Research Paper: Perspectives From Tertiary Language Students

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The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No.

2, September 2015

Research paper

Facebook for informal language learning:

Perspectives from tertiary language students

Antonie Alm
University of Otago, New Zealand
antonie.alm @

This paper investigates the use of Facebook for out-of-class, informal language learning.
190 New Zealand university language students (Chinese, German, French, Japanese
and Spanish) completed an anonymous online questionnaire on (1) their perceptions of
Facebook as a multilingual environment, (2) their online writing practices and (3) their
views on the educational value of their experiences. Findings indicate that language
students are using a range of Facebook features to expose themselves to the languages
they study (L2) and to communicate in their L2 with native speaker Facebook friends.
The use of the social networking site varied according to proficiency-levels of the
participants (beginner, intermediate and advanced levels), strength of social ties with
native speaker Facebook friends and personal attitudes towards the site. Learning
experiences on Facebook were not perceived as useful for the formal language learning
context which suggests the need for bridging strategies between informal and formal
learning environments.
Keywords: Facebook, informal language learning, social networking.

1. Introduction
Facebook has developed into the largest social networking site worldwide in the last
eight years. Network founder Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that one billion
people used Facebook in a single day (The Guardian, 28 August 2015). This not only
refutes media claims of dwindling user numbers - More Than 11 Million Young People
Have Fled Facebook Since 2011 (Time, 2014) - it also consolidates the position of
Facebook as an established communication platform in today’s society.
For many of our language students, Facebook is part of their everyday routine. Used to
chat and following the social activities of friends, the social networking site enables
people to manage many aspects of their social life in one place. No wonder that
teachers are keen to tap into this resource, get their students’ attention and use the
communication tools in their courses. Facebook has quickly established itself in the
world of education and while initially met with criticism (Madge et al, 2009) and banned
in schools (Bramble, 2009) it is now widely used in academia (Leaver & Kent, 2014).
Language educators, who are also often “on Facebook”, have found innovative ways of
using the social networking site for language practice, exposure and communication
(Blattner & Fiori, 2009; Blattner & Lomicka, 2012; Mills, 2011; Promnitz-Hayashi, 2011)
or to train and prepare language learners for the appropriate use of Facebook in the

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

target language (Prichard, 2013; Reinhardt, 2013). While often conversational and
informal in tone, the use of Facebook in educational settings is considered as formal
(Meskill, Guan & Ryu, 2012). Embedded in the curriculum, Facebook-based tasks are
part of a formal language assignment, requiring student participation and formal
assessment procedures.
The informal use of Facebook on the other hand refers to learner-initiated use of the
social networking site for communication with native speakers. These interactions are
more difficult to track and quantify and have received less attention in the literature and
are less well understood. White (2009) has produced some anecdotal evidence from an
online tandem project where language students extended their interactions on
Facebook. Similarly, Lamy (2011) reported that her distance students created a
Facebook group alongside the institutional online discussion forum to bridge the time
between teaching modules. Sockett and Toffoli (2010) found that language students use
Facebook on study abroad to establish new contacts and also to maintain friendships
with native speaker friends on their return. Sockett (2011) also reported that 30% of
English-language students at a French university used Facebook to communicate with
English native speakers.
It is the aim of this study to shed some light on the informal second language (L2)
Facebook practices of tertiary language students. I will start with a short discussion on
informal learning, followed by a description of Facebook as a toolkit for communication.
The study itself analyses the use of Facebook features for language exposure and
language use and the participants’ evaluation of their L2 Facebook experiences for
language learning.
2. Background
2.1. Informal language learning
Learning situations outside accredited institutions can be non-formal or informal. The
term non-formal learning is commonly used to describe organised learning activities
which take place in alternative learning environments, such as online or evening
language classes. This type of learning is planned and is intentional from the learner’s
perspective. Informal learning on the other hand is usually unplanned and the result of
everyday activities related to work, family and leisure (Cedefop, 2009).
According to Rogers (2008) informal learning is “the foundation of all the new learning
and all education” (p. 137). Similar to Schugurensky (2007) he makes the point that
informal learning “teaches each of us our place in the society we inhabit” (Rogers, 2008,
p. 137). It allows us to “assimilate values, attitudes, behaviours, skills and knowledge
which occurs in everyday life” (Sockett, 2014, p.10). And while people are often not
aware of the acquisition of skills and knowledge at the moment, they might well develop
this understanding retrospectively. Informal learning is by definition not only lifelong but
also “lifewide” (Rogers, 2008, p. 113).
Rogers (2008) and Schugurensky (2007) differentiate between two types of informal
learning, defined by their degree of intentionality. Incidental learning describes learning
situations which are not intentional, but in which the learner is aware of learning.
Rogers refers to this type of learning as task-conscious learning: “learning is not
conscious but takes place while engaged in some activity and where achievements are
measured not in terms of learning but of task-fulfilment” (p. 134). Learning-conscious
learning on the other hand describes learning which is “intended and conscious and
achievements are measured in terms of learning” (p. 134). In learning-conscious or
self-directed learning, the learner is in control of the learning situation and might even
include a ‘resource person’, but not an educator (Schugurensky 2007). Eaton (2010)
points out that in language learning situations, such a person is often a more advanced

