Muraqabah Angelic Names Meditation
Muraqabah Angelic Names Meditation
Muraqabah Angelic Names Meditation
● One of the great saints, named `Urwa, grew very old and began to pray
that God take Him back to Him and place Him among His beloved ones.
● One day, as he was making such a prayer by the graveside of St. John
the Baptist in Damascus, he saw a very handsome young man coming to
him, dressed in green and covered with blazing light.
● The young man smiled at `Urwa and said: "O my father, may God bless
● What prayer are you making?" Urwa told him: "O my son, may God
have mercy on you! I am asking for a good end and a quick return to
God for a goodly meeting with the loved ones.
● Who are you, my dear son?" He said: "I am the mercy of your Lord sent
Sign up ● These diseases of the soul are great tests which God sends to human
beings to remind them that they should not run after material things and
forget their angelic inheritance.
● Angels always remember God. If they stopped they would instantly
cease to exist.
● Similarly, human beings need to remember the Creator of all that
surrounds them in order to live happily in those surroundings.
● God ordered the angels to serve those who remember Him and fight
those who forget Him.
● This is not to punish them but to help them and correct them. Babies
and children cry when they are given bitter medicine.
● Grown-ups know their need for the angelic energies of
goodness and beauty, and if they choose to ignore such
a need, they are reminded of it through the medicine of
depression. The latter is the effect of the "shock to the
system" of those who forget God, the Creator of
goodness and beauty.
● When human beings do this over a long period of time rust builds up on
the heart.
● Depression settles in and melancholy finds a permanent home.
● That is why the Prophet said: "Everything has a polish, and the polish of
hearts is the remembrance of God."
● A vigilant heart keeps belief and hope and trust posted at its gate as so
many guardian angels.
● It never allows the darkness of depression and doubt to enter.
● Human hearts are a precious treasure.
● Many thieves lurk in the surrounding shadows looking to rob and
plunder it.
● However, when the owner of the treasure is a friend of God, the treasure
is well guarded.
● Its guardians are fed and paid with the currency of faith and
● If there is no faith, there are no guardians; if no remembrance, no salary.
● Without guardians the palace doors lay open to what is unwanted.
Thieves will never go to an empty house. That is why the Holy Koran
insists that: "We verily did honor all the children of Adam" [17:70].
The explanation of that honor is the treasure which God deposited into
the hearts of human beings.
Angels teach those among human beings who are able to connect with them
never to be cheated and robbed of the angelic light of their hearts.
“I greeted this angel and he responded with full reverence and gave me news
of many and varied blessings and gifts that were to come to me. After that, I
went on and came upon a large group of angels ranged in rows and all in the
position of Sajda. While bowing thus, they were engaged in this Tasbih:”
Subhana-lladhi la mafarra wa la malja’a
minhu illa ilayhi,
(Praised be the Almighty Creator,
Praise be to Him from whom there is no escape and no refuge but in Him;
Praised be the Highest of All.)
“Jibra’il then said to me, ‘They are perpetually engaged in this form of
worship. Pray that the Lord grant that also to your nation.’ Then I prayed to the
Lord and He granted to my nation the Sajdah in their prayer. This is the reason
why the Sajdah in our prayer is doubled: when I came and saluted them, they
raised their heads from their Sajdah to receive my salute, then they again
bowed down. Therefore, my nation was obliged to perform the Sajdah twice
in their prayer.”
Harquaeel. God has The Angels of the Throne
created this Angel to 39:75: "And thou (O Muhammad) seest the angels thronging round the
show the greatness of the Throne, hymning the praises of their Lord. And they are judged aright. And
it is said: Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds!"
Throne 69:17: "And the angels will be on the sides thereof, and eight will uphold the
throne of their Lord that day, above them."
● God has created the divine Throne with light from His light.
● The greatness of the Throne is such that, besides it, all the seven
heavens and the seven earths are like a tiny mustard-seed in the midst of
a great desert.
● When God wanted to show the greatness of the Throne, He created an
angel by the name of Harquaeel.
● This angel has eighteen thousand wings. Delighting in his many wings,
this angel was taken by the desire to appraise the size of the divine
● God said to that angel: "O Harquaeel, I know that you have an ambition
to see the greatness of My divine Throne, so I am granting you another
eighteen thousand wings, and allowing you to fly with all your might
roundabout My divine Throne.
