Special Penal Laws
Special Penal Laws
Special Penal Laws
Section 1. Arson. Any person who burns or sets fire to the Section 4. Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson. The
property of another shall be punished by Prision Mayor. penalty in any case of arson shall be imposed in its maximum
The same penalty shall be imposed when a person sets fire to
his own property under circumstances which expose to danger 1. If committed with intent to gain;
the life or property of another.
2. If committed for the benefit of another;
Section 2. Destructive Arson. The penalty of Reclusion
Temporal in its maximum period to Reclusion Perpetua shall be 3. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred
imposed if the property burned is any of the following: towards the owner or occupant of the property
1. Any ammunition factory and other establishment
where explosives, inflammable or combustible 4. If committed by a syndicate.
materials are stored.
The offense is committed by a syndicate if its is planned or
2. Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or carried out by a group of three (3) or more persons.
any edifice devoted to culture, education or social
Section 5. Where Death Results from Arson. If by reason of
or on the occasion of the arson death results, the penalty of
3. Any church or place of worship or other building Reclusion Perpetua to death shall be imposed.
where people usually assemble.
Section 6. Prima Facie evidence of Arson. Any of the following
4. Any train, airplane or any aircraft, vessel or circumstances shall constitute prima facie evidence of arson:
watercraft, or conveyance for transportation of
persons or property
1. If the fire started simultaneously in more than one
part of the building or establishment.
4. Any building where evidence is kept for use in any
legislative, judicial, administrative or other official
2. If substantial amount of flammable substances or
materials are stored within the building note
necessary in the business of the offender nor for
5. Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging house, household us.
housing tenement, shopping center, public or private
market, theater or movie house or any similar place
3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other
or building.
flammable or combustible substances or materials
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soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any PERSONS, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ITS
mechanical, electrical, chemical, or electronic VIOLATIONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES"
contrivance designed to start a fire, or ashes or traces
of any of the foregoing are found in the ruins or Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
premises of the burned building or property. the Philippines in Congress assembled:
4. If the building or property is insured for Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the
substantially more than its actual value at the time of "Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012″.
the issuance of the policy.
Section 2. Section 2 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
4. If during the lifetime of the corresponding fire amended to read as follows:
insurance policy more than two fires have occurred in
the same or other premises owned or under the
"SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared
control of the offender and/or insured.
that the State values the dignity of every human
person and guarantees the respect of individual
5. If shortly before the fire, a substantial portion of rights. In pursuit of this policy, the State shall give
the effects insured and stored in a building or highest priority to the enactment of measures and
property had been withdrawn from the premises development of programs that will promote human
except in the ordinary course of business. dignity, protect the people from any threat of violence
and exploitation, eliminate trafficking in persons, and
6. If a demand for money or other valuable mitigate pressures for involuntary migration and
consideration was made before the fire in exchange servitude of persons, not only to support trafficked
for the desistance of the offender or for the safety of persons but more importantly, to ensure their
the person or property of the victim. recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration into the
mainstream of society.
Section 7. Conspiracy to commit Arson. Conspiracy to commit
arson shall be punished by Prision Mayor in its minimum "It shall be a State policy to recognize the equal rights
period. and inherent human dignity of women and men as
enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration
Section 8. Confiscation of Object of Arson. The building which on Human Rights, United Nations Convention on the
is the object of arson including the land on which it is situated Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
shall be confiscated and escheated to the State, unless the Women, United Nations Convention on the Rights of
owner thereof can prove that he has no participation in nor the Child, United Nations Convention on the
knowledge of such arson despite the exercise of due diligence Protection of Migrant Workers and their Families,
on his part. United Nations Convention Against Transnational
Organized Crime Including its Protocol to Prevent,
Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially
Section 9. Repealing Clause. The provisions of Articles 320 to
Women and Children and all other relevant and
326-B of the Revised Penal Code and all laws, executive
universally accepted human rights instruments and
orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof, inconsistent
other international conventions to which the
with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed or
Philippines is a signatory."
amended accordingly.
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prostitution, pornography, or sexual servitude, including a scheme, plan, or
exploitation; pattern intended to cause the person either:
"(b) To introduce or match for money, profit, "(1) To believe that if the person
or material, economic or other consideration, did not perform such labor or
any person or, as provided for under services, he or she or another
Republic Act No. 6955, any Filipino woman person would suffer serious harm or
to a foreign national, for marriage for the physical restraint; or
purpose of acquiring, buying, offering,
selling or trading him/her to engage in "(2) To abuse or threaten the use
prostitution, pornography, sexual of law or the legal processes; and
exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
"(k) To recruit, transport, harbor, obtain,
transfer, maintain, hire, offer, provide, adopt
"(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or or receive a child for purposes of exploitation
simulated, for the purpose of acquiring, or trading them, including but not limited to,
buying, offering, selling, or trading them to the act of baring and/or selling a child for
engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual any consideration or for barter for purposes
exploitation, forced labor or slavery, of exploitation. Trafficking for purposes of
involuntary servitude or debt bondage; exploitation of children shall include:
"(d) To undertake or organize tours and "(1) All forms of slavery or practices
travel plans consisting of tourism packages similar to slavery, involuntary
or activities for the purpose of utilizing and servitude, debt bondage and forced
offering persons for prostitution, labor, including recruitment of
pornography or sexual exploitation; children for use in armed conflict;
"(e) To maintain or hire a person to engage "(2) The use, procuring or offering
in prostitution or pornography; of a child for prostitution, for the
production of pornography, or for
"(f) To adopt persons by any form of pornographic performances;
consideration for exploitative purposes or to
facilitate the same for purposes of "(3) The use, procuring or offering
prostitution, pornography, sexual of a child for the production and
exploitation, forced labor, slavery, trafficking of drugs; and
involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
"(4) The use, procuring or offering
"(g) To adopt or facilitate the adoption of of a child for illegal activities or
persons for the purpose of prostitution, work which, by its nature or the
pornography, sexual exploitation, forced circumstances in which it is carried
labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt out, is likely to harm their health,
bondage; safety or morals; and
"(h) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport, "(l) To organize or direct other persons to commit the
transfer, obtain, harbor, maintain, provide, offenses defined as acts of trafficking under this Act."
offer, receive or abduct a person, by means
of threat or use of force, fraud, deceit,
Section 5. A new Section 4-A is hereby inserted in Republic
violence, coercion, or intimidation for the
Act No. 9208, to read as follows:
purpose of removal or sale of organs of said
"SEC. 4-A. Attempted Trafficking in Persons. – Where
there are acts to initiate the commission of a
"(i) To recruit, transport, obtain, transfer,
trafficking offense but the offender failed to or did not
harbor, maintain, offer, hire, provide, receive
execute all the elements of the crime, by accident or
or adopt a child to engage in armed activities
by reason of some cause other than voluntary
in the Philippines or abroad;
desistance, such overt acts shall be deemed as an
attempt to commit an act of trafficking in persons. As
"(j) To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, such, an attempt to commit any of the offenses
obtain, maintain, offer, hire, provide or enumerated in Section 4 of this Act shall constitute
receive a person by means defined in attempted trafficking in persons.
Section 3 of this Act for purposes of forced
labor, slavery, debt bondage and involuntary
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"In cases where the victim is a child, any of the "Acts defined in this provision shall be punished in
following acts shall also be deemed as attempted accordance with the provision of Section 10(d) as
trafficking in persons: stated thereto."
"(a) Facilitating the travel of a child who Section 8. Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
travels alone to a foreign country or territory amended to read as follows:
without valid reason therefor and without
the required clearance or permit from the "SEC. 5. Acts that Promote Trafficking in Persons. –
Department of Social Welfare and The following acts which promote or facilitate
Development, or a written permit or trafficking in persons, shall be unlawful:
justification from the child’s parent or legal
"(a) xxx
"(g) xxx
"SEC. 4-B. Accomplice Liability. – Whoever knowingly
aids, abets, cooperates in the execution of the
offense by previous or simultaneous acts defined in "(h) To tamper with, destroy, or cause the
this Act shall be punished in accordance with the destruction of evidence, or to influence or
provisions of Section 10(c) of this Act." attempt to influence witnesses, in an
investigation or prosecution of a case under
this Act;
Section 7. A new Section 4-C is hereby inserted in Republic
Act No. 9208, to read as follows:
"(i) To destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate
or possess, or attempt to destroy, conceal,
"SEC. 4-C. Accessories. – Whoever has the knowledge
remove, confiscate or possess, any actual or
of the commission of the crime, and without having
purported passport or other travel,
participated therein, either as principal or as
immigration or working permit or document,
accomplices, take part in its commission in any of the
or any other actual or purported government
following manners:
identification, of any person in order to
prevent or restrict, or attempt to prevent or
"(a) By profiting themselves or assisting the restrict, without lawful authority, the
offender to profit by the effects of the crime; person’s liberty to move or travel in order to
maintain the labor or services of that person;
"(b) By concealing or destroying the body of or
the crime or effects or instruments thereof,
in order to prevent its discovery; "(j) To utilize his or her office to impede the
investigation, prosecution or execution of
"(c) By harboring, concealing or assisting in lawful orders in a case under this Act."
the escape of the principal of the crime,
provided the accessory acts with abuse of Section 9. Section 6 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
his or her public functions or is known to be amended to read as follows:
habitually guilty of some other crime.
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"SEC. 6. Qualified Trafficking in Persons. – Violations person except when the trafficked person in a written
of Section 4 of this Act shall be considered as statement duly notarized knowingly, voluntarily and
qualified trafficking: willingly waives said confidentiality.
"(g) When by reason or on occasion of the act of "(a) Initiation of Investigation. – Law enforcement
trafficking in persons, the offended party dies, agencies are mandated to immediately initiate
becomes insane, suffers mutilation or is afflicted with investigation and counter-trafficking-intelligence
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or the Acquired gathering upon receipt of statements or affidavit from
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS); victims of trafficking, migrant workers, or their
families who are in possession of knowledge or
information about trafficking in persons cases.
