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“Scoliosis” 2.

Congenital scoliosis
 asscociated with abnormalities of the vertebrae such
>abnormal curvature of the spine (S or C shaped) as hemi or fused vertebrae. There is frequent
>bones are rotated slightly making the person waist or association with spina bifida and there may also be a
shoulders appear uneven. paralytic element in such cases.

• Causes: 3. Infantile scoliosis

*congenital  curve develops during the first 3 years without
*Neuromuscular vertebral anomalies. There is often plagiocephaly.
*Idiopathic The curve is often thoracic or thoraco lumbar.
4. Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis
• Common Types of Curves:  can be noticed at the age of 10 or even earlier. The
prognosis depends on the age of onset and on the
level of the curve.

5. Structural scoliosis
 possible causes are numerous, including the
o Idiopathic
o Congenital
o Neuromuscular (eg. Poliomyelitis, cerebral
palsy, syringomyelia, muscular dystrophy,
amyotonia congenital, Friedreich's ataxia)
o Neurofibromatosis
o Mesenchymal disorder (eg. Marfan's
syndrome, Morquio's syndrome, rheumatoid
arthritis, osteogenesis imperfect, certain
o Trauma ( fractures, irradiation, surgery)
• Classifications:
1. Nonstructural Scoliosis
 structurally normal spine appears curved due to one
or more underlying conditions (eg hip deformity, • Types:
defference in leg length, tumor or infection of the  Mild: <25 curvature
spine and spasm of the spinal muscle associated with - Regular monitoring
a prolapsed disc) - View an X-ray of the spine every 3 mos.
- No bracing or special treatment
 Moderate: 20-40 curvature b.Milwaukee brace: full torso brace has a neck ring with
- Bracing is applied rests for the child and for the back of the head.
 Severe: curve >40 Cobb’s curvature with
kyphosis c. Yamamoto brace
-insertion of metal rods in the pt.’s back and
fusing together several vertebrae is seriously  Physiotherapy: gives more emphasis on posture,
considered. streghtening of muscles and correction of muscle
• Manifestations:  Surgery: SPINAL FUSION- joining of two pieces
>uneven shoulder together. It involves connecting 2 or more vertebrae
>uneven waist with pieces of bone taken from pelvis. Eventually, the
>one hip higher than the vertebrae and the pieces of bone fuse together
other preventing further progression of the curve.
>leaning to one side Instrumentation:
>ribs on one side of the 1. Harrington Procedure
body to stick out farther 2. Cotrel-Dubousset Procedure
than the other side
>unequal gaps between the • Nursing Management
arms and the trunk  Assess for skin irritation.
>back pain  Assess for movement, color and sensation
>spine obviously curve  Teach to aid use use of powder and lotion
 Instruct to use undergarments to reduce friction
 Instruct to loosen brace during meals and for the
• Diagnostic tests:
1st 30 mins after meals.
1. Physical Examination:
(Adam’s Forward Bending Test)
2. X-rays
3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
4. Blood tests
5. Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan)
6. Sonography
7. Radionuclide bone scan

• Treatment:
 Braces: prevents further
progression of the curve
a.Underarm or low profile brace aka
thoracolumbar orthosis (TLSO)

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