Polidoro, Ghosh, Tan
Polidoro, Ghosh, Tan
Polidoro, Ghosh, Tan
Abstract: A fragility curve expresses the conditional probability of failure of a structure for a
given input motion parameter, such as the peak ground acceleration or spectral acceleration.
In nuclear engineering practice, fragility curve is evaluated by using margin factors. This
approach represents a very convenient method but it adopts strong simplifying hypotheses.
In the last years, fragility curves have also become very popular for assessing the seismic
vulnerability of civil structures and one of the best current practices is the use of non-linear
dynamic analyses. In this context, incremental dynamic analyses have been used in
conjunction with a pushover analysis to assess a building used as a storage facility for
vehicles and equipment, within a nuclear power plant in UK. The main functional requirement
of the building is to provide a facility to store and maintain back-up and emergency response
equipment that may be required by emergency responders for the nuclear power station.
Following the Tohuku earthquake in Japan on 11 March 2011, a review of the UK’s nuclear
industry has been carried out by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) using the lessons
learnt from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Fukushima-Daiichi station. This
review stated that there were no fundamental safety weaknesses in the UK’s nuclear
industry, but also concluded that using the lessons learnt from the event the industry can be
made even safer. A document titled ‘Japanese earthquake and tsunami: Implementing the
lessons for the UK's nuclear industry’ (ONR, 2012) was produced after the ONR review. This
document identifies the requirement for an emergency equipment store.
The main functional requirement of the building is to provide a facility to store and maintain
back-up and emergency response equipment that may be required by emergency
responders for the nuclear power station. Vehicles and equipment may be required to
respond to Beyond Design Basis (BDB) events, Design Basis events, and to non-nuclear
related events on site. In particular, the facility has to be able to perform its main functions
following a BDB event, and the equipment stored within the facility must be protected so that
it is able to function following the same event. The design life of the building is 70 years.
It is therefore necessary to establish and quantify the applicable BDB events to ensure the
building design demonstrates resilience. The most common method of quantifying a BDB
event is by defining the Design Basis (DB) event and then adding a suitable margin. The
BDB indicates that the building design should demonstrate that there is a High Confidence
(at 95th percentile) of Low Probability (less than 5%) that the building can fulfil its minimum
functions, following a Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 4m/sec2. To reach this purpose a
fragility curve, which expresses the conditional probability of failure of a structure given a
ground motion intensity measure is required.
The most common approach adopted in the nuclear engineering practice to carry out a
fragility curve is a simplified method called “response factor method” (Reed et al., 1994). It
represents a very convenient method to calculate the fragility curves, however, it adopts
strong simplifications.
During last years, fragility analyses have become very popular also in the civil engineering
applications to evaluate the vulnerability of structures. Within this context, the growth in
Seismic Hazard Specialist, Mott MacDonald, London (UK), barbara.polidoro@mottmac.com
Senior Principal Engineer, Mott MacDonald, London (UK), barnali.ghosh@mottmac.com
Senior Principal Analyst, Mott MacDonald, Altrincham (UK), ming.tan@mottmac.com
computer processing power has made possible the use of more complex and accurate
analyses. Hence, the state of the art has moved from static to non-linear dynamic analyses.
This paper is structured in a way that, the response factor method, usually adopted to carry
out fragility curves is described first. Then, the procedure to calculate the fragility curve
adopting non-linear dynamic analyses is illustrated and numerical results are provided for the
building in terms of fragility curves at different confidence levels.
Because of the confidentiality of the project, specific information about the location and
geometry of the building will not be provided.
Also the response factor method (Reed and Kennedy, 1994) adopts the previous formulation,
but it also distinguishes between epistemic uncertainty (that accounts for the lack of
knowledge about the procedure) and aleatory randomness (e.g., the variability of the 𝑃𝐺𝐴 for
an earthquake of a certain magnitude and at a certain location) by introducing the log-
standard deviations 𝛽 and 𝛽 respectively. In this context, the capacity can be expressed as
in Equation 2, where 𝜀 and 𝜀 are log-normally distributed random variables with median
equal to one and respective log-standard deviations 𝛽 and 𝛽 .
