Supply Chain Management Research Paper
Supply Chain Management Research Paper
Supply Chain Management Research Paper
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Review on Supply Chain Management IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review
2(1) 1–19
Research—An Indian Perspective © 2013 Indian Institute
of Management Kozhikode
SAGE Publications
Los Angeles, London,
New Delhi, Singapore,
Washington DC
Anand Gurumurthy DOI: 10.1177/2277975213496508
Gunjan Soni
Surya Prakash
Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya
In India, Supply Chain Management (SCM) has gained significant importance due to opening up of domestic econ-
omy as a result of globalization. However, a review of literature revealed that not many papers are available which
attempt to document and understand the importance of SCM within the Indian business context. Hence, the pur-
pose of this research is to fill in this research gap by analyzing the contributions of academicians and practitioners
addressing various supply chain issues—specifically from an Indian perspective. Papers focusing on SCM scenario in India
were collected from multiple sources by following the established methodologies available in the literature for carrying
out such reviews. Furthermore, a new taxonomy was proposed on the basis of content and research methodology
utilized. Based on this taxonomy, significant trends were observed and some unique inferences were drawn, apart from
identifying the directions for future research. It is hoped that this work would add value by offering a unique contribution
to the body of knowledge on SCM, as there is no article available in the literature, which has attempted to summarize
the works from India related to SCM.
Supply chain (SC), supply chain management (SCM), literature review, India, taxonomy, classification
Anand Gurumurthy (corresponding author) is an Assistant Professor, Quantitative Methods & Operations Management
(QM & OM) Area, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK), IIMK Campus, Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
Gunjan Soni is Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur,
India. E-mail:;
Surya Prakash is a Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT)
Jaipur, India. E-mail:
Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya is a Postgraduate Student (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT),
Downloaded Jaipur, India.
from E-mail:
at St Petersburg
State University on December 18, 2013
2 Anand Gurumurthy, Gunjan Soni, Surya Prakash and Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya
within the country. Hence, it has become necessary for research articles specifically focusing on Indian context
Indian organizations to look for methodologies and pro- and meaningful inferences from diverse perspectives such
cesses that produce maximum efficiency both within and as SCM content and research methodologies are drawn
beyond their operations (Sahay, 2000). Thus, more and up. It is also revealed from the research of Soni and Kodali
more Indian organizations today are realizing the impor- (2013) that no such literature review exists on SCM in the
tance of developing and implementing a comprehensive Indian context and hence it is hoped that this work would
Supply Chain (SC) strategy—and then linking this strategy add significant value to the body of knowledge on SCM.
to the overall business goals (Sahay & Mohan, 2003). The article is organized as follows: The second section
Consequently, SCM as a concept and business function is discusses literature reviews in SCM, and the third section
evolving faster in Indian companies. In this context, the deals with methodology chosen for carrying out a struc-
current research study has been undertaken to understand tured review on SCM. The proposed taxonomy and its
the percolation of SCM within the Indian academia and associated structural attributes are explained in detail in
industries. this section. The fourth section provides a discussion on
A cursory search of ‘Google scholar’ revealed many the results based on such taxonomy, while the fifth section
literature reviews. For instance, Shukla and Jharkharia ends with conclusions.
(2013) presented a literature review on fresh produce SCM,
while Sachan and Datta (2005) carried out a review of
SCM and logistics research based on 442 papers that were Literature Review
published in the three academic journals—namely, Journal
Meredith (1993) defined a literature review as a summary
of Business Logistics, International Journal of Physical
of the existing literature by finding research focus, trends,
Distribution & Logistics Management, and Supply Chain
and issues. On the other hand, Harland et al. (2006) argued
Management: An International Journal, during 1999–
that a literature review can even help in filtering out the
2003. Apart from these two, there were many other reviews
conceptual content of the domain apart from contributing
that attempted to consolidate and summarize the works that
to theory development. The huge literature body of SCM
were carried out in diverse topics within the domain of has led to numerous literature reviews in the past 15 years.
SCM (see ‘Literature Review’ section for more details). Table 1 shows a sample of review papers within the domain
However, not many reviews are available in the literature of SCM.
that attempts to understand the role of SCM within Indian From these reviews, it can be found that a good number
businesses, although more than two decades have gone by of review papers focusing on diverse topics are already
since the emergence of SCM in India. It was also supported available within the domain of SCM. But not many papers
by Soni and Kodali (2012) in their literature review that are available that reviewed the literature on SCM from
hardly 5 per cent of studies in a sample of 619 articles were the perspective of understanding the contributions of aca-
addressing SCM issues in the Asian continent. Hence, in demic and practitioners towards the body of knowledge
this article an attempt has been made to fill-in this research especially from the Indian perspective. This missing link
gap by carrying out a literature review of SCM-related motivated us to carry out this study.
apart from understanding the contributions of various papers, while the MS/PhD theses or project reports may
academicians, researchers and practitioners towards the lead to conference/journal publications. Therefore, to
body of knowledge on SCM’. It attempts to unravel the reduce the repetition and to enhance the acceptability of
answer(s) for the following research question—‘what is the source from where the papers are collected, it was
the current status of literature in addressing the different decided to consider only those research papers that are
SC issues within the context of Indian business?’ published in peer-reviewed journals.
