Exam 7.4.2016

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ELEC-E8403 Converter Techniques Exam 7.4.


Remember to answer the course feedback questionnaire. You will receive an extra bonus point by doing

1. A six-pulse thyristor rectifier has a load of R = 50 Ω and the dc current can be assumed to be ideal
dc (large inductance). The line-to-line supply voltage is 400 V, frequency 50 Hz and the delay
angle of the rectifier is 45°. a) Calculate active and reactive power taken from the supply system
(2 points) b) The inductance of the supply system is 1 mH per phase. What is the active power
now? It can be assumed that commutation causes an additional delay equal to half of the
commutation angle. How large is the reactive power in this case? (3 points)

2. Three-phase squirrel cage motor is supplied from a pulse width modulated inverter. In one
operating point the line-to-line voltage of the motor comprises of two pulses within a half cycle
and the control principle is constant flux. Calculate the frequencies on which the minimum and
maximum values of the 7th harmonic occur, ƒ < 50Hz. The nominal line-to-line voltage of the
motor is 400 V and th e intermediate dc-bus voltage is 540 V. Nominal frequency of the motor is
50 Hz.

3. Explain shortly the operating principle of the converter shown below. Draw the phasor diagram
of the system and use it to calculate reference amplitude of vconv1 and its angle as a function of
the line current, when the power taken from the power systems varies between 0 - 6 kW and
reactive power is zero. Rms voltage of the power system is 230 V, inductance 20 mH and
resistance 0,1 . Explain without mathematics what changes if the converter supplies all the time
1 kVA reactive power to the power system.

4. The line frequency apparent power of a six-pulse thyristor rectifier S = 20 MVA and the line-to-
line rms voltage is 110 kV. For compensation and filtering purposes there is a filter for the 5th
harmonic with parameters: X 0  5 L  480  and quality factor Q  X 0 R f  50 . Short circuit
power of the power system Sk = 590 MVA and system can be assumed to be reactive. Calculate
the 5th harmonic voltage without and with the filter. What is the effect of the quality factor Q on
the harmonic voltage? When calculating harmonics, the effect of commutation is neglected and
dc current can be assumed ideal.

5. Pulse width modulation in power electronics. Explain the main principles of PWM and discuss
advantages and disadvantages on using PWM.
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S - 81.3110 Suuntaajatekniikka (Old course lectured in Finnish till Spring 2015) Tentti 7.4.2016

1. Oletetaan, että 6-pulssisen tasasuuntaajan tasavirtapiirissä on äärettömän suuri induktanssi. Sillan

kuormituksena on resistanssi R = 50 Ω, verkon pääjännite on 400 V, taajuus 50 Hz ja sillan
ohjauskulma 45°. a) Laske verkosta otettu pätö- ja loisteho (2 p.) b) Kussakin vaiheessa on 1 mH
kommutointi-induktanssit. Kuinka suuri pätöteho on tässä tapauksessa? Laske myös likiarvo
loistehotarpeelle. (3 p.)

2. Oikosulkumoottoria syötetään pulssinleveysmoduloidusta (PWM) vaihtosuuntaajasta. Eräässä

toimintapisteessä pääjännitteessä (symmetrinen 3-vaihejärjestelmä) on 2 pulssia/puolijakso ja
säätö perustuu vakiovuoperiaatteeseen. Laske millä taajuuksilla 7. yliaallon maksimi- ja mini-
miarvot esiintyvät, ƒ < 50Hz. Moottorin nimellinen pääjännite on 400 V, joka on myös
taajuusmuuttajan kuusipulssista diodisiltaa syöttävän verkon jännite. Moottorin nimellistaajuus
on 50 Hz.

3. Selitä seuraavan kuvan mukaisen suuntaajan periaatteellinen toiminta lyhyesti. Piirrä kytkentää
vastaava osoitindiagrammi. Laske sen avulla tarvittavan vastajänniteohjeen perusaallon itseisarvo
vconv1 ja kulma verkkovirran funktiona, kun verkosta otettu teho vaihtelee välillä 0 - 6 kW ja
loisteho on nolla. Verkkojännitteen tehollisarvo on 230 V ja verkon induktanssi 20 mH sekä
resistanssi 0,1 . Selitä sanallisesti miten tilanne muuttuu jos verkkoon syötetään koko ajan
lisäksi 1 kVA loistehoa.