𝐴 = (𝐴 ∙ 𝜀 ) ∙ 𝜀 (2)
Starting from the above hypotheses, it is possible to define a family of fragility curves that
refer to different confidence levels, Q (Equation 3).
( / ) ( )
𝑃′ | (𝑎) = 𝜙 (3)
Equation 1 (which represents the mean curve) and Equation 3 (which for 𝑄 = 0.5 provides
the median curve) are linked by the following expression (Equation 4).
𝛽≡𝛽 = 𝛽 +𝛽 (4)
In this method, in order to evaluate the fragility parameters, intermediate random variables
(i.e., safety factors) are used. In particular, the capacity, 𝐴, is expressed as in Equation 5
where adesign is the 𝑃𝐺𝐴 of design and 𝐹 are the random margin factors, lognormally
distributed (with median 𝐹 and log-standard deviation 𝛽 ) that account for the conservatism
and uncertainty in structural response and capacity calculations.
𝐴 = (∏ 𝐹 )𝑎 (5)
Thus, it results that the median capacity can be calculated as 𝐴 = 𝐹 ∙ 𝑎 with 𝐹 =
∏ 𝐹 while the log-standard deviation is given by Equation 6.
𝛽= ∑ 𝛽 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝛽 = 𝛽 + 𝛽 (6)
Because of its simplicity, this approach is very very convenient. As this method is based on
strong hypothesis (e.g. lognormally distributed safety factors) and expert judgment it may not
provide robust results.
Structural model
In order to evaluate the capacity of the structure, a pushover analysis can be adopted (e.g.,
D'Ayala et al. 2014). The pushover analysis of a structure is a static non-linear analysis
under permanent vertical loads and gradually increasing lateral loads (incremental loads) up
to failure. The equivalent static lateral loads approximately represent inertial forces induced
by the earthquake. The output of this analysis is therefore the capacity curve (force-
displacement relationship) of a Multi Degree of Freedom (MDoF) system with the estimated
damage states.
In order to conduct the fragility assessment, this curve has to be converted into a capacity
curve for the equivalent Single Degree of Freedom (SDoF) system. The definition of the
equivalent SDoF from a pushover curve can be obtained by using the approach followed in
the classical N2 method (Fajfar, 2000) and implemented in Eurocode 8 (CEN, 2004).
This transformation is made by dividing the base shear and displacement of the MDoF
system with a transformation factor (the first mode participation factor, 𝛤 ) that can be
calculated according to Equation 7, where 𝑚∗ is the mass of the equivalent SDoF (defined as
𝑚∗ = ∑ 𝑚 𝜙 ) while 𝜙 is the fundamental mode shape.
𝛤=∑ (7)
For the calculation of the equivalent mass 𝑚∗ and the factor 𝛤, the assumed displacement
shape 𝜙 is normalized, (i.e., the value at the top is equal to 1).
Then, in order to perform non-linear dynamic analyses, the pushover curve for the equivalent
SDoF has to be idealized. In particular, depending on the shape of the pushover curve, this
can be idealized by a bilinear (an elastic-plastic) or multilinear (elastic-plastic with residual
strength) model. To derive the idealized capacity diagram of the SDoF system, the equal
energy principle can be used, that is, the idealized curve is determined by imposing that the
areas under the actual curve of SDoF and the idealized curve are equal.
Regression process
Once the non-linear dynamic analyses have been performed, the conditional distribution of
the EDP given the intensity level, IM, can be calculated. Hence, the probability of failure, that
is, the probability of exceedance of the seismic capacity for each IM can be assessed.
These probabilities already represent an empirical fragility curve. However, results may also
be fitted by a cumulative lognormal distribution (Equation 1) whose parameters can be
assessed by adopting a regression process (Porter, 2007).
