Khayesi 2018-Rural Development Planning in Africa
Khayesi 2018-Rural Development Planning in Africa
Khayesi 2018-Rural Development Planning in Africa
Edited by
Meleckidzedeck Khayesi
Rural Development Planning in Africa
“In the much talked about and documented worldwide rush to cities, the chal-
lenges of rural development, equity and efficiency are being ignored as experts and
institutions are by and large concentrating on the pressing needs of the people who
are crowding into the cities. And nowhere has this been more pronounced than in
the great, needy and inventive continent of Africa. For any individual or institution
who cares about development and democracy, this comprehensive synthesis of
research, experience and insights into rural development planning in Africa comes
at a time of great need, accelerated change, and an on-going explosion of new
tools and technologies. It is required reading. The future is already here. Open up
that window and let the fresh air of new thinking blow in from Africa.”
–Eric Britton
Professor of Sustainable Development, Economy and
Democracy, Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Paris, France
“Rural Africa has been a site of research and policy programmes on a wide range
of issues. I highly recommend this book for its thorough effort to synthesize the
evergrowing literature on rural development planning in Africa. The book chap-
ters provide details on methods, theories, conceptual models and empirical find-
ings of this growing literature.”
–Ruth K. Oniang’o
Editor-in-Chief, African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and
Development; Founder, Rural Outreach Program Africa
Meleckidzedeck Khayesi
Rural Development
Planning in Africa
Meleckidzedeck Khayesi
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
come to the house to eat, and news about happy and sad events in the
community remind me a lot about the importance of the basics of life.
In addition to these personal experiences that I have just described, I
have also been involved in research and initiatives in rural development.
My master’s thesis was on rural transport and it helped me to apply scien-
tific analytical tools to rural household travel behaviour and its relationship
to the rural economy. The first book review I ever published was on a
book entitled Integrated Rural Development: The Ethiopian Experience
and Debate, written by J.M.O. Cohen in 1987. It was published in the
Journal of Eastern African Research and Development, 1992, Vol. 22,
pp. 157–159. I have individually and jointly conducted other research in
rural and urban areas.
African rural development planning is an interest not only of mine but
also of several other people and institutions, including researchers, policy-
makers, practitioners, the media, politicians, development partners,
humanitarian organizations and the public. The contributors to this vol-
ume have also experienced the African rural development reality as resi-
dents in African rural areas, researchers, decision-makers, implementers
and investors. The cumulative experience of the contributors to this book
brings life to the topics covered in different chapters. The authors are not
just summarizing evidence from which they are detached. They have actu-
ally also been part and parcel of the experience in which they acquired
knowledge, enabling them to synthesize the information gathered; knowl-
edge is intangible.
The main achievement of this book is in providing a synthesis of
research evidence on selected themes in African rural development plan-
ning experience. I look at this edition as the first step in a process that may
see the authors of this book and/or other researchers updating the chap-
ters and even adding new themes in the coming years.
Meleckidzedeck Khayesi
Editing and writing a book involves networking with several people and
institutions. It is indeed a collective effort, and the editor is basically a
facilitator of this dynamic group of persons and institutions. I am grateful
to the dedicated authors, who spent several hours reading literature,
extracting information and preparing chapters for this book. I thank the
many scholars whose work on rural development planning provided the
information that has been synthesized in the chapters of this book.
I am also grateful for the editing support from Felicia Yieke. I thank the
staff of Palgrave Macmillan (Christina Brian, Renee Takken, Sarah Doskov,
Chris Robinson, Alina Yurova, Ben Bailey and Dana De Siena, along with
Sharon Rajkumar and Ganesh Ekambaram of SPi Global) for their collab-
orative approach when developing this book.
Last, but not least, I am grateful for the encouragement received from
my family and friends.
3 Local Governance 53
Wossenyeleh Aregay
4 Agriculture 69
Joan Fairhurst
7 Energy 135
Paschalin Mbenge Basil and Robert Ouko
8 Water 153
Gladys Moraa Marie Nyachieo and Constance Anyango
9 Health 173
Peter Mala
10 Physical Activity 199
Fletcher Njororai and Wycliffe W. Simiyu Njororai
Index 249
List of Figures
Fig. 2.1 Map of Kenya showing the location of Kajiado District and
Oloitokitok Division 39
Fig. 2.2 Map of Kajiado District showing location of Imbirikani within
Oloitokitok Division 40
Fig. 2.3 Land cover types in Imbirikani area 42
Fig. 2.4 Major land cover classes and land use in Imbirikani area 43
Plate 2.1 Use of natural resources in Imbirikani 46
List of Tables
M. Khayesi (*)
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
P. Mala
University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
J. Fairhurst
Univerity of Pretoria, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, South Africa
are to replace small farm dominance but the concept has been useful to
effect the change from top-down to bottom-up, a necessary d
move. Ellis and Biggs (2001, p. 445) made this prophetic assumption at
the turn of the century:
This book will hopefully serve the information needs of several stake-
holders in African rural development planning. The first group comprises
researchers, who will be able to draw on previous research while avoiding
unnecessary duplication of research already done. Second, are the policy
makers who could use this research when formulating development poli-
cies for African countries. The third are practitioners and implementers,
who will have access to information about experiences concerning rural
development policy programmes, documentation that offers insights into
the successes and failures found in the practice of rural development plan-
ning in Africa. It is hoped that this rich information will provide insights
for current and future research, policy-making and intervention pro-
grammes in African rural development planning initiatives.
(a) Study design. Since each chapter not only highlights the research
design and techniques of analysis, relevant issues such as unit of
analysis, data collection methods, sampling frame and depth of
analysis are also provided.
(b) Theories and conceptual models. The appropriateness of the theo-
ries and conceptual models that have been used for the specific
topic is determined and the extent to which they relate to African
rural development experience is assessed.
(c) Empirical evidence. The evidence gathered to generate categories
is distilled and the findings are presented according to appropriate
sub-themes. Where possible, information from case studies or spe-
cific examples of policy response, programmes or interventions is
(d) Conclusion. Each chapter presents a conclusion, indicating the key
findings and the contribution of the study as synthesized.
Details of how the agreed approach was executed are explained in each
chapter. We believe that the specific studies reviewed and other relevant
sources cited in this book form a rich resource for researchers and
When I look back in time, and remember sitting with pen and paper in
hand, reading and rereading the initial outline for this edited volume, a
warm feeling comes over me as I realise that dreams do come true! There is
such a dearth of in-depth and current material on life in rural African com-
munities. Obviously, I started with Melecki’s challenge of ensuring that a
range of relevant sources of information accompany the text. Searching for
these yielded useful material. It wasn’t too long before my passion for geog-
raphy took over and I had to ask for permission for more words! I look
forward to working with Melecki and Peter to see how the final story unfolds
in the Introduction—it was getting close to the last time I worked with the
text. Especially important is the inclusion of authors and source material
from so many countries. (Joan Fairhurst, 10 March 2017)
Whereas Joan warmly grasped the book idea and started running with
it, Gladys was hesitant at the beginning:
Thanks for supporting me and pushing me on. I have learnt something very
new. You know what, when you first asked me to contribute a book chapter,
I was scared…but with your constant encouragement and support, here we
are. (Gladys Moraa, 18 March 2017)
When the editor invited me to join a team to develop a chapter for a book
on rural development in Africa, my initial reaction was one of excitement. I
had been involved in chapter and book writing before and I saw this as a
chance to extend my writing experience. But little did I know what I was
getting into! I soon discovered that my previous experience and writing
style was not going to be very useful in this exercise. The editor explained to
me that this book’s style would take on a new approach. The focus was on
treating each researcher’s findings as the raw material or primary data to be
sourced, analysed and consolidated with findings from other studies.
Moreover, the review was to have a structured methodology and a research
Bourdieu, P. (1990). The Logic of Practice (trans: Richard Nice). Stanford: Stanford
University Press.
Chambers, R. (1983). Rural Development: Putting the Last First. Essex: Pearson
Education Limited.
Chambers, R. (2005a). Whose Reality Counts? Putting the Last First. Warwickshire:
Intermediate Technology Development Group.
Chambers, R. (2005b). Ideas for Development. London: Earthscan.
Ellis, F., & Biggs, S. (2001). Evolving Themes in Rural Development 1950s–2000s.
Development Policy Review, 19(4), 437–448.
Ellis, F., & Freeman, H. A. (Eds.). (2005). Rural Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction
Policies. London: Routledge.
Frank, A. G. (1967). Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment of
Sociology. Catalyst, 3, 20–73.
Frank, A. G. (1966). The Development of Underdevelopment. Monthly Review,
18(4), 17–31.
Gabriel, T. (1991). The Human Factor in Rural Development. London: Belhaven
Hagen-Zanker, J., Duvendack, M., Mallett, R., Slater, R., Carpenter, S., &
Tromme, M. (2012). Making Systematic Reviews Work for International
Development Research. London: Overseas Development Institute.
Nicolau, M. (2012). Community Asset Mapping as a Tool to Achieve Roots Driven
Change in the Rural Communities of the Bojanala Region, North West Province,
South Africa. South Africa: University of South Africa.
Rodney, W. (1981). How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Washington, DC:
Howard University Press.
Sen, A. (1999). Development as Freedom. New York: Anchor Books.
Seers, D. (1972). What Are We Trying to Measure. Journal of Development Studies,
8, 21–36.
United Nations. (2010, March 25). 2009 Urbanization Prospects. Press release.
Retrieved June 23, 2013, from
United Nations. (2013). World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision. Retrieved
June 23, 2013, from
Peter Mala (MPH) is a medical doctor and a PhD Candidate in the Institute of
Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, Université de
Lausanne, Switzerland. He has several years of experience working as a medical
doctor and public health expert.
Chris Allan Shisanya
Viable and sustainable natural resource management is key to availing bio-
logical and other physical resources for use in rural development in Africa.
Natural resource management involves efforts by different institutions to
formulate and implement laws, policies and legislation to ensure viable use
of natural resources. Natural resources, mainly found in rural areas, are
not only important as a source of food and other domestic products but
also form the basis for social and cultural functions. This chapter presents
the evidence on natural resource management in Africa.
Information for this chapter was collected through a review of literature
related to natural resource management (NRM) with a focus on Africa.
Two data sources were used. The first source is peer-reviewed journal
papers, while the second one is grey literature, which includes working
This chapter was prepared while the author was in residence (July–September,
2016) as a Fellow at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS),
Wallenberg Research Centre at Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch 7600.
Table 2.1 Criteria for inclusion or exclusion of articles during systematic review
Criteria Excluded Included Justification
Adams None Africa and Historiography Documentary Secondary How can the diversity Driving force for
(2004) India review sources of life be maintained wildlife conservation at
as human demands the start of the
on earth expand twentieth century in
seemingly without both Africa and India
limit? were the European
How can preservation hunters
be recruited with Colonial hunters were
human rights and in a position to launch
development needs of international meetings
the poor? and organizations
Is conservation supporting the course of
something that can be nature conservation
imposed by the
knowledgeable elite,
or is it something that
should emerge
naturally from people’s
free choices?
(continued )
Table 2.2 (continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study design Data Study focus Key findings
characteristics unit framework/ collection
model method
Appiah- N = 115; Talensi- Problem Qualitative Primary data: What are the There is a shift in
Opoku Probability Nabdan assurance and interviews, indigenous NRM management role by
and Hyma and District of theory Quantitative questionnaire, systems and to what chiefs and elders,
(1999) non- Ghana (Hardin’s, observation extent can Traditionalparticularly in water
probability 1968) Secondary Institutions still play in
sampling ‘Tragedy of data: the sustainable Male dominance is
techniques the Commons’ documentary management of natural evident at various
employed review resources in institutional levels
contemporary times? Ownership and control
of forest and wildlife
resources are perceived
as vested in government.
Communities have
limited access to
resources because of
government policies
that restrain them.
Batterbury Not Bam Impact Qualitative Primary data: Evaluation of gestion Landscapes in the study
(1998) applicable Province, assessment and interviews, des terroirs villageois area have been
Central model quantitative questionnaire, (GTV) approach to transformed by
Plateau of observation community continued investment
Burkina Faso Secondary management of natural by farmers in
data: resources environmental projects.
(continued )
Table 2.2 (continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study design Data Study focus Key findings
characteristics unit framework/ collection
model method
Hardin Not Global Problem Documentary Not Herders sharing a The population problem
(1968) applicable assurance review applicable common pasture are has no technical
theory led by the inexorable solution; it requires a
(Hardin’s, logic of individually fundamental extension
1968)’ rational decisions for in morality.
‘Tragedy of optimizing personal
the Commons’ gain, to ultimately
overstock their herds
and destroy their
shared resource
Hutton Not Southern Community- Documentary Not Draws on the Changes in narratives
et al. applicable Africa based natural review applicable experience in southern have had profound
(2005) resource Africa to examine the impacts upon
management growth of the conservation and natural
approaches community narrative resources management,
and the subsequent livelihood strategies and
revival of the fortress political process.
conservation narrative
(continued )
Table 2.2 (continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study design Data Study focus Key findings
characteristics unit framework/ collection
model method
Nelson Not Mexico, None Case study Review of How local forest REDD payments are
and applicable Nepal, approach empirical governance can be as, likely to create
(continued )
Table 2.2 (continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study design Data Study focus Key findings
characteristics unit framework/ collection
model method
Norton- Not Kenya’s None Case study Review of Wildlife carrying Land sub-division has
Griffiths applicable rangelands approach secondary capacity of the Kenyan far-reaching impacts on
(2007) documents rangelands wildlife.
The uncompetitive
returns from wildlife
compared with other
production systems
encapsulate the entire
dynamics of change
observed on the
rangelands of Kenya
Ribot Not Sub-Saharan None Documentary Review of Is decentralization of To date, local actors
(2003) applicable Africa review empirical natural resources based receiving environmental
literature on, or support powers are rarely
institutional representative or
arrangement that downwardly
enfranchises local accountable.
populations? The general failure of
African governments to
establish democratic
decentralization of
natural resources appears
to reflect a larger
resistance to establishing
local democracy.
(continued )
Table 2.2 (continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study design Data Study focus Key findings
characteristics unit framework/ collection
model method
Nelson Not Africa None Documentary Comparative Institutional factors High financial wildlife
and applicable review Regional that account for the values captured by state
(continued )
Table 2.2 (continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study design Data Study focus Key findings
characteristics unit framework/ collection
model method
Roe et al. Not Africa None Documentary Regional Different experiences Transfer of authority
(2009) applicable review reviews of of CBNRM in from central government
CBNRM different regions of to a diverse range of
experiences Africa co-management
arrangements has had
both success and many
challenges in Africa.
Developing strong and
resilient community
organizations for the
management of land
and natural resources
will take generations to
The challenges to a
successful devolution
include elite capture of
opportunities and
benefits, corruption and
mismanagement. In
some cases, these
problems have been used
by central governments
as reason to abort
Table 2.2 (continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study design Data Study focus Key findings
characteristics unit framework/ collection
model method
Roe Not Global None Documentary Review What commonalities Activities and
(2008) applicable perspective review are emerging from accountability of big
Results and Discussion
Table 2.2 further down shows a summary of the key aspects extracted
from the 11 reviewed publications. These include the author(s), sample
characteristics or nature of study, title of the article, conceptual approach,
study type, data collection method, study focus, findings and conclusions
and/or recommendations. Of the 12 studies reviewed, all were based on
desk reviews with the exception of Dyer et al. (2014) and Appiah-Opoku
and Hyma (1999) that were based on empirical work in Southern Africa
and Ghana, respectively. Another important aspect to note is that these
studies do not demonstrate any theoretical orientation underpinning the
respective research, with the exception of Appiah-Opoku and Hyma
(1999) and Batterbury (1998).
In the last few decades, there has been a growing awareness of the
importance of collective natural resource management practices and insti-
tutions, and recognition of the ways that historic forces have disrupted
local people’s ability to manage the lands and resources they depend upon.
A wide range of policy makers and development and conservation practi-
tioners have supported efforts to revive or bolster local natural resource
management institutions in response to various economic, social, environ-
mental and political pressures. Increasingly, debates over local communi-
ties’ ability to manage their lands and natural resources are a part of
broader struggles over political and economic power and authority in
African countries. This section briefly reviews the reasons for this return to
local level management and the way in which CBNRM has been initiated,
evolved, and ultimately constrained over time and from place to place.
to build patronage networks essential for their own authority and political
stability (Ake, 1996; Bates, 1981; van de Walle, 2001). As a result, for
example, colonial land tenure institutions were generally retained, and in
many instances central authority over lands and resources extended and
local rights further alienated (Wily, 2008).
In the 1980s, a community-based counter-narrative began to emerge as
a result of manifold trends, ideas, and crises which led to a broad rethink-
ing of both development and conservation fields. The influences that led
to the widespread support for CBNRM that emerged during the 1990s
were both internally and externally derived. The emergence of CBNRM in
southern and eastern Africa often had deep locally derived roots. In the
late 1960s, use rights over wildlife on freehold lands in Zimbabwe, South
Africa and Namibia—all then under the rule of contested white minority
regimes—was through a series of legislative reforms, devolved to land-
owners (Jones & Murphree, 2001). This dramatic shift away from strictly
centralized governance of wildlife effectively changed the status of wildlife
on private lands from an economic liability to an asset, and this led to
profound recoveries of wildlife on freehold lands and the growth of
wildlife-based industries in all three countries (Bond, 2004). The reforms
also laid the basis for extending the model of local management to com-
munal lands after the enactment of majority rule in those countries, result-
ing in Zimbabwe’s iconic Communal Areas Management Programme for
Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) in the 1980s, and Namibia’s
Communal Conservancies in the 1990s (Jones & Murphree, 2001). These
local experiments in CBNRM provided new ideas and opportunities for
adaptive learning; CAMPFIRE, for example, played a key role in shaping
pilot initiatives in community-based wildlife management in neighbouring
countries including Mozambique, Botswana and Namibia.
Similar experiments were also occurring as early as the 1960s outside of
southern Africa. In Kenya, local communities were able to earn income
from lease fees paid by hunters in areas such as Kajiado District, where
efforts to integrate the management of Amboseli National Park with local
livelihood interests led to the crystallization of new ‘community-based’
conservation paradigms in the 1970s (Homewood, Kristjanson, & Trench,
2009; Western, 1994). In contrast, many countries in Central and West
Africa were gaining independence from French, English and Spanish colo-
nial rule in the early 1960s. After independence, tenure rights for many
countries became more, rather than less centralized (e.g. in Ghana
(Alhassan & Manuh, 2005), Mali (Hilhorst & Coulibaly, 1998) and Cote
The review of Roe et al. (2009) concludes that there is evidence of
improved wildlife numbers in specific locations that can be attributed to
contemporary CBNRM processes, but that conflicts between people and
wildlife have not been adequately resolved. Following in the same foot-
steps as Roe et al. (2009), Nelson and Agrawal (2008) (Table 2.2) exam-
ine the institutional factors that account for the outcome of efforts to
decentralize control over natural resources to local communities. They
focus on the political nature of institutional processes associated with
decentralization in sub-Saharan Africa through a comparative analysis of
wildlife management reforms in seven eastern and southern African coun-
tries. The key findings of this work (2008, p. 580) are:
Case study 2.1 The Imbirikani Group Ranch Project Case Study,
Imbirikani Ranch is wholly within Olotokitok Division of Kajiado
District (19,600 km2). The other divisions in the district are Magadi,
Ngong, Central, Namanga and Mashuru (Fig. 2.1).
Imbirikani area has two Sub-locations, Imbirikani and Oltiasika
(Fig. 2.2), which are each administratively managed by a Chief and
two Sub-Chiefs. The area is confined within latitudes S2.31° and
S2.46° and longitudes E37.44° and E37.87° and sits on the north-
ern plains at the foot of Kilimanjaro Mountain.
The northern boundary of the area is formed by the Kiboko river
while the southern boundary by the Kikarankot river. The area is
bordered to the east by Chyulu hills that rise to 2175 m. Chyulu hills
are within a game reserve. The Amboseli plains and Game Park form
the western boundary. The Imbirikani ranch is within the Amboseli
ecozone and is a wildlife migratory corridor between Amboseli and
Tsavo national parks. The lowest point in the area is at an altitude of
1050 m at Olngarua Leinkati swamp. The Chyulu hills form a rain
shadow for Imbirikani.
The volcanic geology of Chyulu hills has influenced the faunal and
floral resources in the area with most lava flow bearing a denser veg-
etation growth than the Precambrian metamorphic underlain areas.
The larger part of the area is under volcanic geology. There is no
drainage over the lava flow with the precipitation quickly disappear-
ing over the highly porous boulders of lava. Water resources of any
significance are located at Kikarankot River. Most of the drainage
over the Precambrian terrain to the west flows into the Mpakai
depression which in exceptional periods of rainfall turns into an
ephemeral lake. Apart from the low Precambrian hills on the western
parts of the area and the lava covered areas, most of the rest of the
terrain is a plain generally at 1200 m above sea level. There are some
interruptions from gneissic tors and volcanic hills.
The soils are of two characters, the sandy shallow soils (Regosols)
over the Precambrian terrain and occupying the non-dissected plains
to the west with a poor vegetation cover and grass biomass especially
around Imbirikani market centre, and clay soil at the foot of Chyulu
Hills. The Chyulu hills themselves are at various locations covered by
Fig. 2.1 Map of Kenya showing the location of Kajiado District and
Oloitokitok Division. Source: Shisanya et al. (2010, p. 1)
red volcanic soils (Nitisols) at the top and Andosols at the slopes.
