Bandillon, Et. Al v. LFUC
Bandillon, Et. Al v. LFUC
Bandillon, Et. Al v. LFUC
The elements of litis pendentia, are present in the case at bar sipce, in both the petition CA reasoning in granting petition for certiorari completely contradicts those of the DOLE
with the Court of Appeals as well as in the motion filed with the DOLE-VI Regional and DOLE Region VI
Director, the parties are inarguably the same, the causes of action and the reliefs prayed We find that the latter finds greater support from the evidence presented. It is also
for are essentially the same, tile factual scenarios under which the reliefs are prayed for established that except when there are cogent reasons, this Court will not alter, modify
are the same and the identity of these is such that a decision in one case would amount to or reverse the factual findings of the Secretary of Labor (or her subordinates) because,
res judicata in the other action, the elements of res judicata being: (1) the judgment by reason of her official position, she is considered to have acquired expertise as her
sought to bar the new action must be final; (2) the decision must have been rendered by a jurisdiction is confined to specific matters. For the same reason, We likewise find LFUC's
court having jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties; (3) the disposition of the
contentions in the case at bar as regards the alleged denial of its right to due process to be 4. Also, the DOLE Secretary, in her Order noted that a Subpoena Duces Tecum was in fact
without merit. served on LFUC directing it to produce copies of the payrolls and daily time records for the
years 1996 to 1998, which LFUC did not comply with. In the same Order, the DOLE
CA ruled that "no evidence was submitted by the parties prior to the issuance of the Order Secretary stated that the DOLE-VI Regional Director wrote LFUC on to warn the latter that
dated August 28, 2006 by then (DOLE-VI) Regional Director Carlos Boteros." However, the
computation of the employees' wages and monetary benefits would be based on available
court only precipitately arrived at this conclusion, while failing to note and omitting to records absent LFUC's submission of the required documents. LFUC, however, still did not
discuss the explanations made by the DOLE and DOLE-VI Regional Director on the issue. heed the warning. Neither did its appeal before the DOLE Secretary after the denial of its
1. CA sustained wholesale LFUC's allegations that it was not given the opportunity to motion for reconsideration contain the said documents.
present evidence to refute the monetary claims of the complaining workers; that the 5. As for the allegation by LFUC 6 of the employees have been declared validly dismissed
employees were piece-rate truck drivers so that there was no legal basis for them to claim by the Labor Arbiter, the petitioners sufficiently explained in their Comment to the
underpayment of wages, non-payment of holiday pay, rest day pay and overtime pay; and petition for certiorari before the Court of Appeals that the Labor Arbiter's ruling had been
that many of the employees have executed waivers and quitclaims which makes them no reversed by the appellate court itself, which reversal was effectively upheld by the
longer entitled to their claims. Supreme Court when it denied with finality the appeal of LFUC. In addition, We see no
- DOLE-VI Regional Director already had adequately addressed the same, stating that LFUC reason how such dismissal is relevant to the case at bar, as the money claims that were
had its "several opportunities to submit evidence .... that the workers were given their heard before the DOLE-VI Regional Director involved unpaid wages and other pays
minimum wage," during the numerous times that the case was heard in its various stages incurred prior to such dismissal.
with the DOLE Region VI all the way to the appeal to the DOLE Secretary. LFUC could have The appellate court's failure to address these factual narrations and findings of the labor
presented its evidence in those fora, at any stage of the proceedings, but it did not. tribunals put its own ruling on a dubious footing, as it now rests on nothing but
2. Then, as for the piece-rate workers, the Regional Director explained that the DOLE "assumptions, conjectures and suppositions" as the petition alleges. We have no reason
Secretary had already ruled in her Order dated September 18, 2003 that even piecerate to depart from the presumption that the labor officials performed their official duties in
workers are still entitled to payment of holiday pay, rest day pay and overtime pay a regular manner, absent any evidence from respondent that this was not the case. We
because they are "supervised workers" and ply their routes "upon clear instructions," have also previously recognized the Secretary of Labor's distinct expertise in the study
otherwise, they are subject to disciplinary actions. This order by the DOLE Secretary was and settlement of labor disputes falling under his power of compulsory arbitration and
among those that was already affirmed with finality by this Court in the previous case of that the factual findings of labor administrative officials, if supported by substantial
Iloilo La Filipina Uygongco Corporation v. Court of Appeals and, thus, is no longer open to evidence, are entitled not only to great respect but even to finality.94 Therefore, as
disputation or revision. between the bare conclusions of the appellate court, and the findings of the labor
offices, which are supported by substantial evidence, We are inclined to uphold the
3. As for the waivers and quitclaims, the Regional Director likewise explained that such latter.
may not be given credence as they were executed in violation of Administrative Order No.
105, series of 1995, which requires such waivers or quitclaims to be executed, among DISPOSITION: WHEREFORE, petition GRANTED. CA decision REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
others, in the presence of the Regional Director or his duly authorized representatives. DOLE ORDERED TO PROCEED WITH DISPATCH IN THE ENFORCEMENT of the Writ(s) of
The waivers and quitclaims were not so executed. Such were simply not taken account of Execution
and disregarded without valid explanation by the Court of Appeals.