Harquaeel deployed his wings and flew for three thousand light-years until he
grew tired, even though angels do not get tired, and had to rest. Again, the
divine command came, saying to him: "Harquaeel, fly on!" A second time, the
angel deployed his wings and flew on for another three thousand light-years.
Again, he grew tired and had to stop. A third time the command came to him
to fly more. And a third time he deployed his wings. He flew on another three
thousand light-years until he stopped again, dazed by the great distance which
not even his wings allowed him to encompass.
Harquaeel spoke to His Lord:
- "O my Lord and Creator, tell me how many times now I have circled
Your Throne?" The Lord of heavens and earth and all creation
answered: "O Harquaeel! you have been flying for nine thousand light-
years, but you have not reached even one pillar of the base of the
Throne!" Harquaeel felt shame and repented of his desire to measure
the greatness of his Lord's creation and to know the extent of His
secrets. God then spoke to him and said: "O Harquaeel! if I had ordered
you to fly incessantly up until the Day of resurrection, you would still
not be able to reach the knowledge of the first pillar of the divine
Throne. No-one can know the unknowable except by My favor and My
❍ "O Lord! give ample provision to mankind, and look upon them
God placed the greatness of the divine Throne on the shoulders of these angels.
● Their heads are underneath the Throne and their feet reach below the
seven earths.
● Although angels never tire, the burden of the Throne of the Almighty
became too heavy for them.
● They were too weak to bear it. God then inspired them to praise Him in
a certain way: "Glory to You, our Lord, and utmost praise! May Your
Name be blessed, and Your Might, and Your Power! There is no god
other than You." Then the Throne grew light on their shoulders.
● God has commanded the entire host of angels in the heavens to come
forward daily and give their praise to the Throne-bearers.
● They perform their task of praise in two shifts: one group salutes them
in the morning, the other in the evening.
● God has ordered them to ask forgiveness on behalf of mankind. Their
tears are like rivers. From every drop God creates still more angels to
praise Him and to ask forgiveness for human beings until the Day of
The angels of the Throne always bow their heads. They cannot raise up their
eyes lest the light that comes from the Throne annihilate them. When the angel
Harqaeel saw the greatness of the Throne and of its carriers, he recited:
● I then saluted him and he returned my greetings and honored me. After
this I beheld another group of angels, who stood in pious reverence in
Qiyam, (the standing position of ritual prayer). They all were engaged
in this Tasbih:
● I beheld a number of angels created from wind and water. The angel
appointed as their head and overseer was called Ra’ad (which means
thunder). He is responsible for the clouds and the rains.
● “I turned to Jibra’il and asked, ‘Who is this angel and wherefore does
he weep?’ Jibra’il u explained,He
‘ is an angel, Habib by name. He
weeps for the sins of thy nation and prays for mercy and forgiveness on
Angel Quroos The Rooster’s call “The Holy Muhammad{s} makes clear to us these
Rooster This angel who pearls of spiritual wisdom when he says, ‘There are three things that Allah
Almighty loves and is pleased with: the voice of him who recites the Holy
has the form of a rooster
Quran; the sound of the rooster’s call; the voice of him who prays for
descends to the earthly forgiveness in the time before the dawn.’”
skies when it is night, To continue with the Holy Prophet's {s} narrative:
and this is his Tasbih “This angel who has the form of a rooster descends to the earthly skies when it
is night, and this is his Tasbih:
La ilaha ill’Allah-al-hayy-al-qayyum.
(Glory to the All-Holy King,
Glory to the Great and Exalted God,
There is no God but Allah, the Ever-Living, Eternally Abiding.)
“At every prayer time, this angel would raise his head and repeat the
Bismillahil-‘azhim wa bi-hamdihi
(In the Name of Allah, the Mighty and in Praise of Him.)
From twenty-five thousand years before the creation of Adam until this very
moment, there has been one particular angel responsible for the delivery of
every single drop of rain or snow. For all the growing plants and fruits and
crops, there is an angel assigned to every single one of them, and he performs
his duty perfectly. Having performed his duty once, he does not repeat his
chore again until the Day of Judgment. From this you can gauge the immense
number of angels that are created.’
“The Tasbih of these angels is this:
Subhana Rabbi kulli mu’minin wa kafirin,
Subhana man tada’u min haybatihi ma fi
(Glory be to the Lord of every believer and every infidel;
Glory to Him, from awe of whom pregnant women bring forth what is in their
“The glorification of the angel Mikha’il is this:
(Glory be to the Highest Lord.)”