Along the Kikarankot River and at the flood plains are poorly drained
moderately deep to deep clay soils (Greyzems). Pockets of Piedmont
plains of Andisols are located at various areas within the lava plains.
There is also badland of shallow soils (rendzines) located to the west
of Lowa (Exploratory Soil Map of Kenya, KSS, 1982).
The larger part of Imbirikani falls under Kenya’s climatic zones
V-2 and VI-2 which range from semi-arid to arid with a temperature
range of 22–24 °C and an average annual rainfall range of
300–900 mm that is suitable only for bush land and scrubland veg-
etation. The Chyulu hills area however falls in agro-climatic zones
II-4 (1500–1850 m) at the top of the hills, III-3 (1200–1500 m) at
mid altitude and IV-2 (900–1200 m) in the lower slopes with a tem-
perature range of 18–24 °C. The low lying areas are semi-arid to arid
whereas the Chyulu hills area are semi-humid to semi-arid with an
annual rainfall range of 600 mm at the western foot slopes to
1400 mm at the hilltops. The annual average potential evaporation
is high (1900–2400 mm) at the Imbirikani Plains. The dry season
usually lasts five to seven months.
The climatic factors affect the vegetation cover (see Fig. 2.3) and
the livestock-carrying capacity in Imbirikani and consequently
impacting on the livestock production economy.
The major elements of climate that affect herbage growth are the
intensity and duration of rainfall, the ratio between annual rainfall
and potential evaporation, and the year-to-year variation in rainfall
which in the last ten years has been erratic and unpredictable with a
most devastating drought in 2009. Wild herbivores also compete
with the livestock to forage leading to conflicts during the drought
periods. The most common herbivores are wildebeest, zebra, giraffe
and eland. The broad categories of land uses are shown in Fig. 2.4.
The only river in the area, River Kikarankot, runs westerly and
south-westerly along the southern boundary of Imbirikani. The river
is a source of water for irrigation at two major swamps; Leilerai
Kimana swamp and Olngarua Leinkati swamp.
The Maasai, who are the main community in Kajiado District, prac-
tise semi-nomadic pastoralism as their main mode of life. Land in
Kajiado is communally owned but it has been undergoing change over
Fig. 2.3 Land cover types in Imbirikani area. Source: Shisanya et al. (2010,
p. 4)
the last two decades due to land adjunction and sub-division of group
ranches to smaller individually owned land. A group ranch is a livestock
production system where a group of people jointly own freehold title
to land, maintain agreed stocking levels and herd their livestock col-
lectively on the land. Selection of members to a particular group ranch
is based on kinship and traditional land rights (Shisanya et al., 2010).
The group ranches are designed by the government to meet the
following objectives:
Fig. 2.4 Major land cover classes and land use in Imbirikani area. Source:
Shisanya et al. (2010, p. 5)
of the land in the district is non-arable, while only 8 per cent can
support subsistence farming. The district is largely water deficit.
The ephemeral Athi, Eselenkei and Kajiado are the main rivers
draining the area. The alternative water sources are pans/dams and
The long-term carrying capacity of agro-climatic zones V and VI,
within which the Imbirikani group ranch is located, has been esti-
mated to be between 3 and 7 ha per 250 kg tropical livestock unit
(TLU). It is difficult to estimate the safe stocking rate for Imbirikani
because much of the ranch is too far from water sources. Areas within
reach of the water sources have been seriously overgrazed. While in
a good year a stocking rate of 6 ha/TLU may be safe, more than
10 ha/TLU may be needed after poor rains.
Small stock (sheep and goats) also form an important economic
component in the livestock industry in Imbirikani. There are higher
sheep numbers than goats. This is due to higher off-take of goats
compared with sheep. The presence of small stock has had a toll on
the forage and capacity of the land to regenerate.
Imbirikani Group Ranch is approximately 1300 km2
(320,000 acres), bordered on the eastern edge by the Chyulu Hills
National Park. Imbirikani is owned and run communally by about
4500 members of Ilkisongo Maasai. There are just over 10,000 peo-
ple living on the ranch, along with some 60–90,000 head of live-
stock. The vegetation on the ranch ranges from upland grasslands to
flat savannah grasslands to dense bush. The low rainfall regime makes
it difficult for the community to generate income for other means
besides pastoralism.
This area is referred to as the Chyulu West Game Conservation
Area; this is a proposed conservation area as none of this land is
legally protected. Ol Donyo Wuas, which is a lodge located on
Imbirikani Group Ranch, is working to secure approximately 25,000
with a lease, supported by income from the lodge. The proposed
carbon easement would cover the 40,000 acre lava forest. The major
threats to the forest include: logging for timber, for construction
poles, for firewood and for illegal charcoal production; harvesting of
honey using traditional harvesting methods that often cause fires;
overharvesting of medicinal herbs; and poaching for wild meat.
This chapter has examined the trends and status of natural resource man-
agement in Africa. We emphasize on participatory approaches to natural
resources management as opposed to traditional top-down, centralized,
exclusionary approaches (see Hulme & Murphree, 1999; Kapoor, 2001;
Kumasi, Obiri-Danso, & Ephraim, 2010). The aim of participatory natu-
ral resources management as illustrated in this chapter, is to align with
co-generation of conservation and sustainable development outcomes
that are enabled through local actions, as emphasized by the Brundtland
Report (1987), Agenda 21 (Hutton et al., 2005) and the former
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). CBNRM is amongst the most
popular approaches to participatory natural resource management in
Africa as demonstrated in this chapter. Despite the challenges faced by
CBNRM, the chapter has argued that sustainable resource management
based on the integration of social and economic needs of the local people
offers better effectiveness in resource management for countries in the
region as illustrated by the Imbirikani project case study in Kenya.
1. See reports of the West African Lands Commission (1908) at 183 Para. 1048
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Thomson (Eds.), Making the Commons Work: Theory, Practice and Policy
(pp. 293–318). San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies Press.
Local Governance
Wossenyeleh Aregay
Local governance in Africa is not a given. It is a design. Within the process
of nation-state building, African states faced similar realities. They had to
deal with issues that come up as a result of an ethnically diverse society,
technological backwardness, weak state institutions and limited state
capacities to extract and redistribute resources, as well as the state lacking
national coherence. The daunting task after achieving independence was
and still is the transformation of a once colonial dominion into a formi-
dable nation-state with the vision of a fast-paced development.
The idea of empowering rural people for self-administration was always
an appealing concept among the ruling African elites because it served to
incorporate the periphery within the institutional framework of the state.
The concept of introducing some sort of rural public participation within
a democratic, institutional framework was always regarded as an enhance-
ment of state legitimacy by the political elites. The fear of rural governance
as a slippery slope for anarchy is when real political power is delegated to
local governing bodies. Here, African experiences vary. Accordingly, there
is an abundant amount of research material on local governance in Africa.
However, it is compartmentalized to the experience of the single African
W. Aregay (*)
Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
The main research for this chapter is based on four key dissertations that
the author deems to be useful and full of insight for further research. For
this chapter, the author assembled various other publications. Some of
them will be discussed in the table below.
The author limited research on findings in the library of the Institute of
Federalism at the University of Fribourg and on the electronic database on All in all, the author assembled seven books and more than
thirty journal articles (Table 3.1). The electronic search for publication
was selected by keywords as; Africa, local government, devolution, federal-
ism. In terms of language, publications written in the English language
were consideration.
Results and Discussion
The table above gives an overview of the seven key books. The books are
presented by title, author and date, key characteristics, geographical scale,
methodology, study focus, key findings and (my personal) conclusion.
All of the works cited above are constitutional studies within a distinc-
tive African context. All of them are case studies. The first two books in the
table assemble various case studies to give an evaluation within the Pan-
African context. The other books are entirely single case studies. However,
they include a comparative approach where other African experiences were
taken into account. It has to be noted that these (single case study) books
are dissertation theses. As a result, broad and varied methodological
approaches to tackle the topic local governance can, and must be expected.
Table 3.1 Summary of empirical research on local governance in Africa
Author Characteristics Geographical Method Study focus Key findings Conclusions
Mawhood, Collection of Sudan, Multiple case Local Local government was Evaluation of local
Phillip (Ed.) publications Tanzania, studies followed government as meant to compete government as an
Local Kenya, by a comparative an agent to against the traditional indicator to a
Governance in Botswana, evaluation promote the establishment within certain degree of
the Third World Cameroon, Constitutional modern the periphery in order political
(1983) Ghana, Nigeria study post-colonial to rally the people for decentralization.
Historical state apparatus.
the central state. From Cohesive case
approach the constitutions studies
perspective, local
government was an
executive body of the
central government.
Oluwu et al. Collection of South Africa, Multiple case Evaluation of Local autonomy, Legal framework is
Local publications Botswana, studies followed local level adequate resources, not enough.
Governance in Nigeria, Ghana, by a comparative prerequisites for local institutions of External factors
Africa (2004) Chad, Uganda, evaluation local governance. collective actions and such as the
Kenya, Constitutional accountability to the inclusion of
study public are the key traditional
Political intervening factors for establishment can
approach effective local enhance the
government. effectiveness of
local government.
Table 3.1 (continued)
Ayele, Zemelak Dissertation Ethiopia Single case study Effective local Local government is a Devolution of
Ayitenew. Local Thesis Comparative government can political design. It is power depends on
Governance in analyses with be a trigger for vaguely formulated by the political will.
Ethiopia (2014) other African sustainable the constitution.
nations. development Hence, there is a lack
Constitutional of adequate
study constitutional
Socio-economic protection.
Chanie, Paulos. Dissertation Ethiopia Single case study Fiscal Resource management Resource
What one Hand Thesis Constitutional decentralization determines the management in a
giveth, the other study effectiveness of local neo-patrimonial
taketh away Economic and government. system is designed
(2007) legal approach to change the rural
periphery into a
dependant unit
fully accountable to
the central
Ayee, Jospeh Dissertation Ghana Single case study Discussing and Political will that is Implementation
R.A. Anatomy of Constitutional analyzing the not interested in policies are as
Public Policy study various methods power allocation to important as the
Implementation Political of the local level political design
(1994) approach Implementation facilitates itself.
of a political implementation
design failures.
Table 3.1 (continued)
Assefa, Fisseha, Dissertation Ethiopia Single case study Institutional Decentralization is The political will
Federalism and Constitutional set-up of ethnic mainly a tool to behind
the study federalism in enhance state decentralization is
Accommodation Legal and Ethiopia legitimacy and a better about
of Diversity in political form of institutional democratization of
Ethiopia (2005) approach incorporation of the the rural
periphery to the population rather
centre. than devolution.
Crawford, Collection of Uganda, Multiple Case Decentralization Dependency of local Developmental
Gordon/ publications Malawi, studies followed as a tool to government on deconcentration is
Hartmann, Tanzania, by an evolution poverty personal and financial in fact
Christof (eds.) Ghana, reduction and resources from the centralization in
Decentralization Namibia, South conflict central state. disguise.
in Africa: A Africa, Rwanda management
Pathway out of
Poverty and
Conflict? (2008)
All works apart from being constitutional studies do also have an interdis-
ciplinary emphasis either on history, politics, law or socio-economics.
National struggle for independence targeted the status quo in the cen-
tre (colonial administration) as well as in the periphery (traditional author-
ities). Traditional rule was seen as a remnant of a backward and reactionary
system blocking national cohesion and the desire for sustainable develop-
ment (Olowu & Wunsch, 2004).
Some African countries opted for the appointment of a sole district
administrator by the central government. District administration became
part of a centralized governance system. Other African countries subordi-
nated traditional institutions to formerly elected local councils (Egwurube,
1988; Olowu & Erero, 1996; Wynne, 1989). These district councils were
confronted with an increase of tasks without the power to generate necessary
resources. Often the representatives themselves lacked the necessary skills,
which resulted in a poor provision of public services (Chanie, 2007). Besides,
traditional leaders found their way, as people’s representatives, in the district
councils. Over time, it became clear that the district councils were ineffec-
tive. Some countries provided external advisors to assist the district councils
to enhance their efficiency. Needless to say, this was in no way a concession
towards any kind of decentralization. Other countries introduced the system
of mixed councils with part of the representatives being officers from the
central government. This system led to a power shift within the local govern-
ment in favour of the local executive body (and not the local legislative
body) because the latter brought in the necessary skills as well as on top
guarantee back-up funding from the central government (Chanie, 2007).
These mixed district councils quickly became an extended executive body
for the central government (Mawhood, 1983). The early stages of modern
nation-state building were not marked by decentralization but rather by
deconcentration, which was about the delegation of responsibilities without
the necessary transfer of authority, resources and accountability.
of the modern state while at the same time exploiting the traditional legiti-
macy for its own benefit.
The central state appoints candidates that have been party cadres of the
incumbent regime to ensure an informal cohesion of the relations between
the centre and the periphery. In other words, from the very beginning,
local governance was designed and limited by the central state authority
(Mawhood, 1983).
The result of a regime change in the 1960s put an emphasis on central-
ization. The mixed district approach was put to an end. It was replaced by
management committees composed of three civil servants and one public
servant. The committee was presided by a district administrative officer
(Olowu & Wunsch, 2004). The centre provided all the necessary resources
and monitored the districts. Districts had the role of executing bodies to
the central state authority. The rationale behind that move was entirely
political; districts were seen as a stronghold of the former regime as they
had control via the informal network of party cadres still operating in the
districts. By depriving the districts of their autonomy, oppositional forces
are expected to lose their power base to mobilize the periphery against the
centre. The weakening of districts is, in fact, the consequence of a power
struggle in the centre (Mawhood, 1983).
be tested on a trial and error basis at a local level before introducing them
nationwide. Local entities have their own unique public life that is distin-
guishable from other local units even from the central government. This
can enhance a healthy and innovative competition among the local units
to achieve better performance on welfare, participation and economy
(Ayele, 2014).
Empirical studies have shown that this theory is not fully applicable to
the realities on the ground (UNDP, 2010). Ethnic bonding or other spe-
cial interests can corrupt accountability. Hence, the elected representatives
do not necessarily act in the interest of the community. Bad performance
is neither a reason to change policies nor an obstacle for re-election. Ethnic
and class minorities are vulnerable to local discrimination which dimin-
ishes their influence at a local level (Ayele, 2014). Unchecked local auton-
omy might transform into local despotism without the desired effects of
development. Conversely, one can observe that development is achievable
without local autonomy. Due to scarcity of resources, local governments
struggle to provide even the most basic needs. The central government
can provide funding, personnel and policies in order to give assurance of a
certain living standard on the ground and level the gap of inequality within
the nation (Ayele, 2014).
The break-up of the traditional past and the incorporation of the periph-
ery to the modern institutionalized rule of the Central state distinguish
the African nation-state. In essence, African nation-building is about
maintaining and widening the momentum of centralized state power.
Having said that, the concept of local government is incorporated within
the institutional framework of the central state. It is a top-down initiative,
and is thus dependant on political will. In other words, the system of local
government is highly political and consequently vulnerable to the political
climate at the Centre. Devolution cannot be seen as anything else, other
than a tactical manoeuvre in order to maintain political control over the
periphery (Olowu & Wunsch, 2004).
Linking devolution with development is, in fact, a shift of state legiti-
macy from ideology to public management. As long as the incumbent
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Ayee, J. R. A. (1994). An Anatomy of Public Policy Implementation: The Case of
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Joan Fairhurst
From time immemorial, agriculture has been the lifeblood of Africa.
Agriculture is, in essence, a part of rural community living, spontaneous and
integrated. Planning is integral to agrarian development that in itself too is
driven by socio-cultural, political and economic organisation within different
environmental settings. This recognition highlights the diversity inherent in
agriculture as a vital aspect of rural life. The role of agriculture in rural devel-
opment planning in Africa is dealt with in this chapter. It presents findings
from selected studies on designs used in research on agriculture on the con-
tinent referring to theories and conceptual models, the main trends in agri-
cultural production and policy programmes. Case illustrations are provided.
A methodology for a review of the literature on the status of agriculture in
Africa requires recognition of the regional environmental and socio-cultural
variations found in the prevailing political economies. Selected studies are
reviewed to represent major geographical regions and states that fall within
them. Today, agriculture is clearly the responsibility of the country’s govern-
ment in power, both as a major economic sector to meet its economic needs,
J. Fairhurst (*)
University of Pretoria, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, South Africa
Results and Discussion
Research Designs
The methodology used by Holcombe (1994, 2012) is an example of a
frequently used approach for gathering information. Her stated purpose
was to concentrate on innovation as a change agent in development, a
challenge that would increase agricultural and rural incomes and well-
being. The topic is introduced by describing the background, the merit
and the vision of work done that focused on ‘linking small farmers to
markets; improving access to land and land tenure for communities living
in poverty; and promoting the contribution of agriculture to environmen-
tal services that mitigate climate change and support biodiversity conser-
vation’ (Holcombe, 2012, p. 13). Explanation of the methodology was
done, terms used were defined and study limitations were specified.
Findings from a review of existing literature, desk studies of 22 innovative
projects (done in 2008), three field case studies (Mongolia, India and
Nigeria) and a survey of selected stakeholders in the innovations, were
synthesised and revisited. Recommendations offered and a bibliography
containing relevant references is attached. Conclusions endorse the reality
that practitioners of innovations have to correct the mindset required for
the scaling up process which can be represented as a simple model
(Holcombe, 2012, p. 149). It is an iterative process that has to be simple
enough to deal with the complex realities of the development context
(Holcombe, 2012, p. 5). ‘Scaling up means the expansion, adaptation,
replication and sustaining of desired policy, programme and practice
changes’ (Holcombe, 2012, p. 9). Hence it is a significant aspect for con-
temporary progress in development undertakings.
From a development perspective, a structured basic agricultural house-
hold model on which most case studies are based, provide the theory,
empirical results, policy conclusions and methodological issues to examine
the effects of governmental interventions. In their work, Singh, Squire,
and Strauss (1986) felt that the decisions of agricultural households would
take price policies and public investments on the production, consump-
tion and labour allocation into account. In their study, they use seven cases
to expand this approach to analyse the effects of governmental policy on
crop composition, nutritional status, health, savings, borrowing and
investment. Data for Africa came from Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone
whereas data for Asia was from China, India, Indonesia and Korea. The
methodology in all cases was seen to be useful.
Researchers have theorised about their methods in a similar vein when
dealing a range of issues. Adato and Meinzen-Dick (2002) point out that
the sustainable livelihoods approach lends itself to accommodating ‘the
multi-layered interactions between technologies and the vulnerability con-
text of households, their asset base, intervening institutions, and liveli-
hood strategies’, and finds it particularly applicable to agricultural research
that seeks to address poverty. The integrated model that guides the
method will perforce not neglect to include aspects of culture, power, his-
tory and all forms of social differentiation. They aver that ‘this approach is
more difficult for research than conventional single-disciplinary analyses,
[but] it leads to a more complete understanding that can help develop
technologies that better fit in with complex livelihood strategies, especially
[those] of the poor’ (Adato & Meinzen-Dick, 2002).
Covering the period 1981 to 2008, Banya (2012) uses sources of infor-
mation from the World Bank and provides a theoretical analysis about
what causes poverty and its alleviation. This is then applied to Sierra Leone
and Togo to anticipate the situation that could arise within the entire sub-
Saharan Africa region. From documented quantitative data, despite its
limitations, he identifies the challenges that a viable and stable macro-
economic framework should adopt as a basis for an appropriate develop-
ment model. He points out that the previous structural adjustment model
was successful in the region. Banya also advocates that the delivery of
quality services to civil society and accountable, transparent governance
with investment in the poor is beneficial whereas dependence on handouts
from external sources should be discouraged. The multi-dimensional
characteristic of poverty has to be addressed by strong state capacity, stable
regulatory structures and improved levels of human capacity that is
adversely affected by a high disease burden, government corruption and
internal conflict.
Empirical evidence from case studies that are multi-, trans- and inter-
disciplinary enriches the understanding of agriculture in present-day
development context. Besides, it has supported finding effective solutions
to the problems faced in local settings within countries. Due to variations
within and between countries, the importance of country studies is advo-
cated. The typology of all African countries in terms of their ‘stage of
development, agricultural conditions, natural resources, and geographic
location’ (Diao, Hazell, Resnick, & Thurlow, 2006) shows that the growth
of agriculture and poverty reduction potential varies substantially across
the continent. For an in-depth analysis of agriculture and growth-poverty
linkages economy-wide, macro-micro linkages models were used in five
African countries, Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia (Diao
et al., 2006).
The South African government initiated a detailed, intensive scientifi-
cally designed investigation into the prevalence and impact of poverty
(Mbonga, 2010, pp. 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 27). Findings were that only 5 per
cent of the household members had farming skills with 58 per cent of the
adults having no skills at all. Agricultural assets, drinking water, soil and
water works and psycho-social support were necessary deliverables
(Mbonga, 2010, p. 29). Targeting poor individuals, households, commu-
nities, wards and organisations (Mbonga, 2010, p. 5), the need to enhance
capacity is clear. Emphasis is to be placed on ensuring knowledgeable co-
operation between national, provincial, metropolitan and local municipali-
ties (Mbonga, 2010, p. 44).