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

language learner or a native speaker. Task-conscious and learning-conscious learning

present two ends of a continuum and learners are likely to shift in between the two. As
Benson (2011) explains, “in ‘self-directed naturalistic learning’ the learner sets up a
naturalistic learning situation with the intention of language learning, but once engaged
in the situation, switches the focus of attention to communication, enjoyment or
learning something other than the language itself” (p. 139).
The majority of human learning occurs in informal contexts (Eraut, 2000 in Rogers,
2008) and Facebook is one place or tool amongst many that increases the choices and
opportunities for language learners to create naturalistic learning situations. Toffoli and
Sockett (2013) claim that English-language students in France “spend more time
learning English informally than they do in the classroom” and they suggest that this
leads to “unexpected changes in language skills and repertoires” which they add are
often “out of step with learning as envisaged by the teacher” (p. 1). Others are more
critical. Kabilan et al (2010) found that university students consider Facebook as a
useful learning environment to learn English. Nevertheless they consider the integration
of predetermined learning objectives and outcomes necessary for learning experiences
to be meaningful.
Facebook illustrates the concept of informal learning on a number of levels. First, for its
informal setting. This makes it so appealing both for educational institutions and
businesses who hope to create more direct and more personal connections with
students and clients. While a website usually represents the formal and official side of a
business or university, the Facebook page is often used to provide more personal
insights of the organisation. Second, the language used on Facebook is usually informal
and conversational. People write the way they speak and specific writing styles have
developed, shaped by the affordances of individual communication features (status
update, comment, private message or chat). And finally, most people have learned how
to use Facebook by using it, rather than by reading a manual. They learn how to use
individual features by trial and error or by asking friends, and adopt specific conventions
and writing style by observing and copying their peers.
2.2. Facebook: a communication toolkit
Facebook offers a range of communications features, which have been expanded and
refined since it was first opened to the public in 2006. For example, the status update
line initially included the prompt is after the username, triggering users to write about
themselves in the third person. This practice, referred to as the “Third-Person Epidemic”
(Bazell, 2011) by some critics, continued for some time after the prompt was taken
away. Writing in the third person had developed into a social practice – a way of writing
associated with Facebook. Other features were introduced over time to create more
options for status update feedback. Comments and replies to comments allowed for
multiple conversation threads (sometimes in different languages!) developing from one
status update. In addition, users are also able to show their non-verbal support of their
friends status updates and comments by clicking on like the thumbs-up hand symbol
placed underneath the text fields. Status updates and comments appear on the user’s
timeline and are public by default. However, the privacy settings allow a range of access
levels, from open to everybody to selected friends on Facebook. Both status updates
and comments can be deleted or edited by their authors.
Chat (introduced in 2008) and private messaging are used for private communications
between two Facebook-friends. Other friends can be added, and depending on the
privacy setting of users, it is also possible to chat and private message non-friends.
Chatting, similar to texting (Chrystal, 2010), has engendered a number of writing
practices, such as the use of abbreviations, emoticons and the asterisk to correct

