaginative
portion of the hand. This third and highest
primary line is likely to show rather the powers
of intellectual sympathy and insight ; and this
I have always found to be the case. Possibly
heart bears a different significance in these days
than when it was first adopted in Palmistry.
In Pascal's oft-quoted" The heart hath its reasons
which the reason doth not know," the word
heart is used almost in the sense in which I use
the word Intuition, as meaning an intellectual
perception rather than an instinctive feeling.
The expressions, "warm- hearted,'' "heart
affairs,'' etc., place the word heart in a different
category. Reading, in his Introductionto Meta-
physics, Bergson's definition of Intuition as "a
kind of intellectual sympathy " decided my
adoption of the name Intuition instead of Heart
for the third primary line.
A strong, clear line beginninghigh in the cleft
between the index and middle finger (Plate VI)
indicates a power of true and sympathetic feeling ;
the nearer to the index finger, the more it shows
the idealistic quality.
A good line beginning in the verycentreofthe base
of the index finger (Plate VIII) indicates in the
hand of an artist or man of thought a gift of
creative insight. In a practical hand such a line
would show the power of the mind to go " to
the very heart of the matter" --or person--<lealt
with. It is the power of gaining an intimate
knowledge of men and things that cannot as a
rule be fully grasped by the reason, but is felt
to be a sure and certain apprehension of the
A st,-ongline beginningon the bo,-de,-of the hand
belowthe base of the index finger indicates the
intuitive faculty of a teacher or ruler, and a
creative power over other minds.
A st,-ongline dippingdownto the line of Instinct
(Plate VII) shows that the intuitive faculty is
used for the affairs of life, business, politics, etc.
The way it is, or should be, used may be learnt
from the comparative strength of the fingers and
their bases, the lines of Instinct and Imagination,
and the upright or secondary lines.
A line beginninglowunde,-the middlefinge,.shows
that the intuitive faculty is not strong. Sym-
pathy and Insight would noi: then guide the mind,
but if either the Reason or the Instinct is good,
it would be the ruling power. Where all three
lines are weak and there is no outstanding power
indicated, life is likely to be ordinary though not
necessarily unhappy or useless. On the contrary,
people of such natures, being well-balanced, are
often more easily contented-that is if all the
other dispositions are normal---and can make a
happy atmosphere around them that is helpful
to more energetic minds. Luckily, such in-
dividuals are not rare ; for if everyone were a
genius or a crank the world would not be a
pleasant place to live in. Well-balanced and
harmonious natures are very valuable, if they do
not allow themselves to become cabbages.
Handreaders will find such hands less exciting
than the abnormal ones, but for study they
provide material for good practice since in them
the student must look for slight differences.
High up in the hand the line indicates that the
intuitive faculty is more concerned with idealistic
than practical affairs ; set low that it is used more
for practical interests.
Breaks in the line indicate some shock to the
sensitiveness of the mind, not only arising from
love affairs, but also from sorrows, shocks, or
other causes.
Red patcheson the line seem to indicate that the
intuition is being overwrought, or blinded by
passion. I have seen this condition of the line
when the mind was clouded by acute jealousy ;
and this may be the reason why the line has been
called that of the" heart"; but Desbarolles says
that in the hands of criminals, and especially of
parricides, the line is the colour of blood. A
mind pervaded by passion would lose the power
of intellectual insight ; and the line indicating
the faculty of Intuition would show breaks and
blotches in consequence.
The entire absenceofthe line would indicate that
the mind lacked the capacity of Intuition. In
most cases this would be a serious drawback to
other powers. When, however, the line is
simply absorbed by the line of Reason, it might,
in a good hand, indicate something in the nature
of genius. The two faculties could, so to speak,
work together ; but this meaning would only
apply where the two lines were obviously merged
in one. Where the line is entirely absent, the
want of intellectual sympathy must be reckoned
When I have seen the lines of Reason and In-
tuition linked together by branches or by definite
lines such as the marking ·called " the mystic
cross," I have always found that the individual
had, in some degree, that special gift of under-
standing which springs from some movement
within the mind itself and does not depend on
any stimulus or sensory perception.

