Pinakafinal Thesis
Pinakafinal Thesis
Pinakafinal Thesis
Chapter I
Childlessness or infertility is a global reproductive issue for both sexes yet often
neglected and not discussed in public. It is generally believed that many couples suffer from
Philippine culture, childlessness is often considered shameful, pitiful, unproductive, and in some
cases a failure. Some couples are even forced to adopt foster children just to fill in the gap that
society set for them to fill in. Some couples even feel stressed in response to the pressure they
are being put into, both by their family and the society they live in. On the other hand, there are
also childless couples who claim to be rather happier to be childless because for these couples,
As the researchers observed that in some countries, it is normal to see childless couples
and nobody even bats an eye. Some of these couples are not even barren or has reproductive
issues; they are childless by choice because they are happier that way. If this kind of thinking is
to be shown in the current mind set of Filipinos, it could cause uproar, or may even lead to stress
The researchers also observed that childlessness appears to have strong impact on the
emotional state of infertile couples. Many women consider infertility to be the most serious
emotional problem of their life. Reproductive medical treatment can involve major additional
emotional stress. These contradicting ideas about childless couples are what motivate the
According to Dr. Walker (2012), being a childless couple has advantages and
disadvantages. Advantage, because a childless couple have time for self-care and for other
relationships, can dedicate their time to their career or to other interests that will help the world
as a whole, and the world will be less crowded and resources less depleted. Being childless is a
disadvantage, in a sense that a childless couple will be a misfit among your peer group, will miss
out of what many consider to be a crucial life role, and won’t have anyone to take care of them in
According to Stanley, (2015), stated that couples who do not have children also had
decline in quality of marriage life and satisfaction after sometime. Although when baby comes
they experience satisfaction in their relationship, in which the most important time period is soon
after the birth of a child and his/her adjustment in the world of experience.
promotes parenthood, with its current social norms and culture, childlessness can be
stigmatizing. The idea couples should reproduce and want to reproduce remains widespread
around the world, specifically in Asian countries like Philippines. Childlessness may be
considered deviant behavior in marriage and this may lead to adverse effects on the relationship
of the couple, as well as their individual identities when pertaining to the lack of children being
According to L. Lechner, C. Bolman, and A. Van Dalen (2006), people trying to cope
with involuntary childlessness may experience symptoms of distress that are similar to those
experienced by bereaved people, such as health problems, anxiety and depression. Also,
childlessness has varied consequences through its effects on societies and on the lifestyles and
childfree families is defined as individuals who neither have nor desire to have children. This is
also known as childless by choice. This term is a modification of the older usage of ‘‘childless,’’
which included those individuals who did want to have children but were unable to do so.
On the other hand, Dr. Furnham, (2015), early studies made various distinctions. It is
estimated around a third of childless/free adults to be early articulators: those who make the
decision independently and early in life, perhaps even in childhood. They are more likely to
show a stronger commitment to remaining childless. The label of postponers was given to those
who decide later in life – people who may have assumed they would have children one day but
According to F. Van Balen and W. Bos (2009), “Approximately 70-80 million couples
worldwide are currently infertile and it can be estimated that tens of millions of couples are
primary infertile or childless. For most people, having children is immensely important; not
being able to have children is a major life problem. A considerable body of research in Western
countries has shown that involuntary childlessness has strong psychological impact. The most
frequently mentioned effects are distress, raised depression and anxiety levels, lowered self-
esteem, feelings of blame and guilt, somatic complaints, and reduced sexual interest.
Hodgekiss (2013), stated that men without children are more likely to suffer depression
about the issue than their female counterparts. British researchers found that men are almost as
likely as women to want children, and they feel more isolated, depressed, angry and sad than
women if they don't have them. The research, due to be presented at the British Sociological
Association annual conference in London , also found out that the influences on men and women
who wanted to have children varied. Childless women were more likely to cite personal desire
and biological urge as major influences compared to men. Men were more likely to cite cultural,
societal and family pressures than were women. However, no men had experienced guilt because
they did not have any children although 16 percent of women had.
According to Dr. Gaither (2015), in the past, a child-free lifestyle was often a political decision
for many couples. During the 1950s and 1960s, many couples chose this because they feared a nuclear
holocaust. By the 1970s, the issue of overpopulation became the motivating factor for the choice. For
example, research at Cornell University recently concluded that the world's population must be
reduced from its estimated six billion to roughly two billion by the year 2100. However, population
predictions for that year, given current fertility trends, are for roughly 15 billion. Once we factor in
available natural resources, energy reserves, and arable land, a world population of that size would
throw the majority of individuals living at that time into "absolute misery, poverty, disease, and
According to Prof. D. Schneider (2015), the one mistake people can make is to think that
having children will somehow make them happy or fulfilled. That does work for some couples,
but only those in the "right" frame of mind. Having children is not about what it does for parents,
and for those who value their freedom and abilities to spend money as they wish, to travel, etc.
may well be happier without kids. The culture tends to preach that not having children
(deliberately) is selfish, but a better way to look at it is that people understand themselves and
their values, and act accordingly -perhaps preferring what they are as opposed to the
uncertainties of children. Children can bring real joy to a couple, but that's not the purpose of
having them. Only if a couple is willing to make a real commitment sometimes to sacrifice their
own needs for their children's, of course, that in it can be a learning experience.
According to Barbara Fletcher (2014), “It’s a tough thing to say out loud: I’m a happy
non-mom. I grew up in an era where life’s end goal was to find wedded bliss and have a family,
and an awkward procreation question can still surface when meeting new people at parties.