"(h) When the offender commits one or more
violations of Section 4 over a period of sixty (60) or
more days, whether those days are continuous or "(b) Prosecution of Cases. – Any person who has
not; and personal knowledge of the commission of any offense
under this Act, such as the trafficked person, the
parents, spouse, siblings, children or legal guardian
"(i) When the offender directs or through another
may file a complaint for trafficking.
manages the trafficking victim in carrying out the
exploitative purpose of trafficking."
"(c) Affidavit of Desistance. – Cases involving
trafficking in persons should not be dismissed based
Section 10. Section 7 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
on the affidavit of desistance executed by the victims
amended to read as follows:
or their parents or legal guardians. Public and private
prosecutors are directed to oppose and manifest
"SEC. 7. Confidentiality. – At any stage of the objections to motions for dismissal.
investigation, rescue, prosecution and trial of an
offense under this Act, law enforcement officers,
"Any act involving the means provided in this Act or
prosecutors, judges, court personnel, social workers
any attempt thereof for the purpose of securing an
and medical practitioners, as well as parties to the
Affidavit of Desistance from the complainant shall be
case, shall protect the right to privacy of the
punishable under this Act."
trafficked person. Towards this end, law enforcement
officers, prosecutors and judges to whom the
complaint has been referred may, whenever Section 12. Section 10 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
necessary to ensure a fair and impartial proceeding, amended to read as follows:
and after considering all circumstances for the best
interest of the parties, order a closed-door "SEC. 10. Penalties and Sanctions. – The following
investigation, prosecution or trial. The name and penalties and sanctions are hereby established for the
personal circumstances of the trafficked person or offenses enumerated in this Act:
any other information tending to establish the identity
of the trafficked person and his or her family shall not "(a) Any person found guilty of committing any of the
be disclosed to the public. acts enumerated in Section 4 shall suffer the penalty
of imprisonment of twenty (20) years and a fine of
"It shall be unlawful for any editor, publisher, and not less than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) but
reporter or columnist in case of printed materials, not more than Two million pesos (P2,000,000.00);
announcer or producer in case of television and radio,
producer and director of a film in case of the movie "(b) Any person found guilty of committing any of the
industry, or any person utilizing tri-media facilities or acts enumerated in Section 4-A of this Act shall suffer
electronic information technology to cause publicity of the penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and
the name, personal circumstances, or any information a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos
tending to establish the identity of the trafficked
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(P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos natural, recruitment agencies, establishments or other
(P1,000,000.00); individuals or groups, who fail to observe the
prescribed procedures and the requirement as
"(c) Any person found guilty of Section 4-B of this Act provided for by laws, rules and regulations, shall be
shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of fifteen held administratively liable, without prejudice to
(15) years and a fine of not less than Five hundred criminal liability under this Act. The concerned
thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One government official or employee shall, upon
million pesos (P1,000,000.00); conviction, be dismissed from the service and be
barred permanently to hold public office. His or her
retirement and other benefits shall likewise be
"In every case, conviction shall cause and carry the
forfeited; and
automatic revocation of the license or registration of
the recruitment agency involved in trafficking. The
license of a recruitment agency which trafficked a "(k) Conviction, by final judgment of the adopter for
child shall be automatically revoked. any offense under this Act shall result in the
immediate rescission of the decree of adoption."
"(d) Any person found, guilty of committing any of
the acts enumerated in Section 5 shall suffer the Section 13. Section 11 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a amended to read as follows:
fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos "SEC. 11. Use of Trafficked Persons. – Any person
(P1,000,000.00); who buys or engages the services of a trafficked
person for prostitution shall be penalized with the
"(e) Any person found guilty of qualified trafficking following: Provided, That the Probation Law
under Section 6 shall suffer the penalty of life (Presidential Decree No. 968) shall not apply:
imprisonment and a fine of not less than Two million
pesos (P2,000,000.00) but not more than Five million "(a) Prision Correccional in its maximum
pesos (P5,000,000.00); period to prision mayor or six (6) years to
twelve (12) years imprisonment and a fine of
"(f) Any person who violates Section 7 hereof shall not less than Fifty thousand pesos
suffer the penalty of imprisonment of six (6) years (P50,000.00) but not more than One
and a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand hundred thousand pesos
pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One million (P100,000.00): Provided, however, That the
pesos (P1,000,000.00); following acts shall be exempted thereto:
"(g) If the offender is a corporation, partnership, "(1) If an offense under paragraph (a)
association, club, establishment or any juridical involves sexual intercourse or lascivious
person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the owner, conduct with a child, the penalty shall
president, partner, manager, and/or any responsible be reclusion temporal in its medium period
officer who participated in the commission of the to reclusion perpetua or seventeen (17)
crime or who shall have knowingly permitted or failed years to forty (40) years imprisonment and a
to prevent its commission; fine of not less than Five hundred thousand
pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One
million pesos (P1,000,000.00);
"(h) The registration with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and license to operate of the erring
agency, corporation, association, religious group, tour "(2) If an offense under paragraph (a)
or travel agent, club or establishment, or any place of involves carnal knowledge of, or sexual
entertainment shall be cancelled and revoked intercourse with, a male or female trafficking
permanently. The owner, president, partner or victim and also involves the use of force or
manager thereof shall not be allowed to operate intimidation, to a victim deprived of reason
similar establishments in a different name; or to an unconscious victim, or a victim
under twelve (12) years of age, instead of
the penalty prescribed in the subparagraph
"(i) If the offender is a foreigner, he or she shall be
above the penalty shall be a fine of not less
immediately deported after serving his or her
than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) but
sentence and be barred permanently from entering
not more than Five million pesos
the country;
(P5,000,000.00) and imprisonment
of reclusionperpetua or forty (40) years
"(j) Any employee or official of government agencies imprisonment with no possibility of parole;
who shall issue or approve the issuance of travel exit except that if a person violating paragraph
clearances, passports, registration certificates, (a) of this section knows the person that
counseling certificates, marriage license, and other provided prostitution services is in fact a
similar documents to persons, whether juridical or victim of trafficking, the offender shall not be
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likewise penalized under this section but "(a) Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) –
under Section 10 as a person violating shall make available its resources and
Section 4; and if in committing such an facilities overseas for trafficked persons
offense, the offender also knows a qualifying regardless of their manner of entry to the
circumstance for trafficking, the offender receiving country, and explore means to
shall be penalized under Section 10 for further enhance its assistance in eliminating
qualified trafficking. If in violating this trafficking activities through closer
section the offender also violates Section 4, networking with government agencies in the
the offender shall be penalized under Section country and overseas, particularly in the
10 and, if applicable, for qualified trafficking formulation of policies and implementation of
instead of under this section; relevant programs. It shall provide Filipino
victims of trafficking overseas with free legal
"(b) Deportation. – If a foreigner commits assistance and counsel to pursue legal action
any offense described by paragraph (1) or against his or her traffickers, represent his or
(2) of this section or violates any pertinent her interests in any criminal investigation or
provision of this Act as an accomplice or prosecution, and assist in the application for
accessory to, or by attempting any such social benefits and/or regular immigration
offense, he or she shall be immediately status as may be allowed or provided for by
deported after serving his or her sentence the host country. The DFA shall repatriate
and be barred permanently from entering trafficked Filipinos with the consent of the
the country; and victims.
"(c) Public Official. – If the offender is a "The DFA shall take necessary measures for
public official, he or she shall be dismissed the efficient implementation of the Electronic
from service and shall suffer perpetual Passporting System to protect the integrity
absolute disqualification to hold public, of Philippine passports, visas and other
office, in addition to any imprisonment or travel documents to reduce the incidence of
fine received pursuant to any other provision trafficking through the use of fraudulent
of this Act." identification documents.
Section 14. Section 12 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby "In coordination with the Department of
amended to read as follows: Labor and Employment, it shall provide free
temporary shelters and other services to
Filipino victims of trafficking overseas
"SEC. 12. Prescriptive Period. – Trafficking cases
through the migrant workers and other
under this Act shall prescribe in ten (10)
overseas Filipinos resource centers
years: Provided, however, That trafficking cases
established overseas under Republic Act No.
committed by a syndicate or in a large scale as
8042, as amended.
defined under Section 6, or against a child, shall
prescribe in twenty (20) years.
"(b) Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) – shall implement
"The prescriptive period shall commence to run from
rehabilitative and protective programs for
the day on which the trafficked person is delivered or
trafficked persons. It shall provide
released from the conditions of bondage, or in the
counseling and temporary shelter to
case of a child victim, from the day the child reaches
trafficked persons and develop a system for
the age of majority, and shall be interrupted by the
accreditation among NGOs for purposes of
filing of the complaint or information and shall
establishing centers and programs for
commence to run again when the proceedings
intervention in various levels of the
terminate without the accused being convicted or
community. It shall establish free temporary
acquitted or are unjustifiably stopped for any reason
shelters, for the protection and housing of
not imputable to the accused."
trafficked persons to provide the following
basic services to trafficked persons:
Section 15. Section 16 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"(1) Temporary housing and food
"SEC. 16. Programs that Address Trafficking in
Persons. – The government shall establish and "(2) Psychological support and
implement preventive, protective and rehabilitative
programs for trafficked persons. For this purpose, the
following agencies are hereby mandated to implement
the following programs: "(3) 24-hour call center for crisis
calls and technology-based
counseling and referral system;
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"(4) Coordination with local law investigation and arrest of individuals or
enforcement entities; and persons suspected to be engaged in
trafficking. They shall closely coordinate with
"(5) Coordination with the each other and with other law enforcement
Department of Justice, among agencies to secure concerted efforts for
others. effective investigation and apprehension of
suspected traffickers. They shall also
establish a system to receive complaints and
"The DSWD must conduct information
calls to assist trafficked persons and conduct
campaigns in communities and schools
rescue operations.
teaching parents and families that receiving
consideration in exchange for adoption is
punishable under the law. Furthermore, "(h) Philippine Overseas Employment
information campaigns must be conducted Administration (POEA) and Overseas
with the police that they must not induce Workers and Welfare Administration
poor women to give their children up for (OWWA) – POEA shall implement Pre-
adoption in exchange for consideration. Employment Orientation Seminars (PEOS)
while Pre-Departure Orientation Seminars
(PDOS) shall be conducted by the OWWA. It
"(c) Department of Labor and Employment
shall likewise formulate a system of
(DOLE) – shall ensure the strict
providing free legal assistance to trafficked
implementation and compliance with the
persons, in coordination with the DFA.
rules and guidelines relative to the
employment of persons locally and overseas.
