Sustainability of Bitcoin
Sustainability of Bitcoin
Sustainability of Bitcoin
Bitcoin is an electronic currency that has become increasingly It is not governed by central authorities, such as govern-
popular since its introduction in 2008. Transactions in the ments or central banks, and intermediaries for currency
bitcoin system are stored in a public transaction ledger (‘the issuance or settlement and validation of transactions, and
blockchain’), which is stored in a decentralized, peer-to-peer can provide lower transaction fees for payments [1,2].
network. Bitcoin provides decentralized currency issuance and The Bitcoin Foundation provides some centralized gov-
transaction clearance. The security of the blockchain depends ernance for standardization, protection and promotion of
on a compute-intensive algorithm for bitcoin mining, which bitcoin, but it does not act as a central bank and does not
prevents double spending of bitcoins and tampering with issue currency [3].
confirmed transactions. This ‘proof-of-work’ algorithm is
energy demanding. How much energy is actually consumed, is Bitcoin was introduced in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto [4],
subject of debate. We argue that this energy consumption which is a pseudonym of an author or group of authors
currently is in the range of 100–500 MW. We discuss the whose identity is covered in mysteries. The term ‘Bitcoin’
developments in bitcoin mining hardware. We also briefly often refers to the system, while the term ‘bitcoin’ or
outline alternative schemes that are less energy demanding. BTC refers to the unit of currency. In this paper, for
We finally look at other blockchain applications, and argue that simplicity we just use the term bitcoin. Bitcoin is an
also here energy consumption is not of primary concern. electronic, virtual currency that has no physical represen-
tation such as coins or banknotes. The bitcoin ecosystem
is a network of users that communicate with each other
using the bitcoin protocol via the Internet. The bitcoin
Open University of the Netherlands, P.O. Box 2960, 6401 DL Heerlen, protocol is available as an open source software applica-
The Netherlands
Radboud University, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The
tion and allows users to store and transfer bitcoins for
Netherlands purchasing and selling goods, or to exchange bitcoins for
other currencies. The issuance of bitcoins takes places in
Corresponding author: Vranken, Harald ( the network while handling transactions in a process
called bitcoin mining. The bitcoin network started in
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2017, 28:xx-yy 2009 and ever since bitcoin has been the most popular
decentralized currency. In January 2017 there were
This review comes from a themed issue on Sustainability governance
and transformation 16 million bitcoins in circulation with a total value of
roughly 16 billion US dollars, although the exchange rate
Edited by Carolien Kroeze, Harald Vranken, Marjolein Caniels and
Dave Huitema of bitcoins has shown very large fluctuations.
Received: 10 February 2017; Accepted: 23 April
Both scientific and professional literature on digital cur-
2017 rencies, with bitcoin as prime example, is extensive.
Some provide gentle, general introductions to the tech- nology applied in bitcoin (e.g. [5]), while others provide
1877-3435/ã 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. more detailed overviews of the technical operation of
bitcoin (e.g. [6,7,8]) as well as economical and financial
aspects (e.g. [9]).
subject of debate in the last few years. The contributions the blockchain and propagated to the network. Although
of this paper are: firstly, to synthesize and critically assess computing a valid hash is difficult, verifying whether a
the viewpoints in scientific literature; and finally, to argue hash is valid is easy and hence each node that receives the
that the energy consumption of the bitcoin system is not block can quickly identify whether the new block is valid.
excessive, which stands in contrast to the public opinion When a node receives a new valid block, it stops the
that bitcoin mining is a gross waste of energy. We explore mining process for the current block and starts mining for
four subquestions: What factors play a role in the energy a new block. The node that won the block receives a
consumption of bitcoin mining, how large is this energy block reward, which is a fixed amount of new bitcoins.
