Recusal Motion
Recusal Motion
Recusal Motion
UNDER § 38.10, FLA. STAT., CANON 3E(1), AND FLA. R. JUD. ADMIN. 2.330
1. Defendant Judge Eugene Turner knew and fraudulently concealed that there was
a. No debt;
b. No “contract” for the fraudulently pretended obligation to pay “$1,500.00”;
c. No breach of any contract.
Here, there was an unfounded and facially fraudulent foreclosure action as supported by
2. Here, Defendant Turner knew and concealed that Dr. Jorg Busse was
a. Never served;
b. Had attacked the record fraud scheme;
c. Had demanded judicial notice of the applicable Florida Statutes, and file, Ch. 92, F.S.;
d. Objected to any hearing, because this Court has no jurisdiction;
e. Objected to any and all magistrates;
f. Objected to any and all magistrate hearings.
(a) Application. This rule applies only to county and circuit judges in all matters in
all divisions of court.
(b) Parties. Any party, including the state, may move to disqualify the trial judge
assigned to the case on grounds provided by rule, by statute, or by the Code of
Judicial Conduct.
4. Section 38.10 gives parties the right to move to disqualify a judge when the party fears that
“he or she will not receive a fair trial . . . on account of the prejudice of the judge of that
court against the applicant or in favor of the adverse party.” Fla. Stat. § 38.10. Rule of
Judicial Administration 2.330 specifies that a motion to disqualify must show that “the party
fears that he or she will not receive a fair trial or hearing because of specifically described
6. Here, Dr. Jorg Busse has been “stating fear that he will not receive a fair trial in the court
where the suit is pending on account of the prejudice of the judge of that court [Eugene C.
Turner] against the applicant. Here, objectively biased and bribed Judge Eugene C. Turner
“shall proceed no further, but another judge shall be designated in the manner prescribed by
the laws of this state for the substitution of judges for the trial of causes in which the
7. If the judge denies a motion to disqualify brought under § 38.10 the movant has the right to
appeal. Lynch v. State, ___ So. 2d ___, Nos. SC06-2233, SC07-1246, 2008 WL 4809783, at
*26 (Fla. Nov. 6, 2008). As the Florida Supreme Court recently held: “A motion to
Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.330. Here, Dr. Busse’s motion to disqualify
Defendant objectively partial Judge Turner is citing § 38.10 and Rule 2.330, as well as
Canon 3E(1).
8. The Florida Supreme Court has also held, in effect, that § 38.10 and the Canons require the
same thing. See Livingston v. State, 441 So. 2d 1083, 1086 (Fla. 1983). In Livingston the
court cited the Canon’s requirement that a judge disqualify himself when his “impartiality
might reasonably be questioned” and concluded that it was “totally consistent” with Florida
case law applying § 38.10. Id. Both require disqualification when a party can show “a well
grounded fear that he will not receive a fair trial at the hands of the judge.” Id. (quoting State
ex rel. Brown v. Dewell, 179 So. 695, 697-98 (Fla. 1938)); see also Berry v. Berry, 765 So.
2d 855, 857 (Fla. 5th DCA 2000) (quoting Canon 3E(1) when describing the standard for
granting a motion under § 38.10). Here of course, this Court was bound to follow Florida
appellate court decisions interpreting that state’s law. The final arbiter of state law is the
state Supreme Court, which is another way of saying that Florida law is what the Florida
9. The Florida Supreme Court has adopted a Code of Judicial Conduct to govern the actions
of state court judges and candidates for judicial office. Canon 3E(1) states, e.g.:
(1) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s
impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances
where …
10. Those provisions address situations in which a judge must disqualify himself because his
statement that commits, or appears to commit, the judge with respect to” a particular party,
11. Canon 3E(1), backed by the threat of a disciplinary proceeding, requires a judge to
disqualify himself if his “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Fla. Stat. § 38.10,
supplemented by Rule 2.330, allows a party to have a judge disqualified for the same reason.
12. Canon 3E(1)(f), which the Florida Supreme Court adopted in January 2006, covers one area
Code of Judicial Conduct, 918 So. 2d 949 (Fla. 2006). In addition to the Florida Supreme
Court, the Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee (Ethics Committee) and the Judicial
Qualifications Commission (JQC) have roles in administering the Code. The Florida
Supreme Court established the Ethics Committee “to render written advisory opinions to
inquiring judges concerning the propriety of contemplated judicial and non-judicial conduct.”
Petition of Comm. on Standards of Conduct for Judges, 327 So. 2d 5, 5 (Fla. 1976).
13. Canon 3E is enforced by the Judicial Qualifications Commission, which has the authority
14. Here, Dr. Jorg Busse has been specifically alleging the following facts and reasons upon
which the movant relies as the grounds for Defendant County Judge Eugene Turner’s
disqualification. Here, Dr. Busse had well grounded fears that he will not receive a fair
trial at the hands of Defendant objectively partial and bribed County Judge Eugene C.
