Pote2 Tutorial
Pote2 Tutorial
Pote2 Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will study the flow of ideal fluids. On completion, you should be able
to do the following.
An ideal fluid has no viscosity (inviscid) and is incompressible. No such fluid exists but
these assumptions make it possible to produce models for the flow of fluids in and
around solid boundaries such as long cylinders. In particular, the concepts of
POTENTIAL FLOW and STREAM FUNCTION give us useful mathematical models to
study these phenomena.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Figure 1
Flux is defined as the volume flow rate per metre depth normal to the page. The stream function is
defined as the flux across the line O -P. The symbol used is (psi). Since there is no flow rate normal
to a stream line, then it follows that the stream function is the same between O and any point P, P' or P''
on the same stream line. In other words, the stream line represents a constant value of the stream
It is easier to understand in terms of small changes. Consider a short line of length ds perpendicular
to a stream line. Let the velocity across this line have a mean value of v'. The flux crossing this line is
hence v'ds and this is the small change in the stream function d. It follows that d = v'ds
Figure 2
In this analysis, the stream function is positive when it crosses the line in an anti-clockwise direction
(right to left on the diagram). This is quite arbitrary with some publications using clockwise as
positive, others using anti-clockwise.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
The stream function can be expressed in Cartesian or polar co-ordinates. The convention for velocity is
that we use v for velocity in the y direction and u for velocity in the x direction. Consider a small flux
entering a triangular area as shown. The fluid is incompressible so the volume per unit depth entering
the area must be equal to that leaving. It follows that for a flux in the direction shown
Figure 3
When polar co-ordinates are used the flow directions are radial and tangential.
Figure 4
The sign convention agrees with the stream function being positive in a direction from right to left.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Consider a line along which the velocity v' varies. Over a short length ds the velocity potential varies
by d. Hence d = v'ds or v' = d/ds. The velocity potential may be thought of as the product of
velocity and length in the same direction. It follows that
= v' ds
Some text books use a sign convention opposite to this and again this is arbitrary.
If the line is horizontal v' is velocity u and ds is dx hence u
If the line is vertical then v' is v and ds is dy hence v
If the flow is radial then v' is vR and ds is dr hence vR
If the flow is tangential then v' is vT and ds is r d hence vT
The sign convention is positive for increasing radius and positive for anti- clockwise rotation.
Since v' is zero perpendicular to a stream line it follows that lines of constant run perpendicular to the
stream lines. If these lines are superimposed on a flow we have a flow net.
Figure 5
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When we compare the velocity equations in terms of the stream function and the velocity potential we
find :
d d
u .............(1)
dy dx
d d
v ..............(2)
dx dy
d d
vR .........(3)
rd dr
d d
vT ...........(4)
dr rd
From equation 3,
Figure 6
A line source is a single point 1m deep from which fluid appears and flows away radially. A line sink is
a single point 1m deep at which flow disappears.
The flow rate through any circle centred on the
source or sink must be the same at all radii. All
radii are stream lines.
Figure 7
Consider a source at point A with a flow emerging 1 m deep at a rate of Q m3/s. At radius r the radial
velocity is Q/area = Q/2r = vR. Flux outwards is taken as positive. Some texts use the opposite sign
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Note that text books and examiners often use m for the strength of the source and this has the same
meaning as Q. A sink is the exact opposite of a source.
d = - (Q/2r ) ds for a sink.
Figure 8
d rd d for a source. d rd d for a sink
2r 2 2r 2
For a finite angle these become for a source.
for a sink.
Figure 9
This becomes d dr for a source
d dr for a sink.
To find the expression for a length of one radius, we integrate with respect to r.
ln r for a source
ln r for a sink.
From the preceding it may be deduced that the streamline are radial lines and the lines of constant
are concentric circles.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
2 1 22by 2
x y
Q 2by
2 x 2 y 2
When the source and sink are brought close together we have
DOUBLET but b remains finite.
Let B = (Qb/) 2
x y2
Since y = r sin and x2 + y2 = r2 then
Br sin B sin
r2 r
= 0 is the streamline across which there is no flux and this is
a circle so it can be used to represent a cylinder. Figure 11
Figure 11
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
For this development, consider the case for the source at the origin of the x – y co-ordinates with a
uniform flow of velocity u from left to right. The development for a sink in a uniform flow follows the
same principles. The uniform flow encounters the flux from the source producing a pattern as shown.
At large values of x the flow has become uniform again with velocity u. The flux from the source is Q.
this divides equally to the top and bottom. At point s there is a stagnation point where the radial
velocity from the source is equal and opposite of the uniform velocity u.
