Nurse Ecmo
Nurse Ecmo
Nurse Ecmo
and ECMO
Chirine Mossadegh
Alain Combes Editors
Nursing Care and ECMO
Chirine Mossadegh • Alain Combes
viii Contents
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Principles
ECMO is currently the only emergency treatment able to support temporary cardio-
respiratory failure. The basic principle of ECMO is to collect the patient’s venous
blood into a pump connected to an oxygenator and restore the oxygenated and
decarboxylated blood to the patient. In both ECMO-VA and ECMO-VV, the
patient’s blood is drained via a cannula inserted into a large vein. In ECMO-VA,
blood is reinjected through an arterial cannula, while in ECMO-VV, blood is rein-
jected through a venous cannula.
ECMO is not a cure. It can stabilise a patient in a very serious condition to allow
teams to evaluate and/or make a diagnosis and to take a decision. It can provide
partial or complete support, and ensures gas exchange and a satisfactory infusion to
the patient to protect vital organs. One can see ECMO as a bridge to a decision.
Monitoring of ECMO is done exclusively in intensive care and close to thoracic
and vascular cardiac surgery.
1 ECMO: Definitions and Principles 5
1.2.1 Equipment
The ECMO system is similar to that of an operating theatre CBP console, but min-
iaturised and simplified to enable it to be easily used outside the operating room. An
ECMO circuit is composed of a pump, an oxygenator, a heat exchanger, cannulas
and a set of tubes for connecting the patient to the machine. According to the
patient’s needs, assistance will focus on the heart and/or the lungs. In case of
ECMO-VA, a venous cannula and an arterial cannula will be needed. In case of
respiratory support, only two venous cannulas (or a venous cannula having an out-
put and an input) will be used. Conventionally, the venous blood is drained from the
patient from a large calibre vein such as the femoral vein through a pump and is then
oxygenated and decarboxylated through a membrane (Fig. 1.1). Then the blood
flows back into the patient’s circulation. Cannulas
The choice of cannulas is fundamental for the ECMO to work optimally with as
little complication as possible. There are a multitude of cannulas classified accord-
ing to their internal diameter (in Fr, where 1 Fr = 1/3 mm), their length (mm) and
their surface treatment.
They feature a contoured tip to facilitate penetration into the vessels (espe-
cially for the percutaneous approach), metal coils to strengthen the cannula and
Admission cannula
Venous blood gas exchanger
Centrifugal pump
Arterial blood gas cannula
RPM l/min Flow sensor
a rigid proximal portion with a connection fitting with the tubing. The term
‘admission cannula’ is used for venous drainage cannula and ‘reinfusion can-
nula’ for the cannula which carries oxygenated blood from the pump to the
patient (inserted either in an artery or a vein, depending on which type of
ECMO is used). Venous cannulas are usually wider and longer than arterial
cannulas. Pump
In ECMO, we use centrifugal pumps. These are non-occlusive pumps which operate
on the principle of entraining blood into the pump by means of a vortexing action of
spinning impeller blades or rotating cones. The impellers or cones are magnetically
coupled with an electric motor and, when rotated rapidly, generate a pressure dif-
ferential that causes the movement of blood. The flow rate is calculated (by ultra-
sonic sensor) in L/min. The console allows the display and setting of various
parameters of ECMO (flow, high- and low-flow alarms).
The centrifugal pump generates less haemolysis than other types of pump, and
the pump stops in case of air embolism in the circuit; the rate depends mostly on
input (blood volume and the choice of cannula size) and output pressure (vascular
resistance). Centrifugal pumps are non-occlusive, which means that the blood can
move in one direction or the other. Therefore, there can be a backflow with the
patient’s blood going back to the pump. This is seen most often when the ECMO
rates are low and the pressure generated by the patient’s heart is more important.
There is an anti-backflow system on pumps, but regular monitoring is essential, and
the golden rule is to clamp the arterial line whenever the pump is not running. All
pumps are equipped with an emergency hand crank to compensate for a pump-
operating failure. Circuits
The circuit is composed of PVC tubes with an internal diameter of 3/8 inch
(9.525 mm) packaged sterilely with a debubbling pocket. The circuit has a surface
treatment in order to reduce clotting. Oxygenators
The blood passes through polypropylene fibres that allow gas exchange to provide
oxygenation and decarboxylation. The oxygenator reproduces the alveolar capillary
function. Modern oxygenators are composed of multiple hollow fibres of <0.5 mm
diameter, coated with a hydrophobic polymer (polymethylpentene), allowing the
passage of gas (partial pressure gradient) but not liquid (Fig. 1.2). The gas flows
1 ECMO: Definitions and Principles 7
inside the fibres, and the liquid is on the outside. Compared with a healthy lung,
transfer capacities with the membrane (artificial lung) are more than ten times lower
(3000 vs. 200–250 mL/min). These transfers of O2 and CO2 capacity are determined
by the exchange surface and the pore diameter of the fibres. These elements are not
editable at the bedside to modify these exchanges; the action focuses on the flow of
liquid (pump rate) and gas intake.
This is a miniaturised thermal unit that can heat patient blood by convection. The
thermal unit can heat up the patient’s blood during the passage of the latter through
the oxygenator: hot water circulates around the oxygenator and thus indirectly
warms the patient’s blood. The introduction and removal of the device is performed
by the perfusionist.
1.2.2 D
escription of Techniques, Indications
and Complications ECMO-VA and ECLS
The most frequent indication for ECMO-VA is represented by all the causes of
refractory cardiogenic shock to all medical treatments (Table 1.1). In these cases,
there is an inability of the heart to pump to ensure adequate blood flow, leading to
tissue hypoxia by stagnation in the absence of hypovolemia which can cause organ
8 C.-H. David et al. ECMO-VV ECMO-VAV
1. ARDS Definition Task Force et al. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: the Berlin definition.
JAMA. 2012;307(23):2526–33.
2. Bartlett RH et al. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenator support for cardiopulmonary failure.
Experience in 28 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1977;73(3):375–86.
3. Davies A et al. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for 2009 influenza A (H1N1) acute
respiratory distress syndrome. JAMA. 2009;302(17):1888–95.
4. Hill JG et al. Emergent applications of cardiopulmonary support: a multiinstitutional experi-
ence. Ann Thorac Surg. 1992;54(4):699–704.
5. Kolobow T et al. Partial extracorporeal gas exchange in alert newborn lambs with a membrane
artificial lung perfused via an A-V shunt for periods up to 96 hours. Trans Am Soc Arti Intern
Org. 1968;14:328–34.
6. Lawson DS et al. Hemolytic characteristics of three commercially available centrifugal blood
pumps. Pediatr Criti Care Med J Soc Crit Care Med World Feder Pediatr Intens Crit Care Soc.
7. Leprince P, Léger P, Aubert S, Gandjbakhch I, Pavie A. Assistances circulatoires et cœurs
artificiels: techniques et évolutions. EMC (Elsevier Masson SAS, Paris), Techniques chirurgi-
cales Thorax. 2010;42–515:1–10.
8. Rozé H, Repusseau B, Ouattara A. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in adults for severe
acute respiratory failure. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 2014;33(7–8):1–3.
9. Seldinger S. Catheter replacement of the needle in percutaneous arteriography; a new tech-
nique. Acta Radiol. 1953;39(5):368–76.
10. Tamari Y et al. The effects of pressure and flow on hemolysis caused by Bio-Medicus centrifu-
gal pumps and roller pumps. Guidelines for choosing a blood pump. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
11. Zapol WM et al. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe acute respiratory failure. A
randomized prospective study. JAMA. 1979;242(20):2193–6.
Chapter 2
Indications and Physiopathology
in Venoarterial ECMO
Nicolas Brechot
2.1 Generalities
Fig. 2.1 Main characteristics of available short-term left ventricular assist devices (Adapted from [1])
without ECMO facilities and their transfer in tertiary care centers. In a cohort of 210
patients, ECMO-assisted patients by a mobile unit team shared the same prognosis
with locally implanted patients [2].
Once implanted, ECMO will allow to buy some time to evaluate the best strat-
egy for the patient, as a bridge to decision therapy. However, ECMO provides only
a short-term support. Complications explode after 7–15 days of ECMO therapy,
and the technique does not allow patient’s rehabilitation, which is crucial for
patient’s improvement. ECMO needs therefore to be switched rapidly to another
assistance, a sequence called “a bridge to”…. Patients that rapidly recover from
their heart failure (myocarditis, postcardiac arrest heart dysfunction, drug poison-
ing, etc.) can usually be explanted from the ECMO in a bridge to recovery strategy.
In patients who do not recover from multiple organ failure or are too sick to be
candidate for a heart transplant or long-term assistance device (e.g., patients who
developed severe brain damages), ECMO will be withdrawn with the goal of limit-
ing the therapeutics and focusing on palliative care. Patients with intermediary
myocardial or multiple organ failure recovery will be bridged to long-term mechan-
ical assistance or to heart transplantation. An example of such kind of algorithm is
presented in Fig. 2.2.
As ECMO is used at this time as a salvage therapy, no randomized study has
been conducted to evaluate its true impact on mortality. However, ECMO could
rescue about 40% of refractory cardiogenic shocks in large cohorts studies [3, 4].
Survivors reported a preserved quality of life, despite some limitations in physical
activities and social functioning. In a before–after study in Taiwan in 70 patients
2 Indications and Physiopathology in Venoarterial ECMO 13
ECMO assistance may be considered in case of cardiogenic shock with low cardiac
output (cardiac index <2.2 L/min/m2, or left ventricular ejection fraction
(LVEF)<20% and aortic velocity time integral <8 cm assessed by echocardiogra-
phy) and persistent tissue hypoxia despite administration of high doses of inotrope
14 N. Brechot
Modalities, indications, and outcomes under ECMO are constantly evolving and
strongly depend on the underlying pathology. From 2009 to 2011, 200 patients
were implanted with a peripheral venoarterial ECMO in the medical ICU of la
Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, Paris. Indications, explantation, and survival rates for
each pathology are represented in Fig. 2.3. Myocardial ischemia, dilated cardio-
myopathy, and postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock represented the most frequent
indications for ECMO and led to intermediary survival, ranging from 35 to 40%.
Myocarditis, primary graft dysfunction, refractory myocardial dysfunction asso-
ciated with septic shock, and poisoning appeared to be good indications for
ECMO support, with a survival rate above 60%. Refractory cardiac arrest and late
graft dysfunction were on the contrary associated with a very poor prognosis. The
overall survival to ICU discharge was 43%. Hospital and 6-months survival rate
were 40% and 33%, respectively. Mean ECMO duration was 6.3 ± 6.4 days.
ECMO served as a bridge to myocardial recovery for 37% of the patients, a
bridge to cardiac transplantation for 9%, and a bridge to long-term assistance for
22% of the cohort (22 central ECMO, 12 left ventricular assist device, 7
CardioWest, 3 Bi-thoratec).
2 Indications and Physiopathology in Venoarterial ECMO 15
Fig. 2.3 Sample size, explantation rate, and ICU survival rate by pathology in 200 ECMO-assisted
patients, from 2009 to 2011, in the medical ICU of la Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital
Acute myocardial ischemia complicated with cardiogenic shock is the leading cause
for circulatory assistance. It has to date never been evaluated in randomized studies,
as this condition is associated with a rapid fatal outcome. However, ECMO-assisted
percutaneous coronarography was recently evaluated in a retrospective before/after
study in 58 patients presenting with cardiogenic shock due to acute myocardial isch-
emia from 2004 to 2009 in Taiwan. Mortality at 1 year tumbled down from 76 to 37%
after ECMO implementation, while patients remained unchanged regarding to demo-
graphic characteristics and disease severity [7]. This further challenges the timing for
ECMO implantation in those patients. Percutaneous coronary angioplasty remains
the cornerstone of the treatment in such patients, but some with profound cardiogenic
shock will necessitate initiation of the ECMO first in the catheterization laboratory.
The second challenge in those patients is to predict the potential of myocardial
recovery under ECMO to guide further clinical strategy. Particularly, patients with
a poor potential of recovery should be rapidly switched to prolonged assistance
devices such as left ventricular assist device (LVAD) or to cardiac transplantation to
avoid ECMO complications.
Outcome after ECMO implantation for myocardial ischemia was recently stud-
ied in 77 patients. ECLS duration was 9.8 ± 7.1 days. Nineteen patients (24%) were
finally weaned from ECMO; 40 (52%) died under ECMO; 5 (6.5%) were trans-
planted; 9 (11.6%) were switched to LVAD therapy; and 4 (5.2%) to biventricular
mechanical assistance. Thirty-day and in-hospital survival rates were respectively
16 N. Brechot
Refractory cardiogenic shock following cardiac surgery was historically the main
area of development for ECMO assistance. It concerns from 0.5 to 2.9% of cardiac
procedures with cardiopulmonary bypass. The rational for ECMO implantation is
the potential of recovery from myocardial stunning after surgery. However, results
appear quite disappointing, mainly due to age, previous medical condition, and pre-
vious cardiac damages of operated patients. In larger cohorts, patients referred for
postcardiotomy ECMO had a mean age around 64 years, a mean euroscore around
21%, and a LVEF around 46% [9, 10]. More than half of the patients could be
weaned from the ECMO, but only 24–33% were discharged home, and survival at
1 year varied from 17 to 29%. Age >70, diabetes, obesity, preoperative renal insuf-
ficiency, preoperative LVEF, and preimplantation acidosis were independently asso-
ciated with a poor outcome, while isolated coronary artery bypass grafting appeared
to be protective. Interestingly, neither cardiopulmonary bypass duration nor aortic
clamping time seems to be associated with the outcome.
2.3.3 E
CMO for Primary Graft Failure After Heart
its easy and rapid implantation and explantation, peripheral venoarterial ECMO has
become the elective first-line assistance device for those patients.
Several large cohorts reported the favorable outcome of this otherwise fatal con-
dition using ECMO support. In a cohort of 41 fulminant myocarditis with refractory
cardiogenic shock patients assisted with VA-ECMO, survival to discharge was 70%
in the ECMO group [13]. This high survival rate contrasted with the high severity of
the patients before ECMO implantation, reflected by a mean SAPS-II score at 56.
The median duration of assistance was quite short, 10 days, highlighting the rapid
myocardial recovery in these patients. Mean LVEF was 57% at 18 months. Four
patients who did not recover needed a heart transplantation and were alive at dis-
charge. Patients needed however a high degree of healthcare resources: 88%
required mechanical ventilation, 54% dialysis, and the mean hospitalization dura-
tion was 59 days. Importantly, 63% of the patients exhibited at least one major
complication related to the ECMO. Ten developed hydrostatic pulmonary edema
and necessitated a switch for a central assistance. Other complications comprised
major bleeding at the cannulation site (46%), deep vein thrombosis (15%), arterial
ischemia (15%), surgical wound infection (15%), and stroke (10%). After a mean
18 months of follow-up, patients reported a highly preserved mental health and
vitality. However, they still reported physical and psychosocial difficulties, and
anxiety, depression, and/or post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms were present in
respectively 38, 27, and 27% of them. Ten patients presented also long-term pares-
thesia or neurological defect in the leg of the ECMO, and one necessitated a major
amputation due to arterial ischemia. In this cohort, SAPS-II >56 and troponin
>12 μg/L were the only independent predictors of poor outcome.