4. Kuusipulssinen tyristoritasasuuntaaja ottaa verkosta perustaajuisen näennäistehon S = 20 MVA

verkon pääjännitteen tehollisarvon ollessa 110 kV. Kompensointiin ja suodatukseen on rakennettu
5. yliaallolle viritetty suodatin. Suodattimen arvot ovat: X 0  5 L  480  ja hyvyysluku
Q  X 0 R f  50 . Verkon oikosulkuteho Sk = 590 MVA ja verkko voidaan olettaa reaktiiviseksi.
Laske verkon 5. yliaallon jännite ilman suodatinta ja suodattimen kanssa. Miten suodattimen
hyvyysluku vaikuttaa yliaaltojännitteeseen? Yliaaltojen laskennassa kommutoinnin vaikutusta ei
oteta huomioon ja tasasuuntaajan tasavirta oletetaan täysin tasoittuneeksi.

5. Kytkentäsuojapiirien käytön pääperiaatteet suuntaajatekniikassa.

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Question 1.

a) The ideal uncontrolled dc voltage is

𝑉𝑜,𝑑𝑐 = 𝑉 = 540,18 V
𝜋 𝐿𝐿,𝑝
And it is reduced by using control angle. If the losses of the converter are zero, active power taken
from the supply is
𝑃 = 𝑉o,dc 𝐼𝑑 cos 𝛼𝑓 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝛼𝑓 ≈ 2,92 kW

In diode rectifier power factor can be calculated as

and it is constant. However, in thyristor rectifiers control angle is used to reduce the output voltage
value. At the same time output power decreases too as was seen in the active power. Nevertheless,
power factor and reactive power taken from the supply behaves differently. Control angle introduces
a delay in the ac side between current and voltage. This is reflected in power factor, which reduces.

When comparing to the diode rectifier, there is an additional factor cos (f), which means that there
is a phase shift equal to f between the voltage and fundamental component of line current.
Reactive power from the supply is therefore simply

𝑄 = √3𝑉LL 𝐼𝐿1 sin 𝛼𝑓

Where 𝐼𝐿1 is the fundamental component of the line current. It could be calculated by Fourier-series
from the line current waveform but it can be obtained from the previous active power too because

𝑃 = √3𝑉LL 𝐼𝐿1 cos 𝛼𝑓 = 𝑉o,dc 𝐼𝑑 cos 𝛼𝑓

And the fundamental current component is
𝑉o,dc 3√2⁄𝜋 √6
𝐼𝐿1 = 𝐼𝑑 = 𝐼𝑑 = 𝐼
√3𝑉LL √3 𝜋 𝑑
𝑄 = √3𝑉LL 𝐼 sin 𝛼𝑓 = 𝑉o,dc 𝐼𝑑 sin 𝛼𝑓 ≈ 2,92 kVAr
𝜋 𝑑
Active and reactive power are equal because control angle is 45o.

b) When commutation is taken into account it has been shown in the textbook that

There 𝑖̂𝑘 = 𝑉𝐿𝐿,𝑝 ⁄2𝑋𝑠 is the peak value of short circuit current when two line are connected together.
Line reactance Xv ≈ 0,314 and 𝑖̂𝑘 ≈ 900,3 A. Further, it has been shown in the textbook that there
is a voltage drop due to commutation and it can be modelled as resistive voltage drop
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where 𝑅𝑟 = 𝜋 𝑋𝑣 and then the dc voltage can also be written in the form

3 3 𝑉𝐿𝐿,𝑝 3
𝑉𝑜,𝑑𝑐 = 𝑉𝐿𝐿,𝑝 cos 𝛼𝑓 − 𝑋𝑣 [cos 𝛼𝑓 − cos(𝛼𝑓 + 𝜇)] = 𝑉 [cos 𝛼𝑓 + cos(𝛼𝑓 + 𝜇)]
𝜋 𝜋 2𝑋𝑣 2𝜋 𝐿𝐿,𝑝

The dc voltage can be calculated with the dc quantities to, i.e. it is equal to RId and

U di
U d  RI d  cos   cos      Riˆk cos   cos    
2 
Riˆk cos   U di cos 
cos      2  0, 699    0, 679o
U di  Riˆk

Because of the commutation dc-voltage drops and power is reduced.

I d  iˆk cos   cos      7,59 A  P  RI d2  2,88 kW

Consumption of reactive power increases as commutation increases the phase shift between the
input voltage and current. Without commutation it was equal to  and with commutation one often
used approximation is  + f/2.