Prophet {Isa} Prophet Jesus And John They are related to each other, being
cousins.’ I saluted them and they received my Salams with reverence and
Jesus and John greeted me, saying, ‘Welcome to you, oh righteous Prophet, our righteous
{Yahya} brother!’ Then they gave me tidings of the many Gifts of Grace the Highest
and Holiest Lord had in store for me.
“The Tasbih of ‘Isa Jesus {as} was this:
(Praised be to the All-Compassionate, the All-bounteous;
Praised be the Eternal, Never-Ending;
Praised be He who creates from nothing, then causes to die
and returns to its previous state.)
“After we had passed them, I saw a very great angel who had seventy thousand
heads, and on every head there were seventy thousand faces. Every face had
seventy thousand mouths and in every mouth there were seventy thousand
tongues. Each tongue spoke a different language, which bore no resemblance
to the next.
“Each tongue glorified the Lord as follows:
Subhanallahi wa bi-hamdihi;
Subhanallahil-azhim wa bi-hamdihi,
(Praise be to the Creator, the Glorious;
Praise be to the All-Powerful, All-Knowing;
Praise be to Allah and glorified be He;
Praise be to Allah the Magnificent and glorified be He,
I beseech Allah for forgiveness.)
“To the left were another seventy thousand angels, ranged row upon row.
● Their aspect was of terrible and sinister portent, their faces were black
as night and their speech was rude.
● Their clothing was ugly and the smells they emitted were noxious.
When they began reciting their Tasbih, tongues of fire erupted from
their mouths.
● They held before them fiery clubs and blades, and their eyes were so
cruel, no one could stand to look at them for long.
“The angel seated upon the throne was covered with eyes from head to foot,
which sparkled as Mars and Venus in the sky.
He also had shimmering wings and in his hand he held sheet of paper, while
before him there was a tablet.
● He gazed incessantly at that tablet and not once lifted his gaze from it.
There was also before him a tree, and only Allah can know the number
of its leaves.
● Upon each leaf was written the name of a certain person.
● Then there stood before him a type of vessel.
● At times he reached in it with his right hand and drew something out of
it, handing it to the luminous and gentle angels to his right.
● At times he reached for something with his left hand and gave it to the
pitch-black angels standing by his left side.
● As I looked at those dark angels, fear fell upon my heart and I began to
tremble. I was seized by a weakness and prostration, and I asked
Jibra’il, ‘Who is this?’ Jibra’il replied,
● ‘This is theAngel of Death, his name is Azra’il. There is no one who
can bear to look at him. It is he who ends all delights, and cuts off from
all community.’ He then went up to him and said, ‘Oh Azra’il, this
visitor here is the Prophet of the Last Times , he is the Beloved of
Allah, the Lord of Mercy. Speak thou to him!’
● Jibra’il approached him and saluted him. I also went up to him and
proferred my Salams.
● He received my greetings and showed me great honor.
● Then he spoke, ‘Welcome to you, oh Muhammad {s}! Allah has
created no creature more honored than you, and to no nation has He
given greater honor than to your nation. I am gentler and more
compassionate towards your nation than to any nation that went before
them.’ In response to these words, I said to Azra’il, ‘You have
gladdened my heart, oh Azra’il, and cleared my mind of fear. Yet there
remains one matter on my mind, for I have seen your state to be one of
gloom and grief and I wonder wherefore.’
“Azra’il explained to me, ‘Oh Rasulullah {S}, since the time the Lord
Almighty has appointed me to my post, I have been living in fear of not being
able to discharge my duty and of not being able to fulfill my responsibility.
That is why I appear gloomy and depressed.’ Then I asked him about the
vessel he had before him, and he said, ‘That is the entire world; everything
from east to west, from one end of the world to the other is contained in this
dish. I dispose of it at will.’
“Again I asked him, ‘What is this tablet you are looking at?’ and he said to me,
“Again I asked, ‘How many of those angels are there?’ and Azra’il replied, ‘I
do not know their number, but whenever I seize a person’s soul, six hundred
angels of Mercy and six hundred angels of Wrath are ready to do their duty.