15. Defendant Turner is a named party Defendant. See summons, service on file.
16. Defendant Turner had a conflict of interest, because Turner had invested in bankrupt
Orion Bank, which collected money for the purported Plaintiff Association.
17. In violation of the governing documents, no audits were conducted. Here, Defendant Turner
knew and concealed that the fictitious expenses and/or assessments had been falsified.
18. The governing documents did not authorize the Plaintiff Association to “assess” more than
105% …:
“The total of the assessments for recurring common expense shall be not more than
105% of the assessments for this purpose for the prior year unless approved in
writing by apartment owners …”
Here, there had been no “approval in writing” and the association falsified “assessments”.
19. Here, Defendant Turner knew and concealed that pursuant to the Governing Association
Documents Dr. Busse had satisfactorily paid his 1/12 share of the actual and necessary
20. In violation of the governing documents, the Association President, Julia N. Jackson, owned
more than the allowed one (1) unit. Here, Jackson owned three (3) association “apartments”.
21. In violation of the governing documents, the Association President, Julia N. Jackson, was in
23. Here, Defendant Judge Turner knew and fraudulently concealed that no audit had been
furnished to each member and Dr. Jorg Busse pursuant to the Governing Association
“6.7 An audit of the accounts of the Association shall be made annually by a certified
public accountant…”
24. Retaliation and extortion were illegal. For years, Dr. Busse had proven record violations
25. Attached are said Collier County Public Records in support of the publicly record violations
Association, Inc. See, e.g., O.R. 1517, Page 2165, and O.R. 330, Pages 498, 472.
26. Dr. Jorg Busse had contested the association’s fraudulent lien and/or claim.
27. Again, Dr. Jorg Busse gives notice of contest of the association’s unauthorized and
fraudulent lien.
“(4) A homeowners' association may not file a record of lien against a parcel for
unpaid assessments unless a written notice or demand for past due assessments as
well as any other amounts owed to the association pursuant to its governing
documents has been made by the association. The written notice or demand must …”
Here, “pursuant to its governing documents”, Dr. Jorg Busse had owed absolutely nothing to
the association. No “written notice or demand for” any “amounts owed to the association
pursuant to its governing documents” has been made by the association. Here, the association
29. The purported Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s Attorneys falsified expenses and/or assessments. See,
e.g., attached O.R. 330, Pages 498, 472, Collier County Public Records.
30. The governing documents did not authorize the Plaintiff association to “assess” more than
105% …:
“The total of the assessments for recurring common expense shall be not more than
105% of the assessments for this purpose for the prior year unless approved in
writing by apartment owners …”
Here, there had been no “approval in writing” and the association falsified “assessments”.
31. § 720.3085, Fla. Stat. (Payment for assessments; lien claims), states:
Here, the “governing documents” did not “authorize” “the association” to defraud Dr. Jorg
Busse. Id. Here in particular, the governing documents did not authorize the association to
extort, and violate said Section 6, OR 330 Page 498. As a matter of law, the fraudulent lien
was null and void. See pleadings on file; see publicly recorded assessment payment records,
32. Here without authorization, the association purported to have filed “instrument” 4285498,
OR 4445 PG 1665.
33. Here, Dr. Jorg Busse had made satisfactory payment in full. In particular, the association
knew and fraudulently concealed that Dr. Jorg Busse had made satisfactory payment in
34. Dr. Busse had moved this Court to declare the proceedings fraudulent and unauthorized.
b. The purported “Plaintiff” did not hold any legitimate and genuine lien on Dr. Busse’s
c. There was no “debt” pursuant to Dr. Busse’s publicly recorded payment records and the
“governing documents”.
36. Defendant Eugene C. Turner, an investor in bankrupt Orion Bank, knew that Defendant
Judicial Officers Chene M. Thompson and Richard DeBoest, II, fraudulently pretended a
falsified lien, which had been conclusively controverted by the publicly recorded payment
records on file.
37. Here, Federal Defendant Eugene C. Turner had conflicts of interest and refused to recuse
himself even though Turner had invested in failed Orion Bank, which had managed the
38. Therefore, Dr. Jorg Busse demands an independent audit and accounting of any and all of
purported Plaintiff’s transactions under Florida law, and Ch. 718, Fla. Stat.
39. Process server Nicholas Krancher, ID # 157188, was arrested on February 9, 2008.
40. The Twentieth Judicial Circuit Certified Civil Process Server Review Board, 2072 Victoria
Ave., Ft. Myers, FL 33901, has been monitoring Defendant process server Nicholas
41. Dr. Jorg Busse complained about troubled process server Nicholas Krancher with the
42. Troubled process server Nicholas Krancher never served Dr. Jorg Busse with any summons
and/or complaint. Defendant Nicholas Krancher had perjured himself and falsified
official documents. Here, Defendant Krancher knew that Dr. Jorg Busse had not been