The radial velocity is Q/2r. Equating to u we have r = Q/2u and this is the distance from the origin
to the stagnation point.
For uniform flow 1 = -uy For the source 2 = Q/2. The combined value is = -uy + Q/2
The flux between the origin and the stagnation point S is half the flow from the source. Hence, the flux
is Q/2 and the angle is radian (180o). The dividing streamline emanating from S is the zero
streamline = 0. Since no flux crosses this streamline, the dividing streamline could be a solid
boundary. When the flow is uniform, we have:
y is the distance from the x axis to the zero stream line where the flow is uniform (at large values of x).
The thickness of the uniform stream emerging from the source is t = 2y.
Hence t =Q/u.
Figure 12
Consider points S and A. At S there is a pressure ps and no velocity. At point A there is a velocity vA
and pressure pA. Applying Bernoulli between these points, we have:
ps = pA + vA2/2
ps - pA = vA2/2
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
To solve the pressure difference we need to know the velocity. At point A we can solve this as follows.
The velocity is the resultant velocity of the uniform flow u and the radial velocity from the source vR.
Figure 13
vA2 = u2 + vR2
The stream line at point A is = 0 hence 0 = -uy + Q/2 hence y = Q/2u
At this point = /2 (90o) so y = Q/4u
This is the distance to point A along the y axis.
vR = Q/2r. The radius at point A is Q/4u hence vR = 2u/
vA2 = u2 + (2u/)2 = u2 {1 +4/2}
ps - pA = vA2/2 = (u2/2) {1 +4/2}
A uniform flow of fluid with a density of 800 kg/m3 is from left to right with a velocity u = 2 m/s.
It is combined with a source of strength Q = 8 m2/s at the origin. Calculate:
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
If a sink is placed at the origin, the flow pattern is like this.
Figure 14
If an equal source and sink is placed in a uniform flow equal distance from the origin, we get a
combination of the previous two cases and the zero streamline form an oval called the Rankine Oval.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
When an ideal fluid flows around a long cylinder, the stream lines and velocity potentials form the
same pattern as a doublet placed in a constant uniform flow. It follows that we may use a doublet to
study the flow pattern around a cylinder. The result of combining a doublet with a uniform flow at
velocity u is shown below.
Figure 15
Consider a doublet at the origin with a uniform flow from left to
right. The stream function for point p is obtained by adding the
functions for a doublet and a uniform flow.
Figure 16
Where B = (Qb/) From the diagram we have y = r sin and substituting this into the stream function
B sin B
ur sin ur sin
r r
d B
2 u sin (5)
dr r
ur cos (6)
The equation is usually given in the form Ar cos where A = u
The stream functions may be converted into velocity potentials by use of equations 3 and 5 or 4 and 6
as follows.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Equation 4 Equation 3
d d
dr rd d d
d d vR
rd dr
dr rd d d
d d r
r d dr
dr d B d
d Ar dr cos r
B r
r 2 A sin dr
r d
d 2 A dr cos d
B r
Ar sin
r d
B Ar cos
Ar cos r
At any given point in the flow with co-ordinates r, the velocity has a radial and tangential component.
The true velocity v is the vector sum of both which, being at a right angle to each other, is found from
Pythagoras as
v v 2R v T2
R is the radius of the cylinder. From these equations we may find the true velocity at any point in the
The velocity potential for an ideal fluid flowing around a long cylinder is given by
Ar cos
The cylinder has a radius R and is placed in a uniform flow of velocity u, which affects the velocity
near to the cylinder. Determine the constants A and B and determine where the maximum velocity
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
The values of the constants depend upon the quadrant selected to solve the boundary conditions.
This is because the sign of the tangential velocity and radial velocity are different in each quadrant.
Which ever one is used, the final result is the same. Let us select the quadrant from 90o to 180o.
At a large distance from the cylinder and at the 90 o position the velocity is from left to right so at
this point vT = -u. From equation 4 we have
dφ B
vT φ Arcosθ
rdθ r
1 B B
v T Arsinθ v T 2 A sinθ
rr r
Putting r = infinity and = 90o and remembering that +vT is anticlockwise +u is left to right, we
v T u 2 A sin 0 Ax1
Hence vT = -A = -u so A = u as expected from earlier work.
