AEN 300 Phonetic & Phonology Analysis - pdf-2 PDF
AEN 300 Phonetic & Phonology Analysis - pdf-2 PDF
AEN 300 Phonetic & Phonology Analysis - pdf-2 PDF
AEN 300
Lecture I
Both phonetics and phonology deal with human speech sounds whose production is
effected by a combination of three major features. The three features are referred to as the
From the three initiators, there are four natural air stream mechanisms namely:
a) The nasal cavity starts at the nose and goes back to the lowered velum.
b) The oral cavity starts at the lips and goes back to the raised velum.
c) The pharyngeo-laryngeal cavity starts at the pharynx (back wall of the end of the
Using these mechanisms, we can say that a sound is nasal, oral or pharyngeo-laryngeal.
These stretch from the lips to the larynx. In this we have the active and passive
articulators. The active articulators are the tongue, lower lip and lower teeth (lower
organs). The passive articulators are the lips, upper teeth, alveolar ridge, palate and
The examples below illustrate how these dimensions are used to classify speech sounds.
[p]: pulmonic eggressive (air steam) oral (tract) voiceless bilabial (organ) stop.
[n]: pulmonic eggressive (air stream), nasal (tract) voiced alveolar plosive (organ).
- oral
- alveolar
- voiced
The three specifications presented in 1.1, here above, are also responsible for other
human – but not speech – sounds such as laughter, clicking and booing. They are also
responsible for other activity too, for example, breathing, eating, coughing, yawning and
Human speech sounds are articulated and described according to the three specifications.
These speech sounds are collectively described as the ‘central pool of human speech
sounds’. Each language draws a limited set of sounds from this pool for its phonetic
inventory. The human speech sounds are presented in the Internal Phonetic Alphabet
1. Identify the phonetic inventory of your first language from the Central Pool of human
2. For the consonants draw a table and insert each consonant in its appropriate slot. For
the vowels draw a quadrangle and insert each vowel at the appropriate point.
Lecture 2
2.1 Segmentation
b) Breaks that show an articulatory, auditory or acoustically steady state that could
serve as a basis for analytical segmentation into real phonetic units. For instance, the
series of words - ‘the red pen’ has breaks that allow analytical segmentation.
The segmentation that enables the view of real phonetic segment of speech is mostly
imposed. Human beings do not say distinct sounds but a continuum of speech sounds
with anticipatory articulation of each sound in the series. However, for a detailed study
In the parametric approach there are parallel segmentations of speech. Each component
of the vocal performance is treated as a parameter whose value is in the state of constant
a) Auditory such as pitch of voice or loudness of the voice, for example, the series of
could be said in many different ways. For instance it could be said in two ways with the
same pitch-pattern but due to the variation in loudness of voice one ends up being a shout
b) Initiatory such as syllable structure. In the initiatory component, the potential values
of a feature are continuous but have a measuring system to limit them. For example,
the syllable structure in each language determines the number of sounds that can
The linear approach is a serial segmentation in which the speech continuum is divided
into units of varying durations. For example, in the analyses of the degrees of stricture,
Each of the speech units can then be characterized in terms of representative values
shown during the production of that unit by the individual phonetic components making
up the performance.
In the linear approach, any phonetic feature can have only a limited number of values,
which are referred to as categories. For instance, pitch is a phonetic feature, which has
The linear categories are thus discrete. This makes the linear featural categories
convenient for use in the spoken and written description of the speech continuum. This
explains why the linear analysis is the one taken in most textbooks on phonetics.
When the speech continuum is analysed, either parametrically or linearly the speech
This rule would be rewritten as “/r/ becomes devoiced when it immediately follows the
d) Metrical trees
The analyses of the speech continuum include the analyses of phenomena attributed to
‘strings of sounds’ such as stress, the syllable, pitch and rhythm. Each one of these is
metrical trees. For example, the syllable structure tree presented here below
Onset Rhyme
Nucleus Coda
e) Metric numbers
Some phonological phenomena can be calculated and assigned a numerical value. For
instance, stress can be assigned a numerical value because words have relative degrees of
Example the presentation of numerical metrical numbers for stress as illustrated here
Weaker Stronger
σ – syllable
C – Consonant
V – Vowel
Lecture 3
Phonetic Analyses
This refers to the analyses of sound production and perception. Phonetics analyses human
The phonetic analyses focuses on both the redundant and non-redundant features of the
The redundant phonetic features of a human speech sound are non-distinctive. They do
not facilitate a distinction in meaning in the use of the speech sound. However, the
redundant features are part of the description of the speech sound. For instance, aspiration
in English is a phonetic feature of the three voiceless stops /p, t, k/ in word initial position
in English.
[pen] [pʰen]
The second articulation of the word pen in English is non-distinctive. It simply leads to a
mispronounced word. All features of the sound segment – both redundant and non-
redundant – are therefore given at phonetic level. The speech sound is then described as
a phone allophone. Phone is concrete realization of human speech sound i.e. in writing
and speech mainly the latter. Allophone is the concrete realization of human speech
sound that is determined by the environment e.g. dental, laminal, apical areas of
Each of them is a phone in its own right. For a sound to have allophones, it must have
more than one concrete realization. Phones are presented in square brackets []. When
Identify all the non-redundant features of /p, t, k/ and describe each of the features using
The non-redundant phonetic features of a speech sound are distinctive. For instance,
aspiration is a phonetic feature in Kiswahili of the three voiceless stops /p, t, k/ in word
The redundant features of a speech sound are presented as superscripts using diacritic
[ʰ] aspiration
[ʲ] palatalization
[ʷ] labialization
The square bracket is used in the presentation of speech sounds at the phonetic level of
The word bin in English is phonetically presented as [Ƅĩƞ·]. The vowel /ı/ is nasalized
because it precedes a nasal consonant /n/. The nasal consonant /n/ is lengthened because
Lecture 4
Phonological Analyses
4.1 Phonology
In every human language, sounds are used in words in order to convey meaning. In
Lecture 1, we learned that each language constitutes its phonetic inventory from the
central pool of human speech sounds. Each language utilizes this selection of sounds in
its phonetic inventory to create words of different meanings. For instance, Gikuyu has the
sounds /t/ and /h/ in its phonetic inventory. Gikuyu utilizes these sounds to create words
of different meanings.
In terms of structure, sounds are classified as plosives, trills, flaps or taps, fricatives,
approximants and vowels. In terms of function they are classified as consonants and
Each language, as discussed in Lecture 1, utilizes only a small percentage of the human
speech sounds. It is, therefore, possible to identify a language’s phonemes and form the
Each language has rules that determine what is well formed or ill-formed in a
combination of sounds.
Each language also determines the gaps that exist in the language. These could be
accidental or systematic gaps. For such gaps, the language also determines the accidental
gap – fillers.
The segments are transcribed using transcription that is phonetic and represented between
slants/ slashes, / /. This level only gives the distinctive or non-redundant features of the
sound segment.
Lecture 5
Phonetic forms have much in common with the phonological forms. From a generative
point of view the phonetic form is the output of the input of the phonological forms.
5.2.1 Segments
Segments are the unique, single sounds produced during an articulation. The articulation
5.2.2 Processes
5.3 Analysis
- initiation
- phonation
- articulation
The three features were presented in AEN 200 and in this Unit they are discussed further
Phonetic analyses provides the classifactory labels that enable the distinction of unique
- phones
- allophones
- phonemes
The transcriptional symbols are associated with the speech production and they classify
- phonetic (narrow)
- phonological (broad)
Phonology relates the phonetic events of speech to grammatical units operating at the
phonology explains the way the phonemes are influenced by varied linguistic phenomena
example, ten/ den, tin/ din, tip/ did that have a commutative relationship
Two /tu:/ [twu:] where the arrow stands for the relation “is pronounced as” or “is
Lecture 6
Analyses of Initiation
- The nature of mechanisms that is responsible for setting the air stream in
(Speech sounds) Production of speech sounds involves the utilization of a flow of air that
is commonly referred to as an air stream. The air stream is provided or initiated by the
action of some organs of speech. The air stream is the basis of the whole of the sound of
human speech. The initiator sets in motion air stream and thus the initiator is the most
important part of an air stream mechanism. The air stream could be used as ingressive –
Three main types of airstreams are used in the production of human speech sounds. Each
a) Pulmonic(egressive)
The initiators consist of the lungs and the respiratory muscles. The respiratory muscles
move the walls of the lungs, which then form the initiator. In using the egressive
pulmonic air stream mechanism expiration must become an active process and it must
utilize muscular control. This airstreams is the basis of almost all human speech sounds.
Only the egressive pulmonic airstream is used in the articulation of human speech
sounds. Some languages in special circumstances use the ingressive pulmonic airstream
but not phonetically. For instance, in English the initial sound in the word ‘yes’ utilizes
A closed glottis initiates the glottalic airstream. The glottis is the opening between the
vocal cords. The air utilized in this airstream is in the pharynx and above the larynx. The
larynx has muscles that enable it to be pushed up and down in the throat. When it moves
this way and the glottis is closed the movement pushes air out or in within the passage.
The Glottalic airstream has both ingressive and egressive air flow.
