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MaTr iD

Integrated Design
Good Practice Examples and
Market Transformation Towards Nearly Zero
Lessons Learned
Energy Buildings Through Widespread Use of
Integrated Energy Design
Client: Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)

Project: MaTrID: Market transformation towards nearly zero energy

buildings through widespread use of integrated energy design


Date: November 2014

Authors: Theoni Karlessi, Ronnie Hollsten, Stefan Amann and the whole
MaTrID team.

The sole responsibility for the content of this brochure lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European
Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained
MaTr iD Table of contents

Preface 4 2.5.1 Bassourakos Cultural Center - Greece 23
2.5.2 Parochallen - Sweden 24
1 About the project and Integrated Design 5

2.5.3 Creative Works - Wales 25
1.1 The MaTrID project 5
2.5.4 Splott Community Centre - Wales 26
1.2 MarketAbout this brochure
Transformation Towards Nearly Zero 5
2.5.5 Stavros Niarchos Foundation
1.3 EnergyThe
Buildings Through Widespread Use of
ID tool-kit 5
Cultural Center - Greece 27
1.4 Integrated Energy Design
Integrated Design for nearly zero-energy buildings 6
2.6 Residential 28
2 Case studies and lessons learned 7 2.6.1 Casa eco passiva Sicilia - Progetto Botticelli - Italy 28
2.1 Office Buildings 7 2.6.2 Eco Silver House - Slovenia 29
2.1.1 University of Innsbruck, Faculty Building 2.6.3 Petrzalské Dvory - Slovakia 30
of Engineering Science - Austria 7 2.6.4 Zelene Atrium - Slovakia 31
2.1.2 Powerhouse Kjørbo - Norway 8 3.6.5 Single family house - Point 141- Poland 32
2.1.3 National Tax Authority - Norway 9 2.6.6 Apartment building in Vaives street 4 - Latvia 33
2.2 Mixed type 10 2.6.7 Apartment building in Mastu street 8k1 - Latvia 34
2.2.1 Smart Campus - Austria 10
3.2.2 Lindholmshamnen – Älvstranden & Lindholmshamnen
3 Lessons learned and final remarks 36
– Skanska - Sweden 11
2.2.3 Childcare Centre, Cologno Monzese - Italy 12
2.2.4 APIVITA Commercial & Industrial S.A.- Greece 13
2.2.5 aspern IQ- Austria 14
2.2.6 Kobra – Slovenia 15
2.3 Hotels 16
2.3.1 Hotel in Milos - Greece 16
2.3.2 Hotel Golden Tulip Zakopane - Poland 17
2.4 School buildings 18
2.4.1 Delasalle Kindergarten - Greece 18
2.4.2 Romsdal VGS High School - Norway 19
2.4.3 Torstvedt School - Norway 21
2.4.4 Pontprennau Primary School - Wales 22
2.5 Culture and leisure 23

This Brochure is implemented within the frame of

the European project MaTrID and presents good
practice examples from participating countries.
Also submissions from the GreenBuilding Inte-
grated Design Award 2014 have been taken into
account. The good practice examples illustrate
the main achievements of each project focusing
on the Integrated Design process that has been
followed from the early concept stages until the
detailed design and construction phase, underli-
ning the significance of lessons learned from the

MaTrID deals with the application of Integrated

(Energy) Design (IED) during the building design
process. According to EU regulations all new buil-
dings shall be nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)
by 2020. For this reason the Integrated (Energy)
design approach supports the transformation of
the real estate market towards nearly zero ener-
gy buildings.
1 About the project and
Integrated Design
1.1 The MaTrID project 1.3 The ID tool-kit

The Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) project MaTrID In order to facilitate the practical implementation
aims at supporting the implementation of nearly of Integrated Design, a user friendly European ID
Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) by 2020. In this con- tool-kit has been developed. This tool-kit has been
text the building design phase is of particular translated and adapted to the national level of part-
importance. Integrated Design (ID) in general is the ner countries.
most appropriate approach to reduce the complexity
of the design process and to facilitate the interacti- The ID Process Guide is the core document of the
ons between the members of the design team. ID ID tool-kit. It explains why ID is of particular impor-
allows them to provide the best solution for the tance and what it is in general, highlighting the ID
whole building. It is not limited to energy efficiency process step by step. In doing so, special emphasis lies Cover of the ID Process Guide. (Source: ID Process
and goes beyond this issue. The greatest benefits are with goal setting. Moreover, it describes the inter- Guide.
provided only if applied in the earliest stages of actions with certificates like BREEAM, LEED, DGNB,
the project, when changes to the design are still easy etc. The tool-kit includes further supplementary do-
to implement. cuments, like the Client Brief, Tenants Brief and
Scope of Services and Remuneration Models
1.2. About this brochure as well as this Good Practice brochure.

In this respect the benefit of EU collaboration is

to cross-pollinate good practice among European
countries. Therefore, MaTrID accompanied about 20
case studies among Europe between 2012 and 2014.
The knowledge transfer within a design team and its
actors as well as the knowledge transfer among Euro-
pe is the main benefit of the MaTrID project.This Diagram and connection of the ID Process Guide and
brochure can be seen as supplementary document to its supplementary documents. (Source: ID Process
the ID tool-kit. Guide.
1.4 Integrated Design for nearly Integrated Design is an approach that considers in a lifecycle perspective, both regarding costs and
the design process as well as the physical solutions. environmental performance.
zero-energy buildings
The overall goal is to optimize buildings as
whole system throughout the lifecycle. For the More about the project, Integrated Design and its
purpose of reaching high sustainability performance, tool-kit can be found at
6 A major challenge for property owners, public
authorities and developers is the implementation
the alternative building and technical solutions should
be developed and discussed by an integrated, mul-
of NZEBs in the near future. The Energy Perfor- tidisciplinary team. ID emphasizes a decision pro-
mance of Buildings directive (EPBD) applies to new cess rooted in informed choices with regard to the
constructions and buildings undergoing a major re- project goals, and on systematic evaluation of design
novation and means that the properties will be built proposals. This approach for building design is paral-
with an energy demand close to zero. This means that leling the principles of environmental management
in less than one decade all new buildings will have referred in the international ISO 14001 standards.
to demonstrate very high energy performances and Here, identifying and prioritizing goals and developing
their reduced or very low energy needs will be signi- an evaluation plan with milestones for follow-up, are
ficantly covered by renewable energy sources. central issues. Following figure indicates the impor-
tance of the Integrated Design process at the early
The design of a NZEB requires an interdisci- phases. Therefore, a shift of work load and enhance- Early design phases offer opportunity for large impact on
plinary approach. Reducing the energy demand in ment to the early phases very likely will pay off in the performance to the lowest costs and disruption. (Source:
buildings requires specifications for different desig- lifecycle of the building. ID Process Guide.
ners and engineers, such as architects, building physics
or façade designers. For this reason, the introduction Experience from building projects applying ID shows
of an interdisciplinary design team in the very early that the investment costs may be about 5% higher,
planning phase is fundamental for the successful but the annual running costs will be reduced by
design of NZEBs. In this context the building design as much as 40-90 %. The process of ID emphasizes
phase is of particular importance. that the performance of buildings should be assessed
2 Case studies and lessons
2.1 Office Buildings Lessons learned from ID process: The Integrated
Design process is often combined with required
technical resources such as design software including
2.1.1 University of Innsbruck,
the building information model (BIM). This project has
Faculty Building of Engineering shown that this holistic approach, taking into account
Science – Austria comprehensive sustainability criteria and several
experts, is not a matter of tools, it’s a matter of team 7
spirit and communication. Good communication bet-
Owner: Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft mbH (BIG) ween all participants was the basis for good project
Location: Innsbruck/Austria results.
Type of the building: Office building for the Faculty of
Engineering Science More information about the project: Dirk Jäger,
Source: ID Process Guide (
Gross floor space: 14,000 m² Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H., dirk.jaeger@
Investment costs: 12 million €,
Year of completion: 2014 About the ID process: The building owner has
a team of project managers who carry out renova- More information about the life cycle cost
Achievements: This pilot project is a demonstra- tion projects in a certain, strictly defined procedure. approach: Gerhard Hofer, e7 Energie Markt Analyse
tion of feasibility of renovation of an office building Mainly the functional interest of the building user and GmbH,,
in high thermal and energy quality and consideration the investment costs are important. In this renova-
of further sustainable criteria. Life cycle costs assess- tion process additional sustainability criteria were
ment of innovative measures and measures concer- the basis for the design. Life Cycle Cost Assessments
ning energy efficiency were carried out through the were carried out in parallel to the design phase. The
design process. For this reason it was necessary to commitment and willingness of the building owner
implement an Integrated Design process in order to and the kick-off-workshop is very important for a
fulfill these requirements. good Integrated Design process.
2.1.2 Powerhouse Kjørbo – Norway Outstanding in the design phase. sion in a large group, with all members present, and
discussions in smaller subtask groups. The larger
About the ID process: group included up to approximately 20 persons, and
Powerhouse is a collaborative project on the com- the smaller subtask group’s 3-6 persons. The themes
mercial development of energy-positive buildings. of the subtask were:
The multidisciplinary team comprised:

