Causes Industrial Revolution

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But First - What IS the Industrial

Causes: Industrial ➔ The Process of

Revolution manufacturing
➔ Starts in:
World Civ - 2018 ◆ Late 18th century
◆ Great Britain

But First - What IS the Industrial Causes of the Industrial Revolution

Revolution? ➔ Spreads to the European Matrix Directions: in each box on
Continent after the Fall
the Matrix, use your
of Napoleon
textbook (page 582) to
➔ Changed:
summarize each cause or
◆ The Economy
◆ Social Structure contributing factor of the
◆ Demographic Patterns Industrial Revolution.
◆ The Way People Lived

Causes of the Industrial Revolution Cause 1: The Agricultural Revolution

Matrix Now - check your answers Nitrogen Replenishing
against the information in Crops: allowed farmers to
this PowerPoint - Make sure use land more effectively
you have plenty of details for year after year.
each cause.
Cause 1: The Agricultural Revolution Cause 1: The Agricultural Revolution
Selective Breeding: Breeding New Technology: seed drill,
animals for certain swamp draining, etc.
characteristics that are

Cause 1: The Agricultural Revolution Cause 2: The Supply of Markets

Enclosure: legal process Britain had a growing
enclosing a number of small empire ( they controlled
landholdings to create one shipping in the Americas,
larger farm, restricted to the India, and Egypt at this
owner. Allowed farmers to time), which opened up
limit breeding & grazing. many markets to sell
manufactured goods.

Cause 2: The Supply of Markets Cause 3: The Cottage Industry

The colonies supplied an Farm families would get paid
abundance of raw materials by capitalists to spin raw
and cash crops (like sugar wool and cotton into thread
and tobacco) that fueled the and then weave them into
factories in Britain. cloth. Many families began
to depend of wage labor to
make ends meet.
Cause 4: Capitalism & Entrepreneurs Cause 4: Capitalism & Entrepreneurs
Adam Smith's book The This popularized the belief
Wealth of Nations, argued that the economy would
that the government should benefit from competition,
stay out of the way and let that those willing to take a
individuals make economic risk (entrepreneurs) would
choices (laissez faire) reap the benefits ($$$$$$).

Cause 5: Population Boom Cause 5: Population Boom

New farming techniques & New technology in sanitation
crops contributed to a & medicine led to a drop in
population explosion during the mortality rate across
the 18th century. most of Europe.

Cause 5: Population Boom Cause 6: Natural Resources

Growth in population led to Great Britain had a high
an increase in labor supply availability of natural
and lower wages. resources necessary to fuel
an industrial revolution.
Cause 6: Natural Resources Crash Course: Industrial Rev.
Coal and Iron were easy to Watch the video and answer
get to and plentiful - The the questions.
geography of the Isles
allowed for easy
transportation over

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