They wait expectantly to see to which group it will belong. These angels do
their duty only once, the same angels never come twice, and so it will be until
the Day of Judgment.’ After this, I asked again, ‘Oh Angel of Death, how do
you take the soul of every single individual?’ He replied, ‘Since the time I was
created, I have never moved from this spot. Seventy thousand angels are there
to serve me, and each one of these has another seventy thousand helpers.
“Whenever I have to seize a person’s soul, I give my order to them and they go
out and bring the person’s soul up into his throat. After that, I just stretch out
my hand and grasp it from there.’ I said to him, ‘What I would wish for is that
my nation, which is a weak nation, experience death in a mild and gentle
manner.’ He replied, ‘By Allah, the Lord of Might and Majesty who has made
you the Seal of the Prophets, He Almighty addresses me seventy times during
one day and night, saying to me, ‘Take the souls of those belonging to
Muhammad’s nation with lightness and ease, and judge their deeds kindly.’
Therefore, I am given to more compassion towards your nation than to any of
those who went before them.
“After this, Jibra’il called the Adhan and Iqama and I led the angels and all
inhabitants of the second Heaven in a prayer of two Rak’ats.
I asked why it was so called and Jibra’il told me, ‘The Lord Almighty created
Hell and filled it with various torments. There came a breath out of Hell, and
all the creatures on earth and in the heavens appealed to the Lord for help and
protection. Then, the Lord of All Majesty created this door between Hell and
the rest of all creation, so that all the creatures of the seven heavens and earths
will find safety from it. Therefore, the name of this door is the Door of Safety.’
“I then asked to see what was behind that door and asked for it to be opened,
but Jibra’il u said, ‘Behind this door you will find Hell, is that really what you
want to see?’ ‘Yes, indeed, I wish to see it,’ I said. Thereupon a Divine
Command was heard, saying, ‘Oh My Beloved, upon a sign of your finger, this
door will open.’
“I then signaled with my hand and the door opened. I looked beyond it and this
is what I saw:
“Flames leapt from his mouth as high as mountains, and from his nose darted
flares of fire. This angel was exceedingly angry and full of rage, and his eyes,
each one of which was as great as the whole world, blazed with fury. As I
beheld this angel in all his awesome aspect, I felt afraid. Were it not for the
grace and generous support from the Lord Almighty, I would have perished
from fear. I asked Jibra’il, ‘Who is this, the sight of whom makes me tremble?’
Jibra’il told me, ‘Be unafraid, for there is nothing there for you to fear.
This is the Guardian of Jahannam (Hell) and his name is Malik. Allah
Almighty has created him from His Wrath and since the day of his creation, he
has never smiled yet.
His fury increases with every passing moment. Go up to him now and salute
him.’ Thereupon, I went up and gave him my Salams, but he was so engrossed
in what he was doing that he lifted not even his head. Jibra’il passed in front of
him and spoke to him, ‘Oh Malik, he who has just given you Salams is the
Prophet of Allah, Muhammad {s}.’
“Jibra’il thus introduced me, and when he heard my name, this terrible angel
rose to his feet and honored me with many compliments and respectful
greetings, after which he spoke, saying to me, ‘Oh Muhammad {s}, good
tidings to you!
For the Lord has vouchsafed to you many miraculous doings; and He is
pleased with you: He has forbidden your body to the fires of Hell. From love
and respect for you, He has also forbidden the fires to touch those who follow
you. He has ordered me to treat the disobedient from among your nation with
mildness and restraint.
Other Guardians of Hell
Apart from Malik, there are eighteen other guardians of Hell, nineteen in all.
Each one of these angels of Hell commands a division of demons (Zabaniya)
whose number is known to Allah alone. It is related that Allah described these
angels to His Muhammad {s} in the revelation of the verse:
When the Holy Muhammad {s} received this revelation, concerning the
nineteen guardians of Hell, he became distressed on account of his nation, and
pleaded for them to be spared.
● The Lord then addressed him, saying, “I have included in this Book (the
Holy Quran) nineteen letters for your nation, oh Muhammad {s};
● if your nation persists in constant recital and application of the words
(comprising those letters), I will make them safe from the nineteen
Guardians of Hell and their army of assistant demons.”
● “What is this word of nineteen letters?” asked Muhammad {s}. “It is
the phrase: ‘Bismillahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim’,” spoke the Lord.
