The Third Ear
The Third Ear
The Third Ear
Gregory Bateson
ethnologist, biologist, and systems researcher,
© Element Books Ltd 1988 who once said that any living thing which triumphs in the
struggle against its environment destroys itself.
First English language edition published 1988 by
Element Books Ltd Georg von Bekesy
Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset (1899-1972)
physiologist and biologist,
Originally published as
Das Dritte Ohr who taught us to understand the miracle
© 1985 by Rowohlt Verlag GmbH of the human ear more completely.
Reinbek bei Hamburg
Niels Bohr
All rights reserved. atomic physicist, who was the first person to note the
No part of this book may be reproduced or similarity between the concept of Field in Chinese Taoism
utilised in any form or by any means,
and theoretical physics.
electronic or mechanical, without permission
in writing fro,!\ the Publisher.
Albert Einstein
Typeset in 10/11 1/2 pt Palatino (1879-1955)
Colset Private Limited, Singapore who created the theory of relativity, uncovering
Printed and bound in Great Britain the cfeceptive nature of our sense of time.
Designed by Clarke Williams
Cover design by Max Fairbrother Richard Fester
Cover illustration produced by Martin Reiser (1910-1982)
researcher into languages and originator of palaeo-linguistics,
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data who demonstrated the truth of the Tower of Babel myth.
Berendt, Joachim E. (Joa<:him-Ernst)
The third ear: on listening to the world. Heraclitus
1. Man. Auditory perceptives (c. 550-c. 480BC)
I. Title philosopher, who bid us discover harmony where it ismost
152.1'5 deeply concealed.
ISBN 1-85230-049-3
Carl Gustav Jung
psychologist and analyst, who made men aware of their
anima and women of their animus.
Johannes Kepler
astronomer, mathematician, and musician, who heard and
calculated 'world harmonics' in planetary orbits.
Ramana Maharshi
Indian sage, who taught us to ask anew: Who am I?
(c. 570-c. 480BC) FOREWORD xiii
philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, theoretician of
music, who discovered the harmony of the spheres and was INTRODUCTION 1
the first man to travel the way we are once again learning
today: from the Orient to the Occident - and thereby I Voyaging through the Ear 1
established Western Science.
II The Ear as a Compass 1
Maulana ]alaluddin Rumi III Hearing Penetrates Deeper 2
the Persian poet in whose verses IV Changing Course 3
the wisdom of Sufism became sound. V What is the East to Us? 4
VI Flight into an Ideal World 5
Colin Walcott
(1945-1984) VII Experiencing Hearing for Oneself 6
musician and percussionist, who played and lived World VIII Listening is 'In' 6
Music so marvellously.
IX A Word to the Reader 7
I Blocked Ears 9
II Plays for Listening and Silent Films 11
III Counting by Ear 13
IV Seeing = Seeking 17
V Love through the Ear 19
VI Petrarch on Mont Ventoux 21
VII Hear, and your Soul Lives Now 23
VIII The Eye Says I 27
IX Eye and Ear Need One Another 28
X He who has Ears to Hear Sees! 32
3 THE EAR GOES BEYOND: On the Miracle of Hearing 39 V 'Rock around the Clock' 76
VI Greater Volume, More Out of Tune 78
I The Ear as Hall of Mirrors 39
VII Alarm and Aggression 79
II We Hear More than We Believe 39
VIII Enamoured of Explosions 80
III Bridging the Gap 41
IX Noise = Power! 81
IV Microscopic Precision 41
X Pianistic Potential: 17 to 19 Tons 82
V Sound Exalts Time 42
XI Checking Service for Body and Soul 83
VI Music - Art in Time? 43
VII Hearing Entails Quantising 45
VIII The Ear Finds Crossing-Places 46
I The Way of Harmonics 84
4 THINKING THROUGH THE EAR: Suite on Essentials 48 II The Miracle of the Octave 85
III The Earthly Triad: Day, Year, and Moon Tones 87
I Two Themes 48
IV The Harmony of the Spheres From Pythagoras to Kepler 92
II Duos on the Second Theme 49
V Scientific Confirmation 94
III Fuga Canonica 51
VI Harmonic Pollution 96
IV Heraclitus's Grand Cadenza 53
VII Cosmic Aspects of Architecture 97
V Rondo Intensivo 53
VIII Harmonic Architecture to Man's Measure 98
VI Mozartean Variation 54
IX Visualisation of Hidden Harmony 101
VII Finale with T.S. Eliot 55
X In the Beginning was Sound 102
III Music of the Solar Wind and Geomagnetism 121 15 LISTENING IS IMPROVISING 169
IV From Skins to Electronics 123 I Listening to Others More than to Oneself 169
V Kepler: 'Give Space to the Heavens ... ' 125 II The Collective as a Single Organism 171
VI The Drive towards Harmony 126 III Why Composers can be Deaf 172
VII Listening is the Way 128 IV Composed Music Exists in Space 174
V Improvised Music Says: We! 175
I Men and Women have to Sound Different 129 16 PuTTING TO THE TEST 177
II High Voices Carry the Melody 130 I Seeing = Judging: The Primordial Separation 177
III Natural Dominance? 132 II Three Days with Bound Eyes 178
IV Above and Below 133 III Of Ray' Charles, Roland Kirk, and Sleepy John Estes 183
V High Distance and Low Unity 134
VI High Means: Watch Out! 136 17 Do You HEAR THE RUSHING OF THE RIVER? A Meditation 186
VII The Ragings of the Great Mother Linger On 137
VIII Why Women Want to be Seen 141
IX Female Sounds are Older I 'God Hungers for Songs' 194
X Women Created Language II The 'Purpose' of Music 195
XI Girls Talk Earlier and Say More 148
III 'Do You Know How Many MO,squitos Dance ... r 197
This book - like its predecessor Nada Brahma - is a trip and what
one reviewer called 'an open-eared human being's journey into other
zones of perception' .
Ajourneyisajourneyisajourney ... No one has really set off on a
journey if they quickly arrive, reaching their destination by way of a
short, straight line.
The route travelled by The Third Ear is more like a logarithmic
curve, that most mysterious of all mathematical forms, linking the
earthly and immanent with the infinite and transcendental. Nature
provides the model for this within our own bodies in the inner ear's
cochlea. That curve is initially a snail-sheIl-like organ of skin and
bone. Then it is just about still measurable as a wavelength before
taking off, as logarithmic curves do, and mounting almost vertically
into the infinite. Nowhere is there a specifically locatable break
between the various stages. What is material merges into the feel able
and audible, passing imperceptibly into what can scarcely be
guessed at, into the beyond, the spiritual, and the infinite.
senses can only generate harmful truth.' By now the modern world's this great and holy Mantra is not just a vague religious declaration
insights only pass through a single distorted sense. but must be taken literally within Indian classical music. Nada
We pose many questions: Brahma is an expression of truth. The World is Sound. That is not
merely apparent within humanity's spiritual traditions. Modern
Why did nature make our sense of hearing so disproportionately science - from physics to biology, and from palaeo-linguistics to
fundamental research in harmonics - has provided confirmation.
Why did nature conceal the capacity for measurement- The tonal character of the world is one of the few sources of assurance
Mathematics - within this particular sense? And why did it at the we possess in an age when the supposedly sure foundations of our
same time secrete the possibility of transcendence - and in addition traditional view - matter, time, and space - have begun to break
the sense of balance? up.
Why are our ears' perceptions so much more accurate than those of Anyone who investigates sound must, however, also explore
the eye? Why is the frequency range of hearing so much greater - hearing. This time I begin where Nada Brahma ended - with the ear
precisely ten times greater - than that of seeing? and hearing. This book will also at times devote attention to sounds
Why have we ceased to understand those signals in the three hundred but the main emphasis will be on hearing. Hearing penetrates
years since Galilei, Descartes, and Bacon? deeper.
For many people such a stress on hearing is an explosive business.
What sparked off that non-comprehension? Where has it led? Where
may it still lead? I didn't realise that previously, but various upheavals have taught
me a lesson - and given me food for thought. This time the explo-
What might we gain if we once again learnt to understand such sions are likely to be more violent, but I'm not afraid.
signals, if we were to use our ears - in biology, evolutionary studies, The explosive material is ignited by science's deafness, by the fact
anthropology, and linguistics - as carefully and consciously as
that for three hundred years now science has investigated every
scientists have used their eyes since Aristotle?
conceivable problem provided it was visually perceptible but has
Why don't men listen to women? Why do men interrupt women so ignored the decisive issues raised by hearing. Anyone who knows
much more frequently - according to American scientists twenty- the psychology of established science will realise that the inevitable
four times more often - than women men?
response to demonstration of such limitations is aggression. This
How has it come about that the words 'You never listen to me' have confirms the prognosis that aggressiveness results from the pre-
become a standard reproach within human relationships? What dominance of eye-programming.
would be changed in society - which ultimately also entails politics - Such programming also leads to noise. It is a vicious circle:
if such an accusation were less often necessary? aggression nourishes noise and noise aggression.
Why has evolution given men deeper voices than women? Why don't Noise is acoustic garbage. We all know what happens to the
we pick up the message thus conveyed even though we can observe rubbish that can be seen. There are highly developed technologies
daily that higher voices serve a directive function? for getting rid of it. No one bothers about noise, so it increases and
Later chapters will consider such questions in detail. increases and increases until finally we can't hear anything any more.
Nada Brahma was concerned with sounds. The title signifies: the We can no longer ignore voices from almost every conceivable
World is Sound. Nada = sound, and Brahma = God the Creator, direction - psychologists and anthropologists, ecologists and eco-
Cosmic Principle, Creation. That book was devoted to the fact that nomists, the Club of Rome and futurologists, biologists and
4 The Third Ear Introduction 5
physicists, but unfortunately seldom politicians - telling us that, if him became the foundations of European scientific thought. Two
we want to survive, we can no longer live as we do. As Rainer Maria and a half thousand years later, Jean Gebser wrote (in 1959 - long
Rilke said: 'You must change your life.' before Capra and all the others): 'What was developed in the Far
We cheat ourselves if we only do that half-heartedly - just some- East through wisdom and intuition can today be confirmed by way
thing insignificant here and there: alibis for our conscience, ecology of scientific empiricism and rational deduction.'
as a vote-catcher. Changing course doesn't entail making a few Marilyn Ferguson remarks: 'The East contemplated the forest; the
minor adjustments; it means changing direction. West counted the trees.' The new consciousness does both. It wants
We have programmed ourselves to pursue expansion and exploita- both the forest and the trees.
tion, growth and dominance, oppression and egocentricity, power,
mass existence, and masculinity. We should pay heed to the voices
of those who, presenting irrefutable evidence, point out to us that of
all our senses the eye is the most expansionist and aggressive, the VI
harshest and most piercing, the most masculine, egocentric, and FLIGHT INTO AN IDEAL WORLD
hungry for power. Despite the importance of all these calls that we
should change ourselves, their effectiveness will be limited if we fail Anyone who views the thinking that brought me to Nada Brahma
to transform what is most decisive: our way of perceiving the world and then to The Third Ear as a flight into an idealised world without
and our fellows. And no change in our perception of the world goes problems has understood nothing. If you invoke social premisses (as
deeper than the transition from the primacy of seeing to a new I in fact do), you should comprehend their origins in Hegel's (and
consciousness of hearing. Marx's) dialectic. The fact of deriving from those two great thinkers -
and from Marcuse, Habermas, and Adorno - and yet being unable
to think dialectically is the very defect that makes the New Left so
rigid and incapable of discussion, leading so many people to turn
V away from it.
WHAT IS THE EAST TO US? The harmonic series is the central physical, musical, and mathe-
matical esoteric and exoteric factor within harmonic thinking. All
My relationship with science is dialectical. We cannot exist with- notes are contained within it - even those that might be viewed as
out it. We need it. But it needs us too as whole human beings. We are 'unharmonious'. It is above all the spiritual traditions - those that
not the separate parts into which the mechanistic view of the world are suspected of taking refuge in an idealised world - that have
dismantles existence. demanded since time immemorial that we should ascend the harmonic
I make use of the sciences but always subject that to examination. series, away from its beginnings with the 'harmonious' notes to the
And I also relate to the wisdom of the East. I am allergic to the heights where the 'less harmonious' are to be found.
question: 'What is the East to us?' - often accompanied by the view This supposed flight is therefore the very opposite. It is an
that we Westerners should stick to our own tradition. I think that advance into an area that both rationalists and spiritual people, here
both the question and the accompanying remark are absurd. Both in disconcerting agreement, have abandoned to the chaos constantly
are somewhat atavistic - the concept of the primitive horde on an increasing around us. This thrust forward is The Third Ear's political
expanded scale: Why should we bother about the horde next door? objective.
The 'horde next door' has in the meantime become a continent.
Anyone who has still not grasped, as the twentieth century nears
its end, that the issues affecting our survival are of a planetary
nature cannot be helped.
Western science began with Pythagoras. Legends tell that he
travelled to the East where he learnt and experienced what through
6 The Third Ear Introduction 7
I ask my readers to make vital and creative use of this book, listening
There have been astonishing developments in the few years since inwardly and yielding to what it has to say. I present the long-
1985 when the first edition of this book appeared in Germany. neglected significance of the ear and hearing in almost all spheres -
Hearing and listening are suddenly 'in'. In 1985 it seemed absurd to from physics to meditation, from anthropology to biology, from
write a book about the ear and hearing. In 1988 radio-listeners again harmonics to overtone singing. Anyone who isn't interested in a
outnumber TV viewers in many countries across the world - usually particular topic can skip it. Enough will remain to help the reader
8 The Third Ear 1
grasp that a new, more alert relationship to the ear and hearing
involves our very survival on this planet to a degree that can hardly EAR AND EYE
be overestimated.
I would like to conclude this introduction by saying what I have 'One of the most remarkable manifestations of the degeneration of
been stressing in the introductions to my books for twenty-five modern man is an increasing weakening of his acoustic sense.'
Marius Schneider
years now. I have endeavoured to work as comprehensively as
possible, but hearing and all it involves are still relatively untouched
terrain if not exactly virgin territory - as jazz once was when I
started writing about it in the forties. I have always thought it I
important to explore new terrain, but no one can hope to research BLOCKED EARS
such areas in all their breadth and depth without running the risk of
mistakes and omissions. I should therefore be extremely grateful for Odysseus: Scarcely any other figure in world literature has so often
any information contributing towards the correction, improvement, and so imperatively been viewed over the centuries as the prototype
or greater completeness of new editions of this book or future works. of Western man, seeking, investigating, going astray - as a human
/. E. B. being striving upwards along that M'Yo~ which thenceforth radiated
sun-like over the Occident for two millennia.
When Odysseus and his comrades approached the land of the
Sirens, Circe, the sorceress, warned them that 'There is no home-
coming for the man who hears the Sirens' voices - no welcome from
his wife, no little children brightening at their father's return.' She
told them of the mouldering skeletons, withered skin still clinging to
the bone, of those who had succumbed to the Sirens.
Odysseus understood. He and his companions would not be able to
resist. The Sirens' song was overwhelmingly tempting because in
reality it came from within themselves, from within their own blood.
'It sings' - says Rilke in a poem about the Sirens.
The Sirens, who sing 'like Angels', were bewitchingly, divinely
beautiful but the sea largely concealed their bestial lower limbs,
ending in claws apparently rooted in the rocks on which they were
sitting. Odysseus therefore followed Circe's advice, and ordered his
ship's oarsmen to block their ears with 'softened bees-wax'. That was
to prevent them from hearing both the Sirens' alluring, seductive
song and also their leader's orders. He knew that he would weaken.
He might have ordered his men not to row towards the shore under
any circumstances, but he knew himself. Once he heard the song of
the Sirens, he would scream that they should make for land. '
Nevertheless Odysseus himself wants to hear. He orders the crew
to bind him to the mast so that he does not succumb to what he
hears, seizing the oars and heading for the shore.
Odysseus escapes the Sirens and thus remains what he is and what
he has been depicted as being throughout European intellectual
history from Duns Scotus by way of the troubadors to Adorno: a
10 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 11
listener in chains. For Kafka the man who sees stuffs wax into his own asked whether that was 'the essential nature of art', but since he was
ears, 'blocking' himself as well as his companions - 'in innocent not sure of his case he referred to Kafka, not to Homer.
pleasure over his limited resources'. Joy is fear. Odysseus wanted to Even the very first writer to comment on this myth wonderously
be sure of not having to yield to the song of the Sirens come what silences the Sirens by transporting them to Heaven. According to
may - and the price paid was high as will be seen. Plato, they continue to sing there but earthly ears cannot hear them.
From the very beginning the Church Fathers saw the Sirens as In his Politeia they - eight in number and each a planet - no longer
women rather than as goddesses, female demons, or animal-like sit on the shore of the seas through which Odysseus ploughed. They
creatures. Ambrose, for instance, wrote: 'These Sirens are to be are to be found in 'starry orbits' with 'a harmony resounding from all
viewed as symbolising singing voluptuousness and cajolement eight Sirens'. Aristotle indicates - in appropriately encoded fashion
through which the flesh experiences temptation and turmoil.' They since his source was the secret knowledge of the Pythagoreans -
are 'lovely ladies of lust', standing for what from then on would be that this heavenly harmony was 'the Tetrachord, the mode in which
'enchained' and 'blocked', and symbolising the sex to which man, the Sirens sing'. There are two views about the nature of the
at that time establishing the patriarchy (and everything fits Tetrachord governing the Pythagorean oath, seeing it as relating
together), no longer wished to listen. either a fourth, fifth, octave, and double octave, or an octave, fifth,
Kafka believed that the Sirens did not sing at all during this fourth, and whole-tone.
encounter. 'The look of bliss on the face of Odysseus, who was think- The possibilities and variants - and there are a dozen more, not
ing of nothing but wax and chains, made them forget all about their mentioned here - are 'numberless'. What is at issue is the fact that
singing.' 'The Sirens vanished in the face of his determination ... the heroes extolled by Homer were deaf and in chains, 'transmitters
Lovelier than ever, they stretched and turned, allowing their terri- of looks'. The man who retold, and possibly invented, the myth
fying hair to blow in the wind and stretching their claws on the was, however, according to legend blind. The blind singer Homer, a
rocks. They no longer wanted to lead astray. They merely wished to human being completely dependent on hearing. A 'receptive' person
grab the splendour reflected in Odysseus's great eyes for as long as who 'absorbed' song his life long. Someone who knew what he
possible.' wanted and what conflict he caused when he had the Sirens sing,
What Odysseus calls his 'determination' is basically nothing but made Odysseus's comrades deaf, and bound their captain.
the deafness he imposes on himself, thereby excluding and thwarting Can we comprehend the 'bees-wax' in the ears of Odysseus's sailors
a genuine encounter with all its possibilities of seduction and and the ear-muffs stuffed over the heads of maintainers of aircraft
resistance, victory and defeat. and factory workers as the beginning and end of a development?
A later tradition adds to that. The desperate Sirens plunge into the Anyone who is shocked by that question should consider it at a later
sea so as to die. It is surprising that Homer did not hit on that solution stage - perhaps at the end of the chapter on noise.
too. Whosoever sings and is not listened to dies. The singer who
sings to deaf ears loses the reason for existence. Who can say whether
someone has sung if no one listened? Is that the reason why song
becomes silence for so many of those who sought to understand II
For Kafka silence is 'an even more terrible weapon than song'. 'It
may be conceivable' - he reflects with subtle humour in the language Let us attempt to proceed contrapunctually, for instance contrasting
of the insurance expert that he was - 'that someone could have the 'scything eye' evoked by poet Saint-John Perse, like Homer 'by
escaped from their singing but certainly not from their silence.' Even vocation a seaman' (Paul Claude}), with the 'particular tenderness of
Bertolt Brecht - and much of the Occident seems to have drawn on hearing' referred to by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. Let us take that
this myth - was fascinated by the idea of silent Sirens and their as a starting-point, attempting to find our way from there towards
absolutely unproletarian arrogance, refusing the 'squandering' of our theme - and more besides.
their art on people 'lacking freedom of movement'. He maliciously Lorenz Oken, the nineteenth-century scientific researcher and
12 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 13
philosopher, once wrote: 'The eye takes a person into the world. seek sympathy there - than someone who may still see but no longer
The ear brings the world into a human being.' The eye took hear, feels himself misunderstood, and forced to creep back into his
Odysseus, the mariner, across the sea. The ear would have brought shell. . . Of the communicative senses hearing is clearly superior to
him to women, making him a lover. vision.' One of the main reasons for that is that hearing picks up
Anthroposophist Diether Rudloff was of the opinion that language, which is our most important communicative ability.
Let us compare the radio play (the German word means 'play for
... The eye is a peripheral sense because it is directed outwards and listening') and the silent film. Even the great masters of the silent film
only comprehends the external person. The ear on the other hand is a
in the twenties did not succeed in putting across the totality of their
central sense since the outer world enters the human soul through the
ear, apprehending the concealed inner being. That can be demonstra- works' message by exclusively cinematic means. They could not do
ted at any time in everyday experience since blind people are usually without the occasional title conveying information about time
more inwardly sensitive, focused, and spiritual than those who can (Twenty years later') or place ('Back at home') otherwise impossible
see. They are less easily deceived because they concentrate on the to communicate. Such titles were almost always important, making
essential rather than being distracted. The deaf on the other hand are it possible to understand the story.
often much more distrustful, stolid, and isolated. They may see The radio play, on the other hand, transmits the entire story and
everything, but something that the blind possess in more concen- all the information without resorting to non-acoustic assistance.
trated form evades them. The deaf person may seem to possess the Doesn't that signify that our ears can perceive more of the world
world but it has become silent, speechless, because he does not feel than our eyes? Even great creative artists, such as Charlie Chaplin,
that world as an expression of his self. A blind man appears to have
were unable to compensate for that revelation of vision's inferiority,
lost the world, but he lives wholly within himself and from there can
no matter how hard they tried.
feel his way out into the world.
Also worthy of mention in that connection is the fact that during
Aristotle long ago observed that 'the blind are more understanding the era of the silent film it was usual for the action to be accompanied,
than the deaf because hearing exerts a direct influence on the forma- more or less dramatically, by pre-selected pieces of music or an
tion of moral character, which is not immediately true of what is improvising pianist or organist. The audience 'needed' an aural
seen. The human soul can also become diffused by way of the eye stimulus to complete an experience that would otherwise have been
whereas what is heard results in focus and concentration.' deficient. But no listener to radio plays would hit on the idea of
Modern psychologists and neurologists confirm that very finding. looking at pictures so as to round off that experience.
A psychiatrist who first worked in a home for the deaf and dumb
and then in an institution for the blind - and wishes to remain
anonymous because of the personal nature of what follows-
reports: III
It was a relief to come to the home for the blind. The institution for COUNTING BY EAR
the deaf and dumb erupted with aggressions. You wouldn't believe
what those people did to one another. How they were constantly We see a colour and say blue, or perhaps more precisely marine or
charged with anger and fury. How murderous their looks were. The indigo. We can attempt to describe colour impressions as exactly as
blind were much more reserved, cautious, ready to help, and sensitive, possible through differentiated use of words: carmine, maize yellow,
and tried much more intensely to understand and accept their fellows. tobacco brown, moss green, khaki, pink, cornflower blue, purple,
Helmut Reinold, who has devoted particularly careful thought and Prussian blue. We can also try and define such colour tones in long
research to 'Problems in Hearing', speaks of 'the immeasurably and detailed sentences, but the spectrum of frequencies thus circum-
greater psychological impact of deafness as opposed to blindness'. scribed rather than described is many times greater than in the
The blind man', writes Dr F. W. Koeppel, a specialist in ear, nose, acoustic sphere so that the inaccuracy of the eye is correspondingly
and throat medicine, 'who excites all our compassion is ten times greater.
better off - because he is in contact with the world around and can We hear a note and - if we possess 'absolute pitch' - say: 'F sharp'
14 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 15
or 'C, thereby precisely determining its frequency. Even if we do not Music therapists and music teachers often conduct the following
have absolute pitch, or if we are 'unmusical', we immediately hear experiment. A participant in their group is asked to estimate the
whether an octave is correct or not. We can register that the highest length of a string in, say, a monochord. The teacher tells him first to
note within an octave vibrates exactly twice as fast as the lowest. estimate by eye where the mid-point of the string is. Measurement
Our eyes cannot, however, inform us that, for instance, the almost always shows that the visual estimate is inaccurate. Then the
wavelength of purple (760 nm) is twice that of violet (around 380 pupil is blindfolded and he is asked to judge by ear. He plucks the
nm). If we want to know that, we must use complicated technical string - first the longer, deeper-sounding half, and then the shorter,
equipment to measure it. With sounds though our ear can measure higher section, moving the bridge until his hearing tells him that both
for itself. parts sound the same. He puts the bridge there, and measurement
It must be of evolutionary significance that we have a capacity for usually demonstrates that the ear assesses more accurately than the
'absolute hearing' within the acoustic sphere whereas even the eye.
visually talented lack anything approaching an 'absolute visual Music, in Leibniz's opinion, is 'the concealed art of computation
sense'. The eye can only compare and estimate; the ear measures. for a soul unaware of its counting'. No other locus, no other tapas,
Linguistic capacity in the acoustic realm is accordingly much within the senses at man's disposal is so directly linked with
further developed than in the visual sphere. Language reflects what mathematics as the ear. We have two arms and two legs, two eyes and
our senses supply. The eye yields incomplete information, which is two ears, and twice five fingers and toes. The number two is the most
why colour words are imprecise and cannot attain exactitude through striking of those incorporated in our body, symbolising sexual
additional description. When language has to express something duality, preparing every human being for that right from the start,
vague, imprecise, or ostensible, it time and again resorts to words and informing us how we have to cope with it: 1 + 1 = 2.
from the optical sphere: imagined (from the Latin imago = picture), When the ear hears a note, it also takes in the associated harmonics,
illusory (from the Latin lux = light), semblance, etc. The ear, on the an infinite series of whole numbers (see Chapter 9) and their ratios:
other hand, supplies data based on measurement, so language can 1:2 with every heard octave (and also in many conversations between
be more exact when it reflects what has been heard. men and women), 2:3 with every fifth, 3:4 with fourths, 3:5 with the
'We can only speak of precise measurement, based on perception, in major sixth, 4:5 with the major third, 5:6 with the minor third, 5:8
the acoustic sphere but not in the optical realm,' writes J. Handschin with the minor sixth, and so on. The fact that this process takes place
in his important book on The Nature of Sound, pointing to the fact unconsciously does not affect its permanent presence. In fact it
that 'the correspondence between numerical and psychological becomes all the more important for that very reason.The immediacy
reality ... seems miraculous to us.' with which the ear transforms what is unconscious into conscious-
To summarise: Both the ear and the eye can evaluate, supplying us ness - in every aspect of hearing - will be shown in the chapters
with intellectual, psychological, and emotional information of that follow.
qualitative relevance. But only the ear can measure, thereby Nowhere else do numbers - the simple whole numbers with which
mediating quantitative and numerically precise intormation. If the we all start counting - penetrate us to the extent involved in the
eye wants to operate quantitatively it can at most estimate, but - as process of hearing. They physically enter the cochlea of the inner
we all know - it is only able to provide approximations, and very ear. With every sound that we hear we learn numbers. Early man
often miscalculates. knew that, p~rceiving it in the holistic, wise way which knowl~dge
That is why the term 'optical illusion' exists in our language. Every entailed for him. The old Indian and Indo-European linguistic root
painter, every physiologist, every interior designer, every illustrator, ar- signifies both harmony and number as in the Greek ap!-'ovia
has experienced the many ways in which the eye deceives. In fact (harmonia) = harmony, joining together, concord - and, on the
every single human being knows the necessity of that term. That is other hand, apLeW)~ (arithmos) = series, number.
why language established it. There are also a few acoustic illusions For hundreds of thousands of years sounds have fed us with
but they are so rare that language did not develop any appropriate numbers - with an immediacy and directness unparalleled in our
term. It is not needed. other senses. It is inconceivable that this should not have become a
16 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 17
genetic impulse, and - like all such impulses - have to be refined frequency per second). If we double that frequency ten times - i.e.
and differentiated. With such 'codes', refinement and differentiation add ten octaves, we attain 16,000 hertz, thereby approaching the
inevitably entail mathematics. The ear thus 'taught' us counting, area where our capacity for hearing comes to an end.
calculating, mathematical curves, and progressions. The electromagnetic waves of the visual sphere are measured in
This was one of the most difficult learning processes to which nanometres (nm = one thousand-millionth of a metre) - and
man was subjected during the course of his evolution, so the ear previously also in angstroms. Sound and electromagnetic waves
thereby taught us 'how to learn'. That is why - as Alfred A. T omatis, differ, and measurements are not directly compatible. We can,
the great French researcher into the ear and hearing, has shown _ however, establish a comparison by raising the octave level and hertz
there are three times as many nerve connections between the ear and reading of the auditory sphere until we reach the realm of the visible.
the brain as between the eye and the brain. Everyone finds out during For that we require 35 octaves, reaching the beginning of the visual
their schooldays that we learn more through the ear than through sphere at around 380 billion hertz. If we double that frequency just
the eye. Blackboards and all that film and video can offer in the way once, we attain 760 billion hertz where visibility comes to an end
of educational aids are ultimately nothing but aids. The decisive again.
factor is what the teacher says and what we take in through our ears. The ear thus registers ten octaves and the eye just one.
That is no longer disputed now that the various techniques of All our senses are miraculous - and what the eye derives from its
'Superlearning' are available. All of them - including the Losanov octave in the way of information and abundant experience is also
method developed at Sofia University in 1966 - function through marvellous. The eye would nevertheless have to be around ten times
the ear when the auditory sense develops its greatest capacity and more efficient than the ear in order to make up for the limitations of
our other senses are switched off (because they would distract us) its range - but, as we have seen, that is certainly not the case.
rather than being set to work to 'help' us. That occurs in a state of That also provides a partial explanation of why the ear, but not the
complete relaxation, initiated by suitable music (usually Baroque eye, is capable of measurement. The frequency range of visibility is
music), so that our brainwaves are in an Alpha state. Neurologists so limited that the eye does not need to deploy it for measurements.
agree that 'Alpha rhythms' are primarily an 'ear state', constituting It can assess things at a glance. The ear, on the other hand, with a
the best condition for learning. It is also fun to learn in that way. It range ten times greater requires a capacity for measurement so as to
relaxes, refreshes, and regenerates. find its way around, or else there would be a danger of failing to hear
More and more teachers and psychologists complain about the essential differentiations.
'restlessness' and lack of capacity for concentration apparent among It is, however, that very capacity for measurement which makes
today's children. A connection probably exists between the greater the ear superior - and the eye cannot compensate for that superiority
focus of previous generations of schoolchildren and the fact that despite a remarkable gift for differentiation within its limited sphere.
their input of information was primarily through the ear and listening
to what their teachers said. It is in the nature of the eye to 'roam
around', scanning rather than taking in. That is why excessive
emphasis on eye-input causes restlessness, especially when eye and IV
ear are simultaneously - and often divergently - appealed to. SEEING = SEEKING
We must, however, bear in mind that both hearing and seeing
only provide us with partial aspects of the whole. Physiologists are Ear physiologist Manfred Spreng points out that the eye can put up
of the opinion that they filter information about the world. They with its greater inaccuracy. 'Unlike the eye the ear does not possess
only tell us about what is absolutely necessary, about what the the possibility of scanning something several times. The spoken
human species really needed in order to be able to survive and word is a rapid singular event, and can practically never be repeated
develop within the evolutionary process. The area our eye informs in exactly the same way.' In its mode of working and decoding
us about is also ten times more restricted than the auditory sphere. mechanisms the ear has to be sure immediately whereas the eye can
The deepest sound we can hear is around 16 hertz (1 hz = one look again - two, three, or four times - if there is uncertainty. The
18 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 19
possibility of making a mistake has in fact become such a standard 'Here you can see that the noise reaches a peak between 16.30 and
experience for the eye that it has got used to multiple scanning of 17.30.'
objects of perception. Anyone who has to deal with acousticians - say in radio stations -
In the majority of cases the outcome of a specific act of seeing knows that most of them operate visually. Just imagine though what
amounts to an approximate mean, based on the various scanning would happen if the designer of a stage set or a big department store's
processes. The ear, on the other hand, has no such possibility. display areas were to rely primarily on acoustic data when endea-
Hearing something once has to suffice since in the next second the vouring to please the eye. The hypertrophy of the visual in our time
speaker has moved several words further. That is to be experienced truly leads to strange absurdities!
in any conversation - and we can even hear what is happening A Swiss painter - and it had to be a painter - reminds us that we
behind the words, picking up the slightest fluctuation of mood can see with the speed of light, i.e. with the greatest possible speed in
without ever having the possibility of rechecking. this universe (300,000 km per second), but can only hear with the
It is thus all the more amazing that people today are so seldom speed of sound (330 metres per second). The eye is everywhere! It has
aware of their ears' ability to measure and the accuracy of their no specific location within the dimensions of our planet. That may
hearing. Almost anyone asked about that would instinctively assume also be one reason for its volatility, restlessness, and homelessness.
that the eyes are of course more accurate than the ears. Wherever The ear, however, is unhurried - a thousand times slower than
modern technology sets about mastering acoustic phenomena and the eye. It takes time. It knows that speed is not significant since
problems, it first expresses these in visually graspable tables and everything is 'here and now'. That is why it is more thorough and
graphs, i.e. in the less precise - and for the auditory sphere accurate. The ear finds. The eye seeks.
inappropriate - realm of optical dimensions. We live in a predominantly visual civilisation, so we tend to
When I established the Berlin Jazz Festival at the start of the 'visualise' our senses. We even try and influence our taste nerves
sixties, it became clear during the first concerts that the city's optically. That is why food is artistically 'embellished' in shop
Philharmonie was only suitable for symphonic and chamber music, windows and restaurants. The advertising industry knows that
and not for jazz - despite all the time and money expended by such a average-quality, or even sub-standard, foodstuffs can be sold with
celebrated architect as Scharoun. The civil servant responsible for great success - and especially to children - if skill is devoted to
such matters said that aspect had been 'overlooked', and brought me giving the 'product' an attractive appearance. Visualisation is even
together with a group of acousticians who were commissioned to of significance in the realm of the modern gramophone record where
'refurbish' the much-praised concert hall for jazz, folk, and rock. optical criteria (brilliance, transparency, etc.) now predominate.
That was only achieved after various false starts and the passing of a
number of years. I spent a long time working together with those
experts, but only once was a sound actually to be heard - and that
was the clapping of our hands so as to measure echo times rather than V
music. Those specialists - said to be the best in the Federal Republic LOVE THROUGH THE EAR
of Germany at the time - represented the 'acoustic situation' in the
Philharmonie by way of charts, graphs, diagrams, and statistics, Let us try to discover more about the 'particular tenderness of
and worked p'urely visually despite being concerned with something hearing'. FOI: some twenty years now ethnologists have been
supposed to be heard. I assume that was the main reason why they marvelling at the Kalinga, a primeval people living on 'the
took so long to solve the problem. Philippines. They marvel at them because the Kalinga experience so
The Japanese acousticians who are supposed to measure and keep few social tensions, and lovers and marital partners are so remark-
under control the 'noise pollution' around Shinjuku railway station, ably gentle and considerate towards one another. There are certainly
Tokyo's busiest and noisiest area, also operate optically, producing other peoples of whom that is also true - such as the Balinese or the
drawings, diagrams, and graphs - perhaps because they want to Dogons of Mali in West Africa. In those cases, however, it was soon
protect their own ears! They point to a graph and tell their visitors: possible to determine why social tensions were so low. Gregory
20 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 21
One must have stood on top of Mont Ventoux oneself to appreciate pigskin-bound volume he had carried up to the summit - so as to see
what Petrarch's achievement signified. Gebser calls it 'epoch- what the Church Father had to say to him there, and reported: 'As
making', and the poet himself spoke of 'a shock' where he felt 'as if God be my witness, my gaze fell on the following passage: "Men
petrified with terror' and 'transported out of space into time'. travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the
From Mont Ventoux you look out onto a major European land- sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at
scape: from the Alps in the north-east to the Mediterranean in the the orbits of the stars, and they pass by themselves without
south - and even as far as the island of Corsica on days before the wondering." 'Petrarch was awe-struck.
Mistral arises, and to the Pyrenees in the west. Europa in nuce. Just two hundred years later, with the advent of Descartes and
Somewhere in the haze the Atlantic is to be sensed. And the Mistral Bacon, people began to get some idea of why Petrarch had been so
comes from Africa. Whenever I return to Goethe's 'watchman on the awe-struck, and why man was perhaps 'giving up' and had to be
tower' in Faust II, 'born to see, ordered to look', I think of Petrarch asked whether he could 'cope' with the situation. The space that the
on Mont Ventoux. poet had caught a glimpse of as if it were a marvel, experienced as a
Jean Gebser has shown that awareness of perspective in seeing, mystery, transformed itself into the three-dimensionality of physical
painting, and drawing is profoundly connected with Petrarch's space, into the demand that we rely solely on what our eyes can see
initial conquest of this mountain in Provence. It was at any rate at and measure within that space - as if man had banished the
that time that a new awareness of space began to make its way in miraculous from the prospect from Mont Ventoux without asking
painting - as a synchronistically linked development rather than as whether anything then remained of the space concealing that
a causal outcome of the mountain having at last been climbed. At wonder.
that time, poets, painters, and also thinkers started to conquer space; The development of European scientific thinking, launched by
and even musicians joined in - if one thinks of the way in which, Descartes, Galileo, and Bacon, can be traced back to Mont Ventoux
say, Venetian composers set about 'playing' with the acoustics in and the year 1336. That development took place within the visible,
San Marco a little later. For painters conquering space entailed three-dimensional arena of space until time was added by Einstein
confining three dimensions within two and forcing them onto a flat six centuries later as a fourth invisible spatial dimension, leading to
surface, i.e. painting in perspective. the unfolding of new ways of thinking, new ideas about space and
In the whole of Greek and Roman literature - with the possible matter, beyond what can be merely seen.
exception of Ovid - there are hardly any poetic descriptions of What began with Petrarch as a wonder and an unanticipated
landscapes; and where they do exist they are just attempts and enrichment of human perspectives has become Gebser's 'deficiency'
mostly inventories - 'a means of surveying a specific area for and degeneration. Space became more and more empty. The world
administrative and practical reasons' (Gebser), Not even that was to became more and more empty. We all became more and more
be found in the Middle Ages. Petrarch's climbing of Mont Ventoux empty. The mystery vanished from space. The world lost its magic.
was a triumph for the eye-dominated man. We know what landscape What got under way with measuring ended with missing - and
is ever since that day in the year 1336. Even Petrarch had some idea once again one is shocked by the profundities of language since both
of the importance of his deed since in a celebrated letter to another those words derive from the same root, are basically still a single
brother he wrote that his ascent would 'certainly be of benefit for word originating in metra (womb), which is also the source of
many'. Gebs~r views that day as marking the beginning of 'a new mother.
way of regarding nature, realistic, individual, and rational'.
As so often in the history of ideas, however, a 'deficiency' lay
embedded in that development right from the start. 'From that day VII
onwards human responsibility grew to such an extent that, con- HEAR, AND YOUR SOUL LIVES Now
fronted by the contemporary situation, we must doubt whether man
was able to cope with it.' When he was on top of Mont Ventoux, The unfolding of eye culture, the constantly intensifying dominance
Petrarch opened at random Augustine's Confessions - a heavy of seeing and the seeable, has despiritualised our existence. That
24 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 25
A verse in the Rig-Veda, the ancient book of Indian wisdom, runs: And Nietzsche declared in his main work, Thus Spake Zarathustra:
Breath of the Gods Awaken and listen, you solitary ones!
and life-cell of the world, Winds are corning from the future
He freely wanders. with mysteriously beating wings,
We devote and good news is reaching sensitive ears.
our veneration
to Him Listen to all those declarations - to Isaiah for instance: 'Hear, and
whose voice we hear your soul shall live.' A young woman once asked me during a
but whose form seminar: Why did the prophet Isaiah express that as a future event?
no one sees. Why are such consolations always in the future? Why not now? In
The Upanishads tersely say: The Ear is the Way.' There is also fact all the great expressions of hearing and exhortations to listen
frequent me~tion of Light and the eye, but the ear is the way. within humanity's spiritual traditions amount to:
Th~ teachIn~s about cha~ras in the Indian tradition put seeing in Hear, and your soul lives now!
the thIrd Mampura chakra In the navel area. That is the fire chakra
which regulates our ego and will-power. Hearing, however is
centred in the Vishuddha chakra at the lower end of the neck which
is also responsible for communication and the voice. The ea; is thus
assigned to one of the higher chakras, and the eye to one of the lower VIII
chakras. The Kundalini energy must mount up the chakras from the THE EYE SAYS I
lower to the higher.
Many spiritual traditions - Judaism, Islam, Zen, and many For the Chinese the eye is a yang sense expressing the sun and
shamans - expressly forbid the making of an image of God and the masculinity whilst the ear is a yin sense embodying the moon and
divine since images and the eye excessively direct the attention out- femininity. That is also apparent in the Western world. The eye
wards. Instead they say: Listen to the divine voice. You can hear thrusts out into the world, and in many cultures is symbolised by an
what is within. Listen to the inner voice. People are not told: Look arrow which has long been a phallic symbol. The ear is receptive,
outwards - but possibly: Close the eyes and look inwards. often compared with a shell, which in turn evokes the female sexual
Listening ~ord~ became. less frequent as the West increasingly organ.
p~rsued rationalIsm. SeeIng words predominated everywhere. Eye culture - and its drawbacks - developed alongside the rise of
LIsteners constituted a minority, and were usually spiritual beings patriarchy, and is also experiencing the latter's degeneration and
such as Soren Kierkegaard:
decline. Early humans, living in a matriarchy, were - as Jakob
As my prayer became more attentive and inward Bachhofen (1815-1887) first pointed out - primarily focused on
I had less and less to say. hearing. Viewed 'historically' the eye is the 'winner'. It is, however,
I finally became completely silent. appropriate that the culture of hearing and the miracle of the ear
I started to listen should be rediscovered at a time when patriarchy is losing power.
- which is even further removed from speaking. The sense of dominance associated with the eye-directed man has
I first thought that praying entailed speaking. been most concisely expressed by Jakob Grimm: The eye is a mas~er,
I then learnt that praying is hearing, the ear a servant.' It is clear that Grimm himself was one of the
not merely being silent. masters and did not consider reflecting on the negative implications
This is how it is. of his declaration, which could be interpreted as: The eye coerces,
To pray does not mean to listen to oneself speaking. the ear serves; the eye gives orders, the ear listens and obeys. In
Prayer involves becoming silent, Nada Brahma I referred to the relationship between the human eye
and being silent, and the eye of the eagle, so passionately lauded as symbolising
and waiting until God is heard. intense acuity of vision. It is not just chance that the eagle is so often
28 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 29
to be found in the coats of arms and emblems of power-conscious been lost as a result of the dominance of the eye. The eye has become
states and cities. a 'dictator'. I am only attacking the hypertrophy of seeing, the over-
In the English language the words eye and I sound absolutely emphasis on the optical, and its degeneration, in our culture. I am
similar, and can only be distinguished according to context. As shocked by the hypotrophy, the undervaluation, of the ear and
Krishnamurti has stated: 'The eye says I.' hearing over the course of many centuries.
My eye may say I but it cannot see me; it cannot see my face, We think in terms of relationships. We see and hear in terms of
standing for my T. Hardly anyone thinks about that. We can hear relationships. The decisive, all-inclusive relationship for the ear is the
ourselves (especially as there is a direct channel from the throat to relationship to the eye - and vice versa. Little or nothing is gained
the inner ear so that sound does not have to travel out of the mouth by merely enumerating the ear's many possibilities and capabilities
and in through the outer ear); we can feel, smell, and taste ourselves; without at the same time making clear (and demonstrating) their
but in order to see myself, to see my face, I need a mirror, or a relationship to those of the eye.
photograph of myself. The eye may say 'I! II II', but it says that to A few examples. Reference to the auditory sphere's remarkable
other people. It knows very little about me myself. frequency range of ten octaves only becomes meaningful through
The T is confronted by the 'Self, our essential being, called computation in terms of the single octave available to the visual
Atman in the Indian spiritual tradition. Know Thyself: that is the realm. Discussion of the ear's ability to evaluate subjectively and
great task with which we are all faced - both in Eastern traditions measure objectively only takes on significance in view of the fact
(the Upanishads, Buddhism, Zen) and in Western thought from that the eye can merely assess and comes no closer to mathematical
Socrates to C. G. Jung. The contribution that the eye makes accuracy than rough guesses. The significance of the ear's possession
towards fulfilment of this task is less than that of our other senses. of three other important abilities apart from hearing - regulation of
The fact that the eye constantly thrusts outwards distracts us from our sense of balance, 'feeding' mathematics into our sense organs,
self-knowledge and the way inwards. It dissipates attention. and the capacity for transcendence - will only become fully apparent
I discovered in the language charts contained in the works of when that relationship is clear. Our vision does not possess anything
palaeo-linguist Richard Fester that the words for eye and I are comparable.
directly related in many other languages - including the primal Of course we can become aware that most of our languages derive
tongues of South American Indians and Australian aborigines. precision, affinities, and safeguards from words concerned with
The eye says I. We sense when someone is looking at us. Their hearing, but that only really becomes significant when a diametric-
gaze insists: Pay attention to me! Almost everyone is also aware of ally opposed trend towards superficiality, vagueness, and deception
that when the observer is standing behind us. We notice after a is found among seeing words: overlook, insincerity, fantasy, etc.
while. Someone is there. Who is it? We would not, however, know The aggressiveness that psychologists have observed as an outcome
if someone were listening to us if he or she did not say so. of excessive emphasis on seeing only takes on its true aspect when
The listener does not put the emphasis on himself or even the contrasted with what our civilisation would gain if hearing were
other person. He does not insist on a separation between subject and treated as being equally important. The outcome would be an
object. The ear establishes a 'more correct' relationship between intensification of receptivity, gentleness, femininity, understanding,
ourselves and others. It implies unity rather than division. discretion, openness, and tolerance.