It is utilized in Caucasian, African, central and North American languages. The sounds
produced have a low volume because the air controlled in the glottalic mechanism is not
sufficiently large for more than a small fraction of speech to be uttered at one movement
of the initiator. The vowels produced with this mechanism are inaudible.
The sounds articulated with the egressive Glottalic airstream mechanism are known as
The velaric airstream mechanism is initiated by the velum. The back part of the tongue is
lifted to make firm contact with the velum. This movement forms what is referred to as a
velic closure. The closure sets in motion only that air that is in the mouth. The airstream
is ingressive for, with the lips closed, it utilizes only the inflowing air.
The air stream is used in the production of sounds found in certain African languages, for
example, Zulu, Hottentots and Bushman. The sound segments are known as clicks
mechanism. However, it is only used by those who have undergone laryngectomy. The
air stream still sets in motion the air in the passage between the pharynx and larynx.
Unlike other airstreams, users of this airstream have to practice using it after undergoing
the operation. It is, therefore, not one of the natural airstream mechanisms.
Lecture 7
Analyses of Phonation
The phonation types are as a result of the different states of the glottis. Phonation has to
do with the generation of acoustic energy at the larynx by the action of the vocal folds.
The state of the glottis determines the presence or lack of vibration that accompanies a
a) Voiced state
This phonation state is achieved with a narrowed glottis so that the air stream causes the
vocal cords to vibrate. The sounds articulated with this state of the glottis are known as
voiced sounds.
/i/ - Vowels
b) Voiceless state
This phonation state is achieved with an open glottis so that the airstream flows out with
no vibration of the vocal cords. The sounds articulated with this state of the glottis are
c) Whisper state
This phonation state is achieved with a considerably narrowed glottis so that the
airstream flows out with a strong hushing noise. To practice, fill your lungs and then
softly say ‘ee’. What you have articulated is known as the ‘whispered mid-low front
vowel’ - /∂/. The whispered breath takes longer to flow out than the one utilized for a
voiceless state.
If you say the sounds correctly, you will perceive the difference between the two flow
outs of the airstream mechanism. That is the difference between the voiceless and
d) Creaky state
This phonation state is achieved with the glottis completely closed along most of its
length except near the front-end opening. This state of the glottis allows air to escape in a
low frequency through a small vibrating segment near the front end of the glottis. Each
If you say it correctly at some point the vibration is so low that you can perceive the
individual explosives bursts of air. These individual bursts of air are known as creaks.
The sounds articulated with this state of the glottis are voiced.
Lecture 8
speech organs along the vocal tract, from the larynx to the lips. These speech organs
The major articulatory areas are defined in terms of the vocal tract. The vocal tract
specifies all the areas in which it is possible to articulate human speech sounds. The tract
- oral
- pharyngeal – laryngeal
This cavity starts at the nostrils, goes through the nasal passage and up to a lowered
velum (Cf. Diagram 1). The lowered velum closes off the oral passage of air. All the
Nasals are articulated with modification of the airstream by the articulating organs in the
mouth. There are no articulating organs in the nasal passage. Therefore, no stricture type
takes place in the nasal cavity itself. However, due to the lowering of the velum, the
Constriction of air in the nostril is not known to be exploited in any language for the
The oral cavity starts at the lips, through the mouth and up to a raised velum (Cf.
Diagram 1). All the sounds are produced with a raised velum that blocks the flow of air
through the nasal cavity. So all air flows out through the oral cavity.
The oral cavity is used for the majority of the human speech sounds. Articulations are
The lower articulators are also known as the active articulators. They include the lower
The upper articulators are known as the passive articulators. They include the upper lip,
a) The pharyngeal articulations are formed in the pharynx. The pharyngeal wall acts as
the articulator. Because they cannot form a complete closure, sounds formed are
fricative. There are only two pharyngeal sounds. They are formed with a gag-reflex i.e.
chocking reflex e.g. (h) which utilized the muscles of the diaphragm. It is produced with
what is called induced contraction of the pharynx. {G} Voiced {h} voiceless.
b) The glottis articulations are formed in the laryngeal area through the constriction of
the vocal chords e.g. glottal stop and voiceless fricative. In the formation of glottal stops,
the epiglottis forms a complete closure with the larynx. In articulating fricatives, the
epiglottis forms a close approximation closure e.g. stop{?}, fricative {h} – voiceless and
{h} – voiced. Sounds formed in the larynx are glottal and those formed in the pharynx
are called pharyngeal. The pharyngeo-laryngeal area gives only five speech sounds.
Lecture 9
9.1.1 Bilabial
The lower lip and the upper teeth are involved e.g. / f, v/
9.2.1 Dental
/ð, θ/ articulated by the tip or the blade of the tongue against the back of the upper front
9.2.2 Alveolar
The tip/ blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge. E.g. /t, d/
Blade – lamino
e.g. / ∫, z/
Retroflex sounds are articulated with the sub-lamino, as the tongue slides back beyond
It is almost pointing up
The under blade or sublamina makes contact with the palatal arch.
Since the tip/ apex of the tongue is virtually curled back the sound are called retroflex e.g.
/t, d/.
The palatal sounds are articulated with the back (antero-dorso) part of the tongue in
Articulated with the back of the tongue (postero – dorso) against the soft palate. Velar,
To articulate /q/ make a stricture for /k/ then let the tongue slip slightly further back and
Lecture 10
Analysis of articulations in the pharyngeo – laryngeal cavity
Pharyngeo – the articulations in the pharynx are called the pharengeal sounds. The
pharynx is the cavity behind the mouth, from the back of the nose down to the larynx.
The pharyngeal sounds can be – oropharynx: produced right behind the mouth or
laryngopharynx, produced in the lower part of the pharynx, immediately above the
larynx. The pharyngeal walls act as articulators though they cannot form a complete
closure stricture.
The sounds are articulated with a gag reflex (as if choking) that includes mild contraction
of the pharynx.
Glottal articulations are found in the laryngeal area. They are articulated through the
The epiglottis can fold over the larynx to form a complete closure or it can constrict the
vocal cords to form a close approximation. If it is a complete closure the sound produced
If it is close approximation the sounds produced are the two fricatives. / h and /
Oral cavity: labials, dent alveolar, retroflex and palatal and velar and uvular sound.
Lecture 11
the degree of stricture i.e. – the degree to which the vocal organs or articulators impede
the airflow.
Each stricture type generates a sound of specific type and quality. It is the stricture type/
manner of articulation that finally shapes the air stream into specific sounds by placing
The vocal tract is considered a four dimensional tube that runs from the larynx through
the mouth to the lips and through the nasal cavity to the nostrils. This is the tract that
contains the vocal organs and the four dimensions indicate – space in relation to the
organs. In most articulations the active articulator approaches the passive one in a
vertical direction.
2. Transverse dimension
The side-to-side dimension that specifies the location of the oral air path, which can be
3. Longitudinal dimension
This represents the location of the articulation at any of the points in the vocal tract from
the lips back and down to the larynx. E.g. the difference between / p, t, k, q, / is
longitudinal – all have the same manner of articulation but different locations of
4. Time dimension
a momentary gesture
a maintainable posture
1. Complete closure
In this stricture, the articulators seal off the flow of air completely. The articulators are
then drawn apart suddenly. When drawn to gather, the air behind the articulators builds
up in pressure and the sudden parting of the articulators makes the air escape with ‘a
popping noise’ or plosion. The sounds thus produced are known as plosives due to the
noisy release. They are also known as stops because of the complete stoppage of the
2. Close approximation
The articulators come close to one another but they do not seal off the air escape. The
passage left for the air to escape is however so narrow that air flowing through cause
turbulence. The sounds produced have an audible friction whether they are voiced or
3. Open approximation
The articulators are wider apart than in the close approximation stricture. Airflows out
/o u i/ vowels
4. The trill
This involves an alteration between the complete closure and the open approximation.
The active articulator repeatedly hits against the passive articulator because of the
passage of the powerful air stream used in the articulation of a trill e.g. in /B r R /
Conclusion: all these stricture types: the stop, fricative, approximant and trill are
maintainable articulations. The articulation posture can be held in place for some time.
In these articulations there is very brief/ momentary contact between the articulators.
1. Tap or flap
The active articulator momentarily makes contact with the passive articulator and then
The semi vowel unlike all other sounds has just two phases of the articulation process.
If the hold phase is included, the semi- vowel turns into a vowel
Lecture 12
Vowels are articulated with a stricture of open approximation they are normally voiced
This is the most obvious and most easily controlled feature of the vowels.
The vertical tongue position is also known as the tongue height. This position gives the
distance between the surface of the tongue and the roof of the mouth. The height
This gives the relative advancement or retraction of the body of the tongue – front,
a) vowel limit of the tongue height or vertical dimension and horizontal dimension e.g. /i/
is a dorso – palatal approximation. If the tongue is further tensed up and its pushed closer
to the hard palate audible turbulence can be heard, thus we produce the dorso palatal
b) Vowel closeness
This limits the upward and backward direction/ boundary. Movement beyond the
considered a series of segments. This is what distinguishes speech from mere noise.
Convenient – it gives the discrete and finite hints that language is dependent on.