Representatives for the owner Thermal energy supply system

ID facilitator Photovoltaics
Head of design – management Ventilations strategy
Architect Embodied energy
Structural engineer Daylight studies
8 Energy consultant Buildings envelope – opaque walls
Energy consultant The workshops were whole day meetings. During
© Snøhetta architects Contractor (Norsk Hydro with know the workshop, the working method altered between
ledge on PV) discussions in the large group and discussions in the
Owner: Entra Eiendom HVAC consultant smaller subtask groups.
Location: Kjørboveien 20, Sandvika, Norway SINTEF with special competences The themes for the subtasks were specific technical,
Type of the building: Office building Acoustic consultant whereas and the theme of the group. Tthe themes in
Gross floor space: 5,180 m² Fire consultant of the large group discussions whereas to coordinate
Investment costs: 14 million € Electricity consultant and compromise functional needs and demands from
Year of completion: 2014 Contractor (Skanska) the subtasks. Additionally, the ID-facilitator discussed
Achievements: Powerhouse Kjørbo is the first reha- all proposals, and ensured that they would not violate
bilitated energy positive office building in the world. All stakeholders were involved in the project from the project objectives
A “Powerhouse” is defined as a building that during the early stages and formed a partnership. Sapa and
its lifecycle produces more renewable energy than Asplan Viak were not a part of the project before the Lessons learned from ID process: The energy
it consumes for the production of building materi- feasibility study, but joined in the design phase. Asplan target was the main project goal. All project stakehol-
als, construction, operation and demolition of the Viak provided multi-disciplinary consulting in the ders worked towards this goal, thus in some occa-
building. The building has obtained energy label A, has project and also represents the user (tenant). sion’s the energy solutions were prioritized before
energy properties better than the Norwegian passive architectural solutions and economy.
house standard NS 3701 and is classified BREEAM The design process was a combination of discus- Summing up the lessons learned;
1. Work in a multi-disciplinary team is a complex 2.1.3 National Tax Authority – About the ID process: Norwegian Tax Admini-
activity. Communication is something as perceived stration is a collaborative project on the commercial
as an easy task, but it’s a much more difficult pursuit development of low energy-buildings. The project is
in practice. Challenges related to multi-disciplinary carried out by a number of key actors:
communication can be solved through good planning
and setting aside enough time for meetings/work- Entra Eiendom - real estate owner / developer
shops and clarification process. Optimo Prosjekt AS / Insenti AS (OP) as
project manager
2. Quality and degree of precision in the initial Hambra, as ID facilitator
concept stage (feasibility study) is invaluable. Good Energetica Design, as consultant energy
quality of feasibility study can contribute to a more Sweco as HVAC consultant
cost-efficient process at the later stages. AF Gruppen AS as contractor for structural
works and coordination 9
3. All design team members should take part of most Caverion, as contractor on HVAC
discussions because they have to know how hard the
© LPO architects The multidisciplinary team comprised:
process is to find the best solution. If they haven’t
participated, they tend to be less flexible in finding
holistic solutions. It’s important to be a part of the Representatives for the owner
process in order to be motivated to change attitude. Owner: Entra Eiendom AS ID facilitator / BREEAM AP /material
And it might end up being most cost efficient. Location: Helsfyr, Oslo, Norway Specialist (ID facilitator were divided between AP
Type of the building: Office building and Energy consultant)
4. The initial phase should be longer – and the stage Gross floor space: 35,120 m2 Head of design – management
model has to be challenged. It’s important to give Investment costs: 64 million € Architect
time to the process; the client developer has to ac- Year of completion: 2013 Structural engineer
cept/ acknowledge this. But from a developer per- ID facilitator Energy consultant (ID facilitator
spective it is crucial: Milestones represent designs Achievements: The building was constructed in were divided between AP and Energy consultant)
that are well documented in order to secure confi- 1982 with cellular offices, old fashion HVAC systems HVAC consultant
dence in decisions made (reducing economical risk) and limited daylight utilisation. The renovated building Acoustic consultant
has about 6000 new m2 to give the building a more Fire consultant
More information about the project: Asplan compact form and create more open spaces. The Electricity consultant
Viak AS, Arne Førland-Larsen, Arne.forlandlarsen@ renovated building fulfill the passive house require-, ments, energy label A and BREEAM-NOR Very Good.
ID facilitator and energy consultant attendant all pro- 2.2 Mixed type Achievements: The building shall exhibit high
ject meeting and did comment on all design decisions environmental, economic and sociocultural quality
in order to ensure the energy and environmental standards. To meet these standards already the plan-
2.2.1 Smart Campus – Austria
goals for the project.Early stage discussions gave ning process was awarded the certificate ÖGNI/
increased environmental ambition. Energy label B was DGNB Gold and the building will also comply with
raised to energy label A/ Passive house level, BREEAM the requirements.
level very good and fulfilling Future built demands.
About the ID process: Together with the users
Lessons learned from ID process: of the new building the ID facilitator analysed the
The project had clear energy goals, committed by organisation processes of the existing facilities which
the building owner and the users. are to be merged into the new location to create
10 An ID/IED facilitator in design process was focu- synergies. On this basis of the target processes the
requirements were specified. Upon these a com-
sing energy and environmental issues.
An environmental quality control plan was de- prehensive space and function allocation plan with
veloped and used in the design process. the required organisational structure and processes
The project got national funding for passive was elaborated. Additionally, targets for sustainability
house measures. © LPO architects criteria were defined with the help of experts. These
criteria are to be complied with during the design
However, the goal of reaching BREEAM-NOR Excel- Owner: Wiener Netze GmbH and construction phase.
lent came too late. It was too time consuming for the Location: Mariannengasse 4-6, 1090 Vienna,
design team and therefore the project only reached Austria Lessons learned from ID process: New ap-
BREEAM-NOR Very Good. So the main lesson learnt: Type of the building: Headquarters, administration, proaches, processes; technologies need to be incor-
Project goals have to be introduced as early as pos- operating area porated into the design process as early as possible,
sible. Gross floor space: 93,000 m² (19,000 m² administra- otherwise the decision will have to be explained over
More information about the project: tion, 38,000 m² operating area (workshops, test bays, and over. At a later point in the planning process new depots, central warehouse, corresponding offices and ideas might not be implemented since from a certain administration areas), 36,000 m² other areas for e.g. point on changes imply much more work and costs.
Norwegian_Tax_Directorate.pdf exhibitions, conferences, etc. The calculation of life cycle costs helps to decide Year of completion: To be completed 2016 on investments which seem to be more expensive
More details: on the first glance but are sustainable and pay off by
lower operating costs.
More information about the project: Wiener 3.2.2 Lindholmshamnen - Owner: Älvstranden Utveckling AB, Skanska Nya
Netze GmbH, Erdbergstraße 236, A-1110 Vienna. Hem
Älvstranden & Lindholmshamnen -, Location: Gothenburg Skanska – Sweden Type of the building: Residential and Commercial
geTypeId/40374/channelId/-45501 Gross floor space: 8,000 m² + 8,000 m²
Investment costs: 24 million € + 24 million €
More information about the life cycle cost ap- Year of completion: 2015
proach: e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH, Gerhard
Hofer,, Achievements: The site where the project is plan-
ned to be built is owned by the municipality. The
municipal company Älvstranden has developed a
model for how the planning and design of the site
should be. The project Lindholmshamnen consist of
four developing companies Älvstranden Utveckling
AB, Skanska, PEAB and HSB. The Energy goals are
set in the consortium contract and the common
solutions e.g. the choice of district heating, locally
common heat storage or property-specific solutions.
The requirement for the entire area is to reach the
score Miljöbyggnad Silver. Miljöbyggnad is a Swedish
environmental certification for achieving sustainable