In Kenya, Adato and Meinzen-Dick (2002) focused on soil fertility
management practices and in Zimbabwe on hybrid maize conceptualising
the topic applying the sustainable livelihoods approach, using both quan-
titative and qualitative methods. Their findings endorse the trends that the
goals of international agricultural research should, and are moving beyond
increasing food production to the broader aims of reducing poverty. They
reiterate the complexity of both the topic and its impact. Poverty is seen as
going ‘beyond income or consumption-based headcounts or severity mea-
sures, to consider many other factors that poor people in different con-
texts define as contributing to their vulnerability, poverty and well-being’
To demystify the point that contract farming could ease the ill-effects of
poverty warrants intensive further research. Its structural operation justi-
fies this assertion since it purports to enable farmers to gain access to
credit, better equipment and agricultural inputs, technical assistance and
marketing especially regarding price, Freguingresh and Anseeuw (2010,
p. 3) confirm that empirical evidence from case studies and data are
needed. However, they stress that this is not easy to effect. The methodol-
ogy used in a comprehensive study on this issue (Freguingresh & Anseeuw,
2010) demonstrates the necessity to incorporate consideration of all rele-
vant aspects. A general failing of case studies is that they tend to focus only
on one single aspect. This is a feature of the use of the livelihoods approach
hence the recent tendency to bear this in mind.
Vermeulen, Kirsten, and Sartorius (2008) draw attention to the fact
that the volume of agricultural production in various forms is considerable
in the South African context. This trend too appears to be increasingly
encouraged to happen throughout the continent. However, and under-
standably, the type of crops in the value chain, the number of contract
producers and the total percentage number of farms in different countries
varies quite markedly. Freguingresh and Anseeuw (2010, p. 5) give data
for South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar and Zambia to support the
growth of this tendency. They select both a rural and a peri-urban site to
investigate the agro-ecological conditions and the importance of farming,
the land characteristics, the type of holding, the proximity to markets and
presence of contracts. These are all significant issues in African agricultural
development. Applying quantitative and qualitative methods, these
researchers record the small farmers’ characteristics, the nature of their
activities and constraints, as well as their land tenure status. They produce
an interesting model showing the historical implications for the farming
households from pre-1950 to 2010. Findings (Freguingresh & Anseeuw,
2010, p. 5) support current thinking that asset endowments for those who
receive them are beneficial, constraints are multi-faceted and agriculture is
not and cannot be the only major livelihood; a range of support measures
should reach more farmers. Other studies too touch on several of these
Traditionally, pastoral farming is inseparable from African culture and
way of life. However, with the passing of time and changing environmen-
tal, economic and political circumstances, particularly in low-income
countries, pastoralists themselves, their communities, governments and
international organisations are voicing a range of concerns. To address
them, working groups, under the auspices of the Food and Agricultural
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Livestock
Research Institute (ILTI), went into the field to investigate the constraints
and opportunities for increasing livestock’s contribution as an indispens-
able production system (Wilson, Ehui, & Mack, 1995). Working groups
were convened in sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa; thus Africa was
well represented and useful documented findings and recommendations
became available (Wilson et al., 1995). Subsequently, suggested strategies
were tried and tested in the field and research endeavours continued in
many localities.
The importance of observation over time and identifying the trajectory
of change based on empirical evidence is an essential element of a gricultural
research. It can even lead to changing existing theory that could have been
based unwittingly on a wrong assumption. A case in point is that of the
relationship between desertification and climate change that affects pasto-
ral farming in Africa’s widespread savannah lands. Allan Savory did inten-
sive research (Savory, 2009, 2010). He soon began to advocate and
promulgate with determination of the importance of holistic management
in the field of agriculture, ensuring that pastoral farming received promi-
nent attention. His research is well-positioned, sound and appropriately
and encouraging and training small farm holders to maximise their assets,
are steps in the right direction. Developing research capacity particularly
at national level is seen as important in both the developed and, increas-
ingly so, the developing world (Lele & Goldsmith, 1989). It has to accom-
modate the uniqueness of each country’s situation to inform policy, and
ensure that valid and useful information filters through to the commercial
and smallholder farms. This is dynamic and focuses on process. Moreover,
it is appearing to be successfully on-going in Africa too (Adato & Meinzen-
Dick, 2002; Everson et al., 2011; Freeman & Ellis, 2005a, 2005b; Mahati,
2010; Mokwunye, 2010; Ojha, 2010; Van Zyl, 2006; Wilson et al., 1995).
Sound research needs to fulfil its responsibility to be of utility value and
inform training programmes to enhance agricultural output, environmen-
tal care and farming practices.
Since agriculture depends on scientific management of its praxis and
natural resources to effectively contend with both poverty and environ-
mental degradation, Ojha (2010) points to the merit of collaborative
approaches that are evolving in the light of having to move away from
technology-dominant thinking characteristic of the development industry
of the 1960s. He points out that knowledge and problem solving need to
be drawn into practice in the light of changing contexts. Combining the
theories of social learning, adaptive management, participatory research
and innovation systems can cover and enhance the input and output of the
industry socially and psychologically, politically and environmentally.
Feminist theory (Crossman, 2012) is inevitably closely linked to liveli-
hood, and development thinking has very specific gender role differences,
inequities and oppressions that are socially and structurally clearly recogni-
sable. The central role of women as producers, farmers and traders in agri-
culture is well documented, and numerous case studies show how
development organisations and private entrepreneurs are working to
improve the general challenges and the position of small-scale women farm-
ers and primary processors in agricultural value chains (KIT, 2006, 2012).
Gender is acknowledged as relevant and significant in developing strategies
(Crossman, 2012). They address a range of issues such as working with the
so-called women’s products such as shea, poultry; opening up opportuni-
ties for women to work on what are traditionally ‘men’s commodities’ or in
men’s domains; supporting women and men in organising for change by
building capacity, organisation sensitisation and access to finance; using
standards and certification to promote gender equity; and promoting gen-
der-responsible business (KIT, 2012). In a current i nternational
Main Trends
Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of Africa’s rural inhabitants,
yet evidence shows that undeniable and widespread poverty, hunger and
undernourishment is rife on the continent. Data from the generally better
environmentally resourced sub-Saharan region reveals clear underperfor-
mance of this important sector with the number of chronically undernour-
ished people rising from 173 million in 1990 to 250 million a decade later
(Mokwunye, 2010). Moreover, Africa as a whole is spending incredibly
large sums of money on importing food, resources that could be chan-
nelled to improving people’s quality of life. It is against this background
that Africa’s heads of state and government adopted the Comprehensive
Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP). It has become
the key platform for food and agricultural development in Africa based on
the premise that ‘agriculture-led development is fundamental to cutting
hunger, reducing poverty, generating economic growth, reducing the
burden of food imports and opening the way to the expansion of exports’
(Mokwunye, 2010). Domestic agricultural mobilisation, by concentrating
on smallholder farmers in potentially productive areas especially with
access to markets, together with timely, supportive and significant invest-
ment by Africa’s development partners, would promote effective
agriculture-led growth (Mokwunye, 2010). However, this is a contentious
issue (Collier & Dercon, 2014). The coordination, monitoring and imple-
mentation of CAADP are the responsibilities assigned to Africa’s Regional
Economic Commissions (RECs) (Mokwunye, 2010).
Evidence from existing research reflects response to the regional and
sub-regional priorities identified by CAADP (Mokwunye, 2010): concen-
trating on staple food crops (Cleaver & Schreiber, 1994); conservation;
enhancement of genetic resources; integrated natural resource manage-
ment; markets; institutions; information and up-scaling challenges;
improving livelihoods in high stress/unstable environments; capacity
building especially new skills in science and technology especially biotech-
nology and information communication technology (ICT); improved
governance structure which includes genuine decentralisation; ensuring
gender equity; and giving voice to those who are marginalised in the rural
Many scholars draw attention to the common problems confronting
agriculture in Africa’s different regions today. The need to devise strate-
gies to address them has to take modern thinking and interventions and
human endeavour over time and space into account. After thorough inves-
tigation, although focusing on sub-Saharan Africa, Cleaver and Schreiber
(1994) suggest as imperatives: the need to intensify agriculture; to pro-
mote smaller families; to reform land tenure practices; to conserve the
environment; and to address the special problems of women. The inter-
related effects of rapid population growth, poor agricultural performance
and increasing environmental degradation should be addressed. Key links
are being found between traditional crop and livestock production meth-
ods, land tenure systems, women’s responsibilities, traditional family plan-
ning mechanisms and methods of forest resource utilisation. Traditional
systems and practices, well-suited to people’s survival needs when popula-
tion densities were low, were only able to evolve in response to slow popu-
lation growth. With the acceleration of population growth in the 1950s,
traditional ways came under increasing strain resulting in the triad of prob-
lems addressed (Cleaver & Schreiber, 1994).
yse the political and bureaucratic lapses associated with the introduction
and implementation of GR reform to reshape the agricultural sector on
the continent. From his findings, he suggests that a uniquely African GR
could benefit African agrarian economies and the poor majority. The pro-
viso is that the socio-political and environmental issues surround the pro-
duction of genetically-modified organism (GMOs) and high external
inputs (HEIs) would have to be accommodated (Kolewane, 2012). The
historical, the geographical, human endeavour, development and technol-
ogy converge as a reiterative cycle here as illustrated in this chapter and in
other contemporary and forward-looking papers (e.g., Holcombe, 2012).
The concept of food sovereignty is a framework that offers a solution to
the food crisis based on principles of local empowerment, equity and agro-
ecology (Curtis & Hilary, 2012; Fairhurst & Mashaba, 1997) and it
appears to capture the holistic approach adopted in contemporary thinking
about agriculture. It serves as a framework to address the global food crisis
that is very real in Africa. Its ethos embodies several ideologies significant
for social relations and care of the environment. Patel (2009) points out
that acknowledging rights implies ensuring that ‘those rights are met across
a range of geographies, by everyone, in substantive and meaningful ways’.
In the context of viewing the home as a locus of social relations, he points
out that food sovereignty requires respect for women’s rights that would
supersede patriarchal traditions in the household with culture undergoing
transformation; that relations between farmers and farm workers should
not be subjected to structural inequalities in power; and suggests that food
sovereignty is simultaneously about farming technology, democratic policy
making, public health, the environment and gender. His view clarifies
IAASTD’s simple definition that food sovereignty concerns ‘the right of
peoples and sovereign states to democratically determine their own agri-
cultural and food policies’ (IAASTD, 2009, p. 5).
In essence, the call is for food-related initiatives to uphold the ideals of
food sovereignty by action: to strengthen farmers’ organisations; to
support the small-scale farm sector; to recognise local and indigenous
knowledge; to value integrating formal and informal scientific processes;
to increase investments in agro-ecological farming; to create more equi-
table and transparent trade agreements; and to encourage local participa-
tion in policy formation and decision-making processes—particularly by
women, indigenous peoples, community groups, farmers and their organ-
isations (Ishii-Eiteman, 2009, p. 698). These are significant contemporary
concerns captured in this chapter.
Conclusions documented from selected information about programmes,
interventions and research endeavours further enhance appreciation and
understanding of the integral part played by agriculture in rural develop-
ment planning. It is, however, inevitable that some interventions succeed
and some fail. However, virtually without exception, irrespective of the
theoretical basis applied to the conceptualisation and analysis of the prob-
lem or the methods used to get information, assumptions, perceptions or
ideas, observations or dreams recorded in this chapter have hopefully stim-
ulated and enlightened the reader. May this chapter inspire to keep the
wheel spinning, not attempting to reinvent it—it is the wheel of human-
environment interaction and intervention in African agriculture that
allows it to uplift its people’s well-being and quality of life in many ways.
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Rodney Asilla and Anna Nyaoro Mala
Mobilising and allocating finances to rural development programmes is
important to realise their implementation. Of course, other inputs such as
human resources and sustained implementation are also important.
Finance for rural development planning encompasses savings, lending,
financing and risk minimising opportunities, as well as related norms and
institutions in rural areas (Department for International Development
[DFID], 2004).
Both agricultural and non-agricultural activities taking place in rural areas
involve financial transactions (International Fund for Agricultural
Development [IFAD], 2009). Thus, rural finance is not only characterised
by credit facilities, but also other services such as savings and insur-
ance (Demirguc-Kunt and Levine, 2004; World Bank, 2003). Rural finance
affects many areas of rural socio-economic development and not just the
routine agricultural aspects. This chapter presents results of a review on
financing rural development programmes in Africa.
R. Asilla (*)
Department of Curriculum Instruction & Educational Management, Egerton
University, Njoro, Nakuru, Kenya
A.N. Mala
Geneva, Switzerland
Peer reviewed articles on rural financing were accessed from electronic
databases including Elsevier and Pergamon. Articles from academic insti-
tutions, such as the University of Helsinki, University of Free State,
Bloemfontein, and the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, were also included.
Additionally, the study also included literature from organisational data-
bases, such as the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Finmark
Trust, the International Institute for Environment and Development, the
African Monitor, and the Economic and Social Research Foundation.
Key words used during the search for literature were rural finance in
Africa, microfinance in rural Africa, and financial development in rural
Africa. The search yielded a large number of publications. Twenty-one
publications were found appropriate for the topic at hand. Information
was extracted and processed for presentation and discussion. Each selected
study was examined and information extracted with regard to its design,
theories and conceptual models, and empirical findings.
Results and Discussion
Study Designs
As shown in Table 5.1, majority of the studies (13) focused on a single
country (Basaza, Criel, & Van der Stuyft, 2008; Gilson et al., 2001;
Haselip, Desgain, & Mackenzie, 2013; Ilskog, Kjellstroma, Gullberg,
Katyegac, & Chambala, 2004; Lyon, 2000; Macintyre & Hotchkiss,
1999; Mariam, 2003; Mills et al., 2012; Murphy, 1999; Nishimura &
Yamano, 2012; Palmer, 2007; Porter, 2002; Schicks, 2013). One focused
on the region of Sub-Saharan Africa (Mladovsky & Mossialos, 2007).
Two studies focused on the African continent as a whole (Gujba, Thorne,
Mulugetta, Rai, & Sokona, 2012; Skinner, 2008), and six of the studies
did not focus on any specific region (Eberhard & Shkaratan, 2009; Eckart
& Henshaw, 2012; Ensor & Ronoh, 2005; Leighton, 1996; Platteau,
2009; Van, Stewart, & de Wet, 2012).
In relation to study type, three of the studies were reports (Basaza et al.,
2008; Ilskog et al., 2004; Macintyre & Hotchkiss, 1999). Six of them were
comparative studies (Gilson et al., 2001; Leighton, 1996; Mills et al., 2012),
and seven were documentary reviews (Eckart & Henshaw, 2012; Ensor &
Table 5.1 Summary of research on financing rural development programmes in Africa
Author, date Geographical Data collection Theoretical Study focus Key findings
unit method framework
Macintyre Country Review of Social capital Emergency transport in A reliable emergency transport system
and (Kenya, documents rural health care increases the efficiency of a health
Hotchkiss Samburu referral system
(1999) District)
Gilson et al. Country Document Equitability Creating equity in health All the three countries failed to
(2001) (Kenya, Zambia, review, policy through pro-poor provide adequate pro-poor health
Benin) authoritative health reform agendas reforms
Mladovsky N/A Documentary Social capital Role of social capital in Application of a social capital
and Mossialos review promoting economic approach in Community-Based
(2007) development through Health Initiatives could facilitate
enhancing the success of universal healthcare coverage in
Community-Based Health low-income countries
Ilskog et al. Townships and Observation Social capital Role of electrification Rural electrification cooperatives
(2004) villages (Monitoring cooperative to bringing played a major role in bringing
(Tanzania) and electricity to rural areas electricity to rural communities in
evaluation) Tanzania
Eckart and Village Review of Sustainable Viability of use of Jatropha Jatropha can be successfully used as a
Henshaw documents development curcas as fuel towards tool for sustainable development
(2012) management of a through production of fuel for
multifunctional platform multifunctional platforms (MFPs)
Table 5.1 (continued)
Author, date Geographical Data collection Theoretical Study focus Key findings
unit method framework
Mills et al. Country Survey Universal Equity in financing and Health care financing is progressive in
(2012) (Ghana, South coverage use of healthcare by all three countries, but distribution of
Africa, people outside formal healthcare benefits has a pro-rich
Tanzania) employment in Ghana, inclination
South Africa and Tanzania
Haselip et al. Countries Semi- Demonstration Role of financing towards Financing SMEs in Africa can be key
(2013) (Ghana, structured effect growth of energy SMEs in to alleviating energy and fuel
Senegal) interviews rural areas of Africa problems in rural Africa, if reluctance
of internal investors can be overcome
Gujba et al. Africa (no Review of Availability of financing of There are various ways to address the
(2012) specific country) documents low carbon energy issue of funding for low carbon
production and access in energy production and access in
Africa Africa
Ensor and Country Review of Social capital Effective financing of There is a general failure by African
Ronoh documents maternal health services governments to provide sufficient
(2005) for poor people financial support for poor people
seeking maternal healthcare
Palmer Country Review of Pro-poor policies focusing Ghana lacks an effective skills
(2007) (Ghana) documents on skills development in development policy that specifically
Ghana addresses a pro-poor youth agenda
Van Rooyen Sub-Saharan Review of The impact of Microfinance can have a negative
et al. (2012) Africa documents microfinance on impact on growth and development
development in Sub- targeted at poverty reduction,
Saharan Africa through increased possibilities of debt
Table 5.1 (continued)
Author, date Geographical Data collection Theoretical Study focus Key findings
unit method framework
Mariam Village/ Interviews Social capital Looking at the Indigenous social insurance is an
(2003) neighbourhood effectiveness of indigenous effective way of financing access to
social insurance in health services in rural areas
financing access to health
services in Ethiopia
Nishimura Primary schools Interviews Universal Issues of school choice, Most parents would opt to send their
and Yamano in Kenya primary progress and transfers children to private schools due to the
(2012) education under Free Primary deteriorating standards of education
Education in rural areas in after the introduction of Free Primary
Kenya Education
Murphy Countries Expert Developmental Limitations to successful Energy technology leapfrogging
(1999) (Kenya, opinion leapfrogging energy-based cannot be isolated from other aspect
Uganda, developmental of socio-economic development
Tanzania) leapfrogging in East Africa
Platteau Not specified Review of Institutionalism Institutional obstacle to Some of Africa’s greatest obstacles to
(2009) documents Sub-Saharan African growth and development are
economic development ethnicity, religious beliefs and lack of
(state, ethnicity, tradition) strong social and governance
Basaza et al. Uganda Focus group Social capital Factors that hinder Financial challenges, poor health care
(2008) discussions registration into benefits and rigidity of the
Community Health institutions hinder registration to
Insurance schemes in Community Health Schemes
Table 5.1 (continued)
Author, date Geographical Data collection Theoretical Study focus Key findings
unit method framework
Ronoh, 2015; Mladovsky & Mossialos, 2007; Murphy, 1999; Palmer, 2007;
Platteau, 2009; Skinner, 2008). One study was an interview (Haselip et al.,
2013), while another one was a systematic review (Van Rooyen et al., 2012).
One other study took the form of an authoritative opinion (Eberhard &
Shkaratan, 2012), while another one was a cross-sectional study (Porter,
2002). Four of the studies were surveys (Lyon, 2000; Mariam, 2003;
Nishimura & Yamano, 2012; Schicks, 2013).
Three main conclusions are derived from the presentation and discussion
of the findings in this chapter. The first is that rural finance is considered
an essential component of the African economy. This is supported by the
fact that majority of Africa’s population is based in the rural areas. It there-
fore lends strength to the argument for African governments to invest
more in improving the financial atmosphere of rural areas; or at the very
least, create a suitable environment in which rural finance thrives. This also
involves infrastructural investments in accessibility and communication.
The second is that with the majority of Africa’s economies being char-
acterised by a significant dependence on agriculture in the rural areas, it is
imperative that rural areas attain financial and subsequently, economic
growth. As observed in most of the cases, investing in the financial growth
of these agriculturally productive areas will spur economic growth, and
consequently contribute to aggregate economic growth of African coun-
tries. While admittedly, in recent times, there has been a trend among
many African countries looking to turn away from agriculture-based econ-
omies mainly as a result of new discoveries of mineral wealth, agriculture
still remains a significant contributor to African economies.
The third conclusion is that the role of the community in growth and
development of rural finance cannot be ignored. One way this has been
brought out is through the concept of social capital. The networks and
relationships in African rural communities are an important part of rural
African society. This manifests in close familial, friendship and kinship con-
nections going back in time. This characteristic of African society has
equally been incorporated into rural finance.
Basaza, R., Criel, B., & Van der Stuyft, P. (2008). Low Enrolment in Ugandan
Community Health Insurance Schemes: Underlying Causes and Policy
Implications’. BMC Health Service Research, 7, 105.
Demirguc-Kunt, A., & Levine, R. (2004). Financial Structure and Economic
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Francis N. Wegulo
Market centres and small urban settlements, which form lower-order cen-
tres in the urban rank size hierarchy, and their roles and functions in rural
and regional development remain an important subject of interest and
debate among planners, decision-makers and researchers. This chapter
presents and discusses evidence on the role that markets and small urban
centres play in rural and regional development in Africa. The chapter
examines research designs, theories, conceptual models and role of these
centres in selected studies.
Literature related to markets and small towns and their role in rural and
regional development in Africa between about the mid-1990s and the
present were reviewed. The benchmark of the mid-1990s was considered
appropriate in view of the various external and internal events that influ-
enced the economies of sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, including
socio-economic impacts associated with the neoliberal economic push
from western countries and the Bretton Wood institutions to make struc-
tural adjustments in their economies as a way of making them resilient and
efficient. Internally, the decade preceding the 1990s witnessed frantic
efforts by various governments in most African countries to grapple with
the issue of rural and regional development, and the measures that could
facilitate equitable spatial development.
