Sisupalgarh Fort, A Pre-Mauryan Archaeological Monument
Sisupalgarh Fort, A Pre-Mauryan Archaeological Monument
Sisupalgarh Fort, A Pre-Mauryan Archaeological Monument
To the
Director General,
Archaeological Survey of India, Delhi
House 1
New house building area
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 2
House 3
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 4
House 5
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 6
House 7
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 8
House 9
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 10
New urban planning area
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 11
House 12
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 13
House 14
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Illegal building operations in the north-west
House 15
House 16
SISUPALGARH 17.01.2005
Outside building operations in the south-west
Illegal House Building inside the National Monument
Sisupalgarh/Bhubaneshwar, 17.01.2005
The early historic fortress Sisupalgarh is the largest structure of its time in India. This 2000
year old quadratic defensive wall measures 1200m x 1160m and is preserved to a maximum
of 12m in height. It lies just some 5km south of the train station. Officially, for many years this
Mauryan Period site has stood under the protection of the Archaeological Survey of India
(ASI), which in 1947 conducted excavation in order to determine its history and character. If
you look for a sign with which to inform yourself about the site, you will find none, since it was
removed last year. In other words, knowledge about the nature of the site is available only by
word of mouth or by inquiry at the government building authority. Sisupalgarh is full of
interesting sites which are only beginning to become known.
Equally clear is that the landscape in Sisupalgarh is an attractive and convenient location for
housing for those employed a few kilometers away in the state capital. Thus, over the years
numerous houses have been begun inside the ancient walls. More particularly, in the north-
western corner of the fortress several villas have been begun along the village road.
Foundation walls stand from one to several courses high, awaiting completion. Recently,
developers began building in an area in the north-west corner which they have dubbed
"Raghunath Nagar". At the time of writing some 20 villas have just been finished or are actively
being built. The enclosed photos of these clearly show the new work taking place on the
protected ancient site. New housing on the south side of the fortification is also encroaching.
One wonders which government agency permitted the developers permission to build here.
The matter of protecting India‘s heritage is a weighty and important responsibility. Is the
Archaeological Survey aware of the degrading of the site, or is it simply not able to protect it?
It is a shame to see Sisupalgarh go the same way as the neighbouring contemporary Ashokan
fortress Jaugada in the Ganjam District, which now is only recogniseable as a fortress to a few
experts, having been totally emasculated. This site also stands under the protection of the ASI.
Nearer to Sisupalgarh, 500m to the north-west at Mohabhoi Sasan, an ancient mud fort, a
land-grab is actively destroy-ing the entire south front.
The purpose of the appended photos and plan is to attract public attention to the fate of
Sisupalgarh, a unique monument, which is being exploited illegally by developers, evidently
conscious only of turning a fast profit at the cost of the public good. Since building attempts
have been going on for years now, why are the authorities doing nothing to stop it? There can
be no question that housing is important, but large monuments such as Sisupalgarh contribute
to the quality of life. India and the world have only one Sisupalgarh.
Corinna Borchert
Dipl.-Ing. Architect
17 photos of builds which have been begun in the past few months inside Sisupalgarh.
Map of the new building sites in Sisupalgarh
11 10
2237400 1
12 6
3 4 13 14 15
379200 379400 379600 379800 380000 380200 380400 380600 380800 381000
geophysical prospection
area D monolithic columns
section 1947 SP II & SP I habitation area
reconstruction of entrance SP IV
proven glacis
Sisupalgarh, Dist. Khurda major gap in glacis
Early Historic Ruined Fortress new housing development