THE thumb is a very important member of the

hand; and it gives indications of the possession
or absence of very important qualities of mind.
The truth of the association of these qualities
with the shape of the thumb can easily be ascer-
tained; for the set and size of the thumbs of many
individuals whose qualities are known can be
observed without difficulty.
The thumb represents something in the nature
of" an idea of the self" in the mind. Individuals
with big thumbs are generally dominating and
assertive of their own purpose and will. In-
dividuals with short thumbs are not as a rule
self-assertive or strong willed, though they may
be obstinate if the thumb is thick.
A large thumb set low on the hand and lying at
right angles to it when the hand is open, indicates
a strong and independent disposition somewhat
apt to go to extremes. A small thumb in this
position indicates merely an impulsive disposition.
A thumb set high on the hand and inclining
towards the fingers indicates a reserved and, if
exaggerated, an over-cautious disposition.
Adaptability is the quality shown by an
outward bend of the nail joint of the thumb.
Generosity or extravagance are often said to be
indicated by this. I think that these qualities
spring from the adaptability of the individual
to a given situation or to the needs of others ;
and danger of extravagance arises only when the
judgment is weak or the mind deranged.
A stiff joint is indicative of a reserved or
egoistic nature and a non-adaptable personality.
This would be a good formation for the thumb of
a gifted artist, but dangerous for an undeveloped
mind. In the latter case adaptability to the
opinions and needs of others would be a more
valuable quality.
A thumb that turned inwards, unless the other
indications of the hand were fine, would indicate
a lack of responsiveness that might induce
A thumb with a very strong outward bend would
indicate a nature apt to be too responsive ; and
the subject should be advised to cultivate restraint
and the delay of action till judgment has time to
direct it. Quick sympathy can hardly be con-
trolled ; but a habit of restraint can be established
in a child's education:. To learn to restrain one's
own mind is perhaps a more difficult matter.
The individual's power of Will and Judgment
is indicated by the two phalanges or joints of
the thumb.
The nature, and sometimes even the existence,
of the Will is disputed, but most people agree
there is a particular quality or power possessed
by some individuals that is generally called a
strong will. For our present purposes this
may be defined as a power of sustaining opinions
or efforts till the desired end is achieved. It is a
kind of mental energy. The strength of this in
the individual is indicated by the thickness and
length of the nail or second joint of the thumb.
The nailjoint long and also thick indicates a fine
and strong will, which will give the strength of
purpose necessary for the full development and
use of the mental powers and tastes of the
A longthin nailjoint is appropriate to the thumb
of an abstract thinker, which might not need
determination for practical purposes. A some-
what short, thick joint is more suitable in the
thumb of a manual worker, as it shows the
determination necessary for practical rather than
for intellectual interests.
I have never seen a nail joint of the thumb that
seemed too long. It would indicate a despotic
will, the use of which would depend on the
instincts, talents, tastes, and desires, which are
shown by the other lines and parts of the hand.
The nailjoint both short and thin signifies a weak
will ; and in this case any qualities or tastes
otherwise indicated must be largely discounted.
If the nail joint of a child's thumb indicated
a weakness of will and his behaviour also showed
a lack of purpose, it would be all the more
important to concentrate on the development
of any special interests and tastes shown by the
rest of the hand. Wise guidance could establish
these as habits, whereas otherwise they might
degenerate, and the mind become discontented
or futile owing to want of interests which the
unaided will was too weak to develop.
A splayed out tip to the thumb is said by
Desbarolles to be a very bad sign, indicating
violent temper and brutal or murderous acts.
The only time I have seen such a thumb was on
the hand of a mild-looking grocer's assistant.
I regarded him well for some time but could see
no other indication of brutality and I lacked the
courage to question him as to his hidden feelings
and propensities.
Thefirst phalangeorjoint of the thumb (some-
times called the second) is significant of the
individual's power of instinctive or impulsive
judgment. This differs from the power of
intellectual judgment which is shown by the
middle primary line in the palm. Judgments or
opinions of the sort indicated by the thumb are
quickly made and do not need reflection. The
individual who makes them is said " to know his
own mind " ; but he may not be able to give
the reason for his opinions.
A long thick.Jointindicates the possession of a
good judgment or " common sense " ; if very
thick there is an inclination to be obstinate.
Longandthin,the joint points to a fine power of
discrimination ; and if it is " waisted " it means
a tactful nature.
W'henshort andthick this joint shows an obstin-
ate and, if the Reason is poor, a stupid nature. If
the line of Reason is good, however, the individual
would simply be "slow in making up his mind."
A verysmalljoint compared with the rest of the
hand, or one that is badly shaped, shows a poor
instinctive judgment. Where the line of Reason
is good, this may not greatly matter ; but Reason
is a slow, deliberate process, more useful to a
man of thought than to a man of action.
The ball of the thumb is not a third phalange
but part of the hand, and the pad on it is scientific-
ally known as " the thenar eminence." It is
enclosed by the primary line of Instinct and seems
to be correlated with the part of the brain that
deals with mental processes concerned with
instinct, the emotions, and impulsive actions.
Roughly speaking, it indicates instinctive re-
actions to sensory stimuli, and the instinctive
dispositions, desires and cravings of the nature.
The sex instinct is evidently of great import-
ance ; but to call the ball of the thumb " the
mount of Venus " seems to ascribe too large a
part of the instinctive life to sex feelings and
impulses. The nature, scope and classification
of the instincts is much disputed by modern
psychologists ; but we may define an instinct
for our present purposes as any disposition to
feel and act spontaneously in certain definite
ways without reflection or reasoned decision-
often, indeed, in spite of them. The behaviour
which issues from the instinctive dispositions
shows purposefulness, for it is generally service-
able to the creature, or its kind, and looks as if it
were guided by intelligence.
When the base of the thumb is very large and full
compared with the rest of the hand, it indicates
strong instinctive dispositions, the power of
enjoyment, the love of beauty in nature and in
art, especially music-in short a pleasure-loving
A full and soft pad indicates a nature that cares
for sensuous enjoyments rather than practical
activities ; and, if the fullness is mostly on the
middle of the pad, sex is likely to play a large
part in the person's life. When such fullness is
observed on the outer side, it shows an affection-
ate and sociable or philanthropic nature, rather
than an emphasis on sex. Wben it is mostly on
the part just under the index finger, it denotes
a strong combative instinct. The subject dis-
playing fullness here would be likely to be " up
against " people and usually accepted ideas.
This is a dangerous attitude to life ; but it can
be countered by a habit of calm reflection and the
cultivation of a sense of humour. To be able
to hold your own, however, is very useful in
important matters.
A hard thin pad indicates a nature not greatly
concerned with love or sex or the enjoyment of
sensuous pleasures.
Hard andfull, it is a sign of a love of practical,
energetic and emotional interests rather than of
A squareonthepad is said to indicate danger of
imprisonment or detention in a hospital, and I
have seen it and interpreted it correctly as an
indication of the latter.
The ball ofthe thumb is often covered with fine
lines which show, I think, unsatisfied desires,
and a restless, impulsive mind. When there are
only a few fine lines here, the nature finds interest
in serious pursuits or is a cold and indifferent
I have not paid attention to the lines on the
ball of the thumb unless they cross the line of
Instinct. When this happens, their significance
is to be noted by the point at which they touch
or cross other lines, which will be dealt with
later on.
I understand that some professional Palmists
pay great attention to this part of the hand, and
" Cheiro " says the Hindus and Gipsies base
their calculations largely on it. I fancy the
concentration of a Palmist's attention on this
portion of the hand, which is, we assume, corre-
lated with the instinctive part of one's mental
make up, would be most favourable for the
reception of telepathic impressions. In any
case, further consideration of the lines and marks
e,n the ball of the thumb would be interesting.
6j F


THE index finger is the finger of authority. How

often in our childhood an upright index finger
has emphasized a warning to us or, held straight
out, pointed a direction with authoritative, and
almost hypnotic power.
This finger was aptly named after Jupiter,
the chief of the Roman gods ; for it represents
the aspirations and ambitions of the intellect
and is certainly a most powerful member of the
hand, though the thumb may perhaps be the
most useful. These two are the only fingers
that normally can be held erect apart from the
The mound at the base of the finger is im-
portant ; it seems to be correlated with the
initiation of new thoughts and efforts (mental
creativeness) and a desire for personal supremacy.
I have more often seen new lines appear on this
mound than on any other part of the hand.
Generally these new lines are branches from the
lines of Reason and Intuition, which I think
indicates that either the thoughts or feelings of
the mind are striving for expression in some
de£nite form. The length and proportions of
the finger itself would give one some idea of
the direction in which the striving proceeds.
Strangely enough, these lines have often appeared
before the individuals possessing them were
aware that their minds were stretching out
towards some de£nite achievement ; but when
the lines and their meaning have been pointed
out, they realised for the first time this new push
of their natures. I feel that this realisation is
of value, and have accordingly given special
attention to the meaning of lines and marks on
the base of the index finger.
A long,powerfulindexfingerwith afull basein a
good well-shaped hand, indicates a leader or an
initiator in thought or action. If the nail
phalange is the most developed, the leadership
will be possibly in ethics or some ideal thought.
Should the middle phalange dominate, the person
might excel in science or art. The first phalange
(next the hand) indicates initiation or leadership
in practical affairs.
A strong finger with a flat base shows a proud
and ambitious nature with power for action rather
than for ideas ; but the primary lines and the
thumb must always be considered in determin-
ing the direction which the ambition would
A longthinfinger indicates a mind interested in
new ideas, though without the power or ambition
to influence others.
A shortfingerwith a flat base points to a lack of
ambition or of interest in creative ideas. With a
full base it shows a mind that enjoys new ideas
of other people ; and in a practical hand it goes
with a love of Nature and outdoor life.
A stumpyfingermeans pride without ambition ;
and with a flat base it means a lack of interest in
The most usual length for the finger nowadays
is slightly shorter than the ring finger. Dr.
Vaschide says "le canon de la beaute parfaite des
mains " is for the index finger to be longer than
the ring finger (this is shown in Plate II, the most
beautiful hand I have seen, also in Plate VI) ;
but in an examination of the hands of a hundred
French women he found that only ten per cent.
had the index finger longer than, and six per cent.
of equal length with, the ring finger. Men had
an even less proportion, and my experience
coincides with his. In old pictures of beautiful
women I have noticed that the hand is always
painted with a long index finger, which certainly
gives it an elegant appearance ; but I think we
may consider an almost equal length of the two
fingers as normal and a much longer or shorter
index finger as significant.
Desbarolles insists that a cross attached to a
star on the· base of the index finger indicates an
important marriage, because he bas so frequently
seen these marks on the hands of women who
had married grandees or very rich men. It
seems more likely that these marks indicate
something in the nature of mental activity in the
initiation of new ideas or ambitious projects. In
the case of some women, these can only be ful-
filled by a prosperous marriage ; but this would
only be a means to their end of aggrandisement.
A woman who had intt:llectual or artistic gifts
could attain power through her talents, and would
be likely to have the same mark ; which I think
promises success because it indicates a strength of
purpose to achieve expression for a dominating
personality. The wives of many famous men
have no such mark in their hands. I remember
to have seen it only in one case ; and then it
seemed to show the ambition of the nature rather
than the marriage.
A cross aloneDesbarolles says indicates "a love
marriage, often a happy one."
A star alone is a sign of unexpected honours
and satisfied ambition, according to the same
A trianglemeans success in diplomatic organisa-
tion, arrangement or invention. This I have
frequently seen as a sign that the mind had an
unusual gift for successful organisation of social
or commercial affairs.
A square points to preservation from the
danger of overweening pride and ambition.
A spear head indicates political ambition and
aptitude; and this curious mark is clearly visible
in the print of Gladstone's hand given in
" Cheiro's " book. I saw a similar mark on the
hands of a clever young man, Plate VIII, of whose
political ambitions I was unaware before I had
read his hands.
A trident in the centre of the base of the finger
indicates that great success will be won thtough
the magnetic power of the personality over other
people. Only once have I seen the Trident clearly
and perfectly formed. The owner of this rare
mark was a famous man ; and his friends told
me they had never before heard his peculiar
quality so well described. A Trident not perfectly
formed would still indicate magnetic power in a
lesser degree; and this I have several times found
a true indication. The power itself is unmistak-
able though it is difficult to analyse.