- articulated
mechanism’(Clark and Yallop 1990 pp 95) the stable state includes all the articualtory
settings that best characterize the sound in question and it is referred to as a TARGET.
Lecture 13
Most articulations are single i.e. have only two articulating organs: one passive and the
other active. We also have co-articulations namely. The sounds discussed so far have a
13.2 Co-articulations
It is possible for sounds to be articulated at two different places. This is called co-
These are two simultaneous articulations resulting in one sound segment. The two are
said to be of the same rank or degree of stricture i.e. if the first is open approximation, the
second also is e.g. in articulating /w/, there is the approximation and rounding of the lips.
So the sound is said to be bilabial (rounding of lips). At the same time, the back of the
tongue is raised towards the velum for an open approximation. So the sound is dorso-
velar. The two postures take place at the same time. Vocalic sounds have a double
The two simultaneous articulations are of different ranks. One articulation is primary and
the other is secondary. The articulations are used to form the adjective that names the
sound. The secondary articulation is mostly of an open approximation e.g. /t/ can have
phonetically in square brackets [tw] and the secondary articulation indicated with a
These are successive occurrences of two similar or different articulations. The two make
up one sound unit, transcribed with one phonetic/ phonemic symbol. The orthography
13.3.1 Geminates
This refers to a sequence of two identical or almost identical consonants. The two
consonants are clearly pronounced within one and the same morpheme
13.3.2 Affricates
An affricate is a stop that is released into a homographic fricative within one and the
same morpheme. E.g. t ∫ - lamino – post alveolar stop that is released into a post alveolar
The stop is released into a homorganic lateral fricative e.g. t – alveolar stop /t/ released
A stop that is preceded by a homorganic nasal e.g. mb nd mp nt usually found in
African languages.
Lecture 14
14.1 Introduction
phonology the phonetic form is considered the output of the input of phonological forms.
E.g. /e/ the phonetic form of this sound is dependent / determined by the phonological
Segments are the unique/ single sounds produced during an articulation. The articulation
can be .
a) a single articulation
c) Homorganic articulation.
Segmental analysis deals with the analysis of the speech sounds in terms of segments. It
- single articulation
- co-articulation
- homorganic articulation
basically, therefore, segmental analysis describes the sound segments without necessarily
enables linguists to isolate individual sounds for detailed study. Speech is more or less a
continuous flow of energy that has peaks and troughs of the energy movement. This flow
can be converted into a series of separate segments that can be – perceived or articulated.
In segmental analysis any sound can be identified as a ‘stable state of the articulatory
mechanism’(Clark yallop 1990:95). The stable state includes all the – articulatory settings
The stable state is referred to as the TARGET. Vowels and fricatives can be produced in
isolation and they can be prolonged indefinitely e.g. /i/, /e/ /u/, /f/ /s/ /∫ /
For these sounds it is possible to speak of a genuinely stable state. Flaps/ taps, trills and
stops are dynamic or transient in their articulation. These sounds are thus identified only
useful point of reference of how speech sounds are actually articulated by speakers. In
speech however, these sounds are modified variously. The concept, therefore, should be
Relates to measurements. This form of analysis gives speech a plus or minus value of a
Looking at individual sounds is artificially cutting up the speech continuum into series of
characteristic of the relations sounds have with each other. The stretches that are greater
than the segments. Such features are called the prosodies or suprasegmentals. They are
a. initiation
b. phonation
c. articulation
The other units above the single segment are important/ significant in stating
V Zero onset
CV onset
VC termination
Lecture 15
Def: the component of language that deals with phonemes and their possible combination
Forerunners (not attached to any school but still influential) of phonological theory
The term had been introduced in 1873(by the French linguist Dufriche - Desgenettes)
De Saussure used the term to refer to a common prototype in parent language, which is
reflected by different sounds in the languages derived from this parent language.
Countenery and Kruszewski (1870s and 1880s) also used the term to mean a – linguistic
unit, which underlies an alternation between sounds in etymologically related forms (both
i. phoneme combination
ii. And his emphasis on the psychological pattern and on alterations and
underlying forms.
A structural linguistics school that came up in the 1920’s. It was influenced by thoughts
from the east of Europe, Moscow and America i.e. from linguists such as de Courtenery
ii) The formal view of grammatical description (propounded by the Fortumator School in
Jakobson (the most creative and dynamic), Trubetzkoy – the Linguistic Circle of Plague
founded in 1926 by Mathesius. According to the Prague circle, the aim of phonological
theory should be
(The theses were discussed and accepted by schools such as – the French Dutch School
of linguistics)
The main aim was to create an entirely new discipline which would be independent of
phonetics. This however, was not feasible because in description of languages it is not
possible to separate form from function i.e. describe the phonetic features of a sound in a
ii) However, under the influence of de Saussures’ work, the Prague School
the phoneme.
distinguish intellectual meaning i.e. meanings which belong to the linguistic content that
is communicated – sounds marking For Example, dialect or social group etc are
I. Note
Due to its functions in the distinctive pairs/ non-distinctive pairs the phoneme has two
successive units.
sound unit.
actual speech) deviating from Dufrische’s (1873) definition. Trubetzkoy since a phoneme
contains only the relevant properties, a speech sound may not therefore be equaled to a
A phoneme may be realized as different speech sounds. These sounds are the variants of
i) combinatory variants- variants that are predictable in terms of stress, pitch, juncture,
the vowel in the preceding or the following syllable, the preceding or following
consonant etc. e.g. /n/ can be n. nasalization of vowels before nasals /r/- [ŗ],[r]
ii) facultative variants: predictable in terms of position in a word i.e. word initial, medial
and final e.g. the voiceless stops in English ai/I – in either, s/z – analyze recognize.
Three rules are used in determining in which case different sounds are variants of the
i) If two sounds in the same environment may be interchanged without a change in the
meaning of a word, then the sounds are facultative variants of the same phoneme
ii) If the two sounds cannot be interchanged without altering the meaning (or making the
word unrecognizable) then they are realization of two different phonemes e.g. t in /tin/.
iii) If two articulatory and acoustically related sounds never occur in the same
environment they are combinatory allophones variants of the same phoneme (phonetic
similarity) e.g. the [n] [ņ] both are nasal, stops, alveolar but [ņ] is dentalised because of
its occurrence before a dental sounds e.g. in teeth length /ð/ or /θ/ i.e. the sounds should
have common properties which distinguish them from all other sounds in the language.
Distinctive oppositions
(Trubetzkoy) according to three different aspects (of the phonemes phonetic qualities)
1. A phoneme’s relation to the entire system (i.e. to other members of the system) gives
two classifications
i) Dimensions of opposition
a) Bilateral (one dimensional) oppositions. These give only 2 members e.g. the phonetic
quality voice.
b) Multilateral (multidimensional) opposition – they have more than one member e.g.
a) Isolated: the relationship does not recur in other oppositions in the language. E.g. r/l
b) Proportional: the same relation recurs in other oppositions e.g. p/b t/d k/g
2. The classification corresponding to the relation between phonemes that are members of
an opposition. 3 types
a) Privative
b) Gradual
c) Equipollent oppositions
a) Privative: one member is characterized by the presence of a property which the other
members lacks e.g. voicing, nasalization, rounding. If a member has the quality it is said
to be
c) Privative:
15.3. Phone
a) The smallest phonological unit, which cannot be decomposed into smaller successive
b) Phonetically: the smallest phonological unit that is characterized as the totality of the
15.3 Allophone
A phoneme may be realized as different speech sounds. These sounds are variants/
i) Combinatory variants
The variants that are predictable in terms of stress, pitch, juncture, the vowel in the
preceding or the following consonant etc. i.e. phoneme in combinations e.g. the
shortening of a long vowel because it is followed by a consonant: e.g. sea [i:] seen[i]or
the vowel in the stressed syllable being shorter than the one in the unstressed syllable.
These are predictable in terms of position in word i.e. word – initial, medial, final e.g. the
aspiration of the voiceless stops in English in word initial position. Can be – allophones –
Lecture 16
Distinctive oppositions
16.1 Opposition
This is the phoneme’s opposition to other members of the phoneme system. It can be in
terms of
Dimensions of opposition
a) Bilateral opposition – one – dimensional oppositions. These give only two members of
an opposition. E.g. the phonetic quality [voice] gives [±voice] or the phonetic [±nasal].
number of an opposition. E.g. manner of articulation gives stops, trills, tap or flap,
fricatives, approximants.
a) Proportional opposition. The same phonetic relationship that classifies one opposition
b) Isolated opposition. The phonetic quality that classifies an opposition does not recur in
other oppositions e.g. B/r/R – [trills] [pharyngeal] ħ, approximant. Both – alveolar, tip of
the tongue.
16. 2. The opposition corresponding to the relation between phonemes that are
members of an opposition
a) Privative opposition
One member is characterized by the presence of a property that the other member lacks.
The member with the quality is said to marked [the phonetic quality] the other member is
b) Gradual opposition
Where there is appearance of different degrees of the same quality e.g. horizontal tongue
position of vowels. It is not meaningful to say [±back] because a vowel could be [central]
or [front]
c) Equipollent opposition
- Both are voiceless i.e. saying that they are unmarked for voice is not
The two members are considered to be logically equal in terms of the state of the glottis/
manner of articulation.