Question 2.
Symmetric three-phase system means that the center points of the pulses must be at 60° and 120° in
line-to-line voltage but the width of the pulses is not known. We will mark the width of the pulse
with 2. Marking the starting and ending points of the two pulses with unknown angles the
Fourier-voltage of the voltage is

2U d  12 sin nx   22 sin nx 

bn 
nπ  11 21 
2U d
 cos n11  cos n12  cos n 21  cos n 22  , n  1,3,5, 7,...

 1
k =  k2 –  k1
4U d 2
 sin  n1  cos  n1   sin  n 2  cos  n 2   , n  1,3,5, 7,...
nπ  1
 k = k1 + k2
k =  k = 
Here  k = 60° , when k = 1 ja k =120° when k = 2
 bn 4  Ud
Un = => Un = sin n  sin n60° + sin n · sin n120°
2 n 2
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 4  Ud 8  Ud 3
U7 = sin 7  sin 760° + sin 7  sin 7120° =   sin 7 
n 2 7 2 2
Zero values of U7are the minimum points of U7 , i.e
=> U7 = 0 => sin 7 = 0 =>7 = m  180° , m = 0,  1,  2,  3...
 m  180°
=>  =
Physical limitations for  are 0 ≤  ≤ 30°
m = 0 =>  = 0 °, m = 1 =>  = 25,7°, m = 2 =>  = 51,4 ° > 30°
Maximum values of the harmonics are obtained by derivation.
dU 7 4  Ud 3
=   cos 7  = 0
d 2 2
90° l  180°
=>  = +
7 7 , l = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ...
l = 0 =>  = 12,86° l = 1 =>  = 38,57° > 30°
=> 7. harmonic minima when  = 0° ja = 25,7° and maximum when °. Additionally
° should be studied from U7 but it can be seen from that it is for sure smaller than at

U UN  U1
As we are operating in the constant flux region = => f = fN 
f fN UN
Fundamental component:
4 Ud 4 Ud
U1 = (sin  sin 60° + sin  sin 120°) = : 3 sin 
 2  2
 = 0° => U1 = 0 V => f = 0 Hz
 178
 = 12,86° => U1 = 4  513  3  sin 12,86° = 178 V => f = 50  = 23,4 Hz
 4  513  3 347
 = 25,7° => U1 =  sin 25,7° = 347 V => f = 50  = 45,7 Hz
 2 380

In the question line-to-line voltage is 400 V and the previous values are 22,25 Hz ja 43,37 Hz.

Question 3
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As we know

Uv = R + jL I1 + Us1 (1)

when cos 1 = 1, so

Uv – RI 1 = Us1  cos  (2)

jLI1 = Us1  sin  (3)

Us1 = Uv – RI 1 2+ LI1 2 (4)

 = arc tan LI1

Uv – RI j (5)

I1 max = Pmax = 6 kW  21,4 A

By solving it: Uv 280 V

 US1 min = Uv = 280V; min = 0


 2 –3 2 1/2
US1 max = 280 – 0,1  21,4 + 314 20  10  21,4  309 V

314  20  10–3  21,4

=>  max = arctan  25,8°
280 – 0  1  21,4

Question 4

I = I1
Line-current harmonics are at n = kp ± 1 = 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,… and amplitudes n n
where I1 = is the fundamental component. Effect of commutation is neglected. Fifth harmonic is
𝑆 20 ∙ 106
𝑆 = √3𝑈𝐼1 => 𝐼5 = = A ≈ 20,99 A
√3𝑈5 √3 ∙ 110 ∙ 103 5

Network is assumed to be reactive and its impedance is calculated from short circuit power.

U 3 U2 U2
Sk  3UI k  3U   Xv   24, 2 
Xv Xv Sk

When operating without the filter, fifth harmonic line-to-line voltage is

𝑈5 = √3𝑋𝑣5 𝐼5 = √35𝑋𝑣 𝐼5 ≈ 4400 V ≜ 4%

With filter situation is as shown below

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At resonance frequency only the resistance of the filter remains.

X 480
Rf  0    9, 6
Q 50
Fifth current harmonics sees the parallel connection of the network impedance and filter and in line-
to-line voltage

jX v 5 R f X v5 R f 5X v Rf
U5  3 I5  3 I5  3 I 5  191, 4V 0,000174%
R f  jX v 5 R 2f  X v25 R 2f  25 X v2
With the numerical values of this question, the result is 348 V and 0,32 %, i.e. much smaller than in
the first case.

Quality factor has an effect on the resistance and in an ideal case it is infinite (resistance zero) and
the harmonic voltage would be zero.

Question 5.

See textbook

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