About the ID process: The ID Facilitator has wor-

ked with the Design Team to ensure that all issues
are discussed from an energy perspective, so that
the choice of solution is based on facts and not just
opinions. During the planning phases the project had
a parallel assignment where four companies were in-
vited to present their ideas on sustainable and energy
© Berg C.F. Moller Architects
efficient construction. The ID Facilitator role was to
evaluate their proposals and come up with a proposal
for further work. ID Facilitator has also worked with 2.2.3 Childcare Centre, Cologno Thanks to this intervention, the Municipality of
evaluate what kind of energy supply the site should Cologno Monzese has been rewarded with the
Monzese – Italy
have. Comprising contact with the district heating European GreenBuilding Partnership,
company Göteborg Energi and also detail planning for This building won the 2010 European Green- Buil-
solar panels (PV). ding Award in the category Best New Projects,
This intervention has been mentioned among the
Lessons learned from ID process: The market best projects of the competition Premio all’inno-
for zero and low energy buildings is growing. Public vazione amica dell’Ambiente 2009,
developers and major construction companies are North facing skylights effectively and pleasantly
showing the way. However the energy issue is not the illuminate indoor environments,
number one priority in a construction project, but A ground water heat pump is used to efficiently
12 one of several important issues that must be dealt
with. Many conditions for the possibility of building
generate heat,
A mechanical ventilation system coupled with a
NZEB or even + NZEB given already in the process high efficiency heat recovery unit provides a good
of zoning planning by local authorities. Therefore, it is indoor air quality by saving a great amount of
important to planners in local authority to become energy for heating,
aware that they can create the prerequisite for an Electricity produced by a PV array with an area of
© Comune di Cologno Monzese
area can be built with NZEB or even + NZEB in a 110 m2 covers most of the electricity demand of
cost effectively way. the whole building.

More information about the project: Owner: Municipality of Cologno Monzese About the ID process: A strict collaboration
Ronnie Hollsten, Hifab AB,, Location: Cologno Monzese – Italy among all designers throughout the whole design Type of the building: Kindergarten process and construction development allowed to
Gross floor space: 580 m2 achieve an ambitious energy target and realize a high-
Year of completion: 2010 performance public facility that provides a comforta-
Investment costs: ~ 500,000 € ble environment for children and teachers, by using
little energy and having a reduced impact on the
Achievements: environment.

The building achieves the A+ class according to More information about the project: Comune
the energy certification protocol defined by the di Cologno Monzese, arch. Lorenzo Iachelini, urp@
regional law DGR VIII 5018:2007
2.2.4 APIVITA Commercial & Simplicity, aesthetics and functionality
Natural lighting and ventilation
Industrial S.A. – Greece
Respect to natural resources and local
Reduction of ecological footprint
Thermal and visual comfort
Recyclable, natural and ecological building
System of geothermic exploitation
Green roofs
Biological waste cleaning and disposal of
the water for watering/Rainwater tank
Large plantations in the surrounding

About the ID process: The design process of

© Apivita SA the building adopted from the very early stages the
company’s philosophy of sustainability, simplicity and
Achievements: The new APIVITA building is in tune functionality. All stakeholders were involved in the
with the company’s philosophy and values, symbo- project from the early stages and formed a partners-
lizing sustainability, innovation and a unique way of hip. The project team worked together adopting a
© Apivita SA connecting the workplace with the natural environ- holistic approach towards all major aspects: energy,
ment. It is located in the Industrial Park of Markopou- environmental, comfort, economic.
Owner : APIVITA Commercial & Industrial S.A. lo, Attica, Greece, in an area that was once an olive
Location: Markopoulo, Attica, Greece grove. In terms of architectural design, the building More information about the project:
Type of the building: Commercial & Industrial simulates a beehive, which brings together all the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Gross floor space: 6,830m2 company’s activities such as offices, training, museum, (U.o.A) Theoni Karlessi,,
Investment costs: 14 million € laboratories, cosmetics production, personnel dining
Year of completion: 2015 hall, spa and events.
2.2.5 aspern IQ - Austria energetic optimization of building shell sideration of all design aspects from the project start,
minimum energy demand due to demand-driven through scheme design, approval submissions and
control of home automation working information up to site supervision. The result
1.300 m² photovoltaic system with 130 kWp is an optimised building in terms of the targets with
cold temperature of well water and re-cooling as high degrees of operational and user comfort. By
energy-sources for cooling means of a simultaneous start by all design disciplines,
more than 90 % heat recovery of warmth and all have the same knowledge and contribute innova-
humidity tion and creativity. The simultaneous working on the
design ensures optimal results and efficient processes.
Integrated design is design from a single source: An
With the flagship project aspern IQ, the Vienna Busi- overall responsible project manager as contact who

ness Agency sets standards which offer the highest understands all design disciplines, their responsibili-
usability comfort to tenants: ties, interfaces and interaction and an experienced
team from all design disciplines, which works free
©Wirtschaftsagentur Wien/ David Bohmann of interfaces and professionally towards defined and
ecologically compatible construction material
coordinated project targets.
high availability of daylight due to large window
Lessons learned from ID process: The complex
Owner:Vienna Business Agency high attainable humidity (45 %)
requirements of sustainable targets in building pro-
Location:Vienna demand-driven control of ventilation depending
jects can nowadays only be satisfied inter-disciplinary.
Type of the building: technology centre (office, labs on the number of people in the room
The strategy of additive design is obsolete. The
and research facilities, production area) comfortable radiation temperature control by
integrated design philosophy is the logical repre-
Gross floor space: 10,620m² concrete core activation
sentation of causal connection: sustainable building
Investment costs: ~15 million €
The combination of all these measures allows for a development pre-supposes consideration of life-cycle;
Year of completion: 2012
comfortable room and working atmosphere as well this pre-supposes an integrate design approach sup-
as low running costs of the passive house, certified plemented by the advantages of the integrated design
Achievements: The aspern IQ attaches special im-
according to klima:aktiv-guidelines. tool BIM.
portance to sustainability. Thanks to the combination
of various individual measures, the building produces aspern IQ is the winner of Green Building ID Award
2014. More information about the project:
more energy than it uses:
About the ID process: From the first design idea Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, Werner Weiss,
onwards, the ideas of all team members flew into an,
holistic building concept. This ensured the timely con-
2.2.6 Kobra – Slovenia building use mainly the advantages of geothermal and More information about the project:
solar energy. All renewable energy sources are hy- Kobra Team d.o.o., Branko Kovačič,
draulically interlinked through a reversible heat pump, Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK, d.o.o. Marjana Šijanec Zavrl,
which in addition to heating the building and its
sanitary water also enables passive and active cooling
of the building. EU Commendation on Green Building
ID Awards 2014.

