MKT Structure

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Market structure
There are four types of market structures: perfectly competitive, monopoly, monopolistically
competitive and oligopoly market structure.
1. Perfect Competition
Definition and Assumptions
Perfect competition is a market structure characterized by a complete absence of rivalry among
the individual firms. Thus, perfect competition in economic theory has a meaning diametrically
opposite to the everyday use of this term.
Most of the time, we see business men using the word “Competition” as synonymous to
“rivalry”. However, in theory, perfect competition implies no rivalry among firms
The model of perfect competition was constructed based on the following assumptions or
1. Large number of sellers and buyers.
The perfect competitive market includes a large number of buyers and sellers. How large
should the number of buyers and sellers is large to the extent that the market share of each
firm (and buyer) is too small to have a perceptible effect on the price of the commodity. That
is the action of a single seller or buyer can not influence the market price of the commodity,
since the firm or (the buyer) is too small in relation to the market.
2. Products of the firms are homogeneous.
This means the products supplied by all the firms in the market have uniform physical
characteristics (are uniform in terms of quantity, quality etc) and the services associated with
sales and delivery are identical. Thus buyers can not differentiate the product of one firm
from the product of the other firm.

The assumptions of large number of sellers and of product homogeneity imply that the
individual firm in pure competition is a price taker: its demand curve is infinitely elastic,
indicating that the firm can sell any amount of out put at the prevailing market price. Since
the share of the firm from the market supply is too small to affect the market price, the only
thing that the firm can do is to sell any quantity demand at the ongoing market price. Thus,
the demand curve that an individual firm faces is a horizontal line.

Market P

Out put

Fig 1 the demand curve indicates a single market price at which the firm can sell any amount
of the commodity demanded. The demand curve also indicates the average revenue and
marginal revenue of the firm.

3. Free entry and exit of firms

There is no barrier to entry and exit from the industry. Entry or exit may take time, but firms
have freedom of movement in and out of the industry. If barriers exist the number of firms in
the industry may be reduced so that one of them may acquire power to affect the market
4. The goal of all firms is profit maximization.
Of course, firms can have different objectives. Some firms may have the aim of making their
product wise, others may want to maximize their sales even by cutting price, etc. But, in this
model, it is assumed that the goal of all firms is to maximize their profit and no other goal is
5. No government regulation
By assumption, there is no government intervention in the market.That is there is no tax,
subsidy etc. A market structure in which all the above assumptions are fulfilled is called pure
competition. It is different from perfect competition which requires the fulfillment of the
following additional assumptions.

6. Perfect mobility of factors of production
Factors of production (including workers) are free to move from one firm to another
throughout the economy. Alternatively, there is also perfect competition in the market of
factors of production.
7. Perfect knowledge
It is assumed that all sellers and buyers have a complete knowledge of the conditions of the
prevailing and future market. That is all buyers and sellers have complete information about.
The price of the product
Quality of the product etc
Thus, a perfectly competitive market is a market which satisfies all the above conditions
(assumptions). In reality, perfectly competitive markets are scarce if not none. But since the
theory of perfectly competitive market helps as a bench mark to analyze the more realistic
markets, it is very important to study it.
Given the above assumptions (based which the model of perfect competition was built), we
will now examine how the firm operating in such a market determines the profit maximizing
out put both in the short run and in the long run. But to determine the profit maximizing
output, first we have to see what the revenue and cost functions of the firms operating in
perfectly competitive market looks like.
Costs under perfect competition
Per unit cost (AVC &AC) have U –shape due to the law of variable proportions (in the short
run) and the law of returns to scale (in the long run). There is no exception for firms
operating under perfect competition i.e., their cost functions have the behavior mentioned
under theory of cost.
Demand and revenue functions under perfect competition
Due to the existence of large number of sellers selling homogenous products, each seller is a
price taker in perfectly competitive market. That is, a single seller cannot influence the
market by supplying more or less of a commodity.

If, for example, the seller charges higher price than the market price to get larger revenue, no
buyers will buy the product of this ( the price raising) firm since the same product is being
sold in the market at lower price by other sellers. Obviously, the firm will not also attempt to

reduce the price. Thus firms operating in a perfectly competitive market are price takers and
sell any quantity demanded at the ongoing market price. Hence, the demand function that an
individual seller faces is perfectly elastic (or horizontal line).