In another cohort of 75 pediatric and adult patients with myocarditis complicated
with a refractory cardiogenic shock, PVA ECMO as first-line therapy gave compa-
rable results. Sixty-four percent of the patients could be discharged home with a
mean LVEF of 57%. Nine patients did not recover and were switched to long-term
ventricular assist device (six patients) and heart transplantation (three patients).
Thirty percent necessitated left ventricule drainage for refractory pulmonary edema
under VAP ECMO. This condition was associated with a poorer weaning rate from
the ECMO (39%) and a poorer survival (48%). Again, dialysis and a persistent ele-
vation of troponin levels were independent predictors of a poor outcome [14].
benefit of the technique in several models, and many single case studies reported its
successful use in humans [16]. The largest cohort on that subject concerned 62
patients in a single center, mean age 48, presenting a refractory cardiogenic shock
following drug intoxication [17]. Ten of them deteriorated to a refractory cardiac
arrest, and fourteen of the patients were implanted with a PVA ECMO, three during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Survival was strongly increased in ECMO-implanted
patients (86% vs. 48%, p = 0.02). Particularly, none of the refractory cardiac arrest
patients survived without ECMO, whereas all of the three ECMO-implanted patients
during this condition survived. It was also noticed that none of the ECMO-implanted
patients died during intoxication with membrane-stabilizing agent, whereas 65% of
the nonimplanted patients died. The particularity of ECMO assistance during this
condition comes from the vasoplegic properties of many toxic agents, making high
flow rates difficult to achieve. Thus, although PVA-ECMO seems very useful in
drug intoxication, its exact timing and efficacy for each agent remains to be better
PVA ECMO has become the reference technique for rewarming patients present-
ing a deep hypothermia (<28 °C) complicated with a cardiac arrest after the
description of several case reports and 15 survivors with favorable long-term
neurological outcomes in a cohort of 32 patients [15, 18, 19]. In this last cohort,
the mean temperature was 21.8 °C, and the mean interval between discovery to
ECMO support was 141 min. ECMO allows indeed the fastest rewarming and
assures an immediate adequate circulatory support. It also prevents the shock
due to peripheral vasodilatation during rewarming, as the central body is
rewarmed before its peripheral parts. As low temperatures considerably increase
the ischemic tolerance of the brain, many efforts are employed by clinicians to
resuscitate those hypothermic patients, with the universal idea that “nobody is
dead until warm and dead.” However, the mortality rate after a cardiac arrest
associated with deep hypothermia is still high, even in ECMO-assisted patients,
ranging from 30 to 80% [20–23]. The major problem is to determine which
occurred first between hypoxia and hypothermia. Asphyxia before hypothermia
developed is associated with an extremely poor survival (ranging from 0 to 6%)
and a poor neurological outcome in survivors [20–22]. On the contrary, patients
in whom cooling preceded the cardiac arrest have a very good survival rate
(from 60 to 100%) and satisfactory long-term neurological outcome when
assisted with an ECMO [19, 20, 22]. Major causes of accidental hypothermia are
avalanches, drowning, drug intoxication, and exposure to cold air. In clinical
settings the determination of the exact sequence of clinical events is usually very
difficult, although asphyxia is usually associated with avalanches, accidents, and
drowning and is more unusual in drug intoxication and exposed to cold air
2 Indications and Physiopathology in Venoarterial ECMO 19
Successful rescue therapy with an ECMO has been described in several cases of
life-threatening pulmonary embolism [24, 25], even in patients in cardiac arrest
[26]. The technique seems very promising in this indication, as it allows an immedi-
ate right ventricule and pulmonary support, whereas medical management of a
severe cardiogenic shock due to right ventricular failure remains challenging.
Further studies will have to precise the place of ECMO in the therapeutics available
during severe pulmonary embolism, particularly regarding thrombolysis therapy.
The other main challenge in this field will be to determinate whether an adjunctive
treatment must be performed in ECMO-treated patients. One could advocate that a
complementary treatment with catheter-guided thrombectomy or surgical embolec-
tomy might allow a faster recovery from the right ventricule dysfunction [26, 27].
Others may argue that, once in place, ECMO allows to buy some time to ensure the
natural lysis of the thrombus, as it was demonstrated in several patients [24, 28, 29].
Future studies will help us to better determinate the short-term and long-term out-
comes of these different strategies.
Apart from accidental hypothermia and drug intoxication in which ECMO support
is recommended [15, 19, 35], its use in other forms of cardiac arrest is more
Several cohort studies, ranging from 42 to 135 patients, reported the use of
ECMO during refractory cardiac arrest. ECMO could be implanted successfully in
more than 90% of the patients in all studies, mostly in the emergency department
and in the catheterization laboratory. Results of the technique vary largely between
in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
During in-hospital refractory cardiac arrest, survival rates varied from 34 to 58%,
and long-term survival with good neurological outcome (cerebral performance cat-
egory (CPC) score 1–2) from 24 to 38%. The patients implanted during this condi-
tion were quite old, with a median age around 65 years, had quite prolonged
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) time before ECMO implantation, with median
time ranging from 40 to 60 min, and had a high rate of nonshockable initial rhythm,
up to 50%, in several studies [36–41]. Survival appears directly linked to CPR dura-
tion before ECMO implantation, and decreases from 30 to 17% after 60 min [37].
In 172 patients who presented an in-hospital cardiac arrest with a CPR duration
>10 min, in whom an ECMO was implanted in 59, ECMO was strongly associated
with a reduction in 1-year mortality (log-rank p = 0.007). After matching 46 patients
per group on potential confounding factors (age, comorbidities, CPR duration, etc.),
mortality fell from 82.6 to 67% in the ECMO group [37].
Results during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest remain more equivocal. In a cohort
of 162 witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with CPR >20 min in Japan, of
whom 53 received an ECMO, 3-month survival with good neurological outcome
was significantly improved in the ECMO group but remained low, 15 versus 2.8%
in the standard therapy group. Mean no-flow and low-flow times were 2 (0–8) min
and 49 (41–59) min [39]. In another cohort of 51 patients with higher no-flow and
low-flow times (3 min (1–7) and 120 min (102–149)), results were quite
disappointing, as only two patients survived (4%) with a favorable neurological
outcome at day 28. In this cohort, 90% of the patients died during the first 48 h from
multiple organ failure and massive hemorrhage [42]. No-flow time >5 min and
ETCO2 <10 mmHg before ECMO implantation were associated with a 100% mor-
tality rate. However, the low-flow time was not predictive of survival, as both survi-
vors had prolonged low-flow time, higher than 100 min.
American Heart Association does not currently recommend routine ECMO
implantation during CPR. However, ECMO may be considered when: (a) it is read-
ily available, (b) the time of no blood flow is short, and (c) the conditions of arrest
are either reversible or amenable (Class IIB, LOE C) [15]. The French Society of
Intensive Care Medicine (SRLF) proposed an algorithm in which a no-flow time
<5 min and an ETCO2 >10 mmHg are crucial components for the decision [43]. In
conclusion, implanting an ECMO seems reasonable during in-hospital refractory
cardiac arrest in selected patients with good overall conditions, reasonable low-flow
2 Indications and Physiopathology in Venoarterial ECMO 21
time, and reversible cause of the heart failure. Its use in out-of-hospital refractory
cardiac arrest seems to date more questionable and should be restricted to highly
selected patients, young, with little coexisting conditions, a no-flow time <5 min,
and ETCO2 >10 mmHg at ECMO implantation.
Patients beyond these limits may be evaluated for potential Maastricht II organ
donation, which is also an important role for the technique.
2.4 Conclusion
ECMO has emerged as the standard first-line therapy during refractory circulatory
failure. It allows a prompt circulatory and pulmonary support at bedside with rea-
sonable costs, even in remote locations, thanks to mobile ECMO units. Successful
ECMO-based salvage therapy has been described to date in various cases of refrac-
tory circulatory failure, with a highly preserved quality of life in survivors.
However, outcome after ECMO implantation strongly varies from one etiology to
another. Myocarditis, primary graft dysfunction, refractory myocardial dysfunc-
tion associated with septic shock, deep hypothermia, and drug intoxication are
associated with a prompt myocardial recovery and a high survival rate (above
70%). Myocardial infarction, dilated cardiomyopathy, and postcardiotomy refrac-
tory cardiogenic shock seem to provide intermediate survival results (from 40 to
50%). Patients are less likely to be explanted during those conditions, and a number
of them will necessitate high healthcare resources, like long-term left ventricule
assist devices or cardiac transplantation. Lastly, ECMO appeared to give disap-
pointing results during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and drowning (survival
between 0 and 15%), and future research is needed in those pathologies to allow a
better selection of the patients to avoid futile efforts and costs related to the tech-
nique. The other crucial progress in the field will be to better define the optimal
timing of ECMO implantation during each condition, as it appears from almost all
cohort studies that the shorter ECMO is implanted, the better are the chances for
the patient to survive.
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Chapter 3
Indications and Physiopathology
in Venovenous ECMO on Severe Acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Matthieu Schmidt
3.1 Introduction
3.2.1 Settings
In recent years, major technological advances occurred, and the latest ECMO devices
with polymethylpentene hollow-fiber membrane lungs and Mendler-designed centrif-
ugal pumps offer lower resistance to blood flow, have smaller priming volumes, higher
effective gas exchange properties, and are coated with more biocompatible materials.
The extracorporeal system consisted of polyvinyl chloride tubing, a membrane oxy-
genator, and a centrifugal pump. An oxygen-air blender is used to ventilate the mem-
brane oxygenator (2–14 l.min-1). Venovenous ECMO provides complete extracorporeal
blood oxygenation and decarboxylation using high blood flows (4–6 L/min) and large
(20–30 Fr) cannulas [12–15]. Blood is usually drained from the right atrium or the
inferior vena cava through a multiperforated cannula inserted percutaneously into the
right femoral vein and is returned to the superior vena cava through a cannula inserted
percutaneously into the right internal jugular vein (Femorojugular setting) or in the
right atrium through a cannula inserted into the femoral vein (Femoral–femoral set-
ting). During the procedure, using transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiography
is fostered to properly set the position of the drainage cannula.
a b
Blender Blender
Qxygenator Qxygenator
Fig. 3.1 Single-site and two-site approaches to venovenous ECMO cannulation (With permission
[13] (du NEJM)). (a) A two-site approach to venovenous ECMO cannulation. (b) A single-site
approach to venovenous ECMO cannulation.
reducing O2 transfer efficiency [22]. To minimize blood recirculation into the cir-
cuit, it can be configured in several ways [19, 20]. In the bifemoral setting, drainage
cannula is positioned in the inferior vena cava (IVC), and a femoral return cannula
is advanced to the right atrium (see Fig. 3.1a). However, 50% of the patients who
received bifemoral VV-ECMO for H1N1-induced ARDS in the ANZICS ICUs also
needed a second (jugular) drainage cannula, because of insufficient blood drainage
[8]. Alternatively, a single bicaval dual-lumen cannula (Avalon Elite®) can be
inserted via the right jugular vein and positioned to allow drainage from the IVC
and SVC and oxygenated blood return via a second lumen in the right atrium [23]
(see Fig. 3.1b). This setting minimizes blood recirculation, but insertion of the
28 M. Schmidt
jugular catheter requires an experienced and skilled operator and recourse to fluo-
roscopy or TEE guidance for its adequate positioning. Lastly, femorojugular setting
for VV-ECMO allows minimizing blood recirculation if the tip of the return cannula
is positioned away from that of the inflow cannula. To achieve this goal, mean dis-
tance between both cannulae should be measured on the chest X-ray. A minimal
distance of 12 cm is generally advocated. Additionally, it has been shown in a previ-
ous study that, compared to the jugulofemoral configuration, the femorojugular
bypass provided higher maximal ECMO flow, higher pulmonary arterial mixed
venous oxygen saturation, and required comparatively less flow to maintain an
equivalent mixed venous oxygen saturation [24].
To improve oxygen blood transfer in the oxygenator and to increase oxygen
transport to peripheral organs, a recent study has demonstrated that besides ECMO
cannulae configuration, ECMO flow through the ECMO circuit is the major deter-
minant of blood oxygenation. ECMO flow >60% of systemic blood flow permitted
adequate peripheral oxygenation [25]. Thus, depending on the patient size, cardiac
output, oxygen consumption, and lung shunt, circuit blood flow between 4–7 l/min
will typically be required to achieve arterial oxygen saturations >88–90%, while
maintaining safe lung ventilation. Therefore, large size (24–30 Fr) and multihole
drainage cannula should be preferred to obtain high flows with reasonable negative
pressure in the drainage cannula. Indeed, if small cannulae are used with high flows,
the suction created by the centrifugal pump can cause excessive depression and
cavitation in the inflow line resulting in massive intravascular hemolysis [19, 20].
Physiological in vivo study demonstrates that, for patients who received VV-ECMO
for refractory hypoxemia and whose native lung gas exchange function was almost
completely abolished, the determining factors of arterial oxygenation are VV-ECMO
blood flow and FiO2ECMO. Specifically, using the femorojugular ECMO setting,
achieving VV-ECMO flow >60% of systemic blood flow was constantly associated
with arterial blood saturation >90%.
The other important parameter that might be manipulated to enhance tissue
oxygen delivery and maximize extracorporeal circuit efficiency is blood hemoglo-
bin concentration [16] (Table 3.1). In patients under ECMO support, guidelines
from the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) and investigators of
the CESAR trial recommend maintaining normal hematocrit (40–45%) and hemo-
globin concentrations at 14 g/dl, respectively [11, 26]. However, critically ill
patients and specifically those already suffering from diffuse alveolar damage
may be at even greater risk of transfusion-related acute lung injury [27–29].
Accordingly, a restrictive transfusion strategy with red-cell transfusion threshold
set at 7–8 g/dl in most patients under ECMO is doable. Schmidt et al. demon-
strated that despite mean hemoglobin concentration and DO2 at 8.0 g.dl-1 and
679 ml/min, respectively, every patient had adequate SaO2, and no sign of VO2/
DO2 mismatch was observed [25]. Lastly, transfusion of blood products increases
volemia, which might also complicate the course of ARDS, since a study reported
slower lung function improvement and longer mechanical ventilation duration
when a liberal strategy of fluid management was used in patients with acute lung
injury [30].
3 Indications and Physiopathology in Venovenous ECMO 29
The determining factor of blood decarboxylation is the rate of sweep gas flow ven-
tilating the membrane lung, while PaCO2 is unaffected when ECMO blood flow and
FiO2ECMO are reduced to <2.5 l/min and 40%, respectively.
CO2 transfer through the membrane lung also depends on ECMO flow, with
maximum transfer being >300 ml/min when ECMO flow is >6 l/min with the
Quadrox® oxygenator. However, since CO2 diffuses 20 times faster than O2, large
amount of CO2 can be exchanged through the membrane lung even when low flow
is applied through the circuit [25]. For instance, recent data showed that PaCO2
remained unchanged when ECMO blood flow was reduced to <2.5 l/min. Indeed,
this property is the basis for developing low-flow extracorporeal CO2 removal
devices, for which CO2 removal is >70 ml/min at blood flows of only 450 ml/min
[31, 32]. Alternatively, sweep gas flow across the oxygenator is the main determi-
nant of CO2 removal by ECMO [25].
