1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
T B k
Computer Numerical Control
from pprogramming
g g to Networking
S. C. J. Lin, Delmar
Numerical control
A numerical control system is a system in which
actions are controlled by the direct insertion of
numerical data at some point. The system must
automatically interpret at least some portion of this
data. The coded instructions are converted into two
types of control signals.
l d iin MIT to define
d fi part geometry and
cutter p
paths for workpieces.
p The majority
j y of today’s
computer-aided design/computer-aided
manufacturing (CAD/CAM) NC systems are APT-
based. Other ATP-based languages
g g are
ADAPT(IBM), IFAPT(France), FAPT(Japan).
Direct Numerical Control (DNC)
Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
and Distributive Numerical Control
A dedicated computer
is built into the MCU
to control one
machine tool.
1980 - a network of
computers is used to
coordinate the
operation of a number
of CNC machines.
Basic Element of
a CNC System
Machine Control Unit
It reads and interprets the
coded instructions for
machining a particular
p and ggenerating g
electric output signals. It
also acts as a feedback
controller for precise
positioning of machine table
or spindle. MCU consists of
two main units.
Machine Control Unit (MCU)
MCU consists of two main units.
Data-processing unit (DPU)
reads coded instructions
processes coded instructions
transmits data pertaining to the position of each
axis to the CLU.
Control loop unit (CLU)
executes linear or circular interpolations based
on the position and speed signals from the DPU
and generates control signals
receives axis feedback signal
implement auxiliary control function
Computer Numerical Control
CNC is a self-contained NC system for a single
machine tool that uses a dedicated computer
t ll d by
b stored
t d instructions
i t ti i the
in th memory tot
implement some or all of the basic NC functions. It is
flexible and relatively low-cost.
low cost
Monitoring display and graphic representation of the
part program
Data entry: manual data input (MDI) and RS-232-C
C ll memory: The Th execution
i program resides
id ini
Read only memory (ROM). The part programs are
stored in random-access
random access memory (RAM).
Features of CNC
Program editing: After part programs are downloaded
to the CNC memory, changes or updates can be
maded att the
th machine.
Program verification: Simulation programs allow the
tt pathth to
t be
b displayed
di l d and
d verified
ifi d graphically
hi ll on
a display unit before the part program is run on the
Error diagnostics: program error, operation error and
servo error can be detected
Communication facility. CNC control units have the
capability of communicating with other
microprocessor-based devices.
Features of CNC
Management information: on-line parameter and
information display
Coordinate system (absolute vs. Incremental)
Unit system ( inch vs. Metric)
Code format (EIA vs. ASCII)
Macro and computing
p g capability
p y
Cutter compensation for size and length
Interpolation function
Advanced programming features
Advantages of CNC
Increased productivity
High accuracy and repeatability
Reduced production costs
Reduced indirect operation
p costs
Facilitation of complex machining operations
Greater flexibility
Improved production planning and control
Lower operator skill requirement
Facilitation of flexible automation
Accuracy: agreement between the actual
l off the
h measuredd variable
i bl andd the
measurement as it is output by the sensor.
R t bilit (Precision):
(P i i ) variation
i ti over
repeated measurement.
Three axis vertical machining
Cooling system
Calibrated by laser equipment
Dynamic Calibration
Anglar Measurement
St i ht
Straightness Measurement
M t
Measurement of H type system
SMV500H The
h spindle
i dl suspendedd d by
b "Active
"A i Magnet
Bearings". It also uses HSK50 tooling system and
increases the rigidity of the tool clamping. This
ll for
f extreme
t high
hi h speedd cutting
tti with
ith rates
up to 40 m/min. The machine employs noiseless
slide covers, oilless guide ways and precision ball
Travel___________ __800x500x550mm
Table working surface_____900x465mm
Spindle taper______HSK50E/BBT
taper HSK50E/BBT
Spindle speed______Max.10,000-
Rapid traverse(X,Y,Z)____40x40x30m/min
traverse(X,Y,Z) 40x40x30m/min