It shall likewise monitor, document and "The POEA shall create a blacklist of
report cases of trafficking in persons recruitment agencies, illegal recruiters and
involving employers and labor recruiters. persons facing administrative, civil and
criminal complaints for trafficking filed in the
receiving country and/or in the Philippines
"(d) Department of Justice (DOJ) – shall
and those agencies, illegal recruiters and
ensure the prosecution of persons accused
persons involved in cases of trafficking who
of trafficking and designate and train special
have been rescued by the DFA and DOLE in
prosecutors who shall handle and prosecute
the receiving country or in the Philippines
cases of trafficking. It shall also establish a
even if no formal administrative, civil or
mechanism for free legal assistance for
criminal complaints have been
trafficked persons, in coordination with the
filed: Provided, That the rescued victims
DSWD, Integrated Bar of the Philippines
shall execute an affidavit attesting to the
(IBP) and other NGOs and volunteer groups.
acts violative of the anti-trafficking law. This
blacklist shall be posted in conspicuous
"(e) Philippine Commission on Women places in concerned government agencies
(PCW) – shall actively participate and and shall be updated bi-monthly.
coordinate in the formulation and monitoring
of policies addressing the issue of trafficking
"The blacklist shall likewise be posted by the
in persons in coordination with relevant
POEA in the shared government information
government agencies. It shall likewise
system, which is mandated to be established
advocate for the inclusion of the issue of
under Republic Act No. 8042, as amended.
trafficking in persons in both its local and
international advocacy for women’s issues.
"The POEA and OWWA shall accredit NGOs
and other service providers to conduct PEOS
"(f) Bureau of Immigration (BI) – shall
and PDOS, respectively. The PEOS and PDOS
strictly administer and enforce immigration
should include the discussion and
and alien administration laws. It shall adopt
distribution of the blacklist.
measures for the apprehension of suspected
traffickers both at the place of arrival and
departure and shall ensure compliance by "The license or registration of a recruitment
the Filipino fiancés/fiancées and spouses of agency that has been blacklisted may be
foreign nationals with the guidance and suspended by the POEA upon a review of
counseling requirement as provided for in the complaints filed against said agency.
this Act.
"(i) Department of the Interior and Local
"(g) Philippine National Police (PNP) and Government (DILG) – shall institute a
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) – systematic information and prevention
shall be the primary law enforcement campaign in coordination with pertinent
agencies to undertake surveillance, agencies of government as provided for in
this Act. It shall provide training programs to
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local government units, in coordination with databases, for purposes of ensuring efficient
the Council, in ensuring wide understanding collection and storage of data on cases of trafficking
and application of this Act at the local level. in persons handled by their respective offices. Such
data shall be submitted to the Council for integration
"(j) Commission on Filipinos Overseas – shall in a central database system.
conduct pre-departure counseling services
for Filipinos in intermarriages. It shall "For this purpose, the Council is hereby tasked to
develop a system for accreditation of NGOs ensure the harmonization and standardization of
that may be mobilized for purposes of databases, including minimum data requirements,
conducting pre-departure counseling services definitions, reporting formats, data collection systems,
for Filipinos in intermarriages. As such, it and data verification systems. Such databases shall
shall ensure that the counselors have, at the minimum, the following information:
contemplated under this Act shall have the
minimum qualifications and training of "(a) The number of cases of trafficking in
guidance counselors as provided for by law. persons, sorted according to status of cases,
including the number of cases being
"It shall likewise assist in the conduct of investigated, submitted for prosecution,
information campaigns against trafficking in dropped, and filed and/or pending before
coordination with local government units, the the courts and the number of convictions
Philippine Information Agency, and NGOs. and acquittals;
"(k) Local government units (LGUs) – shall "(b) The profile/information on each case;
monitor and document cases of trafficking in
persons in their areas of jurisdiction, effect "(c) The number of victims of trafficking in
the cancellation of licenses of establishments persons referred to the agency by
which violate the provisions of this Act and destination countries/areas and by area of
ensure effective prosecution of such cases. origin; and
They shall also undertake an information
campaign against trafficking in persons
"(d) Disaggregated data on trafficking
through the establishment of the Migrants
victims and the accused/defendants."
Advisory and Information Network (MAIN)
desks in municipalities or provinces in
coordination with the DILG, Philippine Section 17. Section 17 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby
Information Agency (PIA), Commission on amended to read as follows:
Filipinos Overseas (CFO), NGOs and other
concerned agencies. They shall encourage "SEC. 17. Legal Protection to Trafficked Persons. –
and support community-based initiatives Trafficked persons shall be recognized as victims of
which address the trafficking in persons. the act or acts of trafficking and as such, shall not be
penalized for unlawful acts committed as a direct
"In implementing this Act, the agencies result of, or as an incident or in relation to, being
concerned may seek and enlist the trafficked based on the acts of trafficking enumerated
assistance of NGOs, people’s organizations in this Act or in obedience to the order made by the
(POs), civic organizations and other trafficker in relation thereto. In this regard, the
volunteer groups." consent of a trafficked person to the intended
exploitation set forth in this Act shall be irrelevant.
Section 16. A new Section 16-A is hereby inserted into
Republic Act No. 9208, to read as follows: "Victims of trafficking for purposes of prostitution as
defined under Section 4 of this Act are not covered by
Article 202 of the Revised Penal Code and as such,
"SEC. 16-A. Anti-Trafficking in Persons Database. –
shall not be prosecuted, fined, or otherwise penalized
An anti-trafficking in persons central database shall
under the said law."
be established by the Inter-Agency Council Against
Trafficking created under Section 20 of this Act. The
Council shall submit a report to the President of the Section 18. A new Section 17-A is hereby inserted into
Philippines and to Congress, on or before January 15 Republic Act No. 9208, to read as follows:
of every year, with respect to the preceding year’s
programs and data on trafficking-related cases. "SEC. 17-A. Temporary Custody of Trafficked
Victims. – The rescue of victims should be done as
"All government agencies tasked under the law to much as possible with the assistance of the DSWD or
undertake programs and render assistance to address an accredited NGO that services trafficked victims. A
trafficking in persons shall develop their respective law enforcement officer, on a reasonable suspicion
monitoring and data collection systems, and that a person is a victim of any offense defined under
Page | 10
this Act including attempted trafficking, shall of the Department of Justice as Chairperson and the
immediately place that person in the temporary Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and
custody of the local social welfare and development Development as Co-Chairperson and shall have the
office, or any accredited or licensed shelter institution following as members:
devoted to protecting trafficked persons after the
rescue." "(a) Secretary, Department of Foreign
Section 19. A new Section 17-B is hereby inserted into
Republic Act No. 9208, to read as follows: "(b) Secretary, Department of Labor and
"SEC. 17-B. Irrelevance of Past Sexual Behavior,
Opinion Thereof or Reputation of Victims and of "(c) Secretary, Department of the Interior
Consent of Victims in Cases of Deception, Coercion and Local Government;
and Other Prohibited Means. – The past sexual
behavior or the sexual predisposition of a trafficked
"(d) Administrator, Philippine Overseas
person shall be considered inadmissible in evidence
Employment Administration;
for the purpose of proving consent of the victim to
engage in sexual behavior, or to prove the
predisposition, sexual or otherwise, of a trafficked "(e) Commissioner, Bureau of Immigration;
person. Furthermore, the consent of a victim of
trafficking to the intended exploitation shall be "(f) Chief, Philippine National Police;
irrelevant where any of the means set forth in Section
3(a) of this Act has been used."
"(g) Chairperson, Philippine Commission on
Section 20. A new Section 17-C is hereby inserted into
Republic Act No. 9208, to read as follows:
"(h) Chairperson, Commission on Filipinos
"SEC. 17-C. Immunity from Suit, Prohibited Acts and
Injunctive Remedies. – No action or suit shall be
"(i) Executive Director, Philippine Center for
brought, instituted or maintained in any court or
Transnational Crimes; and
tribunal or before any other authority against any: (a)
law enforcement officer; (b) social worker; or (c)
person acting in compliance with a lawful order from "(j) Three (3) representatives from NGOs,
any of the above, for lawful acts done or statements who shall include one (1) representative
made during an authorized rescue operation, recovery each from among the sectors representing
or rehabilitation/intervention, or an investigation or women, overseas Filipinos, and children,
prosecution of an anti-trafficking case: Provided, That with a proven record of involvement in the
such acts shall have been made in good faith. prevention and suppression of trafficking in
persons. These representatives shall be
nominated by the government agency
"The prosecution of retaliatory suits against victims of
representatives of the Council, for
trafficking shall be held in abeyance pending final
appointment by the President for a term of
resolution and decision of criminal complaint for
three (3) years.
"(g) Submit periodic reports to the Council "SEC. 28-A. Additional Funds for the Council. – The
on the progress of council objectives, amount collected from every penalty, fine or asset
policies, plans and programs; derived from any violation of this Act shall be
earmarked as additional funds for the use of the
"(h) Prepare annual reports of all council Council. The fund may be augmented by grants,
activities; and donations and endowment from various sources,
domestic or foreign, for purposes related to their
"(i) Perform other duties as the Council may functions, subject to the existing accepted rules and
assign." regulations of the Commission on Audit."