May the Lord Almighty spare us all and reprieve us on the Day of Judgment
from the punishment of Hell for the sake of His Beloved Prophet Abul-Qasim
Muhammad {s}! Amin.
The Holy Muhammad {s} continued:
“The Guardian of Hell closed the hole to Hell and Jibra’il called the Adhan for
prayer. I led the prayer as Imam and all the angels and inhabitants of the third
Heaven prayed two Rak’ats behind me. After this we proceeded to the Fourth
“I then asked Jibra’il, “Is this their form of worship?’ Jibra’il replied, ‘Ever
since they were created, they have remained in this pose of humility. Make
supplication for your nation that they, too, might be given this form of
worship.’ I prayed and asked this for my nation, and my nation, too, was given
this attitude of humility during their prayer.
“Then I met the Prophets Idris and Nuh. I gave them Salams and they replied
Prophets Idris and reverentially, saying, ‘Greetings to you, oh righteous brother, oh righteous
Nuh Prophet of Allah ’ and they gave me glad tidings of many good things to
This was the Tasbih of Idris:
Subhana qabzil-jabbarin,
Subhana-lladhi ‘ala fa la yablughu ‘uluwwahu
(Glorified be He who answers those who ask of Him,
Praised be He who constrains the tyrants,
Praised be He whose lofty height none can reach but He.)
The Tasbih of the Prophet Nuh was this
(Glory be to God, the Living and Gentle,
Glory to God, the True and Munificent,
Glory to God, the Powerful and Wise.)
“After this, I came to a great sea, the water of which was white with snow.
‘What sea is this?’ I asked. Jibra’il told me, ‘This sea is called the ‘Sea of
After we had passed by there, we came to the sun.”
According to one narration, the size of the sun was one hundred and sixty
times the size of the earth. According to Ibn ‘Abbas, the sun is as great as a
distance of seventy years’ wayfaring.
After Allah Almighty had created the Sun, He created a boat of pure gold in
which He placed a throne of red ruby. This throne stands on three hundred and
sixty legs and an angel holds on to each one of them. In this way they place the
Sun in this boat and every day three hundred and sixty angels guide {360
Degrees} the sun-boat from east to west, and every night they guide it back
from west to east. Then these angels engage in worship and the following day,
another three hundred sixty angels come and perform this duty, and so it will
go on until the Day of Resurrection. Every group of angels will only perform
this duty once.
In the Holy Quran this verse refers to the movement of the sun:
And the sun, it runs to a fixed resting-place; that is the ordaining of the All-
Mighty, All-Knowing. (Ya Sin, 38)
The learned commentators, may Allah have Mercy on them, have said that the
sun comes to rest beneath the Divine Throne. The angels take the sun to its
place beneath the Throne every night where it bows and prostrates itself before
the Almighty Lord. Thus it will continue until the Day of Judgment is nigh.
Then a Divine Command will be heard, “Let the Sun stop in the west, and let it
rise from there!” (A detailed interpretation of this vision is given in the work
entitled ‘Ara’is-i-Salabi
The Prophet’sr narration continues:
“Thereafter, Jibra’il intoned the Adhan and Iqama, and I led all the angels and
inhabitants of the fourth Heaven in a prayer of two Rak’ats. Then we
proceeded to ascend to the Fifth Heaven.”
“Having passed by these angels, I came upon another flock, and Allah alone
knows their number. These were seated in an attitude of perfect devotion in the
posture of Qa’da, never raising their gaze from their knees as they recited this
Subhana Dhil-fadhlil-akbar
Subhanal-‘adl illadhi la yajur.
(Praise be to the Possessor of Greatest Grace.
Praise be to the Perfectly Just One who wrongs none.)
“I turned to Jibra’il and asked, ‘Is that their form of worship?’ He replied,
‘Yes, since the day they were created, they have busied themselves with their
devotion. Entreat your Lord that He might grant your nation this form of
worship as well.’ I prayed for this and the Qa’da (kneeling position) was thus
included in our ritual prayer.
He had six hundred thousand angels at his command, and each of these had
another six hundred thousand helpers under him. All were engaged in
glorification of the Lord, chanting these words:
Subhanal-Karim, subhana-n-Nur-al-mubin,
Subhana-lladhi huwa ilahu man fi-s-samawati
wa ilahu man fil-ard.
(Glory be to the Munificent, Glory to the Unmistakable Light,
Glory to Him who is God of all that is in the heavens and on the earth.)
