Project Profile: Project Name Developer No. of Lots: Project Classification: Location Development Standards
Project Profile: Project Name Developer No. of Lots: Project Classification: Location Development Standards
Project Profile: Project Name Developer No. of Lots: Project Classification: Location Development Standards
PD 957 BP PD 957 BP
OM MC 220 SH OM MC 220 SH
Parks & Playground Allocation: (No. of lots/ha) % of gross area for PP:
BP 220 PD 957 .
150 % below 20 & below 3.5 % 3.5%
161-175 21 - 25 4.0 5.0
176-200 26 - 35 5.0 6.0
201-225 36 - 50 6.0 7.0
Above 225 51-65 7.0 9.0
Above 65 9.0 -
Community Facilities Allocation (No. of lots/ha) % of gross area for CF:
150 & below Mandatory 1.0%
151-225 regardless of 1.5%
Above 225 2.0%
Minimum Lot Area (sq,m)
Single Detached 120 100 72 64
Duplex/Single Attached 96 80 54 48
Row house 60 50 36 28
Major 10-15 8-15 8-12
Collector 10-12- 8-10 8-10
Minor 8-10 6.5 6.5
Motor Court 6
Alley 2
Pathway - - - 3
Planting Strip (PS)
15 m ROW 1.30
12.0 m ROW 0.80
10.0 m ROW 0.80
8.0 m ROW 0.40
6.5 m ROW Optional
Side Walk (SW)
15 m ROW 1.20
12.0 m ROW 1.20
10.0 m ROW 1.20
8.0 m ROW 0.4 0.60
6.5 m ROW (6 m service road for Optional 0.50 .
PD 957
Evaluation (in bullet statements):