Legal Studies XII - Improvement First Weekly Test - 2

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(2015- 2016)
Date of Exam : 12/08/2015 Max. Marks :50
Time Allowed : 2 Hrs. SUBJECT: LEGAL STUDIES No. of Pages : 2
Name: ___________________________________________________ Roll No_________ Class_______ Sec________
Q.1. Violation of Income Tax Laws is a
a. Crime against Morality
b. White Collar Crime
c. Organised Crime
d. None of the Above [1]

Q.4 Which one is the important object of tort law -

a. Deterrence
b. Fair and Just response
c. Loss Spreading
d. All of the above [1]

Q.3 The Definition of Offer is defined under section

a. 2 of Indian Contract Act, 1872
b. 2(a) of Indian Contract Act, 1872
c. 2(c) of Indian Contract Act, 1872
d. 2(d) of Indian Contract Act, 1872 [1]

Q.4 Doctrine of Election -

a. Section 35 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882
b. Section 45 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882
c. Section 54 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882
d. All of the above [1]

Write down any 5 questions from 5 to 10

Q.5. A sells his jeep to B for a consideration of Rs. 7,000/- whereas the price of the jeep is Rs.
10,000/-. Is this a valid consideration? [2]

Q.6. Aditya has litigation in determining the title of the property with Aman. During the
period of litigation, Aditya initiates a sale of the property in favour of Srijan. Is this a
valid transfer? [2]

Q.7. A offers to sell his cottage to B. B in consideration of the cottage sells his farm to A.
Instead of getting money for his cottage, A has received a farm from B.? Is it a valid
transfer? [2]

Q.8. A woman in sheer destitution and impoverishment attempted to kill herself after failing
in all the ways to arrange for food for her starving children. Is she liable for attempt to
commit suicide?[2]

Q.9. If one follows another person, sends unwanted messages or phone calls; although there
is no violence or threat of violence involved, will it amount to tort? Identify which kind
of tort it is?
Q.10. If a workman assaulted a manager in a factory and the same manager is appointed as
the enquiry officer, then such administrative action is valid or not?

Q.11. The law mandates the University to take action against the employees who absent
themselves from the duty without application. There is a person Palash, who is not
coming since one month and did not respond to show cause notice. His services are
terminated. Another person Eshaan was absent for one day and the next day when he
reported for service, he was issued a show cause notice. Is such administrative action is
correct? [3]

Q.12. If the defendant lies to the claimant that the latter's son met with a road accident, which causes
nervous shock to the claimant resulting in illness. Which kind of tort it is. Identify and justify the
same. [3]

Q.13. X promises to supply 20 bags of sugar to Y, a sweet shop proprietor, for making ladoos
for a marriage on 15th September 2014. X does not supply sugar on 15th September
2014 but supplies it on 20th September 2014. What remedy does Y have against X?

Q.14. Discuss the case of Durga Prasad V. Baldeo (1880, 3All 221) in light of consideration in a
contract? [3]

Write down any 4 question from 15 to 19

Q.15. Write down the essential for a valid transfer? Also Explain Lis Pendes [6]

Q.16. Write Down a note on Discharge of contract? [6]

Q.17. Write Down a brief note on Sale and explain the rights and liabilities of Seller and Buyer?
Q.18. Explain the various stages in the prosecution of an offence? [6]

Q.19. Outline the positive and the negative features of the Droit system of Administration.

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