A keyword/phrase search was used to identify as many
research articles as possible. In order to find out the repre-
Comprehensive Identification of Relevant Research sentative set of sample from a population of research arti-
cles, different keywords like India, Supply Chain, Logistics,
According to Shukla and Jharkharia (2013), a critical anal-
etc., were used to search as per various article search crite-
ysis of the research papers would reveal several unnoticed
ria, for example, title, abstract, keywords, etc., in various
trends in the literature. But the challenge in analyzing the
research databases such as Emerald (www.emeraldinsight.
whole literature is that it keeps increasing with the devel-
com), Elsevier (, Springer (www.
opment of the domain. Therefore, it is imperative to have, Wiley (, etc., that are
some limiting criteria to provide comprehensive reviews
available through institutional e-repository. Table 2 shows
within the defined boundary. This section details the meth-
the details of articles searched in terms of distribution of
odology that was adopted in selecting the papers based on
articles with respect to each of the search criterion.
the limiting criteria and the defined boundaries. In particu-
It should be noted here that since studies dealing with
lar, the methodology followed by Shukla and Jharkharia
SCM issues related to India has to be collected, a combina-
(2013) was utilized to identify the comprehensive list of
tion of keywords and search criteria was used as shown in
related articles.
Table 2. Most of these search combinations resulted in dif-
Article selection: Initially, a significant amount of lit-
ferent output. However, the results obtained with the crite-
erature was collected by searching through general data-
ria of ‘searching (keywords) in all fields’—especially,
bases such as ‘Google Scholar’ and ‘EBSCO’ using a
search criteria ‘5’ and ‘10’ in Table 2 were ignored although
combination of keywords such as ‘supply chain’ and
the results obtained were very huge, as it listed out all the
‘India’. It included research papers from peer-reviewed
articles which includes these search terms in the full text/
journals, conference proceedings, project reports, white
body of the articles. The reasons for ignoring the results are
papers, presentations from the industry and MS/PhD the-
as follows:
ses. More than 500 such documents were collected from
various sources. A cursory glance at the title as well as • It is assumed here that ‘most of the authors
abstract revealed that there is a large amount of repetition would never miss to provide the search terms
of the research material itself; as working papers and con- (for example, India, supply chain, logistics, etc.)
ference proceedings are later getting converted into journal either in the title or as keywords, as it would
deprive them a chance to get their article cited Table 3. Number of Articles in Each Publication
S. No. Publisher’s Name No. of Paper(s)
• Secondly, it would be very common to find such
search terms to be listed at least once within text; 1. Emerald 46
although the paper might be from different field/ 2. Science Direct 9
area/scope. The paper may discuss issues that are 3. Sage 6
faintly related to SCM but may include the words, 4. Wiley 3
for instance, India, supply chain, logistics, etc., in 5. Taylor & Francis 6
the full text of the paper. Total 70
Source: Authors.
The results obtained from the remaining search activi-
ties were consolidated to eliminate the repeating articles
from different publisher’s website after establishing the
through manual observations of title, author(s), journal
boundaries. The details of selected papers are presented in
name, volume and issue numbers, etc. The initial pool of
Appendix 1.
203 was reduced to mere 125. Apart from this, most of
these published papers refer to similar papers in the litera-
ture. Hence, cross referencing was also used to find other
relevant papers, which was missed during the keyword Organizing and Interpreting
searches. In this manner, additional 25 papers were added The next step is to organize the obtained papers to draw out
to the list. meaningful interpretations. It involves establishing the
Establishing boundaries: To filter out the most rele- structural attributes for classification of the articles. Shukla
vant articles from the above pool, limiting boundaries were and Jharkharia (2013) noted that either a deductive
developed. The details regarding the same are given below: (structural attributes are defined first and then the material
is collected) or an inductive approach (structural attributes
1. papers published only in peer-reviewed journals
were considered; are identified by means of a generalization) can be used to
2. papers were collected for a period of 15 years (1998– define structural attributes and the corresponding analyti-
2012); and cal categories. However, they found that it is better to use
3. papers addressing SC issues with India as prime both the approaches iteratively. They also argued about the
focus were only considered. constraints in management research, for example, inability
to reproduce, novelty, heterogeneity of data, etc., and
A paper which satisfies all these conditions was included clarified that the synthesis can be improved by the catego-
in the study. For example, a paper titled ‘Service Quality in rization of literature in order to have an enhanced under-
Supply Chain: Empirical Evidence from Indian Automotive standing of the literature within the category. Hence,
Industry’ (Prakash, 2011) was published in a peer-reviewed necessary taxonomy was established, which integrated
journal in year 2011. This paper is addressing the issue of various structural attributes. The obtained papers were
service quality of Indian automotive industry. Hence, this classified based on the following two major schemes as
paper has been included in the list to be studied. On the defined in Soni and Kodali (2011, 2012):
other hand, the paper titled ‘The Agile Supply Chain:
Competing in Volatile Markets’ (Christopher, 2000), which 1. Content based
was obtained through cross referencing was not included 2. Research based
into the sample, because it merely included the words
These classifications have been described in detail in
‘logistics’ and ‘supply chain’ in the body of the text, but the
the following sections.
rest of the paper is not related to the study of ‘SCM from
Indian perspective’, rather it tends to highlight the need of Content-based Classification
agile SC as a strategy. After carrying out such a thorough The content-based classification is carried out by consider-
check, significant number of papers were left out whose ing the following attributes and the description of the same
prime focus was not on SCM or not related to India or are presented here.
