Urban Tourism Case Study KL

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e d by: ent

ur ism
c To
d o u bl e c hallenge. s and ne e ds of
f a ce, t h e refore, a t o t he e x pectation
Cities a b le t o respond
ha ve to b e i s t s . a na g ed in
T h e y t our n d m
1) in g nu m bers of m is d e veloped a
the gro w hat tour i s
v e t o e n su re t
i d e nt p opulation.
Cities ha fits the re s
) t it b e n e
2 tha
such a way
‰ Trip
s and visi
tourism. ts with a
focus on
town and
city desti
‰ A fas nations, a
t gr lso know
attraction owing form of to as city
s, a urism, st
offers mu s well as shoppin imu
ch scope g and eve lated by historica
for urban nt la
regenerat attractions, and b nd cultural
ion. y busines
s travel, i

(Source: S. Medlik (2003), “Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality”,

Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford)
h i gh p o pu lations
on of
1) Locati e l n odes
o r t ra v
2) Maj
Foca l points
r c o n c e nt rations of e xperi ences.
4) Harbo t offer a wide variety
5) Places

(Source: Hairul Ismail, Tom Baum and Jithendran Kokranikkal (2008), Urban Tourism In
Developing Countries: A Case Of Malaysia Urban Tourism In Developing Countries: A Case Of Malaysia)
The cities of Ge
orgetown, Mala
their advantage, cca and Kota Bh
that of their histo aru have anothe
ric buildings and r point to
Malaysia should
continue to pro
multi-culture so mote its tourism
cieties and rich products especia
heritage lly the

(Source: Prof. Dr. A. Ghafar Ahmad (1998),

Urban Tourism In Malaysia: Heritage Cities Of Georgetown,
Malacca And Kota Bharu)
o g ni s ed in new
b een re c
n h av e
nd d i ve r sificatio
r e ge n e ration a etc.),
- ba s ed n ti on s ,
Tourism a n t o u r i s m. nc e s an d conve
r ed on
s of u r b c on f e re n s c e nt
s i n e s s to urism ( o f n e w attractio
o n o f u r ban bu d eve lop ment
omot i m and
Active pr ent-related touris itage
ev her
sport and ping or industrial
leisure sh

(Source: Stephen Williams (1998), “Tourism Geography”, Routledge, London)

m o re c r it ical because
nance is even
s ti na ti o n b r a n d in g , p ro v e
a r kete r s a n d neither their
“In terms of t
ourism de
itie s c r a ft e d for them by m ” ( T h e r k e ls en, 2001).
t views of them
u n tr ie s p r e -exist any iden v e o b je cti v e
e rs n o r c o n s umers can ha c tu r e , tourist
a d v er tis fr a str u
ur a l r es o u r ces, general in t, p o li tical and
h a s n a t a n d a r
is t d e sti n a ti o n image, suc c r ea t io n , c u lture, history e a tm o s p he re of the
Tour rist leisure and re v iro nment and th
tu r e , to u s o c ia l e n
infrastruc n a tu r a l e nvironment,
to r s,
economic fac
la c e ( K a n ta n en, 2005).
a) Historic Dist
b) ricts
c) Convention C
d) enters and Ex
Festivals and hibitions
e) Events
Special Visito
f) r Districts
Tourism Emp
g) loyees and R
Retail and Ca esidents as C
tering Facilit ity Advocate
ies s

(Source: Law, Christopher. 2002. Urban Tourism: The Visitor Economy and the Growth of
Large Cities. London: Continuum)
a ca n b e vi ew ed in two stages :
an to u rism d ev el opment in Malaysi
Generally, u rb
e p o st co lon ia l era that began in the
th e city af te r in d ependence or after
1)Development in in s to b e established
u ri sm b eg
1 95 7.
u ri sm in th e ci ty after 1990, when to th e ec o n omy of the
m en t o f to pa n d in g
2)The develop
antl y co n tr ib u tes to generating and ex
as a sector that sign

(Source: Hairul Ismail, Tom Baum and Jithendran Kokranikkal (2008), Urban Tourism In Developing Countries: A
Case Of Malaysia Urban Tourism In Developing Countries: A Case Of Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur’s urban
setting is an emblem
characters that derived of Malaysia’s past and
from many elements present
architecture and even of cultures, outstanding
remarkable natural en
Over the 90-year per
iod since 1860 to 195
process of urbanizatio 0, the city has underg
n and development, an one rapid
possibly ambiguous im d thus, fabricating a co
ages and perception. mplex or

