The Ethos Solaris

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Ageless Wisdom for a

Modern World

The Ethos
“Nobless oblige”

Cantata Celebrating the Eighth Day of And look upon the beckonings of stars,
Creation and the Promise of the Ninth And need their fire.”

By Ray Bradbury
The Ethos Solaris is the foundation on
“A Voice spoke in the dark, which we, as Spiritual beings, live our lives.
And there was Light. As such, it is the starting point of the Path of
And summoned up by Light upon the Earth Ascension and the framework, or loom, on
The creatures swam which the Strands of the Stellar Codes™ are
And moved unto the land woven. Paradoxically, as one grows
And lived in garden wilderness; spiritually, one naturally begins to
All this, we know. incorporate the Ethos Solaris into one's life
The Seven Days are written in our blood even without knowledge of its name or
With hand of Fire. tenets.
And now we children of the seven eternal
We are all Children of the same Universe.
We are all solar beings, God’s children made
Inheritors of this, the Eighth Day of God,
of Light. We inherited the Divine Blueprint.
The long Eighth Day of Man,
Stand upright in a weather of Time As beings that are intimately related to the
In downfell snow Light, we all have the Sun as our major
And hear the birds of morning symbol to represent life, enlightenment and
And much want wings
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Ageless Wisdom for a
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redemption. We tend to mostly regulate our of six other suns, which constitute a massive
activities based on the hours of the day and cosmic entity that undergoes an evolution
dedicate the night hours to rest. During upon its own level, just as every other
these hours, our spiritual essence has the created Being. These seven Suns, of which
opportunity to reach other dimensions and ours is one, are continually giving off forces
be free from the pressures of the dualistic which are the product of their ongoing
reality. As we grow spiritually into the Light evolution. This is the “Solaris Effect”. It is
Path as individuals, we manifest the also described in ancient traditions that
different facets of this cosmic interaction these forces are absorbed through the seven
with the Divine and the limitlessness of ALL stars of the constellation Ursa Major, the
THAT IS. There are three phases that are Great Bear, the Pleiadians and their
necessary to embody this concept: emanations are called the Seven Rays.

1. The Dawning of the Our Solar Logos, named Helios in Greek,

Lightmaker acts as a main “doorway” for the seven ray
energies to dispense through, and from
2. The Emergence of the there, the seven forces are drawn toward the
Lightwarrior “seven sacred planets”1 of our solar system,
which act as “vehicles” for the ray energies.
3. The Coronation of the
The Light Rays have an affinity with each of
the seven planets, which are, of course,
These three aspects are the three main representatives of the Seven Rishis of the
Cords that help the Seeker to strengthen the Great Bear. Certain Light Rays get sent out
weaving of Antahkarana. They are through particular constellations with which
represented by the trine flame of the they have an affinity and, once modified,
Master’s Heart. Once started on the Solaris stream toward our Solar Logos, which acts
Activation Path, the Seeker will be able to as a prism. The rays are further
reactivate all the light codes of the original decomposed into smaller light particles in
design, transforming their own heart into order to be absorbed by all the living Beings
the Holy Grail: to become a conduit for that are sharing this journey of existence
compassion and a receptacle of Divine with us at this moment on the planet Earth.
Grace and Dispensations.
In order to be in perfect alignment with the
Our existences are not solely based and gathering of the multiple Solar energies
subjective by our own Sun, our Solar Logos. within Solaris Effect in every human Soul,
We also receive the influence from other there are a set of recommendations in which
Galactic Suns: Luminaries that are in close the Seeker should strive to comply: the
relationship with our Solar Logos. It is safe “Ethos Solaris”.
to say then that we are beings blessed with a
Solaris nature.
1Which are also related to the seven main
The Ancient Wisdom tells us that our Sun, chakras of the human body: “As Above as
our Solar Logos, is part of a corporate body Below”.
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Ageless Wisdom for a
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The passage along the Path of the Ethos Solaris is a code of ethics for the Human
Solaris is a journey in the awakening of our Soul that yearns to accomplish its studies on
diverse multidimensional nature and during Earth school and effectively become a
this voyage one may learn how to operate galactic citizen. Inside of any code of
the different realms and frequencies of conduct there are three levels of experiences
energetic vibrations. and concordance. These are the three
categories of ethos.
The Ethos Solaris is an inventory of lifestyle
recommendations or “Modus Vivendi”.  Phronesis - practical skills & wisdom