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

spelling mistakes. Chatting and private messaging have impacted on traditional ways of
communication. The chatting feature, for example allows friends to open multiple chat
windows and to have several conversations at the same time. Private messaging, the
asynchronous version of chatting, also referred to as “gmail-killer” (Gabbatt & Arthur,
2010) has replaced email for many people which ironically used to be perceived as an
informal communication channel, and is considered now by many as a formal
communication tool).
Groups are a Facebook feature which allows people who are not friends to communicate
with each other and to share information. Groups can be public or private (open, closed
or secret) and are widely used in education.
Facebook is used for communication, but also to follow the activities of others. A survey
conducted by Pew Research in 2013 showed that Facebook was used by 68% of people
to see what friends and family are up to, 62% use it to see photos and videos from
family and friends and 28% to share photos or videos. A more recent study from the
same organisation in 2015 reports that the majority of Facebook users (63%) say that
the social networking site serves as a source for news about events and issues outside
the realm of friends and family.
Finally, Facebook is not only a communication toolkit and a source for information, it is
also a language kit. People all over the world can join the network and set it up in their
language. Posts in others languages can be translated by clicking on the translate this
link underneath foreign language status updates and comments. Also, users are able to
like Facebook pages in any language. To like in this context means to subscribe to a
page. Once a page is liked all posts from that page appear on the user’s news feed.
Facebook is a versatile tool for communication and exposure to information. This
exploratory study seeks to find out to what extent language learners make use of these
functions in their L2. This investigation is led by three research questions:
1. Do language students use Facebook to create a multilingual environment? Are
they aware and do they make use of the language tools on Facebook to expose
themselves to their L2?
2. Do language students use their L2 to write and communicate on Facebook? If
yes, which tools are they using and what are their online language practices?
3. How do language students evaluate their learning experiences on Facebook?
How useful are they perceived for L2 exposure, L2 use and language learning?
3. Method
3.1. The participants
190 university language students of beginning (24.1%), intermediate (37.2%) and
advanced (38.7%) levels participated in this study. Of the 143 female and 48 male
participants 23 studied Chinese, 72 French, 41 German, 35 Japanese and 62 Spanish
(some students studied more than one language). Half (50.3%) of the students were
aged 17-19, 35.1% were 20-22, 9.9% 23-25 and 4.7% older than 26.
3.2 The instrument
A questionnaire was developed in discussion with seven advanced language students
learning French, German, Japanese and Spanish. As active users of Facebook, they
were able to bring in their own experiences, suggest questions and clarify Facebook
related terminology.
The questionnaire was structured in three parts and addresses 1) the multilingual
appearance of the student’s Facebook profile (through language settings, liking pages,

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

groups, sharing, native speaker Facebook friends), 2) language practices on Facebook,

such as writing status updates, commenting, chatting and private messaging, and 3)
the participants’ views on the educational value of their online experiences. A range of
answer choices (multiple-choice, Likert-type scale and open-ended) were selected to
enable participants to indicate preferences and to elaborate on their views and
practices. In addition, demographic data was collected about gender, age, enrolment in
language courses and participation in language exchange programmes. The
questionnaire was piloted with a small group (n = 10) and ambiguous questions were
reworded. The final questionnaire consisted of 33 items.
3.3. Data collection and analysis
An email with a link to the online survey was sent to all 698 students of the language
department, explaining the purpose of the study and encouraging students to
participate even if they were not using the SNS in the language they study or if they
were not Facebook users. 190 responses were received (response rate 27%), including
12 from non-users.
The data was collected with SurveyMonkey, an online questionnaire tool. Preliminary
analyses were also conducted on SurveyMonkey, such as comparisons of language
groups and proficiency levels. As the differences between language groups seemed
most significant, I decided to take a closer look at the beginner, intermediate and
advanced language levels and exported data files for each level to Excel. The means
and standard deviations of each item were calculated and the open-ended answers
thematically coded. For further analysis the whole data file was cleaned and exported to
SPSS. ANOVA was used to analyse the differences between the three groups
(beginners, intermediate and advanced). Further, Spearman’s rank-order correlation
was used to measure the strength of association between the variables of part one (7
items for L2 exposure, Cronbach’s Alpha .786, with deletion of the item on translation,
which showed the reverse pattern, .857 and the evaluative item of part three, and then
again between the variables of part two (4 items for L2 use, Cronbach’s Alpha .859) and
the corresponding item of part three.
4. Findings
4.1. The perception of Facebook as a multilingual environment
Part one of the questionnaire addressed the first research question and sought feedback
on the participants’ perception of Facebook as a multilingual environment. They were
asked if they made use of the language features, such as changing the language setting
to the language they study, subscribing to L2 Facebook pages by liking them and by
joining L2 Facebook groups. Further, I was interested to find out if they had native
speaker Facebook friends and how they met them, if they followed their activities by
looking at their photos and videos they share, if they read their friends’ status updates,
and if they used the Facebook translation tool to understand their friends’ messages.
4.1.1. Language settings
Over half of the participants (54%) indicated that they used Facebook in English (or
their native language), a third (32%) changed the setting back and forth and only 14%
used the settings in their L2. The response distribution, however, changed when
responses were grouped into levels of proficiency (see graph 1). The more advanced in
their language study, the more likely language students were to change the settings to
the target language, and they were also more likely to change them back and forth
between languages (42.6% of the advanced students, as opposed to 26.4% of the
beginners). Changing the settings back and forth seemed to be the preferred choice of