About the ID process: The planning process fol-

lowed the principles of integrated design. Designers
from all fields of expertise exercise day-to-day har-
monization and cooperate closely with the investor,
end users as well as technical solution providers and 15
contractors. Already in the phase of concept design
© Protim Ržišnik Perc which is in the process of integrated design more
Owner: Kobra Team d.o.o. comprehensive and time consuming, all functional
Location: Šentjernej, Slovenia details, technical solutions, key construction
Type of the building: Business building principles and material are determined as well as
Gross floor space: 1,300m2 the specific and detailed investment frame set. The
Investment costs: 2 million € investment frame was set based also on the compa-
Year of completion: 2011 rable assessment of life cycle costs for the building
and built-in devices (LCA and LCCA principles).
Achievements: After 29 years of Kobra Team’s ac-
tivity on the market the inspiration was to undertake Lessons learned from ID process: Integrated
a construction of a contemporary business building. design relies on the interdisciplinary and collaborative
With the help of the architects, the company’s own efforts of all parties involved not only at the concept
interest and knowledge of the up-to-date technology and design stages, but also at the construction and
as well as a good team of contactors, a contemporary facility use stage. Successful interdisciplinary coop-
plus energy business building was constructed, which eration hinges on effective project organization and
is exploiting almost all natural energy sources. The management of all processes. Especially critical is the
basic principle was to use as many renewable energy timely consultation with the appropriate expert and
sources as possible. Of those the solutions on the the active involvement of the end users.
2.3 Hotels principles from the early stages of the process. More information about the project:
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2.3.1 Hotel in Milos – Greece About the ID process: The multidisciplinary team (U.o.A) Theoni Karlessi,
was consisted from the very early phases of the
project and this helped to developing good coopera-
tion between the members. Identifying, stating and
overcoming problems is a major challenge in the ID
processes. The basic steps that are followed are these:

1. Kick off meeting with multidisciplinary design

team, discussion of needs and demands.

16 2. Assessment of the current situation by perfor-

ming reports. Definition of project goals.

3. Workshops and meeting between architect,

© ALD Architects engineers and consultant to propose improve-
ment solutions.
Location: Milos island, Greece 4. Meetings with developer to present and discuss
Type of the building: five star hotel the concepts.
Gross floor space: 3,800 m2
Investment costs: 4.5 million € Lessons learned from ID process: The agreement
Year of completion: to be completed 2016 of the owner and the design team for proceeding © ALD Architects
with ID from the early design phase is crucial. The
Achievements: The construction of a hotel in a new approaches have to be introduced, defined and
coastal area with an archeological interest which incorporated as soon as possible and this demands
should also have a high energy and environmental willingness and good cooperation between the team
performance preserving at the same time the local members. At first the team was skeptical about the
biodiversity was a major challenge for the design procedure, but the positive results and the facilitation
process. The owner in cooperation with the architect, of problem solving convinced them about the proce-
the engineers and the consultants adopted the ID dure and the investment.
2.3.2 Hotel Golden Tulip Zakopane cooling and lighting system and energy sources. The More information about the project:
ID process was applied in order to achieve those Narodowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii (NAPE),
– Poland
goals. Jerzy Kwiatkowski,,
About the ID process: In the first place when an
investor decided to design Golden Tulip Zakopane
Hotel the meeting with ID facilitator has been organi-
zed. During the meeting investor described his goals
in regards to the building and ID facilitator showed
the benefits of using ID process. It was decided to
use integrated design in the project. The same design
team has been working during the whole process
starting from design concept up to building documen-
tation. The design team consists of architects, HVAC
© Hotel Golden Tulip Zakopane / Qualia Development sp. z o.o., engineers, investor, energy consultant and ID facilita-
Biprowłók sp. z o.o. tor. The close cooperation (every two weeks meet-
ings and close cooperation using email and telephone
consultation) within design team allowed to increase
Owner: Qualia Development the effectiveness of the design phase.
Location: Zakopane/Poland
Type of the building: hotel Lessons learned from ID process: The most
Gross floor space in: 8,811 m² important in using Integrated Design procedure is
Year of completion: 2015 awareness of the developer/client. In the first step it
was useful to present to the client the opportunities
Achievements: The designed new hotel building and advantages of applying ID process. In such way
will replace an existing old hotel. The design was opti- the cooperation between client, design team and
mized in order to decrease energy consumption and facilitator is much easier and much more analysis on
total operational cost. The most innovative features the concept stage can be done.Very important is also
that occurred during this building design process good communication within the design team.
were: feasibility study on building construction and
HVAC systems, analysis on life cycle cost and energy
efficiency of different external envelopes, heating,
2.4 School buildings geothermal heat pumps resulting in high energy and More information about the project:
environmental performance. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2.4.1 Delasalle Kindergarten – (U.o.A) Theoni Karlessi,,
About the ID process: Integrated design and
Greece construction management are based on a constant
cooperation of all team members involved in concept,
design, implementation and end use. Efficient project
organization and coordination of interdisciplinary
processes are the two conditions for a successful
integrated development. Well coordinated processes
enable the development and implementation within
18 planned time and budget. An experienced team of
architects and engineers develops innovative and
goal oriented solutions in an open, transparent and
permanent dialogue with the clients. Active dialogue
assures clarity, creates trust and ensures a strong
chain of responsibility, in order to achieve the long-
term goals and implement a sustainable building.
© Fotini Xyrafi

