A Review On Impact of Work Stress On Work-Life Balance

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IJMH - International Journal of Management and Humanities ISSN: 2349-7289


Meenu.A1 | Dr.S.Vasantha2 | S.Sureshkumar3
(School of Management Studies,Research Scholar,Vels University, Chennai,Meenu405@gmail.com)
(School of Management Studies,Professor,Vels University, Chennai,vasantha.sms@velsuniv.in)
(School of Management Studies,Associate Professor,Vels University, Chennai,suresh.sms@velsuniv.ac.in)

Abstract— The concept of work life balance is a significant role in today’s business world. Work life balance is a major concept
of every organization’s and also each individual’s life. It is create quality life in each individual. The study gives proposal related to
the impact of work stress on work life balance and also identifies what are the major factors affecting the work life balance. The
study is based on the secondary data like journals, websites, news papers, government oriented papers, books, working papers,
reports, doctoral thesis etc. the literature shows that effect on work life balance which means job satisfaction, absenteeism, career
growth, turnover, work stress. It is help to identify the major factor affect the work life balance.The result shows that the major factor
affecting the work life balance is work stress. if we reduced the work stress maximum business out come and quality of work life.The
study shows that importance of work life balance in the personal and career life so this study helps to companies and each employee

Keywords— work life balance, work stress, impact of work stress on work life balance.

The purpose of this paper is to review the earliest literature on work life balance with the recognition and explanation of
work life balance with work stress and other related factors. Personal goals and career objectives are the major factors of
human life. Because these factors are leads to how to leave in society in each individual life. Every organization is trying
how to improve their work life balance among the employees, so Work life balance is help to increase both the employee’s
productivity and efficiency. The major objective of each organization is to get maximum output. So work life balance is
help to increase the business outcome level. The major factor is affect the work life balance is work stress, Work stress is
affected the individuals mental health and physical health. These are leads to labor turnover, absenteeism, job
unsatisfaction, low productivity. So this study is to discuss about impact of work stress on work life balance, and also
discussed about the importance of work life balance in today’s business world.
Whenever the job requirements and needs of worker are not matching, it leads to work stress. Work stress is a physical
and emotional response. Work stress is a major concept in each employees and each organizations, because Work stress is
psychologically and physically affects the employees and its leads to health problems and work family conflict it is
automatically affect the organizational process. Affect of Work stress is mainly divided in four Mental, Physical,
Behavioral, and Cognitive. The impact of work stress is reduced the business outcomes because of that every organizations
are trying to focus how to reduce the work stress. Because it is leads to high productivity, low absenteeism, low labor
turnover, reduced health problems, quality work life. So many factors are affecting the work stress. They are long working
hours, work overload, increased responsibilities at work place and home.
Susi.S,1 observed that work life balance policies are help to manage employees to their personal and professional life,
and also it is help to develop organizational culture. Shwetha belwall, Rakesh Belwall,4 the work life imbalances are
affecting greater economic pressure on employees and organizations. It is lead to employees work life conflicts, reduced
productivity, increased absenteeism and labor turnover. Susanna shagveliyava, Rakesh yazdhanifard,5 work life balance is
a major concept of employees such as a family size, children’s, status are leading factors of work life imbalances.
Miss.Aparajita Datta,2 says that Green human resource management practices and attitudes are forced personal, career,
work life area among the employees .it is leads to increase the employee productivity .Hye kyoung Kim,9 Work life
balance is leads to increase the employee’s commitment and it is help to increase the employee’s productivity. This is affect
the overall business process and we can get, maximum business out come. Jane nyambura mukururi, Dr.james mark
ngari,13 every organizations are focused to improve the quality of work life policies because these policies help to maintain
work life balance, increase the employee’s productivity, increase employee commitment, and job satisfaction. Satinder
Singh,12 stated that the effect of work life imbalance is create work stress, absenteeism, turnover, competitive

IJMH - International Journal of Management and Humanities

Volume: 03 Issue: 02 2016 www.researchscript.com 1
IJMH - International Journal of Management and Humanities ISSN: 2349-7289
Dr. Anil Kumar, Professor & Meenakshi Yadav,7 stated that the result of work stress is including work role uncertainty,
relationship with co-workers, organizational culture, and work family conflicts. Farah mukhtar,10 stated that work life
balance is improve the job satisfaction so automatically employees commitment and involvement increases this is help to
improve the employees productivity. Prof. Shrutee K. Bhalerao,16 Stated that the secret of sucessusful organizations is
employee engagement and work life balance, it is help to organization and employees perform well. Namitha,15 Discussed
that many organizations are provide high commitment management practices. The result of this a large number of
employees feel that they are highly committed to organization. Increase the communication between employees and
employee, family friendly working atmosphere are the major way to improve the high commitment management practices.
Fapohunda, Tinuke.M,17 Discussed that every organizations are realizing the importance of work life balance. It is include
self, time, stress, change, technology, leisure management. Fotis V.Mistsakis,3 employee are satisfied with their work life
balance is improve the employees productivity., making a greater contribution, and their reducing public health increasing
social well-being..Felicity Asiedu-Appiah, Oheneba Aduse-Poku,8stated that Worldwide Work related stress is faced the
big challenge that is workers physical conditios.because of that we reduce the work stress we can achieve healthy,
productive, motivated employees. Rajesh K.yadav, nishant dahhade,14 stated that so many organizations are followed
many reasons for stress in the work place, but we can avoid all these problems. Sometimes stress gives positive outcomes
also. Irina verma, DR. Sathish soni6 discussed that Affect of work-role, work- overload, and work ambiguity is creating
work stress. Impact of work stress is creating negative behavior in family roles.
Today’s very competitive world. Every organization is trying how to get maximum business out comes, Improve the
employee efficiency is the only way of getting maximum outcome. Instead of that many organizations are focused how to
improve the employee engagement. Reduced Work stress is help to increase the work life balance and it is leads to
employee engagement, we can get maximum out comes. The reviews are stated that stress is the combination of physical,
social, psychological elements. It is affects peoples in different ways. But work stress is the major factor of affect the work
life balance. It is leads to high productivity, low absenteeism, low labor turnover, reduced health problems, quality work
The study is help me to understand, to manage career and personal life is a tough task but organizations and employees
are more concentrated and trying how to improve or handle the work life balance, we can get best result. Because of that
many organizations are focused on work life balance policies .The reviews are stated that the major factor affect the work
life balance is work stress. If we reduced the work stress we can get high productivity, low absenteeism, low labor turnover,
reduced health problems, quality work life and good work life balance. This is leads to employee wellbeing and
organizational development.
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Volume: 03 Issue: 02 2016 www.researchscript.com 2

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