I establish relationships because that is the only way of making
meaningful statements - and not because I am against the eye. As
always we need an Archimedian point. For the eye that is the ear; and
IX for the ear the eye. In other words, establishment of a relationship is
EYE AND EAR NEED ONE ANOTHER necessary. The ear is nothing without the eye, and the eye nothing
without the ear.
Ear and eye are not alternatives. The objective remains what We must make comparisons and reflect on what is involved - and
Rajneesh so marvellously calls'democracy of the senses'. That has not merely in utilitarian and evolutionary terms - when, dazzled by
30 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 31
brightness, I can only see a lark, ascending up into the heavens on develop, and cultivate the potentialities of the ear and of hearing to
hot summer days, as a distant dot, but can hear its song as close and the same degree as the possibilities inherent in seeing have been
clear as a shower of notes pouring down on me. Or what does it developed in our culture for centuries - up to the point of hyper-
signify that I can rarely see the nightingale, hidden amid leaves trophy in the television age.
shimmering in the moonlight, but hear its song as if the moonbeams What is important is to be a participant rather than continuing to
and the green of the wood were predestined for that. be merely a spectator - a participant as comprehended by theore-
I cannot help establishing relationships, although strictly speak- tical physics, which has demonstrated that we perceive reality
ing I do not in fact establish them: they already exist. And they are wrongly if we believe we can observe it as onlookers. We are in its
relationships, not alternatives. The directness of eye-dominated man midst, and we take part in it. That too is a discovery which was
also involves the belief that every relationship demands a decision made as long ago as the twenties so one must time and again ask:
from him, and that any choice in favour of something inevitably Why do we not draw the obvious conclusions? We otherwise
also involves a decision against the other pole, which is however pounce on all of modern science's achievements, incorporating them
only - and we will resort to this image time and again - the other in our thinking and our lives within three or four years. But we resist
side of the same coin. We can - and should - make use of both sides those discoveries in the New Physics that tell us: You must change
of the coin. the way you perceive things. Ways of perception after all always
In my lectures and seminars I often encounter people who react entail ways of living.
aggressively to such assertions. They seem ready to accept anything - We have not even incorporated the dual character of light - as a
except any calling into question of the eye's dominance. I long asked wave and as a corpuscle - in our body-sense and consciousness. We
myself why that was so before the answer became clear to me. It is are still subject to the eye man's illusion that a decision has to be
the aggressiveness of the eye-person that answers me there, the made between wave and particle. We would become gentler and more
aggressiveness of someone who knows that he is still dominant and receptive, 'listening' more completely, if we were to comprehend -
does not want to lose control. The aggression of those who feel in our deepest being rather than intellectually - that the particle can
attacked confirms that finding. If that were not the case, something change into a wave, and the wave can solidify into a corpuscle and
would be wrong. then dissolve again; and that all these processes are dependent on the
Eye people taking part in discussions display strikingly more perception of the observer whom the very fact of perception makes
aggressiveness than ear-orientated participants, who are more into a participant who can make waves of particles and particles of
'tranquil', reflective, and patient, consider what they say more care- waves.
fully, and are generally balanced. For that we must of course once again learn to see anew. We
People who mainly depend on what they see feel that everything cannot, however, achieve that by continuing to give precedence to
they believe in has been undermined if seeing and hearing are seeing while suppressing our other senses. We possess a venerable
compared to the advantage of the latter. The opposite reaction does tradition of seeing, going back by way of Goethe, Newton, and the
not occur. For centuries ear people have had to undergo the ear's Renaissance to the Greeks - but we do not have any comparable
submission to the eye, and yet there are no reports of their having Western tradition as far as hearing and the ear are concerned. That
succumbed to aggression. must still be created, bearing in mind that the fact of being primarily
Eye people think causally - in those straight lines demonstrated eye people brought us to our present crisis.
to them by light; and it is that kind of thinking which results in the Futurologists and physicists join spiritual people in saying that we
mistaken conclusion that an either/or is at issue, as if we should need a new consciousness, a new perception of the world, if we want
close our eyes and henceforth only open our ears. We want to to survive. We can acquire that consciousness in a variety of ways.
perceive and experience more, not less. We want to extend and In the sixties when it started to unfold, many of us got there through
deepen our awareness, not restrict it. LSD, cannabis, etc. For many people that was important, and they
There is no question of suppressing our visual sense as hearing was thereby came to realise the existence of another reality 'beyond' and
stifled for centuries. What is important is at long last to explore, 'within' which had previously been unknown to them. Today we no
32 The Third Ear Ear and Eye 33
longer need drugs to transcend our everyday dimensions. An many peoples, but - he stresses - this sound often has 'the character
abundance of better procedures has become available, and for that of light'. 'All light is merely a passing manifestation of the sound of
very reason it is now clear that there is no more plausible, 'more creation. The sun is ... only a sound that has become luminous and
natural', way towards a new consciousness than at long last opening hot.'
up the ear and hearing in the same way as the eye and seeing have Kabir knows no higher praise for Krishna's flute than to affirm
already been developed in our culture. that its song is 'as light as a thousand suns'.
In the existing situation greater emphasis must be put on the ear The idea of an intermingling of lights and sounds, of inner seeing
and hearing than on the eye and seeing. Such one-sidedness is and inner hearing, has time and again suddenly appeared across the
always necessary in the case of new departures. In the same way millennia. That is an archetypal concept, instilled in us from the
feminism must exaggerate its arguments if there is to be the slightest very beginning.
chance of ultimate attainment of equality of rights. Socialism had to The further we penetrate into humanity's early history, the more
be over-emphasised too in order to eliminate at least the worst important inner hearing and inner seeing become, and the more
exploitation in the industrial civilisation of capitalism. No idea frequently seeing and hearing come together. In many of humanity's
would ever have been implemented if it had not initially been languages there are words whose meaning is ambivalent, embracing
exaggerated. both light and sound as well as seeing and hearing.
Ever since the age of Newton and Descartes we have existed in a The word enlightenment signifies an expanded form of perception
culture that put excessive emphasis on the eye. The time has now dependent on neither ear nor eye, a form of perception that penetrates
come to over-accentuate the ear for a couple of generations. We will the deceptive filter our senses impose between ourselves and reality.
perhaps then end up by achieving a 'democracy of the senses'. Japanese Zen monks call that Kensho (meaning inner vision and
gazing on the essence) whose root kan in many languages entails
aspects of hearing and in others also of seeing.
For Jakob Bohme, the German mystic, the light manifesting in
enlightenment was a resounding sound. He experienced enlighten-
ment as a filling with inner sound. The 'eyes of the spirit' about which
so many sages speak were at the same time also 'ears of the spirit'.
When we have learnt to hear we will also be able to correct our eyes' He who has ears to hear sees!
The word mystic comes from the Greek myein = close the eyes. Ever
The Indian spiritual world has far more to offer than the West
since ancient times mystics have, however, been viewed as human
with regard to interconnections between the ear and the eye, and
beings who see more.
between seeing and hearing. Prajapati, the primal creator, is 'singing
According to Sufi tradition 'Seers are blind'. They really are too.
Light', a 'singing sun', and 'the sound of Light'. Radiant Light is also
Not only Homer was blind. Oedipus was as well after he really
transformed into sound in the Tibetan Book of the Dead:
understood what he had done. Some people believe that Pythia, the
o nobly-born, when thy body and mind were separating, thou must Oracle's prophetess at Delphi, Cassandra at Troy, and Calchas with
have experienced a glimpse of the Pure Truth, subtle, sparkling, whom the Iliad begins were also blind. There have been blind seers
bright, dazzling, glorious, and radiantly awesome, in appearance like in many cultures - in India's Brahmanic tradition, among Taoists
a mirage ... From the midst of that radiance, the natural sound of and Zen sages, among Sufis and in Eastern European Jewry, among
Reality, reverberating like a thousand thunders simultaneously Germanic peoples and the Celts - both in ancient times and even
sounding, will come. That is the natural sound of thine own real self. today. At the beginning of the sixties, for instance, a blind 'prophet'
Be not daunted thereby, nor terrified, nor awed.
was much in demand on Bali.
The world began with a sound.' Anthropologist and musicologist Time and again, across millennia, the seer is said to be a seer
Marius Schneider discovered that truth in the myths and legends of because he is blind. Blindness intensifies the gift of prophecy. It is
We See Three Dimensions but How Many Do We Hear? 35
34 The Third Ear
for over three quarters of a century now - we know that we perceive
impossible to imagine a corresponding situation with any of the
the world wrongly. It is not restricted to the three dimensions -
other senses. It would be absurd to say that a gourmet lacked any
length, breadth, and height - we see, but is multi-dimensional.
sense of taste, a connoisseur any sense of scent, or that a listener was'
Many physicists today take six dimensions as their starting-point;
deaf - but seers are blind.
some say that time is a miscomprehended spatial dimension; others
As we have seen, Homer, the blind singer, was a man who listened.
surmise that there are as many temporal as spatial dimensions; and
That is the reason why he was one of 'the most seeing' of men and
still others speak of 'n dimensions', not wanting to specify the actual
could describe Odysseus, the eye man, as if he, Homer, could see
number involved.
with his hero's eyes. And that is certainly what he did, gaining vision
At any rate, the world is not as we see it, as it 'appears' to us. But
through and in Odysseus. That is the objective - and it is marvellous
which sense is it that mediates that wrong image of the world?
to experience how everything suddenly once again becomes visible
. The an.swer is absolutely certain. Most of the relatively misleading
and attainable, seeing as a listener and listening as a man who sees.
mformatIon comes from our most outwardly directed sense - the
The new Odysseus no longer needs any chains. His companions do
eye. The more our potential for perception is directed inwards, the
not require any wax in their ears. They hear what they want and
less incorrect information we receive. The ear therefore provides a
travel where they wish. relatively low level of misinformation - viewed both subjectively
and in terms of the findings of modern theoretical physics. It is true
that we can hear 'spatially' (as indicated by the term stereo, which
derives from the realm of vision) but spatial hearing is only a side-
effect, as it were - a concession to the eyes confirming their function-
ing: what we heard there comes from the right or left, above or
below, in front or behind. Those points of view are not of great
importance as far as the actual experience of hearing is concerned.
What the ears hear is not dependent on whether the world is - as our
eyes think - three-dimensional or whether it is - as the New Physics
2 believes - four-, five-, or even more multi-dimensional. When we
consider that this also applies to our senses for taste and smell, we
WE SEE THREE DIMENSIONS BUT can measure the extent of the misinformation that our eyes give us
about the dimensionality of our world.
Music has long been viewed as an 'art in time', All our auditory
How MANY Do WE HEAR? impressions occur within a temporal continuum, and yet also unfold
in spatial dimensions (see also Chapter 3). To measure amplitudes
The human eye cannot see most of the lights in this world. What we and frequencies we need spatial dimensions, but we nevertheless
perceive of surrounding reality is distorted and weakened by our organ
perceive them in music as temporal phenomena.
of vision.'
Lincoln Barnett What we hear thus occurs in a multi-dimensional world of space
and time, comparable with what we know from the theory of relati-
vity and the Minkowski equations, which we find so difficult' to
approach when we rely solely on seeing. For our ears, on the other
I hand, such a world is everyday reality,
In his Definition of Life and the Organism, Jakob von Uexkiill Austrian composer Josef Matthias Hauer, who developed a 'twelve-
characterised as a 'concept of genius' what Cyon described in sober note system' even before Schoenberg, once declared that The man
scientific language. The ear is seen as the central switchboard for our who listens is from the outset a spiritual being compared with the
sense of space and time, and for going beyond that to infinity. The person who merely speaks, sees, and grasps. Hearing and taking in
wheel thus comes full circle, linking the insights and knowledge of are spiritual activities: hearing the unchangeable, the untouchable,
wise men from many cultures. For them the ear has for thousands of the incomprehensible, the constant, the eternal within the Melos.
years been our 'gateway to other worlds'. Only someone who listens can also recognise, interpret, think,
The ear takes in music as an art in time but it also locates us in speak, apprehend, and comprehend.'
space. In the labyrinth of the inner ear, known as the semicircular We can be totally within our ear - as is not possible with our
canal, is to be found the most important of our receptors of balance. other senses. We can be our ear. We are our ear. In the words of
It regulates all the others distributed throughout the body, and is the Shiatsu teacher Wataru Ohashi: 'If you look at the ear, you will see
only receptor that can measure angular velocity and never sleeps. It that it is formed exactly like an embryo, which is why it can be
is thanks to this function that when we wake up, we immediately viewed as a microcosm for the entire body.' In shape the ear is like an
know how we are lying, even when still half asleep. The inner ear upturned 'little human being'. It is fitting that - as ear physiologist
even remains on the alert when we are sleeping - unlike all the other S. S. Stevens has shown - the organ of Corti, the most important
senses which switch off then. element in our hearing, developed directly from the embryo's skin.
It is indisputable - summarised Cyon back in 1908 - that 'the ear Morphologically the ear must therefore possess the same potential
is the most important of our sense organs'. Helmut Reinold for full human development as the embryo. The ear even intensifies
commented: 'The fact that such a decisive discovery, establishing that possibility since the cochlea in the inner ear - as Carl Gustav
hearing as man's most central and highest sense, was not accepted or Carus (1789-1869) demonstrated in his Symbolism of the Human
suitably acknowledged by anatomists, physiologists, and psycho- Form - again repeats the shape of the auricle, and thus of the
logists, let alone musicologists, can only surprise someone unfamiliar embryo. Carus wrote that one cannot observe the 'characteristically
with the mechanistic emphasis within nineteenth-century scientific convoluted structure' of the auricle 'without seeing it as a kind of
development.' However Reinold also draws attention to recent symbolic repetition of the cochlea, the most deeply concealed and
changes in otiatry (medicine of the ear), biology, anatomy, and mysterious organ of hearing' .
physiology, and reminds us how Marius Schneider's musicological It is logical that the embryo should be similar to the ear. The
38 The Third Ear
Embryo and diagram of acupuncture points in the ear (after Ohashi)
The realm of the audible lies between 16 and 16,000 hertz, but Rene
Chocholle, the French physiologist, shows in his study of 'Qualita-
tive Hearing' that those figures are 'highly theoretical'. 'The upper
limit is difficult to ascertain since capacity to distinguish between
high frequencies differs greatly.' Experiments demonstrated that
ultrasound from 30,000 to 50,000 hertz can, 'if sufficiently intense',
actually produce experiences of hearing, albeit 'painful and unplea-
sant'. Chocholle compares that pain with what can be caused by a
40 The Third Ear The Ear Goes Beyond 41
natural ability - of considerably extending the limit upwards. frontiers between, on the one hand, what is perceptible and can be
Anyone who works a lot in sound studios constantly meets people measured, and, on the other, the imperceptible and immeasurable.
who hear aspects of music that others are unable to perceive. If that The actual organ for the distribution of sensations within the
is checked, it usually turns out that such tonal vibrations really are cochlea - with the organ of Corti, the basilar membrane, and the
present where they were heard. Sometimes they are important and inner and outer hair cells - is 'a system only a few cubic millimetres
must be emphasised so that they become audible for others. in size whose minute scale and vulnerability have up to now resisted
It is also difficult to determine the lower limit to hearing. Here too examination to a very much greater extent than the relatively large
it becomes clear that the sensation of hearing does not simply vanish - and easily investigated human or animal eyeball' (W. D. Keidel).
as does the perception of light in specific, relatively determinable
I: Some 30,000 nerve fibres and as many nerve cells are at work in the
frequency ranges - but is instead transformed into a vibratory
sensation 'such as one can also bring about in any other part of the
body through contact with a vibrating object ... One thus moves
il human inner ear. The activities of the tympanic membrane 'operate
at an order of magnitude of 19-9 • • • which is below the wavelength
of viable light and even less than the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
without noticing from a predominantly but not exclusively acoustic The energy threshold of the sensitivity of hair cells and auditory
sensation to a predominantly and even exclusively vibratory sensa- fibres fluctuates around 10-11 erg, and is thus many times greater than
tion. Distinguishing between these two modalities in this transitional that of the eye but also much more durable. It can in fact vary
area is scarcely possible and highly subjective ...' (Chocholle). between still tolerable intensities and the greatest noise levels by a
42 The Third Ear The Ear Goes Beyond 43
factor of 106 , a magnitude of millions.' If we were to similarly increase allow logarithmic processes to take their course, transforming the
the eye's lowest tolerance, we would be so dazzled as to immediately frequency of oscillations in sounds or music into intervals.
go blind. The fact that the cochlea is a spiral means that it transports
Experts still cannot explain how it is possible that movements of perceptible vibrations out of the material world by way of open,
the head or jolting when walking do not affect the auditory ossicles mounting curves - ultimately into infinity. The existence of two
in such a highly sensitive organ, thereby setting off mistaken percep- cochlea constantly enables the membranous organ to reflect even the
tions of hearing. Some scientists are of the opinion that the malleus, scarcely measurable vibrations of its bony counterpart, intensifying
incus, and stapes, three small interlocking bones in the inner ear, are them into something beyond physical registration.
so delicately positioned (their support lines run through their own Sounds - writes German physiologist Ernst-Michael Kranich -
centres of gravity) that they are perfectly cushioned. Nature has penetrate 'the depths of the cochlea like a breaking wave' but then -
strikingly separated the cochlea - and above all the organ of Corti - as shown in experiments by Georg von Bekesy (1899-1972), the
from the body's usual lines of supply. Other specialists point to the Hungarian-American physiologist who won the Nobel Prize for
fact that an organ which can register amplitudes even less than Biology in 1961 and is probably the most important researcher into
the diameter of a hydrogen atom must pick up both movements of the human hearing - there occurs 'an exceptionally significant process.
head and the vibrations constantly produced through all our The "travelling wave" breaks up ... It is as if the wave that pene-
activities, but possesses a kind of 'secret intelligence' for filtering out trated the inner ear were all of a sudden to lose its strength.' Some-
whatever is disruptive or irrelevant. thing very strange happens. The power, which only millimetres
previously on the short stretch between the tympanic membrane
and what is known as the oval window was around 90 times greater,
liberates itself from its physical substance. The sound frees itself
V from its physical impact . . .'
SOUND EXALTS TIME I refer here only to sounds with a musical component. In the
cochlea such sounds liberate themselves from the physical body.
Let us devote attention now to what happens when sound vibrations From then onwards their purely musical and purely artistic quality is
penetrate the ear. They encounter the eardrum, which starts to transcended in a spiritual sphere 'beyond the senses' which'establishes'
vibrate, as does the air affecting the thin membrane between the this process in such compelling fashion that it can be said to 'prove'
auditory canal and the inner ear. The tympanic membrane projects it.
and transports sound into the interior of the ear where it meets the
auditory ossicles, which are the smallest bones in the human body.
They are linked by joints, and actually correspond to the bone
structures of legs and feet strangely miniaturised. The organs within VI
the inner ear lie in the petrous part of the temporal bones, the MUSIC - ART IN TIME?
hardest and least alive bones in the entire human body. That is the
location of the bony cochlea in whose fluid the membranous cochlea We have seen that music is art in time. The eye has long been said to
is suspended. Both cochlea are spiral-shaped, and these are loga- be concerned with space and the ear with time. That is correct - and
rithmic spirals which the dictionary defines as 'transcendental open yet also incorrect. It is correct with regard to the spatial natute of
curves starting out from a single point and ending in infinity'. seeing, but a spatial element is also present in what can be heard, and
This form is of importance because the ratio between the intervals particularly in music. For a start it is present in sound vibrations,
and the associated numerical frequencies (ultimately between which occur in space. Music transforms them into time. But distinc-
musical and acoustic laws) precisely matches the ratio between the tions must be made when the concept of time is applied to sounds.
logarithms' additive regularity and the multiplicative regularity of Imagine the following: We hear a note when a bell is struck, allowing
the underlying Numeri. The cochlea spirals in our ear constantly it to persist, and then we hear another note when a second bell is
44 The Third Ear The Ear Goes Beyond 4S
struck. We observe that we do not just perceive the two different wards he spoke of that line being 'the final outcome of many years of
notes but also the interval between them - for instance, a third or a speculation about the essential nature of music. It seems to me that
fifth. Ernst-Michael Kranich sensitively perceived that: viewed philosophically, music is time made aesthetically perceptible:
This does not entail musical memory ... First you hear one note and As the present. And the identity of the present moment and eternity
once again becomes apparent.'
then another. That is how you regard the succession of notes within
the usual concept of time. This does not, however, yield a complete Music is only art in time in a superficial sense. Viewed more
description of the phenomenon since the first note is somehow profoundly it is the art of surmounting time in time.
involved in the experience of the second note. Otherwise you could Our visual sense leaves what we see where it is. It comes to terms
not recognise it as a third or fifth. The first note has faded away into with space. It merely looks. Our experience of hearing does not,
the past, and yet out of that past, where it experienced full tonal however, acquiesce in time. It hears time but simultaneously more
reality, it exerts an influence on the presence of the second note. than time. It can hear what is past and what is future as something
We also see from this example that music does not merely take place present. It thus accords with the demands of many great spiritual
within time. It also exalts and surmounts time. It is not just that the traditions - such as Zen or Tantrism - that one should live 'Now'
past and present merge. The future is also involved to the extent that because past and future are Maya, are illusions. For theoretical
within the harmonious progression of music the note sounding 'now' physics too they are also frequently illusions.
anticipates the future note in which it will be resolved. The note to
come is, as it were, contained in the present note, which could not
otherwise 'summon' it. Anyone musical knows that it is hardly
possible to break off certain cadences before the final note. The final VII
note is 'there' whether it is played or not. It may sound out later - or HEARING ENTAILS QUANTISING
not at all - but, viewed in a higher sense, it was to be heard much
earlier. Time only completes what became necessary outside of time. It might be asked whether the reader is fully aware of how many
It merely makes manifest what would otherwise have remained processes of going beyond we have encountered on the few pages of
hidden. this and the previous chapter. Implicit in such processes is a capacity
Kranich says that musical events are not to be grasped by way of for self-transcendence, so the total number of 'goings beyond' in our
our customary concept of time. hearing's 'hall of mirrors' is infinite. That basically only depends on
where I allow one to end and another to begin. Perhaps everything is
Even in the simplest of musical phenomena man experiences that a single transcendence that goes beyond and beyond and beyond
higher reality otherwise only to be found in encountering the spiritual itself, reflecting, reflecting, reflecting itself: what can be felt into
world. A man thus experiences the lawfulness of the super-sensory what can be heard, the audible into the inaudible, the additive into
when an interval leads him to perceive that the previous note is
the logarithmic, the measurable into the immeasurable, the physical
exerting an influence on the present one. If a previous experience did
not exert such an influence, there would only be an unrelated succes- into the mental, the sensory into the supersensory, the material into
sion of sounds. the vital, the bodily into the spiritual, time into space, past into
future and both into the present, three-dimensionality into multi-
What has been said with regard to individual notes also applies to dimensionality, the aperiodic into the periodic, the symmetrical into
more extended passages of music. All previous notes playa part in the asymmetrical, and of course always vice versa.
the current one. The fact that we can hear a succession of notes as a And yet anyone who generalises that it is simply the 'absence of
melody is only possible because in perceiving this melody we leaps' which characterises the essence of the hearing process deceives
surmount time. Harmony and melody result from the influence himself. Interestingly, the ear only establishes such transitions where
exerted by what is past on an ever-new present. and when transcendence is involved in terms of the transformation
In a poem about the music of a flute-player, Hermann Hesse wrote: of one sphere into another. Before that stage is reached the ear
'And all time became present,' and in a letter written shortly after- constantly resists smooth transitions, so that the 'linking function'
46 The Third Ear The Ear Goes Beyond 47
between areas which to the mechanical understanding are almost to 'sort out' all those vibrations, locating and measuring them even
totally unrelated becomes all the more important. Where the ear in a noisy cafe. Fragments of conversation come from the table
cannot transcend it insists on 'quantising'. In the most favourable diagonally behind me and from the window-seat opposite. There is
condition 231 different notes can be registered in an octave, but our also the noise of cars on the busy street outside. To my left glasses
ear insists on hearing them as the usual seven notes in the scale plus clink and far behind me a door is slammed - but even though the
the linking semitones. Discrepancies may amount to as much as 40 sound at a nearby table of a suitcase being shut is very similar to that
per cent, i.e. we can hear a completely 'different' note but our ear of the door, I can distinguish between the two and also estimate that
gently forces us to perceive that as the appropriately 'correct' note. the one sound is about three metres away and the other ten.
The ear'quantises' . The ear's capacity to transcend is not therefore linked with
It is important to be aware of the fact that there is no optical incapacity to make distinctions or the obliteration of transitions. As
equivalent of 'compensatory hearing'. We see colour impressions as we have seen in various contexts, it differentiates more meticulously
what they are with smooth transitions from one to another, but we and precisely than our other senses. We can therefore assume that
hear notes as leaps without such gradual changes. even when the ear transcends it does not stop making distinctions, in
For centuries we were told Natura non saltat, but our ears, basic other words it does not bring together realms that are unconnected
research into harmonics, nuclear physics, and music convince us of but builds bridges where necessary in order to open up connections
the opposite. In the decisive processes nature makes nothing but and transitions, making us aware of the possibilities involved.
abrupt transitions. The old belief was another of the illusions The idea of 'going beyond' need not always signify transcendence;
resulting from dominance of the visual. It must have been eye men it can also entail something similar to crossing a river. The ear shows
who thought up the maxim 'Nature does not proceed in leaps'. That us crossing-places so that we can get from one bank to the other. It
idea was in fact only 'valid' in 'self-evident' spheres at a time when shows them to us precisely where our other senses believe that there
man was primarily visually orientated. We would have long ago are insurmountable barriers. If our ear did not constantly offer us
recognised the crudity and imprecision of that view if we had not crossing-places - transitions and possibilities of transcendence-
denied the ear its due for three centuries. we would really live in a walled-in world, enclosed by actual
material barriers that can be seen, felt, and grasped. Mechanistic
and rational thinking exists in such a world - or, more precisely,
since such a world does not exist, that way of thinking has attempted
VIII to create it and banish us there. By viewing things in that way, such
THE EAR FINDS CROSSING-PLACES thinking has made the world smaller, reducing it to what can be
seen, felt, and measured. It did not accept the crossing-places
It is very important to recognise the difference between the ear's indicated by the ear. The new thinking, however, makes use of these
capacity to go beyond and its supposed lack of ability to differentiate. crossing-places.
The eye needs to deploy spectral analysis in order to ascertain the
colours contained within an overall impression. It could not cope
with that task by relying solely on its own resources. A good
musician can, however, both take in the overall sound and also -
without resorting to any technical assistance - state precisely what
notes and instruments produce the chord at issue. The ear's ability to
go beyond does not therefore in any way eliminate distinctions or
reduce the capacity to differentiate.
No scientist has to date been able to explain how it is possible, on
the one hand, for the sum total of sound vibrations surrounding us
to impinge on our eardrum, and, on the other, for our ear to be able
Thinking through the Ear 49
'He who sees oneness everywhere has surmounted illusion and sorrow.'
Sluch is Slovak for hearing, and bluch means deaf. Kan is Bengali
for ear, and kala deaf. In Tibetan kolto signifies deaf, but in Bontok
Suite on Essentials koling stands for the ear. In all of the world's languages contrasting
phenomena sound almost the same. Whoever has a mouth cannot
Thought is a Fair Hearing.' be mute, and yet the two are linguistically related - and even more
Martin Heidegger closely in German with Stimme/stumm. We believe that someone
who can see cannot be blind, but in dozens of languages there is
hardly any differentiation, and in English and German blink is very
I close to blind.
Two THEMES In Italian sensa signifies meaning whereas senza from the same root
means without. Language thus appears to indicate that no great differ-
Two themes are prominent in this book: ence is involved whether something is meaningful or meaningless.
The world's languages abound with related words indicating both
1. To hear = To be.
abundance and its opposite. The Greek halos becomes whole or hole
2. All is One.
in English, hohl (hollow) or vall and viel (full and plenty) in German,
Both concepts are interrelated. Being is only Oneness. A human and kol (whole) in Hebrew. Such derivates extend in all conceivable
being who listens hears and understands that. Just remember: When directions. Carr, for instance, is Arabic for a full moon, but gar
we sleep, we close our eyes and mouth. Feelings are switched means a measure of capacity. In Bengali Chand is the moon, and
(almost) off. But our ears remain open. shunna hollow.
Our ears have even been opened before we are born. The ear is Calda in Italian stems from the same root as cold but means
more important than the other senses in the stage before birth. exactly the opposite - hot (in French chaud). Ciel in French points
Consciousness. Within a few weeks of impregnation the embryo to the heavens, but the corresponding English word cellar leads
develops its ears. The child in the womb hears its mother's heartbeat downwards.
and later also the sounds of the world outside - which signifies that One would think that striving upwards and thrusting downwards
before a human being can perceive 'the world' with any other sense, would be carefully distinguished in language, and yet the words
he or she hears it. involved overlap. Valley in English is related to the German Wall
The situation is similar at the other 'end' of our existence. Modern (embankment, rampart), and the German Hohle (cave) to hole and
research into dying has often pointed to the fact that hearing is in the hill. In Latin one word, altus, means both high and low. Even
great majority of cases the last human sense to be switched off. heaven and hell are ultimately related. It might seem that someone
When seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and speaking have long who enters hell can hardly be holy, but language links the two. ;
atrophied, we can still hear. Our moral consciousness says that good is the opposite of evil,
So we can hear before we enter this world, throughout our lives, but in the world's languages moral categories are as turbulently
and even in the hour of death when all our other senses fail us, which confused as in reality. The root bad must originally have meant both
demonstrates that hearing is a state of being unmatched by any of good and bad since good's comparative better appears to be a worse
the other senses. Isn't that the real reason why we can never shut our form of badness, intensified by its superlative best. The Middle High
ears so long as we are alive? Because to hear is to be? German word ba{3 (an exact equivalent of the English bad) was also
50 The Third Ear
Thinking through the Ear 51
used to signify good, and provided the basis for the comparative But the coin has that sound because it has two sides. We cannot
besser (better). When Lao Tse writes 'He who says good at the same have oneness without wholeness, without the antipodes: without
time says bad: that must be taken literally. God and the Devil, good and evil, life and death, love and hate, joy
The word good evokes God, but here too language indicates that and suffering. Anyone who does not recognise that represses the
God and the Devil are one, thus according with many mystics and antipode in the unconscious where - as C. G. lung has shown - it
esoteric schools. Devil and divine are interrelated, extending into 'proliferates', causing even greater trouble. Anyone who focuses
dieu and diable in French, deva in Sanskrit, Teufel (Devil in German), exclusively on the 'good' aspect of things sees only half the picture
Zeus in Greek, and so on. and lacks wholeness. That is also a political statement.
The Greek logos in the New Testament, the Divine Word that was When we recognise ourselves as being what we are, when we see
in the beginning, in German becomes Luge, which is also related to
the universe as what it is, when we give ourselves and it a fair
the English lie. That is not just 'chance', and the connection between
hearing, we will comprehend oneness and wholeness. Uni-verse
'word' and 'lie' is present in many other languages - including
Quallu and Lulla in the Amerindian language of Quechua, and means turned towards oneness. Whaf appears to us as multiplicity is
Njalme and Gjela in Samoyed. 'adornment' - and the Greek word kosmos means just that. The two
Even the words for opposed primal elements in antiquity - fire words - Uni-verse and kosmos - complement one another, together
and water - often come from the same root. The English word burn signifying wholeness adorned with diversity, 'oneness amid multi-
means destroy by fire and can also refer to a small stream, related in plicity', and what Hegel termed 'the Absolute'.
that context to the Old Norse word for a 'spring'. Perhaps some readers may have observed themselves as they read
What is big cannot be small - and yet many languages indicate just now about the primal oneness of words and their surmounting
the contrary. In Thai, for instance, leg is small and laag big. of apparent contradictions. Why do we read, why do we hear, such
Palaeo-linguist Richard Fester has shown that almost every word ideas with such great inner satisfaction?
initially - and particularly at that moment of human development - All happiness involves achieving oneness. In such moments we
contained its opposite within itself. Scarcely anyone is aware of experience language becoming one, reflecting our potential unity
that - but it is so strikingly obvious that one must ask oneself: Why and wholeness. Opposites unite. Isn't that rather like watching
does no one notice? Because we don't listen? lovers embrace affectionately? Are we in such moments voyeurs of
If we listened, we would hear that language is telling us: What you language? Are we seeing unity? Are we observing the attainment of
think are irreconcilable opposites are fundamentally the same. The oneness?
person you think your foe could also be your friend - another pair
of opposites which were once one.
'Upwards, downwards, the Way is one and the same' according to
Heraclitus. 'As Above, so Below' (Hermes Trismegistos) is primal III
wisdom among many cultures. Early archaic man must still have FUGA CANONICA
known that. That is why he used the same word to express opposites,
'If you would stop clinging to contrary concepts, illusion would cease
at most distinguished by inflection, accentuation, or a change of of its own accord.'
vowel or consonant. Huang-Po
Linguistics has shown that language reflects reality. What kind of
If we made greater use of hearing in our thinking, if we listened more
reality does it thereby show us? Only one answer is imaginable.
intensively to language and to how similar polar words sound, we
There are only minimal differences between what we believe to be
would perceive oneness much more often and polarities much less
irreconcilable and antagonistic. That is reality. Splitting up and
frequently - and we would become aware of unity in diversity.
separating the world into polarities is make-believe, illusion, Maya.
Polarised thinking takes the shortest possible route from cause to
All is one. If we were to listen, we would hear that. The coin may
effect. It is eye-thinking, which always means that it over-simplifies,
have two sides but it is a single coin. That is why it only has a single
offering a one-dimensional interpretation of Leibniz's 'Nihil est sine
sound. ratio' (Nothing is without Reason).
52 The Third Ear Thinking through the Ear 53
not just derive from Heraclitus, who stands here for many others. It tion hear the notes sounding simultaneously rather than in succession
is the result of hearing, which becomes, which is, its own intensity, as must later be the case. That is a great treat!' Mozart referred to
its comparative and its superlative. It relates to the way in which we seeing everything at a single glance and to hearing everything
perceive and take in. Reading, thinking, loving, living, feeling, see- simultaneously. Heidegger writes that 'Such ways of seeing and
ing, smelling, and tasting all become more intense, multi-layered, hearing become one. They are one and the same thing.'
and rich when we hear more and more attentively than before. But they only become one if hearing is 'real hearing', hearing with
That is beautifully expressed in a rondo-like poem by Kurt Wolff, the Third Ear. Like seeing with the Third Eye. As Heidegger says:
that endearing patron of the German Expressionists. Thinking should catch sight of what can be heard. Thinking is a fair
hearing that catches a glimpse,' throwing light on what has been
Whosoever has ears,
Whosoever has eyes,
hear and see.
Whosoever has hands, VII
hear and see and do. FINALE WITH T. S. ELIOT
Whosoever has feet,
hear and see and do and go. Outer hearing is bound to the unfolding of a piece of music in time,
Whosoever has a mouth, but inner hearing which, like Mozart, hears everything simulta-
hear and see and do and go and speak. neously is independent of perception through our sense organs.
Modern physics and neurology have shown that those organs are a
And be silent
screen (as around a lamp) rather than a medium through which the
and be silent
world enters us. They screen us from the world, only admitting and
and be silent
tolerating what serves evolution and what we need to survive. Our
and speak. organs - and particularly the eye - protect us by filtering out reality
in the same way as a camera filter excludes colour impressions and
As we said, listening brings about intensity. The greatest intensity -
light intensities unsuitable for the film being used.
as experienced in love - is that of becoming one. The question 'Who
Inner hearing and inner seeing, however, perceive everything
hears what?' may be important but it remains superficial. It is an eye
simultaneously. They are independent of the dimensions of space
question. The person who sees stands there and looks somewhere or
and time. Nowhere is that more convincingly and beautifully
other, beaming out his gaze. Seeing is not possible without separating
expressed than in T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets.
into subject and object. Someone listening, however, takes in,
dissolving separation. Hearing disperses 'isolation'. Words move, music moves
Only in time; but that which is only living
Can only die. Words, after speech, reach
Into the silence. Only by the. form, the pattern,
VI Can words or music reach
MOZARTEAN VARIATION The stillness, as a Chinese jar still
Moves perpetually in its stillness.
With Heraclitus, seeing and hearing flow together to become inner Not the stillness of the violin, while the note lasts,
seeing and inner hearing. There exists a letter by Mozart where he Not that only, but the co-existence,
explains that for him a composition is already 'there' as a whole Or say that the end precedes the beginning,
before he has written it down: '... even though it may be a long And the end and the beginning were always there
work, I see it again in my mind at a single glance as if it were a Before the beginning and after the end.
beautiful picture or an attractive human being, and in my imagina- And all is always now. . .
5 Analogies Lead Further than Logic 57
nevertheless still touch and affect us. They are deeply imprinted on Books, words, syllables, and letters could not have been invented
our soul as archetypal 'letters'. Human beings today, who think if DNA were not a 'book' consisting of those very elements.
predominantly logically and functionally, are no longer capable of Researchers into genetics also refer to 'words', 'syllables', and 'letters'.
inventing similar signs whose power will exert an impact over The analogy between DNA and the book is perhaps the most
millennia. Their incompetence with symbols becomes apparent in momentous and creative within humanity's evolution - and also
the visual language employed for signs at airports and railway makes clear that analogies can start exerting an impact even before
stations, international congresses or Olympic Games, which are people become conscious of them. They 'occur' - as was said at the
supposed to be comprehensible to everyone. start of this chapter - multi-dimensionally: on various levels of
Thinking in analogies is important for us today, but the rational possible human experience, both conscious and unconscious.
human being does not want to accept that. The great scientific If the book is a symbol of human thought and creativity, and if
disc~veries - fr?m Kepler's planetary laws and Newton's compre- the 'primordial book of life' is the DNA molecule which cells have
hensIon of gravIty by way of the nineteenth-century harnessing of to 'read' so that we human beings may develop, then it really becomes
electricity to Max Planck's quantum theory - were analogical clear that: Each analogy contains every other - as is also the case
rather than logical. The very first discovery with which the history with God Indra's pearls and with Bootstrap physics where the
of Western science began also involved analogy. Pythagoras is said information comprehended in an electron is contained in all of the
to have passed a smithy where he heard different lengths of iron universe's electrons.
producing different notes, which served as the basis for his harmonic Logic cannot grasp that, but analogy can. Analogy is more
experiments and the idea of the harmony of the spheres. Niels Bohr's comprehensive and penetrates deeper. Is that the reason why the
model of the atom came into being in similar fashion almost 3,000 great enlightened ones - Jesus, Buddha, Mahavir, the Zen sages, the
years later by way of comparing planetary system and microcosmos.
great Sufis, shamans - mostly spoke in analogies? 'Parable' is only
It is only a small step from there to the most mighty of all
another word for 'analogy'. That is the only way of understanding
analogies: the ancient esoteric wisdom of 'as without, so within',
the parables in the New Testament, and all the other allegories in
and the mystical knowledge, found in all cultures, that God is in you
and you in God. humanity's spiritual traditions. In every single one is concealed all
It now becomes clear that any analogy stands for all the others. the rest - is ultimately concealed the Divine Spirit itself, the Brahman.
Each i.s con.tained in all. In the same way as DNA, the genetic code, is It thus becomes absolutely clear that nowhere is spirit, conscious-
contamed m the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Wisdom. ness, or the human being more creative than in the realm of ana-
The I Ching is mankind's earliest book - or at least one of the logic. Paul Feyerabend's harsh criticism of today's scientific thinking
earli~st. DNA is a 'book' too - the book of our genetic heritage. It essentially concerns the fact that such activity is merely logical and
consIsts of four bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine) causally oriented, thereby blocking access to the creative possibilities
which are arranged in groups of three. So there are 4 3 = 64 triplets. of analogy. The logician cannot understand paradoxes and
One could call them the words of the DNA book. To be 'spoken' the absurdities, which is why he is inclined to dispute and deny them -
64 'words' require 2 x 3 x 64 = 384 syllables (with the 2 standing and yet every individual has experienced, dozens of times, that the
for the DNA's two helical chains, and the 3 for the basic pattern of world, and our lives, are full of them. The process of analogical
triplets). The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching are also formed from 384 thinking particularly excels, however, in surmounting paradoxical
lines (= 'syllables'). and absurd hindrances to thought.
So the number~ 64 and 384 are fundamental to both the I Ching In recent years science has gradually been opening itself up agjIin
and DNA. It is inconceivable - and also logically impossible - that to deliberately analogical association - as we become suspicious of
this should be a matter of 'chance'. It contradicts any mathematical the mechanistic age's exclusively logical and causal orientation. It
probability of coincidence. The universe isn't as yet old enough for seems that many of the recent discoveries made by the new sciences
that. And there are many more parallels between the I Ching and involve the predominance of analogies rather than logic - and
DNA - as German scientist Martin Schonberger has demonstrated perhaps also the fact that people are at long last regarding both
in dozens of calculations, tables, and graphs. possibilities as being of equal standing and making sovereign use of
60 The Third Ear 6
them. In the same way we are also gradually learning to deploy both
hemispheres of the brain. In most people the 'logical brain' is on the LISTENING WORDS
left and the analogically thinking brain on the right.
It is possible that this new consciousness of the potential of 'Man behaves as if he were the maker and master of language but
analogical 'thinking' also derives from the process that led to language remains the mistress of mankind.'
Martin Heidegger
harmonic 'thought'. Fundamental harmonic research establishes
analogies between cosmic relationships and symmetry in crystals,
musical intervals, the forms of leaves and flowers, architectural
proportions in masterpieces ranging from Chartres to the Taj Mahal, I
frequency readings in meteorological fluctuations, etc. It finally THE 'ABSOLUTELY SUPERFLUOUS ABUNDANCE
becomes apparent that the chain is unending - what German OF LANGUAGE'
philosopher Peter Sloterijk calls an 'ontological sound', a 'general
formula' for knowledge necessary for our survival. The world is a Language confirms that our ear is assimilative, receptive, passive,
single whole. Everything is linked with everything else. The world and feminine whereas our eye is emanative, aggressive, active, and
'sounds'. It is a 'chord'. masculine. For passive activities there are fewer words than for
The imagination and freedom necessary for feeling, experiencing, active. Such words as: hear, listen, eavesdrop . .. If we want to go
and living through - rather than merely knowing - this are more beyond that we must visualise the process of hearing by resorting to
likely to be associated with an ana-logical process of perception than such expressions as 'to prick up one's ears', 'hang on someone's
with logical thinking. words', etc.
We accord visual perception very many more linguistic possibi-
Logic aims at security.
lities whose significance is far more than linguistic: see, scrutinise,
The ana-logician has the courage to embark on risk and adventure.
overlook, contemplate, see through, observe, eye, inspect, stare,
Logic is goal-orientated and passes judgement.
gape, gawk, goggle, glare, peer, blink, wink, look, sight, behold,
Analogy ponders and establishes relationships.
oversee, notice, perceive, espy, squint, examine, glimpse, behold,
The logician sees.
discern, mark, note, notice, regard, view, witness, envisage, and,
The ana-logician listens.
revealingly, catch sight of.
A completely different picture is produced if we examine language
in terms of the outcome of the many seeing words - and also of the
few words describing the activity of hearing. Such examination
confirms that the eye can go wrong much more frequently than the
ear. Many expressions concerned with the possibility of illusion and
error come from the visual sphere: overlook, appearance, sem-
blance, imaginary (from the Latin imago = picture), mirage, appari-
tion, obscure, myopic, blind spot, etc.
The eye's liability to illusion becomes absolutely clear if we bear
in mind that there is a hole of considerable size in the retina. We
should therefore see a blank circular black spot at the centre of
everything we perceive with the eye. But we don't. We don't see that
there is blackness and emptiness at the centre of everything. As
Rupert Sheldrake, the English biologist, says: 'We don't see that we
don't see.'