Lessons learned from ID process: All project

Owner: St. Paul Monastery of the Brothers of the stakeholders worked towards the sustainability goals
Christian Schools – La Salle in a holistic way and took part in most discussions
Location: Alimos, Athens, Greece because they had to know how hard the process is
Type of the building: school building to find the best solution. During the design phase
Gross floor space: 676.78 m2 work team didn’t change. The awareness (with the
Investment costs: 550,000 € building owner) of the importance of clear goal
Year of completion: 2014 setting in the beginning of the design stage, and the
understanding of the consequences of the goals was
Achievements: The construction of a sustainable a crucial point for actually succeeding in fulfilling the
bioclimatic building with respect to the surrounding goals in the built project.
area and the inhabitants was implemented with the
use of renewables as PV panels, solar thermal and © Fotini Xyrafi
2.4.2 Romsdal VGS High School – to use Low Tech solutions, which in brief are systems Representatives for the owner
designed with focus on simple solutions, and on the Management
combination of natural and mechanical ventilation. Facility manager
The building owner and the project group have Technical systems
defined Low Tech ventilation. Low Tech ventilation is ID facilitator
define as: Head of design – management
1. Low Tech ventilation should fulfill the indoor re- Structural engineer
quirement. Energy consultant
HVAC consultant
2. Low Tech ventilation design should by based on During the multidisciplinary design, the group was
LCC, optimizing energy cost, maintenance cost and
investment cost.
supplemented: 19
Acoustic consultant
3. Low Tech is and combination of mechanical and Fire consultant
natural ventilation, using optimal strategy for different Electricity consultant
© HUS architects
functions and areas in the building. The design process was a combination of discussion
in a large group, with all members present, and di-
Owner: Møre og Romsdal Fylkes kommune 4. Low Tech ventilation enhance control solution and scussions in smaller subtask groups. The larger group
Location: Molde, Norway strategies with low complexity included up to 12 persons, and the smaller subtask
Type of the building: School Building group’s 2-4 persons. The themes of the subtask were:
Gross floor space : 12,000 m² 5. Low Tech ventilation has 20% lower investments Thermal energy supply system
Investment costs: 50 million € and running cost. Ventilations strategy
Year of completion: 2016 Façade design and buildings envelope – opaque
About the ID process: walls
Achievements: The new school on the NW The design team has been the same throughout the Structures, and design of prefabricated timber
coastline of Norway is designed in massive wood entire design. Supplement skills increased the number Fire strategy
as a passive house and with a “low tech” ventilation of participants along the process. The supplemen-
system. The owner have experienced that HVAC tations followed demands in the project, and skills ID facilitator was responsible for achieving the pro-
systems have become more and more complex, needed in the process. The starting multidisciplinary ject goals and objectives. The overall goals / themes
with great challenges for daily operations and costly group consisted of: for the project is:
maintenance. Overall goal for design of ventilations is
Low tech technical system process is to find the best solution. If they haven’t
Passive level energy consumption – 70 kWh/m2 been a part, they tend to be less flexible in finding
total holistic solutions. It’s important to be a part of the
Use of massive timber constructions in and prefa- process to be motivated to change attitude. And it
bricated system. might end up being most cost efficient.
ID facilitator was leading the large group discussions,
and every time design proposals might compromise More information about the project:
the project goals, the ID facilitator called for alterna- Asplan Viak AS, Arne Førland-Larsen,
tive solutions. This process ensured that the overall
design of the building was in corresponded with the
project goals and objectives.
Lessons learned from ID process: Work in a
multi-disciplinary team is a complex activity. Commu-
nication is something as perceived an easy task, but
it’s a much more difficult pursuit in practice. Challen-
ges related to multi-disciplinary communication can
be solved through good planning and setting aside
enough time for meetings/workshops and clarifica-
tion process.
Sketches describing solutions may reduce challenges
related to multi-disciplinary communication. Qua-
lity and degree of precision in the initial concept
stage (feasibility study) is invaluable. Good quality of
feasibility study can contribute to a more cost-effi-
cient process at the later stages. The concept design
for Romsdal is more detailed, and many problem
(normally solved I detail design) have already found
All design team members should take part of most
discussions because they have to know how hard the
2.4.3 Torstvedt School – Norway About the ID process: The project was carried useful in the further process. This work is the funda-
out by a number of key actors: ment of the work in the following phases. The aware-
ness (with the building owner) of the importance of
Developing Client Requirement and Briefwriting setting precise goals in the beginning of the design
LKE- Larvik Municipality – Building owner stage, and the understanding of the consequences of
Faveo Project management the goals is is an important starting point for actually
Norconsult – Demands for good teaching en- succeeding in fulfilling the goals in the built project.
vironment in the client requirement and brief
writing. More information about the project:
Asplan Viak - consulting firm – Environmental Asplan Viak AS, Arne Førland-Larsen
early stage design for the Architect competition –,
project development (Client requirements, Design
basis – Brief writing – evaluation of proposal and
follow up in design stages).
© NORDIC office of architecture
In the concept phase – the winning team in the Ar-
chitect competition.
Owner: Larvik Municipality - LKE
Hent – construction company
Location: Torstvedt, Larvik, Norway
NORDIC office of architecture
Type of the building: School Building
Bjørbekk og Lindheim landskapsarkitekter
Gross floor space: School and sport facility 10,000
Sweco – Consultant engineers
m², Kindergarden 1,200 m²
Investment costs: Unknown The multidisciplinary design team indirectly increased
Year of completion: 2016 the effectiveness of the design phase, with clear ob-
jectives for the project. The objectives where develo-
Achievements: The building has obtained energy ped in at multidisciplinary team with all stakeholders
label A, with minimum 25 % reduced energy need involved. The goals where discussed in workshops,
according to the Norwegian low energy standard NS and finally presented for the board of Larvik Munici-
3701. Heat pump based on energy wells, and mixed pality building department.
mode ventilation. These goals were achieved with
cost neutral investments. Breeam NOR scheme has Lessons learned from ID process: Working
been used as a check list in the client brief and in the detailed with the client requirement and letting the
evaluation of the design competition. building owner being a part of the process is very
2.4.4 Pontprennau Primary School
– Wales

© Cardiff Council

Owner: Cardiff Council About the ID process: The design team consulted within the council, a situation which complicated and
Location: Pontprennau, Cardiff, Wales multiple companies and design boards throughout limited the design outcome. In light of this, we have
Type of the building: School the design process. Mechanical and Electrical engi- learned an opportunity exists within local councils
Gross floor space: 2,250 m2 neers were brought in early on the project, multiple to break down barriers between the different pro-
Investment costs: 8.16 million € renewable energy supply systems were investigated ject silos which define the ‘business as usual’ design
Year of completion: 2016 for their applicability, and the design team approac- process.
hed the Design Commission for Wales twice for
Achievements: This project is using an existing advice and opinions on their three designs. The ID More information about the project:
building, renovating it from its existing purpose, and facilitator ensured all reports were pertinent, con- Building Research Establishment Ltd (BRE), Andy Sut-
incorporating it into a new-build, adjoining school. ducted workshops for the project, and will assist the ton,
The project benefits from the life cycle costing of the contractors with ensuring the design aspirations are
re-use of an existing building alongside the addition of delivered throughout the construction phase.
a low-energy school. The project depends upon the Lessons learned from ID process:
on-going input of the surrounding citizens who will
benefit the most from the school. The client in this instance was wholly separated from
the tenant and the energy management department
2.5 Culture and leisure teristics, energy performance, surrounding environ- 4. Detailed energy calculations to evaluate
ment and operational requirements. The combination the measures that were proposed. Reporting.
2.5.1 Bassourakos Cultural Center of innovative interventions including, geothermal
heat pump, green roof, PV panels, cool-photocatalytic 5. Meetings with developer to present and
– Greece materials, control of indoor air quality innovative discuss the concepts.
features, was implemented in order to achieve the
NZEB targets. EU Commendation in Green Building The role of the ID facilitator from the early stages of
ID Awards 2014. the design activities helped to determine the goals of
the bioclimatic interventions while at the same time
About the ID process: ID process was the most proposed the appropriate interventions, narrowing
effective way of dealing promptly with the usual but the band of the initial/conventional choices of the
also with the unexpected issues that came up during
the procedure of implementation of the building pro-
architect and the engineer
ject from the design to the construction phase. The Lessons learned from ID process: This was a
constitution of the multidisciplinary team from the success result of the non-linear, circular iterative
very early phases of the project helped to develop problem solving process that was adopted in accor-
good cooperation between the members. Identifying, dance with the ID principles. The clarification of the
stating and overcoming problems is a major challenge milestones at each design phase is very important
in the ID processes. The basic steps that are followed in order to achieve the agreed goals. The coordina-
© Theros Architecture
are these: tion by the ID facilitator is crucial at this level. Good
communication between the team members helps
Owner: Municipality of Evrotas 1. Kick off meeting with multidisciplinary the effective and prompt problem solving and has to
Location: Skala Lakonias, Greece design team, discussion of needs and de be ensured during the whole process.
Type of the building: Cultural Center, mixed type (of- mands.
fices, exhibition, conference, restaurant) More information about the project:
Gross floor space: 1,680 m2 2. Assessment of the current situation by National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
performing reports. Definition of project (U.o.A) Theoni Karlessi,,
Investment costs: 5.5 million € goals.
Year of completion: to be completed 2016
3. Workshops and meeting between architect,
Achievements: The renovation of the historic buil- engineers and consultant to propose impro
ding was designed with respect to its historic charac- vement solutions.
2.5.2 Parochallen – Sweden

are discussed from an energy perspective, so that The project was sponsored by a local isolation
the choice of solution is based on facts and not just company, Paroc. It was also supported by the Swedish
opinions. low energy program LÅGAN.LÅGAN is a collabo-
During the concept design phase one of the most im- rative project between the Swedish Construction
portant players was Paroc which wanted to use the Federation, the Swedish Energy Agency, Region Västra
sporthall in Hällekis as a demonstration building. Götaland, Formas and others. For further informa-
The contribution from Paroc was really helpful and tion, please visit
forced the other players to really do their best to
24 © Picture from the construction work. Ronnie Hollsten, Hifab AB
achieving a really high energy efficiency result.

Lessons learned from ID process: The market

Owner: Municipally of Götene for zero and low energy buildings is growing. Public
Location: Hällekis, Municipally of Götene developers and major construction companies are
Type of the building: Education sports activities showing the way. In this case an isolation company
Gross floor space: 740 m² wanted to support the local community and in the
Investment costs: 1.3 million € same time be able to build a demonstration project
Year of completion: 2014 for showing their Isolation products. In this project
the energy issue together with the cost issue were
Achievements: The higher building cost compared the most important tasks.
to an average building cost shall be compared to the The developer was a small municipality which didn’t
benefit of low maintenance and operation cost which had much experience of new construction which
will balance the difference, in profit of the owner and means that they were a bit insecure and needed to
the tenants will not notice any higher cost. trust on that the design team would do a great work.
The higher cost has been estimated to 8.6%. The The project went well but in some cases it had been
specific energy use are 28 kWh/m2, with is consider great if the contracts between the developer and all
as a passive house. members of the design team had been clearer.