43. Defendant Krancher fraudulently pretended attempted service at the Naples Courthouse.
44. Defendant Krancher could not have possibly attempted any service at said Courthouse.
45. Dr. Jorg Busse has not been any served party Defendant.
47. Based on the public record evidence, troubled Nicholas Krancher was arrested and has a
48. Defendant Krancher perjured himself for criminal and illegal purposes on the public
49. Dr. Jorg Busse lives in reasonable fear of further unlawful acts by Defendant Nicholas
50. Defendant N. Krancher poses a threat. Dr. Jorg Busse has a Constitutional right to be free
51. Dr. Jorg Busse is suing Defendant Chene M. Thompson, a judicial officer, in Federal Court.
NO service – NO jurisdiction
52. Pursuant to the record, Dr. Jorg Busse was not served and did not submit to any jurisdiction.
NO debt – NO lien
53. Defendant Thompson knew that no debt had existed in this facially fraudulent action. Here,
nothing could have possibly become any lien on Dr. Jorg Busse’s record property.
54. Orion Bank, the purported “Plaintiff’s” failed agent went bankrupt, and Defendant E. C.
55. Prevention of publicly recorded foreclosure fraud is a top-ranking public agenda and an
2. An Order declaring the falsified proceedings fraudulent and unauthorized under said
3. An Order for said independent audit and accounting pursuant to Florida law;
5. An EMERGENCY Order restraining Defendant Nicholas Krancher from any service upon
10. An Order compelling Eugene C. Turner to SHOW CAUSE why Defendants’ facially
frivolous and illegal claims should not be summarily dismissed as supported by the
11. An Order compelling Eugene C. Turner to SHOW CAUSE why his “orders” and “rulings”
were not on their faces irrational, arbitrary, capricious, and null & void as evidenced by
the public record evidence, Affidavits, and Dr. Busse’s payment records on file.
12. An EMERGENCY Order disqualifying and recusing objectively impaired Judge Eugene
C. Turner, because he was so impaired that he could not perform the essential duties of a
13. An EMERGENCY Order disqualifying and recusing objectively impaired Judge Eugene
C. Turner, because no reasonable, intelligent, and fit judge, juror, and/or person in Turner’s
shoes could have possibly determined Dr. Busse’s “liability” without first obtaining the
14. An EMERGENCY Order disqualifying and recusing objectively impaired Judge Eugene
C. Turner, because no reasonable, intelligent, and fit judge, juror, and/or person in Turner’s
shoes could have possibly refused to give full credit to the record evidence of payments by
15. An Order compelling said Judicial Officer Turner and the Court to show good cause why
said judicial Officer was not impaired and not objectively partial;
16. An Order compelling said Judicial Officer Turner and the Court to show good cause why
said judicial Officer must not be disqualified under the Rules and based upon the conclusive
evidence of Dr. Busse’s payments to the Association on file in this and the related Case;
17. An Order compelling said Judicial Officer Turner and the Court to show good cause why
said judicial Officer did not conceal that Dr. Busse was NEVER served;
18. An Order compelling the Plaintiff to disclose and produce the Association’s “common
19. An Order compelling the Plaintiff to disclose and produce the Association’s “accounting”
20. An Order dismissing Plaintiff’s fraudulent Complaint with prejudice pursuant to said
21. An Order providing Dr. Busse with mandatory access to the case file prior to any hearing;
22. An Order for service of a notice of hearing upon Dr. Busse under said Rules;
23. An Order declaring the fraudulent lien null and void and/or not in effect and Defendant’s
24. An Order declaring any and all unapproved assessments null and void under said By-Laws
25. An Order compelling the Association to disclose any and all accounting and other records
since 2003 pursuant to said By-Laws, and Ch. 718, Condominiums, Florida Statutes, and in
26. An Order sanctioning Chene M. Thompson, Esq., Florida Bar 541540, for the prima facie
perjury and fraud on the Court she and her firm, Richard D. DeBoest, II, Condo & HOA Law
Group, LLC, 2030 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33901, perpetrated on the record when
Thompson swore to and filed the fraudulent Affidavit (01/28/2010) to mislead this Court.
27. An Order taking judicial notice of the Plaintiff Association’s said By-Laws, Public Records,
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above pleading has been furnished to
the Plaintiff, Granada Condominium Homes Association, Inc., and/or its agent of record,
Platinum Property Management, LLC, North Collier Corporate Center II, 1016 Collier Center
Way, Suite 102, Naples, FL 34110, Chene M. Thompson, Esq., Florida Bar 541540, Richard D.
DeBoest, II, Condo & HOA Law Group, LLC, 2030 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33901,
and to reassigned Judge Eugene C. Turner, Naples Courthouse, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples,
FL 34112, on this 3rd day of September, 2010. The pleading is also being published worldwide.
See, e.g.,,
CC: Donna Woodruff, Facsimile: 239-252-8020, Clerk of Courts; Angela Turner, J.A.
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority authorized to administer oaths and take
acknowledgments, personally appeared Dr. Jorg Busse, and who, after first being duly sworn,
deposes and says upon oath the foregoing and Complaint in U.S. District Court, UNITED
Expiration of Commission:
/s/Notary Public