174 - Hydrogen Gassing of Symmetra

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Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

By Stephen McCluer and Abigail Kasper

Project Type
This document identifies the worst case
gassing rates for the various valve-
regulated lead-acid (VRLA) modular battery
units of SmartUPS VT, Symmetra LX, and
Symmetra PX UPSs.

Small, medium, and large data centers

Equipment Installed
SmartUPS VT, Symmetra LX, Symmetra

Symmetra PX 250/500
• Quickly respond to requests for hydrogen
gassing data for UPS batteries

Code Requirements
In the USA, requests for battery gassing information are driven by Fire
Codes. Jurisdictions will adopt one of two model codes. The most common
is the International Fire Code (IFC), published by the International Code
Council. The other is the Fire Code, (NFPA 1) published by the National
Fire Protection Association. Both have nearly identical requirements. The
IFC requirements are shown here:
608.6 Ventilation. Ventilation of stationary storage battery systems shall
comply with Sections 608.6.1 and 608.6.2.
608.6.1 Room ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with
the International Mechanical Code and the following:
1. For flooded lead-acid, flooded Ni-Cad and VRLA batteries, the ventilation
system shall be designed to limit the maximum concentration of hydrogen
to 1.0 percent of the total volume of the room; or
2. Continuous ventilation shall be provided at a rate of not less than 1 cubic
foot per minute per square foot (1 ft3/ min/ft2) [0.0051 m3/s x m2] of floor
area of the room.
Exception: Lithium-ion and lithium metal polymer batteries shall not
require ventilation.
608.6.2 Cabinet ventilation. When VRLA batteries are installed inside a
cabinet, the cabinet shall be approved for use in occupied spaces and shall
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

be mechanically or naturally vented by one of Modular Batteries

the following methods: APC by Schneider Electric manufactures
1. The cabinet ventilation shall limit the plug-in Battery Units. Multiple Units are
maximum concentration of hydrogen to 1 assembled to make a complete Battery
percent of the total volume of the cabinet Module (also known as a “string” or “shelf”).
during the worst-case event of Because a UPS cannot have less than a
simultaneous “boost” charging of all the complete Battery Module, the gassing data
batteries in the cabinet; or given in the tables in the following section
2. When calculations are not available to are for “Battery Modules”. The individual
substantiate the ventilation rate, continuous “Battery Units” are described below. (See
ventilation shall be provided at a rate of not Appendix A at the end of this application
less than 1 cubic foot per minute per note for an illustrated description of
square foot [1 ft3/min/ft2 or 0.0051 m3/(s x modular battery terminology.)
m2)] of floor area covered by the cabinet.
The room in which the cabinet is installed SYBTU1-PLP: All regions except Japan
shall also be ventilated as required in The SYBTU1-PLP Battery Unit is used in
Section 608.6.1. both 208V and 400V Symmetra PX in all
608.6.3 Supervision. Mechanical ventilation regions except Japan. It is also used in the
systems where required by Sections 608.6.1 SmartUPS VT UPS in North America. It
and 608.6.2 shall be supervised by an contains eight 12-volt/6-cell Battery Units,
approved central, proprietary or remote each rated 7.2 AH. The following battery
station service or shall initiate an audible and vendors are presently approved: BB Battery

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and APC are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric
visual signal at a constantly attended on-site (BP7-12), CSB (GP1272F2), Panasonic
location. (LC-R127R2P1), and Shenzhen Center
Power Tech Co, LTD (CP1270).
• In the above methods, the preferred SYBTJU1-PLP: Japan

Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
method is to calculate whether it is possible The SYBTJU1-PLP Battery Unit is used in
for battery gassing to achieve up to or all Symmetra PX and SmartUPS VT units
greater than 1% of the total volume of air in sold in Japan. It contains eight 12-volt/6-cell
the space (cabinet or room). The Battery Units, each rated 7.2 AH. The
calculations must be performed by a following battery vendors are presently
professional engineer (PE) based on the approved: Panasonic (LC-P 127R2P1, UP-
characteristics of the room (which will be PW1236P1) and Japan Storage Battery
unique for every application). (GS-PXL12072).
• In the absence of such a calculation, the
Code provides a “rule of thumb” [1 cubic SYBTU2-PLP: Worldwide
foot per minute per square foot] which is The SYBTU2-PLP Battery Unit is used in
very conservative and which will always 208V, 400V, and 480V Symmetra PX in all
result in a larger (and more expensive) regions. It contains eight 12-volt/6-cell
ventilation system than would have been Battery Units, each rated 9 AH. The
required if it had been based on following battery vendors are presently
calculations. approved: CSB (HRL 1234W F2FR),
• The requirement for “supervision” is the Enersys (NPX-L35/250FRTW), Japan
owner’s responsibility. Failure of Storage Battery/GS Battery (PXL12090),
mechanical ventilation (i.e., fan failure) and Panasonic (UP-PW1245P1).
must sound and display an alarm to which
a human being can respond 24/7.

APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States www.apc.com
July 2012
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

SYBT5: Worldwide Note: Sample illustrations are included in

The SYBT5 Battery Unit is used in 208/240V, Appendix B.
220/230/240V, and 380/400/415V Symmetra Any hydrogen gas that is not recombined
LX in all regions. It contains ten 12-volt/6-cell within the battery (due to excess charging
Battery Units, each rated 9 AH. The following or other fault condition) is fully released into
battery vendors are presently approved: the surrounding space within seconds.
Panasonic (UP-RW1245P1), CSB (HR Greater details on the safety features built
1234W F2), B&B (HR1234W), and Kung Long into the Symmetra and SmartUPS VT
(WP1234W). product line to prevent thermal runaway
and off-gassing of batteries, as well as
Battery Enclosure Ventilation methods to calculate room hydrogen
No hydrogen can accumulate in APC concentrations over time, can be found in
Extended Runtime (XR) battery frames, which Application Note #49, InfraStruxure Battery
are designed to prevent the creation of Safety in the IT Environment: What
hydrogen “pockets”. As shown on the battery happens When Ventilation Fails?
frame installation drawings, the front and rear
doors of the battery frame are fully perforated, Hydrogen Gassing Values
thereby allowing almost unrestricted flow of The following tables use data provided by
air into and through the cabinet. The top plate the vendor with the highest battery gassing
of the cabinet also has two rows of square rate, to ensure that the worst-case scenario
holes that run from front to rear. can be calculated.

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and APC are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric
Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States www.apc.com
July 2012
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS
Table 1 – Single-Phase Symmetra Product Family

Gassing Rate Per Shelf/String (Cubic Feet per Hour)

UPS Battery Number of Battery Modules

Model Unit

1 2 3 4

Symmetra SYBT5 0.00206364 0.00412728 0.00619092 0.00825456


Notes: Gassing Rate at 2.4 V/cell ( ft /hr) Assuming 98%
Recombination Efficiency=0.000034394 ft /hr
Six cells per battery cartridge
Ten battery cartridges per battery unit
One battery unit per battery module

Table 2 – Three-Phase Symmetra Product Family, 7.2AH Battery

Symmetra PX Battery Gassing Rate Per Shelf/String (Cubic Feet per Hour)

UPS Battery Number of Battery Modules

Model Unit

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and APC are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
InfraStruxure SYBTU1- 0.00641 0.01282 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
20kW All In PLP*

Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Symmetra SYBTU1- 0.00641 0.01282 0.01923 0.02565 n/a n/a n/a n/a
10-40 kVA

Symmetra SYBTU1- 0.00641 0.01282 0.01923 0.02565 0.03206 0.03847 0.04488 0.05129
PX 20/40 PLP*

Symmetra SYBTU1- 0.00641 0.01282 0.01923 0.02565 0.03206 0.03847 0.04488 0.05129
10-80 kVA


* Gassing Rate at 2.4 V/cell (ft3/hr) Assuming 98% Recombination Efficiency= 0.000033392
Six cells per cartridge
Eight cartridges per battery unit
Four battery units (one battery module) per shelf
Note: Calculation based on battery gassing data provided by qualified vendors.

APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States www.apc.com
July 2012
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

Table 3 – Three-Phase Symmetra Product Family, 9AH Battery

Symmetra PX Battery Gassing Rate Per Shelf/String (Cubic Feet per Hour)

UPS Battery Number of Battery Modules

Model Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Symmetra SYBTU2- 0.04032 0.08064 0.12096 0.16128 0.20160 0.24192 0.28224 0.32256 0.36288
( Battery

Symmetra SYBTU2- 0.06048 0.12096 0.18144 0.24192 0.30240 0.36288 0.42336 0.48384 n/a

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and APC are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric

* Gassing Rate at 2.4 V/cell (ft3/hr) Assuming 98% Recombination Efficiency=0.00021

Six cells per cartridge

Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Eight cartridges per battery unit
Four battery units (one battery module) per shelf

** Gassing Rate at 2.4 V/cell (ft3/hr) Assuming 98% Recombination Efficiency=0.00021

Six cells per cartridge
Eight cartridges per unit
Six units (one battery module) per shelf

APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States www.apc.com
July 2012
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

Table 4 – SmartUPS Product Family

Gassing Rate Per Shelf/String (Cubic Feet per Hour)

Number of Modules
UPS Battery 1 2 3 4 5
Model Unit

SmartUPS VT SYBTU1-PLP 0.00641 0.01282 0.01923 0.02565 0.03206


Gassing Rate at 2.4 V/cell ( ft3/hr) Assuming 98% Recombination Efficiency= 0.000033392
Six cells per cartridge
Eight cartridges per battery unit
Four battery units (one battery module) per shelf
Note: Calculation based on battery gassing data provided by qualified vendors.

Find out the local regulations for battery
installations. Provide gassing information
from the above tables when requested by

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and APC are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric
the site engineer. For multiple extended
run time solutions, multiply the basic unit as
appropriate. Because the Fire Codes and
Mechanical Codes are concerned about the

Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
hazards posed by “big” batteries, gassing
rates are rarely requested for battery
systems containing less than 50 gallons of
electrolyte (See App Note #143: Electrolyte
quantities in Symmetra UPS).

APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States www.apc.com
July 2012
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

Appendix A: Terminology
Battery Modules

Shown: four “battery units”= one “string” =

one “battery module”
This is a
One or more battery modules, in
Battery Module
conjunction with the charging equipment, (front view)
comprise a “battery system.”

This is a
Battery Unit
(rear view)

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Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States www.apc.com
July 2012
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

Appendix B: Sample Battery Cabinet

Shown: Symmetra PX 250/500 Battery
Cabinet (SYBFXR8)
Note: These installation drawings are used
to illustrate the concept of battery enclosure
ventilation. For solution accuracy, see the
installation drawing for your cabinet.
Installation drawings are available on the
UPS product page at apc.com.

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and APC are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric
Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States www.apc.com
July 2012
July 2012
APC by Schneider Electric 132 Fairgrounds Road, W. Kingston , RI 02892. United States
[ APPLICATION NOTE #174 ] Hydrogen Gassing: Symmetra, SmartUPS

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and APC are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric
Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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