Indications are usually based on: (1) severe hypoxemia (e.g., PaO2 to FiO2 ratio
<80 mmHg, despite optimization of mechanical ventilation (tidal volume set at 6 ml/
kg and trial of PEEP≥10 cm H2O)) for at least 6 h in patients with potentially revers-
ible respiratory failure and possible recourse to adjunctive therapies (NO, prone
position, etc.) and/or or (2) uncompensated hypercapnia with acidemia (pH <7.15)
despite the best accepted standard of care for management with a ventilator and/or
30 M. Schmidt
The most recent trial (CESAR trial) which was conducted in the UK from 2001 to
2006 evaluated a strategy of transfer to a single center (Glenfield, Leicester) which
had ECMO capability, while the patients randomized to the control group were treated
conventionally at designated treatment centers [6]. The primary endpoint combining
mortality or severe disability 6 months after randomization was lower for the 90
patients randomized to the ECMO group (37% vs. 53%, p = 0.03). However, results
of that trial should be analyzed carefully. First, 22 patients randomized to the ECMO
arm did not receive ECMO (died before or during transport, improved with conven-
tional management at the referral center, or had a contraindication to heparin). Second,
no standardized protocol for lung-protective mechanical ventilation existed in the
control group, and the time spent with “protective” mechanical ventilation was sig-
nificantly higher in the ECMO arm. Third, more patients received corticosteroids in
the ECMO group. In the most recent series, patients benefited from the latest ECMO
technology, which include a centrifugal pump, a polymethylpentene membrane oxy-
genator, and tubing with biocompatible surface treatment. Mortality rates ranged
from 36 to 56% in the studies performed in the last 15 years and reporting outcomes
of >30 ECMO patients (Table 3.1). Interestingly, ECMO was provided through a
mobile ECMO rescue team in some of these studies. For example, in a series of 124
patients treated at a Danish center between 1997 and 2011 [33], survival was 71%,
and 85% of these patients received ECMO via a mobile unit before being transferred
to the referral hospital. Similarly, in the Regensburg cohort, 59/176 received ECMO
at another hospital by a mobile unit [34]. In a multicenter French cohort of 140
patients treated between 2008 and 2012, 68% patients were retrieved via a mobile
ECMO team, and their prognosis was comparable to those who received VV-ECMO
support in their initial center hospital [35]. ECMO support might also cause severe
and potentially life-threatening complications, such as bleeding, infections, intravas-
cular hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, or consumption coagulopathy [35–39].
Mortality rates of ECMO for pandemic influenza A (H1N1)-associated ARDS
ranged from 14 to 64% in the 16 studies from 11 countries reporting on the experience
3 Indications and Physiopathology in Venovenous ECMO 31
of ECMO for influenza A (H1N1)-associated ARDS [8–10, 35, 40–50]. The Australia
and New Zealand collaborative group (ANZICS) was the first to report its experience
[8]. Despite extreme disease severity at the time of ECMO initiation (median PaO2/
FiO2 ratio 56 mmHg, median positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP] at 18 cm H2O,
and median lung injury score of 3.8), only 25% of the 68 ECMO patients died. A
British collaborative cohort series [9] depicted the outcome of 80 patients transferred
into ECMO referral centers in United Kingdom of whom 69 received ECMO. Mortality
in this cohort was 27.5%. A propensity-matched analysis comparing survival of
patients referred for consideration of ECMO to other ARDS patients showed better
outcomes for referred patients. Alternatively, mortality of propensity-matched patients
treated conventionally was comparable to that of ECMO patients in French ICUs of
the REVA network. However, only 50% of ECMO patients were successfully matched
with control ARDS patients, while unmatched ECMO patients were younger, suf-
fered more severe respiratory failure, and had considerably lower mortality [10].
Interestingly, a higher plateau pressure under ECMO was independently associated
with mortality, indicating for the first time that an ultraprotective ventilation strategy
with reduction of plateau pressure to around 25 cm H2O following ECMO installation
might improve outcomes. Lastly, mortality was 29% on a cohort of 49 proven influ-
enza A (H1N1) patients from the 14 ECMO centers of the ECMO-NET Italian col-
laborative group [51]. In this series, patients ventilated for <7 days before ECMO
initiation had a significantly higher survival.
Factors associated with poor outcomes after ECMO for acute respiratory failure
include older age [34–36, 52–55], a greater number of days of mechanical ventila-
tion before the ECMO establishment [35, 36, 52, 53, 55], a higher number of organ
failure [34–36, 52–55], low pre-ECMO respiratory system compliance [55], as well
as immunosuppression [35, 55, 56]. Predictive survival models have been recently
developed which might help clinicians select appropriate candidates for ECMO [35,
54–57]. For instance, the RESP-score [55] constructed on data extracted from a
large multicenter international population (n = 2355) computes 12 simple pre-
ECMO parameters to provide a relevant and validated tool predicting survival after
ECMO for acute respiratory failure. Cumulative predicted hospital survival were
92, 76, 57, 33, and 18% for five RESP-score risk class I (≥6), II (3 to 5), III (−1 to
2), IV (−5 to −2), and V (≤−6), respectively.
3.6 Conclusions
Recent technological advances have improved the safety and the simplicity of
ECMO use in ARDS. In addition, mobile ECMO team has made this therapy more
accessible for all patients. Actual literature has reported that early implementation
of VV-ECMO in refractory and severe ARDS can strongly reduce pressures and
32 M. Schmidt
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55. Schmidt M, Bailey M, Sheldrake J, Hodgson C, Aubron C, Rycus PT, et al. Predicting survival
after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe acute respiratory failure. The
Respiratory Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Survival Prediction (RESP) score. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014;189(11):1374–82.
56. Enger T, Philipp A, Videm V, Lubnow M, Wahba A, Fischer M, et al. Prediction of mortality in
adult patients with severe acute lung failure receiving veno-venous extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation: a prospective observational study. Crit Care. 2014;18(2):R67.
57. Pappalardo F, Pieri M, Greco T, Patroniti N, Pesenti A, Arcadipane A, et al. Predicting mortal-
ity risk in patients undergoing venovenous ECMO for ARDS due to influenza A (H1N1) pneu-
monia: the ECMOnet score. Intensive Care Med. 2013;39(2):275–81.
Part II
Nursing Care
Chapter 4
Preparing the Patient and the ECMO Device
This chapter focuses on the different stages necessary for the safe implementation
of an ECMO and the role of each in the process. We will follow a timeline similar
to that used in our daily practice. Standardization of these gestures is essential,
especially when the installation has to be done urgently [2].
As the need for ECMO is established, the team is ideally composed of an anesthe-
siologist and the nurse responsible for the patient, a senior surgeon, a resident or an
operating room nurse, and a perfusionist.
The equipment necessary for the implementation of ECMO/ECLS will be pro-
vided by the perfusionist or the surgical team. This material is checked, maintained,
and conditioned by the operating room team. All the equipment (consumables and
ECMO/ECLS console) must be available and ready at any time. The packaging of
this material may be in a dedicated trolley and bag(s). It must include sterilized
instruments, sterile drapes, surgical gowns, cannulas, introducers, radio-opaque
dressings, and surgical consumables (Fig. 4.1).
Fig. 4.1 Material
The room must contain an operating light, electrocautery generator, and enough
space for the surgeons to move around the patient. In order to facilitate the swiftness
of the implantation, the surgeon, before arriving on site, usually asks for the equip-
ment to be prepared and for surgical preparation of the cannulation site (depilation
and sterile cleaning) to be carried out.
The patient is positioned supine with a block, usually made of rolled sheets,
under the pelvis or the patient’s shoulder in order to improve exposure of the surgi-
cal site. The patient must have received an operating room and a toilet depilation of
the surgical site. A backup site should always be provided in case of cannulation
failure. Usually, for a femoral cannulation, both sides of the groin are prepared. This
will also give the advantage of varying cannulation sites (artery and vein from one
side to the other to reduce the risk of ischemia). You must then install the electrocau-
tery plate away from any metal prosthesis on healthy and fleshy skin.
This will be followed by a sterile wash according to the unit protocol, which will
start from the ear and run to the patient’s knees bilaterally. The right jugular site is
exclusively used. If dressings are present in those areas, they must be removed first.
To avoid the risk of an electric arc between the electrocautery and the presence
of alcohol vapor, do not use alcohol antiseptic, which could cause severe burns to
the patient.
Once the patient is installed and the approach sites prepared, the dressing with sur-
gical gowns can begin. A pack of surgical drapes is positioned at the patient’s foot
or on a side table. The positioning of the sterile drapes must meet the standards of
4 Preparing the Patient and the ECMO Device 41
Fig. 4.2 Emergency
crank (red arrow)
on a centrifugal pump
(blue arrow)
sterility. A suction line is sterilely given to the nurse, who connects it to a strong
suction connected to a collecting tray.
The nurse/resident installs the instrumentation table with all the necessary tools
for the ECMO/ECLS implementation and prepares local anesthesia if necessary. In
case of a mechanically ventilated patient, he ensures that sedation and analgesia are
During this phase of installation and surgical approach, the perfusionist installs
the ECMO/ECLS console in the patient’s room. The console must be connected to
a power supply and an air and oxygen wall supply. The entire ECMO/ECLS console
must be equipped with an air/oxygen gas mixer, an emergency crank, a centrifugal
pump, a membrane support, and two Vorse tube press clips (usually called Weiss
clamps) (Fig. 4.2). A heat generator will warm the priming at first, and then regulate
the patient’s temperature. After installing the console, the perfusionist will de-air
the circuit.
Before starting, the perfusionist checks the circuit’s integrity and validity date. The
bubble is removed by a crystalloid solution. Assembly and installation of the circuit
on the console is carried out in a sterile manner. Taps, plugs, and fittings will be
checked manually. Each laboratory has recommendations for de-airing that must be
used (regularly updated). It is therefore essential to refer to the user manual. The prim-
ing should be done initially by gravity to expel the air from the entire circuit. Once this
is complete, proceed to the removal of bubbles using a centrifugal pump, initially at
42 A. Mirabel et al.
low speed and then gradually increasing the speed until no bubbles remain. The ease
and speed of de-airing depends on the model of the circuit used. Once the bubble
removal is complete, the circuit will be closed and secured: all valves are closed and
checked for a possible leak of the circuit or oxygenator. Depending on the console
used, place sensors, ultrasonic flow meter, or cream as required. It is useful to keep the
de-airing lines until the initiation of assistance in case they are needed further.
The cannulas are inserted and purged with saline solution. Before venous cannulation,
a heparin bolus must be performed to prevent cannula thrombosis. Most often, a
5000 iu standard dose of unfractionated heparin is injected. Under ECLS
(ECMO-VA), a reperfusion catheter is implanted to prevent limb ischemia [1].
Once cannulation is completed, the sterile lines are given to the surgeon. The
connection lines will be cleansed of residual air using a prefilled saline solution
The prestarting ECMO/ECLS checklist is set by the surgeon, anesthetist, and
perfusionist trio. It includes:
• Start-up of the gas.
• Verification of the priming temperature: it must be warm to avoid rhythm disor-
ders due to a cold shock at start-up.
• Verification that the reinjection line is clamped.
• Verification of the rotation speed of the centrifugal pump, which must be set at a
minimum threshold preventing backflow when the ECMO/ECLS is begun.
In the context of an ECMO/ECLS implanted under cardiac massage, this will be
stopped once the ECMO/ECLS is started and stabilized.
Surgical braided sutures fix lines and cannulas at three points. These must keep
the cannula in place in the axis of the vessel and prevent any decannulation.
Meanwhile, the perfusionist will manage the balance between patient hemodynamic
and ECMO support with the help of the surgeon and the anesthesiologist (hypovo-
lemia, vascular resistance, control of ventilation). Then, the surgeon closes the inci-
sion after local hemostasis verification.
The dressing is done by the surgical nurse or the resident: it must be occlusive
and sterile. It can be transparent if the puncture sites are clean or opaque in case of
bleeding (Tegaderm®, Cicaplaie®, Mepor®).
The member reperfusion line is covered with a transparent dressing to detect
thrombosis of the tubing and prevent kinking (Fig. 4.3).
When the patient is stable on support, we can proceed to the preparation of
4 Preparing the Patient and the ECMO Device 43
After the surgical dressings are removed, the perfusionist secures the tubing con-
nection with links and a gasket-holder (Fig. 4.3).
The perfusionist performs a dissociated fixing of the lines at the thigh using a
nonwoven extensible tape. Ideally, a horizontal fixing system for drains and probes
(Hollister®) is used to optimize the binding of the lines on the patient.
The heat generator is set according to the patient’s needs and according to the
advice of the medical team.
The final and correct installation of the patient is performed by the perfusionist.
It consists of a strict supine position until the removal of ECMO. The patient may
have the head of the bed raised to a maximum of 30°: beyond this, there is a risk of
an internal kink or bleeding from the scar. ECMO lines are in the bed and positioned
along the leg: a loop can be made around the patient’s foot. The lines must never be
in contact with the ground.
The console is placed on a carriage (preferably with a brake system) positioned
at the bedside; the control panel must be visible from the outside, as well as the
The crank handle is positioned proximate to the centrifugal head to facilitate any
manual relay.
A panel with the crank handle explaining the emergency procedure is left for
every person who will take care of the patient. The 24/7 phone number of the ECMO
team is written on one side of the console.
44 A. Mirabel et al.
4.6 Conclusions
The establishment of ECMO is a team effort that must be standardized and orga-
nized. Each key player must have a place and a well-defined role. The different
stages must always be the same and are the guarantee of effectiveness and of the
safety of the patient.
1. Allen S et al. A review of the fundamental principles and evidence base in the use of extracor-
poreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in critically ill adult patients. J Intensive Care Med.
2. Sangalli F, Patroniti N, Pesenti A. ECMO-extracorporeal life support in adults. Milan: Springer;
Chapter 5
Monitoring the ECMO
Chirine Mossadegh
As we saw in the previous chapter, the ECMO device is complex and requires a
precise, thorough, and constant management.
The aim of this chapter is to describe and explain the different aspects of manag-
ing ECMO patients at bedside after implantation. We will be discussing here only
about centrifugal pumps. The monitoring of an ECMO patient starts first like the
surveillance of any ICU patient starting with a head-to-toe assessment of the patient:
• Vital signs: heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), temperature, satura-
tion, central venous pressure (CVP)
• Physical assessment noting: hypoperfusion signs, sweating, moisture level
• Neurological status: consciousness, pupillary reaction
• Check of all the devices: IV lines, dressings, ventilator, infusion pumps
In addition to these regular rounds will be added the monitoring of the ECMO
device itself and the surveillance of all the potential risks linked to the ECMO.