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

advanced language learners. Interestingly, not all participants were aware of this

Graph 1. Language settings.

4.1.2. Liking pages
Half of the participants claimed to like pages, mostly pages that related to target
language countries. The comments revealed that some of the participants did not know
about this feature, never considered it for their L2, or abstained from liking content
altogether. However, if they liked pages, they preferred entertaining and humorous

Graph 2. Liking pages.

4.1.3. Facebook groups
Participants were also divided in regard to their use of L2 Facebook groups. Over 55%
indicated that they did not belong to any group. This number was much higher for
beginners, 77.4%, as opposed to 42.6% for the advanced students. The more advanced
the language level, the more likely they were to be part of a study group set up by

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

students and to belong to special interest groups. Groups initiated by teachers were the
least represented (only 4.9% for advanced) and the comments revealed that these
groups were formed in high school or during school exchanges.

Graph 3. Facebook groups.

4.1.4. Native speaker Facebook friends (NSFBFs)
The question about their native speaker friends on Facebook was divided in two parts.
The first part inquired if they had NSFBFs and the second asked more specifically how
they had met them. The pre-defined answer choices from the questionnaire (language
exchange, the university’s buddy program for international students or holiday) were
complemented by 60 comments with additional places. Overall, 87% had NSFBFs
(77.4% beginners (B), 96.7% advanced (A)). Over 80% of the intermediate (I) and
advanced students indicated that they had met their NSFBFs during a language
exchange program and the comments showed that they referred primarily to high
school exchanges. 50 of the 60 comments referred to meeting places in New Zealand:
they had met native speakers during their exchange to New Zealand, at school and at
university, while travelling or working, through friends and family, at parties, in church
or at the tramping club - only one of them indicated that they had met them online or
through other Facebook friends.
4.1.5. L2 News Feed
A Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (all the time) was chosen to measure
attention to L2 items in the participants’ Facebook news feed, such as their friends’
status updates, comments, photos and other items they shared. While all participants
indicated some interest in L2 items in their new feed (x= 3.5), the mean differences
between the language levels is significant (p = .014). Advanced learners paid more
attention to all L2 items appearing on their news feed (see table 1).
4.1.6. Translation
Posts in a language other than the chosen language setting appear automatically with
the link see translation. This means that this feature can only be used if the settings
have not been changed to the target language. Participants made limited use of this
feature (x = 2.41), and even less as they progressed in proficiency (p = .041)
Interestingly, beginners did not comment on the feature. Intermediate and advanced
learners explained that they usually did not need a translation, unless the language was

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

“very casual” or if they encountered languages other than the language they study.
They also explained that they did not trust the Bing translation and found that the
translations were often “inaccurate”, “incomplete”, “usually not correct” or “wrong”. If
they used it, it was with caution, or for “fun”.
4.1.7. Sharing
Participants would pay attention and read L2 items of their news feed but they were less
inclined to share this content on their own page (x = 1.97). The comments provided two
reasons for this. They explained that it would exclude their L1 audience, or seem
“pretentious”. Others explained that they did not use the sharing function generally and
therefore saw no point for using it in their L2.
Table 1. L2 exposure at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels (descriptive
statistics and ANOVA).