The vibrational signature of the Solaris  Arete - virtue, goodness

Effect is defined by the frequencies related
to the number 8. The main explanation for  Eunoia - goodwill towards the
this vibratory signature is because 8 is the audience
first product of a primitive rhythm: Eight is
The 8 is the key of the periodic
the first cubic number, the cube of two or
regeneration. If we understand 7 being the
2x2x2. Expanding on this, three is the
vibrational completion of a cycle of creation,
symbol of the first plane figure and four is
the number 8 would represent the initial
the first square. So here, in the first cube,
unit in another cycle of creation in another
we see something of transcendent
analogical dimension. It is 7 + 1.
perfection indicated, something in which
Consequently, it is the number especially
the length and breadth and height of which
associated with Resurrection and
are equal. The significance of the cube is
Regeneration, and the beginning of a new
seen in the fact that the "Holy of Holies,"
phase in life.
both in the Tabernacle and in the Temple,
they were cubes.2 The eight is a mystical Many Cultures revere the vibration pattern
number that condenses the knowledge of of the number eight as part of their rites of
the incarnation of the spirit with matter, but passage and rituals of initiation.
at the same time delineates the qualities of
the Spirit that fully understands the cycles The rite of passage of circumcision was to be
of creation and spiritual laws. carried out on the eighth day5, because it
was the foreshadowing of the true
Ethos forms the root of ethikos3 (ἠθικός), circumcision of the heart, that which was to
meaning "moral, showing moral character". be "made without hands," even "the putting
To the Greeks ancient and modern, the off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the
meaning is simply "the state of being", the circumcision of Christ"6. This is connected
inner source, the Soul, the mind, and the with the new creation.
original essence, that shapes and forms a
person or anima4. In other words, the Ethos In Druid metaphysics, the Initiate would
pass through eight different altered state of
2 Francois-Xavier Chaboche, Vida E Mistérios
dos Números
3 Wikipedia definition 5 Genesis 17:12
4 Latin word for Soul 6 Colossians 2:11
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Ageless Wisdom for a
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consciousness inside of the Gwenwed from St. Gregory of Nyssa, a mystic who
circle7, or experience of the eight lived in Cappadocia in Asia Minor around
wavelengths of light energy: Infra-red, red, 380 AD. He described the Beatitudes this
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, and way:
Ultra-violet8. The number 8 represents the
vibration of the Soul that sheds the "Beatitude is a possession of all things held
demands of the personality and dresses to be good, from which nothing is absent
itself with the Universality of the Cosmos. that a good desire, may want. Perhaps the
meaning of beatitude may become clearer
It is known that the prophet Elisha to us if it is compared with its opposite.
performed eight miracles, exposing the Now the opposite of beatitude is misery.
divinely inspired characteristic of his life Misery means being afflicted unwillingly
purpose. with painful sufferings."

1. The shutting up of Heaven, 1 Kings St. Augustine called the Beatitudes the ideal
17:1; James 5:17; Luke 4:25. for every Christian life.
2. Multiplying the widow's meal, 2 The same inventory of recommendations
Kings 17:14-16. can be found on the Dead Sea scrolls10, as
they were carried on by the Essenes and
3. Raising the widow's son, 2 Kings
they pre-date the teaching of the Christ.

4. Causing fire to come down from

Heaven, 1 Kings 18:37, 38.
10The words of the Beatitudes are attributed
5. Causing rain to come down from to those of the Teacher of Righteousness, the
Heaven, 1 Kings 18:41-45. founder of the Essenes who they recognized as
their long-awaited Messiah. Their content can
6. Causing fire to come down from also be found in the Credo of the Essenes.
Heaven, 2 Kings 1:10.
The texts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls
7. The same, 2 Kings 1:12. show how the ancient Essene teachings were
the origin of many of Christ's teachings. Paul
8. Dividing the Jordan, 2 Kings 2:8. and other New Testament writers often used the
very phrases, sometimes word for word, of the
In Christianity, the Eight Beatitudes9, are Dead Sea Scrolls.
blessings from Jesus recorded in the The Sermon on the Mount was taken directly
Sermon on the Mount in Matthew and the from Dead Sea Scrolls texts. Yet, only an Essene
Sermon on the Plain in Luke. One of the initiate would have had access or knowledge of
these teachings. These scrolls would have been
first contemplations on the Beatitudes came
strictly limited to only members of the Holy
Order; those who have been mortally sworn to
7 Also known as the circle of the “White Light” secrecy. (Give not that which is holy unto the
8 Francois-Xavier Chaboche, Vida E Mistérios dogs. Give not pearls unto swine, least they turn
dos Números and rend you. Matt 7:6)
9 from Latin beatus, meaning "blessed"