It is a complete check up of the ECMO: plugs, fluid connectors, alarms, the integrity
of the whole circuit:
C. Mossadegh
Critical Care Department, Cardiology Institute, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié Salpétrière,
47, Boulevard de l’hôpital, 756513 Paris cedex 13, France
• The position of the device: The ECMO cart should be placed on brake position,
with the controller facing the entrance of the patient’s room. It allows any care-
giver to have a visual on the parameters immediately as he enters the room.
• Power supply: Check that the ECMO is correctly plugged, if possible, to a secure
plug (a red power outlet). Every ECMO device, whatever the brand, has a power
and a battery light on the controller; make sure the battery light is off and the
power light is on.
On some device, there is an additional on/off switch next to the plug itself.
Finally, make sure the power supply alarm is switched on which alerts you in
case of an accidental unplugging or an electrical dysfunction.
• Fluid connections: Fluids (air and oxygen) are connected to a blender which
ensures gas exchanges. This blender is then connected to the oxygenator of the
ECMO via a simple tubing. Check the absence of kinks, tensions, and the right
connection of the fluid tubing to the oxygenator and gas hoses.
• The cannulas and tubing:
–– For the ECMO to run properly, there must be no kinks on the full length of
your cannulas. The sutures of the cannulas have to be in place. The presence
of tie-bands in the appropriate places and the safety of all connectors should
be checked. The entire circuit (tubing and oxygenator) must be inspected with
a flashlight, looking for clots and/or fibrin , and more specifically the connec-
tors, pigtails, or stopcocks that may be on the circuit. Every center has its own
tubing configuration, from a simple loop getting in and out the patient through
the pump and the oxygenator, to more complex circuits with bridges, multiple
pigtails, stopcocks to allow monitoring pressures, use as IV access to infuse
volume or medication. The more connections that are present on the circuit,
the more stagnation of blood is created. It enhances the risk of clot formation.
That is why complex circuits must be watched with much more caution.
–– The ECMO (VV or VA) allows blood oxygenation. Hence, there is a color
difference between cannulas: the admission cannula is dark red, deoxygen-
ated blood, and the reinfusion cannula (starting after the oxygenator) is light
red, oxygenated blood. The nurse should check this color difference between
the cannulas (Fig. 5.1).
Fig. 5.1 Color
differenciation of the
5 Monitoring the ECMO 47
• The circulatory parameters of the pump: Circulatory support is the essence of the
ECMO, to ensure a correct support or replacement of the cardiac function for VA
ECMO or to ensure an adequate gas exchange for VV ECMO.
The pump being nonocclusive, the flow rate must always be above 2 L/min. Under
that flow rate, there is a risk of backflow, leading to an inefficient ECMO run.
The ECMO flow depends on a few parameters:
–– The preload: determined by volemia, venous tone, the position, and the size
and length of the admission cannula.
–– The afterload: determined by vascular resistance, the position, size and length
of the reinfusion cannula, and the length of the tubing between the pump and
the oxygenator.
–– Cannulae sizes: 17–19 Fr for reinfusion cannuale, 21–23 Fr for admission
cannulae, and 5 Fr for the reperfusion line for PVA ECMO.
The parameters are the rotations per minute (RPM) and the blood flow. The ther-
apeutical goal set by the team is the blood flow. For the nurse, writing down these
two parameters has no relevance. The correlation of the RPM and blood flow and its
evolution through time will allow an effective management of the ECMO run. For
example, at 2 pm, the RPM is set up at 4500 L/min for a blood flow at 4 L/min. At
5 pm, for a similar RPM, the blood flow went down to 2.5 L/min. It can be a sign of
hypovolemia maybe due to blood loss or the patient may have moved and kinked
partially part of the tubing.
• The setting of the gas blender: The blender ensures gas exchanges through the
oxygenator––oxygen supply is adjusted via the FiO2 and the CO2 removal via the
gas flow. It is essential to write down at each round the gas blender settings. In
addition to patient’s saturation, ventilator’s settings, and blood gases results, it
enables a timely decision-making.
• The alarms: They must be set regarding the therapeutic goal. The pump being
nonocclusive, it is recommended to maintain the blood flow above 2 L/min to
avoid any backflow.
It is also crucial to know on which mode your ECMO is working.
In a free mode, when an alarm is activated, the ECMO will keep working, but
when the ECMO is on intervention mode, as soon as an alarm is set on, the
ECMO stops working, and an immediate action must be set to resolve the prob-
lem. The choice of the mode depends on the human resources; if a nurse, ECMO
specialist, or a perfusionist is constantly present at the patient’s bedside, the
intervention mode is possible, but if a nurse is taking care of more than one
ECMO patients and cannot intervene immediately when the pump stops, the free
mode will be safer.
• The emergency kit: It should be available at the bedside or in the unit, allowing
an immediate response to any adverse events––clamps, emergency hand crank,
emergency supplies (appropriate-sized connectors/shears/tubing/rapid access
line, fluid, tie-gun and tie-straps/sterile gloves, preprimed pump, etc.)
48 C. Mossadegh
Monitoring pressures is not essential, but it is an additional tool to help the team
detect a potential and/or immediate dysfunction of the ECMO. There are no exact
target numbers to refer to. Pressures vary depending of the size of the cannulas, the
ECMO flow, the patient volemia, etc.
Like explained sooner for circulatory parameters, it is not the number but the evolu-
tion of pressures through time that will help the team prevent dysfunctions. Again, it is
crucial to write down at each ECMO rounds the pressure numbers in the patient’s chart.
Three pressures are commonly measured (Fig. 5.2).
Pvein or Venous Pressure
It is the prepump pressure. It measures the pressure in the admission cannula. So, it
is a negative pressure. It should not excced 100 mmHg.
A quick and significant rise of Pvein means the ECMO has difficulty to drain
blood from the patient. It can be caused by a hypovolemia or by a kinked and/or
occluded admission cannula.
It is the pressure difference through the oxygenator. It changes during the ECMO
run. The speed of the rise depends mostly on the flow and on a good management of
coagulation. It is an indicator of the level of saturation of the membrane of the
Any significant rise of Δp (+20 mmHg/h) must be reported immediately to the
medical team. It can be a sign of clotting inside the oxygenator. This could evolve
towards a pump failure.
These pressures can be monitored by:
• Adding pigtails to the circuit in the appropriate places and connecting them to a
pressure monitoring system (similar to the ones used for arterial lines or CVP).
• New ECMO consoles have added the pressure monitoring function to their con-
trollers, without the need to add any connectors to the ECMO circuit.
A pressure number alone is not a significant element; it is a tool that can help the
team manage and assess the patient’s ECMO run in addition to clinical exam, circuit
control, and patient’s blood panel. For example, a rise of 60 mmHg in the Δp in an
hour could be a sign of clotting in the oxygenator, but this number alone cannot
justify the replacement of the oxygenator. It has to be completed by blood gases to
assess the ability of the oxygenator to perform gas exchanges efficiently.
5.2 A
dapting the Specifics of ECLS to the Regular
Monitoring of the Patient in a Critical Care Unit
ECMO patients are now more commonly awake and even extubated sooner [1]. It is
mostly the case for VA ECMO patients: they can be awakened just after ECMO
implantation; some teams even implant the ECMO on nonsedated and extubated
patients with local anesthetics. For VV ECMO patients, they are always deeply
sedated the first few days due to the major lung damage.
The ECMO membrane lung is trapping medications, altering pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics of analgesics and sedatives such as propofol, midazolam, or
opioids [2]. Higher doses of sedatives and analgesics must then be administered to
obtain an appropriate sedation and comfort of the patient. Hence, protocols of man-
agement of pain and sedation should be reassessed for ECMO patients.
5.2.2 Infection
Like any other device inserted inside the patient, the cannulas can be a source of
infection. ECMO cannulas, being of large diameters, enhanced the risk. The site of
cannulation worsens this potential complication: drowning can soil jugular
50 C. Mossadegh
Fig. 5.3 Transparent
chlorhexidinie gluconate
impregnated dressing
Skin care is a constant challenge for ICU nurses. ICU patients have always been
good candidates for developing pressure sores: they are lying in bed most of the
day, often sedated; infection and heparin infusion can provoke skin abrasion or
hematoma; and edemas are unavoidable, specially for patients with heart failure.
ECMO patients, in addition to these preexisting skin alterations, must face other
potential skin damages: cannula’s sutures are tight and through time lesions can
appear. Edema plus the pressure of the cannula on the skin can lead to unavoidable
pressure sores.
Protecting the skin from the cannulas can be done with foam dressings or hydro-
colloids already used for regular patients. To fix the cannulas without damaging more
skin, some attachment devices like the horizontal tube attachment are composed of
hydrocolloid, allowing skin protection and an additional fixation (Figs. 5.4 and 5.5).
5 Monitoring the ECMO 51
5.3.1 Bleeding
Bleeding is frequent and can be massive during any ECMO run. The blood of the
patient is in contact with an inert and nonbiological material, so continuous systemic
anticoagulation by nonfractionated heparin infusion is necessary to prevent fibrin and
52 C. Mossadegh
clot formation in the ECMO circuit. During implantation, a bolus of 5000 UI of hepa-
rin is most commonly injected to the patient, enhancing the risk of bleeding. In the
immediate postimplantation phase, the challenge is to be able to balance the control
of postoperative bleeding as well as minimizing the formation of clots in the ECMO
circuit. Bleeding can also be worsened after an open heart surgery or transplant. Prevention
To prevent bleedings, a very strict control of the hemostasis is necessary: the hepa-
rin infusion rates have to be titrated to obtain an aPPT ratio between:
• 1.8 and 2 times normal level for VA ECMO patients depending on their cardiac
condition; the antifactor Xa can also be a better indicator of the heparin
• 1.5 and 1.8 times normal level for VV ECMO patients
• 2 and 2.2 times normal level for ECMO circuits with more than two cannulas like
VAV, central cannulation
Good and effective anticoagulation treatment not only avoids bleeding but also pre-
vents formation of clots and thrombin. They are the results of cells lysed by the
turbulence of the ECMO pump and the stagnation of blood. They are easily visible
with a flashlight within the tubing and connectors: dark clots and white fibrin strands
can be easily observed.
Meticulous surveillance is of paramount importance: detection, documentation,
and the evolution of clots and fibrin can prevent major adverse events like brain dam-
age or ECMO failure due to pump or oxygenator thrombosis (Figs. 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8).
At each round, the nurse must inspect the entire ECMO circuit with a flashlight:
the cannulas, the connectors, the pigtails, stopcocks, the pump, and the oxygenator.
The challenge for the nurse is to differentiate “normal” clots and “bad clots.”
“Normal clots” are small and have no risk to harm the circuit or the patient. They are
frequently seen at the top of the oxygenators, where the blood stagnation is not
preventable. The “bad” clots are the ones becoming an obstacle to the blood flow,
54 C. Mossadegh
Normal Clot
Bad Clot
the gas outlet, and causing pressure changes through the membrane. Also, the clots
formed on the “arterial” side of the oxygenator, from which the blood goes back
directly to the patient. If a clot detaches and goes back to the patient’s bloodstream,
it can cause cerebrovascular accident.
If clots and/or fibrin are jeopardizing the efficiency of the ECMO therapy or
expose patients to brain damages, the ECMO circuit should be changed. Depending
on the team’s strategy, we can either change the component or change the whole
circuit. But, the assessment of changing an oxygenator must not depend solely on
the presence of clots. Clots are one parameter; the efficiency of the membrane to
complete the gas exchange properly stays the most important parameter.
5 Monitoring the ECMO 55
5.3.3 Hemolysis
The ECMO flow is generating spins and trauma to blood cells causing them to break
and causebleeding. Hemolysis may occur due to
• Membrane failure (causing fibrin and clot formation)
• Pump with highly turbulent flow
• Clotting in the cannulas
• High-energy blood suction: hypovolemia, flow competition between the pulmo-
nary artery and the left atrium admission cannula when the native heart function
Prior to clinical signs, on the patient’s daily blood panel, a rise of the free plasma
hemoglobin above 50 mg/L, associated with a drop of platelets and red cell counts,
can be seen. Clinically, the hemolysis shows with a characteristic bloodyish color of
the urine or the effluent bag if the patient has no urine output (Figs. 5.9 and 5.10).
In uncontrolled cases, other external or internal bleedings can occur; ultimately,
with no adequate treatment, the patient will develop DIC.
There are two sides to treat hemolysis:
• The symptomatic treatment: replacing the blood loss with packed red blood
cells, platelets, and minor the bleeding with frozen plasmas
• The curative treatment: changing the ECMO circuit
56 C. Mossadegh
5.3.4 Decannulation
The ECMO is a nonpulsatile device and generates a laminar flow. Right after
implantation, most VA ECMO patients have a poor or no heart pulsatility.
Hence, the arterial blood pressure is delivered mostly by the ECMO. The
patient’s arterial line can look dampened or even flat with identical systolic,
mean, and diastolic arterial pressure numbers, sometimes only with the mean
arterial pressure. Inexperienced staff can think that the arterial line is deficient
(Fig. 5.13).
When monitoring these patients, the aim is to maintain the mean arterial pressure
above 65 mmHg.
The recovery of a pulsatile blood pressure is one of the signs of left ventricular
function improvement.
As we will see later in 4.4, a balloon pump can be inserted to prevent pulmonary
edema. In that case, the arterial line will regain a pulsatility caused by the balloon.
To assess if the pulsatility is due to the balloon pump or the heart of the patient,
pause the balloon for a few seconds and watch the arterial line: if it flats, then the
native heart has not yet recovered.
Fig. 5.13 Flat arterial line due to the laminar flow of the ECMO pump and the absence of heart
5 Monitoring the ECMO 59
The femoral arteria is partially or totally occluded by the reinfusion cannula of the
ECMO. Blood flow to the leg is then low or inexistent. To prevent limb ischemia, it
is recommended to insert a reperfusion line in the superficial femoral arteria and
connect it to the reinjection cannula to allow leg perfusion [9–11] (Fig. 5.14).
The nurse will monitor the leg by
• Comparing the temperature of both legs by touching or using oxymetrie or NIRS
• Checking the aspect of the leg: its stiffness, color: first white, then blisters, and,
in the most extreme cases, foot necrosis (Figs. 5.15, 5.16, and 5.17)
Fig. 5.15 Limb
malperfusion on a patient
with femoral peripheral VA
60 C. Mossadegh
Fig. 5.18 Clotted
reperfusion line
To detect and/or diagnose differential hypoxia, the pulse oximeter must be placed
on a finger of the right hand, and blood gases should be measured in the right radial
artery, which reflects the patient’s cardiac output.
To correct and treat this hypoxia, most teams add a jugular cannula to deliver
oxygen to the brain.
Finding the right balance between hypovolemia and fluid overload is more complex
for patients undergoing VA ECMO, especially after cardiac surgery.
Massive blood losses are frequent after heart surgery, and the ECMO itself can
worsen this loss.
At the bedside, the nurse can suspect hypovolemia with a chattering of the lines
associated with sudden variations of the ECMO flow resulting in hypotension. The
nurse must then administer enough volume to maintain an efficient ECMO flow
(MAP >65 mmHg). Hypovolemia induces hypotension and an unstable and low
ECMO flow. The variation of flow increases also fibrin and clot formation.
