Cyberpunk 2020 - Datafortress 2020 - Hard Road

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Written by Deric Bernier (

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The Traffic and Chase rules give detail to every possible aspect of overland travel, from random
traffic generators to the reactions of other drivers, to common road hazards. Obviously using all
the rules at once may bog down your game, feel free to pick and choose the rules as you see fit to
suite situational needs.

The following rules are meant to be used with any system, however for the purposes of these rules,
rounds are determined in 3 second intervals, many systems use different time allotments for round
duration, D20 uses 6 second rounds, Gurps, 1 second, Rifts ten seconds... It should be a relatively
simple matter to translate any game system to these rules, simply keep in mind that the traffic
increments by default and unmodified, should be equal to 10 rounds.


CHART: (While you may wish to spread this out a Cars sharing the road in 10 round (30 second)
bit further, this is merely here to give you a guide as to increments: Roll 1d10
how best to implement the rules of whatever system
1 Road Clear
you need these rules for. As these rules are specifically
written to work with any system, translation should 2-6 1d6 Vehicles
not be a problem if you are already at least vaguely
7-9 2d6 Vehicles
familiar with the vehicle rules of whatever system you
opt to use) Below are merely some examples of how 10 3d6 Vehicles
this works with some sample systems.
Default is for Daytime, (normal hours 5-7AM, 9AM-
Difficulty Modifier Cyberpunk Gurps D20 3PM, and 6PM to 9PM)
Level: 2020/ Rush Hour (7AM-9AM and 4PM-6PM) doubles the
FUZION number of vehicles rolled
Easy 5-10 16 1-5 Nighttime (9PM-12PM) 1/2 of the vehicles rolled
(roll is only required (round down)
to insure a fumble
Late night/early morning (12pm-5am) 1/3 of vehicles
does not occur)
rolled, (round down)
Simple 11-15 14-15 6-10
High population Area = x2 Vehicles rolled
(piece of cake task, no
real danger involved) Rural Area = 1/2 vehicles rolled (round down)
Average 16-20 11-13 11- Desolate area (interstates between cities, extreme back
(anyone with basic 15 roads, etc...) = 1/4 vehicles rolled (round down)
knowledge can
accomplish this Dirt Roads raise difficulty modifier level by 1
without problem) Road in severe disrepair raise difficulty modifier level
Difficult 21-25 8-10 16- by 2
(slightly tricky, but 20 Light rain, snow, = -10% of vehicles on road (round
not really dangerous down), treat speed limit as if -10mph posted, increases
or hard) difficulty modifier level by 1
Very Difficult 26-30 6-7 21- Heavy Rain, Snow, Ice, fog, and Sandstorm = -50% of
(Takes skill or luck to 25 vehicles on road (round down), treat speed limit as if
make it look easy, not half posted, and Difficulty Modifier level raises by 2
for beginners)
For every 2 vehicles over 5 per lane in an increment,
Extremely Difficult 31-35 4-5 26- treat posted speed limit as being 10% lower in that
(Pro level, don't try 30 lane
this one at home kids)
Roll on the table above once for traffic moving in your
Near Impossible 36+ 3- 31+ direction, and again for the traffic in the oncoming
(Maxed out skills, lanes.
Maxed out stats,
and a maxed out die The default is for a 4-lane road (2 lanes moving your
rolls, even then you direction, 2 lanes oncoming). For every additional
might wanna use some lane add 1d6 vehicles,
Traffic Random Vehicle Generator: MPH to KPH Simple
5 mph = ~10 km/h
1-2 Motorcycle 10 mph = ~15 km/h
2-3 Compact Car, Midsize, Car Sedan, 15 mph = ~25 km/h
6 Luxury Vehicle, Sportscar 20 mph = ~30 km/h
25 mph = ~40 km/h
7-8 SUV, Pickup Truck, or Minivan
30 mph = ~50 km/h
9 Large SUV, Van, or Light Truck 35 mph = ~55 km/h
10 Semi Truck or Large RV 40 mph = ~65 km/h
45 mph = ~70 km/h
Traffic is always assumed to be going the 50 mph = ~80 km/h
posted speed limit (or the speed limit as 60 mph = ~100 km/h
modified by road, traffic, and weather 70 mph = ~115 km/h
conditions). Individual traffic however, may 80 mph = ~130 km/h
deviate by 1d10 mph over or under the
posted speed limit for an addition realistic
For every 5mph difference over the posted ROAD RULES:
speed limit, drop the re-roll time by 1 round Random side street availability, for every
(3 seconds), to a minimum of 1 round (3 traffic re-roll increment :
seconds). Meaning if you are going the (Roll for traffic at each street only if characters are
posted speed limit of 40mph, then you only turning or that street has right of way)
re-roll the traffic generator every 10 rounds Roll CITY URBAN RURAL RURAL
(equal to 30 seconds game time). However, if 1d6 HIGHWAY HIGHWAY ROAD
you are doing 70 in a 40mph zone, then you (50%
re-roll traffic every 3 rounds (12 seconds). If CHANCE
you are doing 95 or more in a 40mph zone, SIDE
you re-roll every round (3 seconds), same as DIRT)
if you are doing 115mph in a 70mph zone.

