Welding Project Rubric

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Welding Project Rubric

CATEGORY 10- Excellent 8- Good 6- Average 4- Poor 2- OMG!

Dimensional All parts cut Nearly all parts cut Most parts cut Some parts cut Few parts cut
Accuracy accurately, accurately, accurately, accurately, accurately,
correctly mitered correctly mitered correctly mitered correctly mitered correctly mitered
Parts and and finished as per and finished as per and finished as per and finished as per and finished as per
Assembly drawing. drawing. drawing. drawing. drawing.

Accuracy: Accuracy: Accuracy: Accuracy: Accuracy:

within 1/16” within 3/32” within 1/8” within 5/32” > 5/32”
Fit-up and Angular and linear Angular and linear Most angular and Some angular and Many Angular and
positional fitment precise, no fitment tight, few linear fitment linear fitments are linear fitment gaps
notable gaps notable gaps precise. Most parts precise, a lot of and/or
tacking and/or and/or free from notable notable gaps misalignments.
misalignments. All misalignments. gaps and/or and/or Tack welds
tack welds Nearly all tack misalignments. misalignments. detrimentally and
appropriately welds appropriately Most tack welds Only some tack poorly placed.
placed. placed. appropriately welds appropriately
placed. placed.
Weld Quality – All welds Nearly all welds Most welds Some welds Few welds
Size/Efficiency appropriate or appropriate or appropriate or appropriate or appropriate or
accurate to accurate to accurate to accurate to accurate to
drawings and or drawings and or drawings and or drawings and or drawings and or
needs, Correct needs, nearly all needs, most needs, some needs, almost no
profiles and sizes profiles and sizes profiles and sizes profiles and sizes profiles and sizes
throughout. correct throughout. correct. correct. correct throughout.

Weld All welds Nearly all welds Most welds Some welds Few welds
Sequence performed to performed to performed to performed to performed to
control distortion, control distortion, control distortion, control distortion, control distortion,
Squareness techniques such as techniques such as techniques such as techniques such as techniques such as
back stepping/weld back stepping/weld back stepping/weld back stepping/weld back stepping/weld
sequencing sequencing sequencing sequencing sequencing not
applied. applied. applied. applied. applied or

Assembly level Assembly level Assembly level Assembly level Assembly level
/square within 1/16” /square within 3/32” /square within 1/8” /square within 5/32” /square > 5/32”
Finishing Welded areas are Nearly all welded Most welded areas Some welded No welded areas
cleanly finished areas are cleanly are cleanly finished areas are cleanly are cleanly finished
and free from finished and free and free from finished and free and free from
spatter. Sanding from spatter. spatter. Sanding from spatter. spatter. Sanding
and grinding is Sanding and and grinding is Sanding and and grinding is
clean and flat or grinding is nearly clean and flat or grinding is dipped detrimental to the
correctly profiled as all clean and flat or correctly profiled as and grooved, integrity of the part.
appropriate. correctly profiled as appropriate. Just a sanding/grinding Ever thought of
appropriate. few dips/grind marks are heavy. taking up basket
marks weaving?

Rubric covers all project work throughout the year. All project value is 50% of total project grade, 10% per criteria.

Date Created: April 27, 2013

Date Last Modified: Nov 12, 2015

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