But, giving large volumes in association with muscle relaxants and venodilators can
contribute to extraordinary amounts of unavoidable peripheral edema. Diuretics can
treat this fluid overload. For patients not responsive (urine output <0.5 mL/kg/h, positive
fluid balance >500 mL in the past 24 h), renal replacement therapy should be started.
Also, inefficient fluid management often results in pulmonary edema. The
ECMO reinjects blood cross-current from the native blood flow. In VA ECMO
patients with poor or no cardiac function, this generates an increased afterload,
causing pulmonary edema.
Implanting a CPIAB at ECMO initiation could prevent it by unloading partially
the left ventricle [11, 12].
To treat pulmonary edema, the aim is to unload the left ventricle. If conventional
treatments like the use of diuretics are inefficient, several approaches are then possible:
• The atrioseptostomy [13, 14]
• Implanting an Impella®: it is a pump implanted percutaneously, taking blood
from the left ventricle and reinjecting it in the aorta [15, 16]
• Unloading both ventricles by implanting a central double ECLS
This double-lumen cannula placed in the right atrium through the jugular vein must
be placed correctly, so that the blood gets out of the cannula in front of the tricuspid
valve. To make sure the tip of the cannula is toward the valve, the writing on the
cannula must be visible by the nurse. If the writings are toward the patient’s neck,
then the tip of the Avalon is not in the right direction (Fig. 5.19).
5 Monitoring the ECMO 63
For VV ECMO patients, the saturation target is rarely 100%. A saturation of 91% is
enough. Most pratients are ventilated on pressure mode, allowing a low and con-
trolled pressure in the lungs. In severe ARDS cases, most patients are completely
dependent on the ECMO support and take very low or no volume on the ventilator.
Despite these minor volumes, it is of paramount importance that the nurse or respi-
ratory therapist writes down in the patient’s chart the volume numbers. If the patient
is taking more volume, it could be a sign of lung recovery.
5.5.3 Recirculation Definition Monitoring
If, despite taking all the precautions listed earlier, the patient’s oxygenation does not
improve, several options are still available to bring more oxygen:
• Mobilizing the cannulas
• Switching to a dual lumen cannula (Avalon®): but be careful as these cannulas
can be smaller and not allow an ECMO flow above 5 L/min
• Adding a cannula in the other femoral vein
clots and/or fibrin appear on the tubing, do not remove the clampas it may cause
major ischemic strokes. The only option then is to remove the thrombosed
Fig. 5.20 ECMO
controller with additionnal
flow controller for VAV
ECMO patients
Fig. 5.21 VAV ECMO with partial clamp positionned to adjust the preferential flow
66 C. Mossadegh
5.7 Troubleshooting
During an ECMO run, the flow can suddenly vary (e.g., the ECMO flow can pass
from 5 L/min to 1.5 L/min in a second). For patients very dependent on their ECMO,
this can have major consequences, with an inefficient flow, and the MAP can drop
to 45 mmHg and/or the saturation to 75%.
Before assessing the cause and trying to treat appropriately, the nurse should try
to stabilize the ECMO flow to avoid clot formation and big hemodynamics changes:
the RPM should be lowered until a stable flow is achieved.
For example, if your ECMO had a 5 L/min flow for a RPM of 4500, the nurse
may have to turn down the RPM to 3200 to get a stable 4 L/min, even if your MAP
is only of 55 mmHg.
Then the nurse should call the doctors, do a complete circuit check to make sure
there are no kinks or bleeding. Most probably, these flow variations are due to hypo-
volemia, and a chattering of the line can be observed: we can see a suctioning phe-
nomenon with a dancing movement of the ECMO tubing. If ECMO pressures are
monitored, there also will be a major increase of the PVein.
Be careful, a chattering of line can also be seen:
• When the heart recovers a pulsatility for VA ECMO patients, the ECMO tubings
can chatter at the rhythm of the patient’s heart.
• If a patient has a balloon pump, the ECMO tubing will chatter at the rhythm of
the balloon pump.
In these two cases, the chattering of the line is regular and normal. Chattering
becomes a problem when it is associated with flow variations and unstable vital signs.
5.7.2 Decannulation
We saw earlier how to try to prevent inadvertent decannulation, but when it hap-
pens, the ICU team must react quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, any delay
even of a few seconds can be lethal to the patient.
Action to be taken: the 3C rule: CLAMP, Call for help, and Compress.
1. Clamp: It is the first thing to do. In nursing school, nurses are always taught to
check the patient first and the machines after. This is one case where this rule
does not apply; the priority in case of decannulation is to avoid more blood loss
and air embolism. Use the clamps available on the ECMO cart. If unfortunately
there is only one clamp available, clamp the reinfusion line to avoid air embo-
lism. And if there are no clamps, clamp the line manually.
5 Monitoring the ECMO 67
2. Call for help: It is impossible to manage this situation alone. The quicker you
call for help, the safer it is for the patient. All ICU members must know where
to find the emergency material or the number to call for the perfusion team to
3. Compress: The patient can bleed out from insertion point; so, once the lines are
clamped, compress firmly.
Of course, after these three steps, all measures to stabilize the patient (CPR,
transfusion, setting up a new ECMO) must be taken.
We discussed throughout the chapter about the different parameters that will allow
the team to try to detect early an oxygenator failure:
• Alteration of blood gases without any changes in the ECMO parameters and
patient’s general status
• Significant rise in the Δp (>20 mmHg/h)
• Presence of numerous clots or an increase of clots and fibrin
68 C. Mossadegh
Being on ECMO support or having a loved one being implanted with an ECMO is
difficult to understand. This device is not well known, and it is a last resort therapy
when conventional treatment has failed. Families (and patient if possible) need to be
guided: they must understand why the ECMO has been implanted, the adverse
events and complications that can occur, and the concept that the ECMO is an emer-
gency device set up to give time to the medical team to assess the options. “The
bridge” therapy has to be explained:
• Bridge to recovery: the heart recovers and the ECMO can be withdrawn.
• Bridge to bridge therapy: the patients will be implanted with a VAD. This is
considered for patients with a possibility of long-term recovery. It allows the
patient to go back home.
• Bridge to transplant.
• A destination therapy: when ECMO is the last resort and is ineffective. A proce-
dure of end-of-life care must then be set up.
5 Monitoring the ECMO 69
10. Kasirajan V, Simmons I, King J, et al. Technique to prevent limb ischemia during peripheral
cannulation for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Perfusion. 2002;17(6):427–8.
11. Greason KL, Hemp JR, Maxwell JM, et al. Prevention of distal limb ischemia during cardio-
pulmonary support via femoral cannulation. Annals Thorac Surg. 1995;60(1):209–10.
12. Petroni T, Harrois A, Amour J, Lebreton G, Brechot N, Tanaka S, Luyt CE, Trouillet JL,
Chastre J, Leprince P, Duranteau J, Combes A. Intra-aortic balloon pump effects on macrocir-
culation and microcirculation in cardiogenic shock patients supported by venoarterial extra-
corporeal membrane oxygenation. Crit Care Med. 2014;42(9):2075–82. doi: 10.1097/
13. Seib PM, Faulkner SC, Erickson CC, et al. Blade and balloon atrial septostomy for left heart
decompression in patients with severe ventricular dysfunction on extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 1999;46(2):179–86.
14. Ward KE, Tuggle DW, Gessouroun MR, Overholt ED, Mantor PC. Transseptal decompression
of the left heart during ECMO for severe myocarditis. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995;59(3):749–51.
15. Cheng A, Swartz MF, Massey HT. Impella to unload the left ventricle during peripheral extra-
corporeal membrane oxygenation. ASAIO J. 2013;59(5):533–6. doi: 10.1097/
16. Koeckert MS, Jorde UP, Naka Y, Moses JW, Takayama H. Impella LP 2.5 for left ventricu-
lar unloading during venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. J Card
Surg. 2011;26(6):666–8. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8191.2011.01338.x.
17. Allen S. et al. A review of the fundamental principles and evidence base in the use of extra-
corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in critically ill adult patients. J Intensive Care
Med. 2011;26(1):13–26. doi: 10.1177/0885066610384061. Review.
18. Sangalli F, Patroniti N, Pesenti A. ECMO-extracorporeal life support in adults. Milan:
Springer; 2014.
19. Annich GM, Lynch WR, MacLaren G, Wilson JM, Bartlett RH. ECMO: extracorporeal cardio-
pulmonary support in critical care. 4th ed. Ann Arbor: Extracorporeal Life Support
Organization; 2012.
20. ELSO. (2015). ECLS registry report: international summary.
21. Freeman R, Nault C, Mowry J, Baldridge P. Expanded resources through utilization of a pri-
mary care giver extracorporeal membrane oxygenation model. Critical Care Nursing.
2012;35(1):39–49. doi: 10.1097/CNQ.0b013e31823b1fa1.
Chapter 6
Mobilizing the ECMO Patients in Everyday
Care and Ambulation
Chirine Mossadegh
Mobilizing an ECMO patient is more difficult than mobilizing a usual ICU patient.
Any tensions, kinks, or dislodgment of cannulas can be fatal for the patient. A good
preparation, team communication, and extreme caution are the key to mobilize and
even ambulate an ECMO patient safely [1–3].
It has been explained in the previous chapter that before mobilizing any ECMO
patient, the nurse should
• Have a complete visual of the circuit: Insertion points, cannulas, tubings, con-
troller, etc.
• Check the fixations of the cannulas: Sutures and eventual additional fixation
• Assess the length of the tubing: It does not always facilitate mobilization in the
bed. To prevent any adverse events, move the ECMO cart if necessary to avoid
any kinks or tension while turning the patient to prevent bed sores or wash him.
• Evaluate the level of consciousness of the patient: If the patient is responsive, the
nurse should explain how he or she is going to be mobilized, what is expected of
him or her, and assess if he or she needs analgesics before starting the process. If
the patient is sedated but reacts during care, make sure to anticipate the need for
extra sedatives or analgesics.
• Have enough caregivers to help: For a “normal” ICU patient, usually two or
three people are needed. When a patient on ECMO is mobilized, an additional
C. Mossadegh
Critical Care Department, Cardiology Institute, Groupe hospitalier Pitié Salpétrière,
47, Boulevard de l’hôpital, 756513 Paris cedex 13, France
person (at least) is necessary to check tubings and the pump controller. If the
patient is overweight or very unstable, more caregivers can be involved. The key
is to assign a specific task to each team member, for example, one person is in
charge of the head, another will be in charge of washing the back of the patient,
a third one will hold the ECMO tubing and check the controller.
• Prepare all materials necessary: If the patient is being mobilized to be washed,
make sure all materials necessary are in the patient room before you start, so that
there are no delay or need for a team member to leave the room during the
6.2.1 Prerequisites
• The same as mobilizing a patient in his bed: check fixations, have the patient’s
consent and cooperation, have a full visual of the ECMO circuit, and each team
member must be assigned with a specific task.
• Check the patient’s strength.
• Check the alarms: blood flow and battery.
• Bring two full oxygen tanks dedicated to the ECMO.
• Have a chair as a backup for the patient if he gets tired.
6 Mobilizing the ECMO Patients in Everyday Care and Ambulation 73
• Clear the hallways: no obstacle should be in the way of the patient while he
walks in the unit.
• At least four caregivers: one for the pump, one to hold the ECMO tubing, one
with the backup chair, and at least one to help the patient. If the patient is venti-
lated and/or has a lot of infusion pumps, additional team members are needed.
When everything and everyone is ready, the actual mobilization and ambulation can
• Explain to the patient the different steps: always wait for the caregiver instruc-
tions; first seat on the edge of the bed; then stand and go for the walk afterwards.
Reassure the patient that there are a lot of caregivers to ensure his safety.
Encourage the patient to express any needs, fear, or difficulties during the
• Reconfirm everyone’s duty during ambulation.
• Disconnect the ECMO from the fluids on the wall and connect it instead to the
oxygen tank.
• The power supply must be the last element to unplug: ECMO devices have inter-
nal batteries with an autonomy of 1–6 h depending on the manufacturers and on
the age of your device. Each time the battery is used, and with time, this internal
battery will lose some of its autonomy (from 1 h, the battery will last only
45 min). Hence, make sure to check at least three times a year the batteries with
the technical platform of your institution.
• Ambulate the patient.
When the patient is back in his bed, reconnect power and fluids and do a com-
plete monitoring of the patient’s vitals and a circuit check. Also, report in the patient
chart the ambulation and eventual adverse events.
1. Abrams D, Javidfar J, Farrand E, Mongero LB, Agerstrand CL, Ryan P, Zemmel D, Galuskin
K, Morrone TM, Boerem P, Bacchetta M, Brodie D. Early mobilization of patients receiving
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a retrospective cohort study. Crit Care. 2014;18:R38.
2. Rahimi RA, Skrzat J, Reddy DR, Zanni JM, Fan E, Stephens RS, Needham DM. Physical
rehabilitation of patients in the intensive care unit requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
ation: a small case series. Phys Ther. 2013;93:248–55.
3. Rehder KJ, Turner DA, Hartwig MG, Williford WL, Bonadonna D, Walczak Jr RJ, Davis RD,
Zaas D, Cheifetz IM. Active rehabilitation during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a
bridge to lung transplantation. Respir Care. 2013;58:1291–8.
Chapter 7
Mobilizing the ECMO Patients: Prone
Positioning During Venovenous
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Sabine Valera
7.1 Background
S. Valera
Hôpital Nord, Réanimation des Détresses Respiratoires
et Infections Sévères, Marseille, France
• vvECMO
vvECMO for adult pulmonary failure was controversial because of negative
results with regard to mortality in several large studies [2, 3].
• But, times change and techniques evolve
–– In 2007, the CESAR [4] study showed a real benefit, in terms of survival, for
patients with severe ARDS supported by ECMO.
This study has also shown the benefit of being transferred to referral centers,
where an “ECMO-specialized team” is present.
–– In 2009, the H1N1 pandemic caused a renewed interest in the use of extracor-
poreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for extremely severe ARDS [5].
–– In 2012, Consensus conférence organized by the French Intensive Care
Society [6] concluded: ECMO should be considered in patients with PaO2 to
FiO2 ratio lower than 50 mmHg during at least 3 h despite the use of a protec-
tive lung strategy including prone positioning.
–– Very recently, systematic PP performed in ARDS patients with PF ratio lower
than 150 has been shown to decrease mortality [7].
Usually, PP is considered before vvECMO.
Some studies have evaluated the effect of PP on lung function for patients under
vvECMO [8–12], and they all come to the same conclusions:
PP and vvECMO are probably complementary, because ultraprotective ventila-
tion allowed by vvECMO may reduce overinflation, but probably does not permit
ventilation redistribution allowed by PP.
PP can be associated with vvECMO with an improvement in arterial oxygéna-
tion, and thereafter facilitation of weaning from vvECMO.
PP during vvECMO can be proposed without compromising the safety of selected
patients, and can be implemented by centers experienced in both techniques.
ECMO probably makes PP safer in the most severe patients, because the risk of
hemodynamic compromise or of sudden respiratory worsening, while turning the
patient, is much less in vvECMO patients.