In the process of searching for the relevant literature on the study sub-
ject, I came across a variety of interesting perspectives contributed from
within and outside Africa. The sources of these studies were published
books, book chapters, journal papers, dissertations, working papers, policy
briefs, and conference papers. The search for the literature was guided by
the following key terms: market and small towns in rural development,
rural–urban links, rural–urban dynamics, rural–urban development, rural
development, decentralization and rural development, and integrated
rural–urban development. The search yielded a substantial number of
studies. The universe of studies that address issues of market centres and
small towns and their place and role in rural and regional development in
Africa is varied, extensive and, in all probability, still growing. Hence the
58 selected studies (Table 6.1) are by all intents and purposes non-
exhaustive; they are tentative, and therefore only serve as an indication of
the broad picture with respect to the theme under review. Nevertheless,
this selection serves to capture various dimensions and perspectives of the
role of market centres and small urban centres in rural and regional devel-
opment in Africa.
From the selected studies, information was extracted and processed to
discuss specific aspects indicated in the questions in the introduction.
These aspects are presented in the sections that follow. I begin with an
examination of research designs used by various authors, followed by the-
ories and conceptual models, and the role played by market centres and
small towns in rural development in African countries.
Results and Discussion
Study Designs
Table 6.2 provides details of the distribution of studies by geographical
location, sources of data, and type of data used in the sample study. It is
noted from Table 6.2 that the studies with a focus at the national level
were the majority (13 of them equivalent of 42%), followed by 7 (23%) at
Table 6.1 Scope of research on market and small urban centres in selected
Author, year Focus
Table 6.1 (continued)
Table 6.1 (continued)
Otiso (2005) Study examines the current state of Kenya’s secondary cities in
the context of its urban and regional development strategies
Otiso and Owusu Study reviews the comparative spatial and temporal analysis of
(2008) urbanization in Ghana and Kenya
Oucho (2004) Reviews case studies that examine rural–urban Linkages in SSA
Owusu (2005a) Role of District Capitals in Regional Development in Ghana
Owusu (2005b) Promotion of small towns under Ghana’s decentralization
Pedersen (1990) Role of small towns in organizing enterprise in space
Pedersen (1991) The role of Small & Intermediate Urban Centres in Planning
in Africa
Potts (2012) Evaluation of urbanization in SSA, and its impact on rural
Rondinelli (1983) An examination of applied methods of regional planning
Rondinelli (1986) Explication of relationships among urbanization, agricultural
development and employment generation in developing
counties and their implications for international assistance to
Third World Countries
Satterrthwaite and Role of small & intermediate urban centres in rural & regional
Tacoli (2003) development & poverty reduction
Southall (1988) Role of small towns in rural/regional development
Southall (1979) Subject matter is centred on the place and role of
Tacoli (1998) Literature review on the subject rural–urban interactions
Gooneratne (1996) Role of Cities in regional development
United Nations Regional urban policy in Africa
Programme (2016)
Mason (1989) Role of urbanization in developing countries
Veron (2010) Examination of a conceptual framework and agenda for the
study of small cities in the Global South, their environmental
dynamics, governance, and politics in the current neoliberal
Wafula (2011) Planning and managing urbanization in Kenya following the
new Constitution
Wakwete (1988) Rural Growth Points—future prospects
Wakwete (1990) A historical analysis of urbanization focusing on the colonial
and post-independence spatial strategies meant to service rural
hinterland populations
Wegulo (1993) Farm-non-farm activities and their impact on rural
Wegulo and Obulinji Link between sugarcane farming and investment patterns
local level and 6 (19%) at continental (African) level. Of the total, 5 studies
(16%) focused on other developing countries/global level. Overall, it is
clear that the studies covered wide geographical units.
With regard to analysis, 12 studies (38.7%) relied on qualitative, 10
(32.25%) on a combination of quantitative and qualitative, and 9 (29%)
on quantitative designs. One study (1%) relied on meta-analysis. As for
data sources, 10 studies or 32 per cent relied upon primary sources espe-
cially surveys. This was closely followed by reviews (9 or 29%). Secondary
and mixed sources accounted for 7 (22.5%) and 5 (16%) studies, respec-
tively. It can be observed that the studies under review sourced their data
from a wide base.
Table 6.3 Dominant theories and conceptual models used in sample studies
Theory and conceptual Authors Frequency
urban sectors. The study, however, underscores the weak linkages existing
between the rural agricultural hinterland and Dar es Salaam. The weak-
nesses are attributed to several factors including limited local institutional
development, and its interplay, inadequate provision of social, physical and
economic infrastructure, and ineffective regional planning machinery in
the impact region (Mushi, 2003).
Results from studies conducted in Kutus in Kirinyaga in Kenya and
reported variously by Mason (1989) and Karaska (1999) equally demon-
strate the potential benefits of linkage between towns and their rural hin-
terlands. It is observed that the Kutus exchange system has several key
ingredients briefly described as income multiplication, production and
marketing generated revenue, and consumption expenditure. These flows
benefit both the agricultural sector (rural) and town. However, like in the
case of Dar es Salaam impact study area, the agricultural sector and by
extension the farm households remain the most critical factor in driving
the Kutus regional economy.
The study by Wegulo and Obulinji (2001) provides further elaboration
of the links between the rural-based agricultural sector (sugarcane produc-
tion), and market centre and small-town-based activities (trading, artisanal
and provision of a wide range of services). It is evident from the study
results that the rural economy and its development are largely dependent
upon the agricultural sector.
Moreover, these small towns are not well linked to their rural hinterlands
because of poor road infrastructure, poor market infrastructure and the
fragmented, unregulated and inefficient nature of the trade relations result
in small towns ‘by-passed’ by more efficient traders operating from high-
order centres. These structural weaknesses are characteristic of several
Third World countries as the work of Wakwete (1988) in Tanzania; Mushi
(2003) in Tanzania; and Bendavid-Val and Karaska (1987) in Kenya show.
The theories and conceptual models discussed in this section have been
operationalized and used as strategies for rural and regional development
in Africa. A summary of the strategies, their viability, challenges and policy
options is presented in Table 6.4.
Table 6.4 A summary of strategies used to foster rural development through markets and small towns in Africa
Rural–urban Inter-industry production linkages between Subsistence nature of Improve road infrastructure for successful
relations the rural sector (agriculture) and urban agriculture, the private RUL, promotion of value addition in
(industry) exist but are weak, resulting in sector not effectively agricultural and micro small scale
constrained viability of rural–urban relations engaged in input enterprises in order to strengthen the
(Gete et al, 2007; Mushi, 2003) distribution, disinterest of rural–urban linkages, address the poor/
Small towns poorly connected to their rural formal banks to finance inadequate infrastructure
hinterlands (Nacchia, 2011). Trade relations rural people. Other factors Raise the competencies of local
between market centres (Dunkwa in Ghana) include limited local administrators and planners
and its rural hinterland are fragmented and institutional development, Promote effective working of markets/
regulated. Market is therefore by-passed by inadequate provision of small towns and their hinterlands through
more efficient towns (Kumasi, Obuasi, social, physical and improvement of infrastructure
Takoradi) economic infrastructure
Owusu (2005a) Poor road conditions, lack
of local capacity in
Table 6.4 (continued)
Urban-led Provision of markets and services by urban The social, economic, Rural development planning matrix should
rural centres not enough to bring about expansion geographical, and cultural include social, economic, geographical,
development of nonfarm employment and increased context may be the and cultural elements
demand for agricultural goods and services limiting factors Planners should exercise flexibility in
(2003) Inadequate access to basic designing interventions that target rural
Urban centres operate in diverse and infrastructure—limiting areas for growth and development
complex social, historical and economic expansion of non-farm For rural development efforts to succeed,
systems (Baker & Pedersen, 1992; Obudho activities planners should exploit the prevailing (and
& Aduwo, 1990). Promotion of urban potential) synergies between rural and
centres necessary but not a sufficient urban areas within specific regions
condition to generate and sustain economic Infrastructure and market access should be
growth in rural areas carefully considered in planning for
Urbanization and industrialization foster markets and small towns
positive externalities, nourish innovation,
provide a hub for trade, and thus attract
Urban areas have comparative advantage over
rural areas in facilitating rural development
(Muzzini & Linderboom, 2008)
Growth pole Strategies are not appropriate for resolving Underlying assumptions Caution should be exercised by planners
and growth urban imbalance and facilitating rural and not applicable in Third in the Third World in adopting western-
centre regional development in Tanzania and in any World countries based models in planning development in
developing country (Darkoh, 1994) Distance separating Africa
Expected spin-off effects of growth centres substantial proportions of Lower level centres should be facilitated
on rural hinterlands have been minimal the hinterland from state and supported to empower local
(Egunjobi, 1990) capitals communities to participate in rural
Table 6.5 Summary of views on the role of small towns on rural development
View Brief description
Optimistic view A commonly held view by protagonists in this optimistic group is that
urban-led development in the rural context is conceptually and
empirically attractive and should therefore be pursued (Baker &
Claeson, 1990). Given this logic, the growth of small urban centres is
considered a necessary condition and prerequisite for rural
transformation. Researchers in this group therefore perceive small
towns as catalysts for rural improvement. Analysis of relations between
the urban and rural areas, however, goes further than the
conceptualisation of a one-way process of rural development. In the
formulation of the present research programme, the concept of
integrated and mutual development of urban and rural societies is
therefore considered to be of vital concern. Perceived from this
viewpoint, the role of small urban centres may have a very positive
influence on rural development and agricultural productivity through
the provision of a great range of goods (agricultural inputs, consumer
items, and so on), urban cash flows, and services (agricultural
extension, welfare services, including health and education facilities,
and the diffusion of innovation and ideas). A leading voice in this
persuasion are Rondinelli (1986, 1988), Gaile (1992), Kamete
(1998), Durham (1991), Satterwaite and Tacoli (2003).
Intermediate This group of researchers/authors subscribe to an intermediate
view position and feel that the urban-led development in the rural context
approach is valid, logical and of value but that more studies need to be
undertaken and more experience accumulated before definite
conclusions can be made. Hardoy, Mitlin and Satterthwaite (2001)
provide the leading voices in this thinking. Others are Bah et al.
(2003), Baker and Claesen (1990), Pedersen (1992), Gantsho (2008),
Muzzini and Lindeboom (2008), Mason (2008), Mulongo et al.
(2012), Wegulo and Obulinji (2001), and Uchendu (2013).
Pessimistic view Those who do not see much value in the urban-led development in
the rural context approach argue that while this approach is sound
conceptually and useful as a theoretical construct, empirically the
results do not provide adequate grounds for much optimism. The
main proponents of this view include Southall (1988), Darkoh
(1994), Dorosh and Thurlow (2012), Egunjobi (1990), Nicchia
(2011), Mushi (2003), Otiso and Owusu (2008), Southhall (1979),
Tegegne (2001), Otiso (2005), Owusu (2005b).
markets in the rural setting (study area), thus suggesting the some-
what complex and dynamics that need to be considered in planning
for rural development; Second, the study underscores the impor-
tance of markets’ capacity to facilitate the development of rural areas.
It is noted for example that although Hopeville, Ukwunwangwu and
Mbalano are urban nodes, they have far less urban amenities in com-
parison to Akpaka; Third, we observe the importance of an urban
spatial planning policy which among other things specifies the hier-
archical structure of markets, towns and urban centres with desig-
nated economic, social and political functions in the spirit of Walter
Chrystal’s Place Theory (CPT) (1933). It is noted that CPT attempts
to explain the logic and rationale of spatial arrangement and distri-
bution of human settlements and their numbers based on popula-
tion and distance from another human settlement.
It can be observed from the above case illustration that it is not
enough that market centres and/or small towns exist in a spatial unit.
What is more important is the capacity of each market centre or small
town to facilitate development of the hinterlands within which they
are located. Uchendu’s work focuses on explaining the infrastruc-
tural amenities in the chosen study area, and how these affect the
functionality of Hopeville, Ukwunwangwu, Mbalano and Akpaka. It
is clear that the first three market centres are structurally weak and
therefore not capable of fostering the development of the rural areas
in their hinterlands. These are important lessons as we continue to
examine potential for the development of rural areas in Africa.
This chapter has examined research with a focus on the role of market and
small urban centres in rural development in Africa. The chapter has unrav-
elled not only a plethora of research on the theme of market and small
urban centres and their role in enhancing rural development of their hin-
terlands, but also the fact that the studies have been anchored in a diversity
of theories and models. Two of the theoretical frameworks relied upon by
the majority of the researchers/reviewers are those that seek to link the
development of rural and urban areas (the rural–urban linkages), and the
growth pole/growth centre strategies. The study has also revealed inter-
esting aspects concerning the geographical focus of the sample studies as
well as the research designs applied in each study. It is clear that the major-
ity of studies have been focused at the national level, and followed in that
order by those at local level, continental (African) level, and on other
developing countries/global level. This demonstrates that the sample
studies reviewed in this exercise have captured a wide coverage
It is also evident that a significant number of the studies relied upon
primary sources; especially empirical surveys, followed by reviews,
secondary and mixed data sources. This is another indication that the
studies under review sourced their data from a wide base. With regard to
analysis, majority of studies relied on qualitative, a combination of quanti-
tative and qualitative mixed designs, and quantitative designs.
Finally, back to the study question: To what extent do markets and
small towns facilitate rural development in Africa? The emerging evidence
is not unanimous and outright. However, the evidence points to the sug-
gestion that the extent to which markets and small towns impact the
development of rural areas within their hinterlands depends on the unique
socio-economic, cultural and political environments within which they are
located. Besides, the amenities present in each market centre or small town
do exercise tremendous influence on what a town/market centre can do
to influence development in their hinterland. Broadly, therefore, the evi-
dence for effective functioning of market centres and small towns to bring
about rural development is scarce.
The review has also variously identified in the literature, several weak-
nesses which may explain the tenuous relations between markets and small
towns on the one hand, and the development of rural areas on the other.
These are summarized as poor infrastructure, especially roads, inade-
quately equipped manpower, ill-equipped institutions, and poor access to
finance. In addition, emerging from the analysis is the view that in examin-
ing their capacity for facilitating rural development, each and every market
centre and small town must be evaluated from a specific context. The
tendency to make generalizations about markets and small towns with
respect to their ability to foster rural development is futile given the unique
characteristics associated with these human settlements.
Whereas this scenario presents formidable challenges to planning devel-
opment in rural Africa, there are nevertheless ways of addressing the
shortcomings. More focused studies of markets and small towns, a better
understanding of the rural hinterlands with regard to their socio-economic,
cultural and political characteristics are examples of what can be done.
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Paschalin Mbenge Basil and Robert Ouko
Access to and utilization of different forms of energy is important for rural
development in Africa. While achieving universal access to electricity is one
of the most important goals set for the energy sector by governments in
the developing world, approximately 1.4 billion people around the world
lack access to electricity, of which 85 per cent are rural dwellers, mostly
living in sub-Saharan Africa (Longe, Ouahada, Ferreira, & Chinnappen,
2014). Other forms of energy are also used in rural Africa. This chapter
presents results of a review of research on energy in rural Africa.
The literature was located by performing keyword searches using the
Google Scholar Advanced Search function and electronic journals. The
keywords and phrases used in the literature search included rural energy,
rural electrification, energy access, energy policy, energy supply, rural
household, rural poor, renewable energy technologies, renewable energy
Table 7.1 Year of
Year of publication Frequency
1998 1
2001 1
2002 6
2006 1
2010 2
2011 5
2012 2
2014 3
2015 2
Total 23
Results and Discussion
Results are presented and discussed according to the year of publication,
geographical unit, study type, theory and conceptual model used, and
Study Designs
Table 7.1 shows that all the studies were published after 1998, with the latest
studies being published in 2015. One study was done in 1998, and the rest
appear as from 2000 onwards. Only one study was done in 2001, with the
majority of studies having been published in 2002, which gave a total of six
studies. In 2006, only one study was published. The year 2010 had two
studies. The year 2011 had the second-highest number of articles captured
in the study (five studies). The year 2012 had two studies, 2014 had three
studies, and 2015 had two studies. In terms of geographical coverage, as
shown in Table 7.2, the studies were widely spread across a number of coun-
tries in Africa. However, South Africa led with four studies (Davis, 1998;
Longe et al., 2014; Madubansi & Shackleton, 2006; Mudziwepasi & Scott,
2014). Nigeria had two studies (Adewuyi, 2012; Shaaban & Petinrin, 2014);
Kenya had two (Harries, 2002; Mariita, 2002); Ethiopia had three (Howell,
2011; Teferra, 2002; Wolde-Ghiorgis, 2002); Eritrea had one (Habtetsiona
& Tsighe, 2002); subequatorial Africa—Cameroon had one (Bogno, Salia,
& Aillerie, 2015); Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania had one (Murphy, 2001);
and sub-Saharan Africa had three (Karekezi & Kithyoma, 2002; Okou,
Sebitosi, & Pillay, 2011; Szabo, Bodis, Huld, & Moner-Girona, 2011).
model, flexy energy concept, spatial electricity cost model, life cycle cost
analytical model, leapfrogging, open-source hardware approach, down
approach dimensioning method, and hybrid optimization model for elec-
tric renewable (HOMER) software to spatial modelling and cost esti-
mates. It can therefore be concluded that there were diverse theoretical
frameworks and concepts that investigated rural energy in Africa. A brief
description of the energy ladder hypothesis is presented next.
rural and peri-urban populations in Africa (by reducing the electricity gen-
eration cost) but also makes electricity production sustainable in these
areas. Nonetheless, it is important that the discussion of rural energy in
Africa adopts a variety of theoretical concepts.
Empirical Findings
Out of the 23 studies reviewed, 15 studies focused on renewable energy
sources/strategies (Adewuyi, Oderinde, Rao, Prasad, & Anjaneyulu,
2012; Azoumah et al., 2011; Bogno et al., 2011; Deichmann et al., 2010,
2011; Howell, 2011; Karekezi & Kithyoma, 2002; Longe et al., 2014;
Madubansi & Shackleton, 2006; Mariita, 2002; Mudziwepasi & Scott,
2014; Okou et al., 2011; Papageorgasa et al., 2015; Shaaban & Petinrin,
2014; Szabo et al., 2011). Five studies focused on institutions and energy
policy (Habtetsiona & Tsighe, 2002; Murphy, 2001; Nygaard, 2010;
Teferra, 2002; Wolde-Ghiorgis, 2002). Two studies covered rural house-
hold consumption (Adkins et al., 2012; Davis, 1998), and one study
focused on the usage of wind pumps for rural water needs (Harries, 2002).
Table 7.5 illustrates the focus and findings of the studies. Two broad
themes (renewable energy and energy policy) emerged from the studies
Table 7.5 (continued)
Azoumah et al. The flexy energy The flexy energy concept will allow to
(2011) concept of hybrid solar propose a cost of electricity less subject to
PV/diesel/biofuel fluctuations of world prices of raw materials
power plants (hydrocarbon)
Mariita (2002) Local environmental The socio-economic impact of geothermal
and socio-economic energy development is likely to be the main
impacts of geothermal source of conflict
power plants on poor
rural community
Madubansi and Patterns of household Households in the sample settlements have
Shackleton energy use in five rural witnessed pronounced changes in their
(2006) settlements patterns of energy use in the past 11 years.
The introduction of electricity has played a
role in spurring the shift
However, the number and diversity of
energies used by the rural households have
not declined following the introduction of
Adkins et al. Household energy use Households’ reliance on biomass and other
(2012) in ten rural agro- traditional fuels across all project sites. The
ecological locations in two most commonly used fuels for cooking
sub-Saharan Africa were fuel wood and farm residue,
representing 74 per cent and 12 per cent of
all cooking fuels, respectively. Fuel wood was
used primarily for cooking, and mostly
acquired through collection by women on
foot. Eighty-six per cent of household cooks
reported using kerosene, and 80 per cent of
this use was for lighting
Szabo et al. Whether diesel There exists a good potential for PV and
(2011) generators, PV systems, diesel decentralized rural electrification
or extension of the grid options
is the least-cost option
in off-grid areas
Karekezi and Renewable energy Rural energy policies that emphasize a
Kithyoma strategies for rural Africa broader range of renewables and target
(2002) income-generating activities are likely to
yield greater benefits to the rural poor than
the current policies that rely on the solar PV
Table 7.5 (continued)
Okou et al. Flywheel rotor Small-scale flywheel energy storage has the
(2011) manufacture for rural potential to improve rural electrification
energy storage in problems in sub-Saharan Africa
sub-Saharan Africa
Murphy (2001) Potential for energy Energy transitions in rural areas are
leapfrogging in rural incremental processes, not leaps dependent
households in East upon household and regional accumulations
Africa: conventional of technological capabilities. These
grid expansion, capabilities have technical, organizational,
renewable energy and institutional components, and are
technologies supplying manifest in individuals’ capacity to adapt to
electricity, and improved
new technologies, their ability to take
coo stoves economic risks, and their desire to modify
their behaviour
Papageorgasa A low-cost and fast PV There exists the potential for realization of a
et al. (2015) I-V curve tracer based on low-cost I-V curve tracer especially designed
an open-source platform for solar panels
with machine-to-
machine communication
capabilities for preventive
Adewuyi (2012) Blighia unijugata and Oil of B. unijugata and L. cylindrica with
Luffa cylindrica seed high free fatty acid content can be reduced
oils: renewable sources in a one-step pre-treatment (esterification)
of energy for sustainable using H2SO4 as catalyst. This one-step
development in rural pre-treatment reduces the problem of soap
Africa formation normally encountered when using
oil with high free fatty acid content for the
production of biodiesel
Longe et al. Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Technology (RET)
(2014) Sources Microgrid microgrid is a local solution to electricity access
Design for rural areas in in rural unelectrified areas of South Africa and
South Africa most developing countries of the world
Bogno et al. Possible technical and A hybrid generator can fully support 59 per
(2015) economical optimization cent of total demand and costs nearly half as
of electricity production much as a stand-alone PV generator, and
using autonomous even much cheaper than a stand-alone wind
hybrid power generators generator
from renewable sources
by integrating an
electrochemical storage
Table 7.5 (continued)
Another study by Okou et al. (2011) found that flywheel was more
cost-effective in the long run than the traditional lead battery; thus,
small-scale flywheel energy storage has the potential to improve rural elec-
trification problems in sub-Saharan Africa. A flywheel system consists of a
flywheel rotor, an electrical machine, power electronics, bearings, and a
containment system. The flywheel rotor is crucial in high-speed flywheel
systems (for long-time energy storage), as these systems require special
considerations on profile design and manufacture due to the high stresses
exerted. The author also found that the use of electromechanical flywheel
battery storage would mitigate the environmental problems associated
with lead acid battery disposal.