Our eye scans surfaces. Seeing basically entails a ray of perception
62 The Third Ear Listening Words 63
which scans surfaces. I have been looking for an hour at the sheet of quack, quarrel;
paper on which I write these ideas, but I cannot penetrate even a rap, rasp, rattle, rejoice, ring, roar, rumble, rustle;
fraction of a millimetre beneath its surface. The eye glimpses surfaces
and is attached to them, always remaining superficial (= on the scrape, scratch, scream, screech, shriek, shuffle, sigh, sizzle, slam,
surface). The ear penetrates deep into the realms it investigates slap, slosh, slump, smack, smash, snap, snarl, sneer, sneeze, sniff,
through hearing. snigger, snivel, snore, snort, sob, spit, splash, splutter, squeak,
The number of words describing what is experienced through squeal, stamp, strum, stutter, suck, swish;
listening is therefore almost endless. Some verbs are listed here. The throb, thump, thunder, tick, tingle, toll, tootle, tremble, trickle,
reader should note the subtle and precise differences involved, and trill, twang, tweet, twitter;
the accuracy the ear demands of language in its delineation of what
wail, warble, wheeze, whimper, whine, whinny, whir, whisper,
has been heard. Such accuracy and subtlety derive from the ear itself.
whistle, whoop;
The reader should - for a moment - demand that of himself or
herself by pausing at each of the following words and attempting to yap, yell, yelp, yodel;
allow the sound described to resound within. It may take quite a
while to 'read' this but that will provide a training in sensitivity of
hearing and - beyond that - of our inner ear. Here are some of the
I zip.
The fact that many of those words are vernacular or only now
words: i
becoming part of written language is revealing. This shows that
simple people are more expressive and creative in their interpretation
Babble, bang, bark, bawl, bellow, bicker, blare, blather, bleat, of acoustic impressions than members of the 'upper' classes, who
bleep, blubber, bluster, boo, boom, bray, bubble, burp, buzz; also constitute the majority of the dominant eye people. Hegel was
cackle, carol, caterwaul, caw, chatter, cheep, chide, chime, also such a 'Lord of the Eye', so it is not surprising that he thought all
chuckle, clang, clank, clap, clatter, click, clink, cluck, coo, crack, these listening words constituted an 'absolutely superfluous
crackle, crash, creak, croak, crow, crunch, cuss; abundance of language' .
Experts in information theory have discovered that there exists a
dribble, drip, drivel, drone, drool; relationship between the number of words we dispose of in a specific
echo, explode; sphere and the wealth of differentiation, meticulousness, and
attentiveness possible within that area. Language confirms what we
fizz, flap, flop, flutter;
have established elsewhere - that the ear is more precise than the
gasp, gargle, giggle, grate, grind, groan, growl, grumble, grunt, eye. The eye can compensate for that deficiency by utilising thou-
gurgle; sands of expressions to describe and circumscribe what it sees. That,
however, remains compensatory, an attempt at making up for the
hiss, honk, hoot, howl, huff, hum;
ear's precision as expressed in each instance in a single word. The
jabber, jibe, jingle, jubilate; difference becomes particularly striking if one compares the exacti-
tude of all those verbs and all the inaccuracies with which the eye has
knock; to contend in depicting colour. (See Chapter 1.)
lisp, low; Let us summarise before we proceed further. In everything that the
eye actively undertakes, it is superior to the ear, which ultimately
moan, mumble, mutter; can only hear, listen, and take in. But with regard to everything that
nag, natter, neigh; the ear can take in, it surpasses the eye many times over in both
receptivity and the amount of activity involved. The fact that this
ooze; finding - backed with the greatest possible degree of precision by
pant, patter, peal, plop, pound, prate, prattle, puff, purr; the words presented above - arouses surprise reveals Western man's
64 The Third Ear Listening Words 6S
fixation on activity. Even a few active possibilities still seem (!) more experience that too, most forcefully. Even when the celebrated
profitable to him than what is by now a vast abundance of receptive passage was played on the instruments of Bach's time with their con-
potential - even though nature shows him the contrary day in day siderably reduced volume, great delicacy and subtlety, and subdued
out, whether it be in technology where, for instance, a radio receiver power and brilliance. To experience the rending of the veil of the
can pick up hundreds of programmes whilst a transmitter, although temple to anything like the same extent today, we need more modern
usually considerably more elaborately constructed, normally beams instruments - high fidelity with much greater presence and volume.
only a single programme; or in biology where the female in any That would not even be enough for many young people. They would
species is capable of receiving very much more energy and generative want something like the violent wailings, slashings, and poundings
power than a male can offer. (Earlier chapters dealt with the female of a Jimi Hendrix guitar improvisation. For them only then would
nature of the ear's form and functioning, as well as the masculinity the veil the bourgeoisie have hung before the mystery be rent.
of the eye.) So it becomes apparent that people from different nations and
different times hear differently. They also see differently. And taste
and smell differently. That, however, is particularly revealing.
Specialists in media, advertising, and public relations know that the
II same TV spot, and even the same picture in a commercial, is seen
JIMI HENDRIX and comprehended differently in, say, Scotland, and California.
THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE WAS RENT IN TWAIN Highly paid advertising experts have carried out detailed surveys in
the USA revealing that specific TV images affect New England view-
We experience many of the words I have just listed as being ers differently to people in New Mexico or Louisiana. Art scholars
onomatopoeic. Their sound is imitative of the noise or action desig- have also for generations carried out careful research into why, for
nated. Our ears hear language imitating what is represented by the instance, Italian painting of the Quattrocentro was founded on a
word involved. The expression onomatopoeic is in fact frequently visual consciousness almost diametrically opposed to that of German
imprecisely applied. The relationship between the sound of a rattle - art during the same period.
and what I say here applies to many of the words above - and the National and regional differences in taste have, of course, long
verb rattle seems virtually inevitable. The rattle rattles. In our been exhaustively investigated by the food, perfume, and toiletry
opinion the verb rattle exactly catches the sound a rattle makes. If industries. No such comparable data exists in the sphere of auditory ,
that were true though, then the word should be the same in German perceptions, despite the fact that such perceptions are obviously
and French since babies in those countries play with the same kind of much more richly differentiated, much more divergent, than those
rattles as young children in English-speaking nations. In fact the of the eye, tongue, or nose.
verb rattle is klappern in German and cliqueter in French. So if one compares the different onomatopoeic expressions in
German and French people also believe that their rattle word is various (and particularly related) languages, which are all so similar
onomatopoeic, viewing the relationship between the sound and yet significantly divergent, it must be asked whether the diversity
described and the sound of the word itself as inevitable. That means of ways in which human beings are accustomed to hear may have
that different people - even if they come from nations and cultures led to the diversity of languages.
so closely related as the German, French, and English - hear the The fact that listening habits really do shape languages becomes
same sound, the same noise, differently. apparent in dialects. The same words are used for the most part,
That applies to epochs as well as peoples - as can be seen even perhaps minimally varied, but the actual speech sounds so different
more clearly in the case of music by, for instance, comparing how that it could be another language. So it is not just a question of the
Bach's music originally sounded (as reconstructed on many worthy words employed. Australian English sounds very different to what
gramophone recordings) with modern performances. 'The veil of the can be heard back in England. Few words have actually been
temple was rent in twain.' Bach wanted his listeners to really hear changed and there are not all that many different ones, but the
that in his St Matthew Passion - and his contemporaries did speech-melody is certainly dissimilar.
66 The Third Ear
notes are wooden, like a ballophone, the West African xylophone. sitting in my ear, and after a while I hear: Though it doesn't buzz
A lake playing tom-tom and ballophone? around it is emitting a very faint sound. The hint of a chirp. A higher
Then the first dragonfly makes itself felt. I hear it before I can potency of the humming noise with which it approached. Its
actually see it. The whirring of its rotating wings. The primordial homoeopathic dilution. A sophisticated car in neutral.
helicopter. Still more functional than any made by man. More The tickling increases. I move my head, disturbing the insect. In
dragonflies follow and I discover: there are many different dragonfly the fraction of a second before it takes off I can feel and hear the
sounds. Higher notes, whirrings fast and slow, and dark dronings. process of acceleration. Potentiality becomes reality. The hint of a
And all possible gradations in between. A scale performed by chirp now becomes a loud buzzing presence bordering on a roar
dragonflies. It is long before I am aware of that since it is only seldom (since all this is happening inside my ear). The insect leaves my inner
that a dragonfly comes buzzing by. ear as if a plane were leaving its hangar, powerfully intensifying the
Other insects appear more frequently. They circle above my face sound again until it reaches the pitch which a moment previously
as if assessing me as a possible victim. But none settles on me. So had only been a scarcely audible chirping.
they reject me. I rarely hear them approach. All of a sudden they are Sometimes polyphony develops: the murmuring and droning of
there. Where the curve of their flight comes closest to my ears, the many insects giving urgent voice to high-pitched, wildly whistling
deepest tone is to be heard. It rapidly slides up the scale again as the sounds, like animated human chatter emerging from a dark corridor.
insect flies away. A mosquito glissando. Sometimes'with a slightly But then - even outdoing those voices - a mosquito like a muted
whining quality to it. trumpet. Like Miles Davis. Piercing. Striking. A flash of lightning
The flies are producing the most varied sounds. For instance, a for the ear.
dark drone with a high-pitched component. As if there were a flute The lower the sun sinks, the more sumptuous the concert becomes.
concealed in it, gently intoned, whilst the deep sound is strong and From double-bassoon to piccolo, each instrument glissandos into
self-contained, like the fly itself. It is black. As if a tiny, intensely the next. Duos, trios, quartets, chamber ensembles.
luminous object had been placed inside a dark box. The air had been perfectly still for about two hours. Then there is
Once again it is only after a while that I notice: there are many a sudden single gust of wind. Only this one to start with. I can hear it
different 'shades' of fly-sounds. Nearly all produce the dark drone - before feeling it on my skin. It rustles through the pine trees,
also of course in numerous variations - but one kind of fly, which commencing with high frequencies, hitting needle after needle as if
tends to circle slowly: conceals an oboe rather than a flute in its they were a keyboard. When the breeze has touched them all -
sound; maybe the Arab version of an oboe, the zoukra, the instru- millions of pine needles - it shouts with joy. A shout drifting through
ment of the great caravans. That used to be played by the rider the air. Are the pines shouting? For joy? Is it because - for a
leading the camels when they approached an oasis or entered a town. moment - they have been released from the humming heat?
Yet another kind of fly makes a truly goatlike bleating sound with After a while the second gust. This time there is a roar intermingled
a nasal undertone. I wonder: Why haven't I listened to insects more with the rustle. Increasing like a crescendo. Not allowing space for
attentively ever before? Why do we tend not to hear their sounds? Is the decrescendo because the third gust is already there ... Then a
it because they might remind us that nearly all animal and human fourth. Each is itself, entirely itself: a gust of wind with a particular
sounds are already present in insects in nuce? That means, in view of personality. Not to be mistaken for any other. Leisurely, quiet.
the extraordinary antiquity of most types of insects, between 100 Leaping, stumbling. Grabbing, tolerating no protest. Dancing.
and 200 million years before we, the hominides and our ancestors, Strutting. Rushing. Rumbling. Whispering. Crackling. A whole
ever began to develop all these sounds! Did the insects show us how family: men, women, children of wind. As if the trees were their
to do it with their genes teaching our genes? toys. Or their instruments? Both require: playing. The pine trees as
Suddenly an insect settles in my ear. Its approach is as swift as an organ pipes. The wind as their organist. Sometimes it blows one
arrow. I can't see that but I hear it - the arrow and its flight. A pipe, sometimes another. It plays a concerto with their registers -
moment later I can feel the insect as well even though it isn't moving. until it has activated them all. Con organum plenum.
I know it's there. It tickles a little. I don't chase it away. The insect is However: My ears must penetrate beyond. I had concentrated on
70 The Third Ear Landscapes of the Ear 71
the pines and failed to hear something else. There are reeds too. A the same. Again I marvel: how much more sensitive is the ear.
narrow strip by the lake. Rustling. Slapping. Clapping. Clattering. I close my eyes once again since I thereby miss hardly anything.
Wailing. Clacking. Creaking. Rasping. And there's alway~ the sound At least I lose less than I gain by doing so: More intensive listening.
'Ah'. Amazing how much 'Ah' can express: surprise, questioning, Is it possible to conceive the contrary? Blocking my ears so that I can
pleasure, pain, encouragement, confirmation, displeasure. Yes! The see better?
reeds are saying all that. Variations on the sound 'Ah'. I wish the rush of wind would become fiercer, attaining the strength
It's a long time since I closed my eyes. So as to hear better. After of a hurricane. All four organs in some majestic cathedral playing at
all, there's not much to be seen. the same time. I lay down on my bed of pine needles during the
The reeds question the lake. The lake's triple time has changed. midday heat. Now I sense: the wind heralds the evening. I wish it
Surely quite a while ago, but there's been so much happening that I would bring clouds. And it would start raining. I imagine the sound
haven't yet got round to mentioning it. The water isn't waltzing any of raindrops. I would feel them on my skin as if I were a drum onto
longer - isn't doing the sluggish, nonchalant waltz it had been which a heavenly hand drops something very light - just heavy
dancing for so long: the pulse underlying everything I have tried to enough for my 'hide' to respond.
describe. I imagine all that might be heard if there were rain, but then I'm
The water's rhythmic pattern expands. Now I can count up to five glad it doesn't rain. It would be hopeless trying to describe the
before it repeats itself. The gurgling incoming swell approaches to a abundance of sounds. There would be a swooshing and swooshing
count of three and recedes to a count of two: a quintuple rhythm not and swooshingswooshingwooshingswooshingswooshingswoosh-
to be found in music. The stress is exactly in the middle: on the third ingswooshing. It would hardly be possible to say anything else. One
beat. In music five beats to the bar usually involve triple and duple wouldn't have anywhere near the two or three dozen swooshing
time - or the other way round. First comes the duple and then the words whose sonic counterpart the rain has at its disposal. The
triple time. The watery 'Five in a bar' of my lake in Oregon consists Eskimos have nine different words for 'white' since most of what they
of two duple times separated by a sombre thud in between. No see is white. Would the peopl~s living at the time of the Flood - when,
resemblance to Take Five' by Dave Brubeck and Paul Desmond, the so scholars tell us, the rain must have continued for generations -
piece which helped so many people learn to hear 'Fives'. have had a richer vocabulary for the sounds of rain? Why has so little
A long time has passed since the first of the trees towering above of that come down to us? Is it because we don't listen?
me up into the sky started creaking as it bowed under the force of the I hear somebody calling my name. And at that moment I hear:
wind and then returned to a vertical position. A rusty, creaking Myself. Without feeling for them I can hear: My pulse throbbing,
noise. An elderly gentleman who insists that he is right. Whenever my heart beating, my temple vibrating, the blood rushing through
there are two or three creaks in succession, I think he wants to my veins - the primordial stream and the primal Nada, the mini-
proclaim: Didn't I say so! Other trees join in. Do they all say the model for all the rivers of the earth. I hear all that as clearly as
same? Rebuffing or even rebuking the others? Don't they like one previously the lake and insects, the wind, trees, and reeds - and
another? Or does it only sound as if they don't? believe I hear it for longer and more intensively than ever before.
I open my eyes. I suppose because I instinctively feel: Where there But my name is called again and again, ever more insistently. Only
is so much to be heard, there ought to be equally much to see. But I after some time do I feel free to answer.
am mistaken. I see: Just a few slightly bent tree-tops swaying gently, I am asked: 'How did you spend your afternoon?' Me: 'I listened.'
their branches extending the way the wind is blowing, the trunks just Question: 'Nothing else? Wasn't there anything to look at?' Me: I A
as vertical as ever. Hardly anything has changed - for the eye. blue sky and three pines.' The friend who has come to fetch me (I am
Immeasurably much since the breeze got under way - for the ear. reducing our conversation to the essentials): 'Poor you. You must
That shows how much earlier the perceptive powers of our auditory have been bored.' Me: 'No way. It was great.' She: 'I always said you
sense come into operation! How much more would have to happen were crazy.' I tell myself: you would have gone crazy with boredom
before the eye had something noteworthy to perceive! As an ear if you hadn't spent those five hours listening. What you heard made
person I have heard since the first four or five gusts of wind that the it a fulfilled afternoon.
world is different now. As an eye person I observe that the world is Hardly anything seen but lived most intensely.
Ears that Do Not Hear 73
II Silence hardly exists any longer. Even in the country the air is filled
SILENCE AS A HIGHER POTENCY OF SOUND with the noise of lawn-mowers, saws, harvesters, and many other
machines farmers now consider indispensable. Wherever people live,
The opposite of light is darkness. But the opposite of sound is not they hear their neighbours' radios, TV sets, and record and cassette
silence, which is an intensification of sound. Poets speak of the players as well as their own. Modern architects and implementers of
roaring of silence, of silence as an organ. 'Nothing in the universe' - building regulations have failed here as in most other spheres. They
says Meister Eckhart - 'is so like God as silence.' If the world is are not interested in insulation and sound-absorbent materials -
sound, and if God is more than His creation, then He is silence. even though such materials and technical possibilities exist.
74 The Third Ear Ears that Do Not Hear 75
No household equipment - not even the oil-fired central heating The German word 'eigenton' has been taken over in acoustics, and
and refrigerator, and certainly not the washing machine and dryer - is used in American, French, and English publications. Every room
functions noiselessly. Even the simplest juice extractor, mincer, corn has its 'eigentone', its own sound, even when there is no air-
mill, bread-cutter, mixer, ventilator, vacuum cleaner, dish-washer, conditioning. This is the outcome of sound-waves being reflected by
spin drier, or waste disposal unit is noisier than technologically opposite walls, and is to be found where the resonance between sung
necessary today. Designers and engineers display admirable and reflected sound is heard most readily. That can be ascertained
inventiveness with regard to form and colour. They are concerned by singing various notes in the room concerned. Much has been
about how and where such equipment can be used and stored, but written about the psychological and physiological problems asso-
are thoughtless and careless about the noise it makes. ciated with this 'eigenton', but the overwhelming majority of modern
Millions of Americans - and increasing numbers of Europeans - architects cannot be prevailed upon to take them into account. It
are surrounded, day and night, by the gentle humming of their air- nevertheless goes without saying that extreme care is lavished on the
conditioning. That is the 'keynote' on which their lives are based. 'eigenfarbe' (the inherent colour) of the materials employed.
Just as Indian music is founded on the drone of the Tampura. The That epitomises the situation. Careful attention is devoted to
difference is that the drone is 'right' - harmonically, physiologically, whatever is visible, but the 'auditory spheres' of our environment
musically, and physically - whereas the air conditioning's and everyday surroundings are neglected. They are 'left to chance'.
'humming' is totally arbitrary. In 99 per cent of all cases it clashes Town-planners, architects, clients, and construction companies
with and neutralises organic sounds and vibrations since, no matter ignore them, thereby demonstrating a heedlessness of the ear, the
how quiet it may be, it is certainly louder than them. (See section VI, most sensitive of our organs, they would never dream of inflicting
'Harmonic Pollution', in Chapter 9.) on the eye. Even the most elementary of measures providing protec-
Large libraries are among the quietest of public areas. Many of tion against noise are forgotten - or at most established later as with
them are islands of tranquillity amid all the rushing to and fro of a the ugly walls between a motorway and a new settlement, even
university or city. But now there already exist the first libraries - in though much better solutions could easily have been found with a
California, South Africa, and Japan - constantly 'fed' with music. little application of auditory forethought.
There are even schools where all lessons are accompanied by a Just one other example - but hundreds would have been possible.
centrally regulated background of Soft Rock. For some years now, hardly any more rubbish has been dumped in,
For many years I worked for a larg-e radio network. One might or sewage channelled, Alpine lakes in Switzerland, North Italy,
have expected that its architects, who have non-terminable contracts, Austria, and Bavaria, but high-powered speedboats are still allowed
would have been sensitive to the problems involved in radio, but to roar around. Their engine noise is magnified many times over by
they incorporated air-conditioning with its 'eigentone' in the record- the surrounding mountains, so that strollers and walkers, bathers
ing and broadcasting studios. Those architects maintained - and I and seekers of rest and recreation, along the promenades of the Lago
swear they told me this - that 'It couldn't be heard.' But you only di Como or in the beach cafes of Lago Maggiore can no longer hear
needed to turn up the microphone and the 'eigentone' was 'there', themselves talking. Anyone who speaks about that to spa directors,
leaving its acoustic mark on almost everything produced. Anyone heads of tourist offices, or simply the people who live there quickly
who didn't want to have that - producers of radio plays, chamber realises that they think this 'acoustic garbage' unavoidable and have
music, and literary programmes - had first to telephone around the come to terms with it, despite having fought successfully against
place so as to track down a member of the technical staff who then - visible, material pollution.
usually reluctantly - switched off the air-conditioning in the One of the worst sources of noise in our environment is the motor
building. I don't know of any better example of contemporary car. Here too technologies that could protect us from the worst have
architects' deafness and total lack of auditory sensitivity. What will long been developed - including sound-capsules insulating the
become of our auditory culture - or rather lack of culture - if even motor. Motoring organisations believe it possible to transform all
an extensive radio network lacks building experts who can actually cars into whispering wraiths and - even more important-
hear? considerably quieten lorries, the greatest source of noise, but most
76 The Third Ear Ears that Do Not Hear 77
manufacturers think it unnecessary to apply such technologies. and also stick cotton-wool into their ears, like Odysseus's comrades
According to the German Automobile Club, 'Anyone who hears in former times. Musicians, however, cannot work with ear-muffs
such a cotton-wool-packed lorry would be surprised by how quietly and cotton-wool in their ears.
it can purr.' The upper permissible noise limit in factories is 85 decibels, but
The greatest noise occurs when people drive without showing people who work in discos and in studios where Rock and Punk are
consideration for others. A single driver who suddenly whips up his recorded are exposed to 100 or more dB. When experts surveyed
motor to 4,000 revs per minute makes 'as much noise as thirty-two discos, they found that even the 'quietest' was too loud at 100 dB.
other drivers satisfied with only 2,000 revs'. Others attained 110 or even 120 decibels.
Most motor-cyclists are even more inconsiderate though sound- It should not be thought that 110 dB is 'only' 10 more than 100.
dampening technologies have long been available. According to a The decibel is a complex logarithmic unit of measure formed from
BMW dealer, 'We simply wouldn't be able to sell motor-bikes if they the quotient of the squares of two similar physical magnitudes.
were silenced.' If noise is acoustic pollution of the environment, Once a specific level of loudness has been attained, the dB curve
young people's 'Super-Screamers' can be seen as machines continu- mounts sharply - much more so than when a plane takes off. A
ally spewing out 'muck'. If that were visible 'muck', the police would reading of 86 dB is already 66 per cent more for the human ear than
intervene. 80 dB. Volume roughly doubles between 100 and 110 dB. A disco
We lead existences that are 'sound-blind'. It's inconceivable though featuring rock at 100 dB may be loud, but another with music at 110
that we should be 'light-deaf. The real reason for the often no longer dB is twice as loud. The terrible din of a steel-works is four times
bearable increase in noise in our everyday surroundings is that no 'quieter' than a top disco. For many people disco decibels are way
one is bothered about it. As if mayors, town councils, policemen, beyond the 'pain threshold' .
town-planners, and local authorities were deaf. Some 33 per cent of students entering the University of Tennessee
Noise will continue to grow. There will be 'mountains of noise' - in 1981 were unable to hear very high notes. A year later the figure
they in fact exist. already - as there would be mounds of kitchen was 60 per cent. Professor David Lipscumb commented: 'Young
waste before our doors if it weren't cleared away. We will only people's hearing is often twice as old as their actual age.' A German
master noise - and the resultant edginess, illness, and desperation - specialist adds: Today senescence begins earlier in the ear than in
if we devote as much love and attention to our ears as to our eyes. If any other organ.'
we fail to do so, noise will drown us like a wave of stinking filth. As recently as 1968 the Swiss Federation for the Hard of Hearing
estimated that between 50,000 and 100,000 of the youngsters enter-
ing military service had defective hearing. By the beginning of the
eighties their number was up to 300,000. A Swiss newspaper
V concluded: 'It is possible that more and more young Swiss, men and
'ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK' women, will have to exchange their Walkman headphones for a
hearing aid before they reach pensionable age.'
The more we penetrate into the world of listening and the ear, the The Swedish navy blames sailors' poor hearing for Soviet
more things make sense. A diabolical logic is entailed in the fact that submarines having so often penetrated protected waters off
musicians - and in general people who work and live surrounded Stockholm. Youngsters are no longer capable of operating sound-
by music - are on the way to becoming deaf. The hearing of what detectors adequately. 'They listen to too much Rock music', says
should be the most acoustically sensitive professional group is most their commanding officer. Twenty years ago - before discos
at risk in a civilisation where hypertrophied seeing rules. It is not existed - we had no problems in manning the detectors.'
workers in steel-mills, or road-workers using pneumatic hammers,
or airport mechanics constantly exposed to the roar of aircraft taking
off, who are most endangered. They have taken seriously the hyper-
trophy of the visual. They've stopped listening. They wear ear-muffs
78 The Third Ear f Ears that Do Not Hear 79
The ears of people who produce rock records are most under attack. . ~ Just a few years ago specialists as~umed that the ear was indifferent
to whether it heard loud music or a pneumatic hammer. What
I know what I'm talking about after having spent quite a bit of my
life in a studio. Maybe I did 'only' produce jazz records - 250 or so - counted was the decibel volume. By now it is known that a frequently
but the sound engineers and staff who work there have got used to repeated sound is less dangerous than continual sound. Para-
the volume reached in rock music. Of the six or seven people in the doxical though it may seem, a pneumatic hammer pounding away at
studio during recording or mixing there is usually at least one whose the street every few seconds does less damage to hearing than loud
music listened to for a long period without interruption.
hearing has already suffered damage. The person whose hearing is
worst determines the volume level - which means that anyone who
I As soon as volume exceeds 80 dB, blood pressure also rises. The
works in a studio cannot avoid being exposed to a high level of stomach and intestine operate more slowly, the pupils become larger,
decibels. One must also listen at that level in order to discover even and the skin gets paler - no matter whether the noise is found
the subtleties concealed in loud music. pleasant or disruptive, or is not even consciously perceived ...
An investigation carried out by Zurich University in 1984 Unconsciously we always react to noise like Stone Age beings. At
revealed that the hearing of 70 per cent of the disc-jockeys and hard that time a loud noise almost always signified danger.
rock musicians examined was 'considerably reduced'. That is therefore pre-programmed, and when millions of young
Many studio musicians and engineers are condemned to chasing people hear excessively loud music they register: danger. They
around in circles. On the one hand they have to listen to excessive become alarmed. That word comes from the Italian Alarm, which in
volumes, but - as Rene Chocholle points out in his investigations turn leads to all'arme, a call to arms. When we hear noise, we are
into 'Qualitative Hearing' - sounds only take on 'a specifically tonal constantly - but unconsciously - 'called to arms'. We become
character when their intensity is neither too high. . . nor too low'. alarmed. Is that one reason - alongside television and everything
Excessive volume is detrimental to both musicality and exact else - for concentrated aggression among people today? Does our
tuning. Fritz Winckel established in experiments that 'accuracy of music 'attune' us to aggressiveness?
tuning declines as volume increases ... A crescendo from (just) 50 Many young people" believe the opposite, maintaining that loud
decibels to 80 - the normal increase from piano to forte - when the music shuts them off from modern society's aggressiveness and gives
note Co is played on a flute already produces a 6 per cent degenera- them 'peace'. Hardly any of them realise that the 'Sounds' they think
tion in tuning.' Both Chocholle and Winckel have shown that there 'theirs' correspond exactly to the society (and its noise) they wish to
exists a marvellously 'correct' physiological relationship between keep at a distance. A survey has shown that 29 per cent of young
volume and tuning. Musicians can tune their instruments most people go to discos frequently, and even more (around 40 per cent)
accurately when keeping within low to middle ranges of sound. It is expose themselves to bombardment at home. Many are addicted to
as if nature is no longer so concerned about precise tuning in spheres their Walkman. They lie back and let music 'pour into their ears' via
outside the volume 'pleasant' for our ears. Beyond that obvious headphones as if 'boozing' - for an average of 24 hours a week at
connection there is also a more profound link between those three around 100 decibels. That's 'wild' and 'crazy' - according to them.
categories of: what is 'pleasant', 'tuned', and moderate in volume. They say that everyday reality wouldn't be bearable without th~ir
Plato wrote that 'The essence of the beautiful and the good lies. . . daily 'shot of music'. Music as a means of intoxication, as dope. Like
in right proportions.' As if a middle-range volume with its particular the intoxication of their speeding motor-cycles, 'Super-Screamers',
'tunability' and 'rightness' provided the psycho-physical listening which also generate noise. They are sound junkies. Decibel power
landscape man can most pleasurably explore. If man is the 'measure becomes theirs. Like the horse-power of their Yamahas - and
of all things', the degrees of volume allowing particularly precise Yamaha manufactures both speed and sound machines. They talk
and appropriate tuning must also be those where he feels at home. about 'Full Power', and it is uncertain whether they are referring to
80 The Third Ear Ears that Do Not Hear 81
their Sounds, motor-cycles, or simply to - power. Those are their that industry, politicians, banks, and top managers have been
means of gaining the power they otherwise lack. virtually obsessed by what provided a sure means of accumulating
and maximising ever more capital. Intellect, strength, energy, and
money were no longer free - were not meant to be free - to develop
other models opened up by the potential of electronics, remote-
VIII controlled sources of power, and solar energy. Industrial lobbies and
ENAMOURED OF EXPLOSIONS the electricity industry have influenced universities and politicians
against investing larger sums of money and contemporary
A connection exists between noise and machines. Especially between humanity's full intellectual potential in research and development
noise and machines whose performance is based on explosions - in of alternative models for energy and transportation. Money
that chain which started with the internal combustion engine and continued - and continues - to be primarily available for 'explosive'
ends, one way or the other, with the atomic bomb. What all these technologies.
'machines' have in common - different though they may be - is the Twentieth-century man is neurotically fixated on explosions.
imbalance between energy and output. That becomes most apparent Neuroses receive expression in aggression. Aggressiveness demands
in what we first think of as a 'motor' - the internal combustion and weapons. It is not just by chance that this fixation culminates in the
diesel engines in our cars where a substantial amount of the energy atomic bomb, which is not explicable except as a fixation. The
expended and released is blown out of the exhaust, fouling the air aggressivity of the atomic bomb is that of the optically hypertrophied
and poisoning the countryside. The car is a symbol of the affluent human being, constantly indulging in self-deception about himself
society. It is wasteful. One of the products of that process of and the world. (See Chapter 1.)
squandering is acoustic garbage: noise. We race along some highway, take a break somewhere, and notice
Many people - and not just the young - are still enthusiastic at the roadside, just a few yards away from the roar of the traffic, a
about cars. They think themselves up-to-date, but the car is in fact blade of grass which has forced its way through the asphalt. We can
an antiquated form of locomotion. It does not accord with our feel the road vibrating as big lorries thunder past, but it takes years
knowledge - let alone our state of consciousness - at the end of the before the resultant wear and tear make repairs necessary. And then
twentieth century. It belongs to the nineteenth century as a product we see this blade of grass which has found its way in the course of a
of that era's mechanistic view of the world. Nothing essential about single spring - without any thundering and explosions, any lethal
the car has been changed since then. There have only been improve- fumes or noise. What has gone wrong with our senses, with our way
ments - in an endless chain still used by industry as a means of of perceiving the world, that no one notices where the greater power
continually making profits. is to be found?
Writers of Science Fiction in fact know more about tomorrow's
world than most scientists, and help devise the future since it is after
all our ideas that create the world. Futurologists, technologists,
cyberneticists, physicists, and town-planners have also participated IX
in development of a vision of a means of transport that glides si- NOISE = POWER!
lently through our cities, wasting almost no resources. They refer
to the model supplied by nature (on which we otherwise so willingly Fixation on explosions also entails fixation on noise. Young people
base our activities): the smooth movement of blood corpuscles in racing through the streets on their BMWs, Hondas, and Yamahas
our veins or of insects in bee-hives, termitaria, or ant-hills where the and the people who shake their heads over that are agreed: the more
population is far more dense than in human cities but there are noise, the more power. They cannot imagine - and if they could,
scarcely any collisions - and certainly not any squandering and they wouldn't like the idea - that there exist energy-models produc-
noise. They have shown that throughout this century technicians ing little or no noise. They need noise as 'proof' that energy is there.
and engineers have been fixated on the idea of the automobile, and The 'proof' is almost more important than the energy itself.
82 The Third Ear Ears that Do Not Hear 83
The world is sound. We find music everywhere: in planetary orbits,
'Octavus sanctos omnes docet esse beatos.'
pulsars, genes, oxygen atoms, crystals, leaf forms, etc. This chapter
is concerned with such phenomena. Once again only a selection The Octave teaches all Saints to be Blessed' runs the motto heading
from the available material can be presented. Almost everything in this section, which is to be found on one of the mysterious columns
the macro- and micro-cosmos and in our terrestrial world obeys the in the abbey church of Cluny in France. In no other ratio do the
laws of harmonics, so a book about all that would be encyclopaedic musical and the universal, the material and the spiritual, and the
in extent. artistic and the mathematical come together so marvellously.
Heisenberg viewed reflection on the harmonic thinking developed When men and women sing together, they sing in octaves more
by Pythagoras as being 'one of the strongest impulses within human frequently than in any other interval. When cell-division occurs in
science'. He believed that the development of knowledge has 'con- DNA, the mitosis selects precisely the place where the octave is
firmed Pythagoreans' belief to an inconceivable degree'. 'estab~ished' as if the cell were a string. By dividing exactly in two, it
I am concerned with what we hear since my experience - as I have creates an octave. As Dane Rudhyar has written: The first octave. . .
time and again demonstrated - is that both inner and outer hearing, symbolises the sexual love of male and female as it reflects the divine
which cannot be separated, change consciousness to a greater extent love of Shiva and Shakti.'
than anything else in our eye-orientated age. That is why facts about Plato's account of the ancient idea that the male and the female
harmonics are necessary. body are nothing but separated halves, and that the whole, complete
Harmonics is a Way involving whole numbers. We find it in the human being will only come into existence with reunification, is also
overtone series and in intervallic proportions, in Lambdoma's law, a Pythagorean concept. Separation - the division into two - entails
electron spins, planetary orbits, and all the other phenomena con- the downward octave, and reunification (doubling) the upward
sidered in this book and its predecessor. It is, however, necessary to octave. Love is thus a process of initiating octaves. .'
realise that rhythm is also a 'whole number phenomenon'. Rhythms The octave vibrates twice as fast or half as fast, but is nevertheless
that we can dance to and feel with our bodies are fractions of whole the same note. It splits oneness into two parts, and the outcome is
numbers. As with the overtone scale: the lower the numerical relation- the same again. It is something 'completely different', many Hertz
ship, the greater the 'consonance'. What in the overtone scale is the above or below the keynote, but when a woman sings a melody an
octave's 1:2 relationship becomes the 1:2 metre of the march among octave above what a man is singing, she is still singing the same
rhythms. melody. We use the same names for notes an octave apart. The
86 The Third Ear The World is Sound 87
those of our earthly music one must 'octavise' between 26 and 50 the frequency (vibrations expressed in Hertz) of the median earth-
times - depending on the planet's distance from the sun. Our solar day, I must calculate the reciprocal value of 86,164 seconds. That
system thus covers a range of exactly ten octaves, exactly paral- amounts to 0.000,001,160,576 Hz, which is obviously way below
leling - in another of those miraculous surprises - our ear. Is that so audibility, which starts at around 16 Hz. But if I transpose that
that the 'inner ear' can 'hear' the planets? upwards by just 24 octaves, I can hear it and get a G of 194.71
If you want to reach the visual sphere, you must pass through Hz - and it is unimportant in this case which concert pitch I use: the
another forty or so octaves. Pluto is then a deep blue and Neptune old English of 432 Hz, the Parisian of 435 Hz, or today's of 440 Hz.
somewhat darker still. Uranus is a bright orange and Jupiter's red is The G is so central here that it is always produced.
even more luminous than Saturn's resplendent Prussian blue. Mars It is the G that indicates the treble clef, and is thus of crucial
and Mercury are also blue while our Earth is an orange-red and importance for our key system as the fifth note from C and the
Venus somewhat more yellow. fundamental interval for most processes of tuning. The French term
I don't want to bore my readers with mathematics but is sol - and it is strange how that word relates to both heavenly
,octavising' - doubling or halving a frequency - is so simple that bodies: sol (= Earth in terms of soil) and soleil (= sun). The French
anyone can do it. The ratio between time (still with reference to the word for singing scales is solfier, which may relate to both sun and
Cousto method) and frequency is: earth. The name sol was in fact chosen 'unconsciously'. It goes back
to the Gregorian Johannine hymn Ut queant laxis from which Guido
Frequency = ----- of Arezzo, a Benedictine monk, derived the names of notes in the
eleventh century. In the fifth bar of this hymn the G occurs on the
The frequency produced by the earth's orbit around the sun (365 % first syllable (sol) of the words solve polluti. It occurs there 'by
days) is thus calculated by dividing 1 by 365 1J4. To make that chance', but it is similar to the kind of 'chance' whereby-the Ancient
frequency audible I must double it - Le. octavise it - until I reach Greeks' Attic foot was precisely derived from the diameter of the
the sphere of tonal vibrations perceptible to our ears. As Cousto earth's equator without the people who devised this unit of measure-
says: 'Apart from establishing reciprocal values and multiplication ment ever having had a chance of calculating the equator.
with the number 2, no kind of mathematical knowledge is needed The impatient reader may long have been wondering what colour
for calculation of a metre, a note, and a colour analogous to an the earth-day is. In order to move from the G to the visual sphere
astronomical period.' This is the most precise and most plausible of (limited to a single octave) w~ must pass through another forty
the many procedures discovered since Pythagoras for making audi- octaves. In the 65th octave we attain a frequency of 427 billion
ble the sounds made by planets - the 'harmony of the spheres'. One Hertz, referred to by physicists as 702 nanometres, which produces
says of a child repeating a tune its father has just sung that this is 'the a luminous orange-red. For almost three thousand years - and per-
same melody again' - just one or two octaves higher. The haps longer - that has been the colour worn by Sannyasins, both
'primordial tones' of the Earth, Sun, Moon, etc., made audible by Hindu and Buddhist monks and their successors today. If we pass
the Cousto method are also 'the same tones again' rendered acces- through just one more octave we attain precisely the resonance of
sible to our hearing. . DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). This vehicle of human heredity thus
Let us take as a starting-point the most important frequency for J vibrates in the 66th octave of the earth-day. Orange-red resonates in
life on this planet - the earthly day of 24 hours (or to be precise: 23
hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds = 86,164 seconds). We uncon-
sciously sense how this permeates our existence in a multitude of
ways. Our meals and eating habits, our working hours and leisure
time, are based on that. So too is the way flowers bloom and birds
I conjunction with DNA at a distance of a single octave, which is the
most direct and most powerfully effective of all harmonic relations.
It oscillates in the note G, which is of central significance in our
music as the dominant to the tonic of C major, vibrating in relation-
ship to the frequency of the earth-day.
sing. Almost everything in our daily life 'dances' to that tune. It is Of course the Earth also has a 'year tone' as well as a 'day tone'.
wonderful to see that happening in concretely mathematical (and That can be calculated on the basis of the 'tropic' year which lasts
musical) terms as well as feeling it to be the case. In order to discover 365.2422 days: 525,948 minutes and 46 seconds - or precisely
90 The Third Ear The World is Sound 91
31,556,926 seconds. That is an especially important frequency for thing that exists on this planet. Plants have grown and trees have
life on this planet - alongside the daily and monthly cycles. If we developed their age-rings to this sun tone since time immemoriaL
transpose it upwards - simply 'making it higher', the most natural but rock music is tuned to a higher concert-pitch (440 Hz, and often
thing in the world in any music-making - we reach the audible even more), lacking any cosmic or biological legitimisation, and
sphere after 32 octaves, attaining a frequency of 136.102 Hz, which selected only for the sake of greater instrumental brilliance.
is just below the C sharp on the chromatic scale (based on the old Young scientists working together with Hans Cousto in Munich
Parisian concert-pitch). have induced geraniums to bloom in winter by holding a tuning-
In the case of the earth-day the G with its central significance for fork producing the sun tone near the flower pots for just a few
our musical system establishes a striking relationship to the corres- minutes a day until the sound died away.
ponding cosmic vibration. Virtually no relationship exists, how- There is also the month or Moon tone, the third most important
ever, with regard to the 'year tone'. Its existence in Indian music is frequency for existence on our planet. We can base our investigation
thus all the more remarkable. The fundamental note, Sa or Sadja, on various 'months' - synodic, sidereaL solar, etc. The most
corresponds exactly to the 'year tone' - and there has not been any 'obvious' to humanity is the synodic month which is the period of
change for thousands of years. In India the Master teaches his pupil time between two equivalent lunar phases - i.e. from full moon to
(often a father his son) this tone (136 Hz) with an intensity far full moon, or from new moon to new moon. This lasts 29 days, 12
beyond anything experienced in similar situations in the West. The hours, 44 minutes, and 2.8 seconds. That amounts to 42,524.047
young musician must play or sing this note for years until it has minutes or 2,551,442.8 seconds. The reciprocal value of that number
become securely established as a vibrating part of his self. Never entails a frequency of 3.919,351 x 10- 7 Hz. We have to transpose by
again can he be mistaken about pitch. Anyone who has worked with 30 octaves in order to reach median audibility at 420.837 Hz. Today
Indian musicians knows how seriously they take that. that is a G sharp, which is not a very important note in our music.
Sa, the 'year tone' serving as the basis for Indian instruments, has The relationship between the Moon and today's music is not there-
been known since ancient times as the 'Father of the other notes'. fore very strong. Things were different during the Baroque era and
This tone, which can also be called the Earth-related Sun tone, is not Early Classical period, which resonated with the Moon. Mozart's
only the foundation of all Indian music; it serves too as the preferred tuning-fork, for instance, vibrated at 421.6 Hz, Handel's at 422.5
basis for tuning bells (including temple bells) and gongs - in Tibet Hz, and Bach's (according to the Sophia organ in Dresden) at 415.5
and Indonesia as well as in India. Sa has also been the note most Hz, while concert-pitch was 422 Hz in Berlin at mid-eighteenth
frequently used since antiquity for the primal word and sacred century and 423 Hz at Paris in 1810.
mantra OM. Only after 1820 did the rise in concert-pitch get under way - for
At her institute in Denver, Colorado, Dorothy Retallack, the the superficial reason of producing a more brilliant impact - so that
American biologist, played different kinds of music to various Western music increasingly left the Moon's sphere of resonance,
plants in a number of hot-houses. The plants 'loved' Indian music which ancient astrological traditions view as being particularly
most of all, followed by Johann Sebastian Bach. In their effort to 'responsible' for art and artists. In the nineteenth century it was
reach the source of this music, they lay almost horizontally, forming mainly French musicians who pushed standard pitch ever higher so
angles of up to 60 degrees so as to twine around the loudspeakers. that their music sounded 'more brilliant', thereby getting ever fur-
They 'hated' rock music. When that was played they grew away
from the loudspeakers, and if it went on for a long time they died.
At first I assumed that this phenomenon was linked with the kind
of music involved - and that certainly continues to be correct. In
the meantime, however, it is clear that attention must also be
I ther away from the cosmic relationship - and today the great
American symphony orchestras do the same.
Astonishingly, if we add forty octaves to the moon tone, it attains
the Sannyasin colour of orange (corresponding to a wavelength of
648 nanometres) in the seventieth octave of the synodic month.
directed towards the fact that Indian music is 'organically and cos- We can utilise that method to discover the frequencies - and thus
mically correctly tuned' to Sa, the 'Father of notes', the sun tone and the notes - of all the planets by way of a simple transposition of
its long-established relationship over millions of years with every- octaves. We then get a D for Mercury, an A for Venus, a D for
92 The Third Ear The World is Sound 93
Mars, an F sharp for Jupiter, a 0 for Saturn, a G sharp for Uranus, where the strings were vertical with the deepest nearest the player's
an A for Neptune, and a C sharp for Pluto - based on the old head and the highest furthest away. Greek melodies descended,
Parisian concert-pitch of 435 Hz. striving towards the lowest note.
We can establish an abundance of highly interesting harmonic That model was constantly refined and varied. Pliny the Elder
relationships between year, Earth, Moon, and the various planetary (AD 23/24-79) thus developed a nine-part scheme where the Earth
tones. Both the individual heavenly bodies and their inter- preceded the Moon and the fixed stars followed Saturn - a model
relationships 'sound forth' in a multi-levelled network of great extending through six whole-tones which was taken over, changed,
musical richness. and further developed by the Church Fathers in the Christian era.