N Mean SD F Sig.
Beginner 40 3.10 1.150 4.360 .014
Attention to L2 items Intermediate 65 3.55 .830
in news feed Advanced 62 3.66 .974
Total 167 3.49 .987
Beginner 33 2.88 1.317 3.477 .033
Intermediate 60 3.37 1.207
Follow reading
Advanced 61 3.54 1.042
Total 154 3.33 1.188
Beginner 34 2.68 1.471 2.751 .067
Intermediate 61 3.05 1.296
Follow photos
Advanced 61 3.30 1.006
Total 156 3.06 1.248
Beginner 34 2.26 1.399 .761 .469
Intermediate 60 2.42 1.266
Follow videos
Advanced 61 2.57 .974
Total 155 2.45 1.191
Beginner 33 2.00 1.275 2.368 .097
Intermediate 61 2.28 1.227
Follow articles
Advanced 61 2.54 1.042
Total 155 2.32 1.178
Beginner 40 2.78 1.291 3.258 .041
Intermediate 65 2.43 1.212
See translation
Advanced 62 2.16 1.089
Total 167 2.41 1.204
Beginner 40 1.80 1.091 1.067 .346
Intermediate 65 1.95 .991
Share L2 items
Advanced 62 2.10 .970
Total 167 1.97 1.009

4.1.8. Summary: Facebook as a multilingual environment

In response to research question one: The use of multilingual features increased with
proficiency. Beginners operated mainly in their L1 on Facebook. While most of them had
connections to native speakers and access to L2 materials, they made only limited use

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

of these resources. Intermediate learners used more L2 Facebook features to expose

themselves to their L2. They used Facebook to maintain friendships with native
speakers they met on high school exchanges and they used L2 setting, likes and
groups. Most advanced students had a good idea of how to use Facebook to get more
language input. They were aware of it and used a variety of features. Mostly, however,
they used Facebook to communicate with their native speaker friends.
4.2. Facebook writing practices of language students
The second research question was concerned with the L2 writing practices of language
students. The questions are divided into three parts. The first part deals with the use of
L2 in the public space of Facebook, status updates and comments. The second part
asked about the use of the communication features that are only visible to the involved
communication partners, private messaging and chatting. Thirdly, they were asked to
describe their L2 chat interactions and their use of online writing tools.
4.2.1. Public communications Status updates
Very few participants wrote status updates in their L2. Those in the beginner category
did not comment but the mean of 1.9 indicates that they only rarely used their L2 for
this purpose, possibly because of their lack of language. However, intermediate learners
also had a low mean of 1.84. Their reasons for not posting were similar to those for not
sharing L2 content: they did not want to exclude or alienate their L1-speaking audience.
Some considered posting in a foreign language as “rude” or “weird”. One participant
explained that she wrote on her friend’s wall to avoid this issue. However, both
intermediate and advanced learners explained that they wrote status updates in their L2
during their stay in the target language country. Two participants commented that they
were not using the feature in general. Commenting
Commenting was only slightly more popular than writing status updates (x = 2.54).
Some beginners (x = 1.84) said that they commented on each other’s timelines out of
fun. Intermediate (x = 2.69) students said they commented occasionally on the posts of
their native speaker friends but found it, as one participant put it “a bit embarrassing”.
The advanced students (x = 2.8) were a bit more forthcoming in their public
interactions with native speakers and said that they responded to statuses, commented
on photos and left birthday messages.
4.2.2. Private communications
Participants seemed to prefer to communicate privately with their friends, either
synchronously via chat, or asynchronously by exchanging private messages. Private message
Beginners (x = 1.82) found it difficult to engage with native speakers, not only because
of the language barrier but also because they had fewer NSFBFs or they did not know
them well enough to contact them directly. Learners at the intermediate (x = 2.71) and
advanced level (x = 3.07) had a closer connection to their NSFBFs and used private
messaging to maintain relationships from their school exchange and to communicate
with their host brothers and sisters and other native speaker friends. Chatting
Chatting also increased with proficiency. While the means are lower for chatting (x =
2.64) than for private messaging, the comments suggest that chatting was the
preferred communication channel of all interaction types Facebook offers. Yet, it was

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

more difficult to achieve, in particular for students of European languages due to the 12
hours’ time difference between New Zealand and Europe.
Table 2. L2 use at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels (descriptive statistics
and ANOVA).