Bogno et al. (2015) proposed a top-down method for the optimization
of electricity production by an autonomous hybrid power generator from
renewable sources, which abound in subequatorial Africa, mainly solar and
Energy Policy
Studies that focused on institutional reforms argued that a comprehensive
and coherent energy policy is essential in guiding a country towards the
efficient utilization of its energy resources, and that even though the exis-
tence of an energy policy is crucial, it does not guarantee the prudent
responsibility management of a country’s energy resources (Shaaban &
Petinrin, 2014). Karekezi and Kithyoma (2002) argue that rural energy
policies that emphasize a broader range of renewables and target income-
generating activities are likely to yield greater benefits to the rural poor
than the current policies that rely on the solar PV option. There is need for
commitment from concerned authorities to the use of renewables for
spurring rural development (Wolde-Ghiorgis, 2002).
Teferra (2002) also argued that private investment in rural electrifica-
tion can be enhanced with some improvement in legal and regulatory
Energy is a key issue for not only poverty reduction but also poverty eradi-
cation. Sub-Saharan Africa is endowed with natural energy resources that
could help elevate its access to energy, which can transform the region’s
economic development. The studies that were used in the chapter covered
different countries to investigate rural energy within the African conti-
nent. There was no dominant research design employed in the reviewed
studies. The research designs ranged from comparative study, longitudinal
study, conference reports, and meta-analysis to case study approaches. In
terms of the theories and conceptual models utilized, again the studies
used diverse theoretical models and thus no single theory dominated
across the studies. However, it appeared that the energy ladder hypothesis,
Adewuyi, A., Oderinde, R., Rao, B., Prasad, R., & Anjaneyulu, B. (2012). Blighia
Unijugata and Luffa Cylindrica Seed Oils: Renewable Sources of Energy for
Sustainable Development in Rural Africa. Bioenerg Res, 5, 713–718.
Adkins, E., Oppelstrup, K., & Modi, V. (2012). Rural Household Energy
Consumption in the Millennium Villages in Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy for
Sustainable Development, 16, 249–259.
Azoumah, Y., Yamegueu, D., Ginies, P., Coulibaly, Y., & Girard, P. (2011).
Sustainable Electricity Generation for Rural and Peri-urban Populations of
Sub-Saharan Africa: The “Flexy-Energy” Concept. Energy Policy, 39, 131–141.
Bogno, B., Salia, M., & Aillerie, M. (2015). Technical and Economic Sizing of the
Energy Storage in an Autonomous Hybrid Power Generator for Rural
Electrification in Sub-equatorial Area of Africa. International Conference on
Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and
Sustainability, Energy Procedia, 74: 707–717.
Davis, M. (1998). Rural Household Energy Consumption: The Effects of Access
to Electricity-Evidence from South Africa. Energy Policy, 26, 207–217.
Deichmann, U., Meisner, C., Murray, S., & Wheeler, D. (2010). The Economics of
Renewable Energy Expansion in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa. The World Bank
Development Policy Research Working Paper, 5193.
Deichmann, U., Meisner, C., Murray, S., & Wheeler, D. (2011). The Economics
of Renewable Energy Expansion in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Policy, 39,
Okou, R., Sebitosi, A., & Pillay, P. (2011). Flywheel Rotor Manufacture for Rural
Energy Storage in Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy, 36, 6138–6145.
Papageorgasa, P., Piromalisb, D., Valavanisa, T., Kambasisa, S., Iliopouloua, T., &
Vokasa, G. (2015). A Low-Cost and Fast PV I-V Curve Tracer Based on an
Open Source Platform with M2M Communication Capabilities for Preventive
Monitoring. Energy Procedia, 74, 423–438.
Shaaban, M., & Petinrin, J. (2014). Renewable Energy Potentials in Nigeria:
Meeting Rural Energy Needs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29,
Szabo, S., Bodis, K., Huld, T., & Moner-Girona, M. (2011). Energy Solutions in
Rural Africa: Mapping Electrification Costs of Distributed Solar and Diesel
Generation versus Grid Extension. Environ. Research Letter, 6: 034002.
Teferra, M. (2002). Power Sector Reforms in Ethiopia: Options for Promoting
Local Investments in Rural Electrification. Energy Policy, 30, 967–975.
Wolde-Ghiorgis, W. (2002). Renewable Energy for Rural Development in
Ethiopia: The Case for New Energy Policies and Institutional Reform. Energy
Policy, 30, 1095–1105.
Gladys Moraa Marie Nyachieo
and Constance Anyango Ouko
Water is essential for life. Water has a myriad of uses and hence is very
important for existence or survival of all life on earth. Water and its plan-
ning and management are therefore key to African rural development.
Without clean water, it will be impossible to keep away water related dis-
eases among rural families. There are other related problems associated
with the lack of clean potable water for the rural population. Water as a
basic service plays a significant role in providing livelihood opportunities
and supporting the health and well-being of rural families in Africa and the
world over. About 23 per cent of the rural population of Africa had access
to proper sanitation and 41 per cent had access to clean water in 2010
(WHO/UNESCO, 2010). How water is sourced, where it is sourced
from, how it is transported and how it is stored, all contribute to water
quality. This chapter presents evidence on research and policy on water in
rural Africa.
Electronic databases, including ScienceDirect, as well as titles and abstracts
from peer-reviewed journals and articles, were identified. The focus was
on Africa; therefore, the titles and abstracts were predominantly from
Africa. The keywords used in the literature search included water, rural
and Africa. The review of literature was not limited to a specific time in
history but also included studies published in English.
The titles and abstracts identified from the electronic searches were
thoroughly screened and those that did meet the criteria of the study were
excluded on the basis of relevance. A further review of the 91 abstracts and
titles of articles that were initially identified was done. This further screen-
ing resulted in selection of 30 items. These 30 items were printed, orga-
nized and subjected to further review. Eventually, 21 publications were
found appropriate, based mainly on the topic of interest, which was rural
water in Africa. These are the articles that were finally used for extracting
and processing information for this chapter.
Results and Discussion
Results from the 21 studies reviewed are presented thematically according
to key aspects that were examined: research designs, theories and concep-
tual models, as well as study focus and empirical findings. Two case illus-
trations are also presented.
Study Designs
Research designs are discussed for eight studies because some studies did
not explicitly indicate the design employed (Table 8.1). Most studies were
done after 2000 (Table 8.1). The latest study was done in 2016. One
study was conducted in 2015. Four were carried out in 2014. The year
2012 had six studies. The year 2012 registered most studies analysed in
this review. The years 2010 and 2011 each had two studies captured in the
study. The rest—2009, 2008, 2006, 2003 and 2000—had one study each.
Table 8.2 gives a summary of the geographical units of the 21 studies.
Two studies focused on sub-Saharan Africa as a region (MacDonald &
Calow, 2008; MacDonald & Davies, 2000). Within sub-Saharan Africa,
the majority of the studies came from South Africa (Brettenny & Sharp,
2016; Fosso-Kankeu, Preez, & Jagals, 2010; Hemson & Buccus, 2009;
Table 8.1 Study design characteristics
Year Number Study type
published of studies
Case Survey Review Experimental/ Comparative Meta-analysis Report Longitudinal
study Quasi-experimental
2000 1 1
2003 1 1
2006 1 1
2008 1 1
2009 1 1
2010 2 1 1
2011 2 1 1 1
2012 6 1 1 1 1 1
2014 4 1 1 1
2015 1 1
2016 1 1
Total 21 5 3 3 2 2 1 3 1
Kemerink, Méndez, Ahlers, Wester, & van der Zaag, 2012; Majuru, Jagals,
& Hunter, 2012; Molelekwa, Mukhola, van der Bruggen, & Luis, 2014;
Mwabi, Mamba, & Momba, 2013; Odiyo & Makungo, 2012; Sinyolo,
Mudhara, & Wale, 2014; Thwala, 2010).
Within South Africa, studies focused on particular rural areas. Brettenny
and Sharp (2016) focused on the following rural municipalities:
Renosterberg, Camdeboo, Ndlambe, Maluti-a-Phofung and Moretele.
Molelekwa et al. (2014) focused on the Tshaanda area in rural South
Africa. Sinyolo et al. (2014) had the study site at the Tugela Ferry situated
in Msinga Local Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal province. Kemerink et al.
(2012) focused on the Thukela River Basin located in KwaZulu-Natal
province. In all, four studies were carried out in Limpopo province.
Thwala (2010) and Fosso-Kankeu et al. (2010) did their study on Limpopo
province. Majuru et al. (2012) also carried out their study in Vhembe
district of Limpopo province, where they focused on two communities.
Further, Odiyo and Makungo (2012) also carried out their research in
Limpopo. Hemson and Buccus (2009) looked at rural Mbizana in the
Eastern Cape. Mwabi et al. (2013) did not specify a particular area, but
their focus was on rural communities in South Africa.
Another area of study, not in South Africa but in the southern region,
was Namibi. Sarma and Xu (2014) studied rural semi-arid Namibia. Other
studies were from elsewhere in Africa, including Eastern Africa as well as
Western Africa. From Eastern Africa, there were studies from Kenya (Hope
et al., 2012; Koehler et al., 2015), Tanzania (Arvai & Post, 2012; van
Koppen et al., 2014) and Uganda (Hope et al., 2012). In the western part
of Africa, there were studies from Togo (Nkem et al., 2011) and Ghana
(Engelaer et al., 2014). Ghana is also cited in a study in sub-Saharan Africa
(Van Koppen et al., 2014). There were therefore different geographical
units explored in rural water research in Africa as a region.
With regard to data collection, different studies utilized different meth-
ods for data collection (Table 8.3). In some cases, a combination of meth-
ods was used, and yet in other cases, multiple data sources were used, as in
the case of Brettenny and Sharp (2016), who utilized secondary data col-
lected from the StatsSA—P9115 Financial Census of Municipalities docu-
ment (StatsSA, 2011a) and the WRC TT522/12 report, StatsSA—P9114
Non-Financial Audit of Municipalities document (StatsSA, 2011b).
Koehler et al. (2015) used a baseline survey and hand-pump monitoring
using mobile transmitters. In addition, they also utilized focus group dis-
cussions (FGDs).
In a study by Sarma and Xu (2014) on sustainable rural water supply,
geology maps, hydrocensus data, geophysical surveys, and drilling and
hydraulic testing data were used. Molelekwa et al. (2014) also used a base-
line survey to collect data on the quality of drinking water. Sinyolo et al.
(2014) utilized household surveys for the study on water security.
Kemerink et al. (2012) used in-depth semi-structured interviews for the
study on water policy. Arvai and Post (2012) conducted field tests of water
quality before and after the use of each point-of-use (POU) system at two
study sites, in addition to workshops and group discussions. Thwala
(2010) used questionnaires and informal interviews, together with field
observation, in the study on community participation. Fosso-Kankeu et al.
(2010) utilized an experimental study in which water samples were
Table 8.4 (continued)
Theory and conceptual Appropriateness
Institutional and Institutional and legislative approach has to do with having the
legislative approach power to make laws that touch on social structure. This
approach is appropriate for this study because the study is
looking at issues that deal with Roman water law in rural Africa:
dispossession, discrimination and weakening state regulation
Epidemiology of The epidemiological transition deals with the changing patterns
population change of mortality and fertility. This study looked at the determinants
approach of epidemiological transition and the role of the socio-economic
status and the drinking water source. This framework was used
to show that the epidemiology of population change does not
depend on the socio-economic status or the drinking water
source. Since this was a longitudinal study, the approach was
World Health Benchmarking is a way of discovering what is the best
Organization (WHO) performance being achieved. WHO has basic requirements for
guidelines as a different issues. By using the WHO guidelines, it is evident that
benchmark water in rural households of South Africa was not fit for human
consumption. This framework is appropriate for the study
Defined substrate The DST method is a reagent system designed to enumerate
technology (DST) specific target microbes(s) from a mixture of bacteria. The
system simultaneously enumerates total coliforms and
Escherichia coli directly from a water sample. Since the study was
looking at water quality, DST was appropriate
Smart approach Smart approach involves the use of technology in development
initiatives. There was a suggestion to use mobile technologies
that capture and transmit water user data. This water user data
could be utilized in dealing with hydroclimatic risks. Due to
social changes and the adoption of new and better technologies,
smart approach is appropriate
Multi-level linear Multi-level linear regression models are statistical models of
regression models parameters that vary at more than one level. This model was
appropriate because it looked at the three indicators of water
service: access, availability and potability. This helped in finding
out which of the three indicators had shown some
improvements after the interventions
Other models were used as well. The human rights approach was used
by Hope et al. (2012) to examine the human right to water. van Koppen
et al. (2014) explored institutional and legislative approaches where the
Roman law is seen to benefit both nationals and foreigners who can pay
for water as a commodity. Engelaer et al. (2014) used the epidemiology of
population change approach to show the effects of the socio-economic
status and the drinking water source on transition. Fosso-Kankeu et al.
(2010) used World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines as a bench-
mark. There was also the use of numerical modelling to enable monitoring
and sustainably managing water resources. Defined substrate technology
(DST) was used for the bacteriological analysis of water samples for quality
(Molelekwa et al., 2014). Smart approach was utilized by Nkem et al.
(2011) to deal with water needs of a warming continent, and multi-level
linear regression models were used by Majuru et al. (2012) to find out
whether upgrading water supply systems in small rural communities
improved access, availability and potability of water.
Water Supply
Six studies focused on water supply and the findings are discussed in this
section. Inflow rates into aquifers were found to be generally low in
Namibia (Sarma & Xu, 2014). In addition, there was lack of data, which
made it difficult to appraise parallel rural water supply schemes. In yet
another study on water supply, the findings showed that groundwater
resources need to be well understood hydrogeologically for long-term
availability for rural people (MacDonald & Calow, 2008). In a study
focusing on sustainable rural water supply in Africa, it was found that a
number of African nations had adopted hand-pump standardization poli-
cies, mostly advised by external donors, but it was noted that this could be
working against the local people in rural areas (Harvey & Reed, 2003).
In a technical report on groundwater for rural water supply, the find-
ings indicated that devolution and demand-responsive approaches to the
provision of rural water supplies led to lack of coordination in groundwa-
ter research and data collection (MacDonald & Davies, 2000). Another
study on assessing rural small-community water supply found that there
were overall improvements in the three main indicators of water services:
access, availability and potability (Majuru et al., 2012). In a study that
Table 8.5 (continued)
Study focus Findings
Community participation Water service delivery levels were extremely low. People
(Hemson & Buccus, 2009) were not satisfied because of the lack of service delivery
Roman water law in rural Africa Roman water law vested ownership of water resources in
(van Koppen et al., 2014) colonial rulers
Determinants of Mortality and fertility transitions were not dependent on
epidemiological transition and the socio-economic status or the drinking water source
drinking water source
(Engelaer et al., 2014)
Developing groundwater for The quality of the water must be known (avoid
secure rural water supplies in contamination). Community participation in the
Africa (MacDonald & Calow, long-term management of the water source is important
2008) in enabling benefit of all
Removal of waterborne The only filter that produced safe drinking water, with
bacteria from surface water <1 NTU for turbidity level and 0 CFU/100 mL for
and groundwater (Mwabi pathogenic bacteria, was the silver-impregnated porous
et al., 2013) pot
Water quality problems and The water contains nitrates, fluorides, chlorides, total
management (Odiyo & dissolved solids and microbes
Makungo, 2012)
Assessing rural small- There was an overall improvement in the three main
community water supply indicators: access, availability and potability
(Majuru et al., 2012)
Water access (WHO & About 84 per cent of the population without access to an
UNICEF, 2006) improved source of drinking water lives in rural areas
Sustainable rural water supply A number of African governments have adopted
in Africa (Harvey & Reed, hand-pump standardization policies, mostly advised by
2003) external donors
Groundwater for rural water Decentralization and demand-responsive approaches to
supply (MacDonald & Davies, the provision of rural water supplies lead to a lack of
2000) coordination in groundwater research and makes
collection of data more complex in sub-Saharan Africa
Rural water security (Hope Water services can be improved by good governance of
et al., 2012) groundwater resources and hand-pumps
Africa’s new mobile network architecture can be used to
link human development and natural development by
reducing risks
Decentralizing solutions for Rehabilitation of small dams in rural areas for adaptation
rural water supply under to climate change will ripple over time and bring
climate change (Nkem et al., development in different areas and to the nation in
2011) general
Water Quality
Studies focusing on water quality were five in total. In a study carried out
in Tshaada in rural South Africa, the findings indicate that the microbio-
logical quality of the permeate was within recommended and acceptable
limits of the WHO and South African standards for drinking water quality
(Molelekwa et al., 2014). Still on water quality, a study conducted in
South Africa indicated that endotoxins were detected only in river water,
and at widely varying concentrations (Fosso-Kankeu et al., 2010). In
another study with the same focus in Northern Ghana, study findings
showed that mortality and fertility transitions were not dependent on the
socio-economic status or the drinking water source (Engelaer et al.,
2014). Another study conducted in South Africa on water quality proved
that the only filter that produced safe drinking water was the silver-
impregnated porous pot (Mwabi et al., 2013). In a study on water quality
problems and management, findings showed that up to 27 per cent of
boreholes in the study area had poor or marginal water quality (Odiyo &
Makungo, 2012).
A first indicator of the quality of water supply services is the continuity
of service. In rural areas, continuity is expressed by the ratio of water
points out of order, or by the average time per year or per month that a
water point is unusable. In low-income sub-Saharan countries, analytically,
over one-third of the rural water supply infrastructure is neglected. A sec-
ond indicator of quality is the compliance with microbiological water
norms. WHO and UNESCO recently developed a Rapid Assessment of
Drinking-Water Quality (RADWQ) survey method. On average, in devel-
oping countries, compliance with the WHO norms is close to 90 per cent
for piped water, and between 40 per cent and 70 per cent for other
improved sources. No national or regional data have been published yet
(WHO/UNESCO, 2010).
Water Security
Studies focusing on water security also featured in the review. These stud-
ies were two in total. In a study on water security and food security in
Water Access
In the reviewed literature, there was only one global study conducted on
water access in Africa. This was done by WHO and UNICEF. The results
indicated that about 84 per cent of the populations without access to an
improved source of drinking water live in rural areas. Although 73 per
cent of rural dwellers have access to an improved source of drinking water,
only 30 per cent have access to piped water in the home. In addition, sub-
Saharan Africa had a challenge in water accessibility (WHO & UNICEF,
Water Policy
A study conducted in South Africa’s Thukela River Basin in KwaZulu-
Natal province focused on inclusion and representation issues in Water
User Associations (WUAs). It found that the newly established WUAs
institutions had not been successful in contributing to transformation in
the Thukela River Basin and had instead increased inequality in inclusion
and representation in WUAs (Kemerink et al., 2012). A case study is pre-
sented below to show the opportunities and challenges of rural water
policy and management.
Case Study 8.1 Managing Water Supply in Rural Areas of Oyo State,
This study was published by Gbadegesin and Olorunfemi (2012).
The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which stake-
holders were willing and able to adopt and implement sustainable,
cost-effective and environmentally friendly management options for
water resources in selected rural areas of Oyo State, Nigeria. The
study was conducted in three local government areas of Ibarapa,
Afijio and Lagelu. Data was collected using focus group discussions,
in-depth interviews, questionnaire survey and review of literature.
The questionnaire was administered to 200 respondents.
The key finding of the study was that water supply management
in Oyo State was facing a lot of problems, leading to slow develop-
ment. The challenges included a lack of a vibrant policy in the
water supply sector; political challenges related to appropriate
pricing and equitable allocation of water; and low knowledge base
of the different stakeholder groups about the technological, socio-
economic and ecological dimensions of water resources manage-
ment. Given these challenges, the study concluded that the existing
policy to supply water through boreholes, especially in situations
where there was no regular electricity supply to power the machines
in the rural areas studied, was counterproductive. Though the
study indicated that rain water was a major source of water in all
the rural communities studied, it can be seen from the findings
that the policy context to bring about changes to improve the sup-
ply and distribution of water through technology is not yet in
The results of this study indicate that a lot needs be done in rural
Nigeria in order to ensure stakeholder participation and also to have
policies that support water supply instead of being counterproduc-
tive. Rural Nigeria is representative of most rural areas in Africa, and
therefore, we can use this case study to understand issues of water
supply management in rural Africa. An issue that emerges from this
study deals with capacity building and management of water
resources. Another very crucial issue in rural water management is
the knowledge base in relation to the socio-economic, technological
and ecological dimensions of water resources management.
Community Participation
The review identified two areas whose focus was community participation.