The world was viewed as 'God's musical instrument' (Censorinus,
third century AD), and the seven planets as analogous to the seven-
stringed lyre. The purpose and meaning of the music of the spheres
IV was to provide an eternal hymn of praise from Sun, Moon, and stars
THE HARMONY OF THE SPHERES FROM in honour of God. Beyond the planetary orbits the exultant choirs of
PYTHAGORAS TO KEPLER the heavenly hosts sing before God's throne. In the later Middle
Ages music-making made planetary sounds superfluous so that they
Kepler's choice of a fundamental tone for his 'Planetary Music' was were forgotten - until Kepler, the German Pythagoras redivivus,
still arbitrary, despite being based on profound wisdom nourished rediscovered them. In his Mysterium Cosmographicum, an early
by Pythagorean tradition. In the meantime it is, however, clear that work, he wrote:
every planetary tone, inclusive of the fundamental note, results I search for traces of Thy Spirit out in the universe, gaze in ecstasy
from the process of octavising - which signifies (as Kepler already upon the splendour of the mighty edifice of Heaven, that elaborate
knew) that any human being's horoscope can be transformed into work and miracle of Thy Omnipotence, regard how Thou hast cre-
audible music. The circle initiated by Pythagoras is thereby ated the five-fold orbits of the planets, and in their midst the Sun,
completed. donor of life and light; contemplate the law regulating the course of
What is probably the oldest Pythagorean planetary harmonics the stars, how the Moon changes and what labours it fulfils, and how
derives from Nikomachos of Gerasa, a Neo-Pythagorean in the Thou scatterest millions of stars upon the Heavens.
second century AD. That is a model based on two tetrachords (or
Kepler worked with great precision and irrefutable mathematical
fourths). The Moon was the nearest (lowest) and Saturn the most
logicality in his discovery of the seven 'primordial harmonies' -
distant (highest) heavenly body. In between were Venus, Mercury,
Octave, Fifth, Fourth, Major Sixth, Major Third, Minor Third, and
the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter - whereby the first and second levels
Minor Sixth - measuring the angular velocities of planetary
were each separated by a whole-tone from the surrounding levels
movement at the extremes of their ellipses (the perihelion nearest the
while there was a semitone between Mercury and the Sun. Those
sun, and the aphelion furthest away). Hans Schavernoch concludes:
intervals were repeated in the second tetrachord. The planets were
The harmony of the spheres is thus heard directly by way of the sun,
thus attributed with the following notes:
and humanity derives spiritual delight from experiencing this
Saturn E concord' - as did Kepler and, earlier still, Pythagoras and his
Jupiter F followers, who viewed earthly music as having resulted from the
Mars G fact that human beings unconsciously reflect cosmic music: >
Sun A
Mercury B The movements of the heavens are therefore nothing other than
unceasing polyphony ... a music that moves by way of dissonance
Venus Co
and tension, syncopations and cadenzas, towards pre-determined
Moon Do sextuple constellations, thereby establishing distinctive specifica
- in accordance with contemporary Greek tuning of the cithara within the immeasurable course of time. It is therefore no longer
94 The Third Ear The World is Sound 95
surprising that humanity, imitator of the Creator, finally discovered E. Zederbauer achieved similarly amazing results in 1917. Con-
the art of polyphonic song which was unknown to the Ancients. vinced of the rightness of Pythagorean ideas, he based his work on a
Humanity wanted to capture the ongoing duration of world-time in a right-angled isosceles triangle whose harmonic proportions had been
creative multi-voiced symphony lasting just a brief part of an hour, known to the Greeks. Following Hellenistic pupils of Pythagoras,
enjoying a taste of the Divine Creator's pleasure in His works so far as
on the sides of the triangle he established squares whose corners
that is possible in the bliss engendered by this music in imitation of
God. (Johannes Kepler) touched the circumference of a circle. He thereby ascertained
distances even more accurately than Titius and Bode - with minimal
deviations of between 0.01 and 0.46, which could be disregarded
since only mean distances were required.
V The main reason, however, why these divergences could be
SCIENTIFIC CONFIRMATION ignored is that the cosmos only operates in terms of discrepancies.
Carl Gustav Carus, the great doctor and philosopher of science
Only we who are alive today can judge the rightness of the idea of (1789-1869), stated that 'Pure law can never receive absolutely
the harmony of the spheres. Only now can that be scientifically and clear-cut expression in nature or else the appearance would be the
precisely assessed. The long chain extending from Pythagoras by law itself.' Rudolf Haase refers to Theodor Lipps' basic aesthetic
way of Plato, Cicero, Philo of Alexandria, and all the rest down to principle whereby in art and music 'minimal deviations from exact
Kepler, and from him to Hans Kayser, Rudolf Haase, and Cousto in proportions are necessary so that the latter seem particularly beauti-
our time, produced two harmonically based calculations of dis- ful and attractive.'
tances between the planets so accurate that they might have been Such concepts are universally valid - throughout the cosmos.
made by modern science itself. They receive convincing confirmation in the existence of what are
Johann Daniel Titius, a German scientist (1729-1796), discovered called 'spheres of compensatory hearing', which have been known
a regularity in the medial-positions between the six planets known at since the Baroque era and constitute a crucial element in the tempered
that time which led Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), director of the tuning system. Anyone who hears an out-of-tune piano experiences
Berlin observatory, to assume the existence of a planet beyond how that works. After a while one no longer notices that the instru-
Saturn. That was discovered just a few years later and named ment is off-tune. The ear provides precise'compensation' so that one
Uran'us. The Titius-Bode school of thought also postulated a heav- hear~ the 'intended' frequency ..
enly body between Mars and Jupiter, and the tiny Ceres was If 'spheres of compensatory hearing' (of up to 48 per cent of a
detected there in 1801. In the meantime around 1700 such mini- semitone) exist, then they must certainly also exist in nature. It
planets, known as asteroids, have been discovered, occupying the would be absurd to demand greater accuracy of nature than of
median-position between Mars and Jupiter calculated by the Ger- music, which after all reflects the proportions of nature. On the
man scientists. Many astronomers are of the opinion that they con- other hand, we cannot expect of music accuracies which do not exist
stitute the ruins of a larger planet which circled on precisely the orbit in nature - and are also undesirable since this is a question of spir-
discovered by Titius and Bode. itual qualities, and the soul needs 'room to manoeuvre'. The very
The Titius-Bode theory was the logical outcome of ideas first fact of 'divergences' is therefore a confirmation of the harmonic
developed by Pythagoras and ever further refined over the centuries. character of the universe. Such 'deviations' are not only to be found
Taking the distance between the Sun and the Earth as 1, that formula in the planetary system. They also occur in the proportions of leaves
produced distances of 0.4 to Mercury (compared to the true distance and bodies, and also, of course, in the microcosm. In fact every-
of 0.39),0.7 to Venus (0.72), 1.6 to Mars (1.52), etc., thus achieving where in nature.
astonishing precision. The only deviations worthy of mention are It is also revealing that Titius and Bode, on the one hand, and
with Neptune and Pluto, neither of which were known at that time, Zederbauer, on the other, approached this question in completely
but they in fact confirm the procedure since the calculation relating different ways - the former arithmetically and the latter geometri-
to the former (38.8) actually applies to the latter (39.46). cally. They were, however, convinced of the Pythagorean idea of a
96 The Third Ear The World is Sound 97
harmonious planetary system, of the symmetry and balance of its Attention was drawn in the last chapter to pollution of the natural
proportions, and of the law of integrality. They verified all those vibratory field by air-conditioning. It is as if modern man had
hypotheses more convincingly than was to have been expected in 'cocooned' himself in a network of unnatural technical oscillations,
terms of the premisses of positivistic science. radiation, and frequencies so that the organic vibrations of this
planet and the cosmos cannot reach him - as if he unconsciously
wanted to escape their power and impact.
We have seen that Indian music and European compositions during COSMIC ASPECTS OF ARCHITECTURE
the Baroque and Early Classical periods in many respects resonated
in harmony with the earth-day, earth-month, and earth-year. That Marius Schneider drew attention to the mysterious relationship
congruence where cosmic and earthly music come together no between great architecture and the proportions of both our earthly
longer exists in Western music today. music and the cosmos. It has long been assumed that the ancient
We must become fully aware of the fact that the music enveloping Egyptians 'knew' about those proportions, partly consciously and
us daily - from radio and television, on record-players and cas- partly unconsciously. They had (as John Michell shows in his book
settes, and in supermarkets and hotel foyers ~ is not in harmony City of Revelation) three units for measuring length: the remen (37.1
with the vibrations of the cosmos. There are other disharmonious cm), cube (52.4 cm), and megalithic yard (82.9 cm). If one calculates
frequencies too. The 60 Hz (50 Hz in Europe) of the power supply the time that light takes to speed through any of those units of
system in which we are trapped are omnipresent as if they really measurement, the answer involves figures closely related to the
were a 'net', never releasing us in our homes and on our streets. That earth's rotation or the globe's orbit around the sun. The remen
does not involve any kind of cosmic (or even biological) connection. thereby accords with the day-tone G, the cube to the year-tone C
It thus contradicts and frustrates cosmic and biological vibrations. sharp, and the megalithic yard to F, the tone of the Platonic year. In
W~ could intensify - to an unimaginable degree - the 'good' each case the answer is found by octavising the frequency.
vibrations in harmony with nature and the cosmos if only the elec- Today many experts are of the opinion that 'the pyramid of
tricity in our homes, permeating our existence so constantly, power- Cheops entails symbolic depiction of the earth's dimensions to a
fully, and measurably, were related by octaves to an important scale of 1:43,200' (Cousto). The figure 43,200 is half the number of
cosmic vibration. seconds in an average solar day as well as being a twentieth of the
Radar waves, power cables, micro-waves from ovens and other sun's diameter in miles and the former English concert-pitch of 432
technical equipment, fluorescent tubes, X-rays, and ultra-sound Hz multiplied by a hundred.
also contribute to pollution of the natural vibratory fields surround- It is also exciting to compare the dimensions of the pyramid of
ing us. Ultra-sound is still used for diagnostic purposes even though Cheops with those of Chartres Cathedral - both highpoints in the
disturbing discoveries have been made - for instance at the Univer- architecture of the two cultures. The circumference of the Cheops
sity of Illinois Institute of Preventive Medicine - about the resultant pyramid amounts to 231.92 m. Divide that by ten and you get
destruction of DNA cells, delayed maturation, and even the possible 23.192 m, which is exactly, to the millimetre, the length of one of ~he
development of cancer. ' sides of the celebrated quadratic ground-plan at Chartres. The area
The electromagnetic waves of radio and television in a great covered by Cheops is thus a hundred times greater than this ground-
diversity of wave-bands also envelop us daily - just like electricity. plan.
Telecommunications experts even talk of 'chaos and confusion', The Chartres 'Elle' is 0.738 m - to the millimetre a two-hundredth
which is now increasingly compounded by satellite and cable net- part of the height of the pyramid (147.6 m) or a two-thousandth part
work frequencies. of the sun's gravitational length (1476.6 m).
98 The Third Ear The World is Sound 99
The height of the Cheops pyramid also corresponds exactly to the 1. By being harmonically 'correct', i.e. according with the propor-
Equator's diameter (12,756 km) divided by the 86,400 seconds of the tions of the harmonic series in forming octaves, fourths, fifths, and
median solar day, so that even that measurement is to be found in thirds. Such architecture is 'frozen music'.
2. By being based on cosmic dimensions - as I showed in the preced-
Chartres Cathedral.
ing section with regard to Chartres and the pyramid of Cheops.
Cosmic relationships are present in many of humanity's great 3. By according with the forms and proportions of the human body.
sacred buildings. It is possible that architects knew from the start As Vitruvius stated: 'A temple lacks symmetry, proportion, and
about cosmic dimensions and made them the foundation for their rational form if its elements are not related to one another as the limbs
plans and buildings; or it is also conceivable that many master- of a well-shaped human being.'
builders were unconsciously - and thus all the more convinc-
ingly - at one with the universe in what they did. It may now be Almost all the units of measure in ancient architecture are based on
taken as established that the great architects of the Middle Ages did the human body: the ell (length of the forearm from the elbow to the
not operate as 'unconsciously' as people assumed just a few years tip of the middle finger), the span (width of the extended hand from
ago, following now superseded ideas about the 'Dark Ages'. Many thumb to little finger), the hand's-breadth, the foot, the pace, and
medieval plans of cathedrals and churches contain depictions of the the cord (distance between the finger-tips of the outstretched arms),
Sun, the Moon, and the planets in the skies above the building, and etc. The Ancient Greeks also knew such measurements. Their
it is hardly likely that the architects merely drew these heavenly smallest dimension, the daktylos (= fingers-width) was a quarter of
bodies as ornamentation. the palaiste (= hand's width) - four of which were contained in the
If we transpose the dimensions of an artistically important build- pous (foot) and six in the pechys ( = ell). The Romans had the palmae
ing into music, the outcome is always that the sounds thus produced (hand's width), pollices (thumb's width), digiti (finger's width), etc.
are convincingly harmonious. What is decisive, however, is the fact that possibilities 1, 2, and 3
Paul Brunton, jazz musician Paul Horn, and many others have merely signify different ways or methods whereby architects attained
reported on the wonderful experiences they had when meditating in 'harmony' in their buildings. Possibility 1 is all-embracing since the
the burial chamber in the pyramid of Cheops. Millions of Christians human body and the cosmos are also harmonically structured.
have had similar experiences in the great monuments of European Paul von Naredi-Rainer, the Austrian art historian, has demon-
sacred architecture. Do we think architectural masterpieces - such strated immanent harmonic, human, and cosmic proportions
as the Taj Mahal in North India, Borobudur in Java, the Banyon at within the Western architecture he knows so well. The temple of
Angkor Wat, Miyajima near Hiroshima, or Chartres and the pyra- Athena at Paestum is thus an immense architectural embodiment of
mid of Cheops - so marvellous precisely because they are at one harmonic relationships. The axial dimensions (40 x 96) of the tem-
with the cosmos? Because they are - in the highest sense of the ple can, for instance, be derived from what for Pythagoreans were
word - 'attuned'? And because we too become 'at one' with cosmic the sacred numbers of the tetraktys.
dimensions when we collect our thoughts, pray, and meditate in Renaissance architects devoted even more conscious attention to
these buildings? harmonic aspects. Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) urged in his
highly influential tract De Re Aedificatorio Libri Decem (printed in
1485) that 'the entire law of [architectural] relations should be
derived ... from musicians who are best acquainted with such
proportions'. He too was concerned with the 1, 2, 3, and 4 oj the
tetraktys, and with the intervals - viewed as consonants - of the
VIII octave (1:2), fifth (2:3), fourth (3:4), twelfth (1:3), double octave
HARMONIC ARCHITECTURE TO MAN'S MEASURE (1:4), and whole-tone (8:9).
In his celebrated painting 'The School of Athens' (1509110),
Great architecture - and especially sacred buildings - are 'rightly Raphael 'incorporated' both forms of the tetraktys - 1, 2, 3, 4, and
aligned' in three respects: 6,8,9, 12 - as Pythagoreans' great secret.
100 The Third Ear The World is Sound 101
Alberti warned the man in charge of construction of his Tempio At the end of the previous section I mentioned the spiritual experi-
Malatestiano at Rimini not to change the dimensions and propor- ences undergone by Paul Horn, Paul Brunton, and many others in
tions of the pillars in any way, disrupting 'all the music' ('tutta quella the vault of the Taj Mahal, the grave chambers of the pyramids, and
musica'). Naredi-Rainer shows that the building's arcade-like fa~ade similar sacred buildings. It must now be asked what is experienced
consists of a succession of octave-relationships while the areal pro- today by millions of people in modern architecture's 'machines for
portions accord with the ratios of the twelfth (octave + fifth). Filippo living' which lack structured relationships. It has been demonstrated
Brunelleschi (1377-1446) demonstrated possibly even greater har- that great old buildings focus thought, resulting in centring and
monic subtlety in his work on Florence's cathedral whose dome was concentration - but what ideas will be sparked off in the conscious-
largely constructed in accordance with the Fibonacci series. That ness of people learning in today's schools and universities, usually
series of numbers was devised by a medieval mathematician, so arbitrary and inorganic in their proportions?
Leonardo da Pisa (c. 1180-1240) known as Fibonacci. It is said to
have been an answer to Emperor Friedrich II's question about how
many pairs of rabbits would be produced from a single couple in the
course of a year if every new pair also gave birth to another couple IX
every second month. The numbers of rabbit couples born monthly VISUALISATION OF HIDDEN HARMONY
resulted in the numerical series, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,
144, etc. Every link in the chain is the sum of the two previous Some readers may remember the Chladni sound figures many of us
numbers. The Fibonacci series is a manifestation of sixths, but is also encountered in physics lessons at school. Grains of sand and parti-
a wonderful expression of ancient harmonic wisdom: 'Uniformity is cles of dust strewn haphazardly on a sheet of glass assume the most
the origin of all proportions.' If we remove a rectangle from a beautiful symmetrical shapes amazingly quickly when a violin bow
Fibonacci series (e.g. 13 x 8), and then a square from that, and so on is used against the glass. Anthroposophist Hans Jenny has utilised a
for as long as possible, two squares of the same size will remain. Even similar procedure for making 'visible' in the truest sense of the word
such a complicated sequence as the Fibonacci series thus leads the great music of the West. The trill in the 59th bar of the first
directly by way of the octave-ratio (1:2) to equality and unity (1:1). movement of Mozart's 'Jupiter' symphony thus becomes a cosmic
The 'one', unity, is the supportive 'foundation' of this series, and the galactic system whose impressive radiance manifests Heraclitus'
source from which it emanates. 'hidden harmony' throughout.
Jenny has shown that the patterns he obtains through the 'vis-
I ualisation' of great music exactly correspond to nature's own pre-
I ferred forms - in the development of fleecy clouds and the forma-
tion of sand dunes, in the shells of mussels and snails, in the
I structures of sea- and lake-beds caused by the movements of water,
I .... - - - - in foam, in ostrich and peacock feathers, in snake skins and skel-
etons, in coral shapes and seed-capsules, and in blossom and leaves.
I He has brought out two illustrated books entitled Cymatics, offer-
ing a fascinating demonstration of the 'musicalisation' and 'har-
Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-1474) from the Netherlands was prob- monicalisation' of the world. One literally sees what George
ably the most important musician of his age. For the inauguration of Leonard so succinctly expressed: 'Before we make music, music
Florence's cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore on 25 March 1436, he makes us ... Music's deep structure is identical with the deep struc-
composed a festive motet related to the Fibonacci series involved in ture of all things.'
the dimensions of the dome. The architects had thus based their Jenny's discoveries cannot be dismissed as the work of an outsider.
work on musical ratios, and then the musicians composed in accor- In a 1958 lecture marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of Max
dance with architecture founded on musical proportions! Planck, Werner Heisenberg compared the symmetry within the
102 The Third Ear The World is Sound 103
equations of Planck's quantum theory to the 'elaborate ornamenta- of scientific premisses to the view of myths, legends, and spiritual
tion in Arab mosques': 'Mathematical structure - i.e. rational traditions in almost all of the world's cultures that God created the
numerical relationships as the source of harmony - was certainly world through 'Sound'? Is it also being demonstrated here that the
one of the most momentous discoveries in the history of humanity old myths are true?
... Mathematical relationships were therefore also the source of the Does the idea of a primordial boom, an enormously noisy 'Big
Beautiful ... The entire programme of today's precision sciences Bang', perhaps merely reflect modern man's fixation on noise and
was thus basically anticipated by Pythagoras.' explosions? Many modern cosmologers believe that in the beginning
was a bang. Not Logos, Spirit, or Word - but a bang! Scientists
believe that they can still hear dim reverberations in their highly
sensitive equipment. They can measure - across billions of light-
X years and the ever-growing cosmos - the enfeebled echo of a vast
IN THE BEGINNING WAS SOUND explosion with which the universe began. The first people to hear
this echo were two American communications engineers, Arno
Chladni's sound figures do not only exist in the two-dimensionality A. Penzias and Robert Wilson, in 1965. They thought it was 'inter-
of area. They are also to be found in one- and three-dimensionality. ference' affecting their radio equipment. Physicist Robert H. Dicke
We can fill a vessel with liquid, add a scattering of particles of the identified that as the 'background noise' he had already calculated
same specific weight, and then make the container vibrate by apply- and predicted.
ing integral oscillations. We can thus observe how the particles Paramahamsa Muktananda, the important Indian researcher into
cluster to form symmetrical shapes and patterns. If we then freeze Kundalini energy, asks: 'Why must that have been an explosion
the entire apparatus, crystals seem to appear. The impression is of reverberating there?' And he ensures his question is not misunder-
having observed a process of crystallisation. The next question is: stood by continuing: 'Why do people like explosions so much?'
Did crystals develop in that way? Did enormously powerful integral Cosmologists and physicists hear the echo of a sound that -
harmonic vibrations bring about crystalline order among atoms? according to their calculations - must have occurred between 12
We shall see (in the chapter on 'Audible and Inaudible Sound') that and 15 billion years ago. Many peoples' myths and creation stories
sound is not dependent on whether we hear it or not. It is defined by also maintain that the universe began with a mighty primordial
integral vibrations - thereby distinguishing itself from the many sound - the Primordial Word!
other possible non-integral vibrations that remain 'oscillations' and Cosmologists are certainly right to think that they are hearing an
cannot be called 'sound'. echo and a reverberation - a 'background emanation'; but it could
We now need only persist in such questioning. If sound can set off also be that 'resonance' which Jakob Bohme, the seventeenth-century
such processes of crystallisation, is it not probable that sound also Silesian mystic, believed to be the distant reflection of the Primordial
created all the other patterns in nature - everything that we find Word and Primordial Sound. Why, however, the echo of an explo-
'beautiful' in leaves and flowers, shells and cochlea, skins and hides, sion? Do not researchers say a great deal more about themselves there
bodies and fruits, sand and stones, the air and the water, molecular than about the universe?
structures such as the DNA double-helix, and galactic spirals ... ? Critical examination of modern science has shown that scientific
The 'mathematical relationships' Heisenberg called the source of theories may also be 'myths' - which can often not be proved but
the Beautiful are an abstraction. If one wants to make the expression are completely plausible for those who devised them. The same is
'mathematical relationships' more concrete, the word 'sound' offers true of all myths. The history of creation presented in the Upanishads
itself. So is sound the source of the Beautiful? As we shall see, chaos is plausible too. The theory of the 'Big Bang' could thus be seen as a
does not exist and is merely a degree of order and harmony which plausible modern myth, commensurate with contemporary con-
our senses cannot (yet) perceive. Is sound therefore the source of sciousness in the same way as the story of the creation told in Genesis
everything created? was appropriate to the consciousness of the second millennium Be.
Is the primordial 'Big Bang' sound? Are we coming closer by way Paul Feyerabend has shown that myth's decisive characteristic is
104 The Third Ear Total Listening lOS
its reflection of the society in which it arises and flourishes. The That finding can, however, be generally applied since, as we have
concept of the primordial bang truly reflects contemporary society seen, the Chladni sound figures reveal a primal form of behaviour
with its love of explosions. affecting matter (both visible and invisible) and the cosmos. It also
It is possible that even the central idea within the mechanistic and applies, for instance, to a vibrating string, or to the air column in a
materialistic age now coming to an end was a myth - the idea of wind instrument. The sounds 'sit' where the wave is standing. The
matter to which the age owes its characterisation. Has anyone ever formative impulse is provided by stillness and silence, not by
seen matter? We can see wood or iron, sunrays and moonbeams - movement.
but matter? So is matter a myth? And no longer even a plausible myth As Lao Tse might have said: Immobility is stronger than move-
since nothing remains of it in the concepts of the New Physics except ment, silence more powerful than sound.
for space and a united field.
The foundation of the materialistic view of the world - the most
antagonistic to myth that has ever existed - could be the very thing
that its adherents thought superseded for ever: a myth itself!
Back to science. Itzhak Bentov, a Czech-born American technician
and physicist, speaks of 'a great sound which contains all the pos-
sible frequencies ... creating an infinite number of interference
patterns of potential beings and event matrices'. Such creation is a
continuous process. The reverberating sound resounds in the flexible
and extended 'subjective space-time' of the creative act (or of the 10
Creator of the universe). 'But to us simple mortals, who would be
watching the action somehow from a distance, all this would occur TOTAL LISTENING
suddenly because we spend most of our conscious time in objective
time-space. Therefore, while the Creator can take His time to con-
template, design, and construct His universe at leisure, to us it would The Implications of Holomovement
appear in a big bang. Suddenly the whole thing would be just there.'
It could be our filtering, limited consciousness with its miscom- 'All things are created out of nothingness. Their true origin is thus the
prehension of space and time that reduces Jakob Bohme's divine void:
'resonance', Indian tradition's primal Nada, the eternal primordial Meister Eckhart
sound of the Sufis, the Logos of the Gospel according to St. John, the
voice of the Creator moving over the waters in Genesis, and Sikhs'
Naam to a bang, an explosion lasting only a fraction of a second -
because this consciousness is incapable of perceiving 'the whole'. I
And now I must return to the primal image of all these vibratory LISTEN TO THE WORLD!
patterns become visible - to the Chladni sound figures. The violin
bow strokes the sheet of glass which starts to vibrate - and the sand Total listening ... To listen to it all ...' Those words are the
scattered on the glass forms symmetrical patterns. Where do these culmination of a conversation about physics' new world-view of
patterns develop? The answer must be: Where the glass is not vibrat- holomovement between David Bohm, Einstein's pupil and a
ing. The grains of sand 'take refuge' on the few parts of the glass free celebrated atomic physicist working in England, and Renee Weber,
of vibration - where they are distributed, forming patterns and Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University. Let us try and trace
shapes. Physics makes a distinction between vibrating and standing what led to such a declaration, so uncharacteristic of theoretical
waves. It is the standing wave, the point of repose, that becomes physics.
visible, not the vibration or movement. The New Physics got under way with the quantum theory Max
106 The Third Ear Total Listening 107
Planck put forward in 1900 and Einstein's two theories of relativity The discovery of laser beams in 1965 led to a new kind of pho-
(1905 and 1916). Both Einstein and Planck were unsure about their tographic representation called a hologram. The name makes clear
own discoveries. To start with they thought it important that such that the physicists who developed this kind of photography were
discoveries should be integrated in the old Cartesian world-view immediately aware of the implications. The Greek word
with its classic concepts of matter and causality. They believed holos means whole, so hologram entails a picture of the whole.
something was wrong if their new theories clashed with what had The 'images' in holographic laser-photography are three-
underpinned physics since Descartes, Bacon, and Galileo. Einstein's dimensional, 'occupying' space. If you produce a full-length pho-
expedient - and it wasn't more than that - of 'curved space' entailed tograph of someone and then discard all but the head and shoulders
a desperate attempt at incorporating the consequences of relativity so as to enlarge the face, the new picture will once again contain the
into Euclidian concepts of space. entire person rather than just a blown-up head. In holography you
Einstein's touching idea was that we should assume that space is cannot eliminate anything. The fact is that the information enabling
curved. It would then at least fit in to some extent with the concept reproduction of the face in the original photo simultaneously
that worked so marvellously for our fathers and grandfathers. Space contains information about the totality of the human being. That
would then remain as it was - except for now being 'curved'. totality is indivisible. Only the sharpness of focus diminishes. The
The decisive turning-point came later - most obviously in 1927 blur becomes more obtrusive with every enlargement and attempt at
with Werner Heisenberg's theory of indeterminacy. 'The natural observing detail with greater precision.
laws we express mathematically in the quantum theory are no longer Anyone who works with holograms is directed back to the whole
concerned with elementary particles as such. They involve our whenever he tries to separate off any partial aspect. This pheno-
knowledge of and way of observing those particles. The question of menon makes it conclusively clear that the part and the whole are
whether they "per se" exist in space and time can no longer be put in indivisible - contrary to what post-Cartesian science with its
this form.' The conservative Einstein then immediately warned the
emphasis on segmentation and analysis had believed for three
26-year-old Heisenberg: 'What quantities are observable should not
hundred years.
be our choice, but should be given, should be indicated to us by the
theory.' Discovery of the hologram had the impact of a stone dropped into
In the meantime it is quite clear that we determine dimensions. We the long-undisturbed pond of the sciences. The phenomenon also
are present and involved in all happenings in the micro-world. The became apparent in other spheres: first in biology, and a couple of
classical situation of observer and observed - with the former years later in neurology. Most strongly of all, of course, in particle
behind a glass wall, a microscope, or other equipment with its dials, physics, but also in cybernetics and information theory. In 1969
watching what is happening - suddenly no longer existed. The Karl Pribram, a Viennese-born neurologist teaching at Stanford
observer and the observed are illusions. We participate when we University, announced that the hologram explained hitherto
observe. American physicist John A. Wheeler has said: 'The vital act inexplicable brain processes, and was 'suitable as a model of what
is the act of participation. "Participator" is the incontrovertible new happens in the human brain'. As a neuro-surgeon, Pribram had
concept given by quantum mechanics. It strikes down the term spent thirty years searching (together with his teacher Karl Lashley)
"observer" of classical theory.' for the engram, the site and substance of memory. Lashley trained
There have been many attempts to find new ways of seeing the apes and other animals to make special use of memory and then
world. Half a dozen exist by now, but, astonishingly, all these operated on them to remove essential cerebral functions in the hope
concepts, derived from a diversity of theoretical backgrounds, agree of discovering what parts of the brain stored up the information
in their basic characteristics. Observers of this development were contained in memory. He came to the conclusion - confirmed by
thus scarcely surprised when in the seventies David Bohm put for- findings among human beings - that even though performance
ward his ideas on holomovement, perhaps the most systematic and ,might be reduced through his intervention, it was impossible to
internally consistent of the concepts thrown up by the New Physics eradicate what the animals had learned even when large portions of
so far. This innovatory holomovement fed on discoveries in two the brain were removed. Any further intervention would have
hitherto unrelated sciences, neurology and theoretical physics. brought about the animals' death.
108 The Third Ear Total Listening 109
When half of the neurons are removed by operation, that does not longer through seeing - as in Classical Physics' world-view - but
mean 50 per cent of memory is lost. Pribram and Lashley established through listening as this chapter intends to demonstrate.
that even when only 2 or 3 per cent of the nerve cells remain, the First, however, mention should be made of the highly interesting
endowment of memory is virtually assured. Pribram thus views the and revealing human constellation where this view of the world was
brain as a hologram. Every single cell stores up the entire message. If developed. Never before has there been anything comparable in the
I 'code' that sentence in accordance with the procedures of informa- modern world. Both Karl Pribram, the Viennese-born neurologist
tion theory, the 'steps' are as follows: Every cell contains the whole and successful neuro-surgeon, and David Bohm, the American
memory. Every cell contains the whole. Every cell is memory. Every nuclear physicist well-versed in the West's humanistic tradition,
cell is the whole. The whole is every cell. We must not, however, have a spiritual advisor and friend. Bohm was close to Krishnamurti,
forget that the blur (in this case the 'imprecision' of memory) the Indian wise man who coined the term Total Listening', and
increases. Pribram time and again refers - even in scientific publications - to
That neurological discovery and the development of laser- Swami Muktananda, the venerable master of Kundalini energy, as
photography led David Bohm, trained in Einstein's conservative 'my guru'. One is almost reminded of the monk-researchers in
school, to coin the term holomovement. The word hologram alone medieval monasteries, Islamic mathematicians, and Sufi chemists,
implies something static and immovable, but the world is constantly who also received 'spiritual guidance', and would have thought
in motion. inconceivable the idea of pursuing their scientific work without such
Bohm explains that holomovement combines a Greek and a Latin 'assistance'. The same is true of Pribram and Bohm. Is a new image,
word. One could also say holoflux. The totality is in motion. Every- a vision, of both science and the scientist corning into view here -
thing flows. A hologram, like a photograph, is only, as it were, a something new that is at the same time very old? The 'alienated',
fixed image of a single process of movement - an abstraction of the 'separated', 'non-participating', and constantly 'self-abstracted'
entire movement, of the whole. scientist would then have been just a transient intermezzo, lasting
Bohm takes two realities - the 'enfolding' and the 'unfolding' - as from Descartes and Newton (who helped shape this kind of scientist
his starting-point. The enfolded order is paramount. Bohm also calls even though as someone who also pursued alchemy he was not such
it 'real', meaning a reality that is 'more real' than what we see with himself) to the middle of our own century.
our eyes. That leads to an almost Platonic view of the world with,
on the one hand, the realm of Ideas, and, on the other, that of the
visible, 'material', and graspable.
The holomovement takes place within an 'implicate order', which
can both 'enfold' and 'unfold' as an ordering, shaping, creative force.
As an 'unfolding order' it is 'manifest', i.e. perceivable with our senses;
whilst as 'enfoldment' it is 'non-manifest'. This order 'constitutes' the
The entire universe is thy eye.
whole and keeps it ceaselessly in motion. The entire universe is thy source of light.
David Bohm does not offer his model as a theoretical concept. He The entire universe is within thy source of light.
created it as a physicist, not as a philosopher. He and his colleagues In the entire universe there is no one
have calculated all the consequences and implications. When Renee Who is not thyself.'
Ch'an-sha Ching-ts'en, ninth-century Chinese Zen Master ..
Weber asked him whether the mathematics for this already exists,
Bohm answered: 'Oh yes. It's being used all the time.' Many quantum Jack Sarfati, one of the American physicists involved in the develop-
physicists believe that mathematically holomovement functions ment of new concepts of the world, raises the question: 'Can all
better than all comparable models. particles be one particle?'
For David Bohm the new world-view - which I don't want to Physicists John A. Wheeler and Richard P. Feynman had already
describe in detail here since that has been done in many recent taken as their initial assumption the existence of just one electron in
publications - can be comprehended through Total Listening. No the universe, containing all the other electrons - like Indra's pearl
110 The Third Ear Total Listening 111
which incorporates all the pearls in the world and is at the same time ever, it is the same magic as shamans, medicine men, and spiritual
contained within each of those pearls. human beings have taught since time immemorial: Everything is a
Bohm coined the term 'undivided wholeness'. 'A quantum muIti- single all-embracing system constantly in motion.
~ody system cannot really be divided into parts existing Bohm: 'We could probably identify the whole of nature on this
mdependently of one another ... We must reject the classical idea planet if we could really understand just a single cell within a single
of the world's reducibility.' human being.' Or Sarfati: 'A single electron could be enough for
And elsewhere: 'The attempt to live in accordance with the view total recreation of the entire planet.'
that the parts to which we reduce the world really are separated All the world-views of the New Physics lead in that
from one another is essentially responsible for the increase in the direction - including the Bootstrap Theory developed at Berkeley
many extremely threatening crises facing us today. That way of life whereby nature cannot be reduced to its parts. If we none the less
has blessed us with pollution of the environment, destruction of persist in that endeavour, our findings will be wrong. The
natural balance, over-population, and worldwide economic and bootstrappers say that 'Every particle consists of all particles.'
political chaos.'
Physicists also talk about magic. For instance, John A. Wheeler
from Princeton University: There may be no such thing as "the
glittering central mechanism of the universe" ... Not machinery but III
magic may be the better description of the treasure that is waiting.' THE DEJA Vu OF CONSCIOUSNESS
Jack Sarfati compares science with a 'magical set of rules and
attitudes' - similar to the concepts and ideas involved in an African The world does not contain you.
medicine man's or Polynesian village shaman's understanding of the You are the world.'
world. Such magic works for all of them, so they feel sure that it is
Angelus Silesius
To that extent - and there alone - it is appropriate to employ the The fact that all is one is ancient knowledge. Only individual human
word magic. It is necessary to be aware that the traditional mecha- beings or individual civilisations could lose it. Humanity as a whole
nistic view of the world is also pure magic, based as it is on a set of preserves it since humanity cannot lose what its genes know. That is
ideas and rules which can only be validated within that particular why it is not absolutely necessary for the intellect to know. Red
context - and which are mostly constructed to provide reciprocal Indians, Zen masters and Sufis, Mexican magicians and African
confirmation by way of a kind of feedback. medicine men, Balinese village priests and Tibetan monks, and the
In his studies of the foundations of mathematics, Kurt Codel shamans and healers within all cultures act on our behalf in preserving
provides convincing demonstration that 'every system of knowledge that knowledge. It is not, however, just saints, monks, gurus, and
contains meaningful tenets whose truth or falsity cannot be estab- priests who do so. Every single person within such peoples - even
lished if one remains completely within that system'. But that is the poorest and least educated - knows, feels, and lives that.
exactly what both medicine men and academic scientists do. The And now let us take a further step. We also 'know' that. Let us
fact that they reject everything from outside their system as 'tabu' observe ourselves. The unbelieving astonishment we feel if
(medicine man) or 'unscientific' (the academic) means that the ulti- bootstrappers or experts in holomovement tell us that 'All is one' is
mate truth of the theses underlying their view of the world can never only superficial - as David Bohm says, just a 'ripple'. Beyond that
be evaluated. All that is open to assessment is the functioning of the we are awed by deja vu. I am not introducing such an inter-
'closed circle' within which experience confirms the world-view and pretation. Californian physicists employed those words when they
vice versa. Viewed in that light, 'scientific' thinking is a pleonastic were - yet again! - shocked by the conclusions to which their
process keeping going by way of circular reasoning. equations compelled them, and were surprised by the taken-for-
Of course one may also view as 'pure magic' what for David Bohm granted way in which they established such ideas as if they had been
is the decisive significance of holomovement. Astonishingly, how- 'there' right from the start. When asked where these ideas had been
112 The Third Ear
Total Listening 113
previously encountered, they hesitantly pointed towards themselves: to the phases of the moon in both the menstrual cycle and their
our unconscious. 'All is one' is an 'archetype' recorded deep within moods? Why does science not investigate the signal concealed there
when everyone can see and feel it?
They nevertheless refrain from mixing the two spheres. David If you observe people - and they might well be rationalists -
Bohm has a spiritual master from India but says: 'I think it would be gazing at the full moon, it is as if they were dreaming. A withdrawn,
!ust as foolish for mystics to try and prove their case from physics as intoxicated expression appears on their faces. What are they
It would be for physicists to prove their case from mysticism.' dreaming about? What do they divine? Do they sense a relationship
. By ~ow some people feel that the new discoveries in physics are a between the greater whole and themselves?
lIberatIon - and there are similar developments in most sciences Many modern scientists have reluctantly become archaeologists
since our overview of the world is in process of becoming holistic. of our unconscious. It is as if they were excavating 'fossils of our
The blurred nature of the deja vu reaction is the outcome of its soul'; and when we look at what they have brought to the light of
lo~g repression. We believed it unacceptable to think in that way. day, our response is deja vu. The first such archaeologists were
SCIence was thought to be antagonistic, having 'proved' that what our century's great physicists. Einstein, Planck, Bohr, Schrodinger,
one would have liked to think was 'wrong'. Eddington, and others were quick to sense the spiritual secret behind
.We know from psychology what can happen if we repress some- their discoveries. We are now following in their tracks - and what
thmg. We become neurotic, and many Westerners still have what we find, once we have shaken off the sand and dust of our 'mecha-
could be called a 'mechanistic neurosis'. The better the Cartesian nistic neurosis', looks like something very familiar. But where have
world-view functions, the worse the 'mechanisms' of our soul, con- we seen it? Or where did we hear it? Within ourselves? And of what
cealed deep within ourselves, operate. The mechanists have strewn does it remind us?
into our unconscious's 'transmission' the sand which might have It was Gregory Bateson, analyst of the systemic nature of
blocked mechanical and materialistic functioning. experience (in a sense the biological and anthropological equivalent
Th~t sand is now being washed out. We no longer need repress of holomovement), who coined the classic statement: The map is
anythmg. When we read David Bohm or John A. Wheeler - or not the territory.' Krishnamurti says: 'The description is not what is
!"ieisenberg and Niels Bohr - we have a sense of deja vu. It is not described.' The physicists have drawn maps for us. Now we are
Impo.rtant whether there is agreement between mysticism and moving into the territory - and we see that we know it already. We
physIcs. What matters is that we are in agreement. ourselves are what is described. We scarcely need the maps any
We participate. When television shows the skeletal bodies of longer.
starving children in Ethiopia and huge sums of money are donated in Our consciousness is changing even more than physics and the
just a few days, that happens because we feel that those other sciences. As theologian Hans Kung says: 'The standard
children - remote from us as few other human creatures on this answer to the question: "Do you believe in God?" used to be, "Of
planet - are part of the whole to which we belong. When there is an course not, I'm a scientist"; but now it runs: "Of course, I'm a
accident on the other side of the motorway resulting in injuries and scientist." ,
mutilations, our inability to calm down for long afterwards is the
outcome of the existence within ourselves of an unconscious link
with the people involved, albeit by now only an atrophied residue.
We thus cry out as if we ourselves had been injured. IV
We constantly sense that things entail more - are more far- PHYSICS CHANGES SOCIETY
reaching and comprehensive - than rationalism wants us to believe.
Why are we so attracted to gazing at the heavens when there is a full 'Consciousness is the means.
moon? Why do so many people feel inner unrest, creativity, and Consciousness is the key.
intensified sexuality even when unaware that the moon is again full _ Consciousness is the objective.'
but are then satisfied by that explanation? Why do women respond Satprem
114 The Third Ear Total Listening 115
Physics was always the key science. Even among the Pre-Socratics. constantly changing system without any rigid, machine-like
Philosophy began with physical concepts. Such as: In the beginning structures, that view must inevitably - as the mechanistic attitude
was water. Or fire. Or 'Everything is in flux.' before it - exert an influence on how people treat other human
Physics was also the key science in the world-view which beings. 'If in the non-manifest world everything is interconnected
predominated during the past three hundred years. If we call that and interpenetrated, and if we see that humanity is also a single
world-view 'mechanistic' and 'materialistic', those two words make system, a single extended living being, and if we know that matter ~s
clear we also believed that biology, society, philosophy, and the- also one, then we living human beings must also be one ... ThIS
ology were determined by physics. After two centuries or so of great new world-view can then bring about a much better civilisation' - a
successes for physics' mechanistic world-view, in the nineteenth genuine civilisation!
century it went on to exert enormous influence on the other sciences. Nobel prize-winner Eugene Wigner stresses: The being with a
For biologists evolution functioned mechanistically. For medical consciousness must have a different role in quantum mechanics than
scientists the human being became a chemical factory. Chemists the inanimate measuring device.' We must remember that exactly
viewed relationships between elements as if they were parts in a the opposite prevailed until recently. Inanimate equipment played a
machine. Sociologists conceived of social systems as operating like much greater part than living consciousness in the mechanistic
clockwork. Theologians ousted myth from religion, which thus world-view.
stopped being experience of God and became a 'science'. Freud When the new world-view is as much a matter of course - 'in the
established psychology on the basis of a mechanistic comprehension blood' - as its predecessor used to be, then every child will under-
of the human soul - as if it were a steam-engine, and drives (rather stand what is implied in bootstrap physics, holomovement, the
than energies) were repressed. complex theory of relativity, and even the principle of indeterminacy.
Mechanistic and materialistic thinking finally became so all- My consciousness is response-ible. I must be responsive, answering
pervasive that we also started feeling in those terms. We thought the interconnectedness of the world. Physicists are now using the
that we were objects whose task was to function - and that there word 'responsibility' increasingly often - a word that previously
was something wrong with us if we did not. When medical scientists scarcely existed in their vocabulary.
solemnly affirmed that they had dissected the human body into a We have discovered that the old consciousness resulted in people
thousand parts without finding any trace of a 'souI', then that 'soul' feeling they were not responsible. We are not thinking utopianly but
was obviously not of importance. It was in fact possible for us to have already experienced - for three centuries - that physics' view
become 'mere objects' - and even (incomprehensibly!) be thankful of the world also entails morality. It conditioned and legitimated all
if we were treated as such: 'object-Iy'. of our hard-heartedness: the coldness of our functioning, the utili-
The old mechanistic thinking's insatiable urge to dissect the world tarian nature of our relationships, and thus also lovelessness
into its constituent parts, miscomprehending the sum of these parts towards ourselves and others. Are we therefore justified in
as the whole, also resulted in humanity and individuals being concluding that the world-view entailed in the new physics will
treated in the same way - as bits in terms of information theory. involve morality - and that it will be a new kind of morality?
Man thus became a stranger to man so that ultimately even the The previous world-view led - as we know - to a collapse of
individual was only bits and fragments. In the beginning were morality, particularly among those who were most closely involved:
'analysis', 'dissection', and separation, finally leading to estrange- the scientists. Have we reason to expect, to hesitantly hope, that the
ment, irresponsibility, chaos, violence, and destruction. new world-view will - in the future if not today or tomorrow -
Bohm points out that the ultimate and inevitable outcome of all bring about a new kind of scientist who, because he is concerned
these endlessly many bits was the smashing of the atom. When with systems and the whole rather than parts and functions, realises
people see such gigantic fragmentation within us all, they derive that he too belongs to that system and is thus responsible to it?
confirmation for the necessity of splitting into ever smaller units. Do we also have reason to assume that in this future world-view
Fragmentation is seen as being justified. the scientist will be regarded as a model - and that such a new image
If, however, we recognise that the world is a living, open-ended, will also shape the human ideal? Also that the new man will
116 The Third Ear Total Listening 117
inevitably be permeated by a new consciousness just because he has Fritjof Capra offers a helpful thought there. He reminds us of
a new view of the world? what many have already almost forgotten: that classical reductionism
Renee Weber concludes that 'Physics and ethics will become with its analytical and mechanistic thinking really was wonderfully
one .. .' functional for specific situations and organisations, and explains
our survival:
When you must eat, it is important to learn to distinguish between
minor details so as to find the right food. Today, however, we are
V faced by the opposite situation. Today for the first time it is the
REVOLUTION NOW! THE PARADIGM SHIFT survival of the planet that is at stake, not just survival of an individual
or even an individual species. That is the real reason for transforma-
Karl Pribram believes that we are in the midst of an epoch-making tion of the paradigm. Evolution needs synthesis, the ecological
upheaval - a paradigm shift - affecting all the sciences. perspective, and the holistic outlook so that life continues to be
John Battista of the University of California writes: 'It seems possible. That change from the old viewpoint, dividing up the world
fairly clear that we are now in a process of paradigmatic shift in into ever smaller parts, towards a holistic attitude is biologically
which all fields are being revised in light of these assumptions.' Such conditioned.
new discoveries include Gregory Bateson's systems theory in biology Morris Berman, mathematician and philosopher, also believes that
and anthropology, Emmet Leith's holography, Karl Pribram's the present breakdown of industrial society could be the way in
neurological findings, and David Bohm's holomovement. which the planet seeks to avoid more extensive death.