consumption, does this impede sustainability, and if so Hence, the issuance of bitcoins (minting) is done during
are there alternatives that can reduce energy consump- the bitcoin mining process. The node that won the block
tion? In the following sections we outline the basic also receives the transaction fees for every transaction
operation of the bitcoin system, we summarize trends included in the block. Every 10 min on average, a node is
in the hardware used for bitcoin mining, we discuss the able to mine a new block. It can be the case that multiple
energy footprint of bitcoin mining, we present some of nodes simultaneously generate a valid block, which
the alternatives that have been proposed to reduce energy causes that multiple versions of the blockchain (‘forks’)
consumption, and we briefly discuss other applications of occur temporarily. Forks are resolved as soon as one of the
the blockchain technology that is at the basis of the forks contains more blocks. The computations to find and
bitcoin system. verify a cryptographic hash of a block during bitcoin
mining allows the bitcoin network to gain consensus
Overview of the bitcoin system about the state of transactions. This elegantly solves
The bitcoin system is a distributed, peer-to-peer network. the issue of double spending and hence an amount of
There is no central server or point of control, and all nodes bitcoins cannot be spent twice. The bitcoin mining
in the network are equal peers. Each transaction to process decentralizes the currency issuance and the trans-
transfer an amount of bitcoins among users is transmitted action clearing normally done by central banks and clear-
to the bitcoin network where it is stored in a distributed inghouses. In economics bitcoin is considered as money
transaction ledger, the blockchain. The blockchain con- to some extent, since it offers a unit of account, means of
tains the entire history of bitcoin transactions. Each node payment, and store of value [1,3]. It can even be argued
in the network stores a (complete or partial) copy of the that bitcoin has an intrinsic value due to the computa-
blockchain. New transactions are propagated rapidly tional effort for bitcoin mining [17].
across the nodes in the network. A transaction is in fact
a transfer from a source of funds (called an input) to a Each block does not only contain transactions, but also
destination (called an output). Transaction inputs and the hash of the previously accepted block in the block-
outputs are not related to accounts or balances: an input is chain. Hence, the blocks in the blockchain are linked to
a reference to an unspent transaction output of the sender each other: they form a chain of blocks, thence the term
in a previous transaction. Before forwarding a transaction ‘blockchain’. This provides security, as a node with
to its neighbors, each node first verifies the transaction, malicious intent cannot easily replace or modify an
which includes checking the syntax and structure, and already accepted transaction or add a new transaction
whether it is a valid transfer of an amount of yet unspent to an already accepted block, since this would require
transaction outputs. Each node independently verifies to redo the computations to find a valid hash for the
the transactions received, propagates valid transactions, modified block. And since new blocks are continuously
and builds a pool of valid transactions. The valid transac- added to the blockchain, each block linking to the previ-
tions are added to the blockchain in a process called ous block, also the hashes of the newly added blocks
bitcoin mining. Each node collects a number of valid would have to be recomputed.
transactions into a block and tries to compute a crypto-
graphic hash of the block that meets certain constraints The initial block reward was set to 50 BTC. The reward is
(based on the ideas of Hashcash [16]). A cryptographic halved every 210 000 blocks, which is approximately
hash is a kind of checksum for the block, that is one-way every four years. This will continue until 2140 when
(meaning that it is easy to compute a hash of a given the mining reward drops below 108 BTC, which is
block, but difficult to compute a block that matches a the minimal unit of bitcoin also known as satoshi. After-
given hash) and collision resistant (meaning that it is wards, transaction fees will provide the necessary incen-
difficult to find two blocks that yield the same hash). tive to continue mining of new blocks [18]. The bitcoin
Finding a hash that meets the constraints imposed by the protocol includes an algorithm to regulate that on average
bitcoin system, is a compute-intensive task that can be every 10 min a new block is mined, by adjusting the
executed only by brute-force trying. This implies a race difficulty to find a valid hash. This is required to keep up
among the nodes in the network to find a valid hash as with the improvements in the performance of mining
quickly as possible. The first node that finds such a hash, hardware which allows bitcoin miners to compute more
wins the block, which means that this block is added to and more hashes per second.