The first one was on community participation during project planning and
implementation, where the findings confirmed that less than half of the
interviewees had never been involved in water projects before (Thwala,
2010). In another study, called the Citizen Voice Project, water service
delivery levels were found to be extremely low (Hemson and Buccus,
2009). In addition, the said project, ‘Citizen Voice’, did not bring about
an immediate improvement in people’s lives.
• There was one study on water law where the study revealed that
the Roman water law vested ownership of water resources in colo-
nial rulers. The colonial legacy was still hidden in the reforms
strengthening the permit system. In addition, African govern-
ments needed to recognize all plural water laws (van Koppen et al.,
• In a study conducted in Tanzania on risk management, WaterGuard
was selected as the preferred method through SDM model (Arvai &
Post, 2012).
• The study focusing on the efficiency evaluation of urban and rural
municipal water services was a comparative study whose findings
indicate that the rural municipality exhibits decreasing returns to
scale in all cases of scale inefficiency. In the study focusing on pump-
priming payments, the findings suggest that the payments are depen-
dent on service delivery (Brettenny & Sharp, 2016).
It is evident that the three major areas of focus in the studies were water
supply, water quality and community participation in rural water manage-
ment. Water supply was a focus in six studies, water quality in five studies
and community participation in two studies.
A number of studies on rural water have been done in Africa. Although
most of them are based in sub-Saharan Africa, the majority of the 21 stud-
ies examined in this chapter focused on South Africa. The findings have
indicated that there are many areas of research in rural water planning,
including water quality, water supply, water security, water access, as well
as water policy and community participation. Different conceptual and
theoretical frameworks have been used in an attempt to understand rural
water dynamics in Africa. A variety of methods have also been employed in
these studies for data collection. Overall, the studies show that there still
exist many challenges in rural water development that need urgent
Arvai, J., & Post, K. (2012). Risk Management in a Developing Country Context:
Improving Decisions about Point-of-Use Water Treatment among the Rural
Poor in Africa. Risk Analysis, 32(1), 67–80.
Brettenny, W., & Sharp, G. (2016). Efficiency Evaluation of Urban and Rural
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Peter Mala
Health care delivery in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has evolved from tradi-
tional approaches to modern Western approach to health services.
Hundreds of years before the arrival of Western colonial governments,
health care in SSA was organized around traditional health care providers
(Waite, 2000). At the beginning of the nineteenth century, with the onset
of colonialism, the introduction and expansion of modern health services
to the local population was driven by the establishment of health facilities
in rural areas by Christian missionaries. This expansion was aided at a later
stage by the expansion of the health workforce through the introduction
of local African health workers who had returned from the Second World
War; these African soldiers were trained in basic medical skills as part of the
war effort (Bruchhausen, 2003; Dube, 2009). Since gaining indepen-
dence, local leadership in SSA countries has prioritized health; the sector
has received increased budgetary allocations, more health facilities have
been constructed, and medical training institutions have been established
to address health workforce needs of the countries in the region (Wamai,
P. Mala (*)
Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
In more recent times, the SSA health service delivery landscape has
evolved considerably. The changes have been driven mainly by prolonged
pressure of poorly performing local economies and budgetary constraints;
increased demand for health services from expanding populations;
increased prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with the
growth of the middle class, changing lifestyles, and dietary habits; and
mismanagement of limited local revenue by the political class. The region
has witnessed multiple health care delivery solutions and policy initiatives;
most of the initiatives have been external in origin as part of the broader
global health initiatives or donor requirements for financial assistance.
They include global declarations such as Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and universal access to
health care. Further new funding arrangements have emerged to comple-
ment traditional funding mechanisms, such as bilateral arrangements with
traditional high-income donor nations, and funding from the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund. These new global actors in SSA
health financing include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi
Alliance, and Global Fund. In this chapter, results of a synthesis of a com-
prehensive review of health care delivery research in SSA are presented.
The chapter also presents evidence on health care delivery in rural Africa.
A comprehensive literate review was conducted. A total of 367 publica-
tions that satisfied search criteria were retrieved and reviewed. The studies
are drawn from diverse sources: journal papers, working papers, reports,
book chapters, and conference papers. In selecting these studies, only
those with the main focus on at least one or more of the SSA countries or
a subregion of SSA were included in the final analysis. Studies that inter-
rogated health care delivery issues relevant to SSA but lacked specific focus
on SSA or on at least one of the SSA countries were excluded from the
analysis. Only journal publications and book chapters were included in the
final analysis; commentaries and letters to the editors were excluded. A
total of 54 publications were included in the final analysis.
Once all the relevant studies were retrieved in hard copies, each study
was scrutinized and relevant information was extracted and summarized in
a data extraction matrix (Table 9.1). Variables extracted included: author(s)
and publication date; type of article, whether empirical study or review;
theoretical or conceptual model used in the study; main objective of the
Table 9.1 Summary of research on health care delivery in Africa
Author Theory Method Scope Main argument/finding
Abdulraheem, – Literature review Health planning Training, information sharing, and continuous
Olapipo, and Amodu dialogue are some of the interventions that could
(2012) enhance the utilization of primary health facilities by
rural communities
Adedini, Odimegwu, – Cross-sectional Health planning Health care access barriers increase childhood
Bamiwuye, Fadeyibi, study mortality
and De (2014)
Adwok, Hope, and – Review Health planning Declining health indicators in African countries can
Kearns (2013) be attributed to the neglect of public health systems
through underfunding and loss of health care workers
to better-funded donor projects and migration to
developed countries
Ayernor (2012) – Qualitative study Health services Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will have
significant health and economic implications for the
individual, family, and country
Carapinha, Ross- – Cross-sectional Health financing There is a need for government commitment and
Degnan, Desta, and study donor support to expand medicines coverage through
Wagner (2011) insurance systems
Chimezie (2015) – Review Health planning Failure of primary health care (PHC) shows that
African countries need to adopt health delivery
models that are responsive to local and emerging
health needs
Chuma, Musimbi, – Cross-sectional Health financing Failure to fully implement user fee policy in Kenya is
Okungu, Goodman, study evident
and Molyneux (2009)
Table 9.1 (continued)
Daniels, Sanders, – Qualitative Human resource Staff costs and retention challenges are limitations for
Daviaud, and Doherty deployment of community health workers (CHWs) to
Table 9.1 (continued)
Author Theory Method Scope Main argument/finding
Galukande and – Review Health services There is a need to investigate the efficacy of
Kiguli-Malwadde ultrasound in breast cancer screening and a proposal
(2010) to lower the cut-off age for mammography to
improve access in resource-limited settings
Goudge, Gilson, – Cross-sectional Health financing Free primary care and hospital exemptions provide
Russell, Gumede, and study financial protection
Mills (2009)
Hanlon, – Literature review Health services The need and demand for community mental health
Wondimagegn, and services are escalating, and access barriers include
Alem (2010) underfunding, negative attitude towards mental
health, and competing priorities
Hendriks et al. (2012) – Cross-sectional Health services Hypertension was the most frequently observed risk
study factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in both
urban and rural populations
Hoque, Hoque, and – Cross-sectional Health services There is low uptake of pap smear and low knowledge
Kader (2008) study of cervical cancer prevention and risk factors
Jeppsson, Birungi, Embedding Qualitative study Health planning The author argues that the increasing disengagement
Stergren, and Hagstr and of the central levels of the Ministry of Health from
(2005) disembedding the local community can undermine effective and
theory equitable health service delivery
Kabatereine et al. – Review Health planning Successful establishment and running of an integrated
(2010) neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) control
programme hinges on effective partnership and
implementation of a stepwise and evidence-based
Table 9.1 (continued)
Kevany et al. (2012) – Cross-sectional Health financing Utilization of health services is strongly associated
study with the socio-economic status (SES) and the
employment status
Kironde & – Prospective Health planning Community-based directly observed treatment
Kahirimbanyi (2002) study (DOT) produces outcomes that are equivalent to the
other treatment options for new patients and is
superior to self-administration of drugs
Leighton (1996) – Review Health financing The author presents a number of strategies that
African Ministries of Health have used to overcome
the principal obstacles to achieving health financing
Mafuva & – Literature review Health services South Africa has made significant process towards
Marima-matarira professionalization of traditional medicine compared
(2014) with Zimbabwe
Makaula et al. (2012) – Qualitative study Health planning Community participation based on the community-
directed intervention (CDI) approach is a realistic
means for increasing accessibility to vital health
interventions at community level
Mamo, Seid, Adams, – Review Health services Community-based care and education, primarily
Gardiner, and Parry driven by health officers or nurses, is an effective and
(2007) cost-efficient method for managing chronic diseases
Marschall and Flessa Data envelope Cross-sectional Health Decision-makers should improve the demand-side
(2011) analysis (DEA) study governance barriers in access to health care
Mashego and Peltzer – Qualitative Health services People’s own experiences have the potential to bring
(2005) into focus problems that can influence their
satisfaction with health care
Table 9.1 (continued)
Mayosi et al. (2009) – Qualitative Health services Morbidity and mortality from NCDs are rising in all
strata of South African society, and similar
observations have been made in East and West Africa
McCord, Liu, and – Cost analysis Human resource Countries wishing to develop CHW strategy should
Singh (2013) undertake a costing exercise to determine the budget
for deployment of CHWs
McPake (2013) – Qualitative Health workforce Investment needs to be made in pay and recruitment,
and the government also needs to ensure that
conditions of employment do not worsen for rural
McPake (1996) – Qualitative Health planning The policy of granting autonomy to national-level
hospitals as part of health reforms is guided neither
by systematic conceptual rationalization nor by
published implementation experience
Mladovsky, Ndiaye, – Qualitative Health financing Interconnected social values of voluntarism, trust,
and Criel (2015) and solidarity were employed by stakeholders to
expand community-based health insurance (CBHI)
population coverage in Senegal
Mutale, Ayles, Bond, – Cross-sectional Health workforce Determinants of motivation vary by gender, type of
Mwanamwenge, and study health worker, and time in post
Balabanova (2013)
Oyaya & Rifkin – Qualitative Health system Health service delivery will continue to deteriorate
(2003) unless a combination of neoliberal market approaches
of the health system and poor governance are
Table 9.1 (continued)
Pillay (2011) – Cross-sectional Health workforce There is a lack of management capacity within the
study public health sector
Ridde (2011) – Review Health financing With most funding agencies in favour of abolishing
user fees, the relevance of user fees policy is being
reconsidered in West Africa
Sahn and Bernier – Qualitative Health financing The structural adjustment programme in Africa did
(1995) not reduce public health expenditure
Schreuder and – Qualitative Health planning The study makes a case for integrated vertical and
Kostermans (2001) and financing horizontal PHC planning and financing as the best
Scrubb (2011) – Review Health system The study shows how a combination of lingering
apartheid policies and neoliberal ideology led to the
growth of the private sector and limited access for
majority blacks, who rely on the public health services,
and the need for redistribution of health workers, and
increased funding of the public health servicies
Somdyala, Bradshaw, – Cross-sectional Health The study identified difficulties in maintaining a
Gelderblom, and study information cancer registry in a rural setting and determining the
Parkin (2010) true incidence of cancer in rural areas
Tanser and Le Sueur – Literature review Health Application of geographical information system (GIS)
(2002) information is relevant to monitoring diseases with strong
environmental links, such as vector-borne diseases
Van Damme, Kober, – Review Health system There is a need for novel systems to support chronic
and Laga (2006) care and large-scale prevention, as ART (antiretroviral
treatment) transforms HIV into a chronic disease
requiring lifelong follow-up
Table 9.1 (continued)
Author Theory Method Scope Main argument/finding
van der Hoeven, – Cross-sectional Health services Urban participants were more likely to prefer a
Kruger, and Greeff study private doctor, while rural participants were more
(2012) likely to prefer a health clinic
van Dijk et al. (2009) – Cross-sectional Health system Even though rural children are responding well to
study HIV treatment, access and nutrition should be
improved to ensure optimal and long-term outcomes
Versteeg, Toit, and – Qualitative Health system In order to improve rural health care, there is a need
Couper (2013) for equitable financing for rural health care provision,
management of health workers’ appointments based
on appropriate skills and experience, and
transformation of the organizational culture
Wamai (2009) – Literature review Health system Strengthening the health system will determine
Kenya’s progress in disease control and improvement
in health care
Wang et al. (2015) – Quantitative Health financing Even in a context where essential care for chronic
non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) is supposedly
free of charge at the point of use, out-of-pocket
(OOP) expenditure imposes a considerable financial
burden on rural households
Wiseman (2005) – Qualitative Health financing The introduction of user fees at community level was
the Bamako initiative’s most problematic proposition
182 P. MALA
study; methodology used; focus of the study; and main argument or find-
ing of the study. The main focus of each of the studies was derived from
analysis of the main objectives, main arguments, and key findings of each of
the studies. These were then examined for commonalities. Studies on plan-
ning approaches such as primary health care (PHC) and vertical selective
programmes were grouped under one thematic area, referred to as health
planning, while those studies on how health care is paid for or funded were
grouped under health financing. Studies on specific health service delivery
types or issues (e.g. chronic diseases) were placed under health services.
An iterative process was followed whereby some thematic areas were
sometimes merged, new ones created, and studies reclassified until a satis-
factory level emerged from the process. The emergent themes therefore
are not a result of p redetermined classification criteria; they represent a
level of satisfaction with the iterative process followed to allow these
themes to emerge from the studies reviewed.
Results and Discussion
Study Designs
Among the 54 studies reviewed (Table 9.2), 26 (37 per cent) had lead
authors from SSA, with South Africa accounting for most studies (eight
studies) compared with other SSA countries. The rest of the studies (63
per cent) had lead researchers of non-SSA origin. Contribution of the
research community in other SSA countries is still low.
Among the 54 studies included in the review (Table 9.2), 37 (68 per
cent) of the studies were reviews, 15 (28 per cent) were cross-sectional
studies, one study used cluster randomized design, and one was a cost
analysis study. Majority of the studies were reviews; this perhaps represents
a significant research gap. Given that SSA has been at the forefront of the
introduction of many types of new approaches to health care delivery,
these initiatives and their outcomes have presented opportunities for rig-
orous research, which the research designs among most of the studies
reviewed found to be inadequate so far.
Health planning 2 7 – – 9 9
Health financing 4 8 1 1 12 13
Health system – 5 – 1 4 5
Health services 6 12 – 1 17 18
Human resource 3 4 1 – 8 8
Health – 1 – 1 1
Total 15 37 2 3 51 54
system, human resource, and health information. These themes are pre-
sented in this section.
Health Planning
The review identified comprehensive and vertical approaches as the domi-
nant health service delivery models in SSA research studies. Within a
month, 11 articles were retrieved on the subject. Five of them focused on
comprehensive PHC approaches, four articles addressed vertical selective
interventions and the need for integration, and two addressed limitations
of selective approaches. However, none of the studies specified any con-
ceptual models or theoretical frameworks in their analyses.
Among the five articles on PHC experiences in SSA, none of the studies
specified either a conceptual model or a theoretical framework. All of the
five articles reviewed addressed contributing factors to failure or successful
implementation of PHC. According to Chimezie (2015), PHC failed in
Africa due to a lack of leadership and poor management, poor funding,
shortage of drugs, inadequate health workforce, and a lack of health-
promoting amenities in rural areas. Chimezie also argues for an alternative
health services delivery model that is better suited to the local context and
emerging health needs in Africa, without going into specifics of how to do
Essomba et al. (1993) examine challenges of PHC implementation in
Cameroon and successful implementation through decentralization of
decision-making to the districts and the communities. Similarly,
Abdulraheem et al. (2012) describe Nigeria’s failure to implement PHC
due to a lack of management structures at district level, a lack of involve-
ment of community members, and limited health infrastructure in rural
communities. Coovadia, Jewes, Barron, Sanders, and McIntyre (2009)
credit post-apartheid government with the successful implementation of
PHC, which had been largely ignored by previous governments. While
Schaay and Sanders (2008) highlight the dominance of the private sector,
Pillay (1993) points out the distrust between the state and most rural
black communities as one of the key challenges encountered in the local
context of South Africa.
Six publications have highlighted shortcomings of selective approaches
and potential benefits of the integration of horizontal PHC approaches
and vertical disease-specific approaches. The experience of six SSA coun-
tries (e.g. Ethiopia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and
Zimbabwe) with child health days (Doherty et al., 2010) illustrates
Health Financing
The literature shows how approaches to health financing have evolved in
SSA. According to Mwabu (1998), the question of how to pay for health
186 P. MALA
care was particularly controversial in the 1980s and early 1990s. Multiple
financing models have been attempted with mixed results. The review
identified cost sharing, free market, and public-funded health financing as
some of the main health financing mechanisms that have been imple-
mented to varying degrees in SSA.
User Fees
Free health care policy of post-independence Africa was largely aban-
doned with the economic crisis of the 1970s and 1980s. Gilson and Mills
(1995) examined the SSA experience with the introduction of user fees.
They described the contribution of the economic crisis of the 1980s and
early 1990s, economic stagnation, coupled with sustained population
growth, to the erosion of the ability of governments to allocate adequate
funding for the health sector. Wiseman (2005) describes the donor-driven
inception of the Bamako initiative of 1987 and the introduction of user
fees for sustainability of PHC; he argues that the prominent role given to
user fees at community level was the initiative’s most problematic propo-
sition. Sahn and Bernier (1995), on the contrary, argue that structural
adjustment did not reduce public health expenditure, and that equity
concerns about the poor regarding out-of-pocket (OOP) payments are
often overstated. Leighton (1996) described obstacles to the successful
implementation of cost recovery, and strategies to overcome them; the
obstacles include reforming civil service, building political consensus on
priorities, strengthening management capacity, and overcoming bureau-
cratic constraints.
Goudge et al. (2009) examined the effect of free primary care services
and fee exemptions on financial protection of households and access; the
findings showed that these measures alone are not enough to improve
access, as getting exemptions was difficult and distances from health facili-
ties were long; more exemptions and outreach services may be necessary
to improve access. Similarly, in Zimbabwe, Kevany et al. (2012) found
that poorer members of society in rural areas very rarely utilized health
facilities due fees for the service and associated cost of transportation.
McPake (1996) examines the aspect of the health sector reform that
aimed at cutting public health spending by granting large university teach-
ing hospitals greater autonomy from the Ministries of Health and respon-
sibility for the generation of their own finances. Hanson et al. (2002) also
examine the impact of granting financial autonomy to hospitals in Uganda
and Zambia.
One study in Burkina Faso found that a community-based insurance
scheme had some positive impact on catastrophic health expenditure,
but lacked any positive impact on health outcomes; it led to higher mor-
tality among the ‘65 years and older’ age groups due to a number of
factors. These factors included unaffordability by households and avoid-
ance of chronic diseases by health providers, who were receiving capita-
tion funds of the scheme (Fink et al., 2013). Carapinha et al. (2011)
focused on the scope of medicine coverage in private and public insur-
ance schemes in selected countries in SSA; the study found that the cov-
erage is limited and fraud is a major problem in medicine coverage
design. Mladovsky et al. (2015) examine the uptake of a community-
based health insurance scheme in Senegal; the main reasons for low cov-
erage included a lack of subsidy for staff salaries, weak governance
188 P. MALA
structures, respect for community norms and values, clear national poli-
cies, and engagement of care providers.
Health Services
Bangdiwala, Fonn, Okoye, and Stephen Tollman (2010) highlight chal-
lenges involved in coping with emergences of NCDs in SSA while the
unfinished agenda of infection, malnutrition, and maternal complications
persists. According to Ayernor (2012), NCDs are two times higher among
the rural population compared with the urban population in SSA. Despite
growing evidence that urban and rural populations suffer from the same
diseases, and in some instances, the rural population is more affected, the
majority of rural health services consist of basic health services, which
include immunization, antenatal clinics, postnatal clinics for children, and
treatments for basic health conditions and injuries. Chronic diseases are
not actually being addressed and diagnostic services are inadequate. de-
Graft Aikins et al. (2010) stress the growing burden of chronic
infections/diseases in rural Africa and the lack of appropriate services.
These include HIV-related diseases, pregnancy-related disorders, and the
increasing incidence of NCDs and injuries (de-Graft Aikins et al., 2010;
Etyang et al., 2014).
Other leading NCDs among rural populations in Africa include
hypertension and diabetes (Hendriks et al., 2012; Mayosi et al., 2009),
oral health problems and arthritis among older adults in rural areas
(Ayernor, 2012), and cancer, the incidence of which is rising (Somdyala
et al., 2010). Given limited access to mammograms in SSA, Galukande
and Kiguli-Malwadde (2010) propose the use of ultrasound in breast
cancer screening in resource-limited settings and a lower cut-off age for
mammography screening. de-Graft Aikins et al. (2010) note that African
health policy-makers and governments should prioritize chronic diseases
policies; these should include strategies for community participation in
the prevention of NCDs, such as community volunteer groups, commu-
nity advocacy groups, mass media, and institutions (e.g. churches,
Mamo et al. (2007) describe a successful community-based care for
chronic diseases in Ethiopia. According to their study, community-based
care and education, which is primarily driven by health officers or nurses,
is an effective and cost-efficient method for managing chronic diseases in
rural areas. Hanlon et al. (2010) carried out a study that focused on
community-based mental health care delivery mechanisms in South Africa.
Culture and Health
Three articles that were reviewed examined the influence of traditions and
culture on rural health planning. Cultural and ethnic diversities influence
community participation in health care because of the relationship between
culture, health, and development (Takim, Gever, & Pefun Joshua, 2013).
Culture also affects health outcomes; Adedini et al. (2014) found increased
infant mortality with wife seclusion cultural practices widely practised
among the Hausa community in Nigeria.