_ P

Fig 2 the demand curve that a perfectly competitive firm faces is horizontal line with intercept at
the market price. This indicates that sellers sell any quantity demanded at the ongoing market
price and buyers buy any amount they want at the ongoing market price.

From the buyers’ side too, since there is large number of buyers in the market, a single buyer can
not influence the market price. Thus, in perfectly competitive market, both buyers and sellers are
price takers. They take the price determined by the forces of market demand and market supply.
Given the horizontal demand function at the ongoing market price, the total revenue of a firm
operating under perfect competition is given by the product of the market price and the quantity
of sales, i.e.,
TR = P*Q
Since the market price is constant at P*, the total revenue function is linear and the amount of
total revenue depends on the quantity of sales. To increase his total revenue, the firm should sell
large quantity.

Graphically, the TR curve is as shown below.



Fig 3 the total revenue of firm operating in a perfectly competitive market is linear (and increasing
function) of the quantity of sales.
The marginal revenue (MR) and average revenue (AR) of a firm operating under perfect
competition are equal to the market price. To see this, let’s find the MR and AR functions from
TR functions.
By definition, MR is the change in total revenue that occurs when one more unit of the output is
sold, i.e. MR   P .Hence MR=P
Average revenue is the TR divided by the quantity of sales. i.e. AR   P
Hence, AR = P.

Graphically, the demand curve represents the MR and AR of the firm

P= AR = MR

Fig: 4 the AR curve, MR curve and the demand curve of an individual firm operating under
perfectly competitive market overlap.
Short run equilibrium of the firm
A firm is said to be in equilibrium when it maximizes its profit (). Profit is defined as the
difference between total cost and total revenue of the firm:
= TR-TC
Under perfect competition, the firm is said to be in equilibrium when it produces that level of
output which maximizes its profit, given the market price. Thus, determination of
equilibrium of the firm operating in a perfectly competitive market means determination of
the profit maximizing output since the firm is a price taker.
The level of output which maximizes the profit of the firm can be obtained in two ways:
 Total approach
 Marginal approach
Total approach
In this approach, the profit maximizing level of output is that level of output at which the vertical
distance between the TR and TC curves is maximum. (Provided that the TR curve lies above the
TC curve at this point).

Graphically TR TC

Q0 Qe Q1

Fig: 5 the profit maximizing output level is Qe because it is at this output level that the vertical
distance between the TR and TC curves (or profit) is maximum.
For all output levels below Q0 and above Q1 profit is negative because TC is above TR.

Marginal Approach
In this approach the profit maximizing level of output is that level of output at which:
MR=MC and
MC is increasing
This approach is directly derived from the total approach. In figure 4, the vertical distance
between the TR and TC curve is maximum where a straight line parallel to the TR curve is
tangent to the TC curve. Or simply, the vertical distance between the TC and TR curves is
maximum at output level where the slope of the two curves is equal. The slope of the TR curve
constant and is equal to the MR or market price.

Similarly, the slope of the TC curve at a given level of output is equal to the slope of the tangent
line to the TC curve at that level of output, which is equal to MC. Thus the distance between the
TR and TC curves () is maximum when MR equals MC.
Graphically, the marginal approach can be shown as follows.




Q* Qe

Fig.6: the profit maximizing output is Qe, where MC=MR and MC curve is increasing. At Q*,
MC=MR, but since MC is falling at this output level, it is not equilibrium output. For all output
levels ranging from Q* to Qe the marginal cost of producing additional unit of output is less
than the MR obtained from selling this output. Hence the firm should produce additional output
until it reaches Qe.

The fact that a firm is in the short run equilibrium does not necessarily mean that the firm gets
positive profit. Whether the firm gets positive or zero or negative profit depends on the level of
ATC at equilibrium thus;
- If the ATC is below the market price at equilibrium, the firm earns a positive
profit equal to the area between the ATC curve and the price line up to the profit
maximizing output (see fig 7below)



Qe Q

Fig 7 the firm earns a positive profit because price exceeds AC of production at equilibrium
- If the ATC is equal to the market price at equilibrium, the firm gets zero.