N Mean SD F Sig.
Beginner 38 1.84 .886 .689 .504
Intermediate 64 1.84 1.042
Status Updates
Advanced 61 2.03 1.016
Total 163 1.91 .996
Beginner 37 1.84 .898 11.825 .000
Intermediate 64 2.69 1.037
Advanced 61 2.80 1.030
Total 162 2.54 1.070
Beginner 38 1.82 .926 15.543 .000
Intermediate 63 2.71 1.170
Private message
Advanced 61 3.07 1.109
Total 162 2.64 1.189
Beginner 37 1.81 .967 4.625 .011
Intermediate 63 2.19 1.162
Advanced 59 2.53 1.180
Total 159 2.23 1.152 Chatting practices

The second question on Facebook chat was open-ended to allow for a broader range of
responses on chatting practices. Some beginners of Spanish and intermediate learners
of Chinese and Japanese used chat to practice their L2 with their classmates. Their
conversations would often revert back into English, but participants made a point of
using greetings and short phrases in the L2 at the beginning of a conversation.
Intermediate level learners explained that their conversations with native speakers
varied depending on the nature of their relationship (just as in their L1) and on the
language abilities of their friends. If their native speaker friend spoke their language,
they sometimes mixed the languages, by starting in the L2 and carrying on in the L1 for
more detail, by swinging back and forth “sometimes in the same sentence”, or by taking
turns so that both partners had a chance to practice their L2. Some friends corrected
them, while others did not in order to keep the flow of the conversation. Some
participants expressed their frustrations with L2 accents and auto-correction programs,
whereas others avoided the problem by changing the language settings on some of their
electronic devices to communicate in the L2.
The advanced learners provided similar responses but tended to use their L2 more
exclusively. Some participants explained that chatting gave them the opportunity to
apply the language they learned during their time in the target language country.
Intermediate and advanced learners reported the use of abbreviations (L2 texting
conventions), although some made a point of spelling words out properly and also to
correct their sentences. The use of emoticons was usually reflecting habits in their L1,
except for Japanese, where emoticons were perceived as a cultural convention.

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

4.2.3. Use of online writing tools

The use of dictionaries was quite low (x = 2.2) irrespective of proficiency level.
However, as comments revealed, the type of dictionary used varied. Beginners seem to
use more random dictionaries (or rely on the translate me function) whereas more
advanced language learners listed a range of established dictionaries such as the online
versions of Larousse for French or Pons for German.
Google was slightly more popular (x = 2.9) but again, no increase or decrease between
levels. However, beginners and advanced language learners used google differently.
Whereas beginners entered words and phrases in google translate to get translations,
some advanced learners used the google search engine to check the accuracy of their
own phrases and expressions by counting the number of hits.
The last category, the use of native speaker phrases (x = 2.91) increased with
proficiency levels and is significant between beginners and advanced learners (LSD
post-hoc test p = 0.028). This indicates that advanced learners are most likely to use
phrases they see used by native speakers when writing in their L2 on Facebook (see
table 3).
Table 3. Use of writing tools at different levels (descriptive statistics and ANOVA).

N Mean SD F Sig.
Beginner 36 2.22 1.37 .730 .484
Intermediate 64 2.07 1.14
Use dictionary
Advanced 60 2.33 1.08
Total 160 2.20 1.17
Beginner 38 2.97 1.42 .794 .454
Intermediate 64 2.76 1.30
Use Google
Advanced 61 3.04 1.18
Total 163 2.92 1.29
Beginner 38 2.60 1.46 2.631 .075
Intermediate 64 2.84 1.37
NS phrases
Advanced 60 3.20 1.08
Total 162 2.91 1.30