About the ID process: The ID Facilitator has wor- More information about the project:
ked with the Design Team to ensure that all issues Hifab AB, Ronnie Hollsten
2.5.3 Creative Works – Wales

cinema, and gallery space alongside hospitality cafés would have benefitted the conceptual design stage.
and bars. The Creative Works is an arts centre joining However, with funding uncertain for the entire buil-
an existing district heating network, alongside two ding project, this was not pursued.
schools, a leisure centre and an office building and ar-
chive. Its form and orientation within the valley and More information about the project: Building
its operational schedule are more critical than similar Research Establishment Ltd (BRE), Andy Sutton
arts centre projects, meaning early-stage energy mo-,
delling has an increased relevance in this instance.
© Stride Treglown Architects
About the ID process: The architect and client
Owner: Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council were keen to embrace Integrated Design, and loo-
Location: Ebbw Vale, Wales ked to BRE for both guidance and energy modeling.
Type of the building: Arts Centre During the early, conception design stages, the design
Gross floor space : 3,600m2 team analysed several different designs in terms of
Investment costs: 4 million € orientation, form, meeting the brief, and energy con-
Year of completion: 2017 sumption. A low energy building design has fallen out
of this process, and has been further studied in terms
Achievements: The Creative Works is the latest ad- of solar gains. The client is now awaiting further fun-
dition to the expanding The Works regeneration site ding in order to progress the project to the detailed
in Ebbw Vale. Reclaiming land following the demoli- design stage.
tion of a vast steel manufacturing plant, The Works
is now home to a new hospital, a post-16 vocational Lessons learned from ID process: In this in-
and educational college, an 11-16 school, an energy stance, the client was very receptive to adopting the
centre for the site, a new leisure centre, and to the ID approach. The project architect equally was very
local archives for the region. The Creative Works engaging with the process, and was open to learning
looks to enhance the site with a cultural arts centre. from the early-stage energy comparison analysis.
The arts centre is set to consolidate two local, aging Being able to put energy consumption numbers to
theatres under one roof, and will provide theatre, the various proposed designs was useful to everyone
in the process. . All parties agree a larger design team
2.5.4 Splott Community Centre –

About the ID process: This project has undergone Closer cooperation on similar projects in the future
various design changes since its inception. Negotiati- is anticipated.
ons with the design team and the client have resulted
in multiple design options, all of which were interro- More information about the project:
gated through the ID process. The design team analy- Building Research Establishment Ltd (BRE), Andy Sut-
sed two-storey and single-storey options with energy ton,
26 modeling, and weighed up the results alongside site
analysis and budget options. The current proposal
© Stride Treglown Architects
for a double-storey building has been considered the
best option considering the site constraints, material
Owner: Cardiff Council costs, and public access. As the project enters the
Location: Cardiff, Wales detailed design stage, extensive integrated studies
Type of the building: Leisure Centre/ Library/ and workshops with the contractor will ensure the
Community Centre lowest possible energy building for the site and the
Gross floor space: 3,000 m² design proposal.
Investment costs: 6.9 million €
Year of completion: 2016 Lessons learned from ID process: This project
is contractor-led as a Design & Build project. The
Achievements: This project has changed multipled contractor is a market leader in terms of low-energy
times over the course of the conceptual design stage. buildings, and is keen to repeat the same for this
The budget has decreased by 1/3, and the project project. However, previous non-ID projects for the
itself is the focus of intense community scrutiny. contractor have been considered according to a rigid
However, the ID process has allowed for a better un- framework of material specifications, alongside basic
derstanding between the designers and the contrac- Part-L requirement heating specifications. The ap-
tors, a better relationship with the public in terms plication of ID on this project has been of particular
of consultation, and a lower energy building than the interest in terms of exposing the contractor to a
current design process would have produced. different method of design analysis and cooperation.
2.5.5 Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Cultural Center – Greece
Opera as well as the creation of the 170,000 m2 Stav- ported by 40 metal pillars and expresses the Founda-
ros Niarchos Park. In 2008, following a closed inter- tion’s and Renzo Piano’s commitment to environmen-
national design competition, the Foundation’s Board tal designs and practices.
of directors unanimously selected the Renzo Piano
Building Workshop. About the ID process: Before the commence-
Sustainability is one of the SNFCC’s fundamental va- ment of any procurement or construction activity all
lues. The creation of an environmentally friendly and technical documents produced by the Contractor
sustainable infrastructure for the buildings and the (Construction Drawings, Method Statements, Ma-
Park is an important goal in the design and construc-
tion of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural
terial submittals etc.) are subject to the review and
approval of SNFCC specialists. Such a procedure
Center. Through environmentally innovative designs coupled with the everyday general and contractual
and practices, the project aims to earn at least Gold correspondence necessitates the exchange of enor-
© Yiorgis Yerolymbos
and ideally Platinum LEED certification, the first such mous amounts of documents within and between the
designation in Greece and the first for a project of three main participating entities i.e. the (a) Project
Owner: Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Cen- this scale in Europe. Designers, (b) Employer and its Representatives and
ter SA A beacon of sustainability is borne out in every (c) Contractor and its Consultants/ Subcontractors.
Location: Athens, Greece aspect of the design- from the Stavros Niarchos Park, The overall project design is driven by the highest en-
Type of building: Cultural center which also functions as a green roof for the Natio- vironmental goals and international standards which
Gross floor space: 215,000m2 (plot) nal Library and Greek National Opera, to the canal are summarized in the following principles:
Investment cost: 566 million € (grant amount; not which provides anti-flooding protection for the site, Strict Compliance with the Environmental Im-
contract amount) to the photovoltaic canopy which produces energy pact Study and Environmental Terms approved by
Year of completion: 2016 for the needs of the two buildings and contributes to Greek Authorities
the goal of zero emissions. Achievement of Platinum LEED certification
Achievements: In 2006, The Stavros Niarchos Fou- The photovoltaic solar energy canopy, a 100m x Compliance with the highest international env-
ndation announced its plans to fund the development 100m floating wing-like structure, which soars 14m ironmental standards
of The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center above the Park’s summit and extends outward from
(SNFCC), a project that includes the construction its perimeter, will provide energy for the buildings. The same principles, which have already been applied
and complete outfitting of new facilities for the An innovative structure, both from engineering and a in the design, are followed in every day construction
National Library of Greece, and the Greek National construction point of view, the canopy will be sup- activities.
2.6 Residential
2.6.1 Casa eco passiva Sicilia -
Progetto Botticelli – Italy
The key participants in this special task are the SN- “Progetto Botticelli” has been certified according
FCC consultants and auditors, which include LEED to both the Passivhaus and CasaClima Gold certifi-
specialists and third party environmental inspectors cation scheme. The house is an all-electric building
and the Contractor’s LEED certified supervisors. Mo- and meets specified requirements in terms of energy
nitoring results are documented by a thorough and performances, air-tightness and thermal comfort. Mo-
systematic record keeping. The status of the environ- reover, home automation improves energy efficiency
mental conditions on site is constantly audited and and indoor environmental conditions, maximizing
evaluated thru periodical and ad hoc meetings and living comfort. Furthermore, building-integrated solar
28 recorded in monthly reports. thermal collectors and photovoltaic system generate,
over the year, more electric energy than that the
More information about the project: house requires for satisfying all energy uses.
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
(U.o.A) Theoni Karlessi, About the ID process: To succeed in the afore- mentioned achievements, all the pillars of integrated
design have been implemented. Specifically, a multi-
© Marco Pietrobon
disciplinary design team was constituted from the
early conceptual phase. Although the small size of
Owner: Ing. Carmelo Sapienza the intervention, the disciplines and skills included in
Location: Mascalucia (CT), Italy the team have been: architecture, civil engineering,
Type of the building: Residential electric and mechanical engineering, building physics,
Gross floor space: 148 m2 energy certification, geology, project development
Year of completion: 2013 and management.
A few months were dedicated to the discussion and
Achievements:The energy concept of this pilot- clarification of the client brief and selection of the
house has been developed for at least three year. design objectives and techniques to support and
Started in 2009, the main achievement of the project advanced design. The software PHPP, used to verify
was to design and realize a net-zero energy house in a the fitness in the requirements of the Passivhaus
Mediterranean climate, also meeting the requirements voluntary certification scheme, was used to run the
of the Passivhaus voluntary certification scheme. continuous quality control.
2.6.2 Eco Silver House – Slovenia

