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Pile Group with Battered Pile Reference: Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations L.C.

alysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations L.C. Reese, W. M. Isenhower, S.T. Wang

Loading at the origin 1). Jxi - Axial pile stiffness for pile i, ( = pile axial capacity / 6mm)
Vertical V= 500 kN 2). Jyi - Lateral pile stiffness for pile i, ( = vertical pile lateral capacity / 20 mm or 6mm)
Horizontal H= 2000 kN for battered pile:
Moment M= 2400 kN.m lateral pile stiffness of vertical pile should be factored
for angle < 0, factor > 1; for angle > 0, factor < 1, see following Figure 15.4
3). Jmi - Pile rotation stiffness ( normally, for pin pile head, assume = 0; for fixed pile head, = pile head moment / latera

Pile Jxi Jyi Jmi qi ai bi cos (q i) sin (q i) Ai Bi Ci Di Ei ai. Ai bi .Bi ai. Bi bi. Ci ai. Di ai2. Ai bi. Ei
(kN/m) (kN/m) (kN.m/m) ( o) (m) (m)
1 416667 48750 16666.67 -14 -1.8 0 0.970 -0.242 395133.9 -86363.1 70282.7 -4032.0 ### -711241.1 0.0 155453.7 0.0 7257.7 1280234.0 0.0
2 416667 26250 16666.67 14 1.8 0 0.970 0.242 393817.1 91644.7 49099.6 4032.0 ### 708870.8 0.0 164960.4 0.0 7257.7 1275967.4 0.0

Total 788951.0 5281.6 119382.3 0.0 ### -2370.3 0.0 320414.1 0.0 ### 2556201.4 0.0

f11. dv + f12. dh + f13 . ds = V

f21. dv + f22. dh + f23 . ds = H
f31. dv + f32. dh + f33 . ds = M

f11 =Sum(Ai) = 788951.04 f12 = Sum(Bi) = 5281.551 f13 = [Sum(ai. Ai) + Sum(bi. Bi)] =

f21 =Sum(Bi) = 5281.551 f22 = Sum(Ci) = 119382.3 f23 = [Sum(ai. Bi) + Sum(bi. Ci)] =

f31 =[Sum(Di) + Sum(ai. Ai) + Sum(bi. Bi)] = -2370.3073 f32 = [Sum(Ei) + Sum(ai. Bi) + Sum(bi. Ci)] = 288070.9 f33 = [Sum(ai. Di) + Sum(ai2. Ai) + Sum(bi.Ei) + Sum(bi2.Ci) + Sum(2ai. bi. Bi)] =

Displacement at Origin
Vertical dv = 4.935E-04 m
Horizontal dh = 2.034E-02 m
Rotation ds = -1.345E-03

H a

Yt, Pt

a1 a2

Pile 2
pile 1

Xt, Px

f11= 788951 x f12= 5281.55 y f13= -2370.307 z d1= 500

f21= 5281.551 x f22= 119382 y f23= 320414.1 z d2= 2000
f31= -2370.307 x f32= 288071 y f33= 2570717 z d3= 2400
1 x 0.00669 y -0.003004 z 0.00063
1 x 22.6036 y 60.66667 z 0.37868
1 x -121.53 y -1084.55 z -1.0125

22.5969 y 60.66967 z 0.37804

-121.54 y -1084.547 z -1.0132

1 y 2.684861 z 0.01673
1 y 8.923386 z 0.00834

6.238525 z -0.0084

z= -0.00135
y= 0.020342
x= 0.000494

oment / lateral movement 6mm or 20 mm) Axial Lateral

b .Ci 2ai. bi. Bi
Xti Yti Pxi Pti
(m) (m) (kN) (kN)
0.0 0.0 -2.092E-03 2.044E-02 -871.8 996.6
0.0 0.0 3.050E-03 2.020E-02 1270.9 530.4

0.0 0.0




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