CHAPTER 1 Handouts

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Produces man-made things

such as clothing, tools,
I. MAN’S SOCIAL AND CULTURAL instruments, machines,
BACKGROUND equipment, structures, etc. made
 “Change is the only permanent thing in possible by technological know-
this world.”—Heraclitus how.
 Nation-state- A sovereign state whose 5. Contributes to overall human
citizens or subjects have a common satisfaction as we develop ways
culture. Has the same language, common to make life more enjoyable,
descent, and share a common history. more comfortable, easier, and
a. Albania more rewarding such as
 Personal Identity- The concept you recreational activities, leisure,
develop about yourself that evolves over entertainment and arts, etc.
the course of your life.  Society is an important product of human
 Personal identity is both cultural and interaction and interconnectedness. It
political which is guided by personal symbolizes the group within which
encounters or experiences. human beings can live a total common
 David Bohm said that each individual life. It is organized through rules of
contains the whole information field of conduct, customs, traditions, folkways
society. and mores and proper behavior of each
 Shwartz said that culture of any society member.
represents an adaptation or adjustments A. Significance of Studying Society
to the various conditions of life including 1. Representation of our
their physical, social and supernatural identity
environment 2. Characterize the totality
 Edward Taylor refers culture as to the of a territory
complex whole which includes 3. Avenue for economic
knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, interdependence
customs, and any other capabilities and 4. Symbol of political
habits acquired by man as a member of independence
society.  Politics
II. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDYING A. According to Ricardo Lazo,
CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS politics can be defined in
 Significance of Culture-Mark Banaag different ways.
1. Makes it possible for man to 1. Consensus and compromise
adapt and integrate himself to 2. Society
his environment by being 3. Power and distribution of
creative and resourceful in resources
coming up ways and means for 4. Art of government
survival. 5. Public affairs
2. Establishes patterns of 6. Academics
acceptable social behavior such B. Characteristics of Politics
us etiquette, protocols, good 1. All questions involve in
manners and right conduct, roles making of a common
and duties, etc. as established by decision for a group of
folkways, mores, and laws. people, that is, a uniform
3. Conveys and facilitates decision applying in the
meanings through non/verbal same way to all members of
communications, non/written a group.
language, forms of expression 2. All involve the use of force
and symbolisms. by one person or a group of
people to affect the behavior
of another person or group of should be abided by the officials and
people. its citizens.
C. Four important points by 3. Prepares the students for future
Haques career path, be it in illegal
1. Politics is a collective profession, government service,
activity, involving people politics, teaching, and many more.
who accept a common  Joseph Fichter said that sociology is the
membership or at least scientific study of patterned, shared
acknowledge a shared fate; human behavior. It analyzes human
2. Politics presumes an initial interaction which is essential in
diversity of views, if not understanding men’s cultural make-up. It
about goals then least about may focus on all kinds of social
means; interaction like
3. Politics involves reconciling 1. Social Arts
differences through 2. Social Relationship
discussion and persuasion; 3. Social Organization
and 4. Social Structures
4. Political decisions become 5. Social Processes
authoritative policy for a
group, binding members to (IMPORTANCE)
decisions that are 1. To maintain social stability and to
implemented by force if create programs as well as policies
necessary. for development.
III. THE RATIONALE OF STUDYING 2. To broaden the experience of
ANTHROPOLOGY, POLITICAL SCIENCE individuals as they learn to discard
AND SOCIOLOGY prejudices and become more
 Anthropology- the branch of knowledge understanding of the customs of
which deals with the scientific other people and realize that truth is
study of man, his works, his body, his relative and good or bad behavior
behavior and values, in time and space. depends upon the norms of conduct
1. (Importance) Provides insights into of the society in which behavior
strange aspects of past or even takes place.
present societies which historians
and sociologists find difficult to
comprehend and explain.
 Political Science- A scientific study of a Prepared by:
state and its government, with the Blaise Pascal Group 1
relationships of men in the community,
with relations of men and group to the Cardente, Michael
state itself and with the relations of the Corpuz
state with other sovereign states abroad. Ducot
1. It provides the students the Gelacio
knowledge and understanding of a
government, with all its component Madronero
curricula like public law, political Payot
theory, public administration,
political philosophy, and political
2. Inculcates the objectives and
underlying principles of the state that

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