Indian organizations. Thus, at the end of this stage, about
70 papers were identified and consolidated for further 1. Entity of analysis: SC consists of various entities
review. Table 3 shows the number of articles obtained such as the manufacturer, supplier, retailer,
distributor and the customer. Entity of analysis rep- differentiation. For example, Sahay, Gupta and
resents the focal entity under analysis in a given Mohan (2006) (R3, A1) studied the SCM practices
research article. These entities might be either from within the Indian industry through a survey-based
inbound side or outbound side of SC or as a whole. approach in which the responses for their question-
The entity of analysis can be identified based on the naire are obtained from different organizations fall-
general theme of the article apart from a cursory ing under the different entity of analysis. Hence, it is
reading of the title, abstract, keywords and full classified under the category of ‘combination’.
text/body of the paper. By doing this exercise the 2. Level of analysis: The SC can be analyzed at differ-
practical aspect of the research can be recorded. ent levels. One may study the interactions between
Table 4 shows the distribution of articles classified any two or more of the several entities in SC. This
based on the entity of analysis. classification is adopted from Croom, Romano and
For example, the article by Charan (2012) (see Giannakis (2000), who suggested only three levels,
Reference No. 27, Appendix 1, which would that is, dyadic, chain and network. A fourth level,
abbreviated as ‘RXX, AY’ from now on for ease of ‘firm’ is used by Gubi, Arlbjørn and Johansen
writing and understanding) focuses on understand- (2003), Halldorsson and Arlbjørn (2005), Sachan
ing the performance measurement related to SCM in and Datta (2005) and Giunipero, Hooker, Matthews,
a case organization from the automotive sector. Yoon and Brudvig (2008). Hence, in this review, a
Hence, it can be easily inferred that the entity con- hybrid classification scheme suggested by Soni and
sidered is the manufacturer—that is, the automotive Kodali (2011), which is obtained by integrating the
company and the performance measures related to classification schemes of Gubi et al. (2003) and
SCM were prescribed for this case organization. Croom et al. (2000) to create four levels of analysis,
However, if there are papers, which address SCM is used for classification. Table 5 shows the list of
aspects in general irrespective of any such entities, articles classified by the level of analysis.
then they are classified under ‘combination’. In an article, the author(s) would have attempted
Especially, those articles that deal with survey- to focus on a single organization to describe a par-
based approach, might have involved organizations ticular situation or enumerate evidence to bolster
that constitute different entities of SC for getting their research findings. Under such a situation, the
the responses and hence may not have such level of analysis is just carried out on a single firm.
Hence such papers are categorized under a classifi- as the element of exchange. Hence, one can also
cation scheme named as ‘Firm’. For instance, establish the taxonomy based on the element of
Kapoor and Ellinger (2004) (R8, A1) discussed how exchange that happens between different entities
the SC operations of a motorcycle manufacturer in under various stages of the SC. Table 6 shows the
India were transformed as part of their economic categorization of articles based on the element of
reforms. In this article, the focus is merely on a sin- exchange.
gle organization, whose SC was changed. Hence it is For instance, Rahman (2004) (R33, A1) tried to
classified under ‘firm’ in Table 5. On the other hand, understand the ‘use of Internet within the SCs of
some of the papers would discuss the interaction Indian companies’. Hence, it is inferred that this
between any two entities of the chain and such article focuses on information alone as the element
papers would fall under ‘Dyad’. For example, Joshi, of analysis and accordingly it is classified in Table 6.
Singh and Kumar (2012) (R32, A1) discussed about However, it is not necessary that every interaction
the two-sided supplier manufacturer selection in a between the SC members must have a definite sin-
Built-to-Order (BTO) SC. In this case, the focus of gular element of exchange. Some of the articles pre-
analysis is on both the supplier and manufacturer— dominantly use ‘combination of various elements of
that is, the interactions happening between two lev- exchange’ in the analysis (Soni & Kodali, 2011). De
els of the SC on the upstream side. Hence, it is Haan, Groot, Loo and Ypenburg (2003) (R50, A1)
classified under ‘Dyad’ in Table 5. Similarly, further discussed about the flow of goods—in particular the
levels in the supply chain are ‘Chain’ (where three or flow of natural rubber from the industries in Kerala,
more parties are involved in the interactions) and India. This paper addresses the flow of information
‘Network’ (representing real-life supply chains that as well as inventory between different stages of SC.
have more than one member at the same level of Hence, the element of exchange is ‘information and
the chain). Hence, papers dealing with interaction inventory’.
between several members in different stages of the 4. Performance measurement: A research becomes
SC were classified accordingly. more valuable when it reports about enhanced per-
3. Element of exchange: Croom et al. (2000) also formance of the organization or any of the entity(s)
explained that the interaction between the SC mem- of SC. The importance of performance measurement
bers can be based on various factors, for instance, is justified by Kaplan (1990). Table 7 shows the dis-
exchange of asset, information, inventory, knowl- tribution of articles which are classified based on
edge, relationship, etc. These factors are called performance measurement.
Area of Research or
S. No. SC Issue Addressed No. of Papers Paper Code in Appendix 1
1. Collaboration management 4 [16, 18, 56, 70]
2. Comprehensive construct 8 [14, 26, 37, 38, 39, 44, 54, 69]
3. Information technology 3 [12, 33, 58]
4. Integration 4 [23, 24, 40, 45]
5. Logistics management 8 [5, 20, 48, 52, 55, 59, 60, 66]
6. Manufacturing management 1 [13]
7. Strategic management 33 [2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 41, 42, 46,
47, 50, 51, 53, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68]
8. Supplier management 9 [1, 4, 32, 34, 35, 36, 43, 49, 67]
Source: Authors.