(Source: http://www.dbkl.gov.my/pskl2020/english/)
m an y attr ac ti on s, ra ng ing from historical
a home to
KL is very fortunate to be lif esty le s, cu lt ur al ve nues , shopping
ixtures of local
buildings, monuments, m
facilities and urban parks.
in fras truc tu re that supp orts its overall
pped with modern
It is also a city that is equi
m pu r’ s to ur is m at tr ac ti ons, ranging from its
Kuala Lu
KLSP 2020 has identified di ni ng an d en te rt ai nm ent, recreational
s, shopping,
cultural-heritage attraction
attractions and health and

(Source: http://www.dbkl.gov.my/pskl2020/english/)
o f its p eo pl e, its landmarks and
ts, b e it th e d ai ly lifestyle or culture ur is m pro m o ti on or the mass
p ec the media such as to
Derive from many as ag es p ro ject ed by
or even im
physical symbolism,
media. b in e it with modern
ge an d co m
pre se rv e th e b es t of its cultural herita
ed to
City that has manag ly u ni qu e ex perience to visitor.
a w h ol
conveniences to offer ‘u ni qu e m ulti-cultural
s’ w it h
n it y’ an d a ‘c o sm opolitan getaway
and mo d er
‘Fusions of tradition tu re ’ (T ou rism M alaysia, 2006).
ts, and architec
heritage, cuisine, ar T w in Towers, is
th e P et ro n as
n dm ar k o f K L w hi ch is none other than
The most celebrated is known globally.
ly an im ag e th at

(Source: http://www.dbkl.gov.my/pskl2020/english/)
As a planned urban ci
ty, the Federal Terri
Units that are catego tory has been divided
rized in to three Plan into several Planning
ning Zones.
a) CPA – Central Pla
b) nning Area
CBD (Central Busi
c) ness District Area
The Golden Trian )

(Source: http://www.dbkl.gov.my/pskl2020/english/)
rism de ve lop m ent in a capital city
Urban tou
as Kua la L um pu r, w hich function as :

of d is tr ib ut io n (or co nnectivity), and
2)Poin t
places with sm activities
tr u ct ur e fo r tou ri
3)Strong infras
IC E to u ri sm , sh op p in g, mega event and
such M
theme park.

(Source: http://www.dbkl.gov.my/pskl2020/english/)
rt ant ro le in M al ay sia . The planning of urban
increasingly impo living environment and on
Urban tourism is playing an s on m ai nt aining a go od
nced, with a focu
construction was very adva
eatin g th e ha rm ony be tw een man and nature.
vi ro nm en ta l co ns er va tio n were well coordinated.
ic development and en acteristic of urban tourism
As a result, rapid econom re so ur ce an d th e ch ar
me the best tourism
Such coordination has beco
od el in M al ay sia , w ith a focus on vacation,
tourism development m
These formed the regional
s an d ex hibitio ns , sig ht seeing, and business, etc.
l en viro nm en t th at ur ba n in Malaysia had
ro nm en t, in fra structure, and socio-cultu
The na tura l en vi
e ne w ly pe op le an d to urist come to our country.
to offer met the demand of
Text References

World Tourism Organisation (2010), <http://www. unwto.org/ index.php> [Online] retrieved on 26 March 2010

Aide Memoire (1999), Tourism And The City: The Challenge Of Sustainability [Online] <http://www.gdrc.org/uem/eco-tour/cities-tour.html>
retrieved on 18 March 2010.

S. Medlik (2003), “Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality”, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford

Hairul Ismail, Tom Baum and Jithendran Kokranikkal (2008), Urban Tourism In Developing Countries: A Case Of Malaysia Urban Tourism In Developing
Countries: A Case Of Malaysia [Online] <http://www.wisatamelayu.com/en/article.php?a=QmdGL3c%3D=>retrieved on 18 March 2010.

Prof. Dr. A. Ghafar Ahmad (1998), Urban Tourism In Malaysia : Heritage Cities Of Georgetown, Malacca And Kota Bharu [Online]
<www.hbp.usm.my/conservation /Mainconservation. htm> retrieved on 20 March 2010.

Stephen Williams (1998), “Tourism Geography”, Routledge, London

Kantanen T. (2005), “Advertising In Low And High Involvement Cultural Tourism Attractions: Four Cases”. Tourism and Hospitality Research, vol 6, no 2. [
on-line] http://web.ebscohost.com/ retrieved on 20 March 2010.

Therkelsen A. (2003), “ImaginingPlaces: Image Formation of Tourists and Its Consequences for Destination Promotion”, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and
Tourism, Vol. 3, Nr. 2, 2003. [On-line] <http://web.ebscohost.com/> retrieved on 20 March 2010.

Law, Christopher. 2002. Urban Tourism: The Visitor Economy and the Growth of Large Cities. London: Continuum.
Photo And Figure References

http://www.fullhouseinteractive.com/getattachment/e8c2935d-c21e-4834-8902-13e39dc34ae3/ Texas-Tourism-Experience.aspx



http://images.google.com.my/imglanding?q=kl conventioncenter&imgurl







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