16.3.1 Constant: both members occur in the same environment without restrictions e.g.
/kit/ /kæt/
16.3.1 Suspendable
The concept of neutralization covers minimal contrasts – it is only possible where there is
a) localization (an acoustic property) that gives the position of formant and lip
The Prague phonologists chose the concept of opposition as their starting point. They
defined the phoneme and phonological unit. Therefore ‘distinctive function’ was stressed
1) The arrangement of phonemes into properties. The Prague school differs from
other phonology schools in this respect. The prague differs from other schools.
2) Universal laws – the Prague phonologist propounded universal laws, e.g. those of
systematising phonological units into phonemic inventories (this was also taken
Lecture 17
The syllable
Onset Rhyme
Nucleus Coda
Complex – more than one consonants sound in the onset or in the coda
2. CV - onset
3. VC – termination
Restrictions of sounds that can occupy any of these syllable parts. – using rules or
The syllable as a unit is posited at both the phonetic and phonological levels of analysis.
i) Acts as the domain of linguistically relevant prosodic properties such as pitch and stress.
(ii) It gives the basis for organizing and expressing constraints on possible phoneme
CCV in English
The phonetic syllable is therefore, a framing concept. It makes it possible for one to show
a variety of co-ordinatory relationships with the contexts in which they are embedded.
articulation and phonation e.g. the devoicing process /r/ - pray – [ŗ]
This is a co-ordinatory relationship that involves the *** of voicing relative to that of
articulatory events. It reflects the interplay between – contextual factors and – options of
marginal elements.
Nuclear elements, as phonological entities, are called vowels. The marginal elements are
called consonants. Phonetic segments that manifest nuclear elements of the phonological
syllable are called syllabic segments. Those that manifest marginal elements of the
phonological syllable are called syllabic segments. Those that manifest marginal
elements of the phonological syllable are called non-syllabic segments e.g. stops,
fricatives, lateral resonant. /k/ and /t/ in [kat] are non-syllabic. But /n/ in garden [gadņ] is
a) notional triangle
Lecture 18
produced when a speaker pushes more air out of the lungs for one syllable than she does
for an adjacent one. This greater push of air has three results:
b) An increase in pitch.
c) An increase in loudness.
18.2.1 Normal
18.2.2 Emphatic
Overrules normal stress. For emphasis or focus on something. Used to give meanings that
Bi-syllabic, polysyllabic
Used to differentiate words that are phonetically similar in terms of word classes. Project,
1. word class
Verb nouns
syllables. E.g.
΄fif΄ti:n ΄pri:΄peid
Example: intellectual
1. sentence/word
Presentation of stress
2. The ΄above the stressed syllable or word. E.g. ΄John ΄kicked the ΄ball
3. Stress numerical numbers used to differentiate between content words that are all
4. Binary branching – s, w.
a) If a terminal node t is labeled w, its stress number is equal to the number of nodes
Lecture 19
19.0 Introduction
that enables a listener to place a sound on a scale going from low to high. It refers to the
The pitch of a sound depends on the rate of vibration of the vocal cords. In a sound with
a high pitch, there is higher frequency of vibration than in a sound with a low pitch.
the hertz (Hz) e.g. if the vocal cords make 220 complete opening and closing movements
I a second, then the frequency of the sound is equal to 220 Hz/s. In practice, when a
Vocal cords vibrate at different frequencies and thus voice can be produced at different
a) Stretching and tensing the vocal chords – the more tense the higher the pitch.
b) Change the pressure below the vocal cords – the higher the sub glottal pressure
2. To mark the boundaries of syntactic units. We use pitch to mark the completion of a
grammatical sentence. The last syllable is a lower pitch than it would have been if it had
been in a non-final position. Depending on how it is said, the sentence, “I am late” can
comes at the end, it is rendered in a low pitch. But if in a medial position, it is higher.
Questions are marked with a higher pitch. Incomplete utterances also often have higher
3. To teach the meaning of a word. In tonal languages, pitch varies meaning e.g.
Speakers of language vary the pitch continuously when they talk. Pitch and pitch
Variation of pitch may be related to relatively long stretches of speech which may be
mainly syllables in length and which correspond to relatively large grammatical units
Pitch variation used this way is called intonation i.e. it covers a whole sentence.
Intonation refers to the voice or pitch contour that can be utilized to change a sentence
variations often characterizing long stretches of speech which may be many syllables in
length and usually large grammatical units such as a sentence and is often used to
distinguish statements from certain kinds of questions. Two sentences in English can be
exactly the same phonetically except for the overall pitch contour or intonation of the
Forms of intonation
Particular speech patterns in sentences are refereed to as intonation groups. They are
also called tone units. In a stretch of words or syllables, the intonation group is marked
Pause: This can be filled or unfilled. The unfilled pause is marked by silence. The
filled pause is marked by different sounds such as /a/ and /m/ in RP. These sounds are
usually used at the end of boundaries. If they are placed where there are no boundaries, it
symbolizes hesitation. The pause occurs as the speaker changes from one pitch pattern to
another. It is often very brief and is unfilled, it is hardly noticeable. The intonation
two sentences. The more prominent the boundary is the longer the pause. Pauses
• Before words occurring to lexical content. The words preceded by a pause are
often difficult to guess in advance e.g. high lexical content words in nouns,
phrases, verb phrases or adverbial phrases. For instance, in “The boy went
home”, “boy”, “went” and “home” are the high content words.
The intonation boundary is marked by lengthening the final syllable of the intonation
contour. The lengthening acts as a pause substitute and carries a final pitch movement
19.2.1 Intonation
Pitch variation that is related to relatively long stretches of speech. The stretches
correspond to sentences.
Gives intonation contrasts (contours) the intonation contours signal distinct kinds of
meaning. E.g.
i) I am informing you
iv) Continue
v) I agree
Statement ¯˙˙ ..
Question _ .. ˙˙
Exclamation ___ .˙ ˙˙
19.2.2 Tone
Pitch variation that is related to short stretches of speech – syllable length, words
/ \ ∨ ∧ ___
Mandarin Chinese
1. ba __ - eight
2. ba / - to uproot
3. ba ∨ - to hold
4. ba \ - a narrow
He – give, there is
Lecture 20
feature. It is a sound’s loudness relative to that of the other sounds with the same length
a) It is closely linked in articulatory terms with the degree of blockage of the air stream.
Vowels have the least blockage (open approximation) and therefore are the most
b) Voicing is also a determining factor of the degree of sonority. Voiced sounds are
It is therefore possible to postulate a sonority hierarchy among segments using the >
E.g. a.∂.i the more open vowel has the highest degree of sonority a is greater than ∂ and ∂
Example l, m, u, t, b, n, a, z, i, з, e. a>e>i,u>z,з>š>m,n,b>t
- least sonorous
Lecture 21
c) When the sound is combined with others and it is word initial, medial or final.
d) when morphemes are added to a root e.g. electric, electricity /k/ - /s/
e) When words are put together in phrase or sentence e.g. r in a car is the parking, a
1. Articulatory phenomena they involve – place, manner e.g. lateral release, labialization.
2. Perceptual phenomena – they involve the perceptibility of the sound segments. Some
segments are more perceptually opposed than others and therefore more stable than those
that are less differentiated e.g. in word, stressed vowels are more perceptually opposed
than the unstressed ones. For this reason the stressed ones are normally diphthongized
- in combinations/ syllables
This refers to the modification of a sound in order to make it more similar to some sound
in the neighbourhood. It is the influence that is exercised by one sound segment upon
articulation of another so that the sounds become ore alike or identical e.g. ten bikes
(tembikes). In this case {n} is nasalized and bilabialised in assimilation with {b} which
is oral. In ten mice (temice), thee is total assimilation because {n} and {m} are fully
merged. In other words, assimilation can be partial or total. In total assimilation, the two
sounds become identical. In partial assimilation, one sound is influenced by the other but
not completely.
is the result of the influence of an adjacent sound or of one further away. Where the
contagious assimilation. For instance, “rehe” (bring) but “rehaga” (be bringing) where
the last vowel in the second word influences the medial vowel from {e} to {a}.
b) Progressive assimilation. First sound influences the next e.g. big head
Vowels may take features of consonantal sounds e.g. there can be nasalization of oral
vowels when they occur before nasal constants. In nasalized vowels, the air escapes
through the nose and mouth simultaneously. The vowels are transcribed with a diacritic
mark to show nasalization e.g. in articulating “man”, the vowel is influenced by the {n}.
English has not distinct vowels but nasalization if often heard in English vowels when
they display the articulatory influence of an adjacent nasal consonant. One consonant
inside the mouth is not heavily compressed. The combination of the air in the glottis
leads to some vibration and implosive sounds are produced. They are transcribed with a
a) labialization
b) nasalization
c) velarisation e.g. ka ki
d) devoicing/ voicing r/
[rεhε] [rεhagε]
[oka] [okaga]
1. Breaking/ diphthongization of long vowels so that they become diphthongs, egg ε:g,
3. Major class change – when a sound segment changes class membership electric –
4. Neutralization
This involves the suspension of the phonological contrast between sound segments
in particular word positions or contexts. This can happen after the addition of a
of /t/ and /d/ as in “waiting” and “wading” which are pronounced similarly with the
arch-phoneme /D/. In writing, the words are different but in articulation and
We should remember various articulatory stricture types, representing the ‘vertical’ and
the location of articulatory strictures within the vocal tract. For the purpose of describing
articulatory locations the vocal tract is divided into three areas: nasal, oral, and
There is a clear natural division between the nasal area and the others constituted by the
orifice at the back of the nose, which can be closed by raising the velum or soft palate.
