Jurnal Neuralgia Trigeminal
Jurnal Neuralgia Trigeminal
Jurnal Neuralgia Trigeminal
Santosh B S1, Shivamurthy DM2, Sachin B Mangalekar3, Thippeswamy SH4, Raghavendra Shetty5 , Johar
Rajvinder Singh6
Reader, 2Professor & HOD, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Chhattisgarh Dental College and
Research Institute, Rajnandgaon, 3Professor, Department of Periodontics, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College,
Sangli, 4Professor & Head, Department of Oral Pathology, DIRDS, Faridkot, Punjab, 5Professor & HOD,
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, 6Reader, Department of Orthodontics, Chhattisgarh Dental College and
Research Institute, Rajnandgaon
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a painful condition of the oro-facial structures. Patients experience dull, aching, throbbing or
burning, constant pain in the same distribution as the paroxysms. In this study we evaluated the effectiveness of
peripheral glycerol injections for the management of trigeminal neuralgia. The study included sixty patients clinically
diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. Out of sixty patients, 30 patients were treated with 1ml of peripheral glycerol
injections in involved nerve and thirty patients (control) were given normal saline. All the patients (30) in the control
group (normal saline) had no pain relief. 30 patients who were treated with 1ml of peripheral glycerol injections showed
significant results. There were no significant complications reported after the glycerol injections.
Key words: Peripheral glycerol injections, trigeminal neuralgia, control.
Corresponding author: Dr. Santosh B S, Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Chhattisgarh dental college and research institute, Rajnandgaon, E mail: drsantoshbs@gmail.com
This article may be cited as: BS Santosh, DM Shivamurthy, Mangalekar SB, SH Thippeswamy, Shetty R, Singh
JR. Management of trigeminal neuralgia with peripheral glycerol injection: A clinical study. J Adv Med Dent
Scie Res 2016;4(1):135-138.
NTRODUCTION consistent with specific, widely accepted research and
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is characterized by clinical criteria for the diagnosis.3
a sharp, current like, shooting, paroxysmal Most clinicians still prefer drug therapy as the first
pain in the distribution of Trigeminal nerve. line of management. Analgesics such as aspirin and
Most commonly V2 (maxillary) and V3 ibuprofen are generally not effective against
(mandibular) branch of trigeminal nerve is involved. trigeminal neuralgia.4 Carbamazepine being the drug
Right side is more often involved than the left.1 of choice. Dilantin sodium and Baclofen alone or in
The incidence is highest in middle to old age. It is combination with carbamazepine are also used. These
slightly more common in women. Cases have been medications were found to be initially effective for
reported in which the disease affects children and even pain control in 90% of patients.5 One must keep in
infants.2 Incidence of Trigeminal Neuralgia is 4 in mind that these drugs can cause side effects. This
100,0000. The exact etiology of Trigeminal Neuralgia necessitates a regular patient monitoring and blood
is still unknown but most of the evidence centers tests to ensure that the drug levels remain safe to
around demyelination of the Trigeminal nerve due to minimize side effects. Surgical treatment modalities
compression of the nerve by blood vessels or tumors.' are usually sought either because of failure of
The diagnosis of TN is based primarily on history, medicinal treatment or if the patient experiences
characteristic of pain and trigger zone that are intolerable side effects of long-term medication.6
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B S Santosh et al. Management of trigeminal neuralgia.
Different operative procedures for treating TN used patients. Other parameters like postoperative trismus,
are percutaneous ablative procedures, intracranial inflammatory reaction and alteration in pain were also
rhizotomy, peripheral rhizotomy, cryotherapy, considered.
posterior fossa decompression, electrofrequency Results obtained were tabulated and statistically
thermocoagulation and peripheral neurectomy of analyzed.
branch of trigeminal nerve. Peripheral alcohol
injection is minimally invasive treatment option and
A total of sixty patients with trigeminal neuralgia of
can play significant role in the management of
(V3) third division of trigeminal nerve were taken for
trigeminal neuralgia.7 They are particularly useful in
this study. Out of 60 patients, glycerol injections were
those refractory to medical management and in those
given in 30 patients while control group (30) received
who are unable or unwilling to undergo neurosurgical
normal saline.
treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate
the outcomes of peripheral glycerol injection block for Table I: Distribution of patients according to age and
the management of trigeminal neuralgia. gender
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Age group Male Female
The study included sixty patients who were clinically 31-40 5 15
diagnosed with TN of Mandibular nerve were 41-50 6 11
included in the study irrespective of age and sex. 51-60 4 9
The inclusion criteria were: 61-70 3 7
Total 18 42
1. Patients resistant to medication or had
significant side effects due to prolonged
medicinal therapy. Table I shows distribution of patients according to age
and gender. Out of sixty patients, 42 were females and
The Exclusion criteria were: 18 were male patients. Age group 31-40 years shows
1. Patients with history of surgical treatment. maximum patients of TN.
2. Medically compromised patients.
The diagnosis was based on a detailed case history, Table II: Distribution of patients according to side
clinical examination, diagnostic block
Orthopantomograph (OPG) was performed for every Total Right Left Bilateral
60 38 20 2
patient to exclude local pathology. Patients were
randomly distributed into 2 equal groups of 30 each.
