Ayurveda Case Sheet Sample
Ayurveda Case Sheet Sample
Ayurveda Case Sheet Sample
I.P. NO.
Name :
Age: 62 years
Sex: Male
Occupation: Retired
Phone :
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Case Record
Complaints/Present history:
1. Obesity
2. Depressive Psychosis since the age of 20, had flared up 1-1/2 months back with panic attacks.
3.Pain in both the knees and low back since 2 years. Low back pain increases on exertion and long sitting, buckling of left k
4. History of Cervical Spondylitis
5.BPH, increased frequency, very poor stream, sleep gets disturbed.
6.Fungal infection in groin region.
7.Generalised tiredness on exertion
8.Increased craving for sweets at night.
9.Allergic to dust, has congestion during winter
10.Abdominal bloating and history of haemorrhoids.
11.Hypertension, postural hypotension (black-out)
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Past history: TIA in 2008
Treatment history:
Current medication
Urimax D 1-0-0
Telma 20 mg 1-0-0
Ceruvin 75mg 0-1-0
Ecosprin 75 mg 0-1-0
Librium 10 mg 0-1-0
Serlift 100 mg 0-0-1
Atorva 20 mg 0-0-1
Treatment history:
Current medication
Urimax D 1-0-0
Telma 20 mg 1-0-0
Ceruvin 75mg 0-1-0
Ecosprin 75 mg 0-1-0
Librium 10 mg 0-1-0
Serlift 100 mg 0-0-1
Atorva 20 mg 0-0-1
Family history:
Nothing specific
Personal history:
Appetite - Good
Bowel - Normal
Bladder - Increased frequency, weak stream
Sleep - 10 1/2 hrs, but disturbed
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Gynaecology history:
Socio-Economic history:
Socio-Economic history:
History of Allergies:
Allergic to dust, comgestion during winter
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Food Allergies:
Describe Your Food Pattern: Time of the Day Food Generally eaten
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General Physical Examination:
Pulse: 68/min
B.P: 140/90 Right Arm: Left Arm:
Other Examinations:
Tongue - Coated
G.I. System:
Respiratory System:
Circulatory System:
Circulatory System:
Urogenital system:
Nervous System:
Locomotor System:
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C. Saara: Madhyama
(Excellence of Dhatu or Tissue element)
D. Samhanana : Madhyama
(Compactness of Organs)
E. Pramaana: Madhyama
(Measure of the Body organs)
F. Sathva : Avara
(Mental Condition)
G. Saathmya : Madhyama
H. Aahaara Shark
(Power of intake and digestion of food)
I. Vyayama Shakti : Madhyama
(Power of performing exercises)
J. Vayaha : 62 years
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Consultaion Notes :
Date BP Weight Bowel Sleep Appetite Notes
3.4.2012 140/90 105.6 Semi solid Satisfactory was feeling giddiness in the morning, which
4/4/2012 110/70 105.2 twice, watery Satisfactory Urine stream has improved, feels light in th
4/5/2012 130/80 104.4 once, watery Satisfactory Nothing specific
4/6/2012 130/90 103.9 twice, semi soGood Burning sensation in the anal region, Advis
4/7/2012 140/90 103.1 once Good No anal burning, stiffness in the knees redu
4/8/2012 140/80 103.5 twice, watery Good Nothing specific
4/9/2012 140/90 102 Virechana - 5 vegas, headache and weakne
4/10/2012 130/90 100.9 twice, normalGood No bloating, feels light in the body, mild tire
4/11/2012 Check out
Date of Admission:
Date of Discharge:
I.P. No:
Room No:
Fax No:
E-Mail ID/Website
h panic attacks.
xertion and long sitting, buckling of left knee
as feeling giddiness in the morning, which gradually subsided.
rine stream has improved, feels light in the body
othing specific
urning sensation in the anal region, Advised Maha thikthaka G
o anal burning, stiffness in the knees reduced
othing specific
irechana - 5 vegas, headache and weakness
o bloating, feels light in the body, mild tiredness persisits