Fig 8: The firm earns zero profit because price equals AC of production at equilibrium

- If the ATC is above the market price at equilibrium, the firm earns a negative
profit (incurs a loss) equal to the area between the ATC curve and the price line.(
see fig 9 below).




Fig 9. a firm incurs a loss because price is less than AC of production at equilibrium.

In this case, you may ask that “why do the firm continue to produce if it had to incur a loss?”

In fact, the firm will continue to produce irrespective of the existing loss as far as the price is
sufficient to cover the average variable costs. In other words, the firm should continue producing
as far as the TR sufficiently covers the total variable costs. This is so because if the firm stops
production he will incur a loss which equals the total fixed cost. But, if it continues to produce the
loss is less than the total fixed costs because the TR will cover some portion of the fixed costs in
addition to the whole variable costs as far as it is greater than TVC.

However, if the market price falls below the AVC or alternatively, if the TR of the firm is not
sufficient to cover at least the total variable cost, the firm should close (shut down) its factory
(business). It will only lose the fixed costs; but if it continues operation while the TR is unable to
cover even the variable costs, the loss is greater than the fixed costs since part of the variable cost
is also not covered by the existing revenue.
To summarize, a firm may continue production even while incurring a loss (when TC > TR). This
occurs as far as the TR is able to cover at least the TVC (TR > TVC). If the TR is less than the
TVC, the firm is well advised to discontinue its operation so that the loss will be minimized.
Hence, to continue its operation (or just to stay in the business) the firm should obtain the TR
which can at least cover its variable costs. The following example will make the discussion clear.

2. Monopoly
Perfectly competitive market structure is a market in which there is large number of firms selling
homogeneous products. Monopoly is quite opposite to perfectly competitive market. And it is
defined as: a market situation in which a single seller sells a product or provides a service for
which there is no close substitute. In monopoly there are no similar products whose prices or
sales will influence the monopolist price or sales. In another words, cross elasticity between
monopolist product and other commodities is zero or low. Since there is a single seller in
monopoly market structure, the firm is at the same time the industry.

Common characteristics of monopoly
Monopoly markets share the following common characteristics.
1-Single seller and many buyers
There is a single seller who sells the product to many buyers.
2-Absence of close substitutes
A product produced by a monopolist has no close substitute so that consumers have no
alternative choices to substitute one product for another.
3-Price maker
In perfectly competitive market, both sellers and buyers are price takers. However, the
monopolist is a price maker. Facing a down ward sloped demand curve for its product, the
monopolist can change its product price by changing the quantity of the Product supplied. For
example, the monopolist can increase the price of its product by decreasing the quantity of
4-Barrier to entry
In monopoly, new competitors cannot freely enter in to the market due to some barriers which
can be economical, technical, legal or other type of barriers.

Causes for the emergence of monopoly

There are many factors that create monopoly and help the monopolists to maintain monopoly
power. Some of the factors will be discussed below.
1. Ownership of strategic or key inputs.
A firm may own or control the entire supply of a raw material required for the production of a
commodity. Such firms are not willing to sell the raw materials to another firm. For example,
until the second world war, the aluminum Company of America (Aloca) controlled practically
the entire supply of Bauxite(the basic raw material necessary for the production of aluminum),
giving it almost a complete monopoly in the production of aluminum in the united states. To
come to our country, Ambo Mineral Water can be taken as an example. Ambo mineral water has
monopolized the natural mineral water.
2. Exclusive knowledge of production technique.
Most of the beverage (soft drink) companies such as Coca Cola Company have maintained
monopoly power over supply of their product partly due to exclusive knowledge of the
ingredient chemicals required for the production of their product.
3. Patents and copyright
Patents and copyrights are government supported barriers to entry. Patents are granted by the
government for 17 years as an incentive to investors. Authors of books, artistic works (such as
cassette, video, etc) are the best examples of such monopoly.
4. Government Franchise and License
Another cause for the emergence of monopoly is government franchise. Franchise is a promise
by the government for a firm to prohibit the establishment of another firm (by another person)
that produces the same product or offers the same service as the original one.
For example, when the first Bank in Ethiopia, Abyssinia Bank was established, Emperor Minilik
has promised for the Egyptian firms (the owner of the Bank) that they will monopolize the
Banking service in Ethiopia for 50 years. Postal service in Ethiopia, Ethiopian television,
telecommunication service in Ethiopian etc. are other examples of monopoly.
5. Economies of scale may operate (i.e. the long run average cost may fall)
Another cause for the emergence of monopoly is economies of scale in production. A firm is said
to have economies of scale if its long run average cost is declining. In such a situation, when the
incumbent firm observes that new firms are entering into the market, it will produce large
amount of output to minimize its unit cost of production and will charge a lower price than the
new firms to deter entry. Such a monopoly is called natural monopoly.