Injections containing 1ml glycerol 1 were ad- Table II shows distribution of patients according to
ministered to 30 patients in the study group. 30 side. Out of 60 patients, 38 patients showed right side
Patients in the control group received normal saline involvement, 20 left side and 2 patients showed
injections. Standard intra-oral injection technique was bilateral involvement.
used to administer local anesthesia (2% lidocaine with
1:100,000 adrenaline), followed by lml anhydrous Table III: Patients response to treatment
glycerol or normal saline injection into the confirmed
branch of trigeminal nerve.' Duration No Occasional Mild Moderate
Pain Pain Pain to Severe
The relief of pain was graded on a 4-point scale (4).
0 :- No pain
3 Months 20 3 3 4
1 :- Occasional pain; no medication required 6 Months 14 10 5 1
2 :- Mild pain; controlled with minimal dose of 9 Months 7 12 6 5
medication (<=300mg Carbamazepine/day) 12 Months 8 7 13 2
3 :- Moderate to severe pain; increase dose of
medication required (>300mg Carbamazepine/day) Table III shows patients response to treatment. In the
study group, 20 patients had complete pain relief for 3
Patients were reviewed periodically after three month duration, 3 had occasional pain during this
months, six months, nine months and twelve months. period, 4 patients experienced no pain relief after the
Pain relief was evaluated after 1 month post treatment glycerol injection.
to determine the efficacy of alcohol injection in TN
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B S Santosh et al. Management of trigeminal neuralgia.
After six months, 14 patients had complete pain relief sponds well to anticonvulsant medication, particularly
for 6 month duration, 10 had occasional pain during carbamazepine. Medical treatment becomes
this period, 5 patients had mild pain, 1 experienced no intolerable or refractory over a period of time in 50%
pain relief. of the patients.10 Other invasive procedures that are
7 had no pain, 12 had occasional pain, 6 had mild pain useful in man-agement of trigeminal neruralgia
while 5 had no pain relief in 9 months period. 8 include peripheral neurectomy, cryotherapy,
patients had no pain, 7 had occasional pain, 13 had radiofrequency thermo-coagulation and
mild pain while 2 had no pain relief in 12 months microvasacular decompression of the trigeminal nerve
period. root. All these procedures have potential adverse
effects, and may not be suitable for all patients.11
Table IV: Sites of involvement Glycerol injection technique was introduced by
Hakanson after a fortuitous discovery, during the
Nerve Mental Inferior Long Lingual development of a stereotactic technique for gamma
nerve dental buccal nerve radiation, that glycerol mixed with tantalum powder
nerve nerve not only visualized trigeminal cistern but also
% 60% 18% 10% 2%. abolished pain in patients with trigeminal neuralgia.12
Hartel13 in 1912 pioneered the percutaneous
Table IV shows sites of involvement of mandibular transovale approach to the Gasserian Ganglion using
nerve. Mental nerve was involved in 60%, inferior absolute alcohol. Sweet14 (1974) described glycerol
dental nerve in 18%, long buccal nerve in 10% and injection (and radiofrequency) lesioning to the
lingual nerve in 2% cases. ganglion. Hakanson15 (1981) accidentally discovered
glycerol relieved tic pain when injecting the
DISCUSSION retrogasserian space. This method is generally well
A painful experience being one that is not only tolerated and mortality is negligible.
unforgettable, but also produces changes within that In this study, longer duration of pain relief was
individual’s psyche as regards future painful obtained in mental and inferior dental nerve as these
experiences. The alleviation of pain, therefore nerves can be targeted precisely during injections,
comprises one of the most important and satisfying possibly leading to better results.
duties of one engaged in the health services and Other treatment modality is alcohol injection.
particularly is true when one talks about pain as Glycerol was found to be more difficult to administer
excruciating as trigeminal neuralgia.8 because of its viscosity, but not as painful as absolute
John Fothergill gave the first full and accurate alcohol. Other complications associated with alcohol
description of trigeminal neuralgia in 1773, but early injection are necrosis of skin, mucosa and bone along
descriptions of trigeminal neuralgia (Fothergill’s with fibrosis, swelling, severe pain, loss of vision, and
disease) can be inferred from the writings of Galen, trismus15.
Aretaeus of Cappadocia (born circa AD 81), and in the In Ankara University (2001) a study of peripheral
11th century by Avicenna (‘‘tortura oris’’).8 glycerol injection was carried out which reported 98%
Trigeminal neuralgia is unique among chronic pain initial success rate and recurrence rate was 38%
syndromes for its dramatic and intense symptoms. between 25 and 36 months. These studies did not
There are many different opinions concerning report on the degree of pain relief. There were no
trigeminal neuralgia etiology, however some of them control groups in these studies and patients who did
are controversial and lack objective evidences. Cur- not respond were re-injected with glycerol. The pain
rently, there are three most popular theories9. These relief achieved in our study is comparable to the cited
are as endogenous and exogenous intoxication, literature. The absence of pain relief in our control
temporomandibular joint pathology and high position group indicates that there may be little role of placebo
of the petrous pyramid apex of the temporal bone.9 In in the management of trigeminal neuralgia.16
reality, for most patients with TN, there is no Techniques and aids for determining the exact location
identifiable cause. of peripheral nerves should be utilized. The ideal
The definite cause of trigeminal neuralgia is still not temperature and viscosity of glycerol also need to be
determined therefore there is no treatment which will determined.
absolutely cure the patient. Trigeminal neuralgia re-
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B S Santosh et al. Management of trigeminal neuralgia.
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