The owner of the building was a member of the was the most difficult criteria to achieve and most
design team, and also assumed the responsibility and important since it is linked to national subsides.
the role of the ID facilitator. Workers on construction site that can positively or
negatively affect the end result of a given energy indi-
Lessons learned from ID process: It is of funda- cator do not know their impact on energy indicators.
mental importance to set clear and agreed milesto- Majority of workers were not capable to perform the
nes and responsibles at least for each design phase. tasks set by designers.
The agreement on using the same calculation pro- Several mattings were held with the topic on airtight
cedure and software (PHPP) from the conceptual
design phase throughout the whole design process
layer. ZRMK, contractor, designers and various sup-
pliers of layer materials discussed all possible soluti-
was of great help. It slightly limited optimization pos- ons, mostly about joints between different materials.
sibilities, but allowed to have an assessment tool for How to construct them? How will different materials
supporting the selection when the choice about a © Marko Kramar bund (physically and chemically)? What about the
given design variable was not simple. longevity of the materials? Different solutions ware
Mathematical optimization techniques coupled to Owner: Akropola, d.o.o. analysed against these and other questions and at the
dynamic energy simulation have been used to sup- Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia end the 3D plan of airtight layer was elaborated with
port the design of the building. Those techniques Type of the building: Multi-apartment building all the details.
demonstrated to be useful to reduce considerably Gross floor space: 12,000 m2 The suppliers and designers held meetings for the
the design time, in the face of a still long computation Investment costs: 18 million € construction workers and demonstrated the use of
time and a little user-friendliness. Year of completion: 2014 materials and how all the details in the design plans
have to be actually carried out.
More information about the project: Eng. Car- Achievements: Multi-apartment new building in 11
melo Sapienza, floors. 128 apartments and business center in the Lessons learned from ID process: Special care
botticelli/, ground floor. has to be taken during the construction phase of the
project. Key indicators set in the design process that
About the ID process: Low energy indicators set influence on the building energy performance (e.g.
by the design team cannot be achieved if the con- airtightness level) have to be defined and monitored
struction is not planned carefully down to the final during construction phase. All involved stakeholders
element. In this project the airtightness set to 0.6 h-1 have to be informed and have to take care of their
2.6.3 Petrzalské Dvory – Slovakia

job related to observed indicator. class A (according to the current Slovak legislation).
Legal requirements for new buildings in Slovakia are
More information about the project available currently settled on energy class B.
here: Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK, d.o.o. Marjana Šijanec
Zavrl, http://www.akro- About the ID process: The cooperation within the design team of Petržalské dvory project, has been in-
tensive as well as interesting. The typical example can
be seen between architect and structural engineer, in
30 the process of thermal bridges elimination. It resulted
to the implementation of thermally split balconies
and minimization of linear thermal bridges. Further
creative cooperation between architect and cost spe-
© iEPD (Institute for Energy Passive Houses)
cialist, led to minimization of extra costs for splitting
elements by smart facade geometry design.
Owner: Fredriksson s.r.o, Bratislava, Slovakia Further, the interaction between architect, develo-
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia per and risk manager needed to be mentioned. The
Type of the building: residential complete redesign of the project phasing can be seen
Gross floor space: 24,190 m2 as the result of this cooperation. Useful was also the
Investment costs: 16 million € interaction between architect and HVAC engineer in
Year of completion: 2017 case of ventilation system design.

Achievements: The most innovative features of the Lessons learned from ID process:
project are mainly the high energy efficient central
ventilation system, energy efficient summer pre- ID is an ideal approach to achieve very high cost
cooling system, ultra-low energy standard with pas- efficiency (minimizing the extra-costs related with
sive house components, water retention management higher energy efficiency)
and e-mobility & bicycle friendly design. In the cur- creative co-operation between members of the
rent I. phase of the project (45 flats), the developer design team (architect and other specialists) could
target is ”ultra-low energy standard” in the energy lead not only to innovative technical solutions, but
2.6.4 Zelene Atrium – Slovakia

also to innovative architectural elements project is literally a pilot project in Slovakia

important focus on the communication and co-
operation skills About the ID process: Formation of the project
importance of the early involvement of real-state team has begun during a design process. With the aim
& bank expert for early set-up of the project to achieve a passive house standard, planned buildings
phasing and optimal design process (each pro- were calculated and optimized with Passive House
ject phase need to be self-sufficient with access, Planning Package – PHPP. LEED processor has been
car-parking possibilities, infrastructure and energy involved after PHPP calculating phase with the main
connections, etc.) aim to monitor the environmental targets. Some
design parameters of the project could no longer be
More information about the project: affected in this planning phase. Multidisciplinary team
Slovak Innovation and Energy agency (SIEA), Eduard is a prerequisite for good results, not only in case of
© iEPD (Institute for Energy Passive Houses)
Jambor, www.petrzal- architectural projects. The requirement to form such team is applicable in general, because of the need for
Owner: smf marko a holistic approach to create the environmentally
Location: Trnava Slovakia friendly architecture.
Type of the building: residential
Gross floor space: 4,547m2 Lessons learned from ID process:
Year of completion: 2015
Integrated design is a crucial approach for achie-
Achievements: vement of the best environmental friendly design,
Green Atrium consists of the refurbished and brand which was widely accepted in the composition of
new part. New building consists of several basic the design team.
functional parts: apartments, commercial space, It is worthy to focus on the early design stages as
administrative space, basement parking and common long as it is necessary.
areas for the house residents. The project revitalizes BIM tool could be helpful and should be used in
a neglected area of the former printing company. It is all projects especially in case of non-residential
rated with environmental scheme LEED, and optimi- buildings.
zed with software PHPP. In terms of sustainability, this PHPP is a reliable and important tool for achie-
3.6.5 Single family house - Point
141 – Poland

ving the highest energy efficient must consider construction of external and internal
standards of buildings and should be recommen- envelopes, building systems and heat source. The
ded for all projects. advanced analysis has been carried out in order to
PHPP is a great tool for monitoring of the energy achieve established goals.
standards and final quality of the
building. About the ID process: The developer intend to
Environmental schemes such as BREEAM, LEED, design low energy single family house, thus at the
32 etc. are representing very useful tools for moni-
toring of environmental goals.
beginning of the project he contact with energy
consultant company. At the first meeting the decision
Late composition of the team leads to compro- on using ID process was established. From a very
mises, which can negatively influence the results, beginning ID facilitator was involved in the design
especially in case of energy efficiency goals team. The close cooperation between developer,
© Single Family House – POINT141 / Danwood S.A.
architects, engineers and energy consultants was set.
More information about the project: Most of the consultation was done by regular calls
Slovak Innovation and Energy agency (SIEA), Owner: Danwood S.A. and e-mailing. Thanks to close cooperation in multidi-
Eduard Jambor, http:// Location: Poland sciplinary team most of problems were solved on the Type of the building: residential concept design stage. ID facilitator was responsible
Gross floor space: 136.5 m² for supervision on energy effectiveness of the propo-
Investment costs: 96,400 € sed solution for the building. The use of ID process
Year of completion: 2015 allow to achieve low energy building design at the
end of the project.
Achievements: The single family house is designed
in prefabricated technology and fulfil requirements Lessons learned from ID process: Some
of Low Energy Building program of The National developers are aware that the market for zero
Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Ma- and low energy buildings is growing. They noti-
nagement (NFEP&WM). The goal of the developer ced that in order to achieve very good energy
was to design prefabricated low energy building that standard more than only standard analysis must
can be localized in every place in Poland. The design
2.6.6 Apartment building in Vaives
street 4 – Latvia