Aside from the few cases of monopoly mentioned above, pure monopoly is rare and most
governments discourage pure monopoly because monopoly is deemed to create inefficiency. For
example, had it been the case that the telecommunication services are not monopolized in our
country, their prices would have been lower. But through pure monopoly is rare, the pure
monopoly model is useful for analyzing situations that approach pure monopoly and for other
types of imperfectly competitive markets (i.e. monopolistic competition and oligopoly)

The demand and revenue curves of the monopoly firm

Perfectly competitive firm is a price taker and faces a demand curve that is horizontal or
infinitely elastic at the price (determined by the intersection of the industry or market demand
and supply) of the commodity. But, remember that the market demand curve is down ward
sloping. However, a monopolist firm is at the same time the industry and thus, it faces the

negatively sloped market (industry) demand curve for the commodity. In other words, because a
monopolist is the sole seller of a commodity, it faces a down ward sloping demand curve. This
means, to sell more units of the commodity, the monopolist must lower the commodity price.

Conversely, if the monopolist decides to raise the price of the product, it will reduce the quantity
of supply without worrying about the competitors, who by charging lower prices would capture a
large share of the market (customers) at the expense of him. So the monopolist can manipulate
the price of its commodity by changing the quantity of supply. To sell more units of the
commodity, the monopolist will charge lower price and vice versa. Hence, the demand curve
facing the monopolist is negatively sloped, showing the inverse relationship between market
price and quantity demanded.



Q1 Q2

Fig.1 the demand curve facing the monopolist firm is down wards sloping. At price p1, the firm sells only
Q1 outputs. To sell more units the firm should reduce the price.


The basic assumption of Chamberlin’s large group model of monopolistic competition market
1. There are large numbers of sellers in the product group. This assumption implies each
firm in the product group contributes small proportion of the total supply. As a result,
there is no single firm dominance in setting market price and collusion between firms to
gain market power is impossible.
2. Sellers found in the same product group produce differentiated product and yet they are
close substitutes of one another. This is to mean that each firm makes its product different
from other firm by changing their inherent characteristics of their product or through
different sales promotion activities. As a result, firms get certain monopoly power to set
price. However, their monopoly power usually small relative to monopolistic firm
because of the existence of stiff competition from other firms producing similar product.
3. It is relatively easy for new firms to enter the market with their own brands and for
existing firms to leave the product group if they are unprofitable. Since there is no barrier
to entry, a firm cannot make positive profit in the long run.
4. The objective of the firms is profit maximization in both the short run and long run.
5. Firms assumed to behave as if it knew its demand and cost curves with certainty.
6. Both demand and cost curves for all products are uniform throughout the group. This
assumption made in order to present the equilibrium of the firm and product group on the
same diagram.

As indicated in the assumption, a monopolistically competitive market structure has some

element of both monopoly and prefect competition. The fact that there are many firms in a
monopolistically competitive situation is a perfect competitive element that restricts the ability of
firms to control price through product differentiation. A significant difference in price between
firms quickly leads customers to abandon the loyalties built by product differentiation. This will
cause shift in preference of consumer from high price product to lower price close substitutes.
Another perfect competitive element is easy entry of firms in a monopolistically competitive
market even though product differentiation, which takes the form of brand name or firm’s
loyalty, can act as barrier to entry. Therefore, we cannot say that there is complete freedom of
entry as in pure competition. Rather there is reasonable freedom of entry.