Section 23. A new Section 26-A is hereby inserted into Section 26. Section 32 of Republic Act No. 9208 of the
Republic Act No. 9208, to read as follows: Repealing Clause is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 26-A. Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction. – The State "SEC. 32. Repealing Clause. – Article 202 of the
shall exercise jurisdiction over any act defined and Revised Penal Code, as amended, and all laws, acts,
penalized under this Act, even if committed outside presidential decrees, executive orders, administrative
the Philippines and whether or not such act or acts orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with or
constitute an offense at the place of commission, the contrary to the provisions of this Act are deemed
crime being a continuing offense, having been amended, modified or repealed
commenced in the Philippines and other elements accordingly: Provided, That this Act shall not in any
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way amend or repeal the provisions of Republic Act prior to the current date but not including replicas;
No. 7610, otherwise known as the ‘Special Protection (2) firearm which is certified by the National Museum
of Child Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and of the Philippines to be curio or relic of museum
Discrimination Act.’" interest; and (3) any other firearm which derives a
substantial part of its monetary value from the fact
Section 27. Section 33 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby that it is novel, rare, bizarre or because of its
amended to read as follows: association with some historical figure, period or
"SEC. 33. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect
fifteen (15) days following its complete publication in (d) Arms smuggling refers to the import, export,
at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation." acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer of
firearms, their parts and components and
ammunition, from or across the territory of one
17. Illegal Possession of Firearms (P.D. 1866, as
country to that of another country which has not
amended by R.A. No. 8294 and R.A. No. 10591)
been authorized in accordance with domestic law in
either or both country/countries.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of (f) Authorized dealer refers to any person, legal
the Philippines in Congress assembled: entity, corporation, partnership or business entity duly
licensed by the Firearms and Explosive Office (FEO) of
ARTICLE I the PNP to engage in the business of buying and
TITLE, DECLARATION OF POLICY AND DEFINITION OF selling ammunition, firearms or parte thereof, at
TERMS wholesale or retail basis.
Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the (g) Authorized importer refers to any person, legal
"Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act". entity, corporation, partnership or business duly
licensed by the FEO of the PNP to engage in the
Section 2. Declaration of State Policy. – It is the policy of the business of importing ammunition and firearms, or
State to maintain peace and order and protect the people parts thereof into the territory of the Republic of the
against violence. The State also recognizes the right of its Philippines for purposes of sale or distribution under
qualified citizens to self-defense through, when it is the the provisions of this Act.
reasonable means to repel the unlawful aggression under the
circumstances, the use of firearms. Towards this end, the State (h) Authorized manufacturer refers to any person,
shall provide for a comprehensive law regulating the legal entity, corporation, or partnership duly licensed
ownership, possession, carrying, manufacture, dealing in and by the FEO of the PNP to engage in the business of
importation of firearms, ammunition, or parts thereof, in order manufacturing firearms, and ammunition or parts
to provide legal support to law enforcement agencies in their thereof for purposes of sale or distribution.1âwphi1
campaign against crime, stop the proliferation of illegal
firearms or weapons and the illegal manufacture of firearms or
(i) Confiscated firearm refers to a firearm that is
weapons, ammunition and parts thereof.
taken into custody by the PNP, National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI), Philippine Drug Enforcement
Section 3. Definition of Terms. – As used in this Act: Agency (PDEA), and all other law enforcement
agencies by reason of their mandate and must be
(a) Accessories refer to parts of a firearm which may necessarily reported or turned over to the PEO of the
enhance or increase the operational efficiency or PNP.
accuracy of a firearm but will not constitute any of
the major or minor internal parts thereof such as, hut (j) Demilitarized firearm refers to a firearm
not limited to, laser scope, telescopic sight and sound deliberately made incapable of performing its main
suppressor or silencer. purpose of firing a projectile.
(b) Ammunition refers to a complete unfixed unit (k) Duty detail order refers to a document issued by
consisting of a bullet, gunpowder, cartridge case and the juridical entity or employer wherein the details of
primer or loaded shell for use in any firearm. the disposition of firearm is spelled-out, thus
indicating the name of the employee, the firearm
(c) Antique firearm refers to any: (1) firearm which information, the specific duration and location of
was manufactured at least seventy-five (75) years posting or assignment and the authorized bonded
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firearm custodian for the juridical entity to whom such submachine guns, assault rifles and light machine
firearm is turned over after the lapse of the order. guns not exceeding caliber 7.62MM which have fully
automatic mode; and Class-B Light weapons which
(l) Firearm refers to any handheld or portable refer to weapons designed for use by two (2) or more
weapon, whether a small arm or light weapon, that persons serving as a crew, or rifles and machine guns
expels or is designed to expel a bullet, shot, slug, exceeding caliber 7.62MM such as heavy machine
missile or any projectile, which is discharged by guns, handheld underbarrel and mounted grenade
means of expansive force of gases from burning launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-
gunpowder or other form of combustion or any similar tank guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti-
instrument or implement. For purposes of this Act, tank missile and rocket systems, portable launchers of
the barrel, frame or receiver is considered a firearm. anti-aircraft missile systems, and mortars of a caliber
of less than 100MM.
(m) Firearms Information Management System
(FIMS) refers to the compilation of all data and (u) Long certificate of registration refers to licenses
information on firearms ownership and disposition for issued to government agencies or offices or
record purposes. government-owned or -controlled corporations for
firearms to be used by their officials and employees
who are qualified to possess firearms as provider in
(n) Forfeited firearm refers to a firearm that is subject
this Act, excluding security guards.
to forfeiture by reason of court order as accessory
penalty or for the disposition by the FEO of the PNP
of firearms considered as abandoned, surrendered, (v) Loose firearm refers to an unregistered firearm,
confiscated or revoked in compliance with existing an obliterated or altered firearm, firearm which has
rules and regulations. been lost or stolen, illegally manufactured firearms,
registered firearms in the possession of an individual
other than the licensee and those with revoked
(o) Gun club refers to an organization duly registered
licenses in accordance with the rules and regulations.
with and accredited in good standing by the FEO of
the PNP which is established for the purpose of
propagating responsible and safe gun ownership, (w) Major part or components of a firearm refers to
proper appreciation and use of firearms by its the barrel, slide, frame, receiver, cylinder or the bolt
members, for the purpose of sports and shooting assembly. The term also includes any part or kit
competition, self-defense and collection purposes. designed and intended for use in converting a semi-
automatic burst to a full automatic firearm.
(p) Gunsmith refers to any person, legal entity,
corporation, partnership or business duly licensed by (x) Minor parts of a firearm refers to the parts of the
the FEO of the PNP to engage in the business of firearm other than the major parts which are
repairing firearms and other weapons or constructing necessary to effect and complete the action of
or assembling firearms and weapons from finished or expelling a projectile by way of combustion, except
manufactured parts thereof on a per order basis and those classified as accessories.
not in commercial quantities or of making minor parts
for the purpose of repairing or assembling said (y) Permit to carry firearm outside of residence refers
firearms or weapons. to a written authority issued to a licensed citizen by
the Chief of the PNP which entitles such person to
(q) Imitation firearm refers to a replica of a firearm, carry his/her registered or lawfully issued firearm
or other device that is so substantially similar in outside of the residence for the duration and purpose
coloration and overall appearance to an existing specified in the authority.
firearm as to lead a reasonable person to believe that
such imitation firearm is a real firearm. (z) Permit to transport firearm refers to a written
authority issued to a licensed citizen or entity by the
(r) Licensed citizen refers to any Filipino who complies Chief of the PNP or by a PNP Regional Director which
with the qualifications set forth in this Act and duly entitles such person or entity to transport a particular
issued with a license to possess or to carry firearms firearm from and to a specific location within the
outside of the residence in accordance with this Act. duration and purpose in the authority.
(s) Licensed, juridical entity refers to corporations, (aa) Residence refers to the place or places of abode
organizations, businesses including security agencies of the licensed citizen as indicated in his/her license.
and local government units (LGUs) which are licensed
to own and possess firearms in accordance with this (bb) Shooting range refers to a facility established for
Act. the purpose of firearms training and skills
development, firearm testing, as well as for sports
(t) Light weapons are: Class-A Light weapons which and competition shooting either for the exclusive use
refer to self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, of its members or open to the general public, duly
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registered with and accredited in good standing by adverse conditions such as light rain, light snow, and
the FEO of the PNP. dry smoke or in conjunction with other optical and red
dot sights.
(cc) Short certificate of registration refers to a
certificate issued by the FEO of the PNP for a ARTICLE II
government official or employee who was issued by OWNERSHIP AND POSSESSION OF FIREARMS
his/her employer department, agency or government-
owned or -controlled corporation a firearm covered by Section 4. Standards and Requisites for Issuance of and
the long certificate of registration. Obtaining a License to Own and Possess Firearms. – In order
to qualify and acquire a license to own and possess a firearm
(dd) Small arms refer to firearms intended to be or or firearms and ammunition, the applicant must be a Filipino
primarily designed for individual use or that which is citizen, at least twenty-one (21) years old and has gainful
generally considered to mean a weapon intended to work, occupation or business or has filed an Income Tax
be fired from the hand or shoulder, which are not Return (ITR) for the preceding year as proof of income,
capable of fully automatic bursts of discharge, such profession, business or occupation.