Hardware for bitcoin mining power consumption. The popularity of FPGAs was brief,
Bitcoin mining is attractive since it offers a strong finan- since the fourth generation appeared quickly.
cial incentive. For each block mined, the miner receives a
block reward as well as the transaction fees of the transac- The fourth generation appeared early 2013 with the
tions in the block. As bitcoin gained in popularity, an arms introduction of Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
race started among miners. Bitcoin miners initially used (ASICs) containing dedicated circuitry that is optimized
general-purpose computers, but they quickly switched to to perform hashing computations as efficiently as possi-
more dedicated hardware that offered higher perfor- ble. Butterfly Labs, ASICMiner and Avalon were the first
mance (in terms of hash rate R, measured in the number companies that provided ASICs for bitcoin mining,
of hashes (h) computed per second) at lower energy costs financed by online presales. ASICMiner initially did
(in terms of energy efficiency E, measured in the number not ship ASICs to customers, but ran the ASICs in their
of hashes computed per Joule). This dedicated hardware own data center, which allowed them to capture a large
for bitcoin mining has developed in a remarkable way, fraction of the total network hash rate. These first ASIC
and bitcoin miners even self-financed hardware and soft- manufacturers were very successful. Other companies
ware development [19,20]. with greater capitalization quickly followed and devel-
oped the next generations of ASICs with improved tech-
The bitcoin mining hardware has seen four generations nology. Currently, the most advanced technologies are
[19,20,17], see Table 1. Initially miners used general- only utilized by chip manufacturers that run their ASICs
purpose computers, in which the actual computations are in their own data centers located in areas that have low-
performed by the Central Processing Unit (CPU). cost energy and cooling. The bitcoin mining industry is
Although modern CPUs can execute software with a however very competitive. For instance, the Swedish
certain amount of parallelism, and multiple threads can company KnCminer operated data centers located in
be executed in parallel on multicore CPUs, they are not the Arctic circle to benefit from locally sourced hydro-
optimized for bitcoin mining. This first generation of electric power and cool air at extremely low cost, but still
bitcoin mining hardware using CPUs, is the least power- went bankrupt mid 2016. Many large miners are located
ful and the least energy efficient. As the difficulty of near cheap sources of electricity, such as hydroelectric
mining increased, the operational costs of CPUs dams (China, Republic of Georgia) and geothermal power
exceeded the profits from mining. plants (Iceland).
The second generation occurred at the end of 2010 when Figure 1 shows the daily revenue in US dollars per Gh/s
bitcoin miners started to use the Graphics Processing earned by bitcoin miners in the period 2011–2016. The
Unit (GPU) in the graphics cards of their computers. figure combines historical data on the mining revenue (i.
These GPUs are designed to perform complex graphics e. block rewards and transaction fees) and the hash rate of
calculations with lots of parallelism, which can be used the bitcoin network with US dollar to BTC exchange rate.
efficiently for bitcoin mining. GPUs offered higher hash The drops at the end of 2012 and mid 2016 correspond to
rates and better energy efficiency than CPUs. the transition of the block reward from 50 BTC to 25 BTC
and from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC. The horizontal lines show
As the use of GPUs became more widespread, bitcoin the estimated daily energy cost per Gh/s for CPUs, GPUs,
miners started to look for more powerful and more effi- and a number of FPGAs and ASICs, including five gen-
cient alternatives. The third generation occurred mid erations of ASICs in Bitmain’s Antminer product line.
2011 when miners switched to Field Programmable Gate Bitmain Technologies, founded in 2013, is currently one
Arrays (FPGAs). The circuits in an FPGA can be config- of the leading ASIC manufacturers that ship ASICs to
ured and programmed by users after manufacturing. customers. When the revenue of mining drops below
Bitcoin miners customized FPGAs to support mining, these costs, profit turns negative and miners have to
which allowed to increase hash rates even further at lower switch to more efficient hardware [21]. Note that this
figure is in line with the analysis by Taylor [19] and
shows costs for hardware that can be purchased by private
Table 1 customers and run at electricity costs of 200 USD/MWh.