Fritjof Capra views the real crisis facing us as being one of We feel this transformation most clearly in the way in which
perception: 'Our society, our universities, our corporations, our individuals react. For centuries no one doubted that we must and
economy, our technology, and our politics are all still structured in could dominate nature. That was a standard conviction within
accordance with the old Cartesian paradigm. We need change.' Western civilisation - from the time of Descartes and Bacon
The more recent sciences are, the easier it is for them to change. onwards. Does anyone still seriously believe that to be the case?
Cybernetics had the least difficulty of all. Information Theory did Morris Berman asks whether schoolchildren do not already giggle
not have many problems either in suddenly accepting that it is and adults look blank at the idea that we can master nature, the
meaningless to talk about information without taking the recipients cosmos, and the universe.
into account. A fundamental law within contemporary Information When in 1967 Gregory Bateson drew attention to the fact that a
Studies lays down that information is non-existent without con- purely functional rationality operating without regard for such
sideration of the intended recipient. Heisenberg's principle of phenomena as art, religion, dreams, or imagination must necessarily
indeterminacy is thus applied to communications between people. be pathogenic and destructive of life, that was considered revolu-
Biology has a more difficult time, but increasing numbers of tionary. But aren't a majority of discerning human beings by now
biologists are conceding that the mechanisms of a reductionistically convinced of the correctness of that view?
conceived evolution (adaptation, 'struggle for existence', survival
of the fittest, 'chance' mutations, and selection - which all indis-
putably exist) are only part of the whole. They are not sufficient for
a complete explanation of evolution. VI
Medicine and sociology are faced with even greater difficulties. SUMMA
Academic medicine was the last science to adapt to the mechanistic
'Total listening!'
view of the world, and will possibly also be the last to break away
from that. Sociology, the nineteenth-century child of mechanistic Krishnamurti
thinking, could be in danger of neutralising itself if its preconditions Physics' new world-view amounts to the old Zen wisdom of 'the
are no longer accepted by the majority of mankind. emptiness that is abundance'. David Bohm employs the equivalent
118 The Third Ear
practice involving blocking the ears with the thumbs so that one can they may appear at first glance, are really only a minimal selection
better hear the unhearable. As musicologist Marius Schneider says: from the immense abundance of what can be subsumed under the
'One then achieves inner hearing, listening to the sound of the ether concept 'vibration'. Such proportions were not merely selected by
present in the heart.' man for his music and art. Nature also chose them for planetary
We already know that 'inner listening' does not begin at some orbits, leaf and crystal shapes, ratios within the periodic table of
threshold. It gets under way where listening occurs: at the point in elements, the forms of animal and human bodies, quantisation in
the cochlea where the logarithmic curve of hearing starts to rise. the atomic nucleus, electron spins, the DNA relationships containing
Since time immemorial human beings have sensed the existence of our genetic code, the messages communicated by pulsars milliards
a third eye, lying between and just above the eyebrows and making of light-years distant, the solar wind, earth magnetism, etc.
possible spiritual 'insight'. Perhaps people conceived such a In other words: Not every number constitutes a tonal value, but
visionary idea because they felt the incompleteness of our two seeing every tonal value entails number. In the overwhelming majority of
eyes and sensed there simply must be something taking them further. cases nature prefers numbers that at the same time constitute tonal
One reason why the unicorn is viewed as a mythical, holy beast is values, i.e. it demonstrates preference for tonal values rather than
the presence of the horn where the third eye is located - like a numbers. It insists on - and consists of - sound.
symbol and its representation in the organic world. The ratio involved in the universe's decision in favour of sonically
The third eye is a myth - a necessary myth. The situation is meaningful proportions is 1:1 million - a ratio that cannot be inter-
different with regard to the ear. Transcendence, a going beyond, is preted as 'chance' even in terms of positivists' more than generous
implicit in the act of hearing, so our first and second ears already (and unscientific) interpretation of that concept.
imply the existence of a third. There has never existed any myth of a Anyone who wants to use the word vibration in this context is
third ear. No one needs it. The two ears we have already take us into guilty of imprecise thinking. That word is too fuzzy as a description
the realm of the 'third'. They cannot function without transcending _ of the vibrations that matter for the universe: sounds rather than
whereas the eye operates independently of processes of trans- any old 'vibration', and tonal values rather than numbers.
cendence. That is why a third eye is needed. The ear has its counter- It is nowhere laid down that sounds must be audible. On the
part already. contrary, language has long also utilised the word for what is
Irony is at work in the title I chose for this book. We have a third inaudible. The classic definition of the musical instrument - that it
ear. We only need know how to use it, and how to hear its messages. is there to make sounds audible - implies that sounds must already
exist and only need to be made audible. Every musician reading a
score hears the music contained in the notes. Many composers hear
music sounding within themselves even before it is played for the
II first time. When they actually hear it, they encounter something
Every music-lover has had similar experiences. We hear certain
As we have seen, the world is sound. Nada Brahma means precisely melodies or pieces within ourselves even when they are not
that - and not that the world is vibration. To be more precise: in acoustically present or audible.
physical terms there are milliards of possible vibrations. But basic
research on harmonics has shown that the cosmos, the universe, and
nature have a tendency to select from those innumerable possibilities III
the few thousand that give rise to harmonic - which ultimately MUSIC OF THE SOLAR WIND AND
means musical - meaning: the integral proportions of the overtone GEOMAGNETISM
series, the major and occasionally the minor scale, certain Gregorian
and Indian scales, and the 1:2 polarity of the octave. Codes for the 'recovery' (Heidegger) of the hidden harmony, for
It is important to recall that those proportions, numerous though transmission of the inaudible into audibility, are provided by
122 The Third Ear Audible and Inaudible Sound 123
American scientists who have made accessible the sounds of both the produced such ecstatic declarations as 'The earth is bathed in music'
micro- and the macro-cosmos. They followed procedures similar to or 'The sun beams music down onto the earth.' Nowadays physicists
the transposition by octaves described in Chapter 9. Physicists, express such sentiments in order to provide an exact description of a
astronomers, and biologists transposed cosmic and micro-cosmic state of affairs verified in their experiments and calculations: we are
ratios from spheres where they could not be heard to areas accessible bathed in music.
to the human ear and the equipment used.
The DNA sequences made audible by David Deamer, a cell
biologist at the University of California in Los Angeles, sound
absolutely fascinating. The four nitrogenous bases for DNA- IV
adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine - have been called the FROM SKINS TO ELECTRONICS
letters of the genetic alphabet, encoding all the biological character-
istics of a living creature. If you listen to Deamer's cassettes, the Anyone who has doubts about the electronic nature of such realisa-
DNA information seems more like the notes of a genetic melody. We tions of cosmic and micro-cosmic music should bear the following in
can hear that melody sung by the biological qualities of the creature mind. Numerical proportions are fed into computers and synthesisers
concerned. to produce such music. Another word for proportion is interval, i.e.
Musicians have shown particular interest in the sounds resulting the relationship between two numbers. For instance 6:5 in the case
from friction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field. of a minor third and 5:4 for a major third, 4:3 for a fourth, and 2:1
One needs to know that the huge natural nuclear reactor of the sun for an octave. A musician who employs modern computerised
constantly throws out vast amounts of gases, heat, radiation, and instruments is feeding them with intervals. But isn't that just what a
particles into our planetary system. What are known as solar winds violinist or pianist does too? He takes the numerical proportions -
develop as a result of the decline in energy-level between the solar the intervals - from his sheet-music or score, making them audible
core and interplanetary space. They would penetrate right into the by striking or bowing the corresponding notes.
earth's atmosphere, endangering our existence, if we were not Instrument originally meant a mechanical implement or tool.
protected by the earth's magnetic field. Solar winds thus constantly Any good dictionary will show that the word is much more frequently
buffet against the protective magnetic field, and vice versa. This employed in technical than musical contexts. It is not just musicians
activity is recorded on the '2kp index', which is measured every who play instruments. Craftsmen work with instruments, and no
three hours at twenty places around the world and incorporated in a technical process is possible without them. The hammer with which
diagram that looks like musical notes. That is why physicists called we knock in a nail is an instrument, fixing the nail in position.
it 'Bartels' musical diagram' (after German physicist Julius Bartels, Engineers need instruments in order to discover intervallic relation-
b. 1899, who was the first scientist to investigate geomagnetism) ships. An aeroplane's cockpit is studded with instruments, and people
right from the start, even before they became aware of the musical talk about 'instrument flying' when there is no horizontal vision and
implications of such things, which has only occurred in recent years. the ground is out of sight. The tachometer in a car is also an instrument
A group of physicists at Princeton University, Columbia University's showing numerical relationships. The violin is an instrument in
Computer Center, and in the Bell Telephone Laboratories, fed the exactly the same way. It presents intervallic ratios to our ears. Here
Bartels' diagrams for 1961 into an IBM 360/91 computer to produce too we once again encounter the miraculous phenomenon of the ear
music that is now available on record. with its ability to transform what is measurable (quantitive) into
One of the physicists involved calls what thus becomes audible something that can be evaluated qualitatively.
'the music the sun plays on the earth's magnetic field' - a music in The technical process used for realisation of the sounds of
which our planet and we ourselves are 'constantly bathed'. This is a planetary orbits, genes, solar winds, etc., is the same as the method
moving, shimmering music, surging in a multitude of directions, employed for making conventional music audible. Numerical pro-
whose underlying meditative mood is time and again disrupted by portions are 'fed' into an instrument so that they can be heard.
violent outbursts. In earlier times it was poets and mystics who Anyone who dislikes the technical nature of such processes is
124 The Third Ear Audible and Inaudible Sound 125
subject to an illusion. Sounds are not a priori audible; they must be start earlier than we think - not just where music is made but at an
made audible. The piano and the organ are also highly complex earlier stage when instruments were invented, constructed, and
pieces of equipment whose technical elaboration seemed just as developed since that couldn't happen unless people 'played' with
perplexing at the time when they were invented and developed as the materials used. We have once again become aware of that - and
today's computers producing music. For the people of the seven- I say 'once again' because such a view was a matter of course in the
teenth century the organ was a mechanical and technical miracle - old musical cultures of the East, Africa, and the two Americas.
to an even greater degree, perhaps, than the synthesiser for Never before have so many new instruments been invented as
youngsters today. today, and never before has there been such intensive playing on
Music's 'social environment' starts with the fact that its 'means' - and with new instruments as since the sixties. .
the instruments employed - accord with the state of civilisation The prejudice directed against electronic instruments corresponds
involved. African music is largely played on drums and xylophones with people's distaste in Beethoven's time for the Hammerklavier
since the rain forest and its animals supply wood, skins, and hides. because the harpsichord and spinet supposedly sounded so much
Africans knew how to make outstanding use of them at a very early 'purer' and 'nobler'. For us today - as can be discovered from
date. When Bronze Age man learnt the art of metal-working, horns, thousands of record reviews in the relevant journals - the concert
tubas, and trumpets were immediately produced. For thousands of grand sounds 'purer' and 'nobler' than an electronic keyboard.
years now the closest of links has existed between constant One should be aware how fatal it would be if no electronic instru-
improvements in metal-working techniques, the construction of ments were manufactured. This would mean that for the first time in
brass instruments, and also the music played on such instruments. human history man had renounced putting a newly discovered
The same is true of the development of string instruments. Their technical possibility to musical use. That would entail capitulation of
history - from animal hair and gut to metal and nylon strings - man's artistic urge to technology - which is exactly what those who
coincided with progressive refinement of our ability to manufacture don't like electronic sounds are doing. They are sacrificing their
thread, wire, cords, and other materials used for binding. New need for and understanding of art to the age in which they live.
technical possibilities were often first developed and tried out by All of our culture's musical appliances derive from Pythagoras's
makers of musical instruments before they were used in handicrafts, monochord. Pythagoreans didn't, however, know how to decide
industry, and technology. The Hammerklavier, for instance, is an whether the monochord serves physics or the arts. They would not
'appliance' whose mechanical complexity and sensitivity exceed have been able to answer: both - as modern man does. They simply
everything that seemed possible in other spheres of eighteenth wouldn't have understood making any distinction between physics
century mechanics. and music.
Whatever workable materials were discovered - initially wood,
stone, skins; and then from the Iron Age onwards iron, copper, tin,
and bronze; and later glass - were immediately employed in the
making of music. Musical 'utilisation' often preceded craft or V
As soon as electronics had been developed, man immediately set
about trying out their possibilities for sound-production, new 'The instrument - That's you!'
instruments in general, and construction of an ever-greater range of SunRa
synthesisers and music-making computers. That was logical and Once when I played tapes of pulsars, DNA genes, planetary orbits,
nothing new in historical terms. Electronics offer 'material' - just solar winds, and geomagnetism at a seminar, a white-haired old
as woods, skins, and hides used to; or later the wind in organ pipes, gentleman stood up and said that he could hear such sounds without
or mechanical pressure in the Hammerklavier or concert grand. the help of electronics. He recounted how he and a group of young
I deliberately employed the phrase 'trying out' since it indicates a people had climbed Mont Ventoux in Southern France where they
'playful' process. Playing music and playing with sounds and tones had meditated for a whole night beneath the starry heavens. And it
126 The Third Ear Audible and Inaudible Sound 127
was there that he had really heard in nature itself all the sounds I had different notes. The therapist initially laid down that everyone
just presented. should hold 'their' note for as long as possible without being diverted
Similar stories are told of Tibetan wise men and Zen monks. from it - but after a minute or so (and sometimes even after 30
Pythagoras left no doubt that he had really heard the harmony of seconds) the many different notes endeavour to attain a single note.
the spheres. His pupils, Plato, and Pythagoreans up to the A variety of notes may still be maintained for a while, but they also
Hellenistic period were absolutely certain that he had heard what he tend to establish harmonious relationships. The cluster that was so
taught. Iamblichos, for instance, wrote: 'Pythagoras directed his painful to the ear cannot be upheld for long. It strives for harmony.
hearing and his spirit towards the sublime harmony of the world. . . It may initially be 'hidden' but it becomes apparent, or rather
by virtue of an ineffable and almost inconceivable divine capacity. audible, within a relatively short time.
That is why he heard and understood.' There is every reason to assume that this experiment is a
We must also be quite clear about the fact that ultimately we paradigm. George Leonard has assembled examples. The hearts of
ourselves are the instrument. All technical means are just tools for patients lying alongside one another when being operated on start to
reminding us of what resounds deep within ourselves whether we beat in unison once the surgeon has exposed them. The brainwaves
are aware of that or not. Plato called that anamnesis, meaning of people who understand one another - clergymen and their
memory of what is impressed on our souls right from the very congregations, politicians and their audiences, and professors and
beginning - from pre-earthly existences. Music is not even possible their students - achieve 'resonance' remarkably quickly no matter
without that process of recognition, which also underlies any how far apart they may initially have been. They soon oscillate
physical or physiological explanation. Without such memory music together. Women 'synchronise' their periods - especially younger
would be nothing but isolated and completely unconnected tone women who live together for quite a while. Dozens of technical
perceptions. appliances - such as TV sets - operate in accordance with the
The instrument used is not of great significance. The same pro- 'resonance principle'. Vibrations that are out of step with one
portions, the same numerical relationships and intervals, sound out another 'engage' and are suddenly 'in sync'.
in the cosmos, in our genes, in our soul, and for that very reason also The drive towards 'synchronicity' and harmony is elemental and
in our audible music. Audible music reflects the inaudible- universal so it becomes comprehensible that the 'hidden' harmony
no matter whether transmitted by violin or synthesiser. within ourselves provides us with the strength to find the 'hidden'
Johannes Kepler: 'Give space to the heavens, and a true music will harmony in the cosmos and universe. The more 'chaotic' and 'atonal'
sound out.' That is just what the old gentleman experienced on the cluster, the more quickly harmony develops. Disharmony is a
Mont Ventoux. He gave space to the heavens within himself. springboard fostering the harmony within ourselves. Anyone aware
of this primal drive within nature and the cosmos will 'take off' all
the more quickly. And the aim of this book - like many similar
books and sources of guidance suddenly appearing everywhere - is
VI to create a consciousness which facilitates the drive towards harmony
THE DRIVE TOWARDS HARMONY and thus towards peace, making us alert to the 'uncovering' of hidden
harmony so that chaos, which is the chaos within ourselves, is not
The hidden harmony is mightier than what is revealed' (Heraclitus). left in charge.
The drive towards becoming 'manifest' is immanent within the
hidden harmony. In group music therapy the following experiment
is often conducted so as to help a group find its own identity. When
the signal is given, every person present must immediately sing a
note - without paying attention to what their neighbours are doing.
Twenty or thirty people spontaneously 'belt out' (or that's how it
usually sounds) 'their' notes, producing a discordant cluster of many
128 The Third Ear
The transcendent nature of listening (see Chapter 3, 'The Ear Goes WHY WOMEN HAVE HIGHER VOICES
Beyond' - also with regard to the whole of this chapter) tells us that
the audible and the inaudible are one. Some spiritually minded The Pope died. His heart suddenly stopped. But one of his doctors
people are of the opinion that the unheard sounds are of unique succeeded in getting it beating again. The Holy Father came back to
importance. I can understand their viewpoint but it is nevertheless life. Cardinals and Bishops crowded around his bed - awaiting first-
hand information about the decisive question: Who is God? The Pope
hardly less one-sided than that of rationalists who are only concerned
opens his eyes and is immediately asked: What did you see? What does
with what is directly audible. As we have seen, the audible and God look like? The Holy Father, obviously much shaken, can only
the inaudible do not exclude one another. The flexible nature of stutter: 'She . .. is ... Black.'
transitions - differently located with regard to the great diversity of Californian Underground Joke
forms of perception involved - makes clear that it is not accurate to Summer 1984
view them as opposites. Listening is nothing but listening! Listening
takes me without a break from one realm to another, and is itself the
vehicle for that. If I entrust myself to that 'vehicle', making attentive
use of it without precipitate abandonment, I cannot but be trans- I
ported from the audible to the inaudible - and of course back again. MEN AND WOMEN HAVE TO SOUND DIFFERENT
The word 'vehicle' can be replaced by the word 'Way' - as in the
Chinese tao, the Japanese do, and the quotation from the Upanishads This book is full of examples of how through listening we can gain
heading this chapter. Listening is the Way. The Way is Listening. knowledge, make discoveries, and find connections inaccessible to
seeing. The more examples the better in order to convince Westerners,
brought up to glorify the eye, that they also possess another
wonderful sense organ whose elevation is long overdue.
Scientists believe that they investigate everything, but they
deceive themselves. They mainly examine what can be compre-
hended in visual terms. They neglect what can be heard, and even
the organ of hearing itself. Physiologist Wolf D. Keidel sums up:
'The functioning of the eyeball has become absolutely clear to science
... but that is in no way true of the inner ear.'
In a great variety of spheres, man and rationalistic science,
primarily interested in seeing, have devoted more far-reaching
research to optical phenomena and processes than to auditive. That
is also true of the basically obvious question of why women have
higher and men deeper voices. Or, approaching the issue £tom
another angle: Why do men generally speak at a pitch between 120
and 180 Hz while women are an octave higher? That question has
not been answered in all the writings by biologists, anthropologists,
psychologists, evolutionists, etc., that have come my way, which is
understandable since their theories and conceptual structures were
almost exclusively developed by men with little feeling for the
130 The Third Ear Why Women have Higher Voices 131
dimension of hearing. If a 'visual problem' had been involved, it background. Their solo passages can only be heard if the higher
would long have received exhaustive treatment. There exists, for parts remain silent or are reduced in volume. The higher instruments
instance, a vast amount of thoroughly researched material on why play, the more easily they exert an impact. We hear the highest
people living in northern zones have lighter skins and hair than instruments - violins, flutes, trumpets - most clearly. Most people,
southerners. And yet that issue only concerns certain peoples and exercising their right to generalisation, feel them to be the vehicles of
'races' whereas the question of why women have higher voices the melody, the 'real' music. And no deep voice has to be omitted so
applies to everyone. Female voices are perceptibly higher in pitch that such melodies can be heard. Composers and arrangers of music
among all peoples - including the inhabitants of India, Asia, do in fact give prominence to higher instruments as the carriers of
Polynesia, Africa, and Australia. Women altos maybe able to go a what is perceived as 'melody'. They do not have any o'ther possibility
third or even a fifth below a male tenor, and a 'Heidentenor' may be in an orchestral tutti. They have to accept the fact that high voices
able to go a fifth above a contralto, but such 'overlappings' change dominate there. If they want low voices to stand out, they have to
nothing about the fact that the average female register is considerably keep the high ones silent - or at least at a very low volume. The
higher than the male equivalent. Interestingly, a tenor sounds impression is that the low instruments have to insist that the high
'deeper' to our ears when singing alongside an alto because he ones hold back, or they will at most be heard in an accompanying
generates lower and the woman higher overtones. That is also true function. A bass solo in jazz provides a good example. The
of speech. accompanying pianist has to hold back, playing just a few notes or
Let us first devote attention to striking differences in our capacity chords with lots of space in between. If he does more, he automatic-
for picking up high and low voices. That must entail some evolu- ally becomes the solo and the bass the accompaniment.
tionary function. It is certainly important that men and women I live in a little wine-making village on the slopes of the Black
sound different - as it is also important that they look different. Forest. Very many song-birds are to be found there too. Their
When we are out walking and someone approaching is still too far singing is most beautiful in the morning when they wake and in the
away to be recognised, the first thing we know is whether that is a evening just before sleeping. More important still, they all sing
man or a woman. Perception of sex is more highly developed than together at those times - at high, medium, and low pitches. And
other comparable capacities for recognition. We understand why that provides confirmation of what has just been said. When many
that is important, but if it were merely a question of differentiating birds 'make music' together, we hear those with the highest voices
voices evolution could just as well have equipped men with high most clearly.
voices and women with low voices. In certain respects that seems Anyone who lives in a town and hears traffic noises instead of
just as plausible. The protective and soothing character of a deep bird-song has the same experience. The highest sounds stand out
bass. voice accords more closely with primal motherhood in the from the general city noise-level.
early human tribes - as convincingly described by scholars - than a The same can be observed in cafes and restaurants where women's
higher and possibly shriller soprano. voices are most likely to be apparent amid the general babble of
conversation - because they have higher voices rather than because
they talk more loudly (although they sometimes do that too as do
men as well).
II The Weber-Fechner law in physics confirms that observation and
HIGH VOICES CARRY THE MELODY expresses it in a mathematical formula. Higher tones are more easily
perceived than lower if the energy employed in the production of
So we perceive high and low sounds differently. But what does the sounds is the same.
difference entail? When we playa record by a symphony orchestra,
we only register the deeper instruments - basses, celli, tubas, etc. -
when they serve a soloistic function. Otherwise they merely
contribute to the overall sound, providing warmth, sonority, and a
132 The Third Ear Why Women have Higher Voices 133
submerged trace of its higher status still lingers on in the process of than a coloratura soprano. A singer stands 'up there' on the stage,
hearing. Rene Chocholle, the French acoustician, established in and the public looks upwards from a great distance, both outwardly
tests that if the source of a sound is diffuse, most people instinctively and inwardly. Every note seems to say: Keep a respectful distance!
locate the higher tone 'above'. If asked about the origin of a diffuse Musicologist Kurt Blaukopf has shown that the West's great classical
deeper sound, they indicate downwards. And yet men are generally music - Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven - would not have been
taller than women. Might they have become so only in the course of possible without the patronage of absolutist courts, rulers, and
development towards a patriarchy? That question is provoked by princes, a patronage that puts an emphasis on high frequencies.
the huge, powerful bodies of women in the Stone Age sculpture Does it therefore imply that distance which the 'elevated' gentlemen
found in the Andes, Mesopotamia, Africa, and southern Russia. who 'sponsored' the music demanded? Does musical distance
Men were obviously viewed as being so unimportant that they were reflect social distance?
considered scarcely worthy of being the subject of sculpture. If men We must then go further and ask: Why is that the case? Because
always were taller - which could be verified through fresh dis- for hundreds of thousands of years we were programmed to perceive
coveries of ancient bones - then it becomes all the more clear that the higher voice as the voice of the ruler from whom distance had to
women's social and political position over hundreds of thousands of be maintained?
years has become a biological impulse. That is why we tend to locate Low music, however, bridges distance - partly because we do not
high voices as coming from above and low voices from below - merely hear it but can also often feel its vibrations physically to a
despite the fact that the source of a deep sound occupies a great deal much greater extent than with higher sounds. A listener to deeper
more resonating space than a high sound. sounds stops being just a listener. He or she no longer maintains a
respectful distance from the sound. The listener then himself or
herself 'resounds' - which is of course also an outcome of the notes
at the lower end of the frequency scale passing without a break from
V the audible to the realm of the palpable. We are no longer completely
HIGH DISTANCE AND Low UNITY sure whether we are hearing or feeling. Is our body vibrating together
with the sound? Are we not also a 'part' of that when our body
Higher frequencies carry over greater distances as well as being resonates just like the wood, the metal, the skin, and strings of the
clearer and more dominant. Rene Chocholle's experiments have instruments producing the notes? And yet that question is ultimately
also shown that a higher sound always seems to come from further peripheral. It does not'comprehend' the whole. It indicates a physical
away than an equally loud lower tone. Conversely, deeper sounds finding that represents, reflects, and symbolises something psycho-
establish oneness. That is why all of the world's meditative music logical, spiritual, and social.
stresses low frequencies - and we even instinctively feel that a con- Language once again makes clear that is so. It may not be able to
tradiction exists between very high music and the psychic process of measure frequencies but the ear can - and language answers the ear.
'becoming one'. Even relatively high instruments used for meditative Language characterises almost all 'powerful' unitary states and
music - such as the Shakuhachi flutes within traditional Japanese processes leading to oneness with the word 'deep'. We thus speak of
Zen - owe their fascination and expressiveness to great capacity for being deeply in love, a deep sleep, a deep attachment, deep unity,
penetrating downwards, accompanied by the vibrations of a large deep belief, deep religiosity, deep rapture, deep spirituality, and deep
number of low notes and undertones. No other human sound meditation. We would view language as displaced if those substan-
engenders such 'unity' as Tibetan monks' OM, descending into the tives had been linked with the epithet 'high'. Even the adjective
lowest registers accessible to the human voice. Overtones establish 'powerful' employed in that connection just now does not 'feel' right.
(as I shall show in Chapter 13, 'Overtones Open the Door') our link 'Deep' is needed there too.
with the cosmos, the furthest possible distance, but deep notes create Even in what are generally viewed as negative experiences of
the most direct connection with what is closest at hand - ourselves. oneness, the word 'deep' is also appropriate - as in deep suffering
Viewed in social terms, no human singing entails greater distance and deep grief. We only use such expressions when we were really
136 The Third Ear Why Women have Higher Voices 137
'deeply attached' to the people who evoke such feelings. The Winckel: 'A critical threshold of unease is transgressed more quickly
linguistic image of 'high suffering' does not exist. by high tones.' Almost everyone feels that if a shrill female voice is
As we said, language does not 'measure', and yet the word 'deep' is compared with a deep male voice. Many, many millennia of experi-
also mathematically 'right' - in a dual sense. On the one hand, it ence have led our genes to accept that a really high voice means 'Take
accords with the low sonic frequencies that express and often accom- care', 'Look out', 'Watch yourself', and 'Don't come near me'.
pany such states musically, and, on the other, it characterises the 'Male' frequencies are more strongly intermingled in some of the
frequency of the brainwaves we emit when experiencing 'deep sad- signals deriving from relatively modern (male?) electronic
ness' or 'deep meditation', or are 'deeply' in love. We are then in what technology - signals that go beyond merely simulating 'acoustic'
is known as an alpha state when our brain frequency is between 7 and sounds already possible in matriarchal times. It is as if men want to
14 cycl/sec. In a 'normal' state when we transmit beta waves, that is insist here on at long last making their 'sound', but things are against
considerably higher at between 15 and 51 cycl/sec - and our lan- them. Even in such cases the higher frequency range is felt to
guage would also employ the word 'high' to describe this state of ,}
dominate and carry further.
The reader will realise that I am structuring this chapter in such a The hermaphrodite is the work of humanity.'
way that its findings extend ever further. In order to be able to Theophile Gautier
continue doing that I need to ask the reader to recall the signals The reader has picked up signals in this chapter - unconsciously to
involved in warnings and exhortations to attention: door-bells and begin with, but from a certain point onwards with a mounting sense
telephones; communications in offices, businesses, and factories - of unease. High frequencies make us become submissive, feel infe-
inclusive of those rare occasions when men shout; sirens when there rior and fearful of expressing antagonism, presume hysteria, keep
is danger of catastrophe or war; and special sounds indicating the well out of the way, expect opposition (palaeo-linguist Richard
beginning, break, and end of school or the working-day. Wherever Fester has shown that the word 'No' derives from a female root in
an acoustic signal announces danger or a need for attention or almost all of the world's languages) , look upwards, adopt reverential
caution, insisting on immediate and unquestioning compliance, the attitudes, develop goose-flesh and shiver with cold, take flight -
preference is for higher 'female' frequencies. All that I have just and dozens of similar reactions.
written about such signals must also apply to women's voices at the I certainly don't want to depict the women of the matriarchy as
time of the matriarchy - unwelcome though that conclusion may be! being nothing but sources of fear and terror - yet the cult of the
The sergeant shouting at his squad on the barrack square instinc- Great Mother which existed at that time may provide an explana-
tively pitches his voice higher so that it reaches the level used over tion. Researchers into myth assume that blood and cruelty played
millennia for giving commands. The objection that the sergeant an important part in that cult.
only screams so as to be heard better does not go far enough. He is Entire libraries are devoted to books about the matriarchy;' and
more easily heard just because the frequencies deriving from female many relics have been collected and interpreted - even when so
levels of voice have over the course of time programmed us to mutilated as to reveal virtually nothing. But none of the clever
'listen' and 'pay attention'. gentlemen who wrote all those books hit on the idea of seeking out
The 'warning' implied in higher frequencies also becomes clear audible relics. Such relics don't need to be excavated and cleaned up.
from the fact that such frequencies are thought unpleasant very We all hear them every day. The world of listening is older and more
much more often than deeper tones. In the words of acoustician Fritz conservative, preserving in every single one of us, for a million years
138 The Third Ear Why Women have Higher Voices 139
and more, what has long decayed in the visible world. The world of orb in her hand; but when open God the Father is revealed between
listening possesses just as many 'fossils' as its visual counterpart. her breasts, and the crucified Christ concealed deep within the
One merely needs to use one's ears. And listen. And eavesdrop. And uterus. The dove of the Holy Spirit is sometimes also represented.
attend to language, to human tones and similar manifestations, and The 'Mother' was thus greater than them all, enfolding and
to our reactions. containing after having devoured. It is not therefore surprising that
That is simple - and the fact that scholars have done little or the Church finally forbade such depictions.
nothing in that sphere reveals their inner 'deafness' and the atrophy
of their (and our) hearing.
What has nevertheless been found by the best listeners among
scholars ready to hear within and by researchers into myths -
Bachofen, Erich Neumann, Mircea Eliade, CG. Jung, Berdyaev,
and more recently Ken Wilber - is revealing enough: mountains of
corpses in the matriarchy, sacrificed to the Great Mother whom the
experts see as the'dominant goddess' - a 'monster'.
Erich Neumann enumerates: 'The self-mutilation and suicide of
Attis, Esmun, and Bata; Actaeon who ... was torn to pieces ...
Aithon who burned in the fire of his own passion ... Hippolytus
who was dragged to death by his horses ... The list extends for
pages - and in each case the revenge of the "Great Mother" was the
central factor.' Her cults must have been an epitome of terror.
Ken Wilber writes: 'One merely takes the whole corpus of what is
called "Great Mother mythology" and subjects it to a type of statistical
analysis as to the fate of the individuals who came into close contact
with the Great Mother, as reported specifically and unequivocally
in the myths themselves. What one finds is that the individuals
involved with the Mother invariably came to a tragic end, invariably
are killed or murdered, or commit suicide or are castrated - in
general they are simply devoured by the Mother or one of her
The Great Mother was present at graves and executions - up to
the time of Jesus. By then everything had been covered up, but the
decisive detail remained visible: the Mother at the cross.
Other evidence pointing to ancient Mother religions is still valid Vierge ouvrante - open and closed (by an unknown Master).
too. Mary was a 'virgin', and Christ was extolled as 'the lamb of
God'. The lamb became the favourite 'substitute' for a human sacri- No one shudders any longer when a clergyman offers the chalice
fice as the Mother's bloody rituals gradually became 'more civilised' with the blood of Christ and the wafer as the body of Christ. In that
and living beings were no longer slaughtered without further ado. moment we still partake of human blood and human flesh as we did
The 'devouring', 'exterminating' power of the 'Great Mother' for hundreds of thousands of years in the 'Great Mother' cults. We
remained in people's consciousnesses until the Middle Ages. The have remained what Ken Wilber casually calls 'nothing but a
Marian statues of the Vierge ouvrante constituted her strangest "momma's boy" '.
symbol within Catholicism. When the figure is closed, it presents the We don't shudder when we drink the blood but we do obey fear-
familiar image of the Virgin with the young Christ and the worId- fully and respectfully when something within listening-range
140 The Third Ear Why Women have Higher Voices 141
another word related to vir. The femininity receives confirmation in even if the women are to be heard as women. Women's voices are
the word Virgo, the Latin for virgin. Virility thus referred to female always the first to be heard.
virtues until men usurped the word, and propagated views about What thus becomes audible in music is only an auditive print, an
praiseworthy aspects of their own sex. aural model of what also happens in society. Musical ensembles,
Men were under-employed during the matriarchy - just like lonely groups, and choirs are social models become audible ...
suburban housewives today. Hunting was only a hobby so that was Only since the beginning of this century have women, inspired by
not enough. They therefore formed groups, clubs, associations, and early feminism, started forming their own groupings and - as people
communities. Women didn't have any time for such things. The say today - 'organising' themselves. Male associations still serve as
gentlemen sat around and passed time together. The fact that they a model there since there is no better one. Anyone who has learnt
did that for hundreds of thousands of years meant that such something for several hundred thousand years should be sufficiently
behaviour became programmed. In Africa, in Polynesia, in experienced!
Indonesia, among Red Indians, and among Westerners. It is Men were also seen as unimportant because the connection
always - or almost always - men who get together to form associa- between procreation and birth was unknown - as it still is among
tions, societies, orders, gangs, gentlemen's clubs (which have no such people as the original inhabitants of the Trobiand Islands. This
female equivalent), Rotary and Lions clubs, and much besides. Male link only became known during the transition from the Stone to the
choirs developed in that way too, allowing men's voices to be heard Bronze Age - which means that it remained a mystery for many
at last. Women were not in need of that. They did what was more hundred thousand years. The relationship between frequency of sex
enjoyable: singing together with men where they corne across even and rarity of a birth made it difficult to get behind what was
more strongly. That is why there are so few women's choirs. Male involved. Even today many people - including the Dogon in West
choirs do nevertheless still dazzle with those dark, warm sounds Africa with their highly developed social system studied and
which have fascinated listeners since antiquity: impressive, fear- admired by ethnologists and psychologists from all over the world -
inducing Islamic choirs; mysterious Indian choirs; homely German believe that there exist two- or three-year pregnancies. In many
choirs; and faultless Japanese choirs. Islamic countries pregnancies lasting several years are still provided
The subordinate nature of male voices has always been a problem for in law. People there are sure that the woman decides whether she
in choral literature: from early madrigals by way of Bach, the wants a child. When she does, she will get one.
Classics and Romantics, up to the present day. Handel, for instance, Even later, when the connection between the sexual act and
deliberately tried to accentuate male voices more strongly. A good pregnancy had been recognised, the distance between woman and
example is provided by the chorus 'He trusted in God' from the man remained enormous for tens of thousands of years - to the
'Messiah'. The men's voices can basically only be clearly heard disadvantage of the man. Richard Fester has shown that in every
when they sing by themselves: at the beginning when they introduce language all the words entailing domination corne from female roots.
the fugal theme, and briefly each time they have a new fugal entry. All the emperors, princes, kings, maharajahs, pashas, and even
As soon as the women join in, they dominate the music, and the men samurai were originally women - as is linguistically revealed.
merely add weight. We can also see from the robes, habits, and gowns worn in any
That becomes even clearer in Schiller's celebrated 'Ode to Joy' in courtroom or church today that judges and priests were originally
the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. 'Be embraced, women. Men had to carryon wearing these women's clothes in
o millions. This kiss for the entire world' is sung by the men alone, order to retain credibility when they took over those 'jobs' from
just like a male choir. But when the women enter, the immediate women. Cato was still aware of that, revealing why senators in
impression is that they predominate, even though the men continue ancient Rome wore togas (women's clothing): so that the 'people' -
singing. The same happens a few bars later at the lines 'Brothers, whose reactions were largely unconscious - might accept the
beyond the canopy of stars there must dwell a loving Father'. When senators' 'claim' to exercise the power which in fact they already
Beethoven wants the male voices to be heard as such, he must ensure possessed.
that the women are silent. The men can, however, continue singing As early as last century, the celebrated French geographer, Elisee
148 The Third Ear Why Women have Higher Voices 149
Reclus (1830-1905) whose journeys and studies paved the way for so lands on a wobbly stone, she utters a little cry. In my opinion, such
much of today's ethnological, anthropological, and sociological behaviour is relatively characteristic of her sex.
knowledge, wrote: 'Humanity owes to woman everything that has One can also observe couples coming out of a cinema. It is almost
made it human. She was the creator of all the beginnings of civ- always the woman who first says something. Men have long
ilisation.' A hundred years later Richard Fester's palaeo-linguistic maintained that women 'babble too much'. That is a patriarchal
research led him to conclude: 'Women were the beginning of the prejudice. It would be more objective to say that we all most fre-
development of human society - and decisive for survival of the quently and pleasurably do what we are best at. Women 'can' talk.
species. They created language - and thus the precondition for They are more skilful, quicker, more expressive, and more creative
cultural development. They invented the first tools - and thereby in that sphere. That is most apparent when they make love. Women's
laid the foundation stone for all further technology. They initiated voices and the sounds uttered are much more active and intensifying
religion and "churches".' than most men's contribution.
How ridiculous were older patriarchal researchers into language It is not just adult women who are more talented and gifted than
who maintained that men invented language while hunting! Richard men in the shaping of sounds. American behavioural researchers
Fester asks ironically: What for? So as to scare off wild animals? have also ascertained that baby girls react more strongly to aural
Lions, tigers, and wolves have developed perfect strategies for hunt- stimuli and baby boys to visual stimuli - and mothers 'know' that.
ing and killing. Evolution didn't need language to make them more In the majority of the thousands of mother-child relationships
perfect. Only one of the primal words ascertained by Fester is male, observed, mothers made greater use of their voices and responded
another is neutral, and the rest are clearly female. Women created more to the gurgling and other noises emitted by newly born girls.
language thanks to the primal female impulse towards enriching With baby boys the mothers more frequently employed 'non-
love, making it more profound and abundant - very unlike the auditive' movements and colourful toys.
male drive which seeks the most direct and immediate means of The fact that women very much more frequently punish children
gratification, and does not require language for that. Love was (and other people) verbally whilst men hit out points in the same
intended to become more differentiated with regard to children as direction. That too can be viewed as the outcome of woman's
well as to lovers and sexual partners. The phrase 'mother tongue' linguistic superiority at the time of the matriarchy - and of men's
describes a personal experience that everyone still has. We still - hundred-thousand-year-Iong experience of verbal inferiority and
like the first human beings - learn our first words, the words with inability to express themselves, accompanied by a sense of being
which our ability to speak begins, from a woman: our mother. perhaps physically stronger. Women's experience has been
diametrically opposite. They dominated and exerted power by way
of language .
I am writing this by a mountain river. A young couple are making
their way up the valley. The track is still blocked by snow so they are Apes - and there too particularly females - have a richly differen-
using the stream-bed. They are jumping - the young man leading - tiated sign language with hundreds of gestures and expressive
from ice floe to ice floe, and from rock to rock. Sometimes things movements used for communicating with one another. American
don't quite work out. They misjudge the distance to a rock or the ice zoologists have even succeeded in 'talking' directly to apes. Much
cracks beneath them. Then they are splashed and get wet. That attention has been devoted to the successes of Californian biologist
happens to both the man and the young woman. The man simply Francine Patterson who spent five years teaching Koko, a female
carries on, but each time the woman slips, goes through the ice, or gorilla, 300 signs in the Ameslan deaf-and-dumb language, and
150 The Third Ear Why Women have Higher Voices 151
even succeeded in motivating the animal to invent new signs of its singing. Are we still aware how privileged the ear is? We cannot
own. lighten the surrounding darkness since the 'source of light' is always
Another ape, Washoe, much depicted in illustrated magazines, outside ourselves. Perhaps that is the main reason why our visual
even learnt to understand and employ metaphorical references. For faculty is so strongly outer-directed whilst our hearing takes us
instance he also applied the sign for 'dirt', learnt from the example inwards. Hearing existed before speech, and thus inevitably also
of ape excrement, to a 'dirty' unpleasant character - which signifies entailed inner listening.
that apes can think in analogies. The predominantly listening character of early human beings
It seems as if men have retained primates' capacity to communi- programmed and conditioned their need to create and refine
cate by way of signs and gestures for longer than women. Doris and language. It is highly probable that evolution fostered auditory
David Jonas point to the fact that today there still exist Red Indian abilities just so that language was created. It is possible that women
tribes where 'tradition prescribes that men should only make limited were more responsive to that task since they were more concerned
use of language, and should communicate with one another by way with processing the information heard and converting it into
of gestures'. And in another context: 'It is highly probable that early directives. That would also be another reason why women had to
man made a virtue of his incompetence with language, especially as develop greater linguistic abilities. They absolutely had to make
his main task, hunting, demanded complete silence . . . For women more careful and precise use of language so as to command
the thrust of selection was towards constantly improving manipula- obedience.
tion of sounds whereas for men the pressure was towards improve- The fact that little attention has to date been directed towards
ment of orientation in space.' such matters completes the picture. Scholarship is a male preserve.
All that remains to be perceived of that today are residues - of After everything we have said, it is clear that male scholars are
interest merely as a means of being able to understand ourselves not - or are only peripherally - interested in such things.
better. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, woman's vocal and
linguistic superiority was as important for the development of
communication - and thus of civilisation and culture - as man's
three-dimensional ability was for opening up new living space, and XIII
thus for humanity's spread across the earth. POLYPHONY AS A MODEL
Throughout the immeasurable period of the matriarchy the ear
dominated - as had already been the case with the primates and To conclude these reflections on woman's vocal dominance and
animals as a whole. Researchers into evolution talk of the 'acoustic linguistic superiority, let us venture a little further, impelled by the
era' during the early stages of existence. ear and listening. Imagine a music in which the strongest element
Jean Gebser, Marius Schneider, and others have carried out totally dominates in the simplest fashion. That would certainly be
careful research and demonstrated that the primal human being was a monody: a choir of many different voices - high and low, women
listener. He or she lay or squatted in the hollows and dips of the great and men - all singing the same melodic line in unison or an octave
plains, listening intently to all the noises of the surrounding world, apart. What they are really doing is following the highest vocal line,
all those mysterious sounds thronging in from animal throats and which is what is felt to be the melody. The high women's voices thus
the undulating woods, from the movements of grass and leaves, dominate.
from the rustlings of snakes and reptiles, from caves and ravines, To that extent it is true that early music was monodic - long into
from winds and storms, from rain, hail, and thunder, from river and the patriarchy. Music is conservative and reacts slowly. It only
torrents. The Sanskrit word Nada ( = sound) originally meant river. 'notices' social changes when they are long past.