THE middle finger, the ring finger, and the little

finger, called respectively Saturn, Apollo and
Mercury in the old systems, give indications of
the inherited dispositions and tastes of the mind.
If the hand is held out with the fingers fully
extended, their comparative length and size can
be easily noted. A wide space between the index
and middle fingers is said to show independence
of thought, or between the ring and little fingers,
independence of action. I am not sure that these
indications can be relied on, but when the trend
of the mind is otherwise doubtfully shown, they
may be useful supplements to other indications.
A strongmiddlefingerindicates in a good hand
a religious or studious disposition. In a weak
hand these might degenerate into superstition or
A small middlefinger would show a lack of
interest in deep or serious subjects, and in a weak
A crook,d middle finger indicates an evil dis-
position or imbecility.
A strong ring finger (Plates VIII and IX), long
and well proportioned, in a good hand indicates
a joyous disposition, a love of beauty in art and
life, and, together with a full base, a power of
artistic expression ; but if the hand is weak and
the indications of intellect poor, the disposition
may be of a frivolous nature. A thick :first
phalange-next the hand-indicates a love of
sensuous beauty ; the second one shows a love
of nature or science. The nail phalange, if
strong, shows a love of abstract or ideal beauty ;
and generally, with a full base, it is a mark of the
disposition of a poet or painter.
A long thin finger is said to show a love of
society and frequently a gambling disposition ;
but I have not verified this.
When the base ofthe ring finger is full just under
the finger itself, it indicates a love of colour and
harmony in art ; if however it inclines towards
the middle finger it shows more studious tastes.
In the cleft towards the little finger, a practical
use of the sense of colour and harmony in the
affairs of life is indicated.
An important little finger (called Mercury)
(Plate VII), indicates generally a man of affairs,
such as finance, politics or business. When very
long it is said to indicate an orator ; and a print
of Gladstone's hand shows the little finger nearly
as long as the ring finger. I have always found
a power of speaking well in public associated with
a little finger even slightly longer than usual, but
so far I have not seen the hand of a potential
The baseof the littlefingergives some idea of the
organising power of the individual. When
large, full and square-set to the finger, a strong
and practical businesslike ability is indicated.
Sloping down, towards the outer border of
the hand, the power of organising would be for
social affairs, to do with people rather than with
Two deep, perpendicular lines on the base of
the little finger are said to indicate "a good
Doctor or a good Nurse." Oever doctors
sometimes have these lines and sometimes
do not. I have more often seen them on
the hands of good nurses. I do not remember
seeing them except on the hands of those
engaged in some form of medical or social
Thefirst phalangeof the littlefingerwhen long and
thick shows ability for co=erce ; the second
phalange points to scientific tastes ; and the nail
phalange, if unusually long and thick, indicates
inventive ability, the value and success of which
will depend on the other powers of the mind.


THE imaginative powers of the mind seem to be

correlated with the ulnar border of the hand, or
the portion termed by anatomists the hypothenar
eminence, which extends from the wrist to the
base of the little finger. Palmists call it the
" Mount of Luna " ; but since they all agree
that it represents the imagination, let us discard
the term " Luna," as well as " hypothenar," and
speak of the eminence of Imagination.
A full, firm eminenceindicates that the imagina-
tion is strong and active, and that it forms a good
counterpart to the instinctive tendencies shown
by a good base of the thumb. This balance is
most important. The whole base of the hand, as
we have seen, is composed of the two portions
that represent for us Instinct and Imagination.
Both are needed in right proportions as a basis
for the full development of the mental capacities.
A human being without Imagination might not
attain to full intellectual power, though possibly
he might be " intelligent " and purposeful by
reason of his instinctive energy. Without the
driving power of instinct, the Imagination lacks
force and incentive. Accordingly, when indica-
tions of a fine Imagination are observed, look
also to see whether it is well balanced by a good
The part near the wrist may be termed primitive
Imagination. If strong and full and square-set
to the wrist, it denotes perseverance ; but if flat
and sloping away towards the wrist it shows a
lack of that quality. The mind is apparently
unable to hold the image of the desired act long
enough for it to be carried out without difficulty.
The middle portion of the eminence indicates
reflective or constructive Imagination, which is
important in connection with a good line of
Reason. Great fullness in this portion, when it
is almost a cushion of soft tissue, denotes strong
moods which give great power to constructive
ideas. To a certain degree, moodiness can
replace perseverance when this is lacking. When
in the mood the individual can do great things ;
but power goes when the mood changes, for the
idea supporting and nourishing it has faded.
The part of the eminencejust under the line of
Intuition Palmists call the " Mount of Mars." I
think it represents rather the power of Imagina-
tion to give courage and self-control to the mind,
both in physical and mental difficulties, so that
an ideal of conduct can be firmly held in such a
way as to dominate instinctive impulses and fears.
I have always found this portion of the eminence,
when both full and firm, to be associated with
the power of self-control. " Cheiro " also con-
siders that it indicates " Passive courage, resigna-
tion and strength of resistance against wrong " ;
but to my mind these are included under the
meaning of self-control, which, as we have said,
is induced by the power of a fine imagination.
A full but soft and flabby eminence indicates a
sensuous Imagination which would be a danger
except in a person of strong intellect.
A thin, hardeminence shows a poor Imagination.
In a very fine hand this might be compensated by
an unusually good line of Intuition,
A heal!Jline across the lower part of the emin-
ence, I conclude, is an indication of something in
the nature of an inherited scar or obsession of the
mind for drink or drugs. There is always a
danger for persons exhibiting such a line that the
temptation will crop up in the life of the
individual ; but from what I have been often told,
this may be of the nature of a passing thought
only and always seems alien to the personality
even if indulged in for a time.
Unes across what is called the percussion or
outside edge of the hand that come on to the
eminence, are said to indicate voyages. I think
a change, or a new point of view, is a better
description of their meaning. This is, of course,
frequently coincident with a voyage, but may
equally well be the result of reading a clever
book, or meeting a striking personality, or any
other mental stimulus. The more of these the
better if they stir the imagination to new ideas
and activities.


