How did
did Louis respond to the events
of 1789-
It is possible that Louis did not fully understand the events of 1789 —
1791. It is also possible that Louis had no idea how widespread the
demand was for reform in France. When the Three Estates met in Source C. Queen Marie-
May 1789, Louis did not have any ideas to put to them. When the Antoinette of France.
National Assembly was set up, Louis did not know what he should do.
On 5-6 October, 1789, the Paris mob came to Louis’s palace at
Versailles and attacked. They captured Louis and his family, and
imprisoned him in the Tuilleries in Paris. Louis could have ordered his
guards to fire on the mob but refused to do so. Louis claimed that Source D. Descriptions of Louis and Marie -Antoinette by an
he played the role of an English style ‘constitutional monarch’. American Ambassador in France.
Between 1789-1791, Louis signed decrees from the Assembly so
that they became law. On Louis…
He is an honest man and wishes to do good, but he has not
In September 1791, when the constitution was finally either genius or education…
proclaimed, Louis signed an oath of loyalty. Some believe that
this was an act of good will from Louis. Others think that On Marie-Antoinette…
Louis took the oath because he had no other choice. What do Louis has a queen who controls his weak mind. Her
..extravagance has been a major cause of exhausting the
YOU think? Read the information on Louis’s behaviour government’s finances.
between 1789 and 1791 before you make your decision.
In the end, the Assembly
decided to keep Louis as their
MONARCH (a monarch who
has to obey the rules of a
constitution). On September 3rd
Source E: Louis and family being brought back to Paris. The caption read, ‘the family of 1791, the constitution was
pigs being brought back to the pigsty’ proclaimed and Louis swore an
oath of loyalty to it. On 30th
September 1791, the National
Tasks… Assembly declared its work
1) Carefully look at sources A, B, and D. What kind of person do you think finished. It seemed the
Louis XVI was? revolution was over.
2) Now look at sources C and D. How would you describe Marie-Antoinette? We shall see…
3) Can you be sure that your descriptions of Louis and his queen are
And finally…
accurate? Explain your answer.
4) Find all the dates on this worksheet and write them in your margin. Next
Extension: Write a
to each date, write down the event it relates to.
newspaper report for ‘Le
5) In what three ways did Louis behave badly in the years 1789-1791? Explain News’ on Louis’s attempted
each fully. escape. You’ll need a
6) How did Louis show that he could not be trusted during this time? headline, a picture, and as
7) What point was the cartoonist of source E trying to make? Explain your many details of the event
answer. as you can find! Ask your
8) Mini-essay (at least one page of your exercise book) – How did Louis deal teacher for a writing
with the difficulties he faced in the years 1789 – 1791? Use the frame, or make your own!
information and sources on this sheet, as well as your previous work.