TEchnical Script

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Awarding Ceremony for GFH Passers, SGLG Winners and Top Performing LGUs in the Implementation of

DILG Locally Funded Projects

Technical Script

Time Activity/Spiels Person-in-charge

12:00 PM Emcee: (Blessing of the food) Dann Marr

12:00 PM Sound: Background Music Sound tech

- 12:55 AVP: Back drop via Powerpoint Rothwel
12:55 PM Voice Over (VO): We would like to request everyone to kindly settle Emarie
down on their seats. We will be starting the program in 5 minutes

1:00 PM Emcee: Please all stand for the Doxology, and kindly remain Dann Marr
standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and the
Sugbo Hymn

AVP – Short Prayer, National Anthem, and Sugbo Hymn Rothwel/ Sound Tech

1:10 PM Sound: Introductory Sound Sound Tech

AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

Emcee: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Dann Marr
Awarding Ceremonies for GFH Passers, SGLG Winners and Top
Performing LGUs in the Implementation of DILG Locally Funded

Today, we will be recognizing LGUs that have made exemplary

performance for the year specifically those that have passed the
Good Financial Housekeeping; excelled in the 4 core areas and one of
the essential areas in the Seal of Good Local Governance and
surpassed other LGUs in the implementation of their respective DILG
Locally Funded Project.

Before we begin the ceremony proper, let us first hear words of

welcome from the Governor of Cebu, Governor Hilario P. Davide, III.

Sound: Background Music as Governor goes up the podium Sound Tech

AVP – Governor’s name and title for Welcome address Rothwel

1:20 PM Sound: Background Music as Governor goes down the podium Sound Tech
AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

Emcee: Thank you very much Governor Davide. Dann Marr

To inspire us all as we recognize Cebu’s exemplary LGUs, let us

welcome our guest speaker.

Our guest speaker is one of DILG’s undersecretary, a man who has

ensured that the department fulfill its mission as primary catalyst
for change especially in the local government sector. Ladies and
gentlemen, without further ado, the DILG Undersecretary for Local
Government, Usec. Austere A. Panadero, CESO I.

Sound: Background Music as Usec goes up the podium Sound Tech

AVP – Usec’s name and title for Inspirational message Rothwel

1:30 PM Sound: Background Music as Usec goes down the podium Sound Tech
AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

Emcee: Thank you very much, Usec. Panadero.

The time has finally come for us to recognize and award LGUs that
have made an exemplary performance. We will now have the
Awarding Ceremony Proper. We will begin with the awarding of the
Plaques of Recognition for the Good Financial Passers.

(AVP directly begins) Rothwel


Voice Over: In 2010, the DILG launched the Seal of Good Emarie and Rothwel
Housekeeping, which measured financial transparency and
instituted public reporting of budget and expenditure of local
governments. Good Housekeeping meant that local governments
passed the reporting guidelines of the Commission on Audit, and
declared their financial reports online and in conspicuous places in
communities according to the Full Disclosure Policy.
The Seal of Good Housekeeping has been upscaled and is now the
Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG). However, Good
Housekeeping now known as Good Financial Housekeeping is still
being used as part of the minimum governance criteria together with
the Public Financial Management of the Department of Budget and
Management. The governance criteria makes an LGU eligible to
access program fund windows or to implement projects such as those
under Bottom-up Budgeting Program and Assistance to
For 2016 and as of the third quarter of 2017, Cebu Province LGUs
have been consistent in passing the Good Financial Housekeeping.
Today we recognize the consistent efforts of our LGUs.

Emcee: We would like to call Usec. Austere A. Panadero, CESO I, Atty. Dann Marr
Rene K. Burdeos, CESO III, DILG 7 Regional Director and Dir. Jerome
G. Gonzales, DILG Cebu Province Provincial Director to come up on
stage to distribute the plaques of recognition for our Good Financial
Housekeeping Passers.
We would like to inform everyone that we have an official
photographer who will be taking photos during the distribution.
Kindly defer your photo sessions after the program to expedite the
plaque distribution. Thank you.

Voice Over will now take over. AVP and voice over must jive. (Kindly Emarie and Rothwel
refer to separate sheet for sequence)
Background music Sound tech

2:45 PM Sound: Background Music until everyone goes down the podium Sound tech
AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

AVP – When everyone is seated show SGLG video Rothwel

Emcee: We would like to call Usec. Austere A. Panadero, CESO I, Atty. Dann Marr
Rene K. Burdeos, CESO III, DILG 7 Regional Director and Dir. Jerome
G. Gonzales, DILG Cebu Province Provincial Director to come up stage
to distribute Seal of Good Local Goverance markers to the SGLG

We would like to once again inform everyone that we have an official

photographer who will be taking photos during the distribution.
Kindly defer your photo sessions after the program to expedite the
plaque distribution. Thank you.

Voice Over will now take over. AVP and voice over must jive. (Kindly Emarie and Rothwel
refer to separate sheet for sequence)
Background music Sound tech

3:15 PM Sound: Background Music until the last recipient goes down the Sound tech
AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

Emcee: Congratulations to our SGLG winners. Now, we will be Dann Marr

awarding the top performing LGUs in the implementation of the
DILG Locally Funded Projects. The awardees are LGUs that have
made remarkable performance in the achievement of project
targets from submission of documentary requirements for fund
download to project completion and project liquidation.
At this juncture we would like to call Usec. Austere A. Panadero, CESO
I, Atty. Rene K. Burdeos, CESO III, PD Jerome G. Gonzales, and Gov.
Hilario P. Davide, III to come up stage to distribute the plaques of
recognition to the awardees.

Voice Over will now take over. AVP and voice over must jive. (Kindly Emarie and Rothwel
refer to separate sheet for sequence)
Background music Sound Tech

3:45 PM Sound: Background Music until the last recipient goes down the Sound tech
AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

Emcee: Congratulations to all our awardees. To put our activity to a Dann Marr
close please help me welcome the Regional Director of DILG Region
VII, Atty. Rene K. Burdeos, CESO III.

Sound: Background Music as Usec goes up the podium Sound Tech

AVP – Usec’s name and title for Inspirational message Rothwel
3:55 PM Sound: Background Music until RD Burdeos goes down the podium Sound Tech
AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

Emcee: Thank you RD Burdeos! That ends our awarding ceremonies.

Congratulations to our awardees. Thank you and good afternoon.

Sound: “I love Cebu” Sound Tech

AVP – Title/ Backdrop Rothwel

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