On the other hand, the product of each firm in monopolistic competition is differentiated. That is
each firm sells a brand or a version of the product that differs in quality, appearance or reputation
and it is a sole producer of its own brand. Such product differentiation gives monopolistically
competitive firm some market power to set different price from their competitors rather than
passively accepting the market price. Usually the greater the differentiation, the greater the

discretionary market power of a given firm to set its product price. When a product is highly
differentiated, the product of each seller is similar but not identical. This may give them a
monopoly power over the specific product it sells.

From the above discussion, it is possible to conclude that monopolistic competition as a market
structure in which:
 A large number of independent firms compete.
 Each firm produces a differentiated product.
 Firms compete on product quality, price and marketing activities.
 Easy enter and exit of firms to the market.

1.3 Product differentiation and the demand curve

Chamberlin develops his theory of monopolistic competition based on some empirical facts.
There are very few monopolists because there are very few commodities for which close
substitutes do not exist. Similarly, very few commodities are entirely homogeneous to make
perfect competition assumption realistic. For instances there are no homogenous automobiles,
soaps, suits, television sets, grocery stores, magazines and others. They are differentiated. In
most cases, each producer tries to differentiate his product to make it unique and reduces the
number of its close substitutes. The process of making a product unique from other product is
called product differentiation. Chamberlin uses the concept of product differentiation to develop
the theory of monopolistic competition.

There are two types of product differentiation: real and fancied (spurious) product
differentiation. Product differentiation is said to be real, if the products found in the same
product group differ in terms of their inheritance characteristics. They may be different in the
type of input used to produce the product; specification and location of the firm in terms of
convince to be accessed by the consumer. For example, shampoos with conditioner and without
conditioner are differentiated in their content. Grocery stores found near to the house of customer
and far from the house of a customer are differentiated in terms of their location.
Fancied (spurious) product differentiation is a case where the products are the same but the
producers that its product differs from other close substitutes convince consumers. Such

differentiation occurs through advertisement, difference in packing, design, brand name and
other sales promotion activities. Whatever the type, product differentiation determines the nature
of demand curve facing a give firm.

The demand curve facing a firm will depend on output decisions and prices charged by other
firms that produce similar product. That is the slope of demand curve facing the firm will depend
on how similar the firm’s products are. If large number of firms produces identical or
homogenous products, then the demand curve facing the firms is flat. Each firm must sell its
product at market price. Any firm that tries to raise its price above market price would loss all of
its customers. On the other hand, if a firm has exclusive right to sell a particular product, it may
raise its price without losing all of its customers.

Firm can gain certain monopoly power through product differentiation by making a given
product unique to the mind of the consumer. This will create brand loyalty of consumer for a
product and given some discretion power for the firms to set the price of their product different
from their competitor price. As a result the demand facing individual firm becomes down ward
sloping. The firm did not loss its entire customer through price rise even though some of them
switch to its competitors product. However given the competitive element of monopolistically
competitive product group (large number of firm and easy entry), small rise in price results in
large fall in quantity demanded. For instance if price increases from P1 to P2 in figure1.1,
quantity demanded decreases from Q1 to Q2. Because increase in price leads the firm to lose
some of its customers.




Q2 Q1 Quantity Demand
In summary product differentiation, which is the basis of non-price competition, give
monopolistically competitive firm certain monopoly power and then down ward sloping demand
curve. In other word in monopolistically competitive market structure, firms have a certain
capacity to change the demand for their product through product differentiation. Even though
firms in monopolistically competitive market faces downward sloping demand curve, their
demand curve is highly elastic because of the existence of large number of firms producing
closely substitute products.


Monopolistically competitive firm undertake different activities and changes compositions of
goods to differentiate their product from their competitors. For example, firms use intensive
advertisements to increases demand and even to inform potential buyers about the availability of
the product. This causes strong attachment of consumer to the product so that price elasticity of
demand for the product becomes very low. In other words, firms often devote considerable
resources to differentiate their product from their competitors through such devices as quality
and style variations, warranties and guarantees, special services features, and product
advertisement. All of these activities require firms to employ an additional resource that incurs
addition cost to them. This cost is known as selling cost or cost of product differentiation.
Therefore, firms have to consider this cost during pricing and output decision in addition to
traditional production costs.