Sensing a river as sound must have been a matter of course for early Humanity had already long been immersed in the patriarchy
human beings. when polyphonic music developed. And yet it came into being at
Evolution is served by our capacity to emulate what we hear. We exactly the right moment, just before the patriarchy set about its
can fill the silence that surrounds us - with words, laughter, tears, greatest expansion of power - the rise of Western rationalism,
Overtones Open the Door 153
152 The Third Ear
Mahavishnu Orchestra. What do we hear first of all? Without any
men's greatest triumph in the history of humanity. That was
doubt - the high voices. We may hear all the others too - each
appropriate too since a considerable degree of rationality is needed
(almost) equivalent in status - but the high voices certainly domi-
for the production of well-organised polyphonic music. Maybe a
nate. We could even weaken the treble line and strengthen the bass,
many-voiced fugue or a toccata.
setting a single piccolo against a dozen unison Wagner tubas, and
The logic is that the more independent the different voices within
po.lyphonic music become, the more chances the deeper ones have of we'll still hear the flute first.
Taken to its ultimate conclusion, polyphony, like monody,
beIng heard as an autonomous 'male' viewpoint which does not just
proclaims: 'Woman' - but it also says: 'We' and 'Lord and Master'!
reproduce monody's separation - by octaves or fifths - from the
'female' line. No kind of fixed interval is involved since the choice is
always open.
Adorno proclaimed that polyphonic music says 'We'. That -
like much he said - may be true, but it is only a half-truth. The
reality is that polyphony, where many different people make
music together, is the only kind of music where the deep voices (at
'male pitches') can be heard as independent contributions. Otherwise
even children have more chance of being heard than men.
Polyphonic music may say 'We', but it only does that in order to
be able to say 'Lord and Master'. Its 'We' is predominantly male as a
means whereby the weaker element assures itself of attention.
Ma~ cannot, no matter how much he may try - and he certainly
has tned - make his voice dominate. So if he wants to be heard he OVERTONES OPEN THE DOOR
must strive fo.r pluralism: for many different and contrasting voices,
so that attenhon can also be paid to the lower, 'subordinate' parts. 'Can we view overtones as a kind of universal mantra tuning the entire
. The ,:"ord pluralism indicates what I am driving at. If everything planet - as the real universal language?'
Roberto Laneri
In the hlsto? of n:usi~ is a model of society - and there exist enough
competent Investigations demonstrating that - then what we are
talking about here is very much a model too. Democracy is a male
invention. It had to be. There was no reason why women should
have invented democracy. They had what they needed. And even MANY VOICES FROM A SINGLE THROAT
when lo~s of their powers led them to call for democracy, they did so
only hesItantly. Polyphony in music is what democracy is in politics: All of a sudden young people are singing overtones. Such vocal
equality of rights between all 'voices' including those which are harmonics were virtually unknown in the Western world until very
naturally 'subordinate'. recently. Now there are thousands of overtone singers. The situa-
So my postulate is: polyphonic music as a model. tion must have been similar in the seventeenth century when the
All of us, men and women, living in contemporary culture love technique of coloratura singing was developed, and within just a
polyphonic music. Not just fugues. New Orleans jazz and free jazz few years made its way into royal courts, theatres, and opera houses
are also polyphonic. Good rock is too. What do we love there? The throughout Italy and then elsewhere in Europe. Today's fascination
answer can only be: the equality of all the different voices we hear. with vocal harmonics parallels that interest in a new way of singing.
In short: equality of rights. Seventeenth-century concert-goers were flabbergasted by the
And now let us sceptically assess what we hear in all the human capacity to sing in that fashion, and listeners today don't
polyphonic music we love - from Bach's 'Art of Fugue' and Mozart's know what to make of the way in which a single throat seems to
'Magic Flute' to Coltrane's 'Ascension' and John McLaughlin's
154 The Third Ear Overtones Open the Door 155
produce two independently moving melodies, or chords where the half-note intervals, initially widely separated and then becoming of the overtone series are superimposed. They don't want to ever closer. The frequencies of oscillation and lengths of string
beheve what they hear, and think they're being taken for a ride. involved are inversely related.
Some people even assume that concealed electronics, a tape machine Let us imagine a string stretched over an instrument - most
backstage, must be at work, secretly providing the second - and simply a monochord, used by Pythagoreans for their experiments
third and fourth - voice. over 2,500 years ago. Let's assume that the string is tuned to the note
For hundreds of years the noble and ancient art of overtone C. If we divide it exactly in the middle, the same note C is to be heard
singing flourished in Tibet and North India, among the Siberian- once again, but an octave higher. If we divide the string into three,
M~ngolian Tuwan tribe, in the Buddhist monasteries of Japan and we hear a note related to the previous ones: a G, the first 'other'
Chma, and among a few talented Indian singers in the South note, separated from the C by the interval of a fifth. Children
American Andes. Rudimentary traces are sometimes to be heard in usually sing in parallel fifths when they start to harmonise.
the d.isin.tegrating falsetto of flamenco singers, in the tumbling When we divide the string by four, we repeat a previous action.
vocahsatIons employed by African pygmy tribes, and in increasingly We divide a half, and the outcome is once again a C, an octave
rare Bulgarian and Romanian folksongs. It becomes strikingly higher. The interval between this C and the previously discovered G
apparent that vocal harmonics are almost always used in a spiritual is a fourth. When we divide by five, we end up "with the major third,
context. then the minor third, etc. The intervals become ever smaller, and yet
The young people who have suddenly started singing overtones in each note seems to open up a new world.
Europe and the USA are not, however, concerned with some exotic Everything is still in accord with the 'fundamental note', which
imi~ation. Most of them have little or no knowledge of Asiatic, we will continue to assume to be C. Stillness becomes sound - so
AfrIcan, or American Indian precursors. They sing articulated and irrevocably that this is confirmed by the next octave. Then the first
well-controlled melodic phrases where every note reveals their opening occurs with the fifth, resulting from the third note in the
Western origins. series. Movement is still absent but is coming close - and is
A livi~g cul~ure ~f vocal harmonics now exists in Western Europe established with the next interval, the fourth. That could be said to
for the fIrst tIme smce the heyday of Gregorian Chant. Scholars 'awaken' the series - and the listener - to everything that follows.
point out that overtones were pursued - in a number of schools at Firstly to the third, which immediately confronts us with a decision:
least - much more consciously than in today's Gregorian singing. major or minor? We decide in favour of a sex: major/male or
Overtones develop from vowels, and the protracted vowel-related minor/female. We sense the 'clarity' this decision brings - and also
melismata within ancient choral singing's melodic lines almost think of the associated 'clearing up' of the weather and resonances
inevitably made the alert listener aware of vocal harmonics - with in many languages relating to consciousness and sexuality.
the.architectural proportions of the church or cathedral also playing Only now can we become 'active', and we feel this activity when
theIr part. we hear the sixth note. Once again we are faced with the decision
between major / masculine and minor / feminine, which excites us and
urges us forward to the seventh, which we find strangely alien. No
one likes remaining there. We sense we need a 'home' - and find it
II in the octave which we attain with a sense of relief, of inevitability -
OVERTONES INFORM US ABOUT REALITY and even almost a feeling of happiness. And yet we set off agaiI1 on
the second octave, proceeding as previously: for the most part
Overtones are contained within whatever individual note is sound- courageous because we tend to choose the major, but sometimes
ing as co-resonating higher tones whose oscillatory frequencies are also inhibited and uncertain if we take the minor because some
very much greater than the frequency of the fundamental. In every experience or other - probably unpleasant - holds us back from the
note we produce on a percussion, wind, or string instrument, an greater step. It then turns out that the minor second is the very
entire scale vibrates: the overtone scale that contains all whole- and interval for forcing us onwards - to a greater extent than the major.
156 The Third Ear Overtones Open the Door 157
We now see - and this will be further corroborated later - that series we are talking of an Idea. At times the third, seventh, ninth,
overtones are closely related to the reality in which we exist, to that and twelfth overtones may sound out, and at others the second,
reality which is the most important for everyone of us: the reality of fifth, sixth, and eighth, etc. - depending on the colour-timbre pro-
our feelings. Roberto Laneri, the outstanding Italian overtone singer duced by an instrument or singer. The complete overtone series is,
and composer, says that 'Overtones inform us about reality.' however, never heard. It only exists as an Idea. Indian sages say that
Harmonics, according to reference works, create tone-colour. the universe would burst asunder if the complete series were to
The fact that a violin sounds different to a trumpet is the outcome of become audible.
generating different overtone series. It isn't, however, only the tone- The degree of difficulty Western musicians have with overtones
colour that is created by the overtones. They also 'make' the music must long have become apparent. They believe that the fundamen-
itself. If music were to operate with 'pure' tones (with single-wave tal is almost all that counts, so it occupies virtually all their atten-
vibrations), musicians could slide up and down the tonal series tion. They are of the opinion that the fundamental 'makes' the music
without a break - similar to the way in which colour 'tones' merge with everything following on from that primary tone. Whether a
almost imperceptibly across the entire spectrum. However, 'pure' melody is played on a harpsichord or piano may concern musicians
tones practically never occur in the audible ~ as opposed to the to some extent, but ultimately they view it as the 'same' music. They
visible - sphere. Harmonics accompany every note, and it is the are only marginally interested in the fact that the two instruments
interactions between the principal vibration and the overtones that generate completely different series of harmonics.
make sliding smoothly down the scale - on, say, a monochord Eastern musicians have other experiences with their instruments.
string - so difficult for us. We constantly home in on the points For them the 'real' music derives from the overtones rather than the
where harmonic intervals seem 'right' - and only at those points do primary notes. As Indian music teachers tell their pupils: The music
we feel at ease. It is as if the auditory process 'insists' on this interval you make doesn't 'happen' in the notes you pluck or blow; it 'hap-
where it wants to stay. It doesn't want to perceive anything but the pens' in the overtones. That is why you must essentially listen to
'exact' interval. If it cannot avoid perceiving some - in most cases and work with them. The fundamentals are only a tool, an extension
hardly audible - tones in between, it does so only superficially and of the 'instrument' employed in this craft. In the view of Eastern
with noticeable distaste, moving quickly on to reach the place where musicians, anyone who remains at that level does not get beyond the
the 'correct' interval is 'established' - as if it were 'at home'. (admittedly important) 'technical' aspects of music-making.
The Sufis have marvellously captured the 'dwelling' of tones in
specific places. The Arabic word maqam originally meant stopping-
place or place of rest, but is also used in precisely that sense for the
concept of 'musical notes' (i.e. where sounds come to a stop) - and III
additionally for the 'dwellings of the soul' on its way from birth in a OVERTONES = SUPERSOUNDS
physical body through the 'stations of the heart' to maqam al-wisal,
the 'station of Unification with God'. Roberto Laneri says: 'The first step is to hold a note for a long time
So - to repeat myself but this is very important for everything and observe it. One takes the note and regards it as if under a
that follows - there cannot be music without overtones! If they are microscope. A drop of water may not reveal much about itself at
absent, any sliding upwards or downwards - using some electronic first glance, but when looked at more closely it contains the universe.'
source of sound since this wouldn't even be possible on a string - That is also true of overtones. Laneri: 'This is mainly a question-of
becomes an unmusical screeching, howling, and whistling where perception, of contemplation - not of taking action. The note is, as
'notes' are scarcely perceptible. Between 'tones' and 'overtones' there it were, illuminated from within.'
is constant feedback. The harmonics may be the outcome of a note Michael Vetter, the best-known German teacher and singer of
being struck, but the fundamental would not have an impact as a overtones, pursues the coming into being of such harmonics back to
note if the overtones failed to inform us of its character as such. the process of speech: 'Without knowing it we speak in successions
It becomes clear at this point that when we refer to the overtone of chords.' In order to uncover that, Vetter says we must
158 The Third Ear Overtones Open the Door 159
... slow down our tempo of speaking to such an extent that a single overtone singer and choir director, points out that tones are made to
breath is scarcely enough for a word. We must therefore take time to rise - much more consciously than in other forms of singing - out
really attend to what is happening in individual sounds and their of specific parts of the body: stomach, pelvis, abdomen, chest,
transitions ... for instance accompanying, millimetre by millimetre, throat, and head. In the head in particular there are various centres
the path taken by the tongue from i to u, which is more difficult than where the tones also develop in different ways. Experienced
the hand describing a trajectory in the air feeling the slowness to the practitioners of vocal harmonics can thus develop intensified
full. musical consciousness in the area of the hypophysis (the so-called
All teachers of overtones refer to the slowness of this process, and to 'third eye') or at the highest point of the cranium. The skull is seen
the importance of listening and letting be. Vetter makes clear that as the primordial model for the cathedral dome where tones vibrate,
the important thing is to 'make music oneself', and yet 'basically move, and transform themselves, reverberating for long afterwards.
be nothing but a listener . . . never knowing whether I am hearing You thereby gain a different relationship to time, seeing through
what is actually taking place acoustically. Or does anticipatory its illusory character. You think you've been singing overtones for
dreaming - or dream-like anticipation - mingle with a somewhat ten minutes but two hours have passed.
sparse reality, which is nevertheless founded on overtones and thus Paul Horn, the jazz flautist and saxophonist from British
in turn makes no distinction between the audible and the inaudible Columbia, made a recording in the Taj Mahal near Agra in India -
... ? Time and again ... under the spell of the question: Who is and later also in Egyptian pyramids - and was enthusiastic about
really singing there?' the reverberation, which allowed the sound of his flute (and voice)
Time and again mention is made of: listening, perceiving, taking to unfold like a blossom. It was as if the sound expanded above him
one's time, being attentive, observing the inner aspects of what is like a cascading firework, and then slowly floated down as a thou-
happening, allowing things to unfold without interfering, and being sand tiny light-particles. He only needed to be receptive and
conscious - in other words, factors that are also of importance in attentive, and then he could constantly absorb each tiny particle
meditation. of time and light as a blessing, fusing it with the sound of his flute,
It's not just chance that almost all good teachers and singers of and transforming it into renewed cascades of notes as if the music
overtones also meditate. Someone playing a piano reads a note in were happening with and through him rather than being made by
the score and tries it out on the keys. The singer of vocal harmonics him.
listens to the note's constantly changing possibilities within himself Huxley, Leary, and Castaneda - long preceded by medieval
or herself. He Or she must pursue an inner search in order to be able mystics - spoke of the 'Doors of Perception' through which we must
to produce a note. Every time that is a new adventure, an step if we want to open up new areas of consciousness. The first
unrepeatable process. Perhaps that is why so many young people 'door' for young Westerners in the fifties and sixties was dope:
are attracted towards singing overtones. You cannot simply 'come hashish, marihuana, LSD, etc. Today no one needs that any longer.
on strong', 'strike out', and be sure that now this or that tone will They need breathing, prana, oxygen, meditation, contemplation.
resound. You must be cautious and careful, listen inwardly and feel Those are the 'doors'. And overtones! That is the main reason why
what's happening there, and allow the overtones to come, assisting young people learn to sing in this way. They want to go through the
them only with great circumspection. No strict relationship exists 'doors'. Laneri: 'Using overtones as a vehicle you attain other
between the fundamental and the overtones. There are many, many dimensions.'
possibilities. A friend of mine, who only recently started learning There exist infinitely many overtones because there exist end-
singing vocal harmonics, believes: 'Overtone singing is a musical I lessly many prime numbers. Every way into the realm of overtones
Ching.' The coins or the yarrow stalks fall differently every is also a way into infinity. The overtone series never ceases. It
time - and yet they always give a meaningful answer. continues for ever, and if you allow yourself to be carried along it
Overtone singing establishes a new sense of the body. The singer will take you ever higher. That shouldn't only be comprehended
must 'adjust the entire bodily system', become more sensitive, and metaphorically. It is also mathematically and physically true that an
constantly be alert to inner activity. David Hykes, the American overtone series never comes to an end - to the extent that it is not
160 The Third Ear Overtones Open the Door 161
limited by our range of hearing. The way begins as soon as one overtone singing. So even morphologically such singing entails
enters it - with the consciously and attentively heeded primary development of spiritual energy.
The more overtones sound out, the more 'resplendent' the music
is. That is not poetic embellishment. Rene Chocholle, the French
acoustician, uses it in a strictly scientific context to describe how IV
'numerous high overtones' can change music. In Roberto Laneri's MUSIC : MATERIAL OR TRANSCENDENTAU
words: 'Overtones light up music.' That is true both physically -
because overtones really can make music brighter and more filled Overtones and the sensorium for their perception playa minor part
with light - and spiritually: because the infinite series of overtones in Western music compared with most other cultures. Of course
leads us to higher and more luminous dimensions. their existence is known, and their vibrations contribute to the
Laneri has fun in translating overtones as 'supersound' - a going creation of tone-colours. They cannot be avoided, and they auto-
beyond tones. matically sound out, 'dictated' by the instrument being played. It
Anyone who enters upon the way of the overtones - as some was probably the introduction of tempered tuning in the eighteenth
inward journey like the Tao - moves in quanta. From whole century that resulted in ever greater atrophy of awareness of
number to whole number. From one harmonically meaningful tone overtones in Western music. That was inevitable because tempered
to another. Omitting the many that lie between. tuning amounts to negation of natural tuning, which is postulated in
Max Planck developed the quantum theory by observing over- every single note by way of the accompanying overtone series. It is
tones on a monochord. Kepler discovered his planetary laws - almost as if a piece played in tempered tuning - and thus virtually
particularly the third - through working with a monochord. all Western music - insists on correcting nature. Not a single note in
Heisenberg says that insight into the law of harmonic relationships such a piece is heard in its natural relationships - apart from the
is 'one of the strongest impulses within human science'. Once again octave itself. Man's belief that he can do things 'better' reigns.
we see that overtones inform us about reality. They provided a man Tempered tuning probably also led - directly or indirectly - to
aware of harmonics with correct insight into the quantum character the rising cadences so characteristic of Western music. For us it is
of reality at a time when academic science still thought nature does self-evident that melodies generally tend to rise upwards. Any child
not proceed by leaps. It's hard to believe that people really credited called on to playa scale or a triad will start with the lowest note and
that. That only shows the degree to which rationalistic and mecha- move upwards. Hardly anyone who listens to music devotes atten-
nistic thinking can lead us astray. And also demonstrates that we'll tion to the fact that the situation is different in almost all the rest of
be rightly informed if we rely on the 'Way' of the overtones. the world. Descending cadences predominate there. Even cadences in
Tibetan Tantric sources indicate the enormous energy at work in the American Blues, which is a hybrid form, tend to move
overtone singing. Warnings are often issued against employment of downwards - and that is even more evident in African, Indian,
such energy if consciousness is not rightly aligned. Morphologically Amerindian, Balinese, and classical Japanese and Chinese music.
our throat is akin to the tube in a jet plane - and it isn't even necessary Dane Rudhyar, the important American philosopher of music and
to envisage the accompanying turbine to pursue the comparison composer, writes: 'The vocal and instrumental sounds we hear are
further. The Pulso-Jet does without a turbine, achieving the only the resonance of matter ... The audible sounds produced by
necessary compression solely by the way the tube is shaped. Our this resonance rise.' Cultures whose cadences move upwards are
throat does exactly the same too. We have no - or at most a 'matter-orientated'. Descending cadences, on the other hand, are
minimal - physical sense of the energy unleashed in this tube. It is derived from the overtone series - and thus ultimately from the
inconceivable that this should vanish, so we must assume its conver- cosmic and spiritual sphere as the dimension where harmonics arise.
sion into psychic energy. That happens whenever we use the pulso- It could be said that such music descends to earth like a gift, like a
jet of our throat for creating sounds, but of course most strongly of blessing.
all when this utilisation is most complex and differentiated - during Rudhyar reminds us of the link between consciousness of overtones
162 The Third Ear Overtones Open the Door 163
and devoutness - an experience so familiar to ethnomusicologists the great Western concert music of the Classical and Romantic
that it is almost a rule laying down that: The richer and more periods, overtones are really only something additional that is
differentiated the overtones in a culture, the more profound and included anyway. What counts and is desired is the primary note -
highly developed its spiritual potential. struck, stroked, or blown. That, however, signifies that the note is
Perhaps the situation can be seen as follows. Overtone-conscious primarily seen as an isolated phenomenon. Every note is separated
cultures with downward moving melodies receive their music from from all the rest. It is detached from its 'participation' in other notes
above. The Western world derives its music from below, from the and abstracted. In other words, Western music has done with notes
realm of matter, releasing such music in order to offer it to the what science has done with nature since Descartes and Bacon -
heights. isolating, alienating, and sundering things from their natural
Musicologists apply the adjective 'functional' to the harmonic
system used in our Classical and Romantic music. The link between
V 'functionality' and 'harmonics' - which would not be conceivable
THE FATAL CONNECTION: WESTERN in any other culture"': is revealing. What 'functions' is not the
SCIENCE AND WESTERN MUSIC whole series of overtones but always just the 'intended' note with
reference to the related chord. In these chords the musical process
Astonishingly, the more rationally Westerners thought, the less resists the overtones - as if Western music wanted to say: only notes
interested they became in their music's overtones. created by man and his will to go his own way vibrate here; not the
And another correlation: The more richly and consciously a tones that accompany nature, cosmos, and universe. That tendency
music is endowed with overtones, the more timeless it is. The most is (as previously mentioned) even more strongly emphasised in
timeless music in the West, scarcely influenced by the comings and Twelve-Note and Serial music.
goings of other styles, is Gregorian chant. It is also replete with The workings of functional harmonics are somewhat mechanical
overtones. in the Newtonian sense and in accordance with rational scientific
Ever since Twelve-Note and Serial music made their appearance, thinking. They function like academic medicine's view of a person
Western musical fashions and trends have changed so fast that one as merely a succession of chemical reactions, which can be manipu-
can hardly keep up. It must be realised that the composer creates his lated by introducing the necessary chemicals - as if creating
own 'tone row', his own 'scale', which determines musical develop- 'modulations' within functional harmony by interpolating notes
ments in detail because it both negates (not for the first time in the from outside the scale.
West) and is in fact decidedly hostile to the overtone series. There can be no doubt that classical and romantic harmony has
The most timeless music on this planet comes from the great functioned wonderfully well. Great, elevated music has come into
Indian classical tradition, which also disposes over the most differ- being through that very system. Evaluations are not at issue here.
entiated awareness of harmonics. The mechanistic and rational view of nature, and the accompanying
In the development of electronic music there came a time in the science established by Descartes, Bacon, and Galileo, have also
fifties when some musicians and composers infringed the most functioned marvellously. They made technical civilisation possible.
important of overtones' laws - and they still do today. They no The question at issue in our modern crisis is, however, what Jean
longer allowed overtones to 'come', to 'happen', but manipulated Gebser calls the 'deficiency': the degeneration, exaggeration, ,and
them instead, utilising every single overtone as if it were a primary hypertrophy of mechanistic thinking. That is what afflicts us today
note. There's no more 'opportunity' or 'adventure' in such music. It after centuries when we predominantly enjoyed its advantages.
sounds absolutely dead, and no one wants to listen to it. In music rich in overtones, the 'system' (as comprehended by
All that is basically only the outcome of a development that may Gregory Bateson, the great anthropologist and researcher into
have got under way a couple of centuries ago, but only now systems) creates the tones, whereas in Western classical music it is
retrospectively reveals what was involved right from the start. For the notes that establish the 'system' - in accordance with the old
164 The Third Ear Overtones Open the Door 165
mechanistic and rationalistic thinking. In the meantime the best says: 'What we do is to listen beyond superficialities to what all
clocks come from Japan - from that part of the world which for cultures have in common. We don't imitate anything. We also
centuries thought little of rationalistic calibrations. uncover within ourselves what we all have in common. It's just
Many musicians have discovered the difficulties involved in because we carry that within ourselves that it's common to all.' And
production-line manufacture of high-class instruments for the Stockhausen too has proclaimed: 'Every human being bears the
cultivation of overtones. A piano can certainly be manufactured in a whole of humanity within himself or herself.'
factory. The tempered tuning even demands that all instruments
be made exactly the same. But series manufacture of a sitar or veena?
That's hardly possible - even though it is attempted today: with
unsatisfactory results. On the other hand, the industrial production
of concert-grands has resulted in ever-increasing improvements in
precision and sound-quality. The fact is that what takes place in the
overtone series is something very personal, going back beyond the
relationship between musician and instrument to the kinship
between craftsman and material - as if some per-son's vocation were
to make himself heard through sound (per sona).
The instruments in a Gamelan orchestra on Bali are not inter-
changeable. Each orchestra has its own tuning and its own culture of 14
overtones. A craftsman or a workshop (usually an entire family)
constructs all the instruments in an orchestra, precisely attuned to
one another, rather than individual ones - and a gamelan orchestra
can include around forty different instruments. When an instrument
falls apart, Balinese master-musicians do not simply buy another. DOESN'T HARM ANYONE
They insist that the replacement comes from the family workshop,
the son, or the descendants of the man who originally produced all In my book Nada Brahma I attempted to show that modern televi-
their instruments. sion culture is a breeding-ground for aggressiveness because it is
Never before in the Western world have so many new instruments primarily directed towards the eye. Every evening aggression is
been devised and constructed as today. Only a few copies of each incubated in millions of family homes, which provide all the
prototype are made in most cases, and in many instances there is only cosiness and warmth necessary for such a process. Martin Grotjahn's
the original. Musicians make such instruments for themselves - and investigation of The Impact of Television on the Collective Uncon-
watch over them like a precious secret. Just as the masters of Asian scious' contains the plausible view, largely ignored by makers of TV
music have done for centuries - but once again it is important to programmes: Television reassures us every day that shooting harms
stress that the young people who behave similarly in the West are no one.'
not imitating 'Asian' customs. The initiative was entirely theirs. In The Schramm, Lyle, and Parker team of American psychologists
that respect too the instruments they build and play are also compared a 'radio town' in the Rocky Mountains where atmospheric
becoming part of the current of 'World Music'. conditions made TV reception impossible with a normal 'television
It's not just chance that this term has suddenly become so impor- town' where people spend an average of six hours a day watching
tant. The phrase 'World Music' is fashionable, but only because the TV. In the 'radio town' criminality was much less predominant and
West has all of a sudden discovered it. The music thus characterised family relations were considerably more harmonious. There were
is as old as the world itself. It's the only music that is above fashions, also fewer divorces and fewer problems between pupils and teachers
and truly timeless - which fundamentally provides the basis for all in the state schools. So why does no one draw the conclusions when
music. Karl Berger, one of today's best-known 'world musicians', findings are so clear-cut?
168 The Third Ear Listening is Improvising 169
The psychologists' 'Television in the Lives of Our Children' inves- Such an attitude is, however, in the interest of the powers that be.
tigation shows that very much greater inner and social 'balance' pre- In Nada Brahma I discussed the strange phenomenon of the poor
vails in the 'radio town'. A profound concord is to be felt between quality of TV sound despite the fact that we've long had the tech-
this finding and the fact that nature has located co-ordination of our nology to make the sound as good as the picture without sets
sense of balance in the ear, the organ radio-listeners use to a greater becoming very much more expensive. In the meantime the explana-
extent than TV-viewers. It is there that our situation is 'weighed' and tion has become obvious. We only want to hear as much as is
we discover whether we are 'balanced'. absolutely necessary for understanding the picture. We want - to
That also throws light on what is involved in being 'hard of use the language of myth - Odysseus's chains and wax, which we
hearing' - a phrase used by Martin Luther in his translation of the stuff into TV loudspeakers rather than into our own ears.
Bible. It is applied to someone who can no longer hear well, who no The chains are the electric leads connecting TV sets - and thus
longer really listens to other people (or his or her own voice) - and viewers - with aerials and the electricity supply. Anyone who
thus becomes 'hard' towards them. Hardness is therefore a vice for spends a lot of time in front of a TV set is chaining himself or herself
the ear. One registers with astonishment that the opposite is down. It doesn't matter whether the programmes captivate or leave
obviously the case for the eye. We talk about a 'cutting' or 'stabbing' the viewer cold. Over the longer term the chains of indifference cut
look, and about'a sharp eye'. Whatever cuts and stabs, and is sharp, much more deeply.
must be hard. So the characteristic 'virtue' of the eye is 'hardness',
and of the ear 'softness' and 'tenderness'.
Television, however, makes spectators of us. It does not want
participation, and it desensitises. The Schramm-Lyle-Parker team
analysed a hundred hours of programmes chosen at random. That
'reason' for what the others play. That is not, however, possible that there had to be a 'leader' whom the others followed. Today it is
because the concept of causality demands that time must pass i- known that the only time there is occasionally a 'leader' is when two
between what the initiator does and the response of the other or three birds are flying together. When, however, a large formation
musicians. Now, there certainly sometimes is a time-lapse before a of birds suddenly spontaneously changes direction, wheeling
group picks up on what a specific initiative may imply, but the through an S-curve or abruptly almost reversing course, without
response is much more frequently immediate. The group 'vibrates' disrupting their grouping, that is what the New Biology views as a
as a whole in 'collectively' changing musical lines, metres, rhythms, single organism. No leader regulates the formation. The flock
developments, and processes. moves synchronistically. It is a 'system', the now indispensable term
172 . The Third Ear Listening is Improvising 173
introduced by Austrian biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy and popu- composer does not listen to other people - or at most in ways only
larised by anthropologist Gregory Bateson. indirectly influencing his style. He listens to himself - and looks at
A group of improvising musicians is also a 'system' in that sense. the notes he is writing down. He takes the music from the medium in
If it's really 'together', it can react, move, and change as if it were a which it unfolds, from time, making it into a category of space,
single being. Like a flock of birds or shoal of fish. What happens in tangible as a score. If it can be said that great architecture is 'frozen
such groups obeys the laws of synchronicity rather than those of music' (Schelling), then composed music can be called 'musical
causality, and cannot therefore be explained down to the last detail. architecture'. The transposition of composed music into space can
Musicians can't do that either - but they do talk about the 'high' go so far that it doesn't matter if a composer is deaf. He must
which carries them along when a collective improvisation is parti- primarily be able to see what he writes. Beethoven is the obvious
cularly successful. Players in the Globe Unity Orchestra, a jazz exemplification of that - and one can hardly ignore the inner logic
ensemble of European musicians established in West Germany, speak (and tragedy) involved in Beethoven of all composers, a man who
about a 'sense of uplift'. Danish alto saxophonist John Tchicai once went further than any predecessors in constructing his symphonies
said it was so wonderful that you could only compare it with the in the same way as an architect a cathedral roof and dome or a
joys of love-making - which also depend on synchronicity and bridge, being almost completely unable to hear anything by the end
immediately become 'stale' if causality gains the upper hand. of his life. It is probably also revealing that musicologists have never
been able to determine with complete certainty exactly what was
involved in the great composer's deafness. Beethoven himself was
hesitant about saying anything, as if ashamed that he, the master of
III an art dependent on listening, could no longer hear properly. He
WHY COMPOSERS CAN BE DEAF must have felt the absurdity of that situation. The listener to music
Systems that seem to exist as a single organism cannot come into also feels it - otherwise there wouldn't have been so much written
being in music without intensified listening. One could almost speak about this topic.
of 'inner listening', which rushes ahead of 'outer listening' in a way Composed music is music transposed into space. Whatever exists
that cannot be pinned down in words. This 'rushing ahead' is a in space is visible. And what is visible tends to follow the dominance
characteristic of musical synchronicity. of the eye - especially in a civilisation where people have for
'Inner listening' of course also exists within a good string quartet centuries been shaped by such an ascendancy, during the very period
or an excellent chamber ensemble, but it is only of secondary impor- when the phenomenon of composing established itself in the West.
tance in composed music since the musical flow is determined by The supremacy of the visual is an everyday experience for every
what is picked up visually from the notes the composer uses to musician and musicologist. It is so much simpler - and quicker - to
'inform' the musician - rather than by what is heard and felt look in the score than to listen!
through the 'synchronistic system'. Synchronistic 'inner listening' Of course most composers hear their music inwardly when they
is here, as it were, something supplementary that brings the music of are writing down the notes - but some don't even do that. John
the quartet or ensemble closer to perfection. That is why it is so Cage thus asked Morton Feldman: 'Do you hear the music you're
important for musicians to play by heart. The more they can do writing down?' Feldman at first answered 'Yes', but Cage, referring
without visual information, the more uninhibitedly they can to his own compositional experience, persisted: '... Is it as if you
become a system that acts as a single organism. And yet - for that don't completely hear it?' Feldman then conceded: 'The truth lies
very reason - it is certainly the case that inner listening (and somewhere in between. I write it down so as to hear it.' To which
listening in general) is the primary consideration for the musician Cage responded: 'I don't hear anything.' Feldman: 'I don't really
involved in group improvisation. hear anything. I watch and observe it.' (Note the 'eye words'. And
Information gained through the eye predominates for the musician note too the insistence with which Cage conducts the conversation.
who plays composed works. The fact that a player is not primarily One feels that he is iII at ease. He knows that something is wrong. He
dependent 'on the ear accords with the process of composition. The is making music - and yet listening has declined in importance!)
174 The Third Ear Listening is Improvising 175
I We
Isolation Community
The West (especially in The rest of the world (principally 16
concert music) Asia and Africa, but also the
majority of young people in the
(None of these terms is to be taken as an absolute. Reservations I
We can summarise as follows: Synchronicity is the causality of
people who put the main emphasis on listening and improvising. Seeing entails judging. The eye passes judgement. The judgement
And causality is the synchronicity of those who primarily see and separates the judge from what is judged. Seeing involves keeping at
compose. The former occurs more in time, and the latter more in a distance. Viewed literally - if I bring an object too close to my
space. eyes, I can't see it clearly any longer. The outlines blur and the
Improvised music says We! - to an even greater extent than the structures are no longer perceptible. When the object is one or two
polyphony Adorno extolled. Composed music says I! The composer centimetres away from my eyes, it starts to get dark; and when it is
listens to himself and to his own inner voice. The improviser listens _ right on top of them, things are completely black. This shows that in
firstly and primarily - to the people improvising with him, to his the moment of becoming one, the eye loses its function. The eye
fellow human beings. The composer is alone. The improviser is part must in fact stop looking in order that this becoming one may be
of a community. possible. That is why most people close their eyes when kissing and
Our age is becoming aware - hesitantly and much too slowly - making love.
of hypertrophy of the visual and the associated dangers, and more The eye needs distance in order to be able to judge. For our other
and more people are once again starting to recognise the ear as our senses, however, the closer the better.
most important and noblest sense. That must result in intensified The whole of Western philosophy - from the Greeks onwards -
consciousness, interest and joy, active involvement, and experience is a philosophy of passing judgement. It may have split up into a
with regard to improvised group music. And that is exactly what is variety of directions, systems, and conceptual structures, but all
happening. schools of thought have one decisive factor in common: they pass
judgement; they separate; they criticise.
Criticism has been a central concept in Western philosophy from
Plato by way of Kant to the Frankfurt School. The word criticism
derives from the Greek krino, which initially meant sever, divide,
separate, select, choose, and prefer, but as early as Plato's time had
come to signify accuse, pass judgement, decide, condemn, etc.
H therefore Western philosophy's love of wisdom and truth
(which is what the Greek term philosophia entails) primarily
involves separating, judging, and criticising, then it is a philosophy
of seeing, serving the sense that is more predisposed to passing
judgement than any other. The dominance of the eye is built into
philosophy right from the start - and certainly in a positive sense
too with its sublimity, diversity, originality, and stringency. Some-
one at the end of that line of philosophy, Jean-Paul Sartre, expressed
what is entailed with his stupendous capacity for observing himself
178 The Third Ear Putting to the Test 179
as if he were another: 'Never before have I sensed so clearly that I around for three days with my eyes bound. I didn't even realise that
think with the eyes' - he wrote as a young soldier in Alsace at a when the workshop started. I only noticed that when we arrived,
decisive phase in his life when he was starting to philosophise. care was taken to ensure we didn't see one another. No one knew
Separation of the world into observer and observed, subject and what any of the others in the group looked like. I was told: We're
object, which is the precondition for criticism, creates distance and now going to bind your eyes 'for a while'. I thought perhaps that
remoteness. As we have seen, the eye creates - and needs - distance meant for an hour. Then we would see one another. The others
and remoteness. If it comes too close, the result is a blur, which is a thought the same. None of us knew when our blindfolds would be
central concept in the holography employed in neurology and taken off. On the first day we hoped it would be the following
physics. morning; in the morning we hoped it would be in the afternoon; on
We make mistakes if we are distant. We can best perceive some- the second day the hope was of the third. . .
thing close at hand, but then the process of judging, the primordial By the evening of the first day we already had a fairly accurate
separation, comes to an immediate stop. We simply know: That's idea of the other people in the group - and of the two therapists and
the way things are. The closer we edge up on something, the more their staff, who guided and assisted us when we couldn't cope on our
judging changes imperceptibly into experiencing. Our most own. Like people who can see, we chose favourite partners among
powerful experiences come during states of oneness. Conversely, the group, which didn't just involve men selecting women and vice
when oneness becomes closeness, closeness distance, and distance versa. They were simply human beings with whom we got on well.
remoteness, then experiencing and participating are transformed There were a few rules. We weren't allowed to say anything about
into observing, judging, and condemning. We 'stand back' - and our profession, training, age, or possessions. What mattered was
must do so in order to be able to see. what we were, not our role in society. What. counted was Being, not
We cannot be deceived with regard to what we have experienced. Having.
We know that. But deception is possible as far as our judgements The room in which we spent most of our time was sufficiently big
and observations are concerned. We can deceive ourselves from the for us not to come into constant body-contact. When we encountered
distance the eye creates and needs. The danger of deception is or bumped into one another, we first asked: Who are you? As early
increasingly reduced as we approach the closeness our other senses as the second day that was hardly necessary any longer. We
require. recognised one another by voice and physique. Of course men first
got to know women, but the women soon learnt to distinguish
among one another, and the men picked up that ability too.
We were not allowed to take off our blindfolds during the night
II either. We all slept in one big room. Anyone who had to go to the
THREE DAYS WITH BOUND EYES lavatory was guided there by a sighted helper. By the second day
most of us found the way by ourselves. When we poured out coffee
It is possible to try out all of this for yourself. You can experience or tea, we put a finger-tip in the cup and stopped pouring when we
what this book is about. It can only be demonstrated in experience. felt the liquid. We could distinguish without seeing between butter,
While working on this book I took part in a group experience: for cheese, honey, and jam. Many different dishes were available buffet-
three days I couldn't see. Any blind person may laugh, but the people style. We chose what we wanted and passed on the dish to our
in the group who lost their sight for this period soon discovered it neighbours, perhaps accompanying it with a recommendation or
wasn'tajoke. There were eleven of us - four women and seven men - description so that they knew whether to expect something sweet or .
entrusted to two Berlin therapists, one male and one female. sour, liquid or dry, spicy or bland.
It may sound unlikely that someone who had for years been It was difficult to put up with not being able to see. During the first
working on books about hearing should hit upon such an experience night one of the participants - a sportswoman - said she couldn't
by chance, but I swear that really was the case. Friends had recom- stand it any longer. She wanted to leave. The therapist had explained
mended the group to me but not revealed that I would have to run that we could go at any time but would not be permitted to return.
180 The Third Ear Putting to the Test 181
This woman thought she needed constant eye-contact. She was the breathing. For instance, take eight pulse-beats for breathing in, and
only person who became aggressive as a result of not being able to eight for breathing out. Everyone of us was capable of feeling the
see. The other ten of us observed that renunciation of the eyes made pulsing as a gentle inner knocking throughout the entire body.
us less aggressive. The sportswoman was ultimately particularly The experience of other impulses and stimuli we generally only
glad that she had stuck things out. perceive superficially was similarly intense: fleeting contact with
It wasn't only human encounters that moved us. One of the someone else's skin, an encounter between two fingers, and stroking
therapists put a newly hatched chick into my hands. I made a cage the back of a hand.
out of my fingers and kept the chick there for about half an hour. I If we bump into someone on the street, we say 'Sorry' and carry
felt the tiny heaving body, the struggling legs pricking me, and I heard on heedlessly. We have perceived nothing of the person concerned.
the cheeping which sounded fearful but then became ever calmer so But just fleetingly touching someone in the corridors of the house
that I suddenly sensed: the little creature feels at ease. where we were becoming aware of the borderlands of experience
I'm sure that if I'd had use of my eyes I would have moved my helped us perceive a great deal of the essential nature of that person -
hands much more, opening the fingers so as to see the chick better. I in avoidance of contact, bodily movements, holdings back, and the
would thus have made it edgy and restless. It wouldn't have felt so way in which the other wriggled past between us and the wall.
secure. At that moment we no longer had any tactile senses, we were our
We made figures out of modelling day. One of the women parti- tactile senses. We experienced why these tactile senses are unique
cipants produced an elephant. When we were able to see it on the among all our senses in existing throughout our entire body rather
evening of the last day, we were amazed at how carefully it was than just in the head. In every pore, in every muscle, in every square
modelled. She had made only one mistake. The trunk was some- centimetre of our skin. We received signals from everywhere. Of
what too thin and had fallen off. When she fixed it on again, she had course they also reach us in our everyday lives, but we pay scarcely
attached it at the wrong end. I had produced a bowl, and when that any attention to them there. Now, however, we became our sensory
got too boring I made a hole in its base. When I could see what I had apparatus - a unified feeling and touching and perceiving where
done, it was shaped like an ear - and the hole I had bored with two signals were themselves reality rather than informing us about
fingers was also comparable to an ear. reality.
At breakfast it was wonderful to find an egg in a big bowl, care- It was marvellous to experience how considerately and carefully
fully shell it without breaking the skin, find the egg-spoon, put some we treated one another. We listened intensively for one another. We
salt on the edge of the plate marking where it was so that the achieved harmony. If we had been able to see, we would have been
marmalade didn't taste salty afterwards, and carefully eat the egg much less considerate. We really experienced - beyond the
without the yolk overflowing from the egg-cup. Never before had I theoretical insights provided by psychologists in books - how
so consciously perceived the soft, elastic membrane enclosing an much more lovingly we treat one another when we do not preci-
egg. I didn't just eat the egg: I had an intense experience. I under- pitately judge by way of visual appraisal.
stood why we call its membrane a 'skin' - as if it were the delicate We went out for a walk together, responding to the Berlin street
skin of a body we love. sounds. We experienced the atmosphere in a cemetery without being
The subtle intensification of our senses, which increased from able to see the place. At a metro station someone asked us why we
hour to hour, became exemplarily clear when one of the therapists were wearing blindfolds, and I told him we'd just had an operation.
asked us to sense our pulse without touching it. If during everyday The man said he was very sorry and wished us a speedy recovery.
existence we want to know our pulse-rate, we do what doctors do. We expressed our thanks, but had to laugh out loud.
The doctor takes our wrist, and if he is a conventional medic At the cemetery I heard three different kinds of music, and could
observes the strongest pulse-rate - but not the many different rates, distinguish clearly between them. The guitar sounds came from high
nine in all, an acupuncturist can register. Now however - in our up on the right, obviously from an open window or a balcony. I
state of intensified capacity for perception - the therapist only sensed that this didn't involve a radio. Rather someone sitting there -
needed to ask us to feel our pulse and make it the measure of our perhaps a young woman - playing the guitar. Then there was
182 The Third Ear Putting to the Test 183
funky, black rock music, moving quickly from right to left. I needed. That had also been true of this workshop. When you need a
thought someone must be carrying a radio or cassette-recorder, but group, you find one. It was only then that I revealed I was a writer
then excluded the radio because the local stations wouldn't broad- who produces books on listening. I talked about my work on how
cast George Duke or Herbie Hancock at two in the afternoon. The the eye can be deceived. These three days were a test granted me.
other music came from the cemetery church or chapel, and I under- Perhaps they were a present. Now I know - more authentically
stood that a funeral service was in progress. I really could hear and than ever before - that what I have been writing about in recent
distinguish between all three kinds of music at the same time - each years is "true". It was put to the test in this group.'
as what it was. I'm sure that if I'd been able to see at that moment I
would either have missed hearing something, or have thought the
superimposition of three incompatible kinds of music disturbingly
chaotic. Now, however, I was following these different sources of
music with the greatest of interest, enjoying each of them. III
I banged into a tree, felt my way around the bark, and guessed it OF RAY CHARLES, ROLAND KIRK, AND
was a birch - which it was. SLEEPY JOHN ESTES
We listened, felt, tasted, and smelled with an intensity none of us
had previously experienced in our lives. The most surprising thing In my workshops, seminars, and groups, I frequently ask participants
was that at the end of the three days we also looked with similar to blindfold themselves so as to increase the receptiveness of their
intensity. hearing, feeling, and other senses inclusive, ultimately, of seeing.