For phonetic purposes, the oral area consists of mouth cavity, bounded by the whole of
the under surface of the roof of the mouth, back to the uvula, and by the whole of the
surface of the tongue back to the tip of the epiglottis. The pharyngeo-laryngeal area
consists of the pharynx, the space behind the mouth and down to the larynx, and the
larynx itself.
The nasal area consists of the nasal cavity, which is for the most part a complex but
immobile chamber coated with mucous membrane which may swell pathologically, as
when we have a cold, but is not capable of voluntary movement. Some voluntary control,
and hence some variety of articulation, is possible only at the two ends of the nasal
cavity, the nostrils and the pharyngeo-nasal orifice-the ‘nasal port’, as it is sometimes
The nostrils can be narrowed, or widely opened (‘flared’), and can thus modulate airflow
out of the nose, but this potentially is not known to be exploited for articulation in any
language. It may be noted in passing, however, that when you devoice a nasal sound
such as [m] or [n] you can hear a slight hiss-noise of turbulent airflow through the
nostrils. Since these nasal sounds are quite free of turbulence when voiced, the airflow
becoming turbulent when voiceless, they are typical approximants, and might well be
called ‘nostril’ (or, better, using the Latinate term) ‘narial’ approximant’. All sounds
articulated with the velum lowered (the ‘nasal port’ open) so that air flows through the
In nasals, such as [m] [n] [ ŋ] as in mum, nun, and the final sound of lung, the velum or
soft palate is lowered, but there is a complete closure in the mouth (at the lips for [m],
between tongue-tip and teeth or teeth-ridge for [n], between tongue-back and soft palate
(velum) for [ŋ]). Consequently all the air used in their production is shunted through the
In nasalized sounds, the nasal port is open (exactly as for nasals), but at the same time the
passageway through the mouth is also open, so that the air flows out through both mouth
and nose. Typical nasalized sounds are the nasalized vowels of French, as in un bon vin
blanc. These sometimes called, simply, ‘nasal’ vowels-but it is clear that they differ from
the nasal consonants [m] [n] etc. as indicated above. Experiment 49 explores the
differences between nasal consonants, nasalized vowels, and purely oral vowels.
Say a prolonged [m m m……] and note how air is flowing out of the nose. If you hold
your hand just below the nostrils you can faintly feel the warm air gently flowing out. If
you suddenly devoice {m} the nasal airflow becomes much more obvious: [m m m m
To get the feel of raising and lowering the velum – closing and opening the nasal port –
say a prolonged [m] punctuated by inserted [b] stops. Keep the lips tightly closed
throughout the entire experiment merely flipping the nasal port momentarily shut for each
Do the same with [n] and [ŋ] (the nasal heard at the end of long): [n d n d n d n d…..]
[ŋ g ŋ g ŋ g ŋ g ŋ g ŋ], etc.
Finally, do the same sequence of experiments completely silently – that is, with no
initiatory air-stream. In this silent experiment you can feel, even more clearly, the
proprioceptive sensation of opening and closing the nasal port: [ ] (silent), etc.
We turn now the oral area. In purely oral sounds (that is, in the majority of all speech-
sounds) the velum is raised, closing the entrance to the nose, and the air flows solely
through the mouth. Articulations in the oral area are carried out by the juxtaposition of
lower and upper articulators. The lower articulators are those attached to the lower jaw-
the lower lip, lower teeth, and tongue. The upper articulators are the upper lip, the upper
teeth, and the whole of the roof of the mouth. We will examine all of these in some
detail, and get to know them by feel, tactilely and pro-prioceptively, but first the reader
We now consider the upper and lower articulators and the zones where articulation can
take place within the mouth. It will be useful to have a quick look at Figs. , 24, and 25
The upper articulatory area is subdivided, first into the natural distinction between a
labial and a tectal division, the latter embracing the entire roof of the mouth (from Latin
tecta ‘roof’ from the upper teeth back to the uvula. The labial division includes an outer
(exo-) and an inner (endo-) part of the lips. The tectal division breaks down naturally
into two regions: a dentalveolar region, which includes the upper teeth and the teeth-
ridge or alveolar ridge, and a domal region, which covers the whole remaining ‘domed’
Each of these two regions (dentalveolar and domal) breaks down naturally into two
zones. The dentalveolar region includes the dental zone, consisting of the upper teeth,
and the alveolar zone, consisting of the whole alveolar ridge. The domal region breaks
down into hard palate (palatal zone). You can feel the division between these zones if
you run your finger back over the roof of your mouth. You will observe that the front
part is quite hard and unyielding, but when the finger reaches the end of the palatal and
the beginning of the velar zone, the roof of the mouth feels quite soft.
There are no visible divisions on the tongue surface, but it should not be difficult to
identify the tip or apex, and the rim. The blade (Latin lamina) is that part of the upper
surface of the tongue, extending about 1.0 to 1.5cm. back from the apex, that usually lies
just under the alveolar ridge when the tongue is at rest, and its rim touching the backs of
the lower teeth. The remainder of the upper surface of the tongue is the dorsum. The
front part of the dorsum (anterodorsum) practically always articulates against the roof of
the mouth in the palatal zone, while the posterodorsum articulates in the velar zone. It is
Returning to the front end of the tongue, if you turn the apex up and somewhat back a
certain amount of the underside of the tongue becomes visible. This underside of the
tongue, lying largely beneath the blade, is called the ‘underblade’ or sub-lamina part of
the tongue.
In naming the lower articulators we use Latinate prefixes, labio-apico-, etc. attached to
the naemes of the upper articulatory zones or sub-zones. Thus, juxtaposition of the lower
lip and upper teeth is labiodental: juxtaposition of tongue surface and soft palate is
Labio-labial or bilabial. The bilabial stops p and b need no introduction, but now close
the lips as for p, start up pulmonic pressure and allow the lips to separate very slightly so
that a turbulent air-stream escapes through this narrow channel, generating a voiceless
Other bilabial sounds are the nasal [m], and the bilabial trill. We might also mention the
semivowel [w] obviously involves the lips, but it is not a pure bilabial. In the first place,
it requires some degree of rounding of the lips. Secondly, in addition to the bilabial
articulation [w] also has a dorso-velar component: the back of the tongue is raised up
towards the velum. It is thus a co-articulated sound and will be referred again below,
under co-articulation.
In Chapter 2 we discovered experimentally that the articulation of the fricatives [f] and
[v] requires the juxtaposition of the lower lip and upper teeth, and in Chapter 4 we
Now we must carefully contrast bilabial [ ] [β ] and [ ] with labiodental [f] [v] and [ υ].
bilabial and labiodental: Alternate aloud and then, more importantly, silently, between
bilabial [ ] and labiodental [f]: [ ], and now between bilabial [β] and
labiodental [v], [βv βv βv βv……], and now between bilabial [ ] and labiodental [ υ ], [
You must by now be very clear about the distinction between bilabial and labiodental
articulation. Before leaving bilabial and labiodental articulations (for both of which the general
cover term labial can often be used) we must take note of the distinction between outer (exo-) and
Observe that it is possible to make the labial closure for [p] and [b] in two different ways. [i]
Tense the lips somewhat, adopting a kind of severe, tight-lipped, posture so that the parts of the
lips that come together are near their outer edges, and what you see in the mirror is a very thin
line of lip. This type of bilabial articulation, bringing together the outer surfaces of the lips is
(ii) Let the lips relax and push them forward somewhat, while keeping them flat (not rounded)
and let the soft inner surfaces of the lips come together. Now you can see relatively thick lips in
the mirror. This type of bilabial articulation, juxtaposing the inner surfaces of the lips is
In those few languages that have a bilabial trill it is of a lax endolabial type. There is also a
linguistically relevant contrast between bi-exolabial and bi-endolabial [p] and [b] in at least some
The [f] and [v] of English (and of French, Russian, etc.) are usually endolabio-dental, and this is
an important point to note in teaching these sounds to speakers of languages (such as Japanese)
with no labiodentals. Learners must be explicitly told to place the inner part of the lower lip
against the edges and outer surface of the upper teeth (otherwise they are liable to place the outer
surface of the lower lip against the inner surface of the upper teeth, with bizarre results).