For example, Sagheer, Yadav and Deshmukh Table 9. List of the Journals that Published Various Articles
(2009) (R44, A1) developed a conceptual frame- from an Indian Perspective
work for assessing the competitiveness of India’s
No. of
agrifood chain based on various performance
S. Classification Name of Papers
measures and metrics. This paper explicitly talked No. Scheme Journal Published Reference
about the role of performance measures in evaluat-
1. SCM & OM APJML 1 [24]
ing the SC and hence it is classified accordingly
in Table 7. 2. CIE 1 [46]
5. Areas of research/SCM issues: As mentioned 3. ECRA 1 [49]
earlier, the papers in the realm of SCM deal with 4. EJOR 1 [53]
variety of issues. This includes strategy, logistics, 5. IJPDLM 2 [1, 2]
warehouse, performance measurement, etc., which 6. IJPE 2 [50, 51]
gives an idea about the focal/decision areas of SCM. 7. IJPR 3 [63, 64, 65]
Hence, the reviewed papers were also classified 8. IJQRM 1 [13]
according to the decision/research area it addressed, 9. IJRDM 1 [41]
as shown in Table 8. 10. IMDS 3 [33, 34, 35]
For example, Kaushik (2009) (R56, A1) addressed 11. ITIOR 1 [60]
the issue of ‘collaboration between various organi- 12. JMTM 3 [21, 22, 23]
zational entities’ by studying the case of a consumer 13. PPCMO 3 [66, 67, 70]
packaged goods network. Hence, it is classified 14. RTE 1 [52]
under the issue of ‘collaboration’ in Table 8, which 15. SCMIJ 8 [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
is gaining importance in recent times in the field of 9, 68]
SCM. Sub-total 32
16. General APBR 1 [59]
Research-based Classification
This classification studies the details of the research proc- 17. BIJ 3 [29, 30, 31]
ess employed. The following are the various structural 18. BPMJ 2 [42, 45]
attributes under this scheme. 19. IIMBMR 1 [54]
20. IJEM 1 [44]
1. Research outlets: This gives the details of the 21. IJPPM 4 [15, 16, 17,
journals, which published articles related to SCM 18]
practices in Indian context. This would help in 22. JAMR 5 [36, 37, 38, 39,
understanding the effort of researchers and practi- 40]
tioners from various disciplines apart from examin- 23. JMM 2 [32, 43]
ing the spectrum of journals that publishes papers 24. MBE 2 [27, 28]
related to SC issues from the Indian context. Table 9 25. MD 2 [19, 20]
presents the list of the journals that published 26. MRN 1 [26]
Figure 1. Frequency of Publications of Reviewed Papers
Source: Developed by the authors.
Table 10. Articles Classified by the Type of Data Collection • Desk based
º Literature review
S. Type of Data No. of
No. Collection Papers Paper Code in Appendix 1
º Mathematical modelling
º Simulation
1. Quantitative 42 [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16,
º Experiment
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28,
29, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, The reviewed articles are organized based
48, 49, 51, 52, 56, 58, 60, 61, on the above classification mechanism. A brief
62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70] about the same is presented in the following:
2. Qualitative 28 [4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 24, 26, a. Methodologies used: Table 11 shows the catego-
27, 30, 31, 34, 37, 39, 40, 42, rization of articles based on the methodologies
44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55,
57, 59, 63]
It can be found that empirical research is highly
Source: Authors. preferred in addressing the various issues of SC
within the Indian context. Many papers, for exam-
Table 11. Articles Classified by Methodologies Used
ple, Saad and Patel (2006) (R31, A1); Dev,
S. No. of Paper Code in Caprihan and Swami (2011) (R36, A1), etc., have
No. Methodologies Papers Appendix 1 utilized the empirical research methods such as
1. Empirical 53 [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, surveys, focus groups, etc., On the other hand,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, the article by Kannan, Pokharel and Kumar
21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, (2009) (R48, A1) used a hybrid mathematical
33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, model by combining Interpretive Structural
48, 49, 51, 52, 56, 58, Modelling (ISM) and fuzzy Technique for Order
60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution
67, 68, 69] (TOPSIS) to select a suitable logistic service pro-
2. Desk based 17 [8, 12, 14, 16, 26, 32, vider for enabling reverse logistics using a case.
34, 35, 37, 38, 42, 44, This is a perfect example of a desk-based research,
46, 54, 55, 57, 70]
which involves mathematical modelling using
Source: Authors. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) models.
b. Types of research design: Table 12 provides a
4. Research design: This refers to the research classification of the reviewed articles based on the
instrument and methodologies used in the study research design methods employed.
(Flynn, Kakibara, Schroeder, Bates & Flynn, 1990). It can be seen that all forms of research design
One can use different methodologies such as the have been used in the papers reviewed. The sur-
following: vey method relies on self-reports of factual data,
• Empirical as well as opinion. One approach is to administer
º Case study a survey to a group which is homogeneous with
º Survey respect to at least one characteristic, such as
º Focus group industry or use of a common technology. For
º Action research example, Shukla, Deshmukh and Kanda (2009)
(R38, A1) conducted a survey to understand about Table 13. Articles Classified by Industry
the environmentally responsive supply chain
No. of Paper Code in Appendix
within the Indian auto sector. They attempted to Industry Papers 1
understand the practices and performance meas-
Aerospace 1 [4]
ures that can capture the environmental impact
Agriculture 5 [50, 53, 60, 61, 62]
due to the SC activities of the Indian auto sector.