THE shape of the hand does not show to what

profession or occupation the individual belongs,
but indicates the inherited dispositions and
general tendency of the mind to be elementary,
or practical, or enterprising, or studious, or
artistic, or sensitive, or a blend of all six, which
it usually is.
Palmists generally ascribe so many meanings
to each of the different shapes of the hand that
the result is extremely confusing. The whole
nature and power of the mind cannot be gathered
from the shape alone. Indeed this is often
misleading as to the intellectual capacities ; for,
if the indications of these are unusually good, they
can override the limitations of the inherited
Hands are divided into seven types by
D'Arpentigny, as follows:-
I. The elementary, or lowest type of hand
(Plate V).
II. The sqllilre, or useful hand (Plate XII).
III. The spatulate, or active type (Plate IV).
IV. The knotty, or philosophic hand.
V. The conic, or artistic type (Plate XI).
VI. The psychic, or idealistic hand (Plate VI).
VII. The mixed hand.
I have never seen hands that belonged entirely
to any one type except the mixed. One finger
may be conic, another spatulate, and so on.
However, the. hand, as a whole, generally shows
a predominating tendency towards one " pure "
type or another.
Unless there is some unusual feature or some
problem of the mind to be solved, I do not think
it is necessary greatly to consider the shape of
the hand. It is, however, important to remember
that strong, clear, upright lines are less significant
in long, thin hands of the psychic or the artistic
type than in square or spatulate hands. The
psychic type especially has very deep, upright
lines as a rule. I think the term " psychic " is
not well suited to the long, thin hand, for the
word is associated with Spiritualism and occult
interests, whereas the particular tendencies associ-
ated with hands of this type are those of an
inquiring and sensitive mind, useful for any
pursuit or professsion for which the individual
81 G
is otherwise fitted. Lawyers, scientists, doctors
--even pickpockets-may all have "psychic
hands," but it is unusual for artists to have this
shape ; though, indeed, art seems to have a
greater variety of minds engaged in her service
than there are in any other profession. The
genius of artists is shown mote by the lines than
by the shape of their hands, which are sometimes
conic, or square, or spatulate, and sometimes
even of the knotty type.
A spatulatepalm is a helpful indication of an
enterprising mind. If the spatuiate part (or
greater width) is at the base of the hand (Plates IV
and VII), the individual is likely to be enterprising
in the active and practical affairs of!ife or business.
If the greater width is across the base of the fingers
(Plate VIII), enterprise would mote likely be in
art or intellectual interests.
Spatulatefingertips also indicate an enterprising
disposition and an original way of regarding
things. I think it fat better to allot only those
two meanings to the spread-out of the finger tips,
and let the other parts of the hand yield each its
own significance. The disposition to regard
everything in an original way, indicated by the
spatulate finger tips, could be used in any
avocation for which the individual was fitted,
but it would not indicate his particular way of
life, or vocation.
Very squarefinger tips with broad nails show a
critical disposition.
Squarefinger tips with long or almond-shaped
nails indicate a sensible, good-tempered dis-
Conicor roundedfinger tips show an artistic or
pleasure-loving disposition.
Pointedfingertips refer to a refined and, if long,
to an idealistic disposition. If they are very short
it is an indication of frivolity.
Flexible fingers show an impressionable dis-
position and, if very flexible- almost to the point
of being double-jointed- the indication is that
of a mind so easily dominated by the impression
of the moment that it is unstable. However, if
the will is developed and strong enough to resist
the over-dominance of the feeling of the moment
(and this can generally be effected) the impression-
able personality can also be a very charming
Stiff fingersindicate a reserved, sometimes even
a hard or cruel disposition. Individuals with stiff
£ngers cannot respond easily to the feeling of the
moment ; though an otherwise good hand might
snow £ne qualities, reserve would be likely to
hide them. Gracious manners should certainly
be cultivated by such people in order to do them-
selves justice. Modification of an over-reserved
and also too impressionable nature can certainly
be effected by the average individual who has
inherited and not formed these dispositions ; but
such discipline should be begun early in life,
although practicable at any time.
Naturallycrookedfingers(not due to rheumatism)
on a bad or weak hand are said to point to evil
dispositions and, on a good hand, to quizzical
and irritating tendencies.
I have often found a crooked little finger a sign
of contrariness, sometimes even perversity. To
be aware that this little demon of a tendency is
part of their inherited nature helps individuals
first to recognise, then to laugh at, and finally
to suppress the malign efforts of the imp to
frustrate not only other people's wishes but
even their own desires.
The nails provide very clear evidence of the
state of the nerves and could often give a useful
warning that they are being over-tried and need
rest and refreshment. It is so easy to say " don't
worry " ; but if the skin round the nails is
breaking or splitting it is usually due to over-
fussing, and this is as detrimental to the mind as
it is to the nails. Unless matters are improved
and peace is restored to the mind, the nails them-
selves will in time show splits and break easily
at the edges. This means a really serious over-
strain or weakness, and medical consultation
would be advisable.
From what I have seen, read, and heard of the
diagnosis of disease from the shape of the hand
and the nails, I feel confident that it is a great
mistake to attempt it. Doctors already have far
more accurate sources of information at their
disposal and, I believe, know the indications
given by the nails, which they find helpful in
some cases. In the present state of our know-
ledge all matters relating to organic diseases and
to health are best left to medical men. Let
Handreaders concentrate on the analysis of the
mental characteristics, an~ the possibility of the
moral and intellectual development of the
personality. This may assist the physical
health also, for the power and purpose of
the mind when aroused to full activity infuses
a sense of well-being throughout the whole
Temperament is indicated by the formation and
cushions of the palm. I give in parallel columns
,he descriptions and their indications.
De,cripllon. Indication.
A firm and well covered palm. A quick, cheerful tempera-
A soft and well covered palm. An indolent temperament.
A very soft and very thick A sensual temperament.
A hard, well covered palm. An energetic temperament.
A thin and hard palm. A cold and restless tem-
A thin and soft palm. A lethargic temperament.
Criss-crossed with fine lines. An irritable or worrying

A hollowpalm is said to indicate misfortune,

and this seems to be true. The Jack of joyous
experience may affect the bodily tissue and cause
"hollowness " ; though this may seem a far-
fetched explanation.
Temperament is often blamed for excesses of
all sorts ; and, if a person is judged by the signs
to be very " temperamental," the Handreader
must consider it as a possible hindrance to the
success of the ambitions. Unless the palm,
however, is very unusually thick, or soft, or hard,
it really needs on! y a passing glance.
" Cheiro " affirms that large hands generally
do very fine work and love great detail. Small
hands, on the contrary, prefer to carry out large
ideas and dislike detail. I have not given enough
attention to the shape of hands to have an opinion
as to the truth of this statement, nor have I read
D' Arpentigny's book on the subject. Now that
photography makes a large collection of hand-
prints possible for comparison and analysis, the
study of the shape and markings of hands on a
sufficiently scientific wide scale might be under-
taken with great advantage. The truth and value
of Palmistty could thus be thoroughly tested.

