M C W C 20 13: Miniaturization of Triangular Patch Antenna Design Using Gap Coupling
M C W C 20 13: Miniaturization of Triangular Patch Antenna Design Using Gap Coupling
M C W C 20 13: Miniaturization of Triangular Patch Antenna Design Using Gap Coupling
Abstract— A Gap coupled triangular patch antenna design is Gap coupling is an important feeding technique for
presented at 3.5 GHz. Miniaturization of Patch antenna and designing broadband antennas [9]. Here via is used to attach
Broadside radiation pattern is achieved in this work using Gap ground and patch while through gap between Microstrip line
coupling. The proposed antenna provides higher gain than inset feed and patch capacitive matching has been achieved.
tive m
triangular patch, while capacitive matching has been achieved by
gap coupling. Proposed antenna is simulated using CST V.12 In this ppaper, simulations
aper, simu m are carried out using CST
simulator. Microwave vee Stu
St udio 2012
Studio 2012.2. DDesign of antenna at 3.67 GHz and
13 C
anotherr an aantenna
nnaa at 3.5 .5 GGHz with the same dimensional
Keywords- Microstrip Patch Antenna,Triangular patch, specifications
cifficatioons res
ci resulting
ltinng in miniaturization has been presented in
Miniaturization, Gap coupling. ectiion III.
section I. R esuults ar
Results aaree discussed in section III and finally brief
20 W conclusion
conclususiion is ggiven
iven in section IV.
In wireless Communications, different application works ks II.. ANTENNA DESIGN
over different frequency bands like GSM, UMTS, WLAN, LAN,
LA N, A.. IInset fed triangular
angullar ppatch antenna
Bluetooth, WiMAX etc. Gain enhancement & size reduction edductiion
are the major considerations for practical applications cat
atiions of of
rade of
microstrip antennas, considering the fact that a trade offff eexist
xist (a)
In Fig. 1(a) a) ggeometry
eometryy of pproposed
rop triangular patch antenna
between the two i.e. enhancement of one result lt in ddegradation
egraddationn has side of lelength
th „„a‟
a‟ eequal
qual to 48mm. Antenna is printed on
onsiists of a m
A Microstrip patch antenna consists tch and
metallic patch via ooff radius 0.3mm at centroid of the triangle. Thickness of
ground plane; both are separated by a sh sheet kn su stra
sub t te.
known as substrate. patch and ground conductor is 0.07 mm. Gap between
The Patch may be of different shapee such as U shaped, ped, L microstrip
m line of width 6mm and patch is 0.25 mm. The
shaped, triangular shaped, etc. Triangular shaped patch antennaenn
n a miniaturized antenna is shown in Fig. 1(b).
is used for multiband operations, size reduction and fractal tal
designs for wide band applications [4-5]. Patch is designed in Antenna Designs
such a way that power is maximum to its normal and radiation
pattern so exhibited is known as broadside pattern, the patch
can be of broadside pattern by selection of proper mode. Here
patch have TM10 as dominant mode provided feed is in y
direction, length and width of patch are in y and x axis
respectively. Microstrip patch antennas can act as a good
radiator if thicker substrate of low permittivity material is used.
Moreover it does not bound field. Conversely thin substrate of
high permittivity confines field within substrate.
Some important methods of antenna miniaturization are Figure. 1(a): Inset Feed Antenna Figure. 1(b): Gap Coupled Antenna
given in [6]. Combination of these methods is also applied to
achieve size reduction [8].
Electronics & Comm. Engg, Deppt. of Galgotias College of Engg & Technology, (U.P.)
A National Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Antennas for Cognitive
Radios and Wireless Communications (RAMCWC-2013), OCTOBER, 2013
13 C
20 W
Figure 2(a): Reflection Co-efficient of inset fed antenna
gure 3(b)
Figure (b): H pplane
3(b): lan
a e ra
diaation pattern of Gap Coupled antenna
Electronics & Comm. Engg, Deppt. of Galgotias College of Engg & Technology, (U.P.)
A National Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Antennas for Cognitive
Radios and Wireless Communications (RAMCWC-2013), OCTOBER, 2013
13 C
ouppledd sslot
gap-coupled lot cut rec ctang
rectangular microstrip antennas," Communications
In the present work, gap coupled method is expressed to NCC , 2013
(NCC), 201
013 National
Nationall C onf
Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,5, 15-17 Feb. 2013
achieve miniaturization of a triangular patch antenna. The Gap
coupled antenna shows higher gain at the resonant frequency
showing good broadside pattern.
20 W
Electronics & Comm. Engg, Deppt. of Galgotias College of Engg & Technology, (U.P.)