On the other hand, the case study documents in Aid Agencies 1 [39]
detail, the operations of a single plant/chain/ Automobile 14 [5, 8, 20, 24, 27, 30, 31,
32, 34, 38, 51, 63, 64, 66]
network. This may be used in conjunction with
FMCG 6 [13, 23, 40, 56, 59, 65]
survey research, or some other type of com-
Health Services 1 [25]
prehensive data gathering effort, to develop
Jewellery 1 [9]
explanations for some of the findings on a
more comprehensive basis. Baindur and Macario Logistics 2 [1, 43]
(2013) (R52, A1) analyzed the case study of Manufacturing 5 [36, 37, 47, 48, 70]
Mumbai Dabbawallahs (lunch box delivery sys- Multiple 10 [2, 3, 6, 7, 16, 19, 28, 33,
45, 68]
tem) to understand whether such a system can be
Not Available (NA) 5 [42, 46, 54, 57, 58]
transferred and replicated in an urban logistic
set-up. Apart from this, there is significant number Paint 1 [15]
of literature reviews in the field of SCM as Perishable Food 6 [14, 17, 44, 49, 52, 55]
evident from Table 1. Similarly, other papers that
Public Sector Unit 1 [35]
are conceptual in nature are classified accord-
Retail Sector 3 [18, 41, 69]
ingly. Among the 70 papers, there was one article
Services 2 [11,12]
by Thakkar, Kanda and Deshmukh (2009) (R26,
A1) which did not use any methodologies as it SME 5 [10, 21, 22, 26, 29]
was an introductory paper about the role of SC White Goods 1 [67]
performance within the Small and Medium Sized Source: Authors.
Enterprises (SMEs). Hence it is classified under a Notes: S ME: Small & Medium Enterprise; FMCG: Fast Moving Consumer
category called ‘Not available (NA)’. Goods.
5. Sample industry: Supply chain research is not
restricted to any particular industry. This classifica- ‘Not available’. For instance, the article by Gupta
tion is based on Burgess, Singh and Koroglu (2006) and Palsule-Desai (2011) (R54, A1) reviewed the
and this criterion helps us in identifying possible sec- literature on sustainable SCM and hence did not
tors of SCM research as well as highlight sectors that mention about any of the industries. Hence, this arti-
received inadequate attention among researchers and cle is classified under the category of ‘Not availa-
practitioners (Soni & Kodali, 2012). Table 13 shows ble’. On the other hand, those papers which dealt
the categorization of articles by industry sector. with survey collected information from multiple
It can be found that the paper by Raghuram (2004) companies and hence they were grouped under
(R60, A1) addressed the issue of logistics in dis- another category called ‘multiple’. Jharkharia and
tributing the tractor—a key resource in the agricul- Shankar (2006) (R6, A1) attempted to understand
ture-driven economy. He used a case study of a the sectoral differences in the practices of SCM by
tractor manufacturer to highlight the issues faced. conducting a survey, which involved companies
Although the company considered is a vehicle man- from different industrial sectors. Hence, this article
ufacturer, it has been classified under the agricul- is grouped accordingly.
tural sector, as the focus of the entire article is about
the agricultural economy. On the other hand, the
case study by Kannabiran and Bhaumik (2005)
(R9, A1) addressed the issue of corporate restructur- Results and Discussion
ing through effective SCM of a leading jewellery
manufacturer. Hence, this is directly categorized Although the SCM literature has evolved a lot in the past
under the industry sector of Jewellery. Some papers few decades, there are certain trends which are clearly vis-
which were based on mathematical models did not ible. Identifying such trends and finding answers for such
mention any particular industry. Hence, such papers behaviour is referred as ‘synthesis’—the fourth step in the
are classified under a separate category called systematic approach proposed by Rousseau et al. (2008).
On the basis of the organization of different papers under that ‘it is easy to control, change and lead a single
various categories, meaningful results are synthesised. organisation towards the required vision and
The results are presented in the same order as per the tax- mission’, while it becomes difficult if there are net-
onomy discussed in the previous section for ease of work of organizations. Furthermore, any changes
understanding. would start internally in an organization and once it
becomes successful, it is replicated to other entities
of the SC. For instance, Anbanandam et al. (2011)
(R18, A1) addressed the evaluation of Supply Chain
Content-based Classification Collaboration (SCC) using a single case of a retail
1. Entity of analysis: From Table 4, it can be found industry. The focus is on understanding the prac-
that there are total eight different entities. About tices/policies of the retail industry in establishing
43 per cent of the articles (30 out of 70) have consid- SCC apart from quantifying the same. The impor-
ered combination of entities for analyzing. This tance towards the analysis at network and firm level
shows that most of the Indian studies too have may probably be due to various factors, for example,
attempted to study SCM as a whole, rather than globalization, opening up of economy, political fac-
viewing it as individual entities. However, about tors, etc., as this would affect both the individual and
27 per cent of the articles attempted to analyze an a network of firms. For example, the case of Tata
individual entity—namely, the manufacturer. Since Motors is a perfect example of both firm-level and
the manufacturer always plays a central role in SC, network-level analysis of SC. Due to political issues,
by having linkages at both upstream and down- the company as an individual entity was forced to
stream end, it is natural that manufacturer deserves shift its manu-facturing location, which in turn also
special attention in comparison to other individual affected their strategic suppliers and the entire net-
entities, for instance, distribution (only 3 papers), work of suppliers too moved along with Tata Motors
supplier (only 9 papers), logistics service provider to the new location. This example also substantiates
(3 papers), etc., However, it is surprising to find that the importance of analysis at both firm and
studies dealing with two entities such as supplier network level.