Like perfect competition and monopolistic firm, traditional production cost of monopolistically
competitive firm’s average costs and marginal costs are all U-shaped. Such shape indicates the
operation of law of diminishing marginal return in the short run and law of return to scale in the
long run during production process. Moreover, Chamberlin tries to show the average and
marginal selling costs curve of monopolistically competitive firm have U-shape. If we take
advertisement, cost that comprises the major proportion of selling cost shows economies and
diseconomies of scale.

As indicated in figure1.2, initially the amount of sells expansion through advertisement will not
result in equally increase in selling cost. It is characterized by falling of the average selling cost

because of increase return to scale of advertisement (economies of scale). However, when large
quantity of output sold, after a certain level, firms have to spend more per unit in order to
increase the amount of output sold. That is diseconomies of advertisement start to operate and
average selling cost increase after its minimum point. Such feature of average selling cost give
rise to U-shaped average selling cost. Therefore, since both production and selling costs have U-
shaped, the total average and marginal costs of monopolistically competition firm is U-shaped
similar to cost curves of monopoly and perfect competitive firm. However, the average and
marginal cost of monopolistically competitive firm is greater than average and marginal cost of
perfect competitive and monopolistic firm because of the additional costs incurred to during
product differentiation.

Economics of
AC advertisement

Diseconomies of

Output sold

Figure 1.2: Cost of firms in monopolistic competition

4. Oligopoly
Oligopoly is a market structure dominated by few sellers of homogenous or differentiated
product. As a result, the action of each firm affects the other firm’s decision in the industry. A
beer industry in Ethiopia is a good example of such type of industry. Each of the major beer
producers takes in to account the reaction of others when they formulate their price and output
policies. Bedel or Dashen in this case know that its own action will have significant impact on
the rest of the beer producers. Therefore, Bedel or any other producer considers the possible
reaction of its competitor in deciding prices, degree of product differentiation to be introduced,
the level of advertisement to be undertaken and the amount of service to be provided and so on.

Automobile industry, which produces different cars and aerospace industry producing different
airplanes are also an example of oligopoly industry. Note also that, all oligopolists are not
necessary large firms as given in the above example. Two grocery stores that exist in isolated
community can be oligopolists given that their decisions are interdependent and they are the sole
supplier of a specific product. This implies that the distinguishing feature of oligopoly is the
interdependence of decision making by rivalry firms in an industry. Such interdependence
between firms is the natural result of the existence of few numbers of firms in an industry.

In summary, oligopoly market structure is a market structure which contain firms characterized
by the following features
 Few number of firms in a given industry
 Interdependence of firms in decision making
 Firms produce homogenous or differentiated product
 Firms have some power to set price

Table 2.1 properties of monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and perfect
Characteristics Monopoly Oligopoly Monopolistic Perfect
competition competition
1 Number of One Few Few or Many Many
firms in an
2 Type of product Single (unique ) Homogenous Differentiated Homogenous
3 Ability to set Price setter Price setter Price setter Price taker
price but have very with limited
limited power power
4 Profit MR=MC MR=MC MR=MC MR= MC =P
5 Entry condition No entry Limited entry easy entry Free entry
6 Strategic Has no rival Yes Yes No
firms on its
7 Example Local natural gas Automobile Retail trades Apple farmers
utility manufacturer

Causes of Oligopoly
There are many cause of oligopoly market. Some of them are
1. Economies of scale: low costs cannot achieved in some industries unless a few firms are
producing output that account for substantial percentages of the total market demand
.That means the average cost of production reach minimum only when the output
produced in large amount by a few firms. As result, the number of firms in such type of
industry should be reduced in order to make use of the advantage of economies of scale
in production. Economies of scale in sales promotion and advertising may also promote
2. Barriers to entry: - there are varieties of barrier that did not allow the entry of some
firms in to the industry. This barrier may be technological, skill, cost, size of the market
in relation to economies of scale , patent right and different activities of government such
as licensing and marketing quota

3. Collusion (merger of small firms): Small firms collide to get market power and
overcome their competitor’s pressure. If they gain market power, firms set higher price
and restricts output supply that maximizes their profit. Such firms develop to oligopoly
while other removed from the market.


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