be done. It was showed in that pilot project that Owner: flat owners
ID process can be applied not only for individual Location: Cesis city, Latvia
designs but also for prefabricated buildings. Type of the building: Residential apartment building
Gross floor space: 2437.6 m²
More information about the project: Investment costs: 260,489 €
Narodowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii, Jerzy Year of completion: 2014
Kwiatkowski, Achievements: Majority of the renovation works
were carried out in the summer. It was ensured, that
the building façade interactions with surrounding
environment was as low as possible.
During the building renovation, it was essential to
allow building inhabitants to freely access and use the
Before renovation building represented typical soviet
period buildings. Such buildings represent the big-
gest share of all building stock not only in Latvia but
also in other east European countries. The aim of the
renovation is not only to ensure comfortable indoor
climate and decrease energy consumption, moder-
nize other engineering systems but also significantly
improve building aesthetics value. Energy service con-
tract (EPC) has been used to cover building renova-
tion costs and implement the project. Beside energy
efficiency measures during the project design phase
it is planned to refurbish and repainted, the balconies,
© Ekodoma Ltd.
cold water supply system and all staircases.
2.6.7 Apartment building in Mastu
street 8k1

About the ID process: The work of the team has tion company joined the team. The manager from
been lead by ESCO company project manager who is ESCO company was organizing and managing whole
specialized in building renovation projects. The team design process.
consisted from different engineers, energy auditors,
engineering consultants to develop building renova- More information about the project:
tion alternatives (Ekodoma). During the design phase

work team didn’t change. Already after the tendering
process when constructions works have begun the
construction company joined the team. The mana-
ger from ESCO was organizing and managing whole
design process.

Lessons learned from ID process: One of the

main challenges during renovation was to ensure © Ekodoma Ltd.
that building can operate during renovation process.
The refurbishment scenario chosen: to avoid internal
Owner: flat owners
works as possible to allow operating during renova-
Location: Riga city, Latvia
tion works. It’s planned that new ventilation system
Type of the building: Residential apartment building
ducts will be placed along the façade in the insula-
Gross floor space: 1,846.9 m²
tion layer. The work of the team has been lead by an
Investment costs: 265,700 €
ESCO company project manager who is specialized
Year of completion: 2014
in building renovation projects. The team consisted
from different engineers, energy auditors, engineering
Achievements: The first building in Riga that is re-
consultants to develop building renovation alternati-
furbished by an ESCO according to EPC scheme. The
ves (Ekodoma). During the design phase work team
building employs first mechanical ventilation system
didn’t change. Already after the tendering process
in multifamily building refurbishment projects in Lat-
when constructions works have begun the construc-
via. Mechanical ventilation system is used to improve
air quality and achieve higher energy savings. Energy project implementation. In the ESCO model, the main was led by involved ESCO’s project manager who is
service contract (EPC) is used to cover building re- design criteria include prerequisites for high standard specialized in building renovation project manage-
novation costs and ensure full implementation of the achievements regarding sustainability and longevity of ment. The design team is being focused on long term
project. Available structural funds have also been at- the project. This is due to the fact, that EPC usually goal achievements and the criteria of sustainability
tracted to support the project implementation. EPC is long term contract, during which service provider by the project manager, thus ensuring that all aspects
contract is based on the principle, that during the is interested in achieving highest possible standards. of the building retrofit project are considered in the
whole validity period of the project apartment owner The design team is being focused on long term goal first project planning stage. Right after tendering pro-
(based on the previously determined baseline costs achievements and the criteria of sustainability by the cess, representative from the company providing the 35
which have been set and agreed upon by both invol- project manager, thus ensuring that all aspects of the construction works of the building also joined the
ved parties) pays to the ESCO for the same amount building retrofit project are considered in the first design team. The manager from ESCO was organizing
of consumed energy which would be monitored if no project planning stage. Right after tendering process, and managing whole design process.
energy efficiency measures were implemented. So the representative from the company providing the con-
aim is to set the payments for the building residents struction works of the building also joined the design More information about the project:
in a fixed level (in some cases even lowering the team. The manager from ESCO was organizing and SIA ”Ekodoma” (EKODOMA), Agris Kamenders,
payment burden) and in the same time renovate the managing whole design process.
building and increase indoor climate conditions.
Lessons learned from ID process: Before buil-
About the ID process: Organization of the team ding renovation, during project initial phase, different
work was led by involved ESCO’s project manager renovation options are analyzed starting from some
who is specialized in building renovation project basic measures to comprehensive building renovation
management. The team consisted from different with integration of mechanical ventilation and RES sy-
engineers with wide background of expertise in stems to achieve very low energy building standards.
building construction and internal utilities, as well The main goal was to ensure that the planed energy
as energy auditors and engineering consultants, efficiency measures have been met and at the same
which developed different alternatives for building time no sacrifices regarding the indoor climate condi-
renovation (Ekodoma). The design team maintained tions and inhabitant life style have been made during
constant and didn’t change over all the period of the retrofit process. Organization of the team work
3 Lessons
learned and What can we learn about the pilot projects in order to improve the ID process and coming up with more

final remarks projects using the ID approach in future? The outcome of the pilot projects has been analyzed by using the
SWOT method. A SWOT analysis is used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

ID is an iterative process which se- Relatively unknown in the con- EU directive about NZEB will incre- Lack of knowledge and information
cures that all energy related issues struction industry ase the market for NZEB buildings about ID and the benefits using it
will be handled before the process and ID is an effective method for among stakeholders
leaves for the next step Difficult to change traditional way reaching NZEB energy demands
of planning and constructing Difficulties in finding the right way
The outcome of the planning The ID process gathers expertise of using ID for each single project
process will be more thorough and Demands good communication from different work fields resulting
consist of fewer contradictions and in synergies Clients willingness of paying more
inconsistencies. This in turn will Demands an ID facilitator, which is for the planning process
result in fewer last minute changes a new role in the planning process Fewer last minute changes and
and fewer building faults. fewer building faults will show that For best results it is important to
The project manager needs to in total the ID process is cost ef- use ID from the very beginning of
share responsibility and mandate to fective the project, preferably even before
the ID facilitator there is a drawing. This can be a
Future improvements of the threat, as many projects demand a
Increased planning costs method is relatively simple, e.g it drawing to achieve funding
would be easy to add a process for
increased accessibility for disabled
To succeed with an ID process and construct buil-
dings with nearly-zero energy requirements, it is cru-
The design team needs to consist of people who can
think creatively and have an ability to work across Contact details
cial that the process is involved as early as possible, traditional professional areas.
preferably already in the initial planning phase. Klemens Leutgöb (project leader)
Once the ID process is in place, the results will de- e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH

The client’s understanding of advantages from using pend on how well the design team can communicate Walcherstraße 11/43
the ID process in conjunction with planning is of and work together during the planning phase. Diffe- 1020 Vienna, Austria
highest importance as that will result in enough man- rent technical solutions and frequent meetings, in real
date for the design team to fully succeed. For a cost life or over telephone, will be required.
effective energy optimized design, it is important that
an ID facilitator becomes involved as early as possible More lessons learned can be found in detail in the Theoni Karlessi
in the planning process. specific report at Group Building Environmental Studies
loads/index.php. Physics Department, National & Kapodistrian
There is a need for more knowledge among and University of Athens
information to public planning officers and potential 15784 Athens, Greece
All design team members must understand the bene-
fits of ID and how the process works. The awareness Ronnie Hollsten
about how each member is expected to contribute in Hifab AB
the various planning phases is also of highest im- Magasinsgatan 22
portance. A major challenge is to keep the iterative 411 18 Göteborg, Sweden
solution methodology throughout the planning phase
and not fall back into the traditional way of working,
although the former initially takes somewhat more

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