and manufacturer, retailer and manufacturer, etc., 3. Element of exchange: Based on Table 6, it can be
are very limited. Hardly, 5 per cent of the reviewed inferred that asset and inventory as elements of
papers attempted to study the same. This shows exchange are less discussed in SCM within the
that such interactions have not got adequate impor- Indian context, however about 46 articles (that is,
tance by the Indian contributors and warrants a 68.6 per cent) of articles are dealing with informa-
much detailed study. Furthermore, the entities in tion exchange only. This is in line with the general
downstream side of SC are not given adequate theory of SCM that information plays a vital role as
importance. an essential driver of the SC and consequently, the
2. Level of analysis: Table 5 revealed that almost ‘information distortion’ creates major havoc within
equal number of papers (about 33 per cent) are any SC. Hence, most of the Indian researchers and
focusing at both ‘firm’ (23 papers) as well as ‘net- practitioners too have given adequate importance
work’ (23 papers), while the analysis at ‘dyad’ level to ‘information’ as the element of exchange than
(that is, between two stages) is least preferred within inventory, assets, skills, etc., The other element—
the Indian context—only six papers were found inventory comes second in terms of importance,
under this category. The obtained results also because the inventory built up is dependent on the
corroborates with the results obtained in ‘entity of information flow. Although it is given less prefer-
analysis’, where the papers dealing with two levels ence than the information, it is in line with the gen-
are comparatively less. This is in line with the theory eral argument that inventory should also be given
proposed by Christopher (2000), who highlighted equal importance as information, while addressing
that ‘it is the supply chain that competes and not the the element of exchange. However, there were
individual organisation’. Hence, it is evident that about 10 papers, which did not address any of these
Indian researchers and practitioners are also con- elements, as they addressed different research ques-
cerned about the holistic approach towards analyz- tions such as effect of agile SC distribution practices
ing the SC issues. At the same time, the researchers and its impact on performance (Khan et al., 2009—
and practitioners are equally concerned about the R68 A1), role of retailing practices and its impact on
analysis happening at the individual level—that is, performance (Singh, Sandhu, Metri & Kaur, 2010—
at organizational level. This might be due to the fact R69 A1), etc.
4. Performance measurement: From Table 7 it is comparatively greater than that of ‘integration’. But as a
evident that in Indian perspective most of the arti- whole, they are still considered to be trivial in number with
cles (about 67 per cent) did not focus on the per- respect to the total number of journals considered and the
formance measurement. However, this result should period of review. Thus, it is very much evident from
be inferred with adequate caution because some of Table 8 that manufacturing management, integration and
the topics/issues that are addressed by the contribu- collaboration management need to be addressed more in
tors may not warrant the performance measures to
future work.
be studied. For example, Banker and Mitra (2007)
Another unique observation is that the Indian contribu-
(R53, A1) were explaining the role of procurement
models in agricultural SC with the help of online tors are more interested in addressing the issues on the
coffee auctions in India. This article need not address upstream side—that is, supplier’s side (contributing to
about the performance measures, as it might be about 13 per cent of the papers reviewed) than the down-
beyond the theme of the article. On the other hand, stream side. If we consider the logistics as the area of
there are good numbers of articles such as (R5, A1), research, then it would fall under both the upstream and
(R67, A1), (R46, A1), etc., which explicitly downstream end and hence, one cannot directly conclude
addressed the role of performance measurement in that research related to logistics are happening at down-
SC. Another unique observation is that a majority of stream end only. Other areas, for example, SCM in SME,
the papers include performance measurement talk green supply chain, agile supply chain, sustainable supply
about information exchange as well. This shows that
chain management, etc., which are grouped under ‘com-
information is crucial for performance measurement
prehensive construct’, revealed that adequate importance is
in SC even within the Indian context.
5. Area of research (SCM issue): Based on Table 8, it not given to these aspects. Each of these issues was hardly
can be found that the theme of ‘strategic manage- addressed by merely two or three papers in the whole of 15
ment’ was frequently addressed in most of these years. This shows that there exists a significant potential
papers. Sehgal, Sahay and Goyal (2006) (R15, A1) for the researchers to study about these issues within the
detailed the efforts of a paint company to re- Indian context.
engineer the SC as part of its strategic initiatives,
while Borade and Bansod (2010) (R21, A1) studied
about the popularity of vendor-managed inventory Research-based Classification
practices in Indian industries. This category included
articles on diverse issues, for instance, SCM prac- 1. Research outlets: From Table 9, it is evident that
tices, competitiveness, SC strategy, SC implementa- most of the journals are either from operations
tion, improvement, performance measurement, etc. management (OM) or from SCM. Among the
These papers were classified under this category 70 articles considered for the review, 32 articles
based on factors such as type of decisions addressed, were published in Journals under this category. It is
profile of respondents to the survey questionnaires, quite natural that authors would like to publish
time taken for implementation, etc. issues related to SC and SCM in relevant/related
journals. Approximately 15 per cent of the articles
The category called ‘Collaboration management’ surveyed got published in some journals that were
includes issues of SCC, inter-organizational systems, etc. not exactly related to OM/SCM but in journals
(see (R16, A1), (R18, A1), (R56, A1), (R70, A1)), while related to specialized areas, for instance, economics,
the ‘Information technology’ deals with issues related food, information technology, etc. This is primarily
to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) due to the fact that the contributors would have
implementation and its implication ((R12, A1), (R33, A1), considered the theme of the article to be more
(R58, A1)). However, in both these cases, only 3 out of 70 related to other fields rather than having a direct rel-
evance to SCM. This shows that the level of ‘inter-
papers have addressed such issues, which are very less in
disciplinary’ research is still less among the Indian
comparison to the period of study, which is about 15 years.