At angle 180o with r = R, the velocity is only radial in directions and is zero because it is arrested.
dφ B
From equation 3 we have vR 2 A cosθ
dr r
Putting r = R and vR = 0 and = 180 we have
0 2 A (1) 2 A
Put A = u 0 2 u B uR 2
Substituting for B = uR and A = u we have
B uR 2
φ Arcosθ ur cosθ
r r
At the surface of the cylinder r = R the velocity potential is
dφ B uR 2
vT 2 A sinθ 2 u sinθ 2usinθ
rdθ r r
This is a maximum at = 90o where the streamlines are closest together so the maximum velocity is
2u on the top and bottom of the cylinder.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
x2 + y2 = r2 x = r cos
a 2
φ urcosθ 1 2
dΨ dφ
dr rdθ
dΨ dφ a2
r u r sinθ
dr dθ r
dΨ a2
u 1 2 sinθ
dr r
Ψ u r sinθ
Ψ ur 2 1sinθ
Now change back to Cartesian co-ordinates
a2 a2
Ψ ur 2 1 sinθ uy 2 1
x y x y
2 2
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
The velocity of the main stream flow is u and the pressure is p'. When it flows over the surface of the
cylinder the pressure is p because of the change in velocity. The pressure change is p - p'.
For an infinitely long cylinder placed in a stream of mean velocity u we apply Bernoulli's equation
between a point well away from the stream and a point on the surface. At the surface the velocity is
entirely tangential so :
p' + u2/ 2 = p + vT2/2
From the work previous this becomes
If this function is plotted against angle we find that the distribution has a maximum value of 1.0 at the
front and back, and a minimum value of -3 at the sides.
Figure 17
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
This is covered in detail in tutorial 3. When the fluid is real, it has viscosity and where it flows over a
surface a boundary layer is formed. Remember a boundary layer is the thickness of the layer in which
the velocity grows from zero at the surface to a maximum in the main stream.
When the fluid flows around a cylinder, the tangential velocity reaches a theoretical maximum on the
top edge. This means the velocity increases around the leading edge. The flow may be laminar or
turbulent depending on conditions. If it remains laminar, then the boundary layer gets thinner as shown
below. A point may be reached where the layer thickness is reduced to zero and then it actually
becomes reversed with eddies forming as shown. At this point the boundary layer separates from the
surface and a wake is formed.
Figure 18
Research shows that the drag coefficient reduces with increased stream velocity and then remains
constant when the boundary layer achieves separation. If the mainstream velocity is further increased,
turbulent flow sets in around the cylinder and this produces a marked drop in the drag. This is shown
below on the graph of CD against Reynolds’s number. The point where the sudden drop occurs is at a
critical value of Reynolds’s number of 5 x105.
Figure 19
The student should read up details of boundary layer formation, wakes and separation as this work is
only a brief description of what occurs.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Water flows around a cylinder 80 mm radius. At large distances from the cylinder, the velocity is
7.5 m/s in the x direction and the pressure is 1 bar. Find the velocity and pressure at the point x = -
90 mm and y = 20 mm. The velocity and stream functions are as given in the last example.
vR = u[R2/r2 - 1 ] cos
vT = u[1 + R2/r2] sin
changing the co-ordinates into angle we have
= tan-1(y/x) = 167.5o
vR = 7.5[0.082/0.0922 - 1 ] cos167.5o
vR = 1.785 m/s
vT = 7.5[1 + 0.082/0.0922 ] sin167.5o
vT = 2.85 m/s
Applying Bernoulli between the mainstream flow and this point we have
p = 122.47 kPa
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
1.a. Show that the potential function = A(r + B/r)cos represents the flow of an ideal fluid around
a long cylinder. Evaluate the constants A and B if the cylinder is 40 mm radius and the velocity
of the main flow is 3 m/s. (A = 3 m/s and B = 0.0016)
b. Obtain expressions for the tangential and radial velocities and hence the stream function .
c. Evaluate the largest velocity in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the flow direction. (6
m/s for tangential velocity)
d. A small neutrally buoyant particle is released into the stream at r = 100 mm and = 150o.
Determine the distance at the closest approach to the cylinder. (66.18 mm)
2.a. Show that the potential function = (Ar + B/r)cos gives the flow of an ideal fluid around a
cylinder. Determine the constants A and B if the velocity of the main stream is u and the
cylinder is radius R.
b. Find the pressure distribution around the cylinder expressed in the form
(p - p')/(u2/2) as a function of angle.
c. Sketch the relationship derived above and compare it with the actual pressure profiles that occur
up to a Reynolds number of 5 x 105.
b. Obtain expressions for the velocity adjacent to the plane at y = 0. Find the pressure distribution
along this plane.
4. A uniform flow has a sink placed in it at the origin of the Cartesian co-ordinates. The stream
function of the uniform flow and sink are 1= Uy and 2= B
Write out the combined stream function in Cartesian co-ordinates.
Given U=0.001 m/s and B= -0.04 m3/3 per m thickness, derive the velocity potential.
Determine the width of the flux into the sink at a large distance upstream.