MPH over re-roll times MPH over re-roll times 2 1 NO NO NO

posted modified by posted modified by 3-4 2 1 EXIT NO 1 ROAD
speed speed speed speed RAMP
Posted 10 rounds (30 +25 mph 5 rounds (15 5 3 1 EXIT NO 2 ROADS
speed seconds) seconds) RAMP
+5 mph 9 rounds (27 +30 mph 4 rounds (12 6 4 2 EXIT 1 EXIT 3 ROADS
seconds) seconds) RAMPS RAMP
+10 mph 8 rounds (24 +35 mph 3 rounds (9
seconds) seconds)
+15 mph 7 rounds (21 +40 mph 2 rounds (6
seconds) seconds) For every 10mph over the speed of traffic an
individual vehicle is traveling, it may pull ahead at 1
+ 20 mph 6 rounds (18 +50 mph 1 rounds (3 car length per round. For vehicles involved in a chase
seconds) seconds) or race, this rule only counts towards vehicles moving
at the posted (modified) speed limit. Involved vehicles
move relative to traffic, their position relative to each
other is determined by individual speed, acceleration,
and other modifiers.
Acceleration - Roll a drive check, on a successful roll, DRIVERS TO VEHICLES INVOLVED IN
every point over the target difficulty allows you to CHASE
accelerate 5mph. Failure of this roll indicates a Roll 1d10 On the following chart whenever an
character has become nervous or unsure, and involved vehicle makes any maneuver that would
decelerates by 5mph instead. Alternatively, at any cause a non-involved vehicle to react.
time a a character may opt to decelerate safely at up to
half his listed deceleration. 1D10 REACTION RESULT
Making a full deceleration (equating to slamming on 1 Driver panics, loses control of vehicle (roll on
the brakes) requires a roll 1 difficulty level higher vehicle fumble table)
than the standard for driving (with modifiers for 2 Driver not paying attention, cannot react or
speed, weather, road conditions and traffic included). evade
Slamming on the brakes also forces any vehicles
behind you and within your threat range, to make an 3 Road Rage, driver purposely does whatever he
immediate maneuver roll with additional modifiers can to hinder involved vehicle, 20% chance he
due to distance included. will join chase
4 Driver Speeds up
THREAT RANGE 5-6 Driver slows down
Every ten mph a vehicle is traveling increases the 7 Driver moves out of way violently, if driver is
threat range by 1 vehicle length in outside lane he will move onto shoulder or
Vehicles in a threat range have their difficulty sidewalk, if he is in inside lane he will move
modifier level increased by 1 for every vehicle length into oncoming traffic, if multiple lane, he will
they are nearer to the the vehicle in front of them. move into adjoining lane regardless of traffic.
8 Driver slams on breaks
When a vehicle gets within 20 percent of its maximum 9-10 Driver moves out of way easily
speed, increase the difficulty modifier by 1 level.

For every 20mph over 80, increase the difficulty At every city or rural side street encountered
modifier by one level. (add or reduce 10mph to the 80 roll 1D10
for every bonus or minus to maneuverability a vehicle
(If you are currently on a main thoroughfare, re-roll a
possesses. 3-5 once and keep result.)

1-2 side streets have stop signs

TURNING 3 you have stop sign
(this is the speed your vehicle must reduce to in order
to turn without penalty, for every point of 4-5 4-way stop sign
maneuverability, you may increase this speed by 5 6-10 stop light
mph (for the purposes of this, count all 0's as being -10
consecutively). If top speed is zero, the vehicle For a stop light roll 1d6
effectively comes to a complete stop. 1-3 green, 4 yellow, 5-6 red (if yellow it will change to
red in 1d6/3 rounds (3-6 seconds)
Radius Top Speed Radius Top Speed
For every 15 seconds it takes you to reach the
15 degree 70 mph 105 degree 10 mph intersection, there is a 25% chance a light will change
30 degree 60 mph 120 degree 0
45 degree 50 mph 135 degree 0
60 degree 40 mph 150 degree 0
75 degree 30 mph 165 degree 0
90 degree 20 mph 180 degree 0
RANDOM ROAD OCCURRENCES For every increment of random traffic
(roll once every ten increments of random traffic, only rolled, there is a 10 percent chance of police
during actual chases, or alternatively, a GM may presence
simply use these instances as a guide for adding flavor
a chase)