It is difficult to produce an airtight closure between the lip and the teeth, since the air tends to
escape through the interstices between the teeth. Probably for this reason labiodental stops
apparently do not occur in languages and the IPA provides no symbols for them, though it does
provide a symbol, [ ], for labiodental nasal. This occurs as a variant, or allophone (see Chapter
10) of [m] in such English words as triumph and nymph. It is probably realized most frequently
as a nasalized approximant rather than the usual type of nasal, which requires an airtight oral
Passing further into the mouth we must take note briefly of articulations that involve the lower
Silently bring the lower teeth into contact with the upper lip and then start up voiceless pulmonic
pressure initiation. The result is a kind of [f] - like fricative, but a dentilabial one, not a
labiodental one. There is no phonetic symbol for this dentilabial fricative, which is not know to
occur regularly in any language. Note, however, that in the phonetic literature (particularly in
French) one sometimes finds the term ‘dentalabial’ meaning what is properly called labiodental,
used by persons who do not adhere to the convention that we strictly follow, namely, that the
prefix (e.g. labio-) always refers to the lower articulator, while the rest of the term (e.g. –dental)
Bidental articulation hardly warrants a special experimental approach: You simply bring the
upper and lower teeth together (‘clench the teeth’) and blow noisily through them. This is a
bidental fricative – a sound that is practically unknown in languages though it does occur (as a
variant of the dorso-velar fricative [x]) in one sub-dialect of the Shapsug dialect of Adyghe
4. Dentoalveolar Articulations
We come now to a part of the mouth where we must spend a good deal of time, since a
considerable variety of articulations can be produced there. This is the dentalveolar region.
Both the tip, or apex, and the blade of the tongue can articulate in various ways against the upper
teeth, and against the front and back subzones of the teeth ridge – the alveolar ridge. We thus
have the possibility of both apico- and lamino- articulations against the dental zone, and against
two parts (front and back) of the alveolar zone. These are what we most now explore.
Silently place the apex and rim of the tongue against the backs of the upper teeth. Slowly and
introspectively draw the tongue backwards, feeling the alveolar ridge, just behind the upper teeth.
As the tongue slides very slowly backwards over the surface of the alveolar ridge you should get
an impression of the shape of the ridge. Immediately behind the teeth it is relatively flat, then, as
the tongue slowly slides further back, you can feel the ridge is no longer flat and more or less
horizontal, but is beginning to curve upwards. If you keep on sliding the tongue-tip slowly
backwards you will feel it passing the most ‘ridge-like’ – the most convex – part of the alveolar
ridge, and then moving on to the more concave arching front part of the hard palate. You have
now gone beyond the alveolar ridge and have entered the front-palatal, or prepalatal, subzone of
Some people have a more prominent alveolar ridge than others. Fig. 26 shows, schematically,
two extremes of this kind. If you run your tongue over your alveolar ridge, as you look at Fig 26
you will be able to estimate the degree of prominence of your own alveolar ridge. The front edge
of the alveolar ridge is at the place where the upper teeth recede into the gums, but there is no
sharp division between the rear rend of the alveolar ridge and the beginning of the hard palate.
The alveolar ridge may be taken to end beyond its most convex part, at the point where the
convexity of the ridge gives way to the concavity of the hard palate. Thus, as you can feel with
your tongue, the alveolar ridge may be considered to have two parts – a rather flat front part, and
a curved, convex, back part. These tow parts of the alveolar ridge are what we call the alveolar
subzone (the front part), and the postalveolar subzone (the back part, which might more
Silently place the tip (and rim) of the tongue against the backs of the upper teeth and make a stop
in this position. This apico-dental [ ], the small tooth-like diacritic mark under the [ ] means that
Now, very slowly, carefully, and introspectively draw the tip of the tongue backwards. As soon
as the tongue-tip is completely free of the teeth, but is still in contact with the relatively flat part
of the alveolar ridge, hold that position, and then make a voiceless stop from there. This is apico-
After producing two or three apico-alvoelar [t]s, and being quite clear about the tactile and
proprioceptive differences between alveolar [t] and dental [ ], slide the tongue-tip very slowly
back keeping contact with the ridge till you can feel it touching the extreme back of the ridge, at
its most convex point, just before it begins to merge with the concave palate.
Make a voiceless stop from this point. This is an apico-postalveolar [v], the subscript line (minus
sign) means that it is retracted from the alveolar position (Fig. 27c)
You should now have acquired a clear understanding of the dental, alveolar and postalveolar
places of articulation. The three stops pronounced in Experiment 56 were all apical. But it is
possible to articulate stops at these same locations using the blade of the tongue, that is, the part
of the upper surface of the tongue lying immediately behind the tip, and extending back from the
tip along, the centre-line about 1 to 1.5cm. Articulations made with the blade are called laminal,
Place the tip of the tongue lightly against the backs of the lower teeth, or better, the lower gums.
Keep it anchored there, out of the way, while you silently bring the blade of the tongue into
contact with the backs of the upper teeth. This is a lamino-dental contact, and you can make a
Now while keeping the tongue-tip anchored to the lower teeth, and thus out of the way, silently
bring the blade into contact with the alveolar ridge. Perhaps the best way to do this is to start
from the lamino-dental position (blade against backs of upper teeth) and slide the blade back very
slightly till it is just clear of the upper teeth. This is lamino-alveolar, and you can make a lamino-
alveolar stop [t] at this location. If you carefully compare apico-alveolar [t] with lamino-alveolar
[t] you may notice that the release sound – the little burst of noise – heard as the tongue breaks
away from the ridge tends to be less lean-cut, a little more ‘sloppy’ in the case of laminal [t]. In
fact, it may sound a little like [ts] rather than simple [t] (Fig. 28b).
Now, in order to shift back to make a lamino-postalveolar stop articulation you will probably
have to remove the tongue-tip from the lower teeth. Nevertheless, you must contrive to make
contact between the blade (not the apex) and the postalveolar subzone – the most convex part of
the ridge. (Fig. 28c) Make a lamino-postalveolar stop from this place of articulation [ ]. You
may find that the articulatory location of this lamino-postalveolar stop is about that of the starting
point (the stop segment) of the English affricate [t ∫] as in church. (On affricates see Chap. 6.)
You will have observed that the IPA supplies no special symbols or diacritics for the laminoal
[t]s. This is not a serious disadvantage, since distinction between apical and laminal [t] – sounds
is rare in languages.
Silently raise the point of the tongue, and let its apex and rim just touch the cutting edges of the
upper teeth. Holding this articulation start up pulmonic pressure initiation, and resultant
egressive air-stream, and the result should be an apico-dental fricative [θ], exactly or very nearly
the English th of thin. Note that typically the English [θ] is a rather wide channel fricative, the
blade of the tongue is relaxed and rather flat, and the rim of the tongue either touches or is just
behind the edges of the upper teeth – the tongue does not normally protrude between the teeth for
Now silently retract the tongue-tip a very little and turn it up a little so that the edges of the
tongue-rim make contact with the alveolar ridge, leaving a very narrow central channel. This is
the position for an apico-alveolar fricative: if you now produce an egressive air-stream you will
hear a rather ‘whistling’ kind of [s]- sound. (Fig 29b) Retracting the tongue-tip still further, till it
is at the maximally convex extreme back of the alveolar ridge you can feel an apico-post-alveolar
fricative type of articulation. An egressive air-stream will now generate a [ ∫ ] – sound, like a
kind of sh as in English shop, but by no means the commonest variety of this (which is laminal):
the sch sound of the North German, and the Russian sh w are rather typically of this apico-
The main things achieved in 58 will be a further familiarity with the three major dentalveolar
Let the apex and rim of the tongue lie lightly against the backs of the lower teeth. Press the sides
of the tongue-blade up against the alveolar ridge, leaving a very narrow channel in the centre. An
egressive air-stream through this narrow channel generates a typical lamino-alveolar [s]- type
Now retract the tongue a little detaching the tip from the lower teeth, and form a narrow
articulatory channel between the blade and the most convex back part of the ridge – a lamino-
Silently, and slowly, alternate [s]/ [ ∫ ] till you are sure you can feel the difference between them.
We have now covered the major types of stop and fricative articulation in the dentalveolar region.
You can use the knowledge acquired from Experiments 58-9 to make a silent, introspective,
analysis of some sounds of your own language: for example, are your [t] [d] [n] [I] apical, or
laminal, dental, or alveolar? And if your language has a trilled or tapped [r] or [ ] where is it
articulated? If you have [s] – and/or [∫] – sounds – in your language, are they apico- or lamino-,
dental, alveolar, or postalveolar, etc.? If your native language is Polish, what are the articulatory
differences between s, sz, s’? If your language is Russian, how does the primary articulation of
[t] and [d] in [tot] ‘that’, [da] ‘yes’ compare with tht of palatalized [tj] in [tj o tj ə ] ‘aunt’ and
[djadjə ] ‘uncle’? (On palatilization see Chapter 6.) If your language is Arabic compare the
dentalveolar articulations of plain [t] and [s] as in [ti:n ]’fig’, [si:n ]’the letters’, and of ‘emphatic’
[ ] and [ ]as in [ ] ‘mud’ and [ ] ‘China’. You may find the dentalveolar articulations much the
same, the difference between the plain and emphatic consonants depending chiefly on the back of
If your language is English, silently compare the [t] and [d] – sounds in (a) eight wide, (b) eighth
width, (c) try dry. Can you observe differences between them? And if you use a tap in the middle
of better (American), or in the middle of very (British) is it apico- or lamino-, dental, alveolar, or
postalveolar? How do you articulate the r in red? In British types of English it is likely to be a
English you may find that the tongue-tip is rather far behind the postalveolar location and that the
whole body of the tongue is bunched up, coming rather near the velar articulatory zone. There is
a considerable amount of variation – both regional and personal – in the pronunciation of English
rs, so your own r may not exactly correspond to any described here. By silently isolating your r
We can now review the principal types of dentalveolar articulation and the IPA symbols used to
represent them:
approximant, but may also be fricative. There is not much difference between the fricative apico-
(as often in British English dry [ ]): but there is some difference. In [ ], but not in [ ], there is a
slight spoon-shaped hollow in the centre of the tongue, just behind the blade, which is absent in
[ ].
