Intro RMF
Intro RMF
Intro RMF
Table of Contents
RMF Topics
The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is the common information security framework for
the Federal Government. RMF aims to improve information security, strengthen the risk
management processes, and encourage reciprocity among federal agencies.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course you will be able to:
• Identify policies and regulations that govern the DoD Transition to RMF
• Define DoD Information Technology affected by RMF
• Understand the implementation of RMF
Please allow 30 minutes to complete this course. Follow the on-screen instructions to
advance through the course. You will also find options for course resources and transcripts of
the course material. After each lesson is a short review to immediately reinforce several key
points of that lesson. You will need to complete each review before you are permitted to go to
the next lesson.
To receive a certificate of completion for this course, you must also take the final exam. The
exam is located in STEPP.
RMF Introduction
Let’s begin by looking back to see how the DoD transformation to the RMF started.
Everybody knows that information technology and systems are integral to operations at DoD.
While these systems have brought great benefits to the battlefield and the office, they also
represent vulnerability.
DoD systems are subject to threats that can have adverse effects on organizational operations
and assets, individuals, and the Nation.
The RMF, supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800 series
publications (already in use by other federal agencies under the Federal Information Security
Management Act) provides a structured, yet flexible approach for managing risk resulting
from the incorporation of information systems into the mission and business processes of an
Even with the changes, DoD will continue to follow the DoD 8500 series documentation for
cybersecurity policy.
Policy Alignment
DoD is not reinventing the wheel, simply aligning cybersecurity and risk management
policies, procedures, and guidance with Joint Transformation NIST documents to create the
basis for a unified information security framework for the Federal Government.
Policy Partnerships
DoD participates in Committee on National Security Systems and NIST policy development as
a vested stakeholder with the goals of a more standardized approach to cybersecurity and to
protect the unique requirements of DoD missions and warfighters.
DoD is committed to making the transition to RMF seamless and, to that end, will be deploying
an RMF Knowledge Service.
Many of you may be familiar with the DIACAP Knowledge Service. The RMF Knowledge
Service is currently being developed and will be housed in a new portal as soon as the initial
content is finalized.
Once content has been deployed, a link to the new portal will be provided on the main
DIACAP Knowledge Service splash page at the website identified on your screen.
The DIACAP Knowledge Service will remain online to support current systems.
Under the RMF, technical and non-technical features of DoD Information systems will be
comprehensively evaluated in the intended environment.
This allows an Authorizing Official (AO), formerly referred to as the Designated Approving
Authority, to determine whether or not the system is approved to operate at an acceptable level
of security risk based on the implementation of an approved set of technical, managerial, and
procedural countermeasures or mitigations.
We’ll explore the specifics of these controls under the Implementation Guidance portion of this
course. So while it sounds complex, the RMF builds on existing information assurance policy
by providing a structured, yet flexible approach for managing risk.
RMF Governance
Now let’s talk about the governance of the RMF under the DoD.
Given the significant danger of these attacks, all individuals within the organization must
understand their responsibilities for managing the risk from operating information systems that
July 2014 Center for the Development of Security Excellence 5
Introduction to the Risk Management Framework Course Student Guide
support the mission/business functions of the organization, and take responsibility for risk
consequences and mitigation.
The security controls and safeguards selected by the organization must take into account:
• Potential mission or business impacts
• Risk to organizational operations and assets
• Individuals
• Other organizations
• The Nation
These roles and responsibilities have been delegated enterprise-wide and are arranged into
The key governance element in Tier 2 is the Principal Authorizing Official (PAO).
Tier 2 also contains the DoD Component CIOs who are responsible for administration of RMF
within the DoD Component Cybersecurity Programs.
Component SISOs have authority and responsibility for security controls assessment.
The system cybersecurity program consists of the policies, procedures, and activities of the
Information System Owner who appoints a user representative for assigned systems.
The program Manager or System Manager ensures an IS Systems Engineer implements the
This tier also includes the Information Security System Manager (ISSM) (formerly known as
an Information Assurance Manager) and the information system Security Officer.
Remember, Special Access Program or SAP information technology, other than SAP ISs
handling sensitive compartmented information, will be processed pursuant to the Joint Sap
Implementation Guide (JSIG).
Also, please note that the risk assessment process extends to the logistics support of fielded
equipment and the need to maintain the integrity of supply sources.
The DoD RMF presumes acceptance of existing test and assessment results and authorization
documentation. See DoD Instruction 8510, Enclosure 5, for cases describing the proper
application of DoD policy on reciprocity in the most frequently occurring scenarios.
July 2014 Center for the Development of Security Excellence 7
Introduction to the Risk Management Framework Course Student Guide
One of the primary reasons for the transition to the RMF is to enable reciprocity between
Federal agencies, including the DoD. It gives Federal agencies common processes, security
controls, testing activities and outcomes, as well as a common lexicon among organizations.
Moving to a common process will reduce costs related to the activities associated with system
Implementation Guidance
Let’s discuss the application of the RMF Implementation Guidance.
RMF Step 1
Security categorization is the key first step in the RMF because of its effect on all other steps in
the framework, from selection of security controls to level of effort in assessing security
control effectiveness.
Security categorization provides a means for selecting an initial baseline of security controls
for protecting the information system and the organization.
DoD 8510.01 requires all information systems and PIT systems for both NSS and non-NSS to
be categorized in accordance with CNSSI 1253.
The CNSSI 1253 System Categorization process builds on and is a companion document to
NIST Special Publication SP 800-53. It should be used as a tool to select and agree upon
appropriate protections for an IS or PIT system.
