Training Youth Athletes: "The Formula For Success"

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July/August 2012

Training Youth Athletes “The Formula For Success”

By Michael K Butler B.A.;P.T.A.;CSCS*D;RSCC*D NMT
Parents and coaches come to me frequently asking, “What is the such as bounding, leaping, skipping
appropriate age for kids to start lifting weights?” I always answer– and jumping activities is a fun way to
when they are mentally, emotionally and physically mature enough, get young athletes moving and build
that is when they should start. I’ve had boys and girls as young as strong bones, increase propriocep-
11 years old start to lift weights, and on the other hand had to kick a tion, healthy weight, circulation and
15-year old out because he was more interested in goofing off then reduce injuries.
putting effort in to his work out. Add Olympic lifting when the
A widely-held training myth is that weight lifting stunts growth. athlete has built a solid foundation.
There have been many recent studies done by the National Strength Olympic lifting involves exercises like
and Conditioning Association that found strength training can maxi- the snatch and clean and jerk. These
mize bone mineral density, reduce injuries and have no negative side are complicated movements that
effects regarding growth. It is critical that youth work with a compe- take years to perfect, but are highly
tent trainer. In adolescents over the age of 13, the most common soft explosive and transferrable to sport
tissue injury is the lower back and trunk. Researchers suggest this is when done correctly and at the right
due to excessive loads, improper technique and lack of coaching. times of the season. All too often,
National studies have been presented over the years stating that young athletes are rushed through
weight training, when performed correctly, is the safest sport in resistance training programs and
terms of injury risk. Sports like football, rugby, and basketball, show into Olympic lifts because they look
high rates of injury. So your child playing a sport is in more danger of cool and are challenging. Deadlifts, Kaelyn Brock, volleyball player
getting injured than if he or she would participate in a weightlifting cleans and overhead squats should at La Quinta High school,
be perfected first and foremost. works out under supervision
program under the supervision of a well-trained coach. of Michael Butler at Kinetix in
Training should be fun! If you are working with a young athlete Add recovery time to your pro- Palm Desert.
who has not trained before, keep to the basics. Work on building a grams. One critical component of
solid foundation by doing exercises that will address posture and this program design is the athlete down time. Injury rates will signifi-
neuromuscular development. Most kids have issues with posture be- cantly decrease if volume, intensity and rest are varied. Athletes often
cause of sitting in school all day and carrying heavy backpacks on one work out at school, then go to the gym, and then to practice. They
shoulder. play 2 games a week and continue this process throughout the year…
it’s too much! Programs need to be varied throughout seasons in or-
Start resistance training when applicable. Studies have shown that der to avoid injuries.
resistance training can help prevent non-sports related injuries. Work-
ing out consistently (2-3x a week) helps to develop the neuromus- Watch supplement intake. Athletes naturally want to find the easi-
cular system, provides a good base of support and aids in increasing est and quickest way to get bigger and stronger, so they try popular
bone density. supplements. Beware! Many ingredients outweigh the benefits. You
should always read what is on the label and understand the ingredi-
Add dynamic stretching before workouts and into everyday life! ents before taking supplements. If athletes eat healthy, they most
Dynamic stretching (also known as movement based warm-ups) can often don’t need supplements. Most of the popular supplements
help reduce injuries, increase local circulation and prepare athletes for contain either high doses of caffeine or have a series of additives that
sports participation. Even if you don’t participate in a sport, dynamic make you question their efficiency of absorption. In general, athletes
stretching is valuable to perform everyday. Evidence-based research need protein within 1 hour after a workout since the body is already
shows that dynamic stretching is more valuable than static (holding repairing itself. Whey protein powder mixed with milk and fruit is the
stretch) because you can tear muscle fibers that are restricted and best source for quick absorption and effect.
tight when they are cold vs. if they are warmed up.
Add plyometrics and running activities. Kids naturally want to run, Michael K Butler B.A.;P.T.A.;CSCS*D;RSCC*D NMT holds national certifi-
skip, and jump but for obvious reasons stop doing so when they enter cations of distinction through the NSCA as a strength and conditioning
middle school. They get more absorbed by video games, texting and coach; a state license as a physical therapist assistant; is a Poliquin Inter-
playing on the computer. We as a society are now more sedentary national state coach; and a Full body Active Release Techniques Practi-
and as a result see more health issues such as poor circulation, high tioner. He is co-owner of Kinetix Health and Performance Center in Palm
blood pressure, obesity, decreased lung volume, poor posture and Desert can be reached at 760-200-1719. michael
musculoskeletal pain. Implementing developmental base movements

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