Approximants of other dentaleolar types can be represented by using the ‘opening’ diacritic: thus
Having explored the dentalveolar region of articulation we now proceed further back into the
Silently place the tip of the tongue against the postalveolar part of the alveolar ridge. Now slide it
back beyond the postalveolar subzone, to where the hard palate ceases to be convex. As your
tongue enters this concave zone it is pointing almost straight up, and the underblade, or
sublamina, begins to make contact with the prepalatal arch. This is sublamino-prepalatal
articulation, or since the apex of the tongue is virtually curled backwards, retroflex.
There is also a flap articulated in the retroflex zone, symbol [ ]. To produce this, start with the
tongue-tip curled well back, then let it shoot forwards and downwards, lightly striking the
prepalatal arch, just behind the alveolar ridge, on the way down. (See Fig. 31b.)
Retroflex consonants are particularly characteristic of languages of India. They are often quite
strongly retroflex in the Dravidian languages, but tend to be somewhat less so in the Indic
languages of Northern India. In Hindi, for example [ ] and [ ], as in [ ] ‘tin’ and [ ] ‘bucket’,
may not be much further back than apico-postalveolar [ ] [ ]. However, they contrast with
apico-dental stops [ ] [ ] as in [ ] ‘three’ [ ] ‘two’, and the more retracted stops are normally
called ‘retroflex’ and written [ ] and [ ]. Hindi [ ], however, occurring in such words as [ ]
Next, we must examine dorsal articulations in the prepalatal zone – that is non-retroflex
articulations involving juxtaposition of the dorsal surface of the tongue and the hard palate. The
hard palate is divided into a front half – the upward-backwards sloping prepalatal arch – and a
rear half – the high vault of the hard palate back to the line of division between the hard and soft
palate: this is the palatal subzone proper (see Fig 22). We start with dorso-palatal (not
Silently form and hold the articulation for a vowel [i] as in see. Introspecting about the tactile
and proprioceptive sensations of silent [i] not how the tongue is bunched up in the front of the
Now push the central part of the tongue upwards, narrowing the articulation channel of silent [i]
until it disappears altogether as the centre of the tongue makes contact with the highest part of the
From this position make a voiceless dorso-palatal stop [c] and a voiced dorso-palatal stop [ ].
Form and hold the stop of [c], i.e. hold the tongue dorsum in firm contact with the hard palate, but
nothing else: there must be absolutely no contact between the anterodorsum and the prepalatal
subzone, or between the blade and the postalveolar subzone. Now, release the centre of the
tongue very slightly, so that you form a very narrow dorso-palatal articulation channel: initiate an
egressive air-stream which ought to become strongly turbulent as it flows through this narrow
channel, forming a dorso-palatal voiceless fricative [ ]. We already reached a sound very much
Now add voice, but be sure that you have a really narrow fricative type chanel, so that when you
voice [ ] it becomes a voiced dorso-palatal fricative [ J ], and not the approximant [i]. The
symbol [J ] for a voiced dorso-palatal fricative is not an official IPA symbol, but it is useful, in
order to distinguish between the fricative [ J ] and the approximant or semivowel [j] –
Since it is normally the dorsal part of the tongue (and, specifically, the anterodorsal part) that
articulates the hard palate, we commonly drop the prefix and talk simply of palatal articulation.
The palatal stops [c] and [ ] are not very common in languages, but they are sometimes
exemplified by the ty and gy of Hungarian [ ] ‘veil’ and [ ] ‘Hungarian’ though they are
perhaps more often pronounced as prepalatal affricates [ ] [ ]. In addition to the palatal stops [c]
and [ ], the fricatives [ ] and [ ], the approximant [i], and the semivowel [ j] we can have a
The palatal nasal [ ] is traditionally said to be the pronunciation of the French gn in campagne,
the Italian gn in ogni, the Spanish n in manana. However, in these languages the [ ] is not
pollo. Again, however, it is not always pronounced as a genuine palatal [ ] in these languages,
As a matter of principle, the student of phonetics should experiment with producing genuine
dorso-palatal [ ] and [ ], with contact only between the dorsal surface of the tongue and the high
vault of the hard palate, but obsolutely no contact between the apex or blade of the tongue and the
It may be useful to compare genuine [ ] and [ ] with the sequences [nj] and [lj] that occur in
English. Thus compare English onion [ ] with French agneau [ ] Italian agnello [ ] ‘lamb’,
Spanish ano [ ] ‘year’; English billiards [biljə(r)dz ], Italian bigletto [ ] ‘ticket’, Spanish billar
[ ] ‘billards’, etc.
Before leaving the palatal zone we must mention the possibility of articulation in the fron part of
Produce a voiceless palatal fricative [ ] – if necessary, develop it from [i] by devoicing and
narrowing the channel somewhat. Now, while maintaining a prolonged [ ], raise the apex and
blade of the tongue somewhat so that the anterodorsal surface of the tongue comes close to the
prepalatal arch, doing, in fact, what you were explicitly told not to do in producing genuine
palatal [ ] and [ J ].
Once you get some kind of dorso- or lamino-prepalatal fricative noise into the sound, try to
slacken off the prepalatal constriction somewhat. The result should be a lamino-prepalatal
fricative [ ] or voiced [ ]. The same result can be arrived at by starting with a a lamino-
postalveolar type of [ ] and then contriving to get more palatal constriction into it: saying
This kind of lamino- or dorso-prepalatal fricative is the Polish s’, which is sometimes called,
One can also articulate a stop in the prepalatal subzone, or an affricate (stop released into
may be useful for the reader to produce these four types of fricative, silently and aloud, while
looking at the figure. It should be noted that in the terminology of IPA apico- or lamino-
postalveolar fricatives of the type [ ∫ ] [ ] are called ‘palato-alveolar’, while lamino- or dorso-
recommended, since it is inconsistent with the strict principle of using the prefixed term to
We go on now to dorso-velar articulation – that is, articulation between the back of the tongue
and the soft palate. This is the place of articulation of typical [k] and [g] sounds. So in 63 we
Form the articulation for a [k] as in English car; hold it silently for a moment, then silently
release it. Repeat this several times, introspecting about what it feels like. Contrast this dorso-
velar stop [k] with a dorso-palatal stop [c], so that contact can be made with the highest part of
the hard palate. For [k], however, the body of the tongue, though clearly further back than for [c],
Once you are satisfied you can feel the midvelar (mid-soft palate) contact for [k] hold the tongue
in that [k] – position and, while taking care not to shift the tongue either forward or back, open up
a very small channel between the tongue and the soft palate. If you propel an egressive air-stream
(i.e. blow) through that narrow dorso-velar channel you should hear the sound of the voiceless
dorso-velar fricative [x]. Make sure it is velar. Some people tend to let the tongue slip back and
make a uvular fricative [ ]. We will come to that in Exp. 64, but for the moment what is
Make a prolonged [x x x x x……], then do it again, switching on voice, but making no other
Starting from the voiced velar fricative [ ] develop a velar approximant [ ]. Say a prolonged
[ ], nothing that is truly fricative, i.e. there is a fricative hiss-noise superimposed upon the
smooth sound of voice. Now while saying prolonged [ ….], very slowly, and very slightly,
open up the articulatory channel, just to the point where the hiss-noise of turbulent airflow ceases:
Now that you are clear about dorso-velar (or simply velar, as we often call it) articulation you can
note that there is also a velar nasal [ ]. This is the nasal that occurs at the end of lung [ ] in
English. However, if you isolate [ ] you will find it quite easy to put a vowel after it, and say [ ]
[ ], etc.
In English, and many other languages (it is very noticeable in French, for example), [k] and [g]
are purely velar only before such vowels as [ ] and [u], as in English car, guard, and cool, goo.
Before front, or palatal, vowels like [i] as in key, geese, however, the articulation of [k] [g] is
shifted forward a little. If you articulate these words silently, then isolate the [k]/ [g] of each and
compare the ones that occur before [ i ] with others, the forward shift of tongue-position before [i
] will be obvious. But note that even though the tongue is somewhat advanced in key and geese,
it does not go nearly as far forwad as the palatal position of [c] and [ ]. The English velar stops
are somewhat ‘fronted’ or ‘palatilized’ before [ i ]: but they do not become palatals.
The next, and the last, articulatory location in the oral area is dorso-uvular, or simply uvular. We
Make a [k] – closure and then, silently, or almost silently, make a prolonged series of faint [k]-
type sounds [kh kh kh….], etc. While slowly sliding the tongue back and down as far as you can.