The category of ‘integration’ addressed various issues 2. Year: On the basis of Figure 1, it can be found that
related to coordination in SC, bullwhip effect, etc., and there is an increase in the number of articles over the
while ‘logistics’ dealt with problems in reverse logistics, years. However, another observation is that the trend
retail logistics practices, quality of service, etc., Among is neither linear nor exponential and hence, it can be
these, number of papers under the category of ‘logistics’ is inferred that this growth may not be only due to the
increase in number of publications every year. The 4. Research design: This categorization deals with the
sudden spurt in the number of papers from the year different types of research methods that are used by
2006 can be related to the ‘increased focus on India’ the Indian contributors in carrying out their research.
by the global business houses as a potential market a. Methodologies used: Table 11 shows that about
for growth. Moreover, during these last 5 years, 76 per cent of the reviewed papers utilized empir-
the Government of India too have been liberal in ical research, while the remaining papers contrib-
terms of bringing out various changes and introduc- uted to the desk-based research. It is natural to
ing new economic policies in Foreign Institutional see such importance to empirical research
Investment (FII), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), because the research hypotheses for various SC
easing out certain rules and regulations, etc., thereby issues require collecting data from multiple enti-
helping the multi-national companies to set-up shops ties of the SC at different stages to substantiate
in India. Naturally, this would have prompted the the claims and validate them. On the other hand,
practitioners as well as the academicians to force- if the study is carried out with respect to a single
fully study the issues in Indian SC to make the entity, using either a mathematical technique or
Indian companies remain competitive. Also, it is in explaining a unique situation or best practices in
the last few decades that the potential of Indian man- a case company, then desk-based research could
ufacturing companies have been recognized by the have been employed.
Western companies after they gained reputation for b. Research design: Various analysis techniques
quality by winning various awards and recognitions were used in the reviewed papers. Some
such as Deming’s Prize, ISO 9000 certifications, techniques were used more than others. For
etc., Hence, there is an increased business between instance, articles by Vijayvargiya and Dey (2010)
the Indian companies—especially in the automobile (R20, A1), Kannan et al. (2009), (R48, A1) etc.,
and auto component sector to have tie-ups with used an analytical approach in the form of
many world leading industrial conglomerates such MCDM models, whose usage is highly prevalent
as Toyota, General Motors, etc., which too would among the Indian researchers. It was also found
have resulted in increased contributions that more than one technique was used in a
in the SCM literature. Therefore, the increase in the single paper. For an example, papers such as
number of research papers seems to be a reflection Khan and Pillania (2008) (R19, A1) used a com-
of these critical factors. These factors did not bination of statistical techniques to understand
seem to be significant in the earlier periods, from the impact of strategic sourcing in improving the
1998 to 2005, as the maximum number of papers agility of the SC using a survey of multiple
published is less than four. It should also be noted organizations. Generally, survey is considered to
that no publications could be found in the year be the most commonly used research design in
2002 among the reviewed articles. This might be SCM or management research. However, in this
due to the fact that the search terms and limiting case, the data shows that case study still remains
boundaries would have missed some of the articles. the most preferred choice of researchers from
Also, it must be noted here that we have not consid- India. But a close analysis of the papers dealing
ered all possible publications such as Inderscience with case studies revealed that usage of this
as the access to their collections are highly restricted. method to deal at the network level is sparsely
Even, it is not available within any of the related reported. Since case studies can include multiple
Indian universities or university consortiums. organizations, it is surprising to note that this
3. Qualitative/quantitative/triangulative data: As methodology is not being used to identify the
evident from Table 10, it can be found that most SCM issues in them. However, the usage of sur-
of the researchers prefer using quantitative tech- vey methods cannot be ignored as significant
niques. More than 50 per cent of the reviewed papers number of papers has also utilized this methodol-
involved quantitative techniques, while the remain- ogy. Another interesting observation is that the
ing 28 papers used qualitative techniques. It is inter- contributions in the form of framework or con-
esting to note that qualitative methods are also cepts are very less from the Indian scenario. Not
preferred by the Indian researchers. Although the much of unique theories or concepts, for exam-
management research is highly biased towards the ple, bullwhip effect, cross docking, etc., are pro-
quantitative research in general, it is surprising to posed from the perspective of Indian businesses.
find that qualitative-based research has also got ade- 5. Industry: The result obtained from Table 13
quate importance in the Indian context. revealed that SC issues of diverse spectrum
industries are addressed within the Indian business collaboration/vertical collaboration, co-opetition,
context. However, as expected, most of the SC etc., the mechanisms and methods behind these
issues are studied with respect to the automobile practices between different stages and nodes of SC
industry. About 20 per cent of the paper dealt with should be researched.
automotive sector. This is in line with the world- 2. Another observation is that the number of papers
wide phenomenon, where most of the OM/SCM addressing issues of Information Technology (IT)
concepts are studied and implemented in automotive within the SCM is comparatively lesser when it is
industries, as these industries play a major role in the claimed that India’s buoyant growth in recent years
economy of any country. Since these industries are is due to IT and IT-enabled Service (ITES) sectors.
highly capital intensive and competition rich, many Indian businesses should attempt to exploit the
researchers attempted to address and understand the potential of Indian IT and ITES firms in supporting
various issues to overcome the hurdles. It is also their crucial business functions such as SCM and
heartening to see that SC issues of other sectors such hence the future research should also be directed to
as agriculture, SMEs and perishable food industries address this issue.