In addition, the applicant shall submit the following
(1) Handgun which is a firearm intended to certification issued by appropriate authorities attesting the
be fired from the hand, which includes: following:
(i) A pistol which is a hand- (a) The applicant has not been convicted of any crime
operated firearm having a chamber involving moral turpitude;
integral with or permanently
aligned with the bore which may be (b) The applicant has passed the psychiatric test
self-loading; and administered by a PNP-accredited psychologist or
(ii) Revolver which is a hand-
operated firearm with a revolving (c) The applicant has passed the drug test conducted
cylinder containing chambers for by an accredited and authorized drug testing
individual cartridges. laboratory or clinic;
(2) Rifle which is a shoulder firearm or (d) The applicant has passed a gun safety seminar
designed to be fired from the shoulder that which is administered by the PNP or a registered and
can discharge a bullet through a rifled barrel authorized gun club;
by different actions of loading, which may be
classified as lever, bolt, or self-loading; and
(e) The applicant has filed in writing the application to
possess a registered firearm which shall state the
(3) Shotgun which is a weapon designed, personal circumstances of the applicant;
made and intended to fire a number of ball
shots or a single projectile through a smooth
(f) The applicant must present a police clearance from
bore by the action or energy from burning
the city or municipality police office; and
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Section 5. Ownership of Firearms and Ammunition by a (c) Accredited Media Practitioners;
Juridical Entity. – A juridical person maintaining its own
security force may be issued a regular license to own and (d) Cashiers, Bank Tellers;
possess firearms and ammunition under the following
(e) Priests, Ministers, Rabbi, Imams;
(d) It has paid all its income taxes for the year, as
duly certified by the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Section 11. Registration of Firearms. – The licensed citizen or Section 14. Scope of License to Manufacture Firearms and
licensed juridical entity shall register his/her/its firearms so Ammunition. – The scope of the License to Manufacture
purchased with the FEO of the PNP in accordance with the firearms and ammunition shall also include the following:
type of license such licensed citizen or licensed juridical entity
possesses. A certificate of registration of the firearm shall be (a) The authority to manufacture and assemble
issued upon payment of reasonable fees. firearms, ammunition, spare parts and accessories,
ammunition components, and reloading of
For purposes of this Act, registration refers to the application, ammunitions, within sites, areas, and factories stated
approval, record-keeping and monitoring of firearms with the therein. The Secretary of the DILG shall approve such
FEO of the PNP in accordance with the type of license issued license;
to any person under Section 9 of this Act.
(b) The license to deal in or sell all the items covered
Section 12. License to Possess Ammunition Necessarily by the License to Manufacture, such as parts,
Included. – The licenses granted to qualified citizens or firearms or ammunition and components;
juridical entities as provided in Section 9 of this Act shall
include the license to possess ammunition with a maximum of (c) The authority to subcontract the manufacturing of
fifty (50) rounds for each registered firearm: Provided; That parts and accessories necessary for the firearms
the FEO of the PNP may allow more ammunition to be which the manufacturer is licensed to
possessed by licensed sports shooters. manufacture: Provided, That the subcontractor of
major parts or major components is also licensed to
Section 13. Issuance of License to Manufacture or Deal In manufacture firearms and ammunition; and
Firearms and Ammunition. – Any person desiring to
manufacture or deal in firearms, parts of firearms or (d) The authority to import machinery, equipment,
ammunition thereof, or instruments and implements used or and firearm parts and ammunition components for
intended to be used in the manufacture of firearms, parts of the manufacture thereof. Firearm parts and
firearms or ammunition, shall make an application to: ammunition components to be imported shall,
however, be limited to those authorized to be
(a) The Secretary of the Department of the Interior manufactured as reflected in the approved License to
and Local Government (DILG) in the case of an Manufacture. The Import Permit shall be under the
application for a license to manufacture; and administration of the PNP.
(b) The Chief of the PNP in the case of a license to A licensed manufacturer of ammunition is also entitled to
deal in firearms and firearms parts, ammunition and import various reference firearms needed to test the
gun repair. ammunition manufactured under the License to Manufacture.
A licensed manufacturer of firearms, on the other hand, is
The applicant shall state the amount of capitalization for entitled to import various firearms for reference, test and
manufacture or cost of the purchase and sale of said articles evaluation for manufacture of similar, types of firearms
intended to be transacted by such applicant; and the types of covered by the License to Manufacture.
firms, ammunition or implements which the applicant intends
to manufacture or purchase and sell under the license applied An export permit shall, however, be necessary to export
for; and such additional information as may be especially manufactured parts or finished products of firearms and
requested by the Secretary of the DILG or the Chief of the ammunition. The Export Permit of firearms and ammunition
PNP. shall be under the administration of the PNP.
The Secretary of the DILG or the Chief of the PNP may Section 15. Registration of Locally Manufactured and
approve or disapprove such application based on the Imported Firearms. – Local manufacturers and importers of
prescribed guidelines. In the case of approval, the Secretary of firearms and major parts thereof shall register the same as
the DILG or the Chief of the PNP shall indicate the amount of follows:
the bond to be executed by the applicant before the issuance
of the license and the period of time by which said license shall (a) For locally manufactured firearms and major parts
be effective, unless sooner revoked by their authority. thereof, the initial registration shall be done at the
manufacturing facility: Provided, That firearms
Upon approval of the license to manufacture or otherwise deal intended for export shall no longer be subjected to
in firearms by the Secretary of the DILG or the Chief of the ballistic identification procedures; and
PNP as the case may be, the same shall be transmitted to the
FEO of the PNP which shall issue the license in accordance
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(b) For imported firearms and major parts thereof, citizen or licensed juridical entity: Provided, That, during
the registration shall be done upon arrival at the FEO election periods, the sale and registration of firearms and
of the PNP storage facility. ammunition and the issuance of the corresponding licenses to
citizens shall be allowed on the condition that the transport or
Section 16. License and Scope of License to Deal. – The delivery thereof shall strictly comply with the issuances,
License to Deal authorizes the purchase, sale and general resolutions, rules and regulations promulgated by the
business in handling firearms and ammunition, major and Commission on Elections.
minor parts of firearms, accessories, spare parts, components,
and reloading machines, which shall be issued by the Chief of Section 22. Deposit of Firearms by Persons Arriving From
the PNP. Abroad. – A person arriving in the Philippines who is legally in
possession of any firearm or ammunition in his/her country of
Section 17. License and Scope of License for Gunsmiths. – origin and who has declared the existence of the firearm upon
The license for gunsmiths shall allow the grantee to repair embarkation and disembarkation but whose firearm is not
registered firearms. The license shall include customization of registered in the Philippines in accordance with this Act shall
firearms from finished or manufactured parts thereof on per deposit the same upon written receipt with the Collector of
order basis and not in commercial quantities and making the Customs for delivery to the FEO of the PNP for safekeeping, or
minor parts thereof, i.e. pins, triggers, trigger bows, sights and for the issuance of a permit to transport if the person is a
the like only for the purpose of repairing the registered competitor in a sports shooting competition. If the importation
firearm. The license for gunsmiths shall be issued by the Chief of the same is allowed and the party in question desires to
of the PNP. obtain a domestic firearm license, the same should be
undertaken in accordance with the provisions of this Act. If no
license is desired or leave to import is not granted, the firearm
Section 18. Firearms for Use in Sports and Competitions. –
or ammunition in question shall remain in the custody of the
A qualified individual shall apply for a permit to transport FEO of the PNP until otherwise disposed of in-accordance with
his/her registered firearm/s from his/her residence to the firing
range/s and competition sites as may be warranted.
Section 27. Antique Firearm. – Any person who possesses an (g) The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum
antique firearm shall register the same and secure a collector’s period shall be imposed upon any person who shall
license from the FEO of the PNP. Proper storage of antique unlawfully acquire or possess ammunition for a small
firearm shall be strictly imposed. Noncompliance of this arm or Class-A light weapon. If the violation of this
provision shall be considered as illegal possession of the paragraph is committed by the same person charged
firearm as penalized in this Act. with the unlawful acquisition or possession of a small
arm, the former violation shall be absorbed by the
ARTICLE V latter;
(h) The penalty of prision mayor in its medium period
Section 28. Unlawful Acquisition, or Possession of Firearms shall be imposed upon any person who shall
and Ammunition. – The unlawful acquisition, possession of unlawfully acquire or possess a major part of a Class-
firearms and ammunition shall be penalized as follows: A light weapon;
(a) The penalty of prision mayor in its medium period (i) The penalty of prision mayor in its medium period
shall be imposed upon any person who shall shall be imposed upon any person who shall
unlawfully acquire or possess a small arm; unlawfully acquire or possess ammunition for a Class-
A light weapon. If the violation of this paragraph is
committed by the same person charged with the
(b) The penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion
unlawful acquisition or possession of a Class-A light
perpetua shall be imposed if three (3) or more small weapon, the former violation shall be absorbed by the
arms or Class-A light weapons are unlawfully acquired
or possessed by any person;
Page | 19
attempted coup d’ etat, such violation shall be absorbed as an provided for in this section shall be imposed upon the
element of the crime of rebellion or insurrection, or directors, officers, employees or other officials or persons
attempted coup d’ etat. therein who knowingly and willingly participated in the
unlawful act.
If the crime is committed by the person without using the
loose firearm, the violation of this Act shall be considered as a Section 33. Arms Smuggling. – The penalty of reclusion
distinct and separate offense. perpetua shall be imposed upon any person who shall engage
or participate in arms smuggling as defined in this Act.
Section 30. Liability of Juridical Person. – The penalty
of prision mayor in its minimum to prision mayor in its medium Section 34. Tampering, Obliteration or Alteration of Firearms
period shall be imposed upon the owner, president, manager, Identification. – The penalty of prision correccional to prision
director or other responsible officer of/any public or private mayor in its minimum period shall be imposed upon any
firm, company, corporation or entity who shall willfully or person who shall tamper, obliterate or alter without authority
knowingly allow any of the firearms owned by such firm, the barrel, slide, frame, receiver, cylinder, or bolt assembly,
company, corporation or entity to be used by any person or including the name of the maker, model, or serial number of
persons found guilty of violating the provisions of the any firearm, or who shall replace without authority the barrel,
preceding section, or willfully or knowingly allow any of them slide, frame, receiver, cylinder, or bolt assembly, including its
to use unregistered firearm or firearms without any legal individual or peculiar identifying characteristics essential in
authority to be carried outside of their residence in the course forensic examination of a firearm or light weapon.
of their employment.