You will end up making a stop at the very furthest back part of the soft palate. The extreme back
of the tongue is in contact with the uvula and the extreme back of the velum (soft palate). If you
let a little pressure build up behind this extreme back closure, then release the closure, you will
hear a uvular stop [q ]. If you repeat this experiment – a series of faint stops of the [kh kh kh….]
type steadily moving back from the velar to the uvular positions – you will observe that the sound
of the little burst of noise occurring on the release of each stop goes down in pitch by about an
Another observation you may make is that the release of velar [k] is relatively ‘clean’, while that
of [q] is more ‘sloppy’. This is because the convex tongue-surface can break away from the
whole contact area of the concave velar surface almost instantaneously but separation from the
more flexible and irregular surface of the extreme back of the velum, including the uvula, is less
Having produced the voiceless uvular stop [q] (not a difficult sound) and having repeated it
several times, you might try to produce the corresponding voiced sound – the voiced uvular top
[ G ]. This is much more difficult, because the tongue is so far back in the articulation of a
uvular, that the space between the oral closure and the glottis is very small: Consequently as the
air used in generating voice flows upwards through the glottis the essential pressure-difference
Other uvular articulations are the fricatives [ χ ] and [ ], the approximant [ ], the nasal [N], and
Form the closure for a uvular stop [ ] and hold it. Now, while holding that uvular articulation
posture, open up a small central channel, and propel an egressive air-stream through it. The result
Another way of approaching [χ ] is to start with the velar [x] and then move progressively
backwards, as you did with the [k……q] in Exp. 64. In this case, make a velar fricative [x], and
while keeping the fricative noise going, slowly slide your tongue back and down, till you have
arrived as far back as you can go, at [χ ]. Once again, notice as you do this that the pitch of the
Having produced [χ], prolong it and then switch on voice [χ χ χ χ ]. The result is the voiced
uvular fricative [ ]. If you now make a prolonged [ ] then, while keeping the voice going and
the same general tongue-posture, very slightly widen the articulatory channel and you will
The uvular nasal [N] should not give no trouble, since it can easily be reached, like [q] and [χ], by
sliding back from the corresponding velar, [ ŋ ]. There remains the uvular trill [R]. If you can
gargle, and most people can, then you can produce a uvular trill. It is only necessary to reduce
the amount of water used in gargling, finally using only saliva, to pas from gargle to [R]. In
addition, as we pointed out in the last chapter, it is easier to produce all trills with a powerful
As you experiment with uvular sounds you may notice that the uvular fricatives [χ ] and [ ] tend
to develop something of a trilled quality. This is normal – it happens all the time in languages
that use uvular fricatives, simply because the uvula, being small and flexible tends to be thrown
into vibration by the air-stream of the fricative. You may be able to avoid it by trying to get a
strong feeling of tenseness into the rear of your soft palate and the back of the tongue as you
produce [χ ] and [ ]. An important difference between uvular fricative [ ] and trill [R] is that
whereas the tongue back is relatively flat or convex for [ ], a deep longitudinal groove is formed
in the back of the tongue for the trill [R], and the uvula vibrates in the groove.
We have now covered all the major articulatory locations within the oral area. You might find it
useful to run through them again. In particular, it would be useful to compare the three major
tectal articulatory locations: palatal, velar, uvular. By contrasting series of sounds such as [c],
[k], [q], [ ] [ ] [x] [χ ] [ ] [ ŋ ] [N] one becomes more clearly aware of the differences between
palata, velar, and uvular articulations. Finally, we must turn our attention to articulations in the
Articulations in the pharynx are called pharyngeal, or pharyngal: those performed in the larynx
are glottal (not to be confused with ‘glottalic’, which is the name of a type of initiation).
The pharynx is the cavity behind the mouth, running from the back of the nose and the ‘nasal
part’ down to the larynx. Pharyngal articulations can be made both in the part of the pharynx just
behind the mouth (the oropharynx) and in the lower part of the pharynx, immediately above the
Here we deal with only two types of articulation in the pharynx: one a rather generalized
sphincteric compression of the oropharynx – which we shall call pharyngal: the other involving
the epiglottis, which we shall call epiglottal. These are dealt with in Experiments 66 and 67
The best way to induce the pharyngeal compression that we want to achieve is to activate what is
called the ‘gag’ reflex. Unless the reader is exceptionally insensitive he can do this by sticking a
finger into his mouth so that it touches, or merely approaches, the uvula. The extreme convulvise
contraction of the pharynx that this induces is the starting point from which to develop a milder,
less intense, contraction of the pharynx. If you send a voiceless and then a voiced air-stream
through the contracted pharynx you will produce the pharyngeal sounds, voicesless [ ] and
voiced [ ].
These are very common variety of the sounds of the Arabic letters (ha) and ( ‘ain). They are
often described in the literature as ‘pharyngeal fricatives’, but in reality they are more often
approximants. Note that the voiced sound [ ] has not turbulent, fricative-like, hiss although a
The pharyngeal approximants [ ] and [ ] are very characteristic of most varieties of Arabic and
of a few other languages, including Somali, Berber, and some varieties of Oriental Hebrew (in
modern Israeli Hebrew, the ancient Hebrew [ h] is replaced by a velar or uvular [x] or [χ ], and
In a few varieties of Arabic and Oriental Hebrew the ‘ain ( ) appears to be pronounced, not as a
simple pharyngeal constriction, but as a complete closure, formed by folding the epiglottis back ,
as in the act of swallowing. This epiglottal stop may be represented by [ ]. Which is not a
Start by swallowing several times, and introspecting about what is going on. In the middle of the
process of swallowing there is a feeling of complete closure when the epiglottis folds down over
the larynx to proven food from entering it. Hold that stop position for a moment. Do that several
times, then try to flank that moment of closure by a vowel, for example [a], thus saying [a a]
fairly easily, compare it with simple glottal stop: [a a] [a ]. Notice how glottal stop [a a] is just a
simple momentary ‘holding of breath’, a simple hiatus between the flanking vowels that hardly
The epiglottal stop, however, in [a a] is not only a very strong stop, but it also affects the quality
Epiglottal stop [ ] seems to occur not only in varieties of Arabic and Hebrew as indicated above,
but also in several languages of the Caucasus, for example in Chechen, where epiglottal
[ ] contrasts with glottal [ ]. The existence of epiglottal stop in Arabic and Hebrew was
Glottal articulation occurs, of course, in the larynx, by the juxtaposition of the vocal cords. We
have already seen many examples of glottal stop [ ], articulated by making a complete closure
between the vocal cords – closing the glottis. Glottal stop is sometimes used in English before a
strongly stressed initial vowel as in ‘Ah!’ [a]. It may accompany final voiceless stops, producing
co-articulated glottal + oral stops, in many types of English, though more frequently in the USA
than in Britain, perhaps as in cap, hat, hack, etc., pronounced [ ] [ ] [ ], where the ligature [ ]
indicates the glottal stop and oral stop are simultaneous. In some English and Scottish dialects
glottal stop may totally replace an intervocalic {t}, thus Cockney [ ], Glasgow [
] for ‘butter’.
The sound [h], as in hot, is often described as a voiceless glottal fricative, since like other
consonants it occupies the marginal (initial) position in the syllable, rather than the central
position in the syllable appropriate to a vowel. In terms of its articulation, however, it might also
be regarded as a voiceless vowel of about the same quality as the voice vowel that follows. The
corresponding voiced glottal fricative, [ ] is essentially a brief span of breathy voice or whispery
voice functioning as a consonant. Voiced [ ] may occur intervocalically in English in such words
At the end of Chapters 2 and 3 we mentioned that prosodic features that relate to initiation and to
phonation respectively, namely stress and pitch phenomena. The prosodic feature that is related
to articulation is the duration, or length (also known as quantity) of sounds. Clearly all
maintainable articulations can be held for a shorter or longer time. We will deal with the duration
We completed our survey of articulatory stricture types (stop, trill, fricative, etc.) and articulatory
locations (bilabial, labio-dental, apico-dental, etc.) in Chapter 5. However, there are still some
things that remain to be said about articulation, and we discuss them here under the headings co-
Co-articulation. All the sounds we have dealt with so far (with one exception, [w]) have a single
place of articulation: thus, [p] is bilabial, [c]is dorsopalatal, [h] is pharyngal, etc. But it is
perfectly possible for articulation to occur at two different places simultaneously. As we saw in
Chapter 5, the semivowel [w] involves an approximation and rounding of the lips, and
consequently is bilabial; but, at the same time, the back of the tongue is raised towards the velum,
is an essential feature of some sounds, such as [w], but it also occurs ‘accidentally’ as it were in
the close transition from one consonant to another. In the English word play for example, as
usually pronounced, a little introspection will show that the tongue-tip makes contact with the
alveolar ridge for the apico-alveolar lateral approximant [I] while the lips are still closed for the
bilabial stop [p]. There is thus a short period of overlapping articulation – and this is a period of
transitory co-articulation.
On the other hand, some consonants, like the [w] already mentioned, are co-articulated in their
own right, as it were, and these are the subject of the present section.
There are two types of co-articulation: (i) co-ordinate, or double articulation, and (ii) secondary