Contraindications for PP under vvECMO are the same as those without ECMO:
• Intracranial pressure >30 mmHg
• Massive hemoptysis requiring an immediate procedure
• Serious facial trauma or facial surgery
• Cardiac pacemaker inserted in the last 2 days
• Unstable spine, femur, or pelvic fractures
• Mean arterial pressure lower than 65 mmHg
• Pregnant women
• Single anterior chest tube with air leaks
7 Mobilizing the ECMO Patients 77
7.2.1 Material
Intubated patient:
• A gel half-pipe-shaped headrest or small gel pad for the head. Depending on the
anatomy, a special helmet can be used.
78 S. Valera
• Thoracic gel pad (or two gel squares according to the patient’s morphology).
Tracheotomized patient:
• Helmet with mirror and foam to be unwrapped 1 h before PP to allow time for
• Thoracic gel log-shaped pad for thorax.
According to the patient size, the bed may have to be shortened, and anti-equine
foams must be positioned to avoid legs’ wrong positions.
Provide electrodes, clean sheets, wipes and surface decontaminant for bed, and
protection pad.
Hydrocolloid dressings may be needed to protect the skin from medical devices,
ECMO cannulas.
7.2.2 Patient
• Hygiene
–– Proceed to the toilet before the patient PP.
–– Wash the back after PP.
• Digestive
–– Check the permeability and the mark of the nasogastric tube.
–– Fix the nasogastric tube on the nose.
–– Stop the enteral nutrition during the procedure and occlude the nasogastric
–– Maintain slow but enteral feeding 500–1000 ml/day.
• Eye
–– Usual care.
–– Add plenty of vitamin A cream.
–– Position an adhesive strip horizontally on the upper eyelid.
–– Nose and mouth secretions suctioning.
–– Mouth care.
–– Position the ETT lace node on the cheek which will not be in contact with the
–– Check the hold of the tube lace and plaster (the complementary fixation with
tape will release the lace to avoid skin damage, especially in the mouth corner
due to edema).
• Bronchial
–– Protected suctioning system.
7 Mobilizing the ECMO Patients 79
• Position the patient on the edge of the bed, on the opposite side of the
• Put the patient in a lateral position.
• Clean the mattress and put on a clean sheet. Add a protective drawsheet under the
• Prone the patient. Move his arm carefully (risk of dislocation, specially with
• Position the gel log-shaped chest support.
• Remove the “maximum pressure” of the bed.
• Check the position of the head in the helmet, position the mirror, or place the
head block.
• Respiratory monitoring:
–– Arterial blood gases h + 1, then every 6 hours.
–– Permeability of the endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube.
–– Tracheal suctioning if necessary.
• Skin condition
–– Check the tension of the ETT fixation every 2 h. If facial edema, loosen.
–– Check the lid closure.
–– Check the absence of ear folding.
7 Mobilizing the ECMO Patients 81
7.3 Traceability
7.4 Conclusion
Prone positioning patients with vvECMO has a considerable impact on the number
of caregivers and their workload: a large team is needed.
Teams have to be experienced, and they have to use standard procedures.
It takes a lot of practice to use the procedures optimally.
Key Points
• Training and procedures
• Organization and coordination
• Knowledge of side effects for avoiding them
• Skin protection reflection: the best protection is frequent massage and
checking cutaneous pressure point
82 S. Valera
1. Galiatsou E et al. Prone position augments recruitment and prevents alveolar overinflation in
acute lung injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006;15:187–97.
2. Zapol WM et al. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe acute respiratory failure.
A randomized prospective study. JAMA. 1979;242:2193–6.
3. Morris AH et al. Randomized clinical trial of pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation and
extracorporeal CO2 removal for adult respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care
Med. 1994;149:295–305.
4. Peek GJ et al. Randomised controlled trial and parallel economic evaluation of conventional
ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory
failure (CESAR). Health Technol Assess. 2010;14(35):1–46.
5. Pham T et al. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)-
induced acute respiratory distress syndrome: a cohort study and propensity-matched analysis.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013;187:276–85.
6. Richard C, et al. Extracorporeal life support for patients with acute respiratory distress syn-
drome (adult and paediatric). Consensus conference organized by the French Intensive Care
Society. Réanimation. 2013;22:S548–S566.
7. Guerin C et al. Prone positioning in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med.
8. Otterspoor LC et al. Prolonged use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation combined with
prone positioning in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and invasive
Aspergillosis. Perfusion. 2012;27:335–7.
9. Kimmoun A et al. Prone positioning use to hasten veno-venous ECMO weaning in
ARDS. Intensive Care Med. 2013;39:1877–9.
10. Kimmoun A et al. Prolonged prone positioning under VV-ECMO is safe and improves oxygen-
ation and respiratory compliance. Ann Intensive Care. 2015;5:35.
11. Kipping V et al. Prone position during ECMO is safe and improves oxygenation. Int J Artif
Organs. 2013;36:821–32.
12. Guervilly C et al. Prone positioning during veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
ation for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults. Minerva Anestesiol.
Chapter 8
Transport Under ECMO
cylinder. It is essential to check that there is no kink in the oxygen line and to ensure
that the ECMO circuit is well supplied with oxygen. The air/oxygen wall lines can
then be disconnected. For the transfer, it is important to hold the oxygen tank on the
ECMO trolley, on the stretcher or on the bed so as not to separate the membrane
from its oxygen supply.
Most ECMO consoles have a pretty good electric supply (30 min to several
hours). However, over time, the electrical supply of these batteries can sometimes
be reduced. Thus, the power supply must be disconnected at the last moment in
order to preserve the battery. It may be useful to provide a sufficiently long power
cable to plug into the examination room or the ambulance. Finally, a backup pump
should always be available during transport. For pumps with an electromagnet (most
ECMO pumps), this pump is a hand pump handle; for other pumps (electromagnetic
levitation pump), a backup pump or a battery must be available during transport.
Transportation of every patient on ECMO requires continuous haemodynamic
monitoring, especially for blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Indeed, the
parameters of ECMO are not sufficient to ensure haemodynamic patient monitor-
ing. The patient’s vital parameters must always be visible––pulse, mean arterial
pressure (MAP) and oxygen saturation––as well as the parameters of ECMO
(speed, blood flow).
Finally, to be prepared for any incident in the ECMO circuit and to be able to
support a complication (backflow, defusing, decannulation)––as for any patient
receiving ECMO in intensive care—it is necessary to have two available pipe
clamps during any transfer.
avoid kinking, tension or decannulation. When removing the transport bed, every-
body must remain vigilant to avoid any incident.
During the examination or intervention, it is essential that the console and the
ECMO circuit follow the movement of the patient (if the machine allows, it may be
useful to place it on the examination table), preferably in the presence of the perfu-
sionist. The patient-monitoring parameters and ECMO will remain visible for the
duration of the examination/intervention, and it must be possible to act at any time
on the ECMO machine or on the patient cannulation sites.
The return will take the same precautions as described above. Back in the room,
the power supply is reconnected (ensure that no battery circuit breaker is activated),
and the oxygen supply to the air/oxygen mixer is connected to the wall plugs and
adjusted as described before. It is also necessary to ensure after each patient mobili-
sation that the cannulas have not been displaced, are properly fixed and that trans-
portation did not cause any bleeding.
Extrahospital transport must respect the aforementioned rules. The main features
of these transfers reside first in the fact that the duration will be longer and there-
fore requires greater autonomy (electricity, oxygen, monitoring, team, drugs) and
then in the limited space in which adjustments are made. Transfers must therefore
only be carried out by specialised teams who are trained to avoid any risk of
Concerning the power supply, it is important to consider several things. First, the
electrical characteristics of the ECMO pump and its power source (ambulance,
aeroplane, helicopter, generator, battery) must be clearly defined and verified. Some
ECMO pumps are designed to accept different voltages, but not all. The power out-
put can also vary according to the vehicle and transport phase (stop, taxi, take-off).
Thus, the power supply may not be available when the vehicle is stopped, or will
only ensure the power supply but not the loading. The type of plug must also be
In terms of monitoring, it is important to emphasise the need for continuous
monitoring of invasive blood pressure, oxygen saturation and electrocardiogram.
Depending on the vehicle used, some specific features need to be considered.
8.3.1 Ambulance
Space is limited, and each device (electric syringe, respirator, ECMO console,
scope) must be installed, stable and accessible to everyone. In the case of a jugular
cannulation for a large or obese patient, it may be appropriate to extend the reinjec-
tion line for a few centimetres (30–40 cm). In this way, it is ensured that there is no
86 A.-C. Jehanno et al.
tension or risk of tearing the reinjection line. This will be more comfortable and
safer for the installation of the ECMO console.
In terms of installation, two configurations are considered according to the device
used. The console can be positioned between the patient’s legs (Fig. 8.1) or on a
transport shelf in cases where the pump and oxygenator are compact
(CARDIOHELP®). In other cases, one will consider an offset attachment of the
oxygenator and the engine to the stretcher by means of an articulated arm (Fig. 8.1).
In the latter configuration, the console may be positioned on the ground or on a
shelf. In all cases, the ECMO console will be securely attached and will remain vis-
ible (supervision parameters) and reachable during the whole transportation, as well
as ECMO lines, cannulas and the entire circuit [2].
The installation of the patient in the vehicle is slow and under the control of each
stakeholder. Once the stretcher is in the ambulance, the power supply must be recon-
nected as soon as possible. Most often, a power supply is available during transport,
but not always at the stop of the vehicle. The equipment required for patient resus-
citation (respirator, syringe pumps) can be reconnected electrically and reinstalled
on board. However, one must ensure that the power output of the vehicle is sufficient
to supply the outlet of all these devices and ECMO. It is sometimes necessary to use
different sockets.
To prevent any falling during transport, including shocks to the ECMO equip-
ment, it is necessary to perform such transportation with soft and smooth driving.
Being a risky transfer, it is better not to be delayed during transportation and to
make it as safe and smooth as possible. In this regard, in our experience, it is always
better to call a police motorcycle escort.
8 Transport Under ECMO 87
8.3.2 Helicopter
Unlike an ambulance transfer, not all devices accompanying the patient and which are
required for his resuscitation will be reinstalled on board. Installation must be thorough
and rigorous. The ECMO console is placed between the patient’s legs, the emergency
hand crank is attached to it and Weiss clamps will remain with the perfusionist.
ECMO lines need to be fixed along the patient’s legs and will be installed and
secured in such a way to take up as little space as possible (Fig. 8.2).
The perfusionist must remain vigilant that no device disturbs the smooth func-
tion of the ECMO. Nothing must be put on the ECMO lines. One must check that
there is no compression on cannulas that would prevent good drainage or bad rein-
fusion of blood to the patient.
a b c
Fig. 8.2 ECMO transport on helicopter. (a) Oxygen support; (b) Power supply; (c) ECMO con-
sole between patient legs
88 A.-C. Jehanno et al.
All interhospital transport must be under surveillance, following the same vital
signs as during other types of transport. These parameters must be visible and con-
trollable at all times during patient transport. The syringe must remain accessible,
and the amount of medication needed during transport should be sufficient.
Any device placed on the stretcher must be secured so as not to fall on the patient
or on the ECMO console during transport.
The perfusionist must also anticipate the oxygen needs and provide assistance
accordingly; the correct number of oxygen bottles must be transported.
The power supply of the ECMO console will be disconnected at the last moment
before leaving the patient’s room.
The hospital team to which the patient is being transferred is notified of the arrival
of the team, and if necessary an ambulance team comes to welcome the incoming
team on the runway. It is important to anticipate the arrival of the helicopter during
the flight, because the team on board is unreachable.
The perfusionist checks that no bleeding has occurred during installation on
board and checks the assistance settings.
The radio headset allows communication between the pilot and the medical team on
Oxygen consumption is increased during the flight, so it is important to monitor
the level of the oxygen tank. The surrounding noise can prevent hearing alarms; it is
therefore necessary to monitor visually each device. One must remain vigilant.
One must first recheck all the parameters of the resuscitation devices and the ECMO
console. Always disconnect the aircraft ECMO power plug and set aside. The descent
from the helicopter is slow and under the control of each professional. The patient is taken
to the resuscitation unit where he will be reinstalled. The stretcher should be returned as
quickly as possible to the helicopter, so as not to monopolise it unnecessarily.
8.3.3 Plane
Initially, the ECMO console must be secured with straps, and the screen control
must always remain visible to doctors and the perfusionist. Tubes, clamps, the emer-
gency hand crank and the pump must remain permanently accessible.
The patient must also be strapped to his stretcher; a survival blanket can cover
the patient and the tubes. The cannulation sites should always be visible and acces-
sible in order to monitor the occurrence of bleeding, pressure or kinks in the tubes.
Medications for the flight must be sufficient in number and syringes full (seda-
tion, catecholamines). Installation of venous access should be simple and accessi-
ble, and each venous access must be identified.
The monitoring required for the transfer of the patient should include electrocar-
diogram scope, invasive arterial blood pressure and oxygen saturation.
The doctor is positioned at the patient’s head along with monitoring, venous
routes and drugs.
The ECMO team (perfusionist/surgeon) is positioned at the patient’s foot with
the ECMO console, the clamps, the emergency hand crank and emergency kit.
90 A.-C. Jehanno et al.
Once the patient and his team are installed, the ECMO team gives the green light
for take-off.
We must consider that, once in flight, nothing can be done: actions are very
The landing and take-off phases are critical and necessitate maximum vigilance.
There is a risk of backflow due to the plane’s high speed. Falling objects may also
impede the proper functioning of equipment or cause patient injury. Travel and
interventions with the patient must remain limited so as not to destabilize the devices
or the patient himself.
The cuff of the endotracheal tube should be inflated with a saline solution to
reduce pressure changes inside the balloon which might cause spontaneous extuba-
tion. It should be checked regularly during the flight.
During the flight, all monitoring parameters must be entered into the records.
Take-offs and landings must be as long and smooth as possible.
The altitude has little impact on the patient. It can induce temperature variation:
the higher you go, the cooler the temperature, and vice versa. To control the patient’s
temperature during the flight, one can cover or uncover the ECMO tubes.
The transfer to the patient’s bed is carried out from the stretcher to the ambulance
(as opposed to transfer to the stretcher).
It is important to check that during travel the ECMO cannulas and lines have
remained attached to the patient and no bleeding has occurred.
After installing the patient in the intensive care bed, the ECMO console and its
membrane must be installed on a dedicated, stable, strong and mobile trolley. The
crank handle and Weiss clamps are also installed on the carriage. The power assis-
tance is reconnected. The oxygen supply is plugged into the wall connections and is
set up using a Sechrist® air/oxygen gas mixer (Fig. 8.3).
8 Transport Under ECMO 91
The perfusionist ensures proper positioning of the ECMO carriage with the nurse
and the doctor in charge of the patient. Finally, he sets up all the desired alarm rates.