The PNP shall place this information, including its individual or
Section 31. Absence of Permit to Carry Outside of peculiar identifying characteristics into the database of
Residence. – The penalty of prision correccional and a fine of integrated firearms identification system of the PNP Crime
Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) shall be imposed upon any Laboratory for future use and identification of a particular
person who is licensed to own a firearm but who shall carry firearm.
the registered firearm outside his/her residence without any
legal authority therefor. Section 35. Use of an Imitation Firearm. – An imitation
firearm used in the commission of a crime shall be considered
Section 32. Unlawful Manufacture, Importation, Sale or a real firearm as defined in this Act and the person who
Disposition of Firearms or Ammunition or Parts Thereof, committed the crime shall be punished in accordance with this
Machinery, Tool or Instrument Used or Intended to be Used in Act: Provided, That injuries caused on the occasion of the
the Manufacture of Firearms, Ammunition or Parts Thereof. – conduct of competitions, sports, games, or any recreation
The penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall activities involving imitation firearms shall not be punishable
be imposed upon any person who shall unlawfully engage in under this Act.
the manufacture, importation, sale or disposition of a firearm
or ammunition, or a major part of a firearm or ammunition, or Section 36. In Custodia Legis. – During the pendency of any
machinery, tool or instrument used or intended to be used by case filed in violation of this Act, seized firearm, ammunition,
the same person in the manufacture of a firearm, ammunition, or parts thereof, machinery, tools or instruments shall remain
or a major part thereof. in the custody of the court. If the court decides that it has no
adequate means to safely keep the same, the court shall issue
The possession of any machinery, tool or instrument used an order to turn over to the PNP Crime Laboratory such
directly in the manufacture of firearms, ammunition, or major firearm, ammunition, or parts thereof, machinery, tools or
parts thereof by any person whose business, employment or instruments in its custody during the pendency of the case and
activity does not lawfully deal with the possession of such to produce the same to the court when so ordered. No bond
article, shall be prima facie evidence that such article is shall be admitted for the release of the firearm, ammunition or
intended to be used in the unlawful or illegal manufacture of parts thereof, machinery, tool or instrument. Any violation of
firearms, ammunition or parts thereof. this paragraph shall be punishable by prision mayor in its
minimum period to prision mayor in its medium period.
The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period to prision
mayor in its medium period shall be imposed upon any laborer, Section 37. Confiscation and Forfeiture. – The imposition of
worker or employee of a licensed firearms dealer who shall penalty for any violation of this Act shall carry with it the
unlawfully take, sell or otherwise dispose of parts of firearms accessory penalty of confiscation and forfeiture of the firearm,
or ammunition which the company manufactures and sells, ammunition, or parts thereof, machinery, tool or instrument in
and other materials used by the company in the manufacture favor of the government which shall be disposed of in
or sale of firearms or ammunition. The buyer or possessor of accordance with law.
such stolen part or material, who is aware that such part or
material was stolen, shall suffer the same penalty as the Section 38. Liability for Planting Evidence. – The penalty
laborer, worker or employee. of prision mayor in its maximum period shall be imposed upon
any person who shall willfully and maliciously insert; place,
If the violation or offense is committed by a corporation, and/or attach, directly or indirectly, through any overt or
partnership, association or other juridical entity, the penalty covert act, any firearm, or ammunition, or parts thereof in the
Page | 20
person, house, effects, or in the immediate vicinity of an Section 41. Illegal Transfer/Registration of Firearms. – It shall
innocent individual for the purpose of implicating or be unlawful to transfer possession of any firearm to any
incriminating the person, or imputing the commission of any person who has not yet obtained or secured the necessary
violation of the provisions of this Act to said individual. If the license or permit thereof.
person found guilty under this paragraph is a public officer or
employee, such person shall suffer the penalty of reclusion The penalty of prision correccional shall be imposed upon any
perpetua. person who shall violate the provision of the preceding
paragraph. In addition, he/she shall be disqualified to apply for
Section 39. Grounds for Revocation, Cancellation or a license to possess other firearms and all his/her existing
Suspension of License or Permit. – The Chief of the PNP or firearms licenses whether for purposes of commerce or
his/her authorized representative may revoke, cancel or possession, shall be revoked. If government-issued firearms,
suspend a license or permit on the following grounds: ammunition or major parts of firearms or light weapons are
unlawfully disposed, sold or transferred by any law
(a) Commission of a crime or offense involving the enforcement agent or public officer to private individuals, the
firearm, ammunition, of major parts thereof; penalty of reclusion temporal shall be imposed.
(b) Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or Any public officer or employee or any person who shall
any offense where the penalty carries an facilitate the registration of a firearm through fraud, deceit,
imprisonment of more than six (6) years; misrepresentation or submission of falsified documents shall
suffer the penalty of prision correccional.
(c) Loss of the firearm, ammunition, or any parts
thereof through negligence; ARTICLE VI
(d) Carrying of the firearm, ammunition, or major
parts thereof outside of residence or workplace Section 42. Firearms Repository. – The FEO of the PNP shall
without, the proper permit to carry the same; be the sole repository of all firearms records to include
imported and locally manufactured firearms and ammunition.
Within one (1) year upon approval of this Act, all military and
(e) Carrying of the firearm, ammunition, or major
law enforcement agencies, government agencies, LGUs and
parts thereof in prohibited places;
government-owned or -controlled corporations shall submit an
inventory of all their firearms and ammunition to the PNP.
(f) Dismissal for cause from the service in case of
government official and employee;
Section 43. Final Amnesty. – Persons in possession of
unregistered firearms and holders of expired license or
(g) Commission of any of the acts penalized under unregistered firearms shall register and renew the same
Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the through the Final General Amnesty within six (6) months from
"Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002″; the promulgation of the implementing rules and regulations of
this Act. During the interim period of six (6) months, no person
(h) Submission of falsified documents or applying for license shall be charged of any delinquent
misrepresentation in the application to obtain a payment accruing to the firearm subject for registration. The
license or permit; PNP shall conduct an intensive nationwide campaign to ensure
that the general public is properly informed of the provisions of
this Act.
(i) Noncompliance of reportorial requirements; and
Section 47. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect after (b) "Entrustee" shall refer to the person having or
fifteen (15) days from its publication in a newspaper of taking possession of goods, documents or
nationwide circulation. instruments under a trust receipt transaction, and any
successor in interest of such person for the purpose
22. Trust Receipts Law (P.D. 115) or purposes specified in the trust receipt agreement.
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 115 January 29, 1973 (c) "Entruster" shall refer to the person holding title
over the goods, documents, or instruments subject of
PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF TRUST a trust receipt transaction, and any successor in
RECEIPTS TRANSACTIONS interest of such person.
WHEREAS, the utilization of trust receipts, as a convenient (d) "Goods" shall include chattels and personal
business device to assist importers and merchants solve their property other than: money, things in action, or
financing problems, had gained popular acceptance in things so affixed to land as to become a part thereof.
international and domestic business practices, particularly in
commercial banking transactions; (e) "Instrument" means any negotiable instrument as
defined in the Negotiable Instrument Law; any
WHEREAS, there is no specific law in the Philippines that certificate of stock, or bond or debenture for the
governs trust receipt transactions, especially the rights and payment of money issued by a public or private
obligations of the parties involved therein and the enforcement corporation, or any certificate of deposit, participation
of the said rights in case of default or violation of the terms of certificate or receipt, any credit or investment
the trust receipt agreement; instrument of a sort marketed in the ordinary course
of business or finance, whereby the entrustee, after
the issuance of the trust receipt, appears by virtue of
WHEREAS, the recommendations contained in the report on
possession and the face of the instrument to be the
the financial system which have been accepted, with certain
owner. "Instrument" shall not include a document as
modifications by the monetary authorities included, among
defined in this Decree.
others, the enactment of a law regulating the trust receipt
(f) "Purchase" means taking by sale, conditional sale,
lease, mortgage, or pledge, legal or equitable.
the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the
Constitution, as Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of (g) "Purchaser" means any person taking by
the Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081, dated purchase.
September 21, 1972, and General Order No. 1, dated
September 22, 1972, as amended, and in order to effect the (h) "Security Interest" means a property interest in
desired changes and reforms in the social, economic, and goods, documents or instruments to secure
political structure of our society, do hereby order and decree performance of some obligations of the entrustee or
and make as part of the law of the land the following: of some third persons to the entruster and includes
title, whether or not expressed to be absolute,
Section 1. Short Title. This Decree shall be known as the whenever such title is in substance taken or retained
Trust Receipts Law. for security only.
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared to be (i) "Person" means, as the case may be, an individual,
the policy of the state (a) to encourage and promote the use trustee, receiver, or other fiduciary, partnership,
of trust receipts as an additional and convenient aid to corporation, business trust or other association, and
commerce and trade; (b) to provide for the regulation of trust two more persons having a joint or common interest.
receipts transactions in order to assure the protection of the
rights and enforcement of obligations of the parties involved (j) "Trust Receipt" shall refer to the written or printed
therein; and (c) to declare the misuse and/or misappropriation document signed by the entrustee in favor of the
of goods or proceeds realized from the sale of goods, entruster containing terms and conditions
documents or instruments released under trust receipts as a substantially complying with the provisions of this
criminal offense punishable under Article Three hundred and Decree. No further formality of execution or
fifteen of the Revised Penal Code. authentication shall be necessary to the validity of a
trust receipt.
Section 3. Definition of terms. As used in this Decree, unless
the context otherwise requires, the term (k) "Value" means any consideration sufficient to
support a simple contract.