THE fascination of deciphering the plan of the

future is attached to the secondary or upright
lines in the palm. This is not fortune telling,
Though otherwise inaccessible to observation,
the purposeful pattern of the organism, or the
dream of the mind for the fruition of its powers,
seems to be unfolded in the upright lines of the
hand. As it is improbable that all the chances of
life which must be encountered can be foreseen,
the future of the individual cannot be confidently
predicted. Yet a strong personality is not easily
frustrated by circumstance. A good thumb and
clear, strong, upright lines betoken a firmness
of purpose which, in spite of all obstacles, may
fulfil the vision of the mind.
Of the two principal upright lines, Palmists
call one that of " Fate " and the other that of
"Apollo," or Fortune, or the line of the Sun.
This latter line I have renamed " Personality " ;




.\. The 1::1te JinL

B. The line llf Personality
Poin1~µiYc :ipproximalcJatcs. The <il!L' run~ d1,ii·1; the ln~tinn line anJ 11p the
Fate line
as it clearly seems to portray the development
of the inner self or ego and its expression in art
or life. The Fate line I called for some time the
line of " Environment," which better describes
its significance; but Environment is a tiresome
word and in any case is Fate unless conquered by
the personality. I have accordingly reverted to
the use of the term Fate for the central upright
In the beginning of my study I was puzzled
by the inappropriateness of the meanings assigned
by Desbarolles and also by " Cheiro " to a strong
line of Fate, and also by the significance they
attached to the absence of the line. My own
experience so often showed both meanings to be
entirely wrong. A strong line of Fate, they aver,
going unbroken from the wrist to the base of
the middle finger, indicate~ " extreme good for-
tune and success." Now I frequently found such
lines in the hands of poor and unfortunate people.
It is true that I also saw such lines in the hands of
rich people, but they were not always happy.
On the contrary, they were often discontented
or bored with life, and one cannot call that
"great good fortune and success."
Moreover, the absence of the line, Desbarolles
says, is the sign of an insignificant existence. I
have found, on the contrary, that highly gifted
persons with successful careers exhibited little
or no line of Fate. In their case it was
often entirely supplanted by the line of
Personality, which then ruled the palm as the
chief line.
My own conclusions are that we may regard
the line of Fate as representing the outer cir-
cumstances of life which have either been
inherited or provided by others. If these are
agreeable they may absorb all the interest and
energy of the mind ; while if unsatisfactory they
may cause hardship or discontent. In any case,
they represent Fate and they can only be changed
by such an effort of the personality to assert its
own independence that environment will cease
to dominate the life or to dictate its interests,
Probably the fashionable folk who visited Des-
barolles and " Cheiro " were mostly people well
satis.fied with the inherited positions and riches
indicated by their sttong lines of Fate, and so
misled the Palmists as to the bed-rock meaning
of the line. Little or no line of Fate means, I
think, that the mind and life are open to other
influences than those forced on individuals by
inherited circumstances. Without personal gifts
or powers of any sort (which is unusual) there
might not be what is understood by success.
But life is generally interesting, and the Hand-
reader need not regret the absence of the
The line of Fate usually commences from or
near to the wrist, and is strongest in the early
portion when the child is entirely compassed
by the home influences. If the line persists
strong and unbroken this early influence of the
environment continues ; and, unless there is a
still stronger line of Personality, the mental life
is restricted by material conditions. These may
be either those of great riches or those of great
poverty, and who shall say which is the most
formidable obstacle to the growth of a free
personality ?
A strongline ofFate going unbroken right up
to the middle finger (Plate XI) would indicate
that worldly cares or family ties are likely to be
the chief concern of the mind throughout life.
This does not, of course, by any means preclude
happiness, or misery, or the enjoyment of
intellectual and artistic pursuits ; but it does
indicate that the latter will be subordinated to
what is well expressed as " life."
A line stoppingbelowthe line ofReasonindicates
the breaking away from early environment.
Usually in such a case a new line then begins,
which indicates rather the individual's own
choice, and if the new line begins before the
other leaves off, the change is one towards better
A new line that comes from Imagination, and
either supplants or closely accompanies the line
of Fate (Plate III), generally indicates a happy
and prosperous marriage. It may mean a friend-
ship or companionship only, but it is always a
sign of a good and helpful influence in one's life.
I have very frequently seen this line in the hands
of girls who afterwards made happy marriages,
which I conclude were largely brought about by
the imaginative wish of their minds, marriage
being, as it were, their vocation.
Lines that approachfrom the line ofImagination
but do not break or continue alongside the Fate
line, indicate engagements or influences that do
not continue. A line that breaks the Fate line
and then stops abruptly, seems to indicate some
misfortune to the love affair, or a shock caused
by death or accident.
Lines crossing the Fate line, running across
that of Instinct from the base of the thumb
(Plate III), show the sex desires and influences
that affect one's life. They are seldom good or
helpful indications, as they more often cross the
line with a downward slope. This appears to
be always a sign of adverse influence ; but, if
the line turns upwards after crossing the line
of Fate, and runs towards the little finger, it
may indicate a happy marriage, the foundation
of which will be that of an instinctive urge, or
sensuous love, rather than the more ideal love
shown if the line should originate from the
eminence of Imagination.
Continuationsof the Fate line are, I think,
better named lines of Initiative (Plate IV). They
are lines springing from the line of Instinct, and
if strong, always indicate a new and successful
achievement on the part of the individual, won
by his personal merit ; and this is distinctly not
due to Fate or the influence of others. I have
often seen such lines conectly indicating the
time when the individual launched out on his
own. Even if the central Fate line continues
as the strongest line, and there is only a thin
thread of the line of Initiative, it indicates that
there has been, or will be, a strong instinctive
urge to some enterprise, of the nature and origin
of which the individual is often not fully
conscious. These lines seem to represent the
striving of the whole instinctive nature to
express its purpose and power through conscious
The line of Initiative tendingtowards the Index
Finger, in an artistic hand, would indicate new
creative freedom and power. In a practical hand,
it would mean successful ambition in the pursuit
engaged in. If the line goes towards any of the
other fingers, success would be won in the
interests they represent.
Break.sin the line ofFate indicate changes in the
environment and are nearly always good, more
especially if a good line begins before the old one
leaves off. A line made up of a number of little
breaks shows a continuous change for the better,
what Desbarolles describes as " une echelle pour
Islandsonthelinealways point to trouble of some
sort, though Desbarolles says they may indicate
" bonheur par l'adultere." "Cheiro" thinks
islands are marks of misfortune, loss or adversity.
My own experience suggests that the environ-
ment is, so to speak, " split " either by love or
disgrace, or both. The island expresses this
dividing of the mental life between different
interests, or two streams of conscious contact
with circumstances. I have often seen these
curious " islands " as true indications of some
trouble in the past ; but I have not seen them as
coming in the future. The lines that form them
sometimes fade when the time of stress is over,
and sometimes remain for many years. I have
never seen one that was not a true mark of past
trouble of some sort at the date indicated.
Squares on the line are said to be marks of
preservation from danger of some sort. I am
still greatly puzzled by these " squares " ; they
have been so invariably true as signs that the
mind has received some sudden illumination or
help in dangers of various sorts. Those occurring
on or near the line of Fate have in my experience
meant that anxieties caused by moral difficulties,
or financial losses, have been unexpectedly
removed. Sometimes at the last moment a way
out has been revealed.
Crosseson the line I have-never seen; but the
meaning of little lines that cross it depends on
the place from which they come and where they
end. Coming from the line of Instinct and just
touching the line of Fate, they are generally
indications of interference in material affairs,
usually caused by relations. Such lines show
that one's life is too easily affected by impulsive
thoughts and feelings. It is extremely hard for
some natures to curb these ; but I have been
told that being made aware that one would gain
happiness by the effort to do so has helped to
good results, and life has become less fretted by
the interference of other people.