During the afternoon of the final day the therapist asked us to There are often blind people present, who are particularly open to
select an ideal partner. We sat in front of that person, looked at him the world of hearing. During my time as a jazz producer I sometimes
or her, and at that very moment were allowed to take off our blind- made records or radio and TV programmes with blind musicians
folds. We then questioned our partner for ten minutes, following the who are frequently found in black music, and I assume that my
Zen intensive technique of Tell me who you are'. We saw the other present capacity for working with the unseeing was-stimulated by
person more intensively, more thoroughly, and more lovingly than that.
we would ever have done if we had seen whoever it was right at the At the end of the fifties I made a TV show in New York with Ray
start - saw him or her with what Goethe called the 'eyes of the Charles, the great singer who after the years of Cool Jazz
spirit', and more clearly than if we had observed for a month with reintroduced the blues into the world. When I came back into the
our 'everyday eyes'. studio after a break, the blind Ray was sitting at the piano. He said
Everyone was expected to say something in conclusion - and we he'd 'combed' the place but hadn't 'seen' any conga drum, so could
were now allowed to mention our lives in the world outside. One of I get one from next door. The studio was pretty large, and stuffed
the women felt that she had found the person with whom she got on with instruments and technical gear. Ray was nevertheless absolutely
best very much more quickly than if she had been able to see. She certain that there weren't any congas here. It seemed remarkable to
would never have chosen him if she had first seen him. She now me that he employed the word 'see' to describe searching through
thought he was someone very important for her. The eye would the place by feel, which must have taken him a long time.
therefore have led her astray about this human being's qualities. In the early sixties I discovered the later celebrated Roland Kirk as
Other people from the group had similar things to say. A young an unknown street musician playing for pennies in Chicago's South-
man remarked that his mother had always said: Don't let your side black ghetto, and immediately brought him to Germany where
choice of partner be guided by externalities. Almost everyone has I was then co-director of the annual Essen festival. This was the
been given such advice, but hardly anyone follows it. These three blind multi-instrumentalist's first television and festival appearance.
days had, however, demonstrated that important encounters are He amazed his listeners by playing several saxophones simulta-
blocked if one selects by appearance and judges accordingly. neously - mostly battered old objects he'd picked up in pawnshops
I added that in Asia you learn that the Guru appears when he is and flea-markets, using individual parts for making new instruments.
184 The Third Ear Putting to the Test 185
Kirk's hotel room in Essen was strewn after just a few hours with up the sound of an important tenor saxophonist or trumpeter. Once
innumerable parts, saxophone reeds, little screws, screwdrivers, we have it 'inside', we always recognise it.
and other tools. Everything was scattered all over the place so that In 1964 I presented Sleepy John Estes, the blind singer-guitarist, at
even someone who could see would have had difficulty in finding one of my first 'American Folk Blues Festivals', which at that time
what he wanted, but Roland sat calmly on a chair working away at moved through Europe each year, opening the ears of the young
his instruments, immediately laid hands on whatever he needed, English pop scene, inclusive of Beatles and Rolling Stones, to the
and occasionally asked me to pass him something, giving precise blues.
instructions: on the right-hand side of the window-sill; or on the left Sleepy (b. 1904) lived with his wife and his five children in a
of the bedside table next to the lamp; or at the foot of the bed. In all battered shed on the edge of a Tennessee cotton field. He became
my years in the company of jazz musicians I'd seen many working celebrated for his enormously expressive singing. Experts talked
away at their instruments, but few stripped them down as much as about him 'crying the blues'. His way of singing influenced many
this blind saxophonist, who then reassembled them as quickly as stars of white popular music - including Johnnie Ray and later Elvis
someone who could see. Presley. For thirty years the blind Sleepy was accompanied and
A few years later I presented Kirk at the Berlin Jazz Festival. I met guided by Hammie Nixon, harmonica-player and gas station
him by chance one day at one of the city's metro stations. I was attendant at Brownsville, Tennessee - first through the southern
appalled to see this man who was now a 'star' blindly feeling his states in the USA and then through Europe too. This guidance
way up some steps. I asked him where he wanted to go. To Edith' impressed me just as much as Sleepy's singing. Hammie looked after
came the answer - to a woman he had met in Essen who lived in Sleepy so lovingly that he might have been his shadow. He carried
Berlin. I asked whether Edith couldn't have. come to fetch him. Oh his instrument case, took out the guitar, guided him to meals, to the
no, he replied. He'd travelled this stretch with her yesterday, and lavatory, to his hotel in the evening, and helped him get ready for
now he 'knew' it. The following day I found out that he had man- bed. And Hammie accompanied Sleepy on the harmonica in exactly
aged to get to Edith's flat even though that necessitated changing the same way. With the fine-spun gentleness of the great New
trains two or three times in an unfamiliar city he'd arrived in a Orleans clarinetists rather than with the unexpected, sudden, and
couple of days previously. He did that with the same self-assurance harsh phrases of the other great blues harmonica-players such as
as all the people around him who could see. Kirk, too, employed the Sonny Boy Williamson.
word 'see': 'I wanted to see Edith.' When Sleepy and Hammie came into the studio, love was
Shortly before his death Kirk played in Radio City Music Hall as manifested. Not erotic love - rather the contrary: love in defiance
part of the New York Jazz Festival. I came through the door to the of all erotic possibilities. Years later that experience led me to attempt
backstage area, talked to George Wein, the festival director, and something similar in my workshops. I had people whose eyes were
hadn't yet noticed Roland when I heard: 'Hey Joe [as many musicians bound led and looked after by others who could see - for one or two
called me], please come over. I wanna talk to you.' I still don't know days, and sometimes only for a few hours. That may only have
how that was possible. Roland was seven or eight metres away. We mediated the vaguest idea of the thirty-year-Iong relationship
hadn't met for five years or so. I was deliberately talking to Wein in a between Sleepy and Hammie, but the important thing is to have that
low voice. There were at least twenty other people backstage, all experience. Participants reported that they thus experienced love
chattering away excitedly as is usual on such occasions. Several with a directness that is ever-rarer in our society. Both recipient and
musicians were tuning their instruments. Theatre staff were carrying donor were enriched by the happy experience of this love.
around drum cases and electronic equipment. . . There was a moment in our Baden-Baden TV studio when
While I was walking over to Kirk with a feeling of complete Hammie was out of the room and Sleepy couldn't find his guitar.
disbelief, I sensed that he didn't hear the general 'babble' as a con- Sleepy quietly sang to himself one of his celebrated blues stanzas:
fused mishmash of sounds but could pick up each individual voice 'Now when you lose your eyesight, your best friend's gone' - and
and filter out what he didn't want to 'perceive'. He thus stored up he was heard by the previously mentioned Sonny Boy Williamson,
the voices of people talking in the same way as we jazz people store probably the most celebrated harmonica player of the blues, who
186 The Third Ear Do You Hear the Rushing of the River? 187
responded with his own blues and the well-known line: 'Eyesight to more to be said, the meeting is concluded' - said Zen Master
the blind.' Unfortunately we didn't record that. It happened during Huang-Po, and sent his pupils to the meditation hall.
a break in recording. But I'll never forget this brief sung dialogue: A meditation belongs in this book, as in its predecessor. I place
the one lamenting the loss of his best friend along with his sight, and this meditation - towards which everything else has been leading -
the other affirming that the man grieving in fact possessed true at the conclusion. I only give the bare outline since teachers, courses,
'sight' - as if there were no doubt about who was 'seeing' and who groups, and books providing an introduction to meditation are to be
'listening' . found everywhere today. It is best to sit in a traditional meditative
Roland Kirk - who was blind like Sleepy John Estes but younger, posture. Anyone who cannot do that should at least make sure that
more positive, more powerful, and no longer merely 'cryin' 'n the knees are as close to the ground as possible - lower at any rate
sobbin' , - didn't need any Sonny Boy Williamson. He himself asked than the navel. The upper part of the body should be upright, focused
an audience of 2,000 in Berlin's Philharmonic Hall: 'Does anybody on the stomach, the hara, the centre of our existence, rather than on
here say I don't see?' And then into the disbelieving silence he threw the chest. You should breathe regularly and tranquilly without
the words: 'I tell you, I see.' And from all around, first hesitantly interfering in the process. The breathing should be allowed to flow.
and then ever more powerfully, came shouts of 'Yes!' and 'Yeah, You observe it in full consciousness, allowing yourself to be carried
man!'. And all of a sudden 2,000 people - or at least most of them - along.
comprehended what is involved in 'Eyesight to the Blind'! Our meditation will focus on a Mondo, the Zen dialogue between
Master and pupil providing in concentrated form both a task and
indications as to how it may be solved.
'Do you hear the rushing of the river?'
The Master asks his pupil.
'Yes, Master,' answers the pupil.
'That is the Way,' replies the Master.
Meditating on this Mondo alongside a river offers a particularly
17 profound experience. Sitting on a stone at the edge of a mountain
stream. Beneath a waterfall. On the bank of a river. On the sea-
Do You HEAR shore where waves are breaking. But the river is everywhere. Even
where you live. You only need put those questions, and the inner
river, the Nada, will make itself heard.
THE RUSHING OF THE RIVER? There is a marvellous tradition of meditating beside a river. It is
not just a matter of chance that the river is a favourite subject in
Chinese and Japanese pen-and-ink drawings and paintings. Drawing,
A Meditation pen-and-ink work, and painting have long formed part of Zen. The
artists have almost always been meditators. They preferred painting
'Meditation is simply what an individual at this present stage of
a river where they had also meditated. Painting is meditating.
consciousness has to do in order to go beyond that stage. . . If we are
to contribute to evolution ... then meditation ... becomes ... a new Waterfalls and bridges are often depicted in Zen pictures. The
categorical imperative.' waterfall is a leap within time - as in Science Fiction. At one moment
Ken Wilber you are still in this dimension, and then you are immediately in that -
The possession of many kinds of knowledge cannot be compared and yet you stay in the same river, the 'vehicle' and 'spaceship' for
with consciously renouncing the search for something specific. That your journey.
is best of all. There do not exist different kinds of spirit, and there are The bridge already symbolises the outcome. The meditator has
no teachings that can be expressed in words. Since there is nothing 'crossed to another shore'. Lao Tse 'crossed the river' before he
188 The Third Ear Do You Hear the Rushing of the River? 189
dictated his Tao Te Ching to the gate-keeper. Bodhidharma 'crossed So the Zen Master said: 'Meditate for another seven years.' The
the river to the north'. This motif returns time and again in Zen disciple: 'Just because of such a minor oversight?' Eko: 'Not know-
stories. Someone always crosses 'the' river at some stage. ing where one left one's umbrella is not a minor oversight.'
The river is a good 'vehicle' because it is beyond space and time. The river does not just rush onwards. It consists of millions of
At its source, in its middle section, and at the estuary - as a trickle, a drops of water. Listen to each individual drop. The drops in a
stream, and a river - it is always just 'the' river. Not just in China whirlpool or waterfall are as diverse for the river as the individuals
and Japan. This motif is to be found in our culture too - from constituting humanity. Be attentive. Listen to the individuality of
Heraclitus to Hermann Hesse. You never step twice into the same every drop.
river - and yet it is always the same. You are constantly travelling The river is the Way. You know - you've read - that it's more
on - and yet you're always safe in the river. As one Mondo has it: important to travel than to arrive. You need not know where the
'The bridge flows on while the water stands still.' river enters the ocean. The river doesn't know that either. No one
'You must risk jumping into the water without knowing how you reaches the final objective. Anyone who thinks they'll get there
are supposed to swim,' says Krishnamurti. 'The beauty of medita- deceives themselves. Even the great enlightened ones knew - and
tion is that you never know where you are, where you are going, experienced - that the Way always continues further no matter how
and what the objective is.' far they may have come. Even the Way followed by Buddha and
Jump. Swim. Meditate. Become theriver. Lay down this book. If Jesus leads further. You are wasting your time if you think about
you want, you can carryon reading later. This is the most important where it is leading. Thinking doesn't bring you any further since the
moment anyway. What you have to do is to meditate for twenty Way is without end.
minutes. You can't meditate, you can't even live - let alone love-
properly, if you're preoccupied about the future. Or about the past.
'Do you hear the rushing of the river?'
So be where you now are: on the Way. On that stretch of the Way
'Yes, Master. '
where you actually are at this very moment.
'That is the Way. '
Don't be anywhere else. Be here. Krishnamurti, Alan Watts,
Meditate on just that. To meditate entails paying attention and Bhagwan, and others have popularised the concept of 'here and
being attentive. Attentiveness involves doing nothing except: Sit- now' in the Western world - and that is a wonderful achievement,
ting. Breathing. Being aligned and in the Hara. Hearing the text. but such knowledge is thousands of years old.
Listening very closely to it. Being the text. Until it becomes a sound. Don't think that talk of the Way - the ancient Chinese Tao and
Become this sound. The text then no longer begins with the word the do in Japanese Zen - is just Asian nonsense. The word via (Way)
'Do' and ends with 'Way'. All the words are in the river, and the appears 880 times in the VuIgata, the Latin translation of the Bible
river rushes along, and the river is nothing but a rushing. and the most influential book in Western civilisation. So wherever
Krishnamurti: 'Meditation is like a river. It cannot be tamed. It you go, you are therefore on the Way, even in the Western world.
flows and flows and overflows its banks. It is music without sound. Yet Eastern wisdom can help you. For instance the Chinese charac-
It is the silence in which the observer ceases to be immediately he ters for Way. This runs Head + Foot = Way.
plunges in.' The old Taoists saw this as a sign indicating the Way. It says that
Understand what Zen means by attentiveness. A disciple came to if you follow the Way, head and foot will stop being two different
Master Eko. The rain was pouring down. The disciple had meditated things. The head will become the foot, and the foot the head, and
for seven long years. He expected a discussion about his spiritual both will become the Way. You will become the Way - from head
way, hoping for profound analyses and conclusions. But Eko asked: to foot . You will become one. I - the I that is writing this book and is
'Where did you leave your umbrella? To the left or the right of your much too much of a head person (and perhaps must be in order to be
shoes?' The disciple couldn't remember. He'd come to Eko full of able to write) - and many of my readers could also interpret the sign
excitement, concerned with much more important things than an as follows: Send your head down to your feet, and get going at long
umbrella. last! That is the journey we spoke about in the introduction to this
190 The Third Ear Do You Hear the Rushing of the River? 191
Head Meditate on that for a few months. You should do so at least once a
day for thirty minutes, or meditate for two twenty-minute sessions,
preferably in the morning and evening. Don't say: I can't do that. If
you really can't do that, that's alright too - and you should meditate
as often as you can. But you really know that you can!
You will soon feel - perhaps after just a few weeks - that some-
thing is changing. You are clearer, more precise, more present. You
are less frequently frustrated, less aggressive, more open, more
tolerant, more communicative. You sense that in other people rather
than in yourself. You have fewer difficulties with them. You make
Foot their acquaintance more quickly and gain new friends. You're
happier and laugh more often. You feel united with your fellow
human beings. You become aware that all are your brothers and
sisters. Those are the beginnings - a very modest start - of your
experience that All Is One.
You stop being over-sensitive. You become zen-sitive: more alert,
receptive, intuitive, compassionate. Your health may improve too.
Krishnamurti:' Being completely open and self-
(Foot + Head =) The way abandonment - to the hills, the sea, human beings - are the true
essence of meditation.'
book, the real Way! This book provides an impetus towards setting When you have started to change, meditate for another month or
out on that Way. two on your Mondo - and then switch to something else of some-
In the task we have set ourselves the river is the Way. what greater potency. Your new task will be:
'Do you hear the rushing of the river?' When you extinguish meaning and sound, what do you then hear?
'Yes.' That is a Zen koan from the eleventh century. Koans are formulae
'That is the Way. ' for meditation, absolutely comparable with mathematical formulae.
You hear - to adapt Martin Buber - the rushing of the river but When you have operated with them for a while, you will be
don't know where this rushing really comes from: the river or convinced that they do work. Zen meditators have employed this
yourself - the rushing of the blood in your veins and ears, your koan for eight hundred years, and the Japanese are practical people
primordial Nada, the rushing of Being. concerned with what happens on this earth. They would simply
If you meditate for long enough, you will hear Nada Brahma. The forget such a formula if it didn't function. Since it hasn't been for-
Shabda. The Naam. The Sangit. The Kirtan. The river of sound. gotten, you can be sure that you are now working with intense
Thousands of people have experienced it in their own particular spiritual potency which thousands of people have tried out.
way. That is why there are so many names for it. Among Zen monks Meditating is not the same as believing. Meditation involves
in Japan and China, among Sufis in Persia and Turkey, among experiencing something for yourself. A koan is not a declaration of
192 The Third Ear Do You Hear the Rushing of the River? 193
belief, just a technique for your consciousness, created by people your 'destiny' - 'in the single and preparatory intention of listening
who are geniuses as technicians of consciousness. They would never more intently' (Heidegger). Hearing more and more. Mounting the
insist on you believing anything if you haven't experienced it for curve. Going beyond the comparative to the superlative. Listening -
yourself. They have too much respect for you to try that. They don't more listening - most listening.
command: Believe. They say: Experience.
You extinguish the river. Its sound. Its meaning. Every meaning. What do you hear then?
Even what I said about it. You obliterate all of that - and At some stage you hear it. Perhaps just for a few seconds on the first
What do you hear then? occasion. Then ever more frequently. And for longer. Every time
What do you hear then? you hear it, you experience oneness. You hear - and see - oneness.
What do you hear then? You perceive it as you can never perceive with your normal senses.
What do you hear then? But this sense is also 'normal'. Otherwise we wouldn't have it. We
What do you hear then? have only let it atrophy. You perceive it as: the Truth. Now you can
What do you hear then? take it to yourself - Take the Truth - as if it were a material object:
What do you hear then? There it is.
You hear, you see, you experience, you taste, you smell, you
Basically things are simpler now. You only put that one question. know: You are the Universe. The universe is in you. You are in the
You listened to the river with both your ears. Now you cross over. universe. Everything is in you.
You listen with the Third Ear. With your 'real ears'. You can forget about all the clever books which tell you that.
You 'uncover' Primordial Sound. You now hear nothing but You've experienced it for yourself. And you experience it ever
that. You know that it can be heard. Ordinary people have heard it, anew - as the most precious moments in your life. You have reached
so you can hear it too. There is a place within you that has long a peak of listening.
listened to it. Otherwise this book would not touch you. You would Time and again stories are told about Zen monks laughing. Now
have given up reading it long ago. you know why they laugh, and the reason for this loud, resounding,
Let your task remain: echoing, triumphant, incpmparably joyous and assured laughter.
What do you hear then? You think monks should be tranquil and quiet. But their laughter is
like a rifle-shot. The most splendid laughter in the world.
The rushing has risen out of the cochlea in your inner ear into a I heard it for the first time in April 1962 when I bought a ticket for
logarithmic curve - open, endless, approaching the vertical- the Ryo-an-ji, the celebrated Zen garden at Kyoto. The monk selling
which signals a crossing over: from the rushing of the river to the tickets looked at the woman with me and laughed - just like a rifle-
rushing that you then hear. shot. At that time I didn't know what it meant. But the laughter
You hear it in your legs, which are painful from long sitting. Or remained in me. You don't forget that kind of laughter, and I
they don't hurt any longer because they know you won't pay any remembered it years later when I discovered what is involved in Zen
attention. You hear it in your breathing, in your stomach, in your monks' laughter.
sex, in your finger-tips, in your toes. You are that rushing. It's possible that you're now laughing like that yourself. You have
You are the rushing of the universe. The rushing of the big bang good reason.
that was a primordial sound which is still resounding - in the
cosmos; in the genes of everything alive on this planet; on every
other star; in electrons and photons.
If you extinguish meaning and sound, what then do you hear?
Yes, what do you hear then? Ask yourself that daily. For twice
twenty minutes - or once thirty minutes. That question can become
Songs of Praise 195
What music? In this book and its predecessor we have time and
SONGS OF PRAISE again come across the fact that our human and earthly music reflects
the proportions of the cosmos. Not every numerical value is a tone
'Adoration can light a lamp by the way a sitar is played.'
but every tone is a numerical value; and we have discovered that
(after an old Indian legend) nature prefers - to an extent exceeding all chance mathematical
probabilities - those numbers which are simultaneously tones. The
fact that 'the world is sound' isn't just a widespread myth or legend.
It is also confirmed in the established findings of fundamental
I harmonic research and many other disciplines. We have found the
'GOD HUNGERS FOR SONGS' world's tonal character confirmed in DNA genes and electron spins,
in the solar wind and geomagnetism, in the weather, and in the song
No culture - from the Indians of the Upanishads to the Jews of the of flowers and plants.
Psalms, from the Babylonians to the Aztecs, from the Egyptians to That leads to another question. If our earthly music started as a
the Japanese, from the Sufis to the Balinese - has ever existed that song of praise and in many instances still entails adoration, and if
did not experience music as a song of praise. Music was first created human music is only a minimal part of the universe's music, must
as a means of adoration. So as to sing the praise of the gods and God not cosmic music - the music of the spheres and galaxies, of
in joy and exaltation. That was the beginning, endowing music with planetary orbits, elementary particles, and genes - primarily be a
energy. That energy powered music everywhere: in love and sorrow, song of praise too?
in yearning and helplessness, in anger and pain. No one limited to earthly knowledge and insights is in a position
That beginning is still to be sensed in music. Only to someone who to resolve this question once and for all, but we can glimpse the
needs negativity in art to legitimate his own denial does it sound answer. Our final chapter presents evidence that may be of assistance.
naive to believe, towards the end of the twentieth century, that
music is a song of praise. It certainly is in Stockhausen's 'Light' and
Messiaen's 'Turangalila', in Coltrane's 'Love Supreme' and Miles
Davis's 'Bitches' Brew', in Ali Akbar Khan's 'Karuna Supreme' and II
in Stravinsky's 'Symphony of Psalms' . THE 'PURPOSE' OF MUSIC
Music can still be the 'shaft formed from songs of praise' of which
the Upanishads sing. This shaft drew the chariot of the sun, which Of all the many non-human musics and harmonic processes
couldn't cross the heavens without it. discovered in nature, one is particularly close to us: the song of
Marius Schneider has shown that the Sanskrit root bra can mean birds. This occurs in the same frequency area of audibility, and is so
both grow and adore. It is to be found in the names of both Brahma similar to human music that we have referred to it as 'song' since
the God-Creator and Brahman the Cosmic Principle. So Brahma the time immemorial. Musicians have been inspired by it for thousands
God grew to the degree that his praises were sung. The universe of years. Not just flautists but also the creators of symphonies and
expanded through song. works for organ: Beethoven in the 'Pastoral', Messiaen in many of
Martin Buber reminds us that the first myths were songs of praise. his compositions, Respighi in his 'Pines of Rome', John Cage in his
And Marius Schneider summarises: 'God hungers for songs'. After 'Song Books', or trombonist Albert Mangelsdorff in his
a life devoted to studying religions and spiritual traditions across the improvisations. So might the singing of birds also be a song of praise?
world, Schneider bases that view on all of humanity's myths and not Can we discover whether that is the case?
just on the Vedic tradition. All myths maintain that the world grows Zoologists and ornithologists explain birds' 'music' as being -
by way of song and music. 'May my song, full of sweetness and like everything else.,... a function of evolution. Bird-song is said to
fragrant oils, be a palatable repast for Indra' - invokes a singer of assure the reproduction and survival of the species. Anyone,
the Rig-Veda. however, who knows a bit about biology realises that nature
Songs of Praise 197
196 The Third Ear
them - which means all of nature's creatures including the human
possesses much more direct and simpler songless processes and race. Food perhaps even for the Gods who - as Marius Schneider
mechanisms which bring about the desired outcome in far more said - 'hunger for songs' .
predictable fashion. . .
Anyone who explains bird-song solely in terms of a blOlo?ICal
function is somewhat akin to a scientist viewing human musIC as
being biologically conditioned - which is not totally inconceivable. III
Imagine that an astronaut from a distant cosmic civilisation comes 'Do You KNOW How MANY MOSQUITOS
to our earth, attends a concert (perhaps a rock or jazz festival), can DANCE . . . 7'
make little of the music, but observes that young people get to know
one another, flirt, embrace and kiss, and then go home together. Let's go a step further. Human music and bird-song constitute a
When he returned to his remote star, he would announce that the specific form of a principle to be observed everywhere in nature -
'purpose' of music on earth is to serve preservation of the spe~ies. even outside the musical and auditory sphere. Zoologists tell us
When we smile at that idea, we realise that the evolutIonary about dances of joy involving baboons and chimpanzees. They
'purpose' biologists attribute to bird-song is someth~ng suppl~ maintain that such dances are necessary for purposes of reproduc-
mentary. The scientists are right, but what they have dIscovered IS tion, but apes can copulate even without such loud jumpings
no closer to the essential element thanour astronaut's findings about around. It may be obvious that the dancing does ease propagation,
earthly music. The scientists' discovery, which is open to logical making it more intensive and joyous. Human dancing and music can
demonstration, is only a secondary manifestation. Evolution makes do the same. But no evolutionist has ever proved that the 'purpose'
use of bird-song - as sometimes also human music - as an addi- of these dances is copulation - 'proved' in the way that scientists
tional means of attaining its objectives. It makes use of everything - use the word when attacking something which doesn't fit into their
including bird-song. . theories.
If scientists are permitted to take the postulate of evolutIon as Poets celebrate the dancing of mosquitoes: 'Do you know how
their starting-point, then we must also be allowed to set off from the many mosquitos dance / in the bright heat of the sun?' - and have
postulate of songs of praise. It immediately becomes clea: that our viewed that as a dance of joy ever since antiquity. Zoologists also
postulate leads further, even in scientific terms. Its range IS greater, try to interpret this as a function of preservation of the species, but
and it even offers an opportunity for scientists' evolutionary inter- here too the opposite interpretation is more likely. Nature probably
pretations. They cannot integrate adoration ~ith .their ideas, but uses the dance as a source of additional impulses for maintaining a
there is room for scientific theories and deductIons In the cosmos of species that would survive even without it.
people who start off with the hypothesis of thanksgiving. The Zoologist Jane van Lawick-Goodall filmed a chimpanzees' 'rain-
narrowness of the scientific world-view and the consequences of such dance' at the Gombe Reserve in East Africa during and after a heavy
thinking became apparent as early as Schopen~auer, who th.ought downpour. This was most certainly not a 'sexual' dance. The male
the song of the nightingale 'an incomprehensIble squandenng of apes rolled exuberantly and joyously down a slope, ran up to the top
artistic talent on an ignorant creature'. again, and rolled down once more. They tore branches off trees -
Anyone who observes and listens to birds sin?in.g - whether it. be the kind of palm branches that human beings also wave around on
in a cage in the corner of a room, or, more convincingly, on a spr~ng ceremonial occasions - and whirled them through the air, vocalising
morning with a blackbird jubilating at the top of ~ tree wh~se fIrst enthusiastically. The female apes were not in sight. Jane van
leaves are appearing - feels exactly what people In non-alIenated Lawick-Goodall was absolutely sure that this dance proclaimed joy.
cultures have felt since time immemorial. For the blackbird (or the The chimpanzees were 'celebrating' the rain.
lark or nightingale) singing serves exactly the same purpose as for us If such a 'rain-dance' has once been observed, it probably occurs
human beings - the purpose of making 'beautiful music' . Of frequently - and not just among chimpanzees. Are mosquitoes
expressing joy, adoration, and happiness - and of celebrating the expressing their joy when they whizz through the air after summer
festival of life. Nourishment for the souls of all those who hear
198 The Third Ear Songs of Praise 199
rainfall, dancing around one another in complex choreographies? Whales' sensitivity to sound and musicality is also demonstrated
Are elephants also communicating delight when their huge bodies in the way they move along in triple time. They break surface to a
and trumpeting trunks take on an almost floating lightness and stressed 'one' and disappear again after two more unstressed beats.
gentleness in a dance? Are kangaroo-rats doing the same when Or else they reverse the process: diving on 'one' and covering three
throughout the night their powerful back legs drum rhythms exactly times the distance under water during the unstressed beats. Both
paralleling what may perhaps be heard just a few kilometres away in upward and downward movements are structured in triple time.
a Yoruba ceremony? If those Africans are proclaiming joy, love, You could say that whales waltz along - not horizontally like
and interconnectedness with nature, might it be that similar human beings but vertically from above to below. They cover huge
rhythms beaten out by rats contain the same message? It is after all distances in that way - around 16,000 km a year from, for instance,
the same music. Alaska down to Baja California in Mexico and back up to the North.
Wolves and coyotes (observed and filmed by Jim Nollmann), and
whales and dolphins (documented by John C. and Antonietta Lilly)
sing together with human beings. The human sings first - and then
the animals join in. Nollmann and the Lillys also tried singing wrong V
notes, but then the wolves, coyotes, whales, and dolphins remained THE UNIVERSE DANCES
silent. They exercised the same criteria as human beings, and often
reacted more quickly and sensitively to wrong notes than the In his On the Nature of the Psyche, C. G. Jung reports on the
humans making music together. So it really is the same music! Elgonyi, a tribe on the southern slope of Mount Elgon in East Africa.
He observed that
. . . people came out of their huts before sunrise, holding their
IV hands - into which they spat or blew - in front of their mouths.
WALTZING WHALES Then they raised their arms and held the open hand towards the sun. I
asked them what that signified but no one could give me an explana-
Whales offer striking evidence of danced and sung music in nature. tion. They had always done so, having learnt it from their parents.
Whales' songs are filled with emotion which some human listeners The medicine man was said to know what this meant. So I asked the
find very affecting as if they were hearing their own species. Fisher- medicine man. He knew just as little as the others but assured me that
his grandfather would have known. People simply did that at every
men in Southern California or off Newfoundland say that you sunrise ...
become melancholy and can even cry when you hear these songs.
Musicians such as Judy Collins, Alan Hovhaness, Paul Winter, and That is the real tradition of which dance, music, and proclamations
Paul Horn have based their own compositions and improvisations of joy are a part. 'People' simply do things that way. Among the
on such sounds. Africans on Mount Elgon parents learnt it from the previous
The sounds made by whales are more differentiated in pitch and generation - just like the dancing mosquitoes, trumpeting elephants,
intensity than human speech. Even here, of course, zoologists believe and singing birds; the marriage ceremonies among bees, ants, and
that whales' songs prepare the way for mating. It has also been dis- termites; the 'spawning dances' (an expression coloured by evolu-
covered that such sounds are employed for echo location. They tionary thinking, but I make use of it since no other exists) among
don't, however, need to be anything like so differentiated for either fish; and hundreds of similar phenomena - including, of course, the
purpose. Young Californian zoologists have in fact recently conceded concerts put on by human beings. None of these phenomena is
that they are an 'extra bonus' on nature's part, which cannot be necessary for perpetuation of the species, but they create a frame-
explained in biological or evolutionary terms. They even contradict work in which procreation can be differentiated - becoming richer,
positivistic interpretations since the echo location would function easier, more joyous and lively because such phenomena themselves
much more reliably with simpler sounds than the whales' highly embody those characteristics. They differentiate the 'environments'
varied songs. of reproduction.
200 The Third Ear
Songs of Praise 201
Love is the name we give to the most differentiated procreative
It has long become apparent that no contradiction exists between
'ambience'. That is the objective towards which differentiation
the idea of songs of praise and the idea of love (even if biologists do
strives - and where and with whom it is achieved remains open. Is it
prefer to see it as procreation). Both serve higher development in
always attained among human beings? Certainly not. How do we
more than just a biological sense. As Teilhard de Chardin showed,
know that only human beings are able to achieve - or strive to
they increasingly counter entropy, death, and decline.
achieve - love?
Tantric and ancient Javan tradition tell of a 'Ladder of Love'.
'The dance' is obviously to be found everywhere right down to
When a woman loves a man, she loves all men in this one man.
the level of amoebas and cells. Physicists even employ the term
When a man loves a woman, he loves all women in this one woman.
'dance' with regard to the behaviour of particles in the atomic
Together they love all human beings, they love all beings. By loving
nucleus. It is possible that this'dance' is the primordial dance, shaping
all beings, they love to be - Being as the primordial ground of the
and conditioning all the other dances - and music, the acoustic
cosmos. They love Essence and Being. They love the creative power
equivalent of the dance - in nature and the universe. And the song
and energy of the universe which many of us call God. They
of the nightingale too. And the St Matthew Passion.
love - purely and simply. Who they in practice love is merely a
Since particles dance, everything that constitutes this universe
matter of preference, depending on their individual fate and its
dances. The dance of the god Shiva constantly creating the universe
On every rung of the 'Ladder of Love' the word love can be
exchanged without any loss of meaning for the word praise (laud).
Richard Fester has shown that in many languages the words for love,
VI laud, and live derive from the same root. For early human beings
THE LADDER OF LOVE living entailed loving and lauding.
The ladder continues upwards. It is impossible that it should stop
'Energy is Eternal Delight' runs a celebrated phrase by William
with human beings. It leads both above and below - into both the
Blake (1757-1827), the English poet and painter who at the end of
macro- and the micro-cosmos. Into the universe!
the eighteenth century foreshadowed Art Nouveau and Freud and
This ladder of adoration is reflected in the harmonic structure
Jung's unravelling of symbols.
which may have been known since Pythagoras but has never before
When children play joyously together, we can see energy and
been uncovered in such abundance as at the present time. And yet
delight becoming one. We sense it too when people dance the night
what has been found to date is only a minimal part of what remains
through - even though they become tired after just two hours of
to be discovered. The more the avant-garde of physicists and
their everyday work which demands much less of them. Everyone
cosmologers is gradually joined by the majority of scientists in
experiences it when making love. And it is impossible to believe that
breaking free of mechanistic, materialistic, and evolutionistic think-
we are so cut off from nature that what applies to us is not also true
ing, the more their senses will become attuned to tracking do~"m the
of the rest of creation. For the chimpanzees which shriek with joy as
musical, rhythmic, and dance-like ground-pattern of the Universe.
they roll down a slope. For the larks that sing as they ascend into the
The more science is impelled by both sides of the brain (rather than
heavens. For the vines that shoot up in arabesques, developing that
just by the left hemisphere), the more self-evident will it become for
vitality, energy, pleasure, and enchantment we later feel in our
researchers to direct their attention towards and catch up on the
heads when we drink the wine. For the dance of the photons, with-
previously neglected 'aesthetic' element, listening and yielding to
out location or mass and nevertheless energy. Here in the smallest
what can be intensely heard through the ears but was overlooked
particles in the universe - energy begins. Together with: delight,
during the centuries of mechanistic observation of nature.
joy, pleasure, happiness ...
It can already be concluded that whales' songs and 'waltzes', the
'Energy is Eternal Delight' - and by energy Blake meant bra,
songlines and sound-waves singing birds project into the morning
bringing about growth through songs of praise. The energy of the
air, the triumphant trumpeting of elephants, and the patter~s and
curves created by colourful fish in tropical waters are paradIgms -
202 The Third Ear Songs of Praise 203
audible and visible emanations of a fundamental pattern of it - or see, feel, taste, or smell it - but where, as Heraclitus tells us,
behaviour within the cosmos, shining through in both the micro- it is nevertheless hidden. That is yet another expression of this
cosmic and macrocosmic worlds in the dance of photons and the book's social and political relevance.
bongo-rhythms beat throughout the universe by pulsars millions I concluded Nada Brahma with the 150th psalm. Giving voice to
of light-years away. We encounter these paradigms everywhere. In praise receives more powerful expression there than almost any-
the waves of the sea, the patterning of shells and mral, and in human where else in world literature. When I started writing The Third Ear,
symphonies. Music and dance, love and praise, are concealed I had no idea that I would once again - despite following a very
everywhere. different course - end with praise and adoration. The journey may
Blake's 'Energy is Eternal Delight' is to be observed everywhere. not have been as direct as in Nada Brahma but it accords with
And as Heraclitus declared: contemporary indirectness and the hidden nature of the harmony
'The hidden harmony extolled by Heraclitus. That is why a contemporary version of the
is mightier psalmist seems appropriate in conclusion of this book - and I find
than what is revealed.' Nicaraguan-born Ernesto Cardenal's variation the most beautiful of
Poets speak of the 'celebration of life'. That is so omnipresent that
we can conclude: celebration is not just a characteristic of life, and Psalm 150
not even a function of life; Life itself is celebration.
Praise be to the Lord of the Cosmos
Living is lauding is loving. But what about all the dissonance?
Space is His Temple
After all we see daily that life also involves damning, hating, and
extending over billions
vomiting. And anxiety, fear, anger, rage, murder, war, disease, old
of light-years.
age, suffering, hunger, pain, death - all 'revealed' in exactly the
way Heraclitus used the word. By contrasting the manifested and Praise be
the concealed, Heraclitus made clear that what is 'hidden' is to the Lord of the Stars
mightier (see also Chapter 4, 'Thinking through the Ear'). Is harmony and of interstellar space.
therefore also concealed within dissonance? Do the limits to our per-
Praise be
ception become more immediately clear here than anywhere else?
to the Lord of the Milky Ways
We have seen that chaos does not exist. Cyberneticists' research
and what lies between.
into that area concludes that what seems chaos to us is also order.
The problem is that we cannot - as yet? - perceive it as order. If the Praise be
overtone scale is the only true and natural musical scale, then we to the Lord of the atoms
should take account of the fact that all notes are present there. But and to the emptiness surrounding them.
we first register the notes that seem harmonious to us - and I Praise Him
deliberately use the visual word 'seem' to imply the possibility of with violins, flutes,
deception. Then come the less harmonious notes, which are more and saxophones.
distant, but the idea of the overtone scale also entails climbing
upwards. The few people who have really done so have uncovered Praise Him
'hidden harmony'. They know that nothing is unharmonious. The with clarinets and English horn,
harmony close at hand may be more manifest, but the hidden with French horns and trombones,
harmony is mightier. with flugelhorns and trumpets.
Our task is therefore to listen more intensely, hearing beyond Praise Him
what is manifest. We should not be satisfied with finding harmony with violas and violoncelli,
there. We have to find harmony where we are as yet unable to hear with pianos and pianolas.
204 The Third Ear
Praise Him
with Blues and Jazz,
and symphony orchestras, NOTES
with negro spirituals
and Beethoven's Fifth, Considerably more extensive notes and a more comprehensive bibliog-
with guitars and xylophones. raphy are to be found in the German edition of this book. 'E' refers to the
Praise Him
with record players and cassette recorders. Introduction
15. Leibniz. The original Latin is so perfect that it is worth quoting: 'Musica
2. We See Three Dimensions
est exercitium arithmeticae occulturn nescientis se numerare animi.'
(G. W. Leibniz: Epistolae ad diversos, Vol. L Leipzig 1734). 34. Lincoln Barnett. Quoted from Roberto Laneri, Prima Materia
16. Superlearning/ Losanov method. See Sheila and Nancy OstranderlLyn (Dissertation, University of California, San Diego 1975).
Schroder: Superlearning. 36. Balance receptors. See also note to p. 2.
17. Auditive and visual sphere. On the establishment of relationships 37. Wataru Ohashi (B).
between various kinds of waves (here electromagnetic and sound 38. Alfred A. Tomatis (B). I only discovered the work of this great French
vibrations) see the note to p. 87/88. researcher into the ear and hearing after finishing writing Das Dritte
20. Paul Parin, Fritz Morgenthaler, etc. (B). Ohr. Tomatis' research provides fascinating scientific confirma-
Gregory Bateson. The Ecology of Mind (B). tion - from the realms of ontology, neurology, and evolutionary
21. Plato. Politeia. studies - of my own findings, but I can only follow this up in greater
lean Gebser. The Ever-Present Origin (B). detail in future publications.
22. Petrarch. Quoted from Jean Gebser, op. cit.
26. Prayer. It is characteristic of the Christian world's hostility towards the
body that communication with the Godhead takes place almost exclu- 3. The Ear Goes Beyond
sively through prayer. Not through the body - as in yoga, tantra, and
African religions. Not through dancing - as in the Old Testament still, 39. Rene Chocholle. Quoted from Dopheide (B).
primordial Christianity, Africa, the Aztecs, Incas, and in American
41. The ear consists of the outer, middle, and inner ear. The outer ear ends
at the highly sensitive tympanic membrane. Behind that is the middle
Gospel Churches. Not through the breath - as in Indian Prana tech-
ear with the three tiny bones which transmit and intensify the mem-
niques and many meditative cultures (since every breath we take lin~s
branal vibrations. The fluid-filled inner ear contains the semicircular
us - more directly than anything else - with the Divine and the uni-
canals and the spirally arranged cochlea duct which 'encodes' sound,
verse). Not through movement. Not through the unconscious and its transforming it into nerve impulses. The organs of balance (situated in
uncovering. Everything - or almost everything - only through the the semicircular canals) and the organ of Corti, the actual means of
mind. One could call that the reduction of religiosity to its absolute hearing (discovered in 1851 by Italian-born Alfonso Corti), are also in
minimum. the inner ear. Simplifying somewhat, it can be said that vibrations of
27. Early man as primarily a listener. Bachofen (B) is not alone there. See air operate in the outer ear up to the tympanic membrane; mechanical
also Jean Gebser (B). processes - magnified by the malleus, incus, and stapes - predominate
Krishnamurti (B). in the middle ear; and these suddenly and mysteriously break off at the
28. Richard Fester (B). inner ear's 'oval window', and are transformed into electricity. These
The ear establishes a more correct relationship. See also Chapters 2 and electric signals - about which we still know little - in turn stimulate
10. Those show that the ear's perceptions accord better than the eye's the auditory nerve. Over the course of just a few millimetres the ear
with the findings of the New Physics. Our visual sense corresponds thus transforms mechanical into electrical vibrations. The fluid with
better with classical Newtonian physics. We now know, which the inner ear - and above all the cochlea - is filled acts as a kind
however - see such physicists as Heisenberg (B) - that the Newtonian of shock-absorber. The most mysterious process is the 'encoding'. If
concept is a 'special case' and only 'explains' a minimal part of the the vibrations were simply transmitted, magnified, and transformed,
infinite universe. Classical physics is 'eye physics'. The celebrated the signals could become distorted as in corresponding forms of com-
postulate 'Measure everything that is measurable' was never really munications technology. If, however, the information transmitted
followed. In the majority of cases the old physics measured what was merely consists of the presence or absence of a signal . : . then minor
optically accessible. The minimal sector thus explained was that of the mistakes are unimportant. All that matters is that the coding gets
eye. through - and is understood and decoded in the brain. That, for
32. The Tibetan Book of the Dead (B). instance, explains how we can recognise even a much distorted familiar
voice over the telephone. The coding process is clearly mathematical so
it is independent of distortions and approximations, and it can be
assumed that evolution established this for autonomy's sake. (After
S. S. Stevens (B).)
W. D. Keidel (B).
208 The Third Ear Notes 209
establish that the planets move around the sun in integral harmonic (657.5 nm), Neptune (645 nm), and, as previously mentioned, the
progressions, we create a relationship between two completely differ- Earth and Moon. If, however, these frequencies are octavised into the
ent kinds of 'vibrations', 'waves', and 'frequencies' - between those audible sphere, the outcome is clearly distinguishable tones, ranging
of planetary orbits and those of our earthly, audible music. That is from an F sharp to a B (i.e. four semitones), which can therefore be
what we do if, for instance, we octavise and transpose from the sphere precisely delineated in words. The greater precision of hearing - and
of audible vibrations into the electromagnetic realm or the resonance its reflection in language - once again becomes apparent in this context.
of the DNA spiral. By doing so we are thinking 'ana-logically'. (See 93. Greek melodies descended. See Chapter 13.
Chapter 5.) 93. Kepler. Harmonices Mundi Libri V.
88. Earth, sun, and moon tone. Their greatest impact results from 96. Power supply system. Jose Delgado, a Spanish-American scien-
being octavised to the point of audibility and used for meditation, tist, has demonstrated in a series of much-remarked experiments the
which is why 1 produced the 'Primordial Tones' cassettes. Each of extent to which even weak electric fields affect our emotions and
these tones stands for the quality the associated heavenly body repre- well-being. Fields 'no stronger than what is radiated by a neon light'
sents in our consciousness. The sun tone for light, warmth, joy, abun- influenced the behaviour patterns of such different species as apes,
dance of life, and masculinity; the moon tone for love, sensitivity, human beings, fish, and dogs. 'Aggressive fish became placid in a field
creativity, and femininity; the earth tone for Mother Earth's power, with the right frequencies. Apes could be made frantic, loving, peace-
providing a sense of reality, a 'sure footing', and grounding a medita- ful, or high-spirited just by manipulating a dial.' While academic scien-
tor yoga-style. Meditations can be accompanied by some appropriate tists were - as always - still doubting such findings, the American
idea - such as 'I am Light' for the sun tone or 'I am Love' for the moon Army leapt on Delgado's research to put it to military use.
tone (as suggested in greater detail in the booklet accompanying the 96. Ultra-sound. According to findings by Dr R. Mendelsohn, lec-
cassettes). For couples meditating, which can also be of a Tantric turer in preventive medicine, Illinois University.
nature, there is a sounding together of sun and moon, or of Mars and 101. Hans lenny. Cymatics (B).
Venus (on the 'Primordial Tones II' cassettes). The sounds of the George Leonard (B).
heavenly bodies - and particularly of the earth, sun, and moon - are 101. Heisenberg (B).