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Section 4. What constitutes a trust receipt transaction. A trust documents or instruments subject of the trust receipt; (2) the
receipt transaction, within the meaning of this Decree, is any total invoice value of the goods and the amount of the draft to
transaction by and between a person referred to in this Decree be paid by the entrustee; (3) an undertaking or a commitment
as the entruster, and another person referred to in this Decree of the entrustee (a) to hold in trust for the entruster the
as entrustee, whereby the entruster, who owns or holds goods, documents or instruments therein described; (b) to
absolute title or security interests over certain specified goods, dispose of them in the manner provided for in the trust
documents or instruments, releases the same to the receipt; and (c) to turn over the proceeds of the sale of the
possession of the entrustee upon the latter's execution and goods, documents or instruments to the entruster to the
delivery to the entruster of a signed document called a "trust extent of the amount owing to the entruster or as appears in
receipt" wherein the entrustee binds himself to hold the the trust receipt or to return the goods, documents or
designated goods, documents or instruments in trust for the instruments in the event of their non-sale within the period
entruster and to sell or otherwise dispose of the goods, specified therein.
documents or instruments with the obligation to turn over to
the entruster the proceeds thereof to the extent of the amount The trust receipt may contain other terms and conditions
owing to the entruster or as appears in the trust receipt or the agreed upon by the parties in addition to those hereinabove
goods, documents or instruments themselves if they are enumerated provided that such terms and conditions shall not
unsold or not otherwise disposed of, in accordance with the be contrary to the provisions of this Decree, any existing laws,
terms and conditions specified in the trust receipt, or for other public policy or morals, public order or good customs.
purposes substantially equivalent to any of the following:
Section 6. Currency in which a trust receipt may be
1. In the case of goods or documents, (a) to sell the denominated. A trust receipt may be denominated in the
goods or procure their sale; or (b) to manufacture or Philippine currency or any foreign currency acceptable and
process the goods with the purpose of ultimate sale: eligible as part of international reserves of the Philippines, the
Provided, That, in the case of goods delivered under provisions of existing law, executive orders, rules and
trust receipt for the purpose of manufacturing or regulations to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided,
processing before its ultimate sale, the entruster shall however, That in the case of trust receipts denominated in
retain its title over the goods whether in its original or foreign currency, payment shall be made in its equivalent in
processed form until the entrustee has complied fully Philippine currency computed at the prevailing exchange rate
with his obligation under the trust receipt; or (c) to on the date the proceeds of sale of the goods, documents or
load, unload, ship or tranship or otherwise deal with instruments held in trust by the entrustee are turned over to
them in a manner preliminary or necessary to their the entruster or on such other date as may be stipulated in the
sale; or trust receipt or other agreements executed between the
entruster and the entrustee.
2. In the case of instruments,
Section 7. Rights of the entruster. The entruster shall be
a) to sell or procure their sale or exchange; entitled to the proceeds from the sale of the goods, documents
or or instruments released under a trust receipt to the entrustee
to the extent of the amount owing to the entruster or as
b) to deliver them to a principal; or appears in the trust receipt, or to the return of the goods,
documents or instruments in case of non-sale, and to the
enforcement of all other rights conferred on him in the trust
c) to effect the consummation of some
receipt provided such are not contrary to the provisions of this
transactions involving delivery to a
depository or register; or
The entruster may cancel the trust and take possession of the
d) to effect their presentation, collection or
goods, documents or instruments subject of the trust or of the
proceeds realized therefrom at any time upon default or failure
of the entrustee to comply with any of the terms and
The sale of goods, documents or instruments by a conditions of the trust receipt or any other agreement between
person in the business of selling goods, documents or the entruster and the entrustee, and the entruster in
instruments for profit who, at the outset of the possession of the goods, documents or instruments may, on or
transaction, has, as against the buyer, general after default, give notice to the entrustee of the intention to
property rights in such goods, documents or sell, and may, not less than five days after serving or sending
instruments, or who sells the same to the buyer on of such notice, sell the goods, documents or instruments at
credit, retaining title or other interest as security for public or private sale, and the entruster may, at a public sale,
the payment of the purchase price, does not become a purchaser. The proceeds of any such sale, whether
constitute a trust receipt transaction and is outside public or private, shall be applied (a) to the payment of the
the purview and coverage of this Decree. expenses thereof; (b) to the payment of the expenses of re-
taking, keeping and storing the goods, documents or
Section 5. Form of trust receipts; contents. A trust receipt instruments; (c) to the satisfaction of the entrustee's
need not be in any particular form, but every such receipt indebtedness to the entruster. The entrustee shall receive any
must substantially contain (a) a description of the goods, surplus but shall be liable to the entruster for any deficiency.
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Notice of sale shall be deemed sufficiently given if in writing, juridical entities, the penalty provided for in this Decree shall
and either personally served on the entrustee or sent by post- be imposed upon the directors, officers, employees or other
paid ordinary mail to the entrustee's last known business officials or persons therein responsible for the offense, without
address. prejudice to the civil liabilities arising from the criminal offense.
Section 8. Entruster not responsible on sale by entrustee. The Section 14. Cases not covered by this Decree. Cases not
entruster holding a security interest shall not, merely by virtue provided for in this Decree shall be governed by the applicable
of such interest or having given the entrustee liberty of sale or provisions of existing laws.
other disposition of the goods, documents or instruments
under the terms of the trust receipt transaction be responsible Section 15. Separability clause. If any provision or section of
as principal or as vendor under any sale or contract to sell this Decree or the application thereof to any person or
made by the entrustee. circumstance is held invalid, the other provisions or sections
hereof and the application of such provisions or sections to
Section 9. Obligations of the entrustee. The entrustee shall other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
(1) hold the goods, documents or instruments in trust for the
entruster and shall dispose of them strictly in accordance with Section 16. Repealing clause. All Acts inconsistent with this
the terms and conditions of the trust receipt; (2) receive the Decree are hereby repealed.
proceeds in trust for the entruster and turn over the same to
the entruster to the extent of the amount owing to the
Section 17. This Decree shall take effect immediately.
entruster or as appears on the trust receipt; (3) insure the
goods for their total value against loss from fire, theft,
pilferage or other casualties; (4) keep said goods or proceeds Done in the City of Manila, this 29th day of January, in the
thereof whether in money or whatever form, separate and year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-three.
capable of identification as property of the entruster; (5)
return the goods, documents or instruments in the event of 23. Cybercrime Prevention Act (R.A. 10175)
non-sale or upon demand of the entruster; and (6) observe all
other terms and conditions of the trust receipt not contrary to REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10175
the provisions of this Decree.
Section 10. Liability of entrustee for loss. The risk of loss shall PREVENTION, INVESTIGATION, SUPPRESSION AND
be borne by the entrustee. Loss of goods, documents or THE IMPOSITION OF PENALTIES THEREFOR AND FOR
instruments which are the subject of a trust receipt, pending OTHER PURPOSES
their disposition, irrespective of whether or not it was due to
the fault or negligence of the entrustee, shall not extinguish
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
his obligation to the entruster for the value thereof.
the Philippines in Congress assembled:
(f) Computer program refers to a set of instructions (2) Any other entity that processes or stores
executed by the computer to achieve intended computer data on behalf of such
results. communication service or users of such
(g) Computer system refers to any device or group of
interconnected or related devices, one or more of (o) Subscriber’s information refers to any information
which, pursuant to a program, performs automated contained in the form of computer data or any other
processing of data. It covers any type of device with form that is held by a service provider, relating to
data processing capabilities including, but not limited subscribers of its services other than traffic or content
to, computers and mobile phones. The device data and by which identity can be established:
consisting of hardware and software may include
input, output and storage components which may (1) The type of communication service used,
stand alone or be connected in a network or other the technical provisions taken thereto and
similar devices. It also includes computer data storage the period of service;
devices or media.
(2) The subscriber’s identity, postal or
(h) Without right refers to either: (i) conduct geographic address, telephone and other
undertaken without or in excess of authority; or (ii) access numbers, any assigned network
conduct not covered by established legal defenses, address, billing and payment information,
excuses, court orders, justifications, or relevant
principles under the law.
Page | 25
available on the basis of the service (aa) A device, including a
agreement or arrangement; and computer program,
designed or adapted
(3) Any other available information on the primarily for the purpose
site of the installation of communication of committing any of the
equipment, available on the basis of the offenses under this Act; or
service agreement or arrangement.
(bb) A computer
(p) Traffic data or non-content data refers to any password, access code, or
computer data other than the content of the similar data by which the
communication including, but not limited to, the whole or any part of a
communication’s origin, destination, route, time, date, computer system is
size, duration, or type of underlying service. capable of being accessed
with intent that it be used
for the purpose of
committing any of the
offenses under this Act.
Page | 26
of computer-related forgery as (aa) The commercial
defined herein, for the purpose of electronic communication
perpetuating a fraudulent or contains a simple, valid,
dishonest design. and reliable way for the
recipient to reject. receipt
(2) Computer-related Fraud. — The of further commercial
unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of electronic messages (opt-
computer data or program or interference in out) from the same
the functioning of a computer system, source;
causing damage thereby with fraudulent
intent: Provided, That if no (bb) The commercial
electronic communication
damage has yet been caused, the penalty does not purposely
imposable shall be one (1) degree lower. disguise the source of the
electronic message; and
(3) Computer-related Identity Theft. – The
intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, (cc) The commercial
possession, alteration or deletion of electronic communication
identifying information belonging to another, does not purposely include
whether natural or juridical, without misleading information in
right: Provided, That if no damage has yet any part of the message in
been caused, the penalty imposable shall be order to induce the
one (1) degree lower. recipients to read the
(c) Content-related Offenses:
(4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts
of libel as defined in Article 355 of the
(1) Cybersex. — The willful engagement,
Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed
maintenance, control, or operation, directly
through a computer system or any other
or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of
similar means which may be devised in the
sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid
of a computer system, for favor or
Section 5. Other Offenses. — The following acts shall also
constitute an offense:
(2) Child Pornography. — The unlawful or
prohibited acts defined and punishable
by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child (a) Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of
Pornography Act of 2009, committed Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully abets or aids
through a computer system: Provided, That in the commission of any of the offenses enumerated
the penalty to be imposed shall be (1) one in this Act shall be held liable.
degree higher than that provided for in
Republic Act No. 9775.1âwphi1 (b) Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime. — Any
person who willfully attempts to commit any of the
(3) Unsolicited Commercial Communications. offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable.