According to Marschall and Flessa (2011), conservative rural commu-
nities may not patronize health facilities that are not sensitive to their
cultural values. For example, Haile and Guerny (2000) observed that cul-
tural views such as the one that considers human reproduction as a natural
process that should not be interfered with using artificial methods and also
a lack of involvement of men who are responsible for making reproductive
190 P. MALA
Health System
Travis et al. (2004) accurately predicted that the MDGs would not be met
by 2015 by developing countries because of the focus on vertical pro-
grammes and the neglect of investment in health systems. He argued that
if the health system is lacking in capabilities such as health workforce, drug
supply, health information, and health financing, it may not respond to
opportunities presented by selective programmes. Some of these sub-
themes were identified in the literature reviewed.
Oyaya and Rifkin (2003) describe the gaps between policy formulation
and implementation and identify a number of obstacles that should be
addressed in order to close the gaps. These gaps included identifying and
managing critical policy processes, and building institutional capacity to
undertake the associated tasks. According to Versteeg et al. (2013), rural
health care is understaffed and poorly managed in South Africa. In order
to improve rural health care, therefore, there is a need for equitable financ-
ing for rural health care provision and management appointments based
on appropriate skills. Scrubb (2011) highlights the effect of political ideol-
ogy on health systems. According to him, the inability to adequately
address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa may be explained by the
still-existing apartheid ideologies in the local health system.
Health Information
Health information tools such as geographical information system (GIS)
for spatial modelling of disease epidemiology can address current disease
burden estimation gaps in SSA (Tanser & Le Sueur, 2002). One study
based on South Africa’s experience highlights how the lack of appropriate
information technology to capture and process the cancer cases in rural
settings is affecting the quality of cancer registries in rural areas (Somdyala
et al., 2010).
Health Workforce
Africa comprises some 11 per cent of the world population and 25 per cent
of the global burden of disease, but hosts just 4 per cent of the global
The chapter has shown that a significant amount of research has addressed
health delivery in SSA. However, researchers of SSA origin accounted for
only 37 per cent of the studies reviewed. External researchers from outside
SSA accounted for the research activities in SSA. This is consistent with
observations from previous studies (Sall, Lebeau, & Kassimir, 2003;
Tijssen, 2007), which have shown very low contribution of SSA to global
scientific research. This should be a cause for concern; it appears that the
owner of the proverbial pinching shoes who should know best where the
shoe hurts has not shouted loud enough in the realm of scientific research.
Perhaps the marginal place of the SSA researcher and the fact that external
sources of the often unsuitable health solutions are also the dominant
player in the SSA research arena could explain why health delivery solu-
tions introduced in SSA have not been subjected to the desirable level of
critical, theoretical, and conceptual scrutiny, as these findings have shown.
A number of reasons have been advanced for the low contribution of
SSA to global scientific research; these include poor investment in inno-
vation and development by SSA countries and deinstitutionalization of
192 P. MALA
PhD studies in the region (Quintana & Calvet, 2012). The research space
in the region is characterized by poor working environment, low pay, a
lack of equipment, and poor retention of researchers (Tijssen, 2007).
These findings underscore an urgent need for a paradigm shift among
SSA leaders and policy-makers. There is a need to recognize that the
region’s health delivery challenges stand a better chance of being solved
through innovative solutions generated by local researchers with better
appreciation of the context. Furthermore, unless SSA health care delivery
is anchored on research and innovation, desired levels of development in
health care delivery in the region will not be realized. This calls for delib-
erate and sustained investment of local resources in research by SSA
Regarding areas of focus of the research studies reviewed, health ser-
vices accounted for most of the studies, with health care delivery for the
increasing burden of chronic diseases in rural areas featuring most promi-
nently. The findings reflect the increasing global focus on chronic diseases
in the region (de-Graft Aikins et al., 2010) and the increasing gap between
the burden of chronic diseases among rural populations and the lack of
relevant services (Kane, Landes, Carroll, Nolen, & Sodhi, 2017).
Historically, health services for chronic diseases have been provided in sec-
ondary and tertiary facilities in urban centres, which are not readily acces-
sible to rural communities. Most rural communities in SSA lack doctors
and largely depend on primary care facilities for basic care and preventive
services, such as immunization and antenatal care.
Health financing was the second most researched area, followed by
health planning. Even though participation of researchers from other dis-
ciplines, such as economics, may explain the large amount of health financ-
ing research, attention given to health financing in SSA research is
understandable, given the sustained dependency of the region on donor
funding for health. Further, since the disruptive effect of the structural
adjustment of late 1980s and the end of public-funded health care deliv-
ery, and subsequent experiments with various funding models in the
region, the findings show that an ideal funding model for SSA is far from
being realized. Regarding research on health planning in SSA, despite the
large interest generated by vertical and horizontal health planning models
over the past two decades, the findings showed that very little empirical
research has addressed these subjects in the context of SSA. Perhaps as a
result, a repetitive pattern of old planning and financing solutions being
replaced by old approaches that were considered to have failed in past was
observed. This represents a significant research gap and poses the risk of
perpetuation of failure in health service delivery propositions for SSA.
Overall, the studies lacked scientific rigour; the majority did not include
any conceptual or theoretical models. This level of research was missing in
the studies reviewed, whether at the level of design or at the inception
stage of the health care delivery and financing models proposed, or at the
operational research level during implementation in the diverse socio-
economic contexts of SSA countries. Underlying assumptions of these
propositions require rigorous empirical validation. This level of research
rigour is needed to avoid the perpetual circle of introduction and
reintroduction of ill-proven health delivery and financing solutions often
observed in SSA.
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Peter Mala (MPH) is a medical doctor and a PhD candidate at the Institute of
Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, Université de
Lausanne, Switzerland. He has several years of experience working as a medical
doctor and public health expert.
Physical Activity
Fletcher Njororai and Wycliffe W. Simiyu Njororai
Physical activity (PA) is a health-enhancing behaviour with many benefits to
an individual. Regular PA has been shown to reduce the risk for a range of
chronic diseases (Amusa, Toriola, & Goon, 2012; Dvorak, Fuller, & Junge,
2012; Ferreira et al., 2006; Strydom, 2013). Among the young people, PA
offers prospects for building strong bones, healthy joints, a strong heart,
and a good mental health and prevents today’s major public health con-
cern—obesity (Amusa et al., 2012; Kohn & Booth, 2003). Despite these
health benefits, many people, especially the young ones, are not engaging in
recommended levels of PA so as to maximize these benefits.
Physical inactivity has been associated with the Western, affluent, and
industrialized societies (Aarts, Schuit, Van de Goor, & van Oers, 2011;
Dvorak et al., 2012), with serious problems and several unfavourable
health consequences. However, similar negative consequences are reported
to be on the increase in Africa. There is increasing evidence showing that
high levels of physical inactivity is becoming a major lifestyle among adults
and children throughout Africa (April, Kolbe-Alexander, Draper, &
Lambert, n.d.; Dumith, Hallal, Reis, & Kohl, 2011; Dvorak et al., 2012;
Guthold, Ono, Strong, Chatterji, & Morabia, 2008, 2011; Strydom,
2013). This chapter summarizes the evidence on PA in Africa and related
Peer-reviewed published articles on PA interventions around the world,
and particularly pertaining to Africa, were searched in electronic databases.
These included Medline, CINAHL, Sport Discus, Health Source, Health
Reference Centre, and Academic Consumer Health. The keywords used
in the literature search included physical activity, African countries, health
promotion, and empowerment. The search strategy was restricted to
English-language papers published in peer-reviewed journals between
2003 and 2013. In addition, a review of the official documents from UN
organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) were also sought to obtain a broader range of information on
African countries, as well as academic presentations at conferences.
Initially, titles and abstracts of studies uncovered by the electronic
searches via databases were examined on the screen. Papers which could
not be excluded on the basis of the title and abstract were obtained in full
and reviewed by the two authors for suitability for inclusion. Over 1569
titles showed up, out of which the titles and abstracts of 120 articles were
initially reviewed, yielding 50 that were printed and examined further.
Twenty publications (see Table 10.1) were found appropriate, based on
sample characteristics or nature of study, conceptual approach, study type,
data collection method, study focus, findings, and conclusions/recommen-
dations, for deeper conceptual, methodological, and contextual analysis.
Results and Discussion
Table 10.1 shows a summary of the reviewed publications, including the
author(s), sample characteristics or nature of study, title of the article,
conceptual approach, study type, data collection method, study focus,
findings, and conclusions/recommendations.
Study Designs
Out of the 20 studies reviewed, four focused on the worldwide PA trends
(Dumith et al., 2011; Guthold et al., 2008; Micheli et al., 2011; Wang &
Lobstein, 2006); two (Heroux et al., 2013; Onywera et al., 2013) dealt
Table 10.1 Summary of research on physical activity
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Wang and Publications Worldwide World Meta-analysis Survey Obesity Childhood obesity/Overweight on the Effective programmes and
Lobstein between (15 African Health prevalence increase worldwide; exceptions found policies needed at global,
(2006) 1980 and countries Survey worldwide in infants and preschool children in regional, and national levels
2005 covered in lower-income countries
the study)
Heroux School aged Canada, Physical Comparative Survey Obesity Kenya had the lowest obesity levels Obesity levels vary as per
et al. (2013) children from Mexico, and activity (PA) study prevalence in (0.9 for boys and 2.8 for girls) transition stage of each
three Kenya transition Canada, Mexico, compared with Mexico and Canada; country
countries and Kenya Kenyans had highest aerobic levels
Ferreira Publications Not Ecological Meta-analysis Survey Environment and The home and the school key to PA Further research should aim
et al. (2006) between applicable model PA participation; support of significant at longitudinal and
1980 and others; low crime rate intervention studies and use
2005 more objective measures of
PA and its potential
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Kerr, Publications Not Ecological Meta-analysis Survey Environment, The built environment is key in Planners should be
Rosenberg, up to 2010 indicated Model PA, and health promoting or inhibiting PA in older prepared to respond with
and Frank adults; creating and preserving design solutions that will
(2012) walkable communities is a means to make destinations safely
reduce the risk of chronic diseases and accessible on foot or by
maintain improved public health and transit for this rapidly
quality of life; design of the physical growing segment of the
environment in which older adults live population
and the level of access to transit service
determine the level of accessibility the
elderly have to important destinations
such as shops, services, and places to
recreate. When supportive features are
prominent in places where older adults
live, they can remain active and
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Sinnett, Evidence- United Socio- Report Evidence- Walking The benefit of investments in the Makes the case for
Williams, based report Kingdom ecological based report environment and walking environment is improved investment in the walking
Chatterjee, investment health from increased PA; evidence environment. It has set out
and Cavill from UK and international studies the evidence on the benefits
(2011) report significant potential health of walking-friendly places,
benefits from relatively minor and identified their
investments; the improved travel cost-effectiveness. It has
experience of users of a walking also presented a number of
environment; all the evidence reviewed case studies of successful
of evaluations of walking environments schemes which have been
showed positive cost–benefit ratios, of tested and evaluated
up to 37.6; the highest value for
money transport projects are smarter
choices, cycle and pedestrian schemes,
local safety schemes, and some bus
schemes. This suggests that investment
in the walking environment is likely to
be at least, if not better, value for
money than other transport projects
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
April et al. Evidence- Africa Socio- Report Documentary Inactivity, obesity, The socio-ecological model illustrates Barriers to PA exist on all
(n.d.) based report ecological review initiatives, and the interrelationship between the levels of the social
Africa individual and their environment; the environment
social environment includes community In order to combat physical
norms and values, regulations, policies, inactivity, strategies and
and culture; some of the determinants initiatives need to be
and barriers to healthy behaviours are implemented on all levels
shared by the community as a whole; Policy/Environmental
there is a need to approach health interventions; workplace
promotion on all levels in order to interventions; community
increase effectiveness; evidence shows interventions
high levels of physical inactivity among
adults and children throughout Africa;
high levels of obesity exist, and
non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
prevalence shows signs of increase due
to competing agendas and barriers of
PA which exist at each level of the social
environment; high levels of physical
inactivity can only be addressed by
targeting interventions at each level of
social environment; for this to be
effective, it will require custodians at
community, workplace, and policy level
to promote PA and not just medical
practitioners; a network involving
custodians at all levels would further
improve the efficiency of PA promotion
throughout the social environment
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Aarts et al. Four The Delphi Interview Survey Activity-friendly Cultural/Community acceptability, The Delphi technique can
(2011) medium-sized Netherlands method environments for political feasibility, and cost feasibility be a useful tool in reaching
Dutch children, policy were considered the most important consensus about feasible
municipalities feasibility aspects; Delphi studies multi-sector policy
yielded 16 feasible policy measures measures. The study yielded
aimed at physical and social several feasible policy
environmental correlates of PA among measures aimed at physical
children; less drastic policy measures and social environmental
were considered more feasible, whereas correlates of PA among
environmental policy measures were children and can assist local
considered less feasible @@policy-makers in
designing multi-sector
policies aimed at an
environment for children
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Dvorak et al. Evidence- Mauritius Community Intervention Outcome Delivery of health The pilot study produced an 18 per The strategy used to
(2012) based report education programme report education and PA cent absolute increase in post- implement the ‘11 for
intervention health knowledge across Health’ programme in
the health messages, which was Mauritius has already been
equivalent to a 26 per cent relative transferred to three other
increase against the children’s baseline African countries
knowledge level; while the nationwide (Botswana, Malawi, and
study produced a 14 per cent absolute Namibia), namely, a
increase in the post-intervention health tripartite collaboration
knowledge across the health messages, between FIFA/F-MARC
equivalent to a 22 per cent relative (FIFA Medical Assessment
increase against the baseline and Research Centre), the
knowledge level. The implementation country’s football
of the ‘11 for Health’ programme was association, and the
considered to have met the objectives government’s Departments
set out at the beginning of the project of Health, Education, and
Sport, with the country’s
media used to increase the
public’s awareness of the
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Micheli Experts’ Worldwide Educational/ Document Policy PA and fitness in International Olympic Committee It is incumbent on these
et al. (2011) viewpoint Ecological review overview children and (IOC) also acknowledges the need to entities to pursue the goal
youth care for possible health problems of of improving and
active individuals; international sports protecting the health of
federations should be encouraged to children and youth through
more actively participate in providing PA. The international
solutions to the serious health risks and policy framework exists to
societal costs of inactivity; the Olympic guide action, and now it is
Movement will continue to serve upon organisations and
athletes, the world’s youth, and society governments to ensure that
at large for decades to come; all sectors PA receives adequate
and all levels within governments, attention and resources to
international partners, civil society, meet the great challenges
non-governmental organizations identified
(NGOs), and the private sector have
vital roles to play in shaping healthy
environments and contributing to the
promotion of PA; ecological approaches
that integrate interaction across all levels
of government, schools, the
community, individuals, and the settings
in which they (the individuals) spend
their time may be key to successful and
sustained implementation
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
World Evidence- Developing World Systematic Policy PA interventions PA interventions carried out in Important factors which
Health based report countries Health review overview developing countries include strategies contributed to good
Organization from Asia, Survey to raise awareness of the importance programmes included
(2008) Africa, and and benefits of PA; educate the whole high-level political
South population and/or specific population commitment/guiding
America groups; conduct local PA programmes national policy, funding,
(African and initiatives; build capacity among support from stakeholders,
region had individuals implementing local PA and a coordinating team.
Mauritius programmes through training of Other important factors are
and South potential programme coordinators; clear programme objectives,
Africa) create supportive environments that integration of PA within
facilitate participation in PA; and give other related interventions,
recognition/awards multiple intervention
strategies, targeting of the
whole population as well as
specific population groups,
clear identity for the
implementation at different
levels, implementation
within the ‘local reality’,
leadership, dissemination of
the intervention, evaluation
and monitoring, and
national PA guidelines
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Bailey, Experts’ Not Human Report Authoritative Conceptualization Human development next was The HCM makes clear the
Hillman, viewpoint applicable capital model opinion of PA, personal conceptualized according to six beneficial outcomes of PA
Arent, and (HCM) and social change different domains of ‘capital’: (1) arising from investment in
Petitpas physical, (2) emotional, (3) individual, terms of both quality and
(2012) (4) social, (5) intellectual, and (6) quantity of life; the scope of
financial, based on extended iterative this investment (across six
quantitative and qualitative methods. capital domains) is much
Each of these six domains defines a set broader than what is
of resources that underpin human normally considered with
well-being and success regard to PA promotion for
all. Ultimately, the HCM is
a call to consider
investments in PA as
powerful catalysts for
personal and social change
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Chau Review of Australia Social capital Report Survey PA, community Community-based PA programmes Engage people from the
(2007) community and and social capital have the potential to make positive community and build
programmes community impacts on participants, as well on the partnerships between
communities in which they live. businesses, councils,
Elements of social capital may be built government and NGOs to
through PA initiatives and PA collaborate and cooperate to
participation to strengthen promote and participate in
communities; findings indicate that PA PA; recognise different
interventions are effective in building interests and abilities in the
social capital and community strength; community and provide
sport and recreation activities in opportunities for different
communities are associated with types of involvement in
numerous social benefits, including programmes, including
improved self-esteem, greater physical, social, and cultural
community identity, increased activities; empower
community cohesion, and support community members to
among players and non-players. Sport manage programmes to
and recreation programmes have also encourage ownership and
been linked with reductions in sustainability; target
antisocial behaviour and crime community groups that are
more disadvantaged and less
likely to be active; ensure
that programmes are
culturally specific and
sensitive; provide local
facilities as gathering places
for activities; conduct
periodic surveys for feedback
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Bloemhoff University South Descriptive Self- Survey PA levels Results revealed that 33 per cent of Further research focusing
(2010) students African paradigm administered students are inactive, irrespective of on environmental
questionnaire race and gender. Gender is a consistent determinants and the role
and strong correlate of overall of PA specialists in higher
PA. Males are highly significantly (p < education, as well as
0.01) more physically active than intervention studies rather
females and this difference becomes than descriptive studies,
more evident in vigorous exercise. In were recommended
contrast to previous studies, this
research found that black students
demonstrate significantly higher (p <
0.05) levels of PA than white students,
and that black males have significantly
higher (p < 0.05) PA levels than their
white counterparts. White female
students demonstrated the lowest PA
(42.4 per cent)
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Hoehner, Conceptual Not Ecological Conceptual Qualitative Approaches to As the fields achieve greater In light of the unacceptable
Brennan, frameworks applicable Model analysis study promote active collaboration, cross-sectional designs levels of inactivity and
Brownson, community will appear, particularly limited in their associated health and
Handy, and environments ability to assess the interrelationships economic consequences,
Killingsworth among the built environment, reducing latency period
(2003) residential choices, travel behaviour, should be a top priority for
and PA behaviour; working with city public health officials,
agencies, transit agencies, and others urban planners, and
to identify planned ‘interventions’ may transportation engineers in
assist researchers in implementing their pursuit of enhanced
alternative study designs; encouraging community environments
funders to support qualitative studies and quality of life
may help to expand data collection
techniques; moving beyond
cross-sectional studies will be crucial
for advancing the research so as to
build more convincing evidence about
the community and/or environment’s
role in influencing active living
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Onywera School-aged Canada, PA transition Comparative Survey Childhood Findings showed that 25.6 per cent of This inter-country
et al. (2013) children from Mexico, and study obesity Canadian children were overweight or comparison shows that
three Kenya prevalence in obese, compared with 35.7 per cent childhood overweight and
countries Canada, Mexico, and 5.6 per cent of Mexican and obesity levels are lowest and
and Kenya Kenyan children, respectively. Results PA levels are high in Kenya,
indicated that 41.2 per cent of the a country at an early stage
Kenyan children were underweight of the PA transition.
compared with 10.9 per cent and 6.4 Further research using
per cent of Mexican and Canadian more representative samples
children, respectively. Mexican and is recommended
Kenyan children were more physically
active than Canadian children,
accumulating an average of
15,757 ± 5565, 15,605 ± 5963, and
10,730 ± 3969 steps per day,
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Dumith Prevalence of Worldwide World Comparative Survey Worldwide The crude worldwide prevalence of One out of five adults
et al. (2011) physical (had 19 Health study prevalence of physical inactivity was 21.4 per cent around the world is
inactivity African Survey physical inactivity (95% confidence interval [CI] physically inactive. Physical
countries) 18.4–24.3), being higher among inactivity was more
women (mean = 23.7 per cent, 95% CI prevalent among wealthier
20.4–27.1) than among men and urban countries, and
(mean = 18.9 per cent, 95% CI among women and elderly
16.2–21.7). It ranged from 2.6 per individuals
cent (in Comoros) to 62.3 per cent (in
Mauritania), with a median equal to
18 per cent. After weighting for the
total population of each country, the
worldwide prevalence of physical
inactivity was 17.4 per cent (95% CI
There was a positive association
between the Human Development
Index (HDI) and the prevalence of
physical inactivity (rho = 0.27). Less
developed countries showed the lowest
prevalence of physical inactivity (18.7
per cent), while physical inactivity was
more prevalent among the most
developed countries (27.8 per cent)
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Guthold Worldwide Worldwide World Comparative Survey Data on the Country prevalence of physical Overall, about 15 per cent
et al. (2008) variability in Health study prevalence of inactivity ranged from 1.6 per cent of men and 20 per cent of
physical Survey (19 physical inactivity (Comoros) to 51.7 per cent women from the 51
inactivity African (Mauritania) for men and from 3.8 per countries analysed here
countries) cent (Comoros) to 71.2 per cent (most of which are
(Mauritania) for women. Physical developing countries) are at
inactivity was generally high for older risk for chronic diseases due
age groups and lower in rural as to physical inactivity. There
compared with urban areas were substantial variations
across countries and
settings. The baseline
information on the
magnitude of the problem
of physical inactivity
provided by this study can
help countries and health
policy-makers to set up
interventions addressing
the global chronic disease
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Guthold 22 African Africa World Comparative Survey Chronic disease Overall, 83.8 per cent of men and 75.7 PA levels varied greatly
et al. (2011) countries Health study risk factor per cent of women met WHO PA across African countries and
Survey surveillance recommendations (at least 150 minutes population subgroups.