Tms line has been called that of Apollo, the line

of Fortune, and sometimes the Sun line ; but
none of these names helps to elucidate or express
its meaning. It seems to represent the personal
ideas or the spirit of the individual ; and this
inner power of the mind is best conveyed, I
think, by the word Personality.
A strong line dominating the palm indicates
the success of the imaginative self and desires,
whether for artistic expression or for love, or
fame, or riches, or power: A poor artist in a
garret who had succeeded in expressing his art
to his own satisfaction, might well have this
strong line of Personality, while it might be
absent from the hand of a famous man who had
not achieved his personal ideal.
If the line of Personality is less strong than the
Fate line (Plate XI), there is a danger that the
material affairs of life, or possibly ill-health,
will prevent the full expression of the personality,
97 H
and a sense of being thwarted by Fate will inter-
vene and endanger the contentment of the mind.
There seems generally to be some sort of
antagonism or struggle for supremacy between
the two, the ego and its circumstances, signified
by the two lines of Fate and of Personality. It
is natural enough- seeing that throughout the
world of the living, the individual has to struggle
with the environment- that there should also
be a struggle in the very centre of conscious life-
the human mind. On the whole, I conclude
that it is a good indication that the line of Fate
should be stronger at the base of the hand than
the line of Personality ; for I have often seen it
so marked in the hands of clever and successful
people. As a rule, a strong line of this kind is
broken before it reaches the line of Reason ; and
the line of Personality supplants it as the chief
upright line in the hand. I have been told by
some whose hands I have read that this exactly
represents the past development of their lives.
Being talented men and women, they had chafed
at the restrictions of their early circumstances
(environment) ; and about the date indicated
had been able to override them and assert their
own personal aims. In considering the past,
they agreed that it was a good thing they had
been held back as it were from an impetuous start
in early life. Therefore we may perhaps regard
a strong beginning of the Fate line as in all
probability a good sign, unless it continues to
indicate a thwarting of the personal development
beyond the line of Reason.
The line of Personality,beginningin or near the
eminenceof Imagination, as it generally does,
indicates that the personality is built up on the
imaginative ideas of the self or ego and not on
the dictates of others or the circumstances of life.
A good line tendingtowardsa strongindex finger
shows a desire for power or fame, and the promise
of success.
Tending towards the middlefinger it points to
success in the pursuit of _intellectual studies, or
of material affairs.
Tendingtowardsthe ringfingerit is an indication
of success in Art, in a talented hand ; or of riches
and social success in a practical or a materialistic
hand. It may mean a love marriage in an
idealistic hand ; more especially if there are two
lines running side by side and uncrossed.
Tendingtowards the little finger it is a sign of
success in science, business or politics. A good
line running towards one finger with a branch
line to another would show the desire of the self
for the success of both the abilities indicated.
Thus the print of Gladstone's hand in" Cheiro's "
book shows the line of Personality going
towards the index finger (desire for power and
leadership) with a strong branch towards the
little finger (success in politics).
A line of Personalitybeginning in or near the Fate
line is unusual. It shows that the force of
circumstances, and not the imagination, directs
the first beginning of the personal development.
A good, clear line promises that this will turn
out well.
The line beginningsomewhat late might mean
discouragement to an ardent young spirit, but
the line may always grow down. I have several
times seen this happen. A good, clear, but late
line is a promise that the personality will achieve
its own power and expression of itself; and that is
really the important thing ; indeed, the power is
already there and may be achieved at a much
earlier date than apparently indicated. But the
line should be uncrossed in order that one should
have a complete assurance that the joy of full
expression will be achieved. If there is a strong
line with a finer line crossing it, there is some
threat to final achievement ; and the individual
showing this crossing should be advised to
consider well and carefully whether there is not
some obstacle that should be overcome-some
weakness of love, perhaps, or denial of sacrifice,
some inertness or lack of courage. Twice I
have seen such lines fade out and together with
their obliteration I have noted a success achieved
when it had formerly seemed even more than
doubtful. Handreading, in one case, by pointing
to a danger, enabled the subject to overcome it.
The entire absence of this line need not cause
despair in a mind desiring to be, and to express,
its ideal self. A woman's hands which I have
seen from time to time during the last twenty
years, at one time had no line of Personality at
all. A hollow palm in this case was a sign of
misfortune, which was bravely borne, though
there seemed no hope of alleviation or chance
for her self-development. · Gradually, however,
a line of personal success grew, later on became
more and more marked, and of late this person
has certainly achieved full self-expression and
success. After this experience I should consider
no hand whatever destitute of all possibility of
growing new lines of promise and success.
Several small lines instead of one strongly
marked one show a personality that has many
different ways of expressing itself, though it may
perhaps be lacking in power in any one direction
because of its many interests.
A line madeup oflittle piecesbut going steadily
up the hand shows that the personality is built
up more because of outside influences than by
reason of a dominating idea of the self. If each
new little line begins before the previous one
ends, it shows enhancement of personality and
success. We have already considered the lines
of Initiative, which run up the palm from the
line of Instinct. These lines also indicate per-
sonal achievement ; but the fact that they start
from a line indicative of an instinctive impulse
instead of an imaginative idea, shows that
personal achievement may have different origins.
I have frequently seen such little lines continuing
an unbroken beginning, and indicative of the
future; and in one or two cases when the time
came the individuals did in fact begin some
career, or some new venture in a career, without
fully realising how or why they were acting,
though they were conscious of a vague sort of
compulsion. But the line of Personality generally
springs from the eminence of Imagination, and
it represents the conscious wish or desire of the
person to find expression in a certain definite
way. Though often baffied or retarded by cir-
cumstances for a time, the ideal is generally
achieved, provided this line is well marked.
The nature of Personality is a controversial
matter which is greatly disputed, especially in
respect of the possibility of its development
beyond the inherited constitution by force of
will, or intellect. I may accordingly be wrong
in so naming this line. But during many years
I have observed its meaning and its growth in
the hands of individuals who undoubtedly
possessed the peculiar quality of mind generally
described as Personality ; and I feel sure that
there is some justification for my use of the