'primordial tones' in terms of being archetypal. We - the genes for 103. Myths, legends . ... See Nada Brahma, Chapter 11.
everything alive - have been 'receiving' them on this planet for mil- 103. Paramahamsa Muktananda (B).
lions of years. They are impressed on our genes and our unconscious - Feyerabend (B).
operating like Jungian archetypes. When we hear such tones- 104. Itzhak Bentov (B).
octavised to the point of audibility - we once again recognise them as
something we have known right from the very beginning. Perhaps
that is the explanation for their strength of impact during meditation. 10. Total Listening
Primal tones are not just used by individual meditators. They are also
employed in workshops and seminars by many therapists and psy- 105. Meister Eckhart (B).
chologists, who are unanimous about their effectiveness. ('Primordial 106. David Bohm's holomovement is in my OpInIOn best expounded
Tones I' with Earth, Sun, and Moon Tones, and the Shiva-Shakti in Ken Wilber, The Holographic Paradigm (B) - with contributions
Sound. 'Primordial Tones II' with Jupiter, Venus, and Mars Tones, and by David Bohm, Karl Pribram, Renee Weber, Fritjof Capra, Marilyn
the Karuna Sound. Distributed by: Beyond, 648 N. Fuller, Hollywood, Ferguson, etc. This chapter makes considerable use of that book. Many
CA 90036, USA. Element Books, Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset, of my quotations derive from either Wilber's book or Bohm's contribu-
England.) tion to the Alpbach/Tyrol 'Other Realities' forum in 1983. Also of
90. Dorothy Retallack. From Peter Tompkins/Christopher Bird (B). importance are: David Bohm, The Implicit Order (B); Bob Toben,
See also Nada Brahma, Chapter 5. Space-Time and Beyond (B); Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Beyond
91. Concert pitch in the Baroque and Early Classical periods. From (B); David Bohm et al., On the Intuitive Understanding of Known
Riemann Musik Lexikon (B. Schotts S6hne, Mainz 1967). Locality as Implied by Quantum Theory (Birkbeck College, University
91. Sannyasin colour. That is a different orange 'tone' to the colour of London, 1974); J. A. Wheeler, Superspace in the Nature of Quantum
attained by octavising the earth-day (702 nanometres). Strikingly Geometrodynamics (Benjamin, New York, 1967); and Fritjof Capra,
many orbital frequencies lead - when octavised into the visual The Tao of Physics (B), The Turning Point (B), and lectures during his
sphere - to orange-red: Venus (616 nm), Jupiter (742.6 nm), Uranus 1984 visit to Germany.
212 The Third Ear Notes 213
109. Ch'an-sha Ching-ts'en. Japanese name Chosha Keijin. Quoted Ruff and John Rodgers: Saturnus-Jupiter-Mars-Terra-Venus-
from Yoel Hoffmann (B). Mercurius (Yale University LP 1571, available from: W. Ruff, School
109. Sarfati, Wheeler, Feynman, Codel. Quoted from Bob Toben of Music, Yale, New Haven/Conn. 06520).
(B). Earth's Magnetic Field - Realisations in computed electronic sound by
113. Satprem (B). Charles Dodge, produced at the Columbia University Computer
115. Eugene Wigner. Quoted from Bob Toben. Center (Nonesuch Records H-71 250, New York). Solar Wind and
116. Karl Pribram, John Battista. There are contributions by both Earth's Magnetic Field.
Pribram and Battista in Ken Wilber, The Holographic
DNA Suite by Dr David Deamer - 'A musical translation of DNA
Paradigm (B).
sequences' (Cassette Science and the Arts, 144 Mayhew Way, Walnut
Creek/Cal 94 596).
11. Audible and Inaudible Sound Primordial Tones - presented by J. E. Berendt. The Tones of Earth, Sun,
Moon, and the Shiva-Shakti Sound (Sun and Moon together): medita-
119. Upanishads (B). tion for individuals or couples. Hans Peter Klein and Cornelia Kiihler,
Bats. Even when it is completely dark, bats can avoid a wire less than a Sandawa-Monochord. (USA: Beyond, 648 N. Fuller, Hollywood, CA
millimetre thick without being able to see it - thanks to echo-location 90036 - England: Element Books, Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset.) 2
in the sphere of ultra-sound. They can thus locate even the smallest of cassettes and accompanying booklet.
insects, catching up to 500 in a single hour. Bats 'see' with their ears.
They can therefore hunt at times of day when birds are unable to do so.
Some kinds of bat - for instance the leaf-nosed bat - have such big 12. Why Women have Higher Voices
ears that they look like additional wings or sails. Bats' supersonic cries
come from a huge vocal cavity, capable of uttering 200 or more 129. Wolf D. Keidel (B)
impulses per second. Their intensity can be so great that they corre- 129.120-180 Hz. According to Cousto the range for the male spoken voice
spond to a four-turbine jet flying past about one and a half kilometres is c. 120-180 Hz, and for the female c. 200-250 Hz. This entails a
away - and yet human beings cannot hear bat-cries. Scientists who logarithmic function so the Hertz number doubles every octave.
have transposed such cries into the sphere of audibility speak of them Scientists with little feeling for the dimension of hearing. The case of
being 'horrible' and 'unbearably loud'. The volume guarantees that Alexander Bain (1818-1903), a celebrated English physiologist and
these cries are reflected by almost any surface. The bats' ears respond to psychologist, makes clear the degree to which awareness of hearing
reflections a hundred billion times weaker than the sounds sent out. atrophied in the dominant form of science. Even around the turn of the
Bats can therefore make precise distinctions between whether they century Bain could still maintain in all seriousness that binaural hear-
have located a grain of sand or a living insect. ing played absolutely no part in sound location, and that assertion was
Until just a few years ago, bat research was handicapped by scien- accepted (in the twentieth century!) by almost the entire scientific com-
tists' inability to imagine that these creatures could possibly 'see' with- munity - so little were scientists aware of conscious, attentive, alert,
out some optical aid, or that echo-location in many cases functioned and critical hearing. (See also note for p. 119 on Bats.)
more accurately, quickly, and in more foolproof fashion than visual Vocal pitch. Dictionaries of music usually give the following vocal
location. Insects and birds, which can see, can be led astray by various ranges: Bass C - f; Tenor c - c"; Alto e - e"; and Soprano g - f" (each
decoys, but that is not true of bats dependent on hearing. with corresponding range above and below. Descriptions differ because
Science is traditionally (and excessively) fixated on optical phenom- what is important is where a voice feels 'at home', not its deepest or
ena, so only in recent years did it learn to understand the diversity of highest note).
bats' capacities for perception - around a century later than compre- 131. Weber-Fechner Law. Named after philosopher and physicist Gustav
hension of the optical possibilities open to birds. Theodor Fechner (1801-1887) and physiologist Ernst Heinrich Weber
119. Shah Niaz. Quoted from Kirpal Singh (B). (1795-1878). Fechner discovered a way - based on work by
Weber - of precisely calculating the difference between pitch and vol-
Music for Hearing 'Audible and Inaudible Sound' ume. For him - and for science in general since that time - this was a
The Harmony of the World - A Realisation for the Ear of Johannes difference between quality and quantity. Pitch entails quality and vol-
Kepler's Astronomical Data from Harmonices Mundi 1619 by Willie ume quantity. Expressed mathematically, the law says that perception
214 The Third Ear Notes 215
intensifies with the logarithm of the stimulus. Later research consider- desses is a 'pattern' found in almost all cultures. Among the Greeks,
ably differentiated the law (by replacing Fechner's addition of sensa- Artemis, daughter of Zeus and 'eternal virgin', killed Actaeon with an
tions by multiplication) but confirmed the principle. Interestingly, arrow because he saw her naked. Aphrodite tore her beloved Adonis
Fechner chiefly valued his law because it seemed to prove the inde- apart after transforming him into a boar. According to Cretan legend,
structible oneness of mind and matter, implying an exact mathematical Erechtheus is killed annually by Athene's stroke of lightning. Demeter,
correlation between subjective relationship and the physically measur- grieving for the loss of her daughter Core, forbade plants to grow until
able - that very correlation denied by mechanistic and materialistic the whole of humanity died. Hera had lacchus, the son of Demeter and
science. That science adapted the law after its own fashion. It ignored her brother Zeus, dismembered. In another version, Demeter turned
the philosophic content and was fascinated by the possibility of mea- her youthful hero into a goat, which was then torn apart by the
suring human perceptions. To a certain extent one can say that maenads. The Minoan Zeus was chopped up with a double-headed axe
Fechner's law brought about the opposite of what he hoped. (After S. by his mother and first lover, the Earth Goddess Rhea. And Hera gave
S. Stevens (B).) Heracles (whose name signifies 'Glory of Hera') his twelve labours
High voices dominate. Here is more evidence uncovered by science: only because she hoped they would kill him.
Things were even worse in Egypt. Hathor, the daughter of Re the
1. The nerve fibres which convey sound-signals from the ear to the Sun King, changed herself into the lion-headed Goddess Sachmet and
brain are linked with different parts of the brain - depending on the became so frenzied that she wanted to eat up the entire human race. Isis
kind of frequencies carried. High tones end up deep in the cortex had Re bitten by a snake. In Sumerian Babylon the Great Goddess
while low notes finish up close to the brain's surface. Here too it is Inanna-Ishtar tore apart her hero Tammuz, and condemned Gilgamesh
obvious that evolution wanted to take high notes 'deeper', thinking to death because he rejected her love. Every king was dependent on the
them more important than low tones. Great Goddess's approval and inevitably ended up as a sacrificial vic-
2. Scientists at Harvard University in the USA have established a tim. In Asia Minor the Sun Goddess Arinna let vegetation dry up
subjective pitch scale. Test subjects were given the task of tuning an throughout the earth just because Telepinu left her. In Phrygia Cybele
electronic piano (by turning specific knobs) so they felt that the notes castrated Attis with her own hands, and in her cult the male priests had
were equidistant. This subjective tuning in no way accorded with the to whip and - taking over her role - emasculate themselves. In pre-
physicists' and piano-makers' 'objective' scale. What are called Mel Israelite Palestine the Goddess Anat cut open her lover Mot with a
units (from melody) were established so as to measure intervals in the sickle, decapitated him, and scattered his flesh on the fields. The
new scale. These investigations revealed that an octave around mid- wrathful and revengeful Semitic and Jewish Jahweh - 'Eye for eye,
dle C ranged over some 200 Mel whereas an octave at the upper end of tooth for tooth' - was only a patriarchalisation of lahu, the Great
the scale covered around 700 Mel. The experiments confirmed what Goddess of the Orient whose symbol of the 'Sublime Dove' degener-
many musicians have long maintained: the upper octaves sound
ated into the ascetic and misogynous 'Holy Spirit' in Israel and
'more expansive' than the lower. They therefore allow - and Christianity.
encourage - much more meticulous differentiations, which signifies In India Sarasvati, the matriarchal River and Water Goddess, had
that early human beings must have listened more attentively to Sun God Indra chained and dragged off to another country. She also
higher than to lower sounds. robbed Rudra of his manhood. The Great Goddess Kali has become the
3. Experiments by John William Strutt Lord Rayleigh, an important epitome of terror, and is often depicted bathing in blood.
English physicist (1842-1919) who won the Nobel Prize in 1904, point Among the Celts, Dana - the Danae of the North after whom
in the same direction. He showed that the sound of a tuning-fork (or Denmark is named - struck down her lover Dagda with a flash of
similar source of sound) of low pitch is much more difficult to deter- lightning. Ireland and Wales were totally devastated at the whim of
mine with accuracy than that of a high note or spoken word. (After Branwen, the Primordial Mother, whose lover and brother, Bran, was
S. S. Stevens (B).) castrated. The Irish Moon Goddess Morrigain transformed her youth-
134. Rene Chocholle. From Dopheide (B). ful lover Pwyll into a stag and killed him - like Artemis on Crete.
137. Richard Fester (B). Among the Germanic peoples of Scandinavia, Jord, the Earth Mother,
138.1.1. Bachofen, Erich Neumann, Mircea Eliade, C. G. lung. See (B). had the·men who pulled her chariot swallowed up by the sea. Freya, the
138. Ken Wilber (B). Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Fertility, transformed her brother-
138. Mountains of corpses in the matriarchy. Heide Gottner-Abendroth has husband Freyr into a boar, and then killed and cooked him - as
shown that the death of the hero-lover of the matriarchy's Great God- Aphrodite did to Adonis in Greece.
216 The Third Ear Notes 217
Heide Gottner-Abendroth also maintains that terror of death is a Corp., 13S West 41st St, New York/N.Y. 10036) (Singing by Tibetan
patriarchal idea. Under the matriarchy death was indissolubly linked monks including some impressive OMs)
with rebirth - with 'Dying in order to Become' - which women con- Cho-Ga, Tantric and Ritual Music of Tibet - Tibetan Monks from North-
stantly experience in their own bodies. Man tends to repress death; ern India and Nepal (Dorje-Ling Records, Box 1420, San Rafael/CA
woman accepts and transforms it. Viewed in that light, the blood that 94902)
flowed in the Great Mother's cults was a stream of life. Tibetan Ritual Music - Lamas and Monks of Tibet (Lyrichord LLST-7181)
140. Androgyny. An impressive vision of the new androgynous Michael Vetter. Overtones - Voice and Tambura (Harmonia Mundil
human being is presented by June Singer, American anthropologist Wergo-Spectrum SM 1038/39 - 2 LPs)
and psychotherapist, in her book, Androgyny (B). Michael Vetter. Tambura Preludes - Pro-vocationes (Harmonia Mundil
143. X chromosome. X chromosomes' potential to exist on their own implies Wergo-Spectrum SM 104112 - 2 LPs)
parthenogenesis ( = virgin birth), Le. procreation without a male. That Michael Vetter. Missa Universalis - Overtone Mass (Harmonia Mundil
must have existed at some stage or else such an idea would not haunt so Wergo-Spectrum SM 1051)
many of humanity's cults and religions. At some time it was 'fed' into Roberto Laneri. Two Views of the Amazon (Harmonia Mundi/Wergo-
the 'computer' of human genes. Spectrum SM 1046)
144. Husband. Richard Fester elucidates the genesis of this word in great The Harmonic Choir and David Hykes. Hearing Solar Winds (Harmonia
palaeo-linguistic detail (B). Mundi 558 607)
145. Anatomy of our teeth. See Kushi (B). David Hykes and Harmonic Choir. Harmonic Meetings (Celestial
147. Domination from female roots. See the language tables in R. Fester, Harmonies CEL 013/14 - 2 LPs)
Ur-Worter der Menschheit (B). David Hykes and Harmonic Choir. Current Circulation (Celestial
f. Reclus. Quoted from Richard Fester, Ur-Worter der Menschheit (B). Harmonies CEL 010)
149. American behavioural researchers. Such as Anneliese Korner: 'Sex Katsuya Yokoyama Plays Classical Shakuhachi Masterworks. 'Zen'
Differences in Newborn with Special Reference to Differences in the (Harmonia MundilWergo-Spectrum SM 1033/34 - 2 LPs)
Organisation of Oral Behaviour' in: Journal of Child Psychology and Shomyo Buddhist Ritual from Japan. Dai Hannya Ceremony - Shington
Psychiatry, 14/1973. Sect. (UNESCO Collection Musical Sources - Philips 6586021)
Bali. Gamelan, Ketjak, Geng Gong, Legong, etc. (Recorded on Bali by J. E.
Berendt - in the 'Song and Sound the World Around' series: Philips
13. Overtones Open the Door 6303172)
Kohachiro Miyata. Shakuhachi (Nonesuch 72076)
153. Roberto Laneri. Prima Materia (unpublished dissertation, Univer- Goro Yamaguchi. Music of Shakuhachi (Nonesuch 72025)
sity of California, San Diego, 1975). My collaboration with Roberto Tibetan Bells II - Henry Wolff and Nancy Hennings (Celestial Harmonies
Laneri in numerous radio and concert performances inspired many
passages in this chapter.
156. Harmonics create tone-colour. The process is more complex than the
j LC 7869)
The Singing Bowls of Tibet (Saydisc Records, Badminton/England SDL
326) (Tibetan temple bowls from genuine 'holy' metals: gold, silver,
sentence indicates. The overtone series generated by good musical copper, lead, tin, iron, zinc, and bronze)
instruments are highly complicated structures which cannot always be Paul Hom. Inside the Great Pyramid - recorded in the grave chambers of
easily deciphered. The manufacturers of electronic musical instru- the pyramid of Gizeh (Kuckkuck 0601061 - double album)
ments have nevertheless succeeded in decoding such harmonic series
.J Paul Hom. Inside - recorded live in the Taj Mahal (Kuckkuck 062)
for almost all instruments so that their sounds can now be produced Songs of the Humpback Whale (Capitol ST-620)
electronically (albeit for the most part without great authenticity). 'And God Created Great Whales': Concerto for Whales and Symphony
No music without overtones. Rene Chocholle. From Dopheide (B). Orchestra by Alan Hovhaness (Columbia 30390)
161. Dane Rudhyar. (B). Missa Gaia. Earth Mass by Paul Winter.
Chorus of the St John the Divine Cathedral, New York, Paul Halley
I have listed'below a selection of instrumental pieces and vocal music rich in (Organ), Paul Winter (Saxophone), David Friesen (Bass), Brazilian
overtones. Percussion, Whales, Wolves, Dolphins, Birds, etc. - recorded live in
Tibet - from An Anthology of the World's Music. Tantric the Cathedral of St John the Divine and in the Grand Canyon (Two
Rituals - recorded in North India in 1968 (Anthology Record & Tape records. Living Music Records, 65G Gate Five Rd, Sausalito, CA 94 965)
218 The Third Ear Notes 219
14. TV Reassures that Shooting doesn't Harm Anyone 16. Putting to the Test
167. Martin Grotjahn (B). 177. Most people close their eyes. The Tantric demand that the eyes
167. Wilbur Schramm, Jack Lyle, and Edwin B. Parker. Television in tile should be kept open so as to look closely and intensely at one's partner
Lives of Our Children (Stanford University Press, Palo Alto 1964). doesn't contradict this sentence but rather complements it. That
amounts to the opposite of normal seeing with its 'just looking around'
and 'seeing is seeking'. That involves finding: additional penetration
15. Listening is Improvising and reception.
177. Sartre, Jean-Paul (B).
169. David Friesen. One of the best American bass players from the 182. Zen intensive. A meditation technique developed by Bhagwan Shree
younger generation, quoted from the record sleeve to Mal Waldron! Rajneesh among others. A couple ask one another the old Zen question
David Friesen: 'Encounters' (Muse Records MR 5305). of 'Who am !?', changing roles every ten minutes. This is most
171. C. G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli's 'Synchronicity'. Excellently effective if persisted in for days with only absolutely essential breaks.
explained by Heisenberg (B). Advanced practitioners of the 'Zen Intensive' even do without sleep
173. John Cage/Morton Feldman. 'Musik Texte' 5!July 1984. and work through the night.
Only a few of the many possible records could be selected. The music of any
good improvising group (as extensively available on the record market) 17. Do You Hear the Rushing of the River?
illustrates the ideas presented in this chapter.
Oregon. 'Distant Hills' (Vanguard VSD 79342) 186. Ken Wilber. Up From Eden (8).
Oregon. 'Music of Another Present Era' (Vanguard VSD 79326) 187. Huang-Po (B).
Oregon. 'Out of the Woods' (Elektra!WEA 53101) Meditative posture. Lotus position in: Nada Brahma and many books
Oregon (ECM 1258) on meditation (B).
Condona - with Collin Walcott, Don Cherry, Nana Vasconcelos (ECM 187. 'The' river. After H. Hesse's Siddartha, quoted and commented
1132) on in Nada Brahma (B).
Condona 2 (ECM 1177) 188. Krishnamurti (B).
Condona 3 (ECM 1243) Zen Master Eko. From Yoel Hoffmann (B).
Paul Winter Consort (Living Music LMP-1, double album) 189. Via = Way 880 times. From W. Johnson (B).
Paul Winter Consort. 'Common Ground' (A & M SP 4698) 190. Martin Buber (B).
Kenny Wheeler - Sextet with Evan Parker, Eje Thelin, etc. (ECM 1156)
To Hear the World in a Grain of Sand - World Music Live at the
Donaueschingen Festival 85 - Luis DiMatteo, Vikah and Prakah
J 18. Songs of Praise
Maharaj, Lennart Aberg, Bernd Konrad, Connie Bauer, Torn van der
Geld, Rudy Smith, David Friesen, Dom Urn Romao, Andrew Cyrille,
produced by J. E. Berendt (Soulnote SN 1128) ] 194. Adoration can light a lamp. The Vedic legend from which this
chapter's motto derives tells of a tiny village in the Himalayas. It was
Vocal Summit - Lauren Newton, Urszula Dudziak, Jeanne Lee, Jay Clay- winter and bitterly cold. People were freezing and hungry. The snow
ton, Bobby McFerrin: 'Sorrow is not for Ever - Love Is' produced lay up to the roof-tops. Wood was wet and none of the villagers had
by J. E. Berendt (Moers Music 2004) been able to light a fire for months. One day a travelling musician
Globe Unity Orchestra. 'Intergalactic Blow' (ECM 60039) who'd lost his way suddenly appeared. The villagers were so poor that
John Handy - Ali Akbar Khan - with L. Subramaniam. 'Rainbow' pro- they had hardly anything to offer him, but they were good people and
duced by J. E. Berendt (MPS!Polydor International 821885-1) gave him a bowl of soup and a place to sleep under the stairs. In the
Dissidenten· and Lemchaheb. 'Sahara Elektrik' recorded in Morocco evening the musician played on his sitar. The villagers gathered
(Shanachie Records 64005) around. Some sang, others danced, and spirits rose. The musician
improvised throughout the night, and then towards morning - and
people scarcely believed their eyes - a light suddenly started burning,
220 The Third Ear Notes 221
for the first time since the beginning of winter. That light was then used have existed on earth. In order to navigate such a large weight at
to start fires in village hearths. The sitar player had fanned the fire into considerable speeds, or to slow down suddenly, whales must be able to
flames by the very warmth - the fervour and power - of his music. locate obstacles and prey far in advance. They thus orientate themselves
The legend also tells that the musician had ignited a flame in people's by way of sound and ultra-sound - within the human range and far
hearts many hours before it began to burn in the lamp. beyond: up to 170,000 Hz. In that way they can 'see', and catch, fish
bra = grow, adore. The Sanskrit syllable bra or bri appears in the only a few centimetres long. Researchers have covered dolphins' eyes
Hebrew of the Old Testament in the crucial first sentence 'In the begin- with suction-discs but the creatures had no difficulty in finding rubber
ning God created the heaven and the earth': 'Bershit Bara Elohim Et rings thrown into a pool. In another experiment they distinguished
Haschamajim We-Et Ha-Aretz'. It appears twice with the first word between two steel balls differing slightly in diameter - a test where
repeated in the second since the Aleph can be an a, e, i, 0, or u. The even the human eye could go astray. The dolphins' keepers, who could
Hebrew bara means to create. The same root is to be found in the see, weren't sure about distinguishing between the two balls, but the
Greek - bryo (e.g. embryo) or the English bear. Its highest expression animals dependent only on hearing made no mistakes. Porpoises
is in Brahma and Brahman, which is also reflected in pray, prescere caught in a net never touch the mesh, which they can locate acous-
(Latin), etc. tically with absolute assurance. They establish where the floating net,
194. Martin Buber (B). attached to corks, comes to an end, and jump out of it. (After S. S.
The world grows by way of song and music. See Nada Brahma, Stevens (B).)
Chapter 11. 199. C. G. lung. The Nature of the Psyche' in: Structure and Dynamics of
195. The song of birds. The affinity between bird-song and human the Psyche (B).
music includes the fact that birds also love man's music-making. A 201. Teilhard de Chardin (B).
personal observation: song-birds sometimes fly through an open win- Counter entropy. These forces counter universal 'thermo-death'
dow into my work-room - but only when music is being played. They which the second law of thermodynamics sees as unavoidably
once came three times when Artur Schnabel was performing the bringing about the 'end of the world'. The fact that mechanistic scien-
Waldstein Sonata. tific thinking should have chosen such a negative name for something
197. Procreation not the purpose. Wilhelm Reich circumscribed the so positive as negentrophy - in fact the most positive force of all - is
importance of reproduction particularly convincingly. After his particularly revealing. On the questionable nature of the scientific
experiments with muscular spasms and development of a 'four-stroke concept of entropy, see also Nada Brahma, Chapter 7.
formula for the orgasm' (Mechanical tension - electrical charge- 201. Love, laud, and live. Be-lieve also belongs in that sequence.
electrical discharge - mechanical relaxation), he summarised: 203. Ernesto Cardenal. Psalms (B).
'Sexuality does not therefore serve procreation. Reproduction is an Psalm 150. How marvellous that Johannes Kepler, the thinker and
almost chance outcome of the process of tension/charge in the genital researcher who made harmonic thought 'respectable' for modern sci-
sphere. That is depressing for eugenic moral philosophy but true ... ence, also returned time and again to the idea of 'Songs of Praise'. He
Procreation is a function of sexuality, and not vice versa as hitherto '. 11
thus wrote:
thought .. .' (Wilhelm Reich: The Discovery of the Orgone I' (B)).
Viewed cybernetically, reproduction is part of a feedback control God is our Lord,
system, i.e. it is both cause and objective, and in both respects bound Great is His Power,
up, forwards and backwards, with similarly influenced factors. That is And His wisdom is without end.
an all-embracing, 'systemic', 'holistic' view, which differs in essential Praise Him, sun, moon, and planets,
respects from the way of seeing, fixated on ratio and purpose, pursued No matter in what language
by the traditional sciences (and morality). Your hymn of praise may sound out to the Creator.
197. 'Do You Know How Many Mosquitos Dance . .. 7' Song by Wilhelm Praise Him, ye heavenly harmonies,
Hey. And ye witnesses and verifiers
198. Echo location. Not just with regard to obstacles or distance above the Of His revealed truths.
sea-bed, but also for the location of food - and with dolphins (espe- And thou, my souL
cially porpoises) as well as whales. These creatures are large and fast Sing the Lord's glory thy life long.
with dolphins attaining speeds of 32 km per hour. Blue whales (over 30 All things,
metres long and up to 120 tons in weight) are the largest animals ever to The visible and the invisible,
222 The Third Ear
Haase, Rudolf, Der me{3bare Einklang - Grundzuge einer empirischen Lao Tse, Tao Te Ching - New translation by Gia-Fu Feng & Jane English
Weltharmohik (Edition Alpha, Klett, Stuttgart 1976) - and many (Random 1972; Wildwood House 1973)
othetbooks published in Germany and Austria. -Tao TeChing - Richard Wilhelm (Arkana 1985)
Halpern, Steven, Sound Health (Harper & Row 1987) Leonard, George, The Silent Pulse (Dutton 1978)
Hamel, Peter Michael, Through Music to the Self (Element 1978) Lilly, John C, The Centre of the Cyclone (M. Boyars 1973)
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, The Phenomenology of Spirit (Oxford Long, Max, Introduction to Huna (Esoteric Pubns, n.d.)
U.P.1979) May, Robert, Sex and Fantasy - Patterns of Male and Female Development
Heidegger, Martin, Basic Writings (Routledge 1978) (Wideview Books 1981)
-On the Way to Language (Harper & Row 1982) Mellers, Wilfred, Man and His Music (Barrie & Jenkins 1988)
Heisenberg, Werner, Physics and Beyond (Harper & Row) Michell, John, City of Revolution (Abacus, n.d.)
Heraclitus, Cosmic Fragments (Cambridge U.P. 1954) Miller, Alice, Thou Shalt Not Be Aware (Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1984;
Herder, Johann Gottfried, iiber den Ursprung der Sprache (Freies Pluto 1986)
Geistesleben, Stuttgart 1965) Muktananda, Paramahamsa, Kundalini (S.Y.D.A. Foundn. 1980)
Hesse, Hermann, The Glass Bead Game (Bantam 1970; Picador 1987) Neumann, Erich, The Origins and History of Consciousness (Princeton
-Musik, selected by Volker Michels (Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a, M. 1972) U.P. 1954; Routledge 1982)
Hoffmann, Yoel, The Sound of the One Hand (Basic Books 1975) -The Great Mother (Princeton U.P. 1964)
Hoyle, Fred/Wickramasinghe, N.C, Evolution from Space (Simon & Ohashi, Waturu, Do-It-Yourself Shiatsu (Dutton 1976; Unwin 1979)
Schuster 1984; Paladin 1983) Ouspensky, P.D., In Search of the Miraculous (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Huang-Po, The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po (Grove 1959; Buddhist Society, 1965; Arkana 1988)
London, n.d.) -Tertium Organum (Random; Routledge 1982)
James, William, The Varieties of Religious Experience (Penguin 1982) Parin, Paul/Morgenthaler Fritz/Parin-Matthey, Goldi, Fear Thy Neigh-
Jantsch, Erich, The Self-Organising Universe (Pergamon 1980) bour As Thyself (U. of Chicago Press 1980)
Jaynes, Julian, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Picard, Max, The World of Silence (Regnery-Gateway)
Bicameral Mind (Houghton Mifflin 1976) Plato: Phaido - Philebus (Penguin 1970)
Jenny, Hans, Cymatics (Schocken 1975) Prigogine, Ilya/Stengers, Elisabeth, Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dia-
Johnston, William, Silent Music (Harper & Row 1979; Fontana 1976) logue with Nature (Shambhala 1984; Flamingo 1985)
Jonas, Doris F.lJonas, A. David, Other Senses, Other Worlds (Stein & Day Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree, The Hidden Harmony - Heraclitus (Rajneesh
1976) Foundation, Poona 1976)
Jung, CG., The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche (Routledge 1960) -Philosophia Perennis - Pythagoras (Rajneesh Foundation International
Kakuska, Rainer (ed.), Andere Wirklichkeiten (Dianus-Trikont, Munich 1981)
1984) -The Book - Series 1, II, III (RFI 1984)
Kapleau, Philip, The Three Pillars of Zen (Doubleday 1980; Rider 1980) Reich, Wilhelm, The Function of the Orgasm. The Discovery of the Orgone
Kayser, Hans, Akroasis: The Theory of World Harmonics (plowshare (Condor 1983)
1970) Reps, Paul, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones (Penguin 1971)
Keidel, Wolf D., The Physiological Basis of Hearing (Thieme-Stratton R6heim, Geza, Animism, Magic, and the Divine King (International
1983) Universities Press 1972)
Kepler, Johannes, Gesammelte Werke (Beck, Munich 1938) Rudhyar, Dane, The Magic of Tone and the Art of Music (Shambhala 1982)
-Weltharmonik in 5 Buchern (Beck, Munich 1938) Sartre, Jean-Paul, War Diaries 1939-1940 (Verso 1984)
Khan, Hazrat Inayat, Music (International Headquarters of the Sufi Move- Satprem, Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness (Institute for
ment, Geneva 1959) Evolutionary Research 1984)
-The Music of Life (Omega Press 1983) Schafer, R. Murray, The Tuning of the World (Knopf 1977)
Krishnamurti, Jiddu, The Second Penguin Krishnamurti Reader (Penguin Schonberger, Martin Maria, Verborgener SchIUssel zum Leben - Welt-
1970) formel I-Ging im Genetischen Code (Barth-Scherz, Munich/Berne
-Meditations (GolIancz 1980) 1973)
Kung, Hans, Eternal Life? (Doubleday 1984; Fount 1985) Schultz, Joachim, The Movement and Rhythms of the Stars (Floris 1986)
Kushi, Michio, The Book of Macrobiotics (Japan Pubns, Inc. 1987) Shah, Idris, The Sufis (Octagon 1982)
226 The Third Ear
Sheldrake, Rupert, The New Science of Life (J.P. Tarcher 1983; Paladin
Silesius, Angelus, The Book of Angelus Silesius (Wildwood House 1976)
Singer, June, Androgyny (Doubleday 1977; Routledge 1977) Actaeon, 138, 215 Bhagwan see Rajneesh,
Singh, Kirpal, Naam or Word (Sant Bani Ashram 1975) Adam, 141 Bhagwan Shree
Steiner, Rudolf, The Philosophy of Freedom (Rudolf Steiner Press 1964)
Adonis, 215 Bird, Christopher, 210, 226
-Goethe's Conception of the World (Haskell 1972)
-Anthroposophy: An Introduction (RSP 1983) Adorno, Theodor W., 5, 9, Blake, William, 200, 202
-The Inner Nature of Music & the Experience of Tone (RSP 1983) 152, 176, 223 Blaukopf, Kurt, 135
Stevens, S.S., Sound and Hearing (Time-Life Books) Alberti, Leon Battista, 99, 100 Bode, Johann Elert, 94-6
Suzuki, Daisetz T., Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist (Mandala 1980) Ambrose, 10 Bodhidharma, 188
Suzuki, Daisetz, T.; Fromm, Erich; Martino, Richard, Zen Buddhism and Anat, 215 Bohm, David, 105, 106, 108-9,
Psychoanalysis (Harper & Bros. 1960) Aphrodite, 215 110-11, 112, 114, 116,
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, The Future of Man (Harper & Row 1969; Arinna, 215 117-18, 211, 223
Fontana 1968) Aristotle, 2, 11, 12 Bohme, Jakob, 33, 103, 104
-Christianity and Evolution (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1974) Artemis, 215 Bohr, Niels, 58, 112, 113
Tibetan Book of the Dead - edited by W.Y. Evans-Wentz (Oxford U.P. Bouasse, Henri, 40
Athena/Athene, 99, 215
Attis, 138, 215 Brahma, 194
Toben, Bob, Space-Time and Beyond (Dutton 1982)
Tomatis, Alfred A., La nuit uterine (Editions Stock, Paris 1981) Augustine, 22-3 Bran, 215
Tompkins, Peter/Bird, Christopher, The Secret Life of Plants (Harper & Branwen, 215
Row 1984; Penguin) Bach, Johann Sebastian, 64-5, Brecht, Bertolt, 10
Upanishads (Penguin 1970; Wildwood House 1978) 90, 91, 146, 152, 195 Brubeck, Dave, 70
Watson, Lyall, Supemature (Hodder 1986) Bachofen, Johann Jakob, 27, Brunelleschi, Filippo, 100
Wilber, Ken (ed.), The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes with 138, 206, 214, 223 Brunton, Paul, 98, 101
contributions by David Bohm, Fritjof Capra, Marilyn Ferguson, Karl Bacon, Francis, 2, 23, 106, 117, Buber, Martin, 190, 194, 219,
H. Pribram, Renee Weber, etc. (Shambhala 1982) 220, 223
-Up from Eden (Shambhala 1983; Routledge 1983)
Bain, Alexander, 213 Buddha, 53, 59
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Tractatus logico-philosophicus (Humanities 1972;
Routledge 1962) Barnett, Lincoln, 34, 207
Bartels, Julius, 122 Cage, John, 173, 195,218
Bateson, Gregory, 19-20, 113, Calchas,33
116, 117, 163, 172, 206, Capra, Fritjof, 5, 7, 116, 117,
223 211,223
Battista, John, 116, 212 Cardenal, Ernesto, 203, 221,
Beckett, Samuel, 208 223
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 125, Carus, Carl Gustav, 37, 95
135, 146, 173, 204 Cassandra, 33, 141
Bekesy, Georg von, 43, 208 Castaneda, 159
Bell, Alexander Graham, 208 Cato, 147
Bentov, Izhak, 104, 211, 223 Ch'an-sha Ching-ts'en, 109, 212
Berdyaev, 138 Chaplin, Charlie, 13
Berger, Karl, 166-7 Charles, Ray, 183
Berman, Morris, 117, 164, 223 Cherry, Don, 218
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 172 Chocholle, Rene, 39-40, 78,
228 Index Index 229
134, 160, 207, 209, 214, Eshmun,138 Halpert, Steven, 208 Isis, 215
216 Estes, Sleepy John, 185, 186 Hancock, Herbie, 182
Chu Tsai Yu, 20e.? Eve, 141 Handel, George f:rideric, 91, Jahweh,215
Cicero, 94 146 Jenny, Hans, 101, 211, 224
Claudel, Paul, 11 Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 131, Handschin, J., 14 Jeremiah, 24
Collins, Judy, 198 213-14 Handy, John, 218 Jesus Christ, 24, 53, 59, 133,
Coltrane, John, 152, 194 Feldman, Morton, 173,218 Hauer, Josef Matthias, 37 138-9
Core, 215 Ferguson, Marilyn,S, 205, 211, Haydn, Josef, 135 John, St, 24, 104
Corti, Alfonso, 207 223 Hegel, George Wilhelm Johnson, William, 219, 224
Cousto, Hans, 87, 88, 91, 94, Fester, Richard, 28, 50, 57, 137, Friedrich,S, 51, 63, 140, Jones, A. David, 150,224
97, 209, 213, 223 145, 147, 148, 201, 206, 208, 224 Jones, Doris F., 145, 150, 224
Cybele,215 208, 214, 216, 223 Heidegger, Martin, 48, 55, 61, Jord, 215
Cyon, Elsie von, 36 Feyerabend, Paul, 59, 103-4, 121, 193, 208, 224 Jung, C. G., 28, 51, 138, 171,
211,223 Heisenberg, Werner, 34, 84, 199, 200, 214, 218, 221,
Dagda,215 Feynman, Richard P., 109, 212 101-2, 106, 112, 116, 160, 224
Dana, 215 Fibonacci, 100 206, 211, 218, 224
Darwin, Charles, 145 Freud, Sigmund, 114, 143, 200 Hendrix, Jimi, 64-5, 82 Kabir,33
Davis, Miles, 69, 194 Freya, 215 Hennings, Nancy, 217 Kafka, Franz, 10-11
Deamer, David, 122, 213 Freyr,215 Hera, 215 Kali, 140, 215
Delgado, Jose, 211 Friesen, David, 169, 218 Heraclitus, 50, 53-4, 101, 126, Kannon, 140
Demeter, 215 188, 202, 203, 224 Kant, Immanuel, 177
Descartes, Rene, 2, 23, 32, 106, Galilei, Galileo, 2, 23, 106, 163 Hermes Trismegistos, 50 Kayser, Hanz, 94, 224
109, 117, 163 Gautier, Theophile, 137 Hesse, Hermann, 44, 188,219, Keidel, Wolf D., 41, 129, 207,
Desmond, Paul, 70 Gebser, Jean,S, 21-3, 150, 163, 224 208, 213, 224
Dicke, Robert H., 103 205, 206, 223 Hey, Wilhelm, 220 Kepler, Johannes, 58, 92-4,
Dodge, Charles, 213 Gilgamesh, 215 Hippolytus, 138 125-6, 160, 209, 211, 212,
Dopheide, Bernhard, 209, 214, Godel, Kurt, 110, 212 Hoffmann, Yeol, 212, 219, 224 221-2, 224
216, 223 Goeppert-Mayer, Maria, 209 Homer, 10, 11, 33, 34 Khan, Ali Akbar, 194
Dufay, Guillaume, 100 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Horn, Paul, 98, 101, 159, 198, Khan, Hazrat Inayat, 218, 224
Duhamel, 40 22, 24, 31, 182 217 Kierkegaard, Soren, 26
Duke, George, 182 Gohlke, Paul, 86 Hovhaness, Alan, 198,217 Kirk, Roland, 183-5, 186
Duns Scotus, Johannes, 9 Gottner-Abendroth, Heide, Huang-Po, 51, 186-7, 208, 219, . Klein, Hans Peter, 213
214-16 224 Koch, Robert, 73
Eckhart, Meister, 72, 105, 208, Grimm, Jakob, 11, 27 Huxley, Aldous, 159 Koeppel, F. W., 12-13
211,223 Grimm, Wilhelm, 11 Hykes, David, 158-9, 217 Korner, Anneliese, 216
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, 113 Grof, Stan, 7 Kranich, Ernst-Michael, 43, 44
Einstein, Albert, 23, 34, 105, Grotjahn, Martin, 167, 168, Iacchus, 215 Krishna, 33
106, 108, 113 218, 223 Iahu,215 Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 6, 28,
Eko, Master, 188-9, 219 Guido of Arezzo, 89 Iamblichos, 126 109, 113, 117, 118, 188,
Eliade, Mircea, 138, 214, 223 Inanna-Ishtar, 215 189, 191, 205, 206, 219,
Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 55 Haase, Rudolf, 94, 95, 208, 224 Indra, 59, 109-10, 194, 215 224
Erechtheus, 215 Habermas, Jurgen, 5 Isaiah, 24, 27 Kuhler, Cornelia, 213
230 Index Index 231
Kling, Hans, 113,224 Naredi-Rainer, Paul von, 99 Pwyll,215 Schramm, Wilbur, 167-8, 218
Kushi,216 100 Pythagoras, 4, 58, 84, 88, 92-4, Schrodinger, Erwin, 113
Neumann, Erich, 138, 214, 225 95, 102, 125, 126, 201 Shakti, 85, 140
Laneri, Roberto, 153, 156,~ Newton, Isaac, 31, 32, 58, 109 Pythia, 33 Sheldrake, Rupert, 61, 208, 226
159, 160, 169, 207, 216, Niaz, Shah, 119, 212 Shiva, 85, 200
217 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree, 28, Silesius, Angelus, 111, 226
Lao Tse, 50, 105, 187, 225 27 189, 219, 225 Singer, June, 216, 226
Lashley, Karl, 107-8 Nikomachos of Gerasa, 92 Raphael, Santi, 99 Singh, Kirpal, 212, 226
Lawick-Goodall, Jane van, 197 Nixon, Hammie, 185 Ray, Johnny, 185 Sloterijk, 60
Leary, Timothy, 159 Nollmann, Jim, 198 Rayleigh, Lord, 214 Socrates, 28
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Re,215 Sohne, B. Schotts, 210
Freiherr von, 15, 51, 206 Odysseus, 9-11, 12, 21, 34, 77, Reclus, Elisee, 147-8, 216 Spreng, Manfred, 17
Leith, Emmet, 116 169 Reich, Wilhelm, 220, 225 Stevens, S. S., 37, 205, 207,
Leonard, George, 101, 127, Oedipus, 33 Reinold, Helmut, 12, 36-7 214, 221, 226
211, 225 Ohashi, Wataru, 37, 38, 207, Respighi, Ottorino, 195 Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 167,
Leonardo da Pisa see Fibonacci 225 Rettallack, Dorothy, 90, 210 194
Leonardo da Vinci, 1, 21 Oken, Lorenz, 11-12 Rhea, 215 Stravinsky, Igor F., 194
Lilly, Antonietta, 198 Ovid,22 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 4, 9 Strutt, John William see
Lilly, John c., 198, 225 Rodgers, John, 213 Rayleigh, Lord
Lipps, Theodor, 95 Parin, Paul, 20, 206, 225 Rudhyar, Dane, 85, 161-2, Subramaniam, L., 218
Lipscumb, David, 77 Parin-Matthey, Goldi, 20 209, 216, 225 Sun Ra, 125
Luther, Martin, 168 Parker, Edwin B., 167-8, 218 Rudloff, Diether, 12
Lyle, Jack, 167-8, 218 Parvati, 140 Ruff, Willie, 212-13 Tannuz, 215
Patterson, Francine, 149-50
Tchicai, John, 172
Mahavir,59 Pauli, Wolfgang, 171, 218 Sarasvati, 215 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre,
Mangelsdorff, Albert, 195 Penzias, Arno A., 103 Sarfati, Jack, 109, 110, 111, 212 201, 221, 226
Marcuse, Herbert,S Perse, Saint-John, 11 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 177-8, 219, Telepinu, 215
Marx, Karl,S Petrarch, 21-3, 206 225 Titius, Johann Daniel, 94-6
Mary (Virgin), 138-9 Philo, 94 Satprem, 113, 212, 225 Toben, Bob, 211, 212,226
McLaughlin, John, 152-3 Picard, Max, 72,208, 225 Schafer, Murray, 208, 225 Tomatis, Alfred A., 16, 38,
Mendelsohn, R., 211 Planck, Max, 34, 58, 86, 101-2, Scharoun, Hans, 18 207, 226
Messiaen, Olivier, 194, 195 105-6, 113, 160 Schavernoch, Hans, 93 Tompkins, Peter, 210, 226
Michell, John, 97, 225 Plato, 11, 21, 24, 78, 85, 94, Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Tramel-Plotz, Senta, 141
Miyata, Kohachiro, 217 126, 177, 206, 225 Joseph, 173
Morgenthaler, Fritz, 20, 206 Pliny the Elder, 93 Schiller, Friedrich von, 146
Morrigain, 215 Plotinus, 24 Schnabel, Artur, 220 Uexklill, Jakob von, 36
Moses, 133 Prajapati, 32 Schneider, Marius, 9, 32, 36-7,
Mot, 215 Presley, Elvis, 185 97, 120, ISO, 194, 197 Vasconcelos, Nana, 218
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Pribram, Karl, 107-8, 109, 116, Schoenberg, Arnold, 37 Vetter, Michael, 157-8, 217
54-5, 91, 101, 135, 152 174, 211, 212 Schonberger, Martin Maria, Vitruvius, 99
Muktananda, Paramahamsa, Proust, Marcel, 208 58, 225 Vogel, Martin, 40
103, 109, 211, 225 Ptolemy, 86 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 84, 196 Volans, Kevin, 174
232 Index
high voices, perception of,
. improvised music, 169-76
in meditation, 187-93
transcendence, 39, 45-7,
transposition, 87-92
variations in nations and
inaccuracy, 205 times, 64-6
inner, 53-5, 172-3 variations in species, 119
lauguage of, 49, 61-3 whale sounds, 198-9, 201,
measurement of, 208-9 220-1
234 Index