are also studied albeit the number of such studies is 3. Indian researchers have not yet tapped the valuable
less than 10 per cent of the total studies reviewed. information lying in other industries such as IT,
Similarly, this also reveals that such sectors of agriculture, food industries, etc. Hence, research
industries are not given adequate importance in the focusing on such segment should be addressed
last 15 years, as the number of publications per year in the future, as these industries in developing
is minuscule. On a positive note, this shows that countries play a crucial role in shaping up the
these industrial segments have high potential to be economy.
researched for various SC issues. Another unique 4. Although some of the studies such as Kannan et al.
observation is that India as a country is becoming (2009) (R48, A1), Diabat and Govindan (2011)
more famous for its Information Technology (IT) (R47, A1), Gupta and Palsule-Desai (2011) (R54,
and IT-enabled Service (ITES) business. However, A1) have addressed the issue of sustainability in the
with the information playing a key role in the SCM, SC, still significant number of studies have to be car-
not many papers focused on the utilization of such ried out to make this planet a better place to live.
IT services for addressing SCM problems within India and China, with their huge population and con-
India are available. Similarly, very few case studies sumerism, would lead to various environmental
are available from the IT sector that address the issues due to transportation, dumping of used prod-
solutions for SCM problems. ucts as waste, obsolescence, etc., Naturally, SCM as
a business function of the organizations in these
countries would play an increasingly crucial role to
Directions for Future Research prevent and reduce environment impact. Hence,
studies focusing on sustainability should be the need
On the basis of this review, some directions for future
of the hour and it offers significant challenges for
research are also suggested, which are as follows:
both the academia and industry.
1. As evident from Tables 4 and 5, it is clear that not
much importance is given to understanding the
interface between two or multiple stages/nodes of Conclusions
SC. Similarly, future research efforts should be
directed towards understanding the downstream This article made an earnest attempt to provide a review of
side of SC and in particular the interface between literature on SCM, which are specifically related to Indian
distributors and retailers, manufacturers and dis- business context. Multiple taxonomies are established to
tributors, etc. Focus on understanding the trans- understand the contributions and efforts of the academia,
actions between these stakeholders apart from
researchers and practitioners and unique results and infer-
understanding the relationship mechanism between
ence were made, which were detailed in the previous sec-
them (especially on the downstream side of the SC)
is the missing link within Indian context. Similarly, tion. It can be concluded that with the increase in number
more studies should be directed towards under- of papers in recent years, it can be predicted that India will
standing the role of ‘knowledge’, ‘asset’, ‘technol- get more attention in the future and naturally the number of
ogy’, etc., as an element of exchange within the SC. articles addressing SC issues from the Indian perspective
With recent developments, for example, horizontal would also increase as the field of SCM is also evolving
very fast with the changes in technology, economy and the 10. Thakkar, J., Kanda, A., & Deshmukh, S. G. (2011). Mapping
business paradigms as a whole. of supply chain learning: A framework for SMEs. The
Learning Organization, 18, 313–332.
One of the limitations of the existing study is that all the
11. Tate, W. L., & Ellram, L. M. (2009). Offshore outsourcing:
papers relating to this theme in the given time frame con- A managerial framework. Journal of Business & Industrial
sidered may not have been reviewed. This can be attributed Marketing, 24, 256–268.
to our selection criteria which are constrained by the limit- 12. Thakkar, J., Kanda, A., & Deshmukh, S. G. (2008).
ing boundaries established as part of the systematic review Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) of IT–enablers for
process adopted. Especially, those research works that are Indian manufacturing SMEs. Information Management &
Computer Security, 16, 113–136.
published by Inderscience publishers, manuscripts under
13. Sinha, R. K., & Babu, A. S. (1998). Quality of customer
Open Source collections, papers published in renowned service in supply chain system: A diagnostic study.
conferences and other Indian journals are not included in International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,
the present study. Furthermore, this review can be com- 15, 844–859.
pared and contrasted with similar reviews done for other 14. Joshi, R., Banwet, D. K., & Shankar, R. (2009). Indian cold
chain: Modeling the inhibitors. British Food Journal, 111,
countries to trace how SCM has been evolving in India.
Nevertheless, it is believed that this review would have 15. Sehgal, S., Sahay, B. S., & Goyal, S. K. (2006). Reengineering
provided an introductory picture towards this important the supply chain in a paint company. International Journal of
research issue and our future research might delve further Productivity and Performance Management, 55, 655–670.
into this area to resolve the missing link identified in the 16. Kumar, G., & Banerjee, R. N. (2012). Collaboration in supply
research gap. chain: An assessment of hierarchical model using partial least
squares (PLS). International Journal of Productivity and
Performance Management, 61, 897–918.
17. Sachan, A., Sahay, B. S., & Sharma, D. (2005). Developing
Appendix 1 Indian grain supply chain cost model: A system dynamics
approach. International Journal of Productivity & Per-
1. Sahay, B. S., & Mohan, R. (2006). 3PL practices: An Indian formance Management, 54, 187–205.
perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution & 18. Anbanandam, R., Banwet, D. K., & Shankar, R. (2011).
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2. Sahay, B. S., & Mohan, R. (2003). Supply chain management retail industry in India. International Journal of Productivity
practices in Indian industry. International Journal of Physical and Performance Management, 60, 82–98.
Distribution & Logistics Management, 33, 582–606. 19. Khan, A. K., & Pillania, R. K. (2008). Strategic sourcing
3. Sahay, B. S., Gupta, J. N. D., & Mohan, R. (2006). Managing for supply chain agility & firms’ performance: A study of
supply chains for competitiveness: The Indian scenario. Indian manufacturing sector. Management Decision, 46,
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11, 1508–1530.
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