In fact, it is possible to convert Equations 1 to a linear regression problem by taking the
inverse Gaussian cumulative distribution function of each side and fitting a line (Equation 8)
to the data.
𝑦 = 𝑠𝑥 + 𝑐 (8)
In the above equation, s is the slope of the trend line and 𝑐 is the value of 𝑦 where the line
has a x -value of 0 (the intercept). Parameters of fragility curve are related to the fitting line;
in fact, the 𝛽 value correspond to 1/𝑠 , while 𝐴 = −𝑐/𝑠 . Obviously, parameters can be
defined also for different confidence levels.
Longitudinal direction
Force [kN]
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02
Displacement [m]
Figure 1. Linearized pushover curve for the equivalent SDOF (longitudinal direction)
Transversal direction
Force [kN]
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02
Displacement [m]
Figure 2. Linearized pushover curve for the equivalent SDOF (transversal direction)
Table 1 summarizes for each direction, the characteristics of the equivalent SDOF systems,
that is: the first mode participation factor (𝛤), the yielding force (𝐹 ), the capacity force at
collapse (𝐹 ), the yielding and ultimate displacements (𝑑 and 𝑑 respectively), the hardening
value (ℎ), the first mode participating mass (𝑚 ) and finally the stiffness (𝑘 ∗ ), mass (𝑚∗) and
period (𝑇 ∗) of the equivalent SDoF.
The set of ground motions used to perform the non-linear dynamic analyses is based on the
FEMA P695 far-field ground motion set, which includes 22 record pairs, each with two
horizontal components for a total of 44 ground motions. Those ground motions are recorded
at sites located greater than or equal to 10 km from fault rupture; event magnitudes range
from M 6.5 to M 7.6 with an average magnitude of M 7.0.
The scaling factor to be applied at each record for each IM has been calculated through the
evaluation of the exact spectral response at the period of the SDoF by using OpenSees and
Matlab software.
Since the structure can be defined regular, IDAs have been performed independently in the
two directions. Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the IDAs results for the longitudinal and
transversal directions respectively.
Sa(T1) [m/sec ]
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
in [m]
Figure 3. Incremental Dynamic Analysis for the longitudinal direction
Sa(T1) [m/sec ]
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
in [m]
Figure 4. Incremental Dynamic Analysis for the transversal direction
Once the IDAs have been performed, the conditional probability density function (assumed
as lognormal) of the inelastic displacement, Δin, given each intensity level has been
evaluated. Hence, the probability of failure, that is, the probability of exceedance of the
seismic capacity has been assessed.
The empirical fragility curve is then fitted with a lognormal distribution (Equation 1) whose
parameters have been defined by using the regression procedure described in the previous
Curves have been calculated for different confidence levels (i.e., for the 50th 5th and 95th
percentile). Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the family of fragility curves obtained for the
longitudinal and transversal directions respectively.
50th Percentile
0.9 5th Percentile
95th Percentile
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Sa(T1) [m/sec2]
Figure 5. Fragility curves for the longitudinal direction
50th Percentile
0.9 5th Percentile
95th Percentile
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Sa(T1) [m/sec2]
Figure 6. Fragility curves for the transversal direction
In order to perform the fragility assessment of the building, the seismic demand, that is, the
design 𝑆 (𝑇 ) value of the reference code spectrum (with a 𝑃𝐺𝐴 = 4 𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐 ) has been
evaluated for each direction. Values are equal to 8.2 m/sec2 for the longitudinal direction and
10.2 m/sec2 for the transversal direction.
For these values, the probabilities of failure have been calculated considering the fragility
curves at 95th percentile. The worst condition (reached for the longitudinal direction) has
provided a probability of failure equal to P = 2%. This result shows that the design criteria of
the building respect the High Confidence of Low Probability (less than 5%).