" CHEIRO" describes the line of Health

(Plate XII) as running down the hand from the
base of the little finger to the line of Instinct,
predicting death at the point where the two lines
meet. Desbarolles, on the contrary, describes
the line as going up the hand ; but he attaches
such a superfluity of meanings to a long line-
viz., " good health, rich blood, harmony of the
fluids, a grand memory, a good conscience,
probity, and success in affairs "-that he is hardly
to be regarded as a sane and balanced critic
of the evidence that may reasonably be deduced
from the line of Health. Good health may go
with virtue ; but there are also healthy villains
in the world.
" Cheiro's " description is more lucid and
reasonable; but, as I have always felt that
Handreaders should not be greatly concerned
with predictions regarding the physical health of
the individual, I have not studied the line and its
significance, and so must refer the student to
" Cheiro's " book. Entirely to neglect the line,
however, is certainly unwise, for it occupies a
prominent position in many hands.
The line ofSensitiveness. This line Palmists call
"the girdle of Venus," and they generally des-
cribe it as indicating debauchery. "Cheiro"
thinks this a mistake, and I agree with him ;
though I am of opinion that he also gives it too
great a significance as indicating an unbalanced
or hysterical nature. It would have this meaning
only in a very weak or dissolute hand, where it
is most unlikely to be found. I have more often
seen it in the hands of musicians than of any other
artists ; indeed I cannot remember ever having
seen a complete line on any but a musical hand,
though parts of the line (the beginning and the
end) are frequently seen on hands of every sort
and shape.
The line ofSensitivenessbeginsin the cleft between
the index and middle fingers (Plate XII), and
when completely formed is a semicircle ending
near the base of the little finger. It indicates,
when the line is clear, a very sensitive mind. In
a well-balanced hand this would be a wholly
good and useful indication. In a sensuous hand
it might imply extra powers of enjoyment, and
possibly might lead to excess of sensual pleasures
of an artistic sort, but not to what is generally
understood by debauchery ; for this would be
indicated by an over-soft and over-developed
eminence of Instinct. This is very unlikely to
be found in the same hand as the line of
In a weak hand the line would be likely to
indicate overstrung nervous sensitivity. In the
character indicated by a square or practical hand
such extra sensitiveness would be useful. Should
there be a good line of Sensitiveness in the hands
of a child who shows also artistic tendencies,
it would be well to suggest that every opportunity
of developing musical tastes and skill should be
given to, but not forced on, him.
The Marriagelines (Plate XII). I have found
the current interpretations of these so hopelessly
wrong that I do not pay any attention to them,
except sometimes for the sake of curiosity. They
certainly must have some meaning ; but it is
strange that all Palmists quote them so confidently
as indicating marriage.
The lines supposed to indicate children, too,
are nearly always wrongly interpreted. I have
long since given up telling maiden ladies how
many marriages and children they have had ;
though I remember one charming old maid being
delighted at the idea that, but for her maidenly
pride and reserve, she would have been married
twice and have had five children.
The Ring of Solomonforms a semicircle on the
base of the index finger. This is another dis-
appointing line. I have never seen it where it
could possibly be:. construed as indicating an
"Occult Master." Among the hand prints in
"Cheiro's " book, the only one that shows a
strong ring of Solomon is the hand of William
Whiteley ; and there it shows what I believe to
be the real significance of the line, namely, a
power of ruling and influencing other people.
The " Occult Masters " probably possessed this
power in an unusual degree and were careful to
cultivate it ; but it is a mistake to associate the
line with any occult or visionary gifts.
Power of obtaining_ the abstract knowledge
of the philosopher, the Vision of the Absolute,
or the Mystic Union, would be indicated by the
lines of Reason and Intuition, and especially by
the formation called by Palmists the Mystic
Cross, which is dealt with in the next chapter.
The lineof Clairvoyance (Plate III). Palmists call
this line that of Intuition,but no other name than
this is possible for the third primary line ; and,
having so used it, a new name has to be found for
this one. After a special search for individuals
who had such a line clearly marked in their
hands, and a good deal of study of whatever
unusual gifts they undoubtedly possessed, as
well as much reading of normal and abnormal
psychology, it was clear to me that Clairvoyance
was the most suitable name for this interesting
line. The word covers the vision of the poet as
expressed through his creative ideas, as well as
the imaginative perception of the seer or medium
whose visions are unhindered by the limits of
time and space. I have also seen the line in the
left hands of fascinating women, where it
indicates the power they possess of intuitive
apprehension of the mystery and charm of life.
The lineof Clairvoyance
whencompleteforms a sort
of half-circle running up the eminence of Imagina-
tion and touching or crossing the line of
A stronglymarkfd linein aphilosophicorintellectual
hand indicates a love of visionary ideas. One
famous Celtic poet has a strong line of Clair-
voyance marked in his left hand.
In a P{ychicor long,thin hand,the line indicates
a power of second sight, or gift of mediumship.
By far the best line of Clairvoyance I have ever
seen was in the right hand of a famous medium
for spirit communication.
In a squarehand it is seldomfound, but I once
observed a fairly good line of Clairvoyance
in the hand of an explorer who agreed that he had
a curious power of day-dreaming in respect of
coming events, and also of seeing through people.
He found this very useful in dealing with savage
In an elementaryhandthe line rarely occurs, but
I once saw a very well-marked one in the hand
of a Scotch housemaid who certainly had what she
called " the gift."
Parts of this line are often seen in all sorts of
hands. They show that the mind has more
power of foreseeing events, and seeing through
people, than is usual. I am not sure if a broken
line can be completed. It seems unlikely, for
conscious effort, it would appear, cannot develop
the gift of clairvoyance.