July 2014 Center for the Development of Security Excellence 8
Introduction to the Risk Management Framework Course Student Guide
Based upon Federal Information processing Standard Publication (FIPS 199), categorization
of systems uses the three security objectives (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) with
one impact value (low, moderate, or high) for each of the security objectives. System
categorization further defines and provides guidance on developing and implementing
Results of the process must be documented in the security plan, to include system description
and boundaries, registration of the system in the DoD component cybersecurity program, and
the assignment of qualified personnel to RMF roles.
RMF Step 2
The purpose of Step 2, the Select Step, is to specify appropriate security controls to meet the
minimum security requirements as defined by DoD baseline configuration standards and to
ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the information and information system
in accordance with the organization's protection strategy.
The security control selection process includes activities designed to determine the required
controls that will be implemented to reduce threats and manage risks from operating the
organization's information systems.
Tailoring of security controls is essential to address the diverse and specialized nature of DoD
Overlays can be applied for unique characteristics such as medical, industrial control, or
weapons systems.
Of the 900+ controls and enhancements in the NIST SP 800-53 Catalog, about 400 typically
apply to an Information System.
Of the 400, many are “common controls” inherited from the hosting environment; this is a
great use of the “build once/use many” approach and will hopefully minimize the complexity
of control selection.
RMF Step 3
In Step 3, implementation is used in the RMF in a broad sense to encompass all of the activities
necessary to translate the security controls identified in the system security plan into an
effective implementation.
Once the appropriate baseline and common security controls have been identified and tailoring
and supplemental guidance have been applied, the security controls are implemented.
RMF Step 4
Step 4 in the RMF is to assess. Once security controls are implemented, they should be
assessed for effectiveness.
The Security Control Assessor (SCA) will develop, review, and approve a plan to assess the
security controls. The plan will ensure assessment activities are coordinated for
interoperability and identify appropriate procedures to assess those controls. The AO
approves the Security Assessment Plan.
RMF Step 5
Step 5, security authorization is the official management decision of a senior organizational
official to authorize operation of an information system and to explicitly accept the risk to
organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation based on
the implementation of an agreed-upon set of security controls.
The Security Assessment Report completed in RMF Step 4 provides AOs with the information
needed for understanding the current security state of the organization's information systems
and supporting infrastructure and the current risk posture of the organization.
Security authorization requires managers at all levels to implement the appropriate security
controls for the information system, given:
• Mission/business requirements
• Technical constraints
• Operational constraints
• Cost/schedule constraints
• Risk-related considerations
When performing security authorization activities, the level of effort, resources expended, and
actions taken should be commensurate with the security category of the information system.
RMF Step 6
The final step, Step 6, is a critical aspect of the security authorization process. It is the
post-authorization period involving the continuous monitoring of an information system's
security controls, which includes analyzing and documenting any proposed or actual changes
to the information system or its environment of operation.
Information system monitoring activities are most effective when integrated into the broader
lifecycle management processes carried out by the organization and not executed as
stand-alone, security-centric activities.
The ultimate objective of the continuous monitoring program is to determine if the security
controls in the information system continue to be effective over time in light of the inevitable
changes to hardware, software, and firmware that occur in the system, as well as changes in the
environment in which the system operates.
The RMF is a six-step process that addresses the lifecycle of an information system.
Let’s take a moment to review some facts about the RMF process.
The RMF is a six-step process that addresses the lifecycle of an information system. Let’s
take a moment to review some facts about the RMF process.
Consideration for risk in the acquisition process for DoD Information Technology is built into
the RMF and aligned with DoD system activities.
DoD has identified a transition timeline for DoD IT systems that is dependent upon system
authorization status.
Paul: Well, Mary I feel like I have a good grounding in the concepts for the Risk
Management Framework. I truly believe it represents a critical update.
Mary: Risk management is critical to your organization’s ability to achieve its mission and
goals. Because of the severity of the security threats faced by DoD organizations, use of
the Risk Management Framework to implement information security safeguards for
DoD information technology systems is essential.
Mary: Application of the Risk Management Framework will ensure that DoD Information
Systems remain secure and that our organization is always mission ready.
Paul: Hey, why don’t you try the final quiz I created, let go to STEPP and let’s see if you
really were paying attention.
This concludes the Introduction to the Risk Management Framework course. You should now
be able to:
• Identify policies and regulations that govern the DoD Transition to RMF
• Define DoD Information Technology affected by RMF
• Understand the implementation of RMF
To receive a certificate of completion for this course, you must also take the final exam. The
exam is located in STEPP.
C. DCID 6/3
Question 5: What broad groups does DoD use to categorize information technology?
D. (b) and (c )
Question 6: What information is identified in the “Categorize System” step of the Risk
Management Framework?
A. Step 1
B. Step 4
C. Step 5
D. Step 6
C. DCID 6/3
Answer Expansion: DoD will continue to follow the DoD 8500 series documentation For
Cybersecurity policy (formerly Information Assurance)
Question 5: What broad groups does DoD use to categorize information technology
(Answer is E)
Question 6: What information is identified in the “Categorize System” step of the Risk
Management Framework?
Answer Expansion: Security categorization helps the organization identify the types of
information that will be processed, stored, or transmitted by the information
systems supporting the mission/business processes. This helps in the selection of
initial baseline security controls for protecting the information system and the
organization. This information forms the basis for the steps that follow
categorization in the RMF, which entail selecting, implementing, and assessing the
security controls for the system for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining
authorization for the system to operate.
A. Step 1
B. Step 4
C. Step 5
D. Step 6
Answer Key:
Step 4 Assess Security Controls: Develop and approve security assessment plan