Hash rate and energy efficiency (orders of magnitude) of four Electricity costs however vary widely in different coun-
generations of bitcoin mining hardware (data source: en.bitcoin. tries, and even within countries, depending on infrastruc-
it/wiki/mining_hardware_comparison) ture and geography. For instance, in 2015 the electricity
Hardware Introduction Hash rate (h/s) Energy efficiency (h/J) prices in OECD countries ranged for consumers from
CPU 2009 105–10 8 104–10 5
75.33 USD/MWh in Mexico to 337.38 USD/MWh in
GPU Late 2010 106–10 9 105–10 6 Denmark, and for industry from 35.34 USD/MWh in
FPGA Mid 2011 108–10 10 10 7 Norway to 263.33 USD/MWh in Italy (source: Interna-
ASIC Early 2013 1010–10 13 108–10 10 tional Energy Agency, Industrial users run
purpose-built data centers comprised of specialized
Figure 1
Daily bitcoin mining revenue and energy costs (USD per Gh/s)
FPGA (Bitforce SHA 256)
ASIC (Avalon batch 1, 110 nm)
2011-1-1 2012-1-1 2013-1-1 2014-1-1 2015-1-1 2016-1-1 2017-1-1
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Daily mining revenue and daily mining energy cost for different types of hardware (USD per Gh/s) (data sources: for daily
mining revenue; for energy costs).
servers that integrate arrays of ASICs (‘ASIC clouds’) electrical characteristics) of a transistor with a factor S, the
offering better performance and energy efficiency [20]. transistor count increases by a factor S2 (Moore’s law) and
the transistor switching frequency increases by a factor S,
Bitcoin miners did not only participate in grass-root while keeping chip area and chip energy usage the same.
efforts to produce efficient hardware, they also cooperate Hence, the computational capabilities of chips increase
in mining pools in which participants split up the com- by a factor S3 per process generation. To maintain the
putations to mine a block. If a block is mined, each same power usage, the transistor energy efficiency also
participant is rewarded according to their contribution. has to improve with a factor S3. This is achieved by scaling
the transistor capacitance, which improves energy effi-
The bitcoin arms race increases the capital expenditure, ciency by a factor S, and by scaling the threshold and
which throws up barriers for newcomers to enter and operating voltages, which provides another factor S2
causes miners that cannot keep up to drop out. This improvement in energy efficiency. However, Dennard’s
leads to an oligopolistic market. According to data from scaling no longer holds for process generations below, the five largest miners, which are 90 nm, since further scaling of the threshold voltage
mostly based in China, mined over 85% of the blocks causes unacceptable levels of current leakage, and there-
in 2016. This implies several risks, such as government fore the operating voltage has to remain roughly constant.
interventions and undermining bitcoin’s principle of a Instead of improving the energy efficiency by S3, in post-
decentralized currency. Dennard scaling the energy efficiency can only be
improved by S. Hence, with each process generation
An interesting question is how bitcoin mining ASICs will we face a shortfall of S2. While transistor count continues
evolve in the near future. The semiconductor industry to increase according to Moore’s law, the per-transistor
has been introducing new CMOS process technology speed and energy efficiency improvements slow down
generations at a fairly constant two-year pace [22]. With exponentially [23,24]. To deal with this, more and more
each new generation, the dimensions of transistors on portions of chips are not used all the time, or not at full
pffiffiffi down further by a factor S, which
chips are scaled frequency (which is referred to as ‘dark silicon’) [25]. This
typically is 2. According to Dennard’s classic scaling caused a shift to multicore design in 2005. Some applica-
theory, by scaling the dimensions (and consequently the tions can benefit from specialized, heterogeneous cores
that can be dynamically powered up for a given workload value T. In the bitcoin network, the 256-bits crypto-
as in servers [26], or energy-efficient cores for computa- graphic hash of a block B is computed by applying the
tionally intensive applications [23]. However, this is not SHA-256 hash function [28] twice, h(B) = SHA256
the case for bitcoin mining ASICs that continuously (SHA256(B)), which yields a hash that behaves approxi-
operate at peak performance, which results in extremely mately as a uniformly random value between 0 and
high and sustained power consumption [27]. Since 2256 1. Hence, the only way to find a valid hash is to