1-3 Driver ahead slams on brakes Fairly flat field = +1 difficulty modifier level
4-10 Opening in traffic, Road clear ahead for 2 Partially wooded, rocky, and/or hilly terrain = +2
increments (comes in to play next increment) difficulty modifier levels
11-20 Vehicles ahead of you are side by side and blocking Densely wooded, very rocky, and/or steep hills = +3
you from passing difficulty modifier levels
21-24 Opportunity for cinematic maneuver (ramp Flat, hard packed desert = +0 difficulty modifier levels
allowing for jump, vehicle with loose cargo, etc...)
(comes into play next increment) Loose sand desert = +2 levels difficulty modifier levels
25-29 As you move to pass a vehicle it suddenly swerves High dunes, drifting sands desert = +3 difficulty
into your lane (18 difficulty to avoid modifier levels
30-35 Traffic closes behind you, hindering pursuit for 2
Off-road capable vehicles treat off-road conditions as
being 1 difficulty modifier level lower
36-38 Animal, person runs out into road ahead of you (18
difficulty to avoid) Treaded vehicles treat off-road conditions as being 2
difficulty levels lower
39-42 Vacant lot, open field on side of road
43-45 Something falls from a vehicle in front of you (20 The GM should assign all primary vehicles
difficulty to avoid) (Characters Vehicle, involved NPC vehicles, etc.) a
46-50 Emergency vehicle, lights and siren on, pulls onto quality rating.
road ahead of you, moves 20mph faster than posted
speed limit, stays on road for 2d10 rounds VEHICLE QUALITY RATING
51-55 Collision between one or more vehicles in front of Breakdown chance is rolled once per day vehicle is used.
you (23 to avoid) There is ALWAYS at least a 1% chance of vehicle
56-60 Road ends in a T-Junction (if on rural road, road breakdown.
becomes dead end, if on interstate, ignore and re- For every 20% of SDP damage taken a vehicle drops one
roll) category and must make an immediate breakdown chance
61-65 Road Damage (large potholes, etc..) roll.

65-72 Road changes size (even larger, odd smaller), Roll Quality Rating Chance of breakdown per day
1D6/2 to determine additional lane
Last Legs 20%
increase/decrease. Even numbers always result in
the lanes distributed equally to both outbound and Used and Abused 15%
inbound lanes, if the roll is odd, the GM determines
placement of the lane (if the road gets smaller and Normal 10%
decreases to 1 lane, the road becomes 1-way). Maintained 5%
73-78 Oil, Ice (15 difficulty to keep control, or glass, nails, Showroom Quality 1%
debris, etc.. (10% chance of blowout)
Other quality rating modifiers
79-84 Sharp Curve ahead, increases difficulty modifier by
one level. New vehicle (1 year old or less) - 10%
85-87 Driver from side street runs light or stop sign (24 Used (2-10 years old) +5%
difficulty to avoid)
Well Used (11-20 years old) +10%
88-93 Traffic Jam ahead, all traffic comes to a complete
stop Classic (21-30 years old) +15%
94-96 Oncoming traffic suddenly swerves into your lane Antique (31+ years old) +20%
(difficulty 26 to avoid)
Standard Maintenance 0
97-100 Vehicle broken down in middle of the road
Well Maintained -5%
Lovingly Maintained by Top Grade Professional -10%
No Maintenance +10%
AV's, advanced hovers, and helicopters must A BRIEF WORD ON AERODYNES
adhere to the same penalties applied to
All AV's are equipped with a GPS linked Collision
ground level traffic when in an urban
Avoidance (CAV) system. This system is one of the
metropolis environment and involved in a most advanced navigation systems in the world and
chase. While aircraft have the luxury of monitors the activities (altitude, speed, and direction)
traveling above the rooftops in normal of all aerodynes, helicopters, dirigibles, and other
situations, when involved in a chase, to be aircraft within a 5 mile radius (the military version is
good to ten miles). Police Aerodynes and some ground
effective they must follow the streets that the
vehicles can scan for the system, and every landing
vehicles they are pursuing are on. This is pad in the city is set up to detect the CAV System as
really only important in a metropolis type well. Driving an AV in an urban environment
setting, where skyscrapers and other tall (defined by law as any population center with at least
buildings are prevalent. In a smaller town, 5,000 citizens in a ten mile radius) without the CAV
system is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in
or even in a heavily urbanized area where the
prison. Also, since all AV's are required to have the
buildings are rarely more than 4 stories tall, system installed during manufacture, it requires an
Aircraft are not constrained by these rules. illegal modification (High Difficulty) to remove it.
Alternatively, even in an urban metropolis, Though scratch building an AV without it is possible.
the Aircraft may gain elevation to escape the Due to powerlines, bridges, overpasses, streetlights,
walkways, and the like, it is extremely inadvisable for
close confines, but this will take him out of
any aircraft to even attempt to operate lower than 50
attack range of the ground, and it will add feet from the ground in an urban environment. Doing
two levels of difficulty to all rolls attempting so immediately raises the Difficulty Modifier level for
to spot and follow the ground vehicles due to the AV to Very Difficult, in addition to whatever
distance and altitude. If the chase is between modifiers it may be facing.
aircraft alone, then rules apply as normal.
All air traffic is to be treated as if having
rolled 1D6 less than the result on the random
traffic generator.
(Created and written by Deric Bernier, images by Deric Bernier)

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