“I greeted the angel Samkha’iland he returned my greetings with full
appreciation and ceremony. Then he made this supplication: ‘May the
Almighty bless your good works, your works of sanctity and the light within
your heart!’ to which I rejoined, ‘Amin!’
“Then we passed on until we came upon a group of angels who are called the
Prophet Musa
Cherubim (Karubiyun). Only Allah knows their number. Their chief is a
great angel who is given seventy thousand angels in attendance. Each of these
helpers had another seventy thousand angels to serve him. With loud voices,
they are continuously chanting Tasbih and Tahlil. Passing by them, I met my
brother, the Prophet Musa. I greeted him and he rose in response and kissed me
between the eyes. Then he spoke and said, ‘Praise be to Allah who has sent
you and shown you to me. The Lord has given me tidings of the great miracles
about to be performed. Tonight, you are to be honored by meeting and
conversing with the Lord of the Universe. However, do not forget your weak
nation. Whatever bliss you are granted, also seek it for your nation. Should
anything be made obligatory on them, ask for it to be reduced to a minimum.’
“The glorification of Musa was this:
Subhanal-Hadi man yasha’u.
Subhanal-Mudillu man yasha’u;
(Glory be to Him who leads to righteousness whomsoever He will;
Glory to Him who leads astray whom He will;
Glory to the All-Forgiving, the All-Merciful.)
Subhanal-muhtajibi bi jalalihi,
Subhanal-musawwiri fil-arhami ma yasha’u.
(Glory be to Him who is veiled by His Majesty,
Glory be to Him who forms in the womb whatever He wills.)
“Then I saw an angel with seven hundred thousand heads, and each of these
heads bore seven hundred thousand faces. On every single face there were
seven hundred thousand mouths, and in every single mouth there were seven
hundred thousand tongues and with each tongue he speaks seven hundred
thousand different languages. This angel also has seven hundred thousand
wings. Every day, this angel plunges seven hundred times into the Ocean of
Light, which is in Paradise, and each time he comes up out of the water, he
shakes himself. From every drop of light that flies off him, the Almighty
creates an angel, which glorifies the Lord as follows:
Subhanaka ma ‘azhama sha’nuka,
Subhanaka ma ’azhama makanuka,
Subhanaka sayyidi ma arhamaka bi khalqika.
(Be Thou glorified, how immense is Thy dignity!
Glory be to Thee, how high is Thy station!
Glory to Thee, my Lord, how great Thy Mercy on Thine creation!)
“After passing by this one, I beheld another angel, seated upon a throne. His
Angel Israfil head was beneath the Divine Throne, and his feet reached to the bottom of the
earth. He was so great, that he could have swallowed up the world and what is
within it in a single gulp. The tip of one of his wings touched the west, whereas
the other touched to the east. Seven hundred thousand angels were at his
service, and each one of these commanded another seven hundred thousand
angels. ‘Who is this?’ I asked the angel Jibra’il. ‘This is Israfil,’ he told me. I
went up to him and gave him Salams and he received them well and gave me
great good tidings. His Tasbih was this:
Subhanal-muhtajibi ‘an khalqihi,
Subhana Rabbina wa ta’ala.
(Glory be to Him, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing,
Glory be to Him who is veiled from His Creation,
Glorified and exalted be He, our Lord Almighty.)
“After this, I came upon aperson all drowned in Light. He was seated upon a
Prophet Abraham throne in an attitude of awesome dignity, and before him was a multitude of
little children. I asked Jibra’il who was this person of such light, majesty and
awe, and who were all the children with him.
The angel answered me, T ‘ his is your great grandfather Ibrahim.
He loves you and the entire nation that believes in you. He once prayed to the
Lord of the Worlds that he might be of service to your nation, and the Lord
heard his supplication. He gave him all these little children who are the little
boys and girls from your nation who die before reaching adulthood. Allah
Almighty has entrusted Ibrahim with their upbringing and education. Until the
Day of Judgment, he will be instructing them in proper behavior and training
their minds in the useful sciences.
After having perfected their schooling, on the Day of Gathering he will lead
them forth and bring them to the site of Resurrection. There, before the Lord’s
Holy Presence, he will entreat Him with these words: ‘Oh my Lord, here are the
youngsters of the nation of Your Beloved Muhammad Z who died before
reaching the age of maturity. According to Your order and command, I have
taught and trained them in all useful branches of knowledge, and brought them
before Thy Majestic Throne. Thine is all kindness, favor and grace.’