Squaresindicatepreservationfrom danger,whether
to the physical or moral well-being depends on
what part of the hand the square is found.
Somewhat reluctantly I have come to the con-
clusion that a square can be relied on to mean
that the individual who exhibits it has had, or
will have, some sudden realisation (possibly a
barely conscious feeling) that there is a danger of
catastrophe, as well as an inspiration of some
word, thought or action that will avert it.
Can four little lines in the hand that do not
always form a perfect square be significant of
such a curious mental process ? This surely
must be superstitious nonsense. Truth is truth,
however, and I am bound to admit that though
I cannot in any rational way account for the
significance of the square, yet when clearly formed
in the palm it has in my experience proved an
indication invariably verified. Some individuals
seem to have a sudden foresight that has nothing
to do with their ordinary faculties ; it comes to
them as a mysterious message from some super-
normal power, whether from within the personal
unconscious or from beyond it, who shall say ?
A Highland artist, who became a soldier in the
Great War, had the strongest and clearest square
on the line of Instinct that I have seen, and his
explanation was the most vivid I have ever
He had been standing with a small group of
other officers at the Front, when he heard :
" Go back and get a cigarette."
He looked round, but no one had spoken.
He then heard the voice, seemingly in his own
head, say:
" Go back and get a cigarette." " But I don't
want to smoke," he murmured.
" Go back and get a cigarette,'' came for the
third time,"and in such an authoritative way that
he went back half in a dream. He returned with
the cigarette to find that a shell had burst just
where he had been standing.
During the \'var I was asked to read the hands
of a young man of twenty-two who was going out
to Gallipoli. There were no upright lines at all
in the palm of his right hand. I felt this to be
an unfavourable sign, as it implied that his mind
had no definite plan for the future. Luckily, I
was able to assure his mother that the primary
lines showed a strong constitution and in-
telligence, which would no doubt safeguard his
life as quick instinctive reactions to danger can
frequently avert catastrophe.
For some time after his arrival in the East,
there was no news of him. Then a letter came
from a hospital in Egypt. He had been badly
wounded but was now recovering. Idly looking
at' his hands one day, he had noticed a curious
" square " of lines in the palm of his right hand.
He drew a rough sketch of this and, enclosing
it in his letter, asked what it meant. I told his
mother that all palmists said that a square
indicated " preservation from danger" ; and J
was quite certain it was not marked in his hand
when he went away. •
When the young man came home, I asked if
I might see the square. It was clearly marked
and very noticeable. I questioned the young
soldier about his experiences and especially of
any particular incident which might explain the
square as a warning of danger. He told me that
he had been badly wounded in the leg and, unable
to walk, was waiting his tum for the stretcher-
bearers who were very busy with desperate cases.
Quite suddenly it flashed into his mind that he
was close to an ammunition dump ; and as shells
were bursting all round it was certain death to
stay where he was. So he just managed to crawl
painfully down to the beach and was then put
on board the hospital ship. In this case I can
swear that there was no sign of a square in his
hand when he went out to the East, and that there
was a very strong one when he came back.
About five years later the square had completely
vanished, but the upright lines in the palm had
grown, showing the development of his mind
and a plan for the future. This case might be
considered trifling by itself, but it is only one of
many where a square in the palm seemed to have
a special significance of danger averted by sudden
Once at an evening party I met a group of three
or four interesting men and without knowing
their names or anything about them, looked at
their hands. I was amazed by the strong
" squares " in the palms of their right hands,
which were so much stronger and clearer than
any I had hitherto seen. The men were amused
when I pointed out their " marks of preservation
from danger," and said they had great need of
113 I
such protection as they were Antarctic explorers.
It was their case that convinced me that squares
are worthy of consideration as having a real
significance of some unusual mental foresight.
The individual seems to become suddenly
aware of a danger signal. This is possibly from
some part of the unconscious mind, which,
though below the level of consciousness, is
capable of the quick, almost uncanny, appre-
hension of coming events which natives and
undeveloped persons often appear to possess
in a surprising degree. In their case the
conscious realisation is not hindered by intel-
lectual preoccupations.
These are only a few of the many instances I
could quote, but they show the mysterious
mental processes indicated by the square.
Perhaps we may find among the many mean-
ings Desbarolles gives to a square a hint of its
genesis and of the secret power it indicates. In
this case he is more analytical than other palmists.
He says "a square in the hand announces power,
energy of the organ indicated, good sense,
justice, seeing at a glance, calm energy." These
last two words are suggestive, especially if we
slip the word " unconscious " in between them.
Stars are said by Desbarolles to indicate events
over which we have no control, or fatalities. I
think, on the contrary, that they indicate events
brought about by the strong desire of the mind
for that particular event. At any rate that
is the explanation that best fits the facts of my
I have seldom seen Stars except on the base of
the index finger, and so placed they give the most
favourable indication that Stars can give.
" Cheiro " says that when it is in the very centre
" it promises great honour, power and position;
ambition gratified, and the ultimate success and
triumph of the individual." This is rather a load
of meaning for one small mark to bear.
I have seen one or two Stars, Crosses,
Triangles, etc., as promises that have not yet
arrived at the time of their fulfilment, and I am
awaiting with interest the dates indicated.
I have not had time or opportunity to give
much study to these curious marks, and have
not been able to obtain an ancient book which
Dr. Vaschide mentions as dealing very fully
with them. This is La CbiromancieRqyale, by
Adrian Sieler. But though curious and inter-
esting, these marks may well await investigation
until the more valuable and obvious truths of
Handreading are established. The Mystic Cross,
however, is in a different category ; for strictly
speaking its study pertains to that of the primary
lines of Reason and Intuition, since these two
intellectual capacities are doubly connected by
the cross when it is fully formed. In my opinion
this means that there are pathways of com-
munication which enable the reason to receive
intuitive inspirations more readily than is usual.
The Mystic Cross (Plate XII) in a good band
indicates the power of receiving illumination
that transcends the ordinary grasp of the intellect.
The exact nature of the knowledge thus acquired
would depend on the other qualities of the mind,
and the vocation or calling of the individual.
I imagine that the cross received the name of
" Mystic " because it was so frequently seen in
the hands of religious individuals who devoted
their lives to the service of God and of their
fellow men ; and in their case it might well have
meant the possibility of that ecstatic moment,
called by mystics " the Union," when the soul is
at one with God or the Absolute. They then
feel what William James points out is essential
to the mystical state, a sense ofillumination. In
a lesser degree this would also be felt by in-
dividuals engaged in intellectual pursuits, who
often speak of the flash of inspiration they some-
times receive. Tht: cross, or some semblance
of it, may also be found in elementary hands ;
and even the humblest individuals may have
flashes of insight. The value of the truth so
perceived would, however, depend on the quality
of their minds, and might be concerned merely
with the ordinary affairs of their lives, so that the
term " mystic" does not seem to be always an
appropriate name for the cross.

WE have been assuming throughout that the

shape, and the occurrence of the lines in the hand
is ultimately to be explained by the functioning
of centres in the brain.
For the purpose of a scientific examination of
Handreading, however, the connection of lines
and brain centres is not all-important. It is the
correlation between the lines of the hand and the
mental characteristics which must be demon-
strated. There are new scientific methods
employed to-day by which it would be possible
to establish this correlation. I understand that by
the use of intelligence tests it is now possible to
determine the degree of general mental ability
possessed by an individual ; and by appropriate
tests other general functions can also be deter-
mined. A person's instinctive propensities and
will power, however, are not so easily known,
though it is possible to make relative estimates
of them. Moreover, by the methods of testing
and of estimating, scientists can determine with
certainty whether any given quality tends to go
with any other by working out their correlations
Can these methods be applied to hand-
markings ? If so, their correlation with mental
characteristics could be proved or disproved with
mathematical certainty. For this, the acrual
measurement of a large number of hands and
their markings would be required, together with
the reliable estimating of a large number of
persons in respect of the different qualities of
character and temperament. These data could
then be correlated by employing the ordinary
statistical formulre. Surely, it is worth while
to do this, possibly by forming a small society or
group of persons who could accumulate a
sufficiently varied class of hand records, which
would then be indexed and arranged.
The modern science of Astronomy has evolved
from its earlier and pre-scientific form of Astrol-
ogy. Alchemy has resulted in Chemistry. The
ancient belief in Palmistry may lead to a modem
srudy of the Hand, which might at the same time
have scientific value and be of practical use.
The following is a quotation from The Group
Mind, by Professor McDougall, in which he
gives a clear idea of the help such a science
of Handreading might afford in the guidance of
personal development ; for there is much, as he
says, that people never clearly realise with regard
to their own minds.
" In the individual mind, even in the most
highly developed and self-conscious, the capaci-
ties, dispositions and tendencies that make up the
whole mind are never fully and adequately
present to consciousness ; the individual never
knows himself exhaustively, though he may
continually progress towards a more complete
With the aid of Handreading, I believe, the
progress of the individual towards self-knowledge,
self-control and happiness may be more easily
achieved. Making clearer the lessons of the
past, and pointing out the hope for the future,
may assist in the realisation of the purpose of
the mind, and the enhancement of the personality.


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