Nicolas Brechot
There is no consensus among ECMO centers regarding the way to manage weaning
from VA-ECMO. Decrease in doses of catecholamine infusion, recovery of a pulse
arterial pressure, and improvement of myocardial function assessed with echocar-
diography are indicating that the patient might be weaned from ECMO. A weaning
test has then to be conducted. The only published test at this time consists in a daily
transient decrease in ECMO blood flow at 1 L/min during 15 min. Hemodynamic
stability and echocardiography parameters, aortic velocity time integral (reflecting
cardiac output)>12 cm, left ventricular ejection fraction>20%, and S′ wave at mitral
annulus >6 cm/s are predictive of weaning success under this regimen [1]. ECMO
explantation is then performed at the patient’s bedside or in the operating room
depending on local practice.
Success of weaning from right ventricular dysfunction remains less predict-
able. Indeed, right ventricular failure can be masked, even during low ECMO
blood flow regimens, making the criteria previously described not suitable to pre-
dict weaning success or failure, and can occur several hours after ECMO removal.
In that case, weaning process consists in a gradual decrease in ECMO blood flow
during approximately 10 days, until reaching 1.5–2 L/min. ECMO explantation
will be mostly guided by (1) the predictive clinical course of right ventricular
dysfunction considering the underlying pathology (usually several days in case of
primary graft dysfunction, more progressive and uncertain in case of ischemia);
(2) right ventricular aspect and contractility during the 15-min weaning test at
1 L/min; and (3) right ventricular aspect and contractility during a real clamp test
during 20 min.
Respiratory function must also be assessed before explantation. A high propor-
tion of patients assisted with venoarterial ECMO exhibits indeed an ARDS, due to
N. Brechot, MD
Service de Réanimation Médicale, Institut de Cardiologie, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière,
Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France
initial multiple organ failure. Switching off the sweep gas flow cannot be done
during venoarterial ECMO (as it is during venovenous ECMO), as it would create a
venoarterial shunt. Weaning test consists in reimplementing a standard mechanical
ventilation (tidal volume 6 ml/kg of ideal body weight) and decreasing the pulmo-
nary assistance on ECMO: decrease sweep gas flow to approximately 2 L/min and
decrease FiO2 on ECMO to <50%. Pulmonary compliance and oxygenation are then
checked. Patients not stable under this regimen (increase in the plateau pressure,
lack of oxygenation) will necessitate a switch from venoarterial to venovenous
ECMO. Drainage cannula is left in place, and an additional return cannula is placed
in the right jugular vein while arterial cannula is removed.
An algorithm to guide venoarterial ECMO explantation is presented hereafter:
Criteria for readiness to wean venoarterial ECMO
• Adequate cardiac function with acceptable levels of vasoactive agents
Weaning from circulatory support (step 1) and pulmonary support (step 2) are
conducted concomitantly.
Step 1: Weaning from circulatory support
Two main approaches can be used:
1. Incrementally reduce extracorporeal blood flow
(a) Monitor hemodynamics, vasopressor requirements, cardiac function and
output (by echocardiography), ABGs, laboratory markers of end-organ
perfusion (e.g. B-type natriuretic peptide, creatinine), as blood flow is
reduced. Frequency of echocardiographic and serologic assessments is
dictated by clinical scenario. Minimum blood flow that may be achieved
safely will vary by cannula size and level of anticoagulation; recommend
maintaining ≥1 L/min within each cannula.
(b) If hemodynamics, vasopressor requirements, cardiac function, end-organ
perfusion are acceptable at the minimally acceptable blood flow, check
for readiness to be weaned from pulmonary support (step 3).
(c) If hemodynamics are inadequate, resume previous blood flow rate and
further optimize hemodynamics.
2. Daily transient reduction in ECMO blood flow
(a) Reduce ECMO blood flow to 1 L/min for 10–15 min, and monitor hemo-
dynamics and echocardiographic settings. Hemodynamic stability under
this regimen combined with LVEF>20%, aortic TVI>12 cm, and S′ wave
at mitral annulus>6 cm/s are strongly associated with weaning success
[1, 2].
(b) If clinical and echocardiographic criteria are met, check for patient’s abil-
ity to be weaned from lung support (step 3).
(c) If criteria are not met, reincrease blood flow rate to the lowest possible
level according to aortic TVI, maintaining a blood flow higher than 2.5 L/
min to prevent from circuit clotting.
9 Weaning Process from Venoarterial ECMO 95
1. Aissaoui N, Luyt CE, Leprince P, Trouillet JL, Leger P, et al. Predictors of successful extracor-
poreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) weaning after assistance for refractory cardiogenic
shock. Intensive Care Med. 2011;37:1738–45.
2. Aissaoui N, El-Banayosy A, Combes A. How to wean a patient from veno-arterial extracorpo-
real membrane oxygenation. Intensive Care Med. 2015;41:902–5.
Chapter 10
Weaning of Venovenous Extracorporeal
Membrane Oxygenation
Matthieu Schmidt
In the context of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, the duration of venove-
nous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO) is frequently long. The
process of VV-ECMO weaning is very simple, which easily allows clinicians to
perform trial at bedside as soon as possible.
first to report its experience on ECMO [4]. Despite extreme disease severity at the
time of ECMO initiation (median PaO2/FiO2 ratio 56 mmHg, median positive end-
expiratory pressure [PEEP] at 18 cm H2O, and median lung injury score of 3.8),
only 25% of the 68 ECMO patients died. Their duration of ECMO was 10 (7–15)
days. In the context of drowning, successful longer ECMO run has been reported
with late recovery after 117 days on ECMO support [5].
10.2 W
hen Should Clinician Think About VV-ECMO
Select patients with respiratory failure receiving ECMO may be safely and success-
fully managed without invasive mechanical ventilation. It must be emphasized that
not all respiratory failure patients receiving ECMO will be appropriate for endotra-
cheal extubation, even if gas exchange is adequate. In fact, in current practice, only
a minority of patients would even be eligible at experienced centers [6]. Most of the
time, especially in the context of severe ARDS, ECMO is withdrawn before
mechanical ventilation.
Based on the ELSO Guidelines from 2013, when ECMO support is <30% of total,
lung function may be adequate to allow coming off ECMO, and a trial off is indicated
[6]. However, such evaluation of the participation of the ECMO support might be
difficult to appreciate at beside. Signs of pulmonary recovery are generally indicated
by reduced ECMO and sweep gas flows to maintain SaO2 and PaCO2, improvement
of the chest radiograph, and increased tidal volumes. In others words, when pulmo-
nary function has recovered sufficiently to allow adequate ventilation on modest
amounts of positive-pressure ventilation, a weaning ECMO should be performed.
the ventilator <60% and inspiratory plateau pressure < 30 cmH2O and (2) echocar-
diography reveals no signs of acute cor pulmonale for at least 1–12 h.
During the trial, ECMO flows of <2 L/min should be avoided to reduce the risk
of thrombus forming in the circuit. However, maintaining normal circuit flow with
the sweep gas turned off prevents thrombus forming in the circuit but allows the
patient to be tested off extracorporeal support. In most instances, after stopping
systemic anticoagulation for 1 h, the ECMO cannulas can be removed without sur-
gical repair of the vessel, but simply by a topical pressure pulling for 30 min. As the
cannula is removed, the patient should be on Trendelenburg position and have
received a short-term pharmacological paralysis or perform a Valsava maneuver to
reduce the risk of air embolism. Routine venous Doppler ultrasound following
decannulation is warranted to detect deep vein thrombosis in the cannulated vessel.
Its prevalence following ECMO was estimated to 8.1/1000 cannula days [9].
1. Schmidt M, Zogheib E, Roze H, Repesse X, Lebreton G, Luyt CE, et al. The PRESERVE mor-
tality risk score and analysis of long-term outcomes after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Intensive Care Med. 2013;39(10):1704–13.
2. Peek GJ, Mugford M, Tiruvoipati R, Wilson A, Allen E, Thalanany MM, et al. Efficacy and
economic assessment of conventional ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure (CESAR): a multicentre randomised controlled
trial. Lancet. 2009;374(9698):1351–63.
3. Schmidt M, Bailey M, Sheldrake J, Hodgson C, Aubron C, Rycus PT, et al. Predicting survival
after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe acute respiratory failure. The Respiratory
100 M. Schmidt
Jo Anne Fowles
11.1 Introduction
The nursing team caring for the patient supported on ECMO requires specialist
training to ensure safe, effective care. All training must be supported by a robust
assessment and regular reassessment. ELSO provides invaluable guidance and
resources to meet training and assessment requirements.
Within the nursing team, different roles will require specific training. Most ECMO
nursing models are based around four levels of nurses:
• ECMO coordinators
• ECMO specialist
• Bedside nurse
• Healthcare support worker
In addition, many ECMO services also include a retrieval service so will have
nurses fulfilling roles as transfer nurses (Fig. 11.1).
The ECMO coordinator is a senior ECMO specialist who, with the ECMO director,
is responsible for developing and maintaining guidelines and standards for the mul-
tidisciplinary team. Their responsibilities also include the supervision, training, and
assessment of the ECMO team.
ELSO defines the ECMO specialist as “the technical specialist trained to manage
the ECMO system and the clinical needs of the patient on ECMO under the direc-
tion and supervision of an ECMO trained physician” (ELSO red book – Ref. [1]).
The ECMO specialist can come from a number of different clinical backgrounds,
including nursing, perfusionists, and respiratory therapists. For the purpose of this
chapter, only the training of nurses to achieve and maintain the qualification of
ECMO specialist will be discussed.
The ECMO specialists are usually nurses with more than 2 years of experience
at a senior level of working in an intensive care unit (ICU). They will have shown
themselves to be able to work in stressful conditions, be decisive, and have excellent
communication skills. The latter is of utmost importance, as they are central to all
patient care and must maintain effective communication with not only the multidis-
ciplinary clinical team but also the patient and his family.
Each center should have written guidelines and protocols defining the specific
responsibilities of the ECMO specialist. These responsibilities will cover managing
the extracorporeal circuit, including regular circuit surveillance, troubleshooting,
accessing the circuit (e.g., CRRT), monitoring pre- and post-oxygenator gases to
ensure optimal function, ensure cannula and circuit are safe during any mobiliza-
tion or movement of the patient, and manage circuit emergencies. In some centers,
the ECMO specialist’s role has expanded to include management of anticoagula-
tion and weaning using defined guidelines. Such developments have improved the
timeliness of interventions and thus improved patient care. The training of the
ECMO specialist is built around providing them with the skills and knowledge to
fulfill this role.
11 Initial Training of Nurses 103
Although centers may have differing approaches to the training and assessment of
ECMO specialists due to differing equipment, patient type, and local practice, most
will follow recommendations set out by ELSO, using the ECMO Specialist Training
Manual published by ELSO (Ref. [2]) as a guidance to compliment their own writ-
ten guidelines and protocols.
As previously acknowledged, ECMO specialists can have differing professional
backgrounds; each group will have specific needs and in this chapter, training and
assessment of those with a nursing background will be discussed.
The ideal ECMO specialist course will combine didactic and practical sessions
supported by supervised practice in the clinical area alongside experienced ECMO
specialists. The course will have a clearly defined aim and objectives (Table 11.1).
An example of a course outline based on ELSO recommendations is shown in
Table 11.2.
The majority of sessions will be taught by senior ECMO clinicians, the ECMO
coordinator, and senior ECMO perfusionist. Senior clinicians from other specialties
should be involved in the training program, for example, radiologists, hematolo-
gists, and microbiologists. Involving other specialties ensures a broad understand-
ing of the complex needs of the ECMO patient.
On completion of the course, the ECMO specialist will have developed the skills
and understanding to practice as an expert. Benner (Ref. [3]) defines the expert
nurse as one that has accumulated the knowledge and experience to have an intuitive
grasp of clinical situations and is able to respond in a highly proficient manner. They
operate with a deep understanding of the total situation allowing them to perform in
a fluid and flexible manner. The management of the patient supported on ECMO is
complex and can change rapidly, requiring the ECMO specialist to have developed
to this level.
104 J.A. Fowles
Although the bedside nurse may also be an ECMO specialist, in many centers, the
ECMO specialist will oversee two or more patients supported on ECMO with a
bedside nurse allocated to each patient. The bedside nurse, although not qualified as
an ECMO specialist, requires training to ensure they can do bedside monitoring and
interpret patient observations and communicate any concerns to the ECMO special-
ist. They do not have skills to troubleshoot or access the extracorporeal circuit.
Education covering these vital aspects will ensure safe care.
ECMO centers vary in the approaches to training bedside nurses, some reliant on
practical experience-based learning and others having a more structured approach.
An example of a structured approach to training is outlined in Table 11.3.
Whatever the approach, the bedside nurse requires the following:
106 J.A. Fowles
The healthcare support workers are unqualified members of the team who assist
with basic nursing care and ensure all equipment is available. Although training is
not necessary, an overview of the risks associated with ECMO should be discussed
with them before they assist with any nursing care.
In centers that provide a service which encompasses going to other centers, instigat-
ing ECMO support, and transfer of the patient back to the ECMO center, a team is
trained to do this safely. Centers vary, but many include an ECMO doctor, ECMO
specialist, and a perfusionist in the team sent to retrieve patients. These ECMO
specialists require further training to ensure they have the skills necessary.
11 Initial Training of Nurses 107
Training for the transfer nurse will provide skills and knowledge to:
• Assist the ECMO doctor in cannulating the patient
• Use transfer monitors, ventilators, and other equipment required in the safe
transfer of patients being supported on ECMO
• Respond and assist in any patient or circuit emergency
• Monitoring of the patient during transfer
How this training is provided is center-dependent, with many using team simula-
tion training and a program of training nurses accompanying experienced teams.
1. Annich G, Lynch R, et al. ECMO – Extra corporeal cardiopulmonary support in critical care.
4th ed. 2012
2. Short B, Williams L. ECMO specialist training manual. 3rd ed. 2010
3. Benner P. From novice to expert: excellence and power in clinical nursing practice. Prentice
Hall Health; 2000.
Chapter 12
Training of Nurses and Continuing Education
M.A. Priest, BSN, RN, CCRN, ECLS and VAD Program Manager (*)
Nemours Cardiac Center, Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children,
Accredited Pediatric Heart Failure Institute,
ELSO Center of Excellence, 1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803, USA
C. Beaty, MSN, RN, CCRN, ECLS Coordinator
Director of Perinatal Operations,
Accredited Pediatric Heart Failure Institute, ELSO Center of Excellence,
1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803, USA
M. Ogino, MD Division Chief, Critical Care
Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Accredited Pediatric Heart Failure Institute,
ELSO Center of Excellence, 1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803, USA
The ECMO physician may be a critical care physician or surgeon that has had
specific ECMO training as outlined by their institutional credentialing guidelines.
An ECMO physician should be available to provide 24 h on-call coverage to sup-
port the ECMO patient. The responsibility of the ECMO program director and
ECMO physician is to support and participate in the continuing education of the
multidisciplinary ECMO staff.
An ECMO nurse is a bedside nurse that cares for ECMO patients and has a modified
responsibility for assessing and managing the ECMO system. It is recommended
that an ECMO specialist team be available, either on site or on call, to manage
advanced circuit issues and ECMO emergencies. The multidisciplinary care model
described in the Sect. 12.2 “Staffing Models” section outlines the roles and respon-
sibilities of the ECMO nurse. The continuing education requirements are modified
for the ECMO nurse compared to the ECMO specialist, depending on the care
model of the institution.