“At this invocation, the Almighty Lord will reply with the full glory of His
Majesty, ‘Oh children, go and enter the Gardens of Paradise.’
● Thereupon, these children will reply, ‘Oh our Lord, by Thy Grace and
Thy Munificence, let our parents go with us!’
● The Almighty Lord will again direct His Divine Speech at them, and
● ‘You have nothing to answer for, go and enter into Paradise forthwith;
as for your parents, they are accountable and there are things they have
to answer for.’
● Again, these children entreat the Lord, ‘During their lives in the material
world, we caused them sorrow through our absence;
● now, by the vastness of Thine Mercy which floods the universal
expanse, let us be the cause of happiness for them.’
● Upon this plea, the All-Merciful and Beneficent Lord accepts the
children’s supplications and addresses them, saying, ‘Go then and
take from the wine of the spring of Kawthar and give
your parents to drink therefrom.’
“Thereafter, Jibra’il turned to me and said, ‘Go ahead and give Salams to
Ibrahim.’ I stepped forth and greeted him, whereupon he honored me and
received me well. Then he spoke to me, saying, ‘Welcome to you, oh virtuous
son and righteous Prophet! Tonight you are to be honored in that you will
witness the splendor of the Lord of the Universe, and you will be admitted to
behold all manner of sacred displays. As for your nation, it is the last of all
nations and it will be a very weak nation, so do not neglect to intercede with
your Lord on their behalf.’
“And he continued, ‘Oh Muhammad {s}! Give Salams to your nation from me
and convey to them my advice: the World (dunya) is of a passing nature and
rapid in its decline. In the eyes of the Eternal Lord it is but base and
contemptible matter. He attributes to it not even the value of a fly’s wing. Tell
them not to waste their lives in the pursuit of its vain beauties, its pomp and
palaces; not to be deceived by its many and varied tastes, by promises of
grandeur and large followings. For it is the world to come, which is lasting, and
eternal. Therefore, let them busy themselves in following the pure ways of the
Shari’a (Divine Law) by night and by day, and the guidance contained in your
Sunna (practice of the Prophet {S}) and thereby gain the good pleasure of the
Almighty Lord. The Gardens of Paradise are vast, so let them plant there many,
many trees.’
“I asked him then, ‘How does one plant a tree in the Jannah?’ He replied,
Through the recital of this Tasbih:
Subhanallahi wal-hamdu-lillahi
wa la ilaha ill-Allahu wallahu akbar,
wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-aliyyil-
azhim.{ Salatul Tasbih}
(Glory be to Allah and Praise;
None is worthy of worship but Allah alone, and Allah is Most Great!
There is no Might and no Power save with Allah, the Exalted, Majestic.)
Tell them to recite this Du’a (prayer), for each time they recite it, a tree is
planted in Paradise.’
“Then Jibra’il called the Adhan to prayer and made Iqama; I then led the angels
and inhabitants of the seventh Heaven in a prayer of two Rak’ats, then we
ascended to the Bayt-al-Ma’mur.
This angel engaged in exaltation of the Lord, placing one hand upon his head
Angel Ramadan and one hand behind his back. The beauty of his voice was such that it caused a
the Blessed commotion at the Divine Throne itself. I asked Jibra’il to tell me who that angel
was and he said, ‘The Lord Almighty created this angel two thousand years
before He created Adam.’ I then asked where he had been all this time and
where was his place of dwelling. Jibra’il replied, ‘In Paradise there is a place to
the right of the Divine Throne, that is the abode of this angel. From there he
was brought here.’
“I went up to him and greeted him and he rose in answer to my Salams. Then
he spread his wings, and all the heavens and the Earth were covered by their
expanse. He then kissed my face and said, ‘Good tidings to you, and to your
● The Lord Almighty has decreed that your nation might have a singularly
blessed month so that He might forgive them their sins.
● This holy month is the month of Ramadan and it is meant as a gift for
you and your nation.
● For its sake your nation will find forgiveness. I have been sent here this
very night to announce to you this great gladness.’
Angel of Revelation and Anointing More to Come.....
Sayedena Gabriel
Angel Ijabirun
Rihu Sibha
Angel Kitam
Kiram Qatebeen