4.2.4. Summary: L2 writing practices on Facebook

To summarise the findings of the second research question: Participants were reluctant
to use their L2 in the public spaces of the social networking site. Public posts are written
with readers in mind and while most participants had L2 friends, they related more
strongly to their L1 friends. The interactions with native speaker friends happened in the
private channels on Facebook, both chat and private message, and increased with
proficiency and number of close native speaker friends.
4.3. Perceptions of usefulness
The first two parts of the questionnaire investigated the participants’ use of Facebook
for L2 exposure and L2 use. The third part addressed their perceptions on the
usefulness of their experiences. Two questions asked them to rate the degree of
usefulness for 1) L2 exposure and 2) L2 use on a 5-point scale, 1 standing for not useful
at all and 5 for very useful (table 4). The responses to these questions were compared
with the responses from part one and part two to establish if perceived usefulness and
actual (self-reported) use correlated. Finally, for the last open-ended question

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

participants contrasted language learning situations on Facebook with their classroom

Table 4. Perceptions of usefulness at different levels (descriptive statistics and ANOVA).

Useful … Level N Mean SD F Sig.

Beginner 35 2.69 .900 2.95 .055
Intermediate 63 2.86 .877
to be exposed
Advanced 59 3.14 .955
Total 157 2.92 .924
Beginner 35 2.66 .968 2.84 .061
to apply and Intermediate 63 2.81 .931
practice Advanced 59 3.14 1.12
Total 157 2.90 1.02

4.3.1. Useful to be exposed to L2

As expected, more advanced language learners found Facebook more useful for L2
exposure than less proficient learners (p = 0.55). Spearman’s rank-order correlation
between the variables attention to L2 items in newsfeed (part one) and useful to
explore was strong at the advanced level (rs = .689, n = 56, p < .01), weak at the
intermediate level, but still statistically significant (rs = .265, n = 63, p < .05) and very
weak and non-significant correlation at the beginner level (rs = .131, n = 34, p > .05).
This suggests strongly that more advanced language learners who rated the usefulness
of Facebook for language learning higher also used Facebook more extensively for L2
4.3.2. Useful to apply and practice L2
The correlations for L2 language use (status updates, comments, chat, private
message) and the useful to apply and practice variable confirmed that beginners are
least likely to use the communication features in their L2. The correlations for
intermediate and advanced learners were statistically significant, but not for beginners
(see table 5).
Table 5. Comparison of correlations between language use variables and use to apply &
practice variable at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Useful to apply and practice

Beginner Intermediate Advanced
Correlation Coefficient .277 .378** .541**
Sig. (2-tailed) .112 .002 .000
N 34 63 56
Correlation Coefficient .192 .456** .565**
Comments Sig. (2-tailed) .285 .000 .000
N 33 63 56
Correlation Coefficient .159 .539** .564**
Sig. (2-tailed) .368 .000 .000
N 34 62 56
Correlation Coefficient .108 .574** .514**
Chat Sig. (2-tailed) .549 .000 .000
N 33 62 54
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). / *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

4.3.3. Facebook learning situations

The replies to question three exposed the participants’ views on the usefulness of
Facebook for language learning. The comments could be grouped into three main
categories, informal environment (less pressure), observations of native speaker
activities and their conversations, and conversations with native speakers, about
interesting topics, using relevant language. Informal environment (Less pressure)
Participants across all languages and levels indicated that there was “less pressure” to
produce language on Facebook (private message or chat) compared to the classroom.
Beginners were afraid to make mistakes in front of their teachers and peers and felt
more confident to try out new words and phrases in private interactions with their
native speaker friends. The more casual and intimate environment provided an
alternative venue for shy students who were reluctant to participate in class discussions.
This was expressed by an intermediate-level learner:
I am a shy person so I would hardly interact in class discussions. I usually get left out
because many of them speak Spanish fluently. Facebook is a good method for me to
learn the language where I get to follow my fellow Spanish friends.
Class participation can be related to proficiency but it is also a personality issue.
Individual differences are well documented in second language acquisition research
(Dörnyei, 2005) and people’s individual preferences can also be observed on Facebook.
As opposed to the classroom situation, language learners are able to participate at their
preferred pace, as pointed out by an intermediate learner:
Less time pressure, I can write things when they come to me instead of sitting down
and thinking about what to say. … No pressure about how often or the extent to which
you contribute e.g. some people are more happy to go through reading everything on
Facebook without ever writing a comment and others love to write comments on
Chatting itself was perceived as “high-pressure”, but in a positive way, “chatting to
natives, when you need to respond quickly, makes your brain work quite hard”. Another
advanced student placed the pressure experienced while chatting on a continuum
between assignment and real interaction “more pressure than homework assignments
but less than face to face conversation”. Observing native speakers
Facebook (news feed) was perceived as a good place for observing native speaker
interactions. It allowed participants to get a feel on how they “interact in their daily
lives” and “use colloquial terms and slang when casually conversing with friends”. Some
appreciated the authentic language input, “reading conversation between two native
speakers not making the language easier for u to understand”, an opportunity to learn
colloquial language in context, “in class or if a native speaker is speaking to you
directly, they would try not to use these colloquial terms and phrases”. Observing their
native speaker friends’ interactions and activities enabled them to experience parts of
their lives, “their culture, what they are interested in, the music they listen to, the
videos they watch, photos of them travelling around France etc.”
Interestingly, however, some of those who had regular exposure to the L2 through
Facebook still felt that it did not support their language study, as expressed by a
participant at intermediate level: “It's good enough to keep the wheels turning, as I am
still intaking something at all times, but not that useful compared to actually studying