A fragility curve expresses the conditional probability of failure of a structure for a given input
motion parameter, such as the peak ground acceleration or spectral acceleration. In nuclear
engineering practice, fragility curve is usually evaluated by using margin factors. This
approach represents a very convenient method but it adopts strong simplifying hypotheses.
In the last years, fragility curves have also become very popular for assessing the seismic
vulnerability of civil structures and one of the best current practices is the use of non-linear
dynamic analyses.
In this context, incremental dynamic analyses (IDAs) have been used to perform the fragility
assessment of a building used as a storage facility for vehicles and equipment within a
nuclear power plant.
As the structure is regular and first mode dominated, IDAs have been performed in the two
directions independently, considering the first mode spectral acceleration value as intensity
measure (IM) while the inelastic displacement has been selected as engineering demand
parameter (EDP). IDAs results have allowed the calculation of the conditional distribution of
the EDP given the IM (assumed as lognormal). Hence, the probability of exceedance of the
seismic capacity has been assessed for each intensity level.
These results, that already provide an empirical fragility curve, have been fitted by a
cumulative lognormal distribution whose parameters have been defined by using a
regression process. Fragility curves have been evaluated for each direction and for three
different confidence levels (50th, 5th and 95th percentile).
Finally, considering the fragility curve at 95th percentile and the design spectral acceleration
value of the reference code spectrum, the probability of failure for each direction has been
calculated. The worst result, reached for the longitudinal direction, has provided a probability
of failure equal to 2%. This has led to the conclusion that the building design, following a
Beyond Design Basis event, demonstrates a High Confidence (at 95th percentile) of Low
Probability (less than 5%) of failure.
Resilience of critical facilities has always been one of the major challenges for Facility
Owners of structures exposed to extreme events, as the sole reliance on National Codes is
insufficient. Eurocode, itself, recommends the use of a risk analysis approach together with
hazard identification for assessment of extreme events. The most common method of
qualifying the resilience of critical facilities in extreme events is by using simplified
approaches that adopts safety factors to define parameters of the fragility curves. However,
recent research has highlighted the potential use of non-linear dynamic analyses for the
following reasons:
Extra rigour and thought is required to highlight failure modes and weaknesses in the
It allows a comparison of different design solutions which leads to a more transparent
decision making and robust design.
The approach permits the main uncertainties (and “weak links”) to be identified for the
specific structure, which can be dealt with directly by practical risk reduction
ASCE/SEI 43-05 (2007) Seismic Design Criteria for Structures, Systems, and Components in Nuclear
Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191 USA
CEN 2004 European Standard EN1998-1:2004 (2004) Eurocode 8: Design of structures for
earthquake resistance. Part 1: general rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, Comité Européen
de Normalisation, Brussels.
D’Ayala D, Meslem A, Vamvatsikos D, Porter K, Rossetto T, Crowley H, Silva V (2014) Guidelines for
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Fajfar P (2000) A non linear Analysis Method for Performance based Seismic Design, Earthq. Spectra
16(3): 573-592
Federal Emergency Management Agency (2009) Recommended Methodology for Quantification of
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Applied Technology Council, Prepared for Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington,
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ONR Report ONR-FRREP- 12-001 Revision 0 (2012) Japanese earthquake and tsunami: Implementing
the lessons for the UK's nuclear industry
Porter K, Kennedy R, Bachman R (2007) Creating fragility functions for performance-based
earthquake engineering, Earthquake Spectra 23(2):471–489
Reed J W and Kennedy R P (1994) Methodology for Developing Seismic Fragilities, TR-103959,
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, USA.
Shome N and Cornell C A (1999) Probabilistic seismic demand analysis of nonlinear structures, RMS
Program, Report No. RMS35 (Ph.D. Thesis), Stanford University, CA.
Shome N, Cornell C A, Bazzurro P, Carballo J E (1998) Earthquakes, records and nonlinear
responses, Earthquake Spectra, 14(3), 469–500.
Vamvatsikos D, Cornell C, (2002) Incremental Dynamic Analysis, Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics, 31(3): 491-514.