of moderate activity per week or Leisure-time activity was
equivalent). Country prevalence ranged consistently low. These data
from 46.8 per cent (Mali) to 96.0 per will be useful to inform
cent (Mozambique). PA, both at work policy-makers and to guide
and for transport, including walking, interventions to promote
had large contributions to overall PA, PA
while PA during leisure time was rare in
the @@analyzed countries
Onywera Rural and Kenya PA transition Cross- Survey Childhood Rural Kenya (RKEN) children were Results of this study are
et al. (2012) urban kids in sectional obesity and more physically active than their urban indicative of a PA transition
Kenya study physical inactivity Kenya (UKEN) counterparts, with a in Kenya. Further research
mean average steps per day (± SE) of is needed to gather national
14,700 ± 521 vs. 11,717 ± 561 data on the PA patterns of
(p < 0.0001) for RKEN vs. UKEN Kenyan children to
children, respectively. Around 62.5 per minimize the likelihood of
cent of the UKEN children spent a public health problem due
0 hours per week playing screen games to physical inactivity
compared with 13.1 per cent of
UKEN children who spent more than
11 hours per week playing screen
games. Seventy percent of UKEN and
34 percent of RKEN parents reported
being more active during childhood
than their children
(Continued )
Table 10.1 (Continued)
Author Sample Geographical Theoretical Study type Data Study focus Findings Conclusions and
(year) characteristics unit framework/ collection recommendations
model method
Strydom Review of South Africa Wellness Review of Analytical PA, health, and Results indicated that in 2006, 74.6 In conclusion, therefore, it
(2013) journals on continuum literature study well-being per cent of individuals over all ethnic is clear that physical
South Africa groups did not participate in PA, the inactivity poses a major
most inactive groups being the health risk to the South
Coloured (84.8 per cent), followed by African population, and
the Asian (75.6 per cent), black (75.0 with the projected increase
per cent) and white (74.6 per cent) in the older age category,
groups. When the age pyramid for the which is more prone to
South Africa population is analysed various health risks, this
with projections to 2050, the large scenario asks for timely
portion of elderly people becomes intervention at various
evident. The fastest-growing segment levels, starting from
of the population will be the age group children to the elderly
of 80+ years, which will grow at an
estimated rate of 77 per cent and 79
per cent for the male and female
groups, respectively. This significant
number of elderly people may lead to
major escalation in health care cost,
which may cripple the health care
with three countries, Canada, Mexico, and Kenya; one was based in the
United Kingdom (Sinnett et al., 2011); one in Kenya (Onywera et al.,
2012); two in South Africa (Bloemhoff, 2010; Strydom, 2013); two in
Africa (April et al., n.d.; Guthold et al., 2011); one in Australia (Chau,
2007); one in selected developing countries from Asia, Africa, and South
America (WHO, 2008); one in Mauritius (Dvorak et al., 2012); one in the
Netherlands (Aarts et al., 2011); and four did not apply to a specific geo-
graphical region (Bailey et al., 2012; Ferreira et al., 2006; Hoehner et al.,
2003; Kerr et al., 2012).
In terms of study type, three used meta-analysis (Ferreira et al., 2006;
Kerr et al., 2012; Wang & Lobstein, 2006), four were commissioned
reports (April et al., n.d.; Bailey et al., 2012; Chau, 2007; Sinnett et al.,
2011), five were comparative studies (Dumith et al., 2011; Guthold et al.,
2008, 2011; Heroux et al., 2013; Onywera et al., 2013), and one study
each using the following: interviews (Aarts et al., 2011), intervention pro-
gramme (Dvorak et al., 2012), systematic review (WHO, 2008), docu-
ment review (Micheli et al., 2011), self-administered questionnaire
(Bloemhoff, 2010), conceptual analysis (Hoehner et al., 2003), cross-
sectional study (Onywera et al., 2012), and review of literature (Strydom,
2013). Twelve of the 20 reviewed works derived their data from surveys:
Aarts et al. (2011), Bloemhoff (2010), Chau (2007), Dumith et al.
(2011), Ferreira et al. (2006), Guthold et al. (2008, 2011), Heroux et al.
(2013), Kerr et al. (2012), Onywera et al. (2012, 2013), and Wang and
Lobstein (2006). One was an evidence-based report (Sinnett et al., 2011),
one documentary review (April et al., n.d.), one outcome report (Dvorak
et al., 2012); two policy overviews (Micheli et al., 2011; WHO, 2008),
one authoritative opinion (Bailey et al., 2012), one qualitative study
(Hoehner et al., 2003), and one analytical study (Strydom, 2013). There
were therefore diverse study designs, geographical scope, and approaches
that shed light on the state of PA and health, particularly in Africa.
Guthold et al., 2008, 2011; Wang & Lobstein, 2006; WHO, 2008),
human capital model (HCM) (Bailey et al., 2012), social capital and
community (Chau, 2007), wellness continuum (Strydom, 2013), and
descriptive paradigm (Bloemhoff, 2010) (see Table 10.1).
The predominant approaches were the ecological model and the
WHO’s World Health Survey. However, the overriding purpose for the
promotion of PA, irrespective of the conceptual differences, is the enhance-
ment of human capacity. It is therefore vital that we discuss PA from vari-
ous perspectives, including community/ecological, social capital, and the
HCM, as well as the best-practice approaches based on the World Health
Survey/worldwide trends. This is done while acknowledging that African
countries are undergoing a PA transition as exemplified in the studies by
Heroux et al. (2013) and Onywera et al. (2012, 2013).
PA is a behaviour that is associated with individual, social, and eco-
nomic factors, as well as with the physical environments in which individu-
als live (Chau, 2007). With the increasing levels of obesity and
non-communicable diseases (NCDs), there is increasing attention given
to the relationship between PA and community factors and the potential
health benefits for individuals, as well as for the community as a whole
(Chau, 2007). In Africa, the concept of community is strong and there-
fore any planning for development has to factor it in the strategies for
implementation of programmes.
Paronen and Oja (1998, p. 14) define community by identifying the six
main features it should possess:
being and success (Bailey et al., 2012). The shortcoming of this model is
that it focuses entirely on the individual, yet for one to develop fully and
holistically, the physical environment in which they function has to be
conducive, hence the emphasis on the socio-ecological approach.
Studies by April et al. (n.d.), Ferreira et al. (2006), Hoehner et al.
(2003), Kerr et al. (2012), and Sinnett et al. (2011), all emphasize a socio-
ecological conceptualization of PA and its promotion in the community.
The interplay between the built environment, residential choices, travel
behaviour, and accessibility to social utilities is vital in any attempt to
understand and promote PA levels. According to April et al. (n.d.), the
socio-ecological model illustrates the interrelationship between the indi-
vidual and their environment. In this regard, the social environment
includes community norms and values, regulations, policies, and culture.
Some of the determinants and barriers to healthy behaviours are shared by
the community as a whole. There is therefore a need to approach health
promotion on all levels in order to increase effectiveness.
According to April et al. (n.d.), evidence shows high levels of physical
inactivity among adults and children throughout Africa, leading to high
levels of obesity. It is also apparent that NCDs prevalence shows signs of
increase due to competing agendas and barriers of PA which exist at each
level of the social environment. High levels of physical inactivity can only
be addressed by targeting interventions at each level of the social environ-
ment. For interventions to be effective, custodians at community, work-
place, and policy level need to work together to promote PA, and not just
medical practitioners. This network, involving custodians at all levels,
would further improve the efficiency of PA promotion throughout the
social environment.
According to April et al. (n.d.), high levels of obesity exist and NCDs
prevalence show signs of increase due to competing priorities and barriers
of PA. Similarly, Wang and Lobstein (2006) agree that childhood obesity
and overweight cases are on the increase, even though infants and pre-
school children are an exception in low-income countries. A study by
Heroux et al. (2013) which compared obesity levels in Kenya, Mexico,
and Canada confirms that obesity levels were still low (0.9 for boys and
2.8 for girls) in Kenya. Despite these findings for Kenya, data presented by
April et al. (n.d.), Bloemhoff (2010), and Guthold et al. (2008) show that
there is an increasing trend of inactivity among youth in Africa. This is a
worrying trend, as inactivity could precede an increase in overweight and
obesity cases unless intervention measures are put in place early enough.
However, it should be pointed out that comprehensive and detailed data
on the reality of PA levels in Africa are lacking (Guthold et al., 2008,
2011; Wang & Lobstein, 2006).
Tables 10.2 and 10.3 show the physical inactivity rates for men and
women in selected countries of Africa. According to Guthold et al. (2008),
data for physical inactivity were derived from the World Health Survey to
estimate the prevalence of physical inactivity for the populations of 51
countries, as well as for different subgroups across the countries. The term
‘physical inactivity’ was measured by whether or not a person engaged in
PA. In this case, PA was assessed using the short form of the validated
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), in which respon-
dents are asked to report the number of days and the duration of the vig-
orous, moderate, and walking activities they undertook during the last
one week (Guthold et al., 2008).
Tables 10.2 and 10.3 reveal that the level of physical inactivity is close
to or above 50 per cent for both men and women in Mauritania and
Swaziland. Other countries such as Congo, South Africa, and Namibia are
also experiencing high levels of physical inactivity. These data show that
there is a need for intervention if the problem of inactivity is to be resolved
before it turns into an obesity pandemic, as in Western countries. According
to April et al. (n.d.), high levels of physical inactivity can only be addressed
by targeting interventions at each level of the social environment.
According to Ferreira et al. (2006, p. 129), ‘understanding the environ-
mental factors that are associated with physical activity in youth is needed
to better inform the development of effective intervention strategies
attempting to halt the obesity epidemic’.
Aarts et al. (2011) state that ‘next to individual characteristics, physical
and social environmental characteristics, such as access to recreational
facilities, traffic situation, social safety, and social cohesion, are related to
children’s physical activity behaviour such as outdoor play, sports partici-
pation, or active commuting to school’ (p. 1). This therefore calls for
interventions at community, workplace, and policy level to promote PA,
and not just medical and health practitioners. There is a need for a net-
work involving custodians at all levels to improve the efficiency of PA
promotion throughout the social environment.
The need for collaborative efforts to facilitate and promote PA is made
more urgent given the spiralling costs of health care due to the prevalence
of both communicable diseases and NCDs, which are compounded by the
high levels of poverty in many African countries. The implications for local
strategies. Sinnett et al. (2011) provide evidence from Great Britain on
how investment in PA-promoting infrastructure has overwhelmingly
improved the economic and well-being of the people in selected small cit-
ies. According to these authors, ‘evaluations of walking environments
showed cost-benefit ratios of up to 37.6 per cent’. A similar approach is
advanced by Aarts et al. (2011) based on a case study in the Netherlands.
The authors emphasize cultural and community acceptability, political fea-
sibility, and cost feasibility as vital considerations in formulating and imple-
menting policies to promote physical and social environmental correlates
of PA among children, youth, and adults.
Chau (2007) advocates for engaging people from the community so as
to build partnerships between businesses, councils, government, and non-
government organizations (NGOs) in order to collaborate and cooperate
in promoting PA and participating in it. The collaboration enables com-
munity members to recognize different interests and abilities in the com-
munity and provide opportunities for different types of involvement in
programmes, including physical, social, and cultural activities. Chau also
recommends empowering community members to manage programmes
to encourage ownership and sustainability. In this regard, policies should
target community groups that are more disadvantaged and less likely to be
active, ensure that programmes are culturally specific and sensitive, pro-
vide local facilities at gathering places for activities, and conduct periodic
surveys for feedback so as to improve the programme offerings.
In the African setting, the built environment can be perceived both as
a facilitator and as a barrier to PA participation. April et al. (n.d.) lists some
of the key barriers, such as road safety and neighbourhood crime. However,
there are also opportunities for PA, including walking to recreational facil-
ities that are nearby, such as school playgrounds; common life activities
such as cycling and walking paths; and walking to bus stops and shopping
centres. However, more studies are needed to explore the reality of PA
patterns in most African studies, as it is apparent that only countries such
as South Africa, Mauritius, Kenya, Ghana, and Nigeria have attracted
scholarly attention to PA and the corresponding emergence of cardiovas-
cular diseases as a major public health concern (April et al., n.d.; Onywera
et al., 2012, 2013; WHO, 2008). In South Africa, for example, NCDs
account for 37 per cent of deaths in the country. In addition, 57 per cent
of South African women and nearly 30 per cent of men are either over-
weight or obese (Kolbe-Alexander, Bull, & Lambert, 2012). According to
Kolbe-Alexander et al. (2012), only 36 per cent of men and 24 per cent of
women report sufficient levels of daily health-enhancing PA, while a third
According to WHO (2008), the Mauritian government launched a three-
year National Plan of Action on Physical Activity (2004–2006) in 2004.
The action plan was prepared by the Ministry of Health and Quality of
Life. The National Plan was developed in line with the Global Strategy on
Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Its overall objective was to foster a
culture of PA and to promote PA practice in Mauritius. Mauritians were
urged to undertake some form of PA for at least 30 minutes daily. The
implementation of the National Plan culminated in developing a ‘National
Action Plan on Physical Activity 2011–2014’, whose vision is ‘[t]o make
Mauritius a physically active and healthy nation’. The specific goals were
to increase and maintain adequate levels of health-enhancing PA for all
people, to contribute to the prevention and control of chronic NCDs, and
to contribute to the achievement of optimal health for all Mauritians
(Mauritius, n.d., p. 8). Several PA intervention strategies were planned
within the implementation of the initial National Plan. The following are
some of the strategies:
1. The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life had set up a Task Force
in December 2002 in order to make recommendations for the pro-
motion of PA in the Mauritian population. In June 2003, the Task
Force submitted its report, which also included a draft policy on
PA. Subsequently, a National Action Plan on Physical Activity for
the 2004–2006 period was developed. Some of the accomplish-
ments include setting up health clubs equipped with treadmills for
public use throughout the island. PA programmes promoted in the
health clubs include yoga, aerobic dance, and Tai Chi. These activ-
ities are presently carried out in 54 sites in the community. The
Ministry of Health and Quality of Life also hired personnel to
supervise the physical activities in its health centres. The commu-
nity health nurses also regularly give talks on the importance of PA
and healthy lifestyle in primary schools as a component of the
school health programme. The Health Information Education and
Communication (HIEC) Unit also conducts such talks in second-
ary schools and community settings and produces health education
material on diet and exercise. NCD patients are briefed appropri-
ately by doctors, NCD nurses, and dieticians during clinics. In
2005, a media campaign was carried out on NCDs which included
the production and broadcasting of one TV and two radio spots on
PA (Mauritius, n.d.).
For Mauritius, the setting up of proper infrastructure was one of the key
determinants in the promotion of PA in the country. As indicated above,
In the light of the discussion regarding the impact of ageing, NCDs, and
physical inactivity (hypokinesis), it is of paramount importance that we
should echo and embrace Vuka South Africa—Move for your health. The
strategic objective of the National Sport and Recreation Plan (NSRP) for
South Africa, viz. to improve the health and well-being of the nation by
providing mass participation opportunities through active recreation, is
indeed a wake-up call which cannot be ignored by leaders at all levels in this
country. However, successful implementation thereof requires dedication
and acceptance of responsibility together with the will and thrust to ‘make
things happen; These challenge political- social- academic- professional peo-
ple and volunteers to be willing to ‘walk the extra mile’. As discussed, many
endeavours to tackle the idea of health improvement have already emerged
in South Africa, with various levels of success.
It is noteworthy that there is a rising worldwide attention to NCDs that
has attracted a lot of peer-reviewed publications on NCDs at the global
level. However, there is still limited research on the NCDs in Africa and a
lack of a detailed analysis of what interventions are being put in place to
prevent the surge. More research is definitely needed on high-priority
interventions on PA and health promotion, including the related aspects
of obesity and dietary patterns in Africa. However, the examples drawn
from Mauritius and South Africa reveal their national commitment to
prevent the citizens of these countries from falling prey to the hitherto
Western lifestyle diseases. For the rest of Africa, there is a need to heed the
warning and embark on programmes to sustain PA levels, promote health
practices, and empower the local communities to take charge of their own
health for the good of the individuals, the communities, and the countries
of Africa as a whole.
It is important that African countries strive to promote the mainte-
nance of a healthy energy balance among the people. In this regard, fami-
lies, schools, and communities must ensure that all people have the
educational, dietary, and PA resources to pursue this task successfully.
Additionally, health care professionals must be prepared to treat obesity
and partner with community resources to facilitate normal growth and
development, as well as healthy psychosocial function. Research on the
prevention, early intervention, and treatment of overweight and obesity
persons should assume high priority, given the high prevalence of obesity
and its health consequences elsewhere in the world and the emerging
trends in Africa.
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education and sport. He has 30 years of work experience in Kenya and the USA,
where he has taught a variety of courses, including Motor Development, Motor
Control and Learning, Coaching Theory, Organization and Administration of
Sport, Sociology of Sport, and Methods of Teaching. He has published widely on
various themes, including physical activity, sports labour migration, soccer, athlet-
ics, and sports performance. During spells of academic exchange at Minnesota
State University and as a visiting professor at Kyambogo University in Uganda, he
mentors faculty and graduate students.
Land, 3, 12, 23, 25, 31–34, 36, 37, Obesity, 14, 199, 201, 204, 213, 216,
41–44, 71, 74, 76, 79–81, 116, 219, 222–227, 229, 235, 236,
221, 229, 234 239, 241–243
Land management, 11, 29 Organic, 84
Leapfrogging, 99, 139, 140, 144
Lifestyle, 15, 174, 199, 220, 226,
229, 234, 237, 239, 243 P
Literature review, 7, 9, 111, 159, 175, Participation, 12, 35, 36, 53, 58,
176, 178, 180, 181, 190 62–65, 76, 85, 162, 168, 192,
Livelihoods, 2–4, 12, 21, 26, 29, 30, 32, 220–222, 225, 226, 228, 231,
34, 71–74, 76–80, 114, 119, 153 240–242
Local development, 59, 60 Participatory approach, 36, 46, 82,
160, 162
Participatory development, 109
M Physical activity, 14, 15, 199–243
Malnutrition, 188 Physical activity transition, 14
Market centres, 38, 107, 108, 115, Physical inactivity, 199, 214–216, 223,
120, 123, 124, 127, 231 229, 239, 242
Markets, 3, 11–13, 43, 71, 74, 76, Planning, ix, x, 1, 69, 70, 79, 84, 86,
78–82, 101, 107–109, 114, 93, 109–111, 117, 120, 121, 123,
119–127, 148, 179, 186 126, 127, 153, 160, 168, 176,
Medical, 173, 176, 191, 223, 225 182, 185, 187, 190, 192, 219,
Meta-analysis, 112, 138, 148, 158, 220, 222, 226, 229–231, 238
201, 202, 218 Policy, 1, 4–6, 8, 11, 12, 26, 33, 36,
Methods, 3, 8, 14, 17–27, 44, 54–56, 56, 62, 64, 69, 71, 77, 85, 95,
69–75, 79, 83, 86, 94, 95, 107, 96, 98–100, 108, 117, 119, 120,
108, 111, 135, 136, 138–140, 125, 142, 147, 148, 153, 168,
145, 146, 149, 154, 157–159, 174, 175, 179, 180, 186, 187,
161, 164, 166, 169, 174–182, 190, 205, 207, 218, 223, 225,
188, 189, 200, 201, 218, 226 227, 229, 230, 234, 239
Microfinance, 94, 101, 102 Political infrastructure, 100
Mixed district approach, 59, 60 Poor, 19, 29, 38, 44, 59, 72, 73, 79,
Multi-spatial livelihoods analysis, 113 80, 85, 96, 97, 100, 119, 120,
126, 127, 135, 143, 146, 158,
166, 179, 184, 186, 189, 191,
N 192, 229
Neo-patrimonialism, 62 Poverty, 2, 3, 12, 26, 29, 57, 64, 66,
Network analysis, 113 71–73, 76–78, 81, 82, 96, 101,
Non-communicable disease (NCDs), 109, 111, 119, 148, 225, 227
14, 174–176, 179, 188, 204, 219, Power sector reforms, 142
222–226, 228, 232–235, 242 Primary Health Care (PHC), 175,
Nutrition, 181, 235, 237, 239–241 176, 180, 182–186, 189
U Water access, 14, 159, 163, 165, 167,
Ujamaa, 61 169
Urban, 2, 4, 13, 61, 63, 64, 80, 98, Water law, 161, 163, 165, 169
102, 107–127, 145, 149, 164, Water planning, 14, 169
169, 177, 181, 188, 189, 192, Water policy, 14, 157, 163, 164, 167,
226, 230 169
Urban council, 60, 61 Water quality, 14, 83, 153, 157–159,
Urbanization, 110, 111, 116, 118, 161, 163–166, 169
121 Water security, 14, 157, 159,
Urban-led rural development, 121 163–167, 169
Urban policy, 111 Water supply, 14, 157, 159, 160,
Urban rank size hierarchy, 107 162–169
Urban systems theory, 110 Workforce, 173, 176, 179, 180, 190,
Urban transition, 110 191
User fees, 175, 180, 181, 186, 187