— The transmission of commercial electronic
communication with the use of computer Section 6. All crimes defined and penalized by the Revised
system which seek to advertise, sell, or offer Penal Code, as amended, and special laws, if committed by,
for sale products and services are prohibited through and with the use of information and communications
unless: technologies shall be covered by the relevant provisions of this
Act: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be one (1)
(i) There is prior affirmative consent degree higher than that provided for by the Revised Penal
from the recipient; or Code, as amended, and special laws, as the case may be.
(ii) The primary intent of the Section 7. Liability under Other Laws. — A prosecution under
communication is for service and/or this Act shall be without prejudice to any liability for violation
administrative announcements from of any provision of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, or
the sender to its existing users, special laws.
subscribers or customers; or
(iii) The following conditions are PENALTIES
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Section 8. Penalties. — Any person found guilty of any of the If the commission of any of the punishable acts herein defined
punishable acts enumerated in Sections 4(a) and 4(b) of this was made possible due to the lack of supervision or control by
Act shall be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or a a natural person referred to and described in the preceding
fine of at least Two hundred thousand pesos (PhP200,000.00) paragraph, for the benefit of that juridical person by a natural
up to a maximum amount commensurate to the damage person acting under its authority, the juridical person shall be
incurred or both. held liable for a fine equivalent to at least double the fines
imposable in Section 7 up to a maximum of Five million pesos
Any person found guilty of the punishable act under Section (PhP5,000,000.00).
4(a)(5) shall be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor
or a fine of not more than Five hundred thousand pesos The liability imposed on the juridical person shall be without
(PhP500,000.00) or both. prejudice to the criminal liability of the natural person who has
committed the offense.
If punishable acts in Section 4(a) are committed against critical
infrastructure, the penalty of reclusion temporal or a fine of at CHAPTER IV
least Five hundred thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00) up to ENFORCEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION
maximum amount commensurate to the damage incurred or
both, shall be imposed. Section 10. Law Enforcement Authorities. — The National
Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts (PNP) shall be responsible for the efficient and effective law
enumerated in Section 4(c)(1) of this Act shall be punished enforcement of the provisions of this Act. The NBI and the PNP
with imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of at least Two shall organize a cybercrime unit or center manned by special
hundred thousand pesos (PhP200,000.00) but not exceeding investigators to exclusively handle cases involving violations of
One million pesos (PhPl,000,000.00) or both. this Act.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts Section 11. Duties of Law Enforcement Authorities. — To
enumerated in Section 4(c)(2) of this Act shall be punished ensure that the technical nature of cybercrime and its
with the penalties as enumerated in Republic Act No. 9775 or prevention is given focus and considering the procedures
the "Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009″: Provided,That the involved for international cooperation, law enforcement
penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree higher than that authorities specifically the computer or technology crime
provided for in Republic Act No. 9775, if committed through a divisions or units responsible for the investigation of
computer system. cybercrimes are required to submit timely and regular reports
including pre-operation, post-operation and investigation
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts results and such other documents as may be required to the
enumerated in Section 4(c)(3) shall be punished with Department of Justice (DOJ) for review and monitoring.
imprisonment of arresto mayor or a fine of at least Fifty
thousand pesos (PhP50,000.00) but not exceeding Two Section 12. Real-Time Collection of Traffic Data. — Law
hundred fifty thousand pesos (PhP250,000.00) or both. enforcement authorities, with due cause, shall be authorized to
collect or record by technical or electronic means traffic data in
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts real-time associated with specified communications transmitted
enumerated in Section 5 shall be punished with imprisonment by means of a computer system.
one (1) degree lower than that of the prescribed penalty for
the offense or a fine of at least One hundred thousand pesos Traffic data refer only to the communication’s origin,
(PhPl00,000.00) but not exceeding Five hundred thousand destination, route, time, date, size, duration, or type of
pesos (PhP500,000.00) or both. underlying service, but not content, nor identities.
Section 9. Corporate Liability. — When any of the punishable All other data to be collected or seized or disclosed will require
acts herein defined are knowingly committed on behalf of or a court warrant.
for the benefit of a juridical person, by a natural person acting
either individually or as part of an organ of the juridical person, Service providers are required to cooperate and assist law
who has a leading position within, based on: (a) a power of enforcement authorities in the collection or recording of the
representation of the juridical person provided the act above-stated information.
committed falls within the scope of such authority; (b) an
authority to take decisions on behalf of the juridical
The court warrant required under this section shall only be
person: Provided, That the act committed falls within the
issued or granted upon written application and the
scope of such authority; or (c) an authority to exercise control
examination under oath or affirmation of the applicant and the
within the juridical person, the juridical person shall be held
witnesses he may produce and the showing: (1) that there are
liable for a fine equivalent to at least double the fines
reasonable grounds to believe that any of the crimes
imposable in Section 7 up to a maximum of Ten million pesos
enumerated hereinabove has been committed, or is being
committed, or is about to be committed: (2) that there are
reasonable grounds to believe that evidence that will be
obtained is essential to the conviction of any person for, or to
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the solution of, or to the prevention of, any such crimes; and computer system and the measures to protect and preserve
(3) that there are no other means readily available for the computer data therein to provide, as is reasonable, the
obtaining such evidence. necessary information, to enable the undertaking of the
search, seizure and examination.
Section 13. Preservation of Computer Data. — The integrity
of traffic data and subscriber information relating to Law enforcement authorities may request for an extension of
communication services provided by a service provider shall be time to complete the examination of the computer data
preserved for a minimum period of six (6) months from the storage medium and to make a return thereon but in no case
date of the transaction. Content data shall be similarly for a period longer than thirty (30) days from date of approval
preserved for six (6) months from the date of receipt of the by the court.
order from law enforcement authorities requiring its
preservation. Section 16. Custody of Computer Data. — All computer data,
including content and traffic data, examined under a proper
Law enforcement authorities may order a one-time extension warrant shall, within forty-eight (48) hours after the expiration
for another six (6) months: Provided, That once computer data of the period fixed therein, be deposited with the court in a
preserved, transmitted or stored by a service provider is used sealed package, and shall be accompanied by an affidavit of
as evidence in a case, the mere furnishing to such service the law enforcement authority executing it stating the dates
provider of the transmittal document to the Office of the and times covered by the examination, and the law
Prosecutor shall be deemed a notification to preserve the enforcement authority who may access the deposit, among
computer data until the termination of the case. other relevant data. The law enforcement authority shall also
certify that no duplicates or copies of the whole or any part
The service provider ordered to preserve computer data shall thereof have been made, or if made, that all such duplicates or
keep confidential the order and its compliance. copies are included in the package deposited with the court.
The package so deposited shall not be opened, or the
recordings replayed, or used in evidence, or then contents
Section 14. Disclosure of Computer Data. — Law
revealed, except upon order of the court, which shall not be
enforcement authorities, upon securing a court warrant, shall
granted except upon motion, with due notice and opportunity
issue an order requiring any person or service provider to
to be heard to the person or persons whose conversation or
disclose or submit subscriber’s information, traffic data or
communications have been recorded.
relevant data in his/its possession or control within seventy-
two (72) hours from receipt of the order in relation to a valid
complaint officially docketed and assigned for investigation and Section 17. Destruction of Computer Data. — Upon expiration
the disclosure is necessary and relevant for the purpose of of the periods as provided in Sections 13 and 15, service
investigation. providers and law enforcement authorities, as the case may
be, shall immediately and completely destroy the computer
data subject of a preservation and examination.
Section 15. Search, Seizure and Examination of Computer
Data. — Where a search and seizure warrant is properly
issued, the law enforcement authorities shall likewise have the Section 18. Exclusionary Rule. — Any evidence procured
following powers and duties. without a valid warrant or beyond the authority of the same
shall be inadmissible for any proceeding before any court or
Within the time period specified in the warrant, to conduct
interception, as defined in this Act, and:
Section 19. Restricting or Blocking Access to Computer
Data. — When a computer data is prima facie found to be in
(a) To secure a computer system or a computer data
violation of the provisions of this Act, the DOJ shall issue an
storage medium;
order to restrict or block access to such computer data.
Section 22. General Principles Relating to International (e) To coordinate the support and participation of the
Cooperation. — All relevant international instruments on business sector, local government units and
international cooperation in criminal matters, arrangements nongovernment organizations in cybercrime
agreed on the basis of uniform or reciprocal legislation, and prevention programs and other related projects;
domestic laws, to the widest extent possible for the purposes
of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offenses (f) To recommend the enactment of appropriate laws,
related to computer systems and data, or for the collection of issuances, measures and policies;
evidence in electronic form of a criminal, offense shall be given
full force and effect.
(g) To call upon any government agency to render
assistance in the accomplishment of the CICC’s
CHAPTER VII mandated tasks and functions; and
(h) To perform all other matters related to cybercrime
Section 23. Department of Justice (DOJ). — There is hereby prevention and suppression, including capacity
created an Office of Cybercrime within the DOJ designated as building and such other functions and duties as may
the central authority in all matters related to international be necessary for the proper implementation of this
mutual assistance and extradition. Act.
(a) To formulate a national cybersecurity plan and Section 31. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect fifteen
extend immediate assistance for the suppression of (15) days after the completion of its publication in the Official
real-time commission of cybercrime offenses through Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general
a computer emergency response team (CERT); circulation.
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