(Ans. 80 m)
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Consider a stream line that forms a closed loop. The velocity of the streamline at any point is tangential
to the radius of curvature R. the radius is rotating at angular velocity . Now consider a small length
of that streamline ds.
Figure 20
The circulation is defined as K = vT ds and the integration is around the entire loop.
Substituting vT = R ds = R d
K = R2 d The limits are 0 and 2
K = 2R2
In terms of vT K = 2vTR
Vorticity is defined as G = vT ds/A where A is the area of the rotating element.
The area of the element shown in the diagram is a small sector of arc ds and angle d.
d d
dA R 2 R 2
2 2
A R2
R d 2 at any point.
2 d
R 2
It should be remembered in this simplistic approach that may vary with angle.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Consider a cylindrical mass rotating about a vertical axis. The streamlines form concentric circles. The
angular velocity of the streamlines are the same at all radii for a forced vortex , but varies with radius
for a free vortex.
Consider a small annular element between two streamlines. The streamlines are so close that the
circumference of each is the same and length 2r. Let the depth be dh, a small part of the actual depth.
Figure 21
The velocity of the outer streamline is u + du and the inner streamline is u. The pressure at the inner
streamline is p and at the outer streamline is p + dp.
It must be the centrifugal force acting on the element that gives rise to the change in pressure dp. It
follows that
The rate of change of energy head with radius is dH/dr. It follows that this must be the sum of the rate
of change of pressure and kinetic heads so
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
A free vortex is one with no energy added nor removed so dH/dr = 0. It is also irrotational which means
that although the streamlines are circle and the individual molecules orbit the axis of the vortex, they
do not spin. This may be demonstrated practically with a vorticity meter that is a float with a cross on
it. The cross can be seen to orbit the axis but not spin as shown.
Figure 22
Since the total head H is the same at all radii it follows the dH/dr = 0. The equation reduces to
u/r + du/dr = 0
dr/r + du/v = 0
Integrating ln u + ln r = Constant
ln (ur) = constant
ur = C
Note that a vortex is positive for anti-clockwise rotation. C is the strength of the free vortex with units
of m2/s
d = vT dr
Substituting vT = C/r
d = C dr /r
Suppose the vortex has an inner radius of a and an outer radius of R.
= C dr/r = C ln (R/a)
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
It was shown earlier that dh/dr = u2/gr where h is the depth. Substituting u=C/r we get
dh/dr = C2/gr3
dh = C2gr-3 dr/g
h2 – h1 = (C2/2g)(1/R2 – 1/r2)
Figure 23
A forced vortex is one in which the whole cylindrical mass rotates at one angular velocity . It was
shown earlier that dH/dr = u2/gr + u du/(g dr) where h is the depth. Substituting u = r and noting
du/dr = we have
H = 2r2/g + A
H was also given by
H = h + u2/2g = h + 2r2/2g
Equating we have
h = 2r2/2g + A
At radius r h1 =2r2/2g + A
At radius R h2 =2R2/2g + A
h2 - h1 =(2/2g)( R2 - r2)
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
This produces a parabolic surface profile like this.
Figure 24
A free vortex of strength C is placed in a uniform flow of velocity u. Derive the stream function
and velocity potential for the combined flow.
The derivation of the stream function and velocity potential for a free vortex is given previously as
= C ln (r/a) and = C
= C ln (r/a) - ur sin
= C + ur cos
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
The strength of a free vortex is 2 m 2/s and it is placed in a uniform flow of 3 m/s in the x direction.
Calculate the pressure difference between the main stream and a point at x= 0.5 and y=0.5. The
density of the fluid is 997 kg/m3.
The velocity of the combined flow at this point is v. This the vector sum of the radial and tangential
velocities so
2 2
v = {vT + vR }1/2
C=2 u=3
vR = d /dr = u cos
vT = d /dr = C/r - u sin
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
A rectangular channel 1 m deep carries 2 m 3/s of water around a 90o bend with an inner radius of 2 m
and outer radius of 4 m. Treating the around the bend as part of a free vortex, determine the difference
in levels between the inner and outer edge.
= Flux = Flow/depth = 2 m2/s and this must be the same across any radial line on the bend.
Putting r = 2 m and R = 4 m
= 2.885 ln (R/r)
Let the inside level of the bend be 0 so h2 is the change in level over the bend.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk
Stream function.
Velocity potential function.
Stream tube
Derive the stream function and velocity potential for the combined flow.
The circulation is 7 m2/s and it is placed in a uniform flow of 3 m/s in the x direction. Calculate
the pressure difference between a point at x= 0.5 and y=0.5.
D.J.DUNN freestudy.co.uk