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015 Talking with native speakers

Facebook creates opportunities to observe and to participate in real conversations. One
advanced learner explained, “this brings my language learning into a more real and
applicable light”. Advanced learners generally enjoyed the variety of topics they are
exposed to, “We talk about a whole variety of things”. These conversations enabled
them to use the colloquial language they learned during their exchange and to pick up
“new words and conversational techniques or phrases”. Summary: Usefulness of L2 Facebook for language learning
The findings of part one and part two strongly suggest that L2 Facebook use – both
passive and active - is related to language proficiency. However, the results also show
that overall use, even among advanced language learners is not great. The average
score of 3 (sometimes) on a 5-point scale indicates that the majority of advanced
language learners considered Facebook moderately useful for L2 exposure and practice.
Interestingly, even the more active participants felt that their informal language
engagement was not perceived as useful in the context of formal language learning. The
implications of these findings for formal language education are discussed in the
5. Conclusions
This study explored the use of Facebook as a tool for informal language learning. The
analysis revealed that advanced language students in particular can be skilful users of
the social networking site in their L2. Facebook enables them to be active L2 users,
even in a place as remote as New Zealand. We have also seen that established
Facebook routines in students’ L1 impact on their L2 use, and that some are opposed to
using the social networking site, or some of its functions in any language. At either side
of the spectrum language learners display a high degree of agency in their use of and
attitude towards Facebook and any pedagogical approach involving the social
networking site has to take this into account.
Whereas some participants provided reasons for not using Facebook in their L2, others
were simply not aware of their options. Language learners of all levels, but mostly
beginners, did not know about the language settings, and had not thought of liking L2
pages or joining L2 groups. Beginners were most likely to use Facebook exclusively in
their L1 and to rely on the translate me function to deal with posts in other languages.
Some of these participants indicated that the questionnaire made them aware of the
features and their usefulness for L2 learning. It seems therefore reasonable to suggest
that language learners should be made aware of the language options on Facebook,
such as changing language settings, joining L2 groups, and liking L2 pages.
The crucial factor for L2 engagement on Facebook was the presence of native speaker
Facebook friends. Beginners often lacked NSFBFs or if they had any, they often did not
feel close enough to initiate or to participate in a conversation. Some intermediate
learners expressed similar views. Most of their friends were English speakers, which
reduced their exposure to the L2 in their news feed. Advanced learners had the highest
proportion of NSFBFs with 96.7%. In addition, these contacts were often well-
established through time spent in the target language country, often with host-families.
These students used Facebook to keep in touch with their NSFBF - by following their
activities on their news feeds and by communicating through chat and private
messaging. Established contacts with native speakers can be a good asset for the
formal language context. They can be used as a resource for language learners to find
relevant materials (through pages and groups and other shared information) or for
personal opinions on current issues (private channels). In addition, observing L2
interactions provides a relevant resource for the analysis of language use.

The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, No. 2, September 2015

Informal language learning has long been perceived as second rate learning (Eaton,
2010) to the extent where even students do not value their own experiences as
language learners. As language educators, we should start acknowledging and
encouraging the out-of-class language engagements of our students and design learning
activities that allow learners to draw on their experiences as language users.

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