The plan for continuing education will be determined by the designated staffing
model used within a given organization. Traditionally, many neonatal and pediatric
ECMO centers have used a 2:1 care model with an ECMO specialist to manage the
ECMO pump and a bedside nurse for patient care. Recommendations
1. Equipment
(a) Centrifugal or roller pump technology
(b) Multiple areas of pressure monitoring to assess drainage, return, and oxy-
genator pressures
(c) Infusion ports as determined by the team
12 Training of Nurses and Continuing Education in ECMO 113
2. The ECMO specialist’s primary responsibility is to monitor the pump and per-
form ECMO-associated tasks
(a) Performs comprehensive circuit check every 4 h
(b) Titrates sweep gas flow and FiO2 per-protocol
(c) Titrates blood pump flow by adjusting rpm per-protocol
(d) Administers volume to patient in response to patient and circuit hemody-
namics per-protocol
3. ECMO specialists need to identify emergency situations and perform ECMO
pump emergency procedures in the following situations:
(a) Arterial and venous air
(b) Accidental decannulation
(c) Circuit-related complications requiring component changes (pigtails, con-
nectors, tubing, raceway, centrifugal head, oxygenator, circuit change)
(i) This may need to be performed with an ECMO specialist
(d) Pump failure requiring hand crank or switch to back up pump
4. ECMO resources to support the bedside ECMO team will need to be available
with 24/7 coverage, and if the resource is outside the hospital, a defined response
time will need to be defined.
(a) ECMO specialist with advanced training in all aspects of ECMO pump man-
agement including: circuit priming, cannulation, decannulation, ECMO cir-
cuit troubleshooting, and component/circuit changes. This role is often
supported by an ECMO coordinator and/or the perfusion team.
(b) ECMO physician.
5. The bedside nurse caring for the ECMO patient has the primary responsibility to
care for the patient and not the ECMO system.
(a) Requirements
(i) Basic understanding of ECMO physiology and emergency procedures
(ii) ECMO system emergencies are managed by the ECMO specialist
The advancements in ECMO technology and increase in adult ECMO cases have led
to a new staffing model for ECMO patients. The Multidisciplinary Care Model
(MCM), also known as the “The Single Caregiver Model,” uses the bedside nurse to
care for the patient, while having a modified responsibility for monitoring and manag-
ing the ECMO pump with the support of an ECMO-trained multidisciplinary team. A
secondary support structure to address ECLS complications must be in place for com-
plex management issues and emergent interventions. The MCM model provides a
safe, flexible, and fiscally responsible staffing model for variable ECMO activity [4].
114 M.A. Priest et al.
1. Equipment:
(a) Centrifugal technology
(b) Minimal to no monitoring of ECMO pressures
(c) Simple in an out-loop with no infusion ports
2. The ECMO nurse’s primary responsibility is to care for the patient
(a) Modified ECMO responsibilities
(a) Performs simple circuit check every 4 h
(b) Administers volume to patient in response to patient and circuit hemo-
dynamics per-protocol
(c) Performs the following ECMO pump emergency procedures:
(i) Clamp off ECMO and call for help for:
1 . Arterial air: any volume
2. Venous air: large volume
3. Accidental decannulation
4. Massive circuit clot/obstruction of centrifugal head or
(ii) Manual hand crank for pump failure (on applicable models)
(d) May include
(i) Titration of sweep gas flow and FiO2 per-protocol
( ii) Titration of blood pump flow by adjusting rpm’s per-protocol
3. ECMO resources to support the ECMO nurse will need to be available with 24/7
(a) ECMO specialist with advanced training in all aspects of ECMO pump man-
agement including: circuit priming, cannulation, decannulation, ECMO cir-
cuit troubleshooting, and component/circuit changes. This role is often
supported by an ECMO coordinator and/or the perfusion team.
(b) ECMO physician.
program, ELSO recommends that each center establish an educational training pro-
gram to establish competence based on their patient population, ECMO equipment,
and designated roles of each ECMO team member [1]. The primary goal of the
organization’s ECMO education plan is to provide consistent multidisciplinary edu-
cation where all ECMO providers are exposed to a single curriculum for initial
training. This approach will alleviate the dependence on an individual discipline to
troubleshoot ECMO complications. The designated staffing model followed by
each institution will assist in the development of competency training for the ECMO
specialist or ECMO nurse (see definitions). Because the educational backgrounds of
ECMO specialists differ, each organization will need to adapt their educational pro-
gram to meet their staff’s needs.
Bedside nursing staff (not responsible for ECMO equipment) will require addi-
tional training on caring for patients on ECMO support along with a basic under-
standing of ECMO physiology and equipment. The ECMO coordinator and
unit-based nursing educators can work to develop and implement an annual ECMO
competency class. The competency class basic objectives include: ECMO physiol-
ogy, equipment safety, patient safety, cannula(s) care, resource management, and
emergency patient management.
A standardized education curriculum for support staff will promote a multidisci-
plinary education model. Participants may include delegates from all specialty areas
including: rehabilitation specialists, blood bank, pharmacy, laboratory services, and
biomedical engineering. This education will help support staff anticipate the needs
of these complex patients, and improve communication between disciplines.
Working collaboratively and communicating effectively are essential aspects
in care to ensure patient safety. Bedside nurses must communicate the needs of
their ECMO patients clearly and efficiently. A clear communication algorithm
can help quickly identify resources to assist in providing care in an emergency
situation. The nurses are the eyes and ears for the care team and will need to be
calm in their approach to managing a crisis situation. The essential role of the
bedside nurse in a crisis situation is to assess the environment and then imme-
diately communicate their needs to the designated resources. Effective, seam-
less communication is the key to providing high-quality care and achieving best
The institutional ECMO program guidelines should include the means to verify
ECMO competency. ECMO clinical competence can be assessed in a clinical set-
ting and/or simulation environment. This assessment and verification is best per-
formed by institutional ECMO content experts (director, coordinator, or specialist).
An objective evaluation of performance and defined metrics for clinical competence
is required in the process of verifying clinical competence. Objectives can be out-
lined in the institutional policies and procedures or guidelines.
When assessing clinical competence, there are three skills to consider: cognitive,
technical, and behavioral. Cognitive objectives help assess the critical thinking and
116 M.A. Priest et al.
Animal lab sessions are an excellent adjunct to water drill simulations if institutions
have such access to a vivarium. Animal labs are performed in accordance with insti-
tutional animal care guidelines. Animal labs focus more on the ECMO management
of the patient and can provide learning through the practice of blood sampling,
blood product administration, and medication administration. The impact of ECMO
pump flow, sweep gas flow, and heparin management can be assessed adequately in
this environment. Policies and procedures should dictate the number of animal lab
sessions required to achieve institutional recertification. The recommended time
period for animal lab sessions is 24–72 h, with each ECMO trainee participating in
4–8 h sessions [1]. In the United States, animal labs have become increasingly dif-
ficult to perform due to cost, availability of approved facilities, and difficulty main-
taining rigorous animal care guidelines.
ECMO policies require the passing of an annual didactic examination that is used
to verify the cognitive skills of all ECMO-trained staff. Results will need to be
documented and recorded for quality assurance or audit review. Aside from the
didactic examination, it is recommended that a performance evaluation be con-
ducted for all ECMO-trained staff annually. This can be done by observing train-
ees responding to ECMO complications during either a water drill or simulation
A minimum number of patient care hours by ECMO staff from all disciplines should
be outlined in their policies (e.g., 12 h per quarter or 1.5 patients per quarter). If the
designated institutional requirement has not been met, then retraining and atten-
dance of water drills and simulation sessions are recommended. An institutional
goal of a minimum support of six ECMO patients a year is recommended in order
to maintain the clinical expertise necessary to adequately support such complex
patients [3]. Policies and procedures should be updated upon specific practice
changes and reviewed and revised at a minimum of every 2 years.
12 Training of Nurses and Continuing Education in ECMO 119
Ensuring quality is critical to the success of the ECMO program. ECMO leadership has
the responsibility to continuously seek out opportunities to improve while monitoring
outcome measures. ELSO membership is of paramount importance as it supports many
quality assessment tools for centers to utilize. Each ELSO member institution receives
collective international and center-specific data reports through the ELSO Registry [1].
The ELSO ECMO program’s data includes the common problems reported by each
center and the rate of occurrence. This data can be benchmarked for comparison with
the international community of ELSO centers. Each year, ELSO designates centers
from around the world with the unique distinction of a Center of Excellence.
“The Excellence in Life Support Award recognizes ECMO programs worldwide that distin-
guish themselves by having processes, procedures and systems in place that promote excel-
lence and exceptional care in ECMO. ELSO’s goal is to recognize and honor ECMO
programs who reach the highest level of performance, innovation, satisfaction and quality. A
designated Center of Excellence has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in the follow-
ing three categories: Excellence in promoting the mission, activities, and vision of ELSO;
Excellence in patient care by using the highest quality measures, processes, and structures
based upon evidence; and Excellence in training, education, collaboration, and communica-
tion that supports ELSO guidelines and contributes to a healing environment” [11].
The ability to provide high-quality and safe ECMO care takes the dedication of a com-
prehensive, multidisciplinary team. Administrative hospital support committed to pro-
viding access to continuing education is essential to maintain the clinical competence
of a multidisciplinary team. Nursing plays an integral role on the ECMO team regard-
less of the utilized staffing model. Aside from acquiring and maintaining appropriate
licensure, nurses must ensure both initial and ongoing clinical competence. According
to Whitaker, Winifred, and Smolenski [12], “The Joint Commission on Accreditation
of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires hospitals to assess the competency of
employees when hired and then regularly throughout employment.” ECMO nurses
have the professional responsibility to maintain their competency in the management
of ECMO patients. Institutional resources are required to provide education to ensure
that quality and safety remain the focus of all ECMO team members.
12.4 A
ppendix 12.1: Institutional ECMO Physician
Credentialing Guideline E
xtracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Resource
The ECMO resource physician and ICU attending physician will jointly determine
the candidacy of the patient for ECMO support. All decisions to offer ECMO sup-
port to a candidate will be a two-physician decision. If a consensus cannot be
reached, the ECMO program director or designee will be contacted to determine
These credentials allow the ECMO resource physician to coordinate the services
of the ECMO team with the intensive care teams. Privileges include the evaluation
and selection of patients for ECMO, oversight of the cannulation and decannulation
process, management of the extracorporeal life support circuit and patient, and pro-
vision of routine and emergency care to patients on ECMO. The minimum clinical
training and/or experience required to apply for this privilege is as follows:
I. Initial privilege eligibility criteria
A. ECMO training and experience as attending physician or fellow in estab-
lished ECMO program within 1 year of appointment to <institution>
1. Recommendation from <institution> Critical Care ECMO director
2. Reference letter from ECMO program director which specifically
addresses the candidate’s ability to select patients for ECMO support,
oversee the cannulation and decannulation process, and manage both rou-
tine ECMO care and emergencies
3. Must complete <institution> review course with ECMO coordinator to
review <institution> equipment, procedures, and policies
4. Completion requires passing scores on the written examination and simu-
lation exercises
B. If ECMO training and experience as attending physician or fellow in estab-
lished ECMO program greater than 1 year of appointment to <institution>
1. Recommendation from <institution> Critical Care ECMO director; and
2. Must complete full <institution> training course
3. Completion requires passing scores on the written examination and simu-
lation exercises
. ECMO Morbidity and Mortality (M&M)
Once ECMO Resource Physician credentialing is granted, a presentation at an
ECMO M&M of an ECMO case that the individual has been involved will be
scheduled in the first year of appointment via the ECLS coordinators or designee
II. Reappointment eligibility guidelines
A. Maintenance of clinical competency
1. Participate in supervised cannulation and decannulation of four patients
within a 2-year period.
12 Training of Nurses and Continuing Education in ECMO 121
Supplemental privilege for intensive care hospital privileges. Privileges to provide rou-
tine and emergency clinical care for the patient on extracorporeal life support (ECLS).
The minimum clinical training and/or experience required to apply for this privi-
lege is as follows:
I. Initial Privilege Eligibility Criteria
A. Track 1
1 . Completion of the full ECMO training course
2. Completion requires passing scores on the written examination and simu-
lation exercises
B. Track 2
1. Completion of an alternate ECMO training course approved by ECMO
program director
2. Completion of review course with ECMO coordinator to review equip-
ment, procedures, and policies
3. Completion requires passing scores on the written examination and simulation
Supervision Requirements
A. Maintenance of Clinical Competency
1. Demonstrate competent patient management for four patients within a
2-year period.
2. Completion requires concurrence of the ECMO program director. Patient
management supervision may be met by involvement with different patients.
122 M.A. Priest et al.
12.5 A
ppendix 12.2: Training and Continuing Education
for ECMO Specialists
12.5.1 Purpose
To establish guidelines for the training and continuing education for ECMO spe-
cialists. The criteria to maintain competency will be maintained by the ECMO
coordinator and will be followed as outlined by the extracorporeal life support
organization (ELSO).
ECMO specialists will undergo the technical training needed to manage the
ECMO system and the clinical needs of the patient on ECMO. Upon completion of
the required training, a competency assessment tool will be completed for each
ECMO specialist.
12.5.2 Procedure
Didactic Course
1. A new ECMO specialist will attend the didactic course for ECMO, which will
include the following:
• Introduction to ECMO
• Physiology of the diseases treated with ECMO
• Pre-ECMO procedures
• Criteria and contraindications for ECMO
• Physiology of coagulation
• ECMO equipment
• Physiology of venoarterial and venovenous ECMO
• Daily patient and circuit management on ECMO
• Emergencies and complications during ECMO
• Management of complex ECMO cases
• Weaning from ECMO (techniques and complications)
• Decannulation procedures
• Post-ECMO complications
• Short-term and long-term development outcome of ECMO patients
• Ethical and social issues
12 Training of Nurses and Continuing Education in ECMO 123
1. Forty hours of clinical time on pump or 12 h of wet labs or ECMO simulation
2. Completion of annual skills assessment and/or appropriate clinical experience
3. Four ECMO simulations and/or appropriate clinical experience
4. Completed certification exam
5. Satisfactory evaluation by ECMO program coordinator
• Registered nurses
• Respiratory therapists
• Perfusionists
• Physicians
• Advance practice nurses/physician assistants
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2. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO). ECLS registry report: international sum-
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3. ELSO guidelines for ECMO Centers. Retrieved from:
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6. Heaslip P. Critical thinking and nursing. The critical thinking community. Retrieved from: 2008.
7. Gauntlett R, Laws D. Communication skills in critical care. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care
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8. ELSO guidelines for training and continuing education of ECMO specialists. Retrieved from:
selsoguidelinesfortrainingandcontinuingeducationofecmospecialists.pdf. 2010.
9. Issenberg SB, McGaghie WC, Pertusa ER, Gordon DL, Scalese RJ. What are the features and
uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to most effective learning? BEME guide no.
4. Med Teach. 2005;27:10–28.
11. ELSO Center of Excellence (2016). Retrieved from:
12. Whitaker S, Winifred C, Smolenski MC. Assuring continued competence – policy questions
and approaches: how should the profession respond? 2000;5(3). Retrieved from http://www.