2005 also the search has initiated for new types of randomly try nonce values. This scheme is called ‘proof-
switches that improve performance and energy efficiency. of-work’. The bitcoin network controls the difficulty for
It is unlikely that a new switch faster than CMOS tran- finding a valid hash by adjusting the target T every
sistors and consuming less power will be introduced into 2016 blocks, with the aim of keeping the average time
manufacturing on short term. Carbon nanotubes are to mine a new block near 10 min. The target is expressed
promising, but it still will require several years until this in terms of the difficulty D by D = Tmax/T, where Tmax is
reaches the manufacturing stage. 3D power scaling tech- the largest possible value of the target (which is (216 1)
nology allows the continuation of Moore’s law for the next 2208 2224). The probability that a nonce value yields a
10–15 years via power-efficient vertical transistors. Even- valid hash therefore is p = T/2256 = Tmax/(2256D) 1/
tually, switches will reach a fundamental performance (232D). The number of trials for choosing a nonce value
limit, and any further improvement in computing perfor- that yields a valid hash is approximately geometrically
mance can solely come from innovatives in system design distributed (assuming that these trials are independent,
[22]. The SHA-256 algorithm used for computing the which of course does not hold for a single miner, but
block hashes in bitcoin mining however does not lend considers that multiple miners are independently per-
itself to significant micro-architectural design modifica- forming the computations simultaneously). At rate R the
tions. The only improvement for bitcoin mining ASICs is expected time to find a valid nonce value therefore is
to migrate to the latest process technologies and possibly 1/( pR) = 232D/R, which equals 600 s. The hash rate of the
apply custom library cells or even custom physical layout bitcoin network then is R 232D/600. Combining this
[27]. Hence, the future improvement in performance and with the energy efficiency E, the estimated power con-
energy efficiency of bitcoin mining ASICs is expected to sumption of the bitcoin network is P = R/E 232D/
slow down. (600E) [10].
Figure 2
1014 CPU
Power usage of bitcoin network (W)
2011-1-1 2012-1-1 2013-1-1 2014-1-1 2015-1-1 2016-1-1 2017-1-1
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Estimated power usage of bitcoin network (232D/(600E)) for various hardware (energy efficiency ranges (orders of magnitude) according to Table 1
(data sources: for historical data on difficulty; for energy efficiency of
and hence it is clear that bitcoin mining currently is only hardware as long as mining with their current hardware
profitable when applying ASICs. is still profitable and the break-even point has not been
reached yet at which revenues have covered the capital
An even more accurate estimation of the energy con- and operational expenditure of their current hardware.
sumption is derived when also considering the capital The future trend may well be to apply massive amounts
expenditure. Magaki et al. explored the design of pur- of ASICs from older process technologies running at low
pose-built data centers running servers with large arrays of power [27]. Bitcoin mining is very competitive. Bitcoins
ASICs (‘ASIC clouds’) dedicated to bitcoin mining [20]. will be mined by those who can do it most cheaply, and
They consider three designs in which either energy, costs others will be put out of business. It is therefore likely that
or total cost of ownership (TCO) are optimized, at an surviving miners run the latest hardware at locations
electricity price of 60 USD/MWh. In these three cases, offering the lowest electricity costs to be competitive
the electricity costs are 7.5%, 16.9%, and 13.7% of the and to maximize profit.
TCO. In the break-even case, where revenue equals
TCO, the energy consumption is 100, 230 and Estimates published in scientific literature vary
190 MW. The corresponding energy efficiency then is considerably:
in the range of 1.1 1010 to 2.4 1010 h/J.
O’Dwyer and Malone estimated that the total power
The ASICs that are currently being used by bitcoin consumption for bitcoin mining would be around
miners, are most likely a mix of the newest available 100 MW to 10 GW [10]. Without further substantia-
and some older ASICs. The actual mix used in practice is tion, they conclude that an average of 3 GW would be
unknown. Bitcoin miners will not switch to newer most plausible (which is comparable to the Irish
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