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Ageless Wisdom for a
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The Eight Beatitudes of Christ11 represent Blessedness of a Divine Life. They are
eight upward steps toward attaining the expressed in Matthew 5 in the New
Testament, and Lection XXV of the Gospel
of the Holy Twelve12, as an important part of
11Scholars are now recognizing the Dead Sea the Sermon on the Mount.
scrolls as the prototype for Christ's Beatitudes.
Scroll 4Qbeat reads: The Horizontal position of the number eight
[Blessed is] …with a pure heart (8 ∞) gives us the symbol of the manifested
and does not slander with his tongue. Universe. In Kabbalah, the 8th Sphere, or
Blessed are those who hold to her [Wisdom’s] sephira, is HOD, the Splendor, the Glory
precepts and the Honor. In Hebrew the number eight
And do not hold to the ways of iniquity. is Sh'moneh, from the root Shah'meyn,
which means “to super-abound"; as a
Blessed are those who rejoice in her,
And do not burst forth in ways of folly. participle it means "one who abounds in
strength.”. In Tarot, the number 8 is
Blessed are those who seek her with pure hands, represented by the Justice, or Karmic
And do not pursue her with a treacherous heart.

Blessed is the man who has attained Wisdom, To follow a peaceful calling,— This is the
And walks in the Law of the Most High. greatest blessing.

He directs his heart towards her ways, To bestow alms and live righteously, To give
And restrains himself by her corrections, help to kindred,
And always takes delight in her chastisements. Deeds which cannot be blamed, These are the
greatest blessing.
He does not forsake her when he sees distress,
Nor abandon her in time of strain. To abhor and cease from sin, Abstinence from
strong drink,
He will not forget her [on the day of] fear, Not to be weary in well-doing, These are the
And will not despise [her] when his soul is greatest blessing.
For always he will meditate on her, Reverence and lowliness, Contentment and
And in his distress he will consider [her] gratitude,
Not to serve the foolish, But to serve the The hearing of the Law at due seasons,— This is
spiritual; the greatest blessing.
To honour those worthy of honour,— This is the
greatest blessing. To be long suffering and meek, To associate
with the tranquil,
To dwell in a spot that befits one’s condition, To Religious talk at due seasons,— This is the
think of the effect of one’s deeds, greatest blessing.
To guide the behaviour aright,— This is the
greatest blessing. Self-restraint and purity, The knowledge of the
noble truths,
Much insight and education, Self-control and The attainment of Nirvana, This is the greatest
pleasant speech, blessing.
And whatever word be well spoken,— This is the
greatest blessing.
12The Gospell of the Holy Twelve is also known
To support father and mother, To cherish wife as the Gospel of Nazarenes and is one of the
and child, Books of the Apocrypha.
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Ageless Wisdom for a
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adjustments in some Tarots: the alignment 3. Right Speech

and understanding of the Divine laws and
the promise to follow the path of balance 4. Right Action
and moderation.
5. Right Livelihood
In the same way, the Ethos Solaris is weaved
6. Right Effort
as a lattice of eight ethical, spiritual and
intellectual attitudes that will perfect the 7. Right Mindfulness
individual, in their varied levels of existence
facilitating the transcendence of the earthly 8. Right Concentration
personality to the true Divine essence,
The Ethos Solaris can be compared as a
which is our birthmark. The Ethos Solaris is
Lotus with eight petals and the reward for
a Dharmic13 Path, and the ones that
following this Path is that it allows the Soul
voluntarily decide to travel this Light Path
to find the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus.
must agree to thrive for the externalization
The lotus flower, or padmine, grows in
of the eight ideal virtues.
muddy water, but in spite of growing in dust
The best representation, and most concise and filth, the flower rises above it and never
codex, of these eight ideal virtues is what has even a drop of mud on it.
the Buddhists describe as the Eight-fold
"One who performs his duty without
Path, which they believe is a way of being
attachment, surrendering the results unto
released from the wheels of Samsara,
the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinful
according to the prescriptions given by
action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by
Siddhartha Gautama. It is a practical
guideline to ethical and mental progress
~Bhagavad Gita 5.10
with the goal of freeing the individual from
attachments and delusions. It ultimately
leads to the understanding of the truth
about all things. The eight aspects of the
path are not to be understood as a sequence
of single steps, instead they are highly
interdependent principles that have to be
seen in relationship with each other.

The Eight-fold Path is:

1. Right View

2. Right Intention

13Dharma means laws or truth, especially the

Universal Laws through which the Buddha
attained Enlightenment.
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