Being a non-mom can feel peculiar when 99 percent of your friends are parents — and really
great ones: the kind of attentive, loving moms and dads who pour all of their energy into making
their children’s lives enriched and, well, pretty damned amazing. I suspect that I’m the kind of
person that married parents might not want to hear about: married, on the other side of 40,
childless and happy. Not happy because I am childless, but happy in my childless life.”
Conceptual Framework
This study was anchored to the concept of marriage by Rahim Shinwari (2011).
According to him, marriage is the approved social pattern whereby two to more persons establish
a family. It involves not only the right to conceive and rear children, but also a host of other
obligation and privileges affecting a good many people. Shinwari also said that one of the major
proposed that without these functions our whole social system would fail and would result in
many social problems. Then marriage alone has helped in maintaining high moral standards of
The purpose of the study was to explore the lived experiences of childless couples. The
whole process of data collection started with the listing of childless couples and getting the
informants’ permission to participate. In order to achieve the goal, the researchers needed to
gather data from the informants through a face-to-face interview and recorded accounts of
experiences simultaneously. The informants were asked one grand question followed by follow-
up questions. Through the gathered data, experiences of childless couples were extracted and
The following assumptions are formulated by the researchers for the study: (1) The
researchers assumed that childless couples have varied experiences in their years of childless
relationship (2) The informants will respond to the interview questions in an honest manner. (3)
The inclusion criteria of the sample are appropriate and therefore, assure the informants have
Informants. This study opens up an opportunity to reach out to the childless couples who needs
guidance and understanding. It serves as a gateway to express their concerns and possibly seek
emotional support.
Fellow Childless Couples. This study will let other childless couples know that they are not
alone and that other couples with the same case as them may also be experiencing the same
concerns. This gives those couples the sense of comfort and lessens the societal pressure they
Psychologists. This study is beneficial to the psychology society because it can help them
acquire ideas on how to tackle such case in their future clinical encounters, and family married
counseling sessions.
Public/Community. This study raises awareness towards public about the existing situation of
childless couples. This helps the society to have a better understanding and establish acceptance
Future Researchers. This study can serve as source of information for future researchers’
This study was focused on the lived experiences of childless couples. The research was
scope only to the childless couples from Claver, Province of Surigao del Norte. The researchers
limit the informants to five couples. Lastly, informants have to be childless for at least half a
decade or more. The study was conducted within the scope of Claver, Surigao del Norte,
Philippines culture and was applied best to people following the same culture and or to other
countries with somewhat similar culture as Philippines. The study only had 5 informants so there
was a chance that the information gathered may or may not coincide with the whole population.
Although stated during interview, any information not related to the topic will not be taken into
Definition of Terms
Childless Couples. Two people who are married or who have a romantic or sexual relationship
people but do not have any children (Longman Dictionary). In this study, the informants are the
childless couples. They are the main source of information for this study.
Infertility. Refers to inability to reproduce not able to reproduce not able to produce children
(Longman Dictionary). In this study, infertility refers to the type of childless couples chosen as
This chapter shows and presents the research method, informants, research instrument,
Research Design
descriptive phenomenological research design. The researchers found this method appropriate
because this study aims to explore the life of childless couples in Claver, Surigao del Norte.
The approach begins with expression and description by the childless couples of their lived
experience so that they share phenomenal story, according to Giorgi “life text” can be created.
The informants of this study are the selected childless couples- wife and husband in the
Municipality of Claver. In this study five informants were selected through purposive sampling.
The informants must be married for at least half a decade. Purposive sampling relies in the
The source of the data for this study is the interview process consisting of the face-to-face
interview and the recorded accounts of life experiences. In gathering the pertinent information
about the informants, a researcher-made interview guide which consist of a grand tour question
and follow up questions. The researchers made an interview guide that has beene validated by
The researchers have sent a letter of consent to the Dean of College of Health and
Sciences to conduct the study outside of the school premises. Next, letters of permission were
given to the childless couples. Upon approval, the researchers have personally administered the
questionnaires. The researchers used an audio and a video recorder during interview. During the
interview the researchers have been as non-directive as possible. On the first meeting, the
researchers made sure to get all the data that will answer the questions of the study. The
succeeding meetings were used for some clarifications and verifications of the researcher with
regards to the answers of the informants. The researchers made it to a point that the informants
Data Collection
Interview Process
Data Analysis
First step is to read the entire description in order to get the sense of the whole statement
by each informant. The researchers will thoroughly read the entire data to gain the sense of the
Second step is dividing the description: Establishing meaning units. The researchers will
discriminate the different unit or blocks that express a self-content meaning. The units will
divide by looking at the different key terms, aspects, attitudes or values that the researchers
expresses in the description. In this way, the researchers will be aware of the changes in topics
Third step is transforming the meaning units into a more psychological sensitive
expression. The researchers will state their own language in a simplified form. Using a mode of
psychological sensitivity means that the researchers intend to locate and elucidate the
The fourth and last step is determining the structure. The purpose of this procedure is
grounded in the phenomenological concept of parts and wholes. The constituents are to be
determined by viewing the transformations of all of the informants for the convergent meanings.
Still using imaginative variation, the researchers sees the shared meanings of the informants
Ethical Consideration
The researchers came up with this set of guidelines to ensure the privacy of the
informants. It will help secure the relationship between the researchers and the informants. The
The researchers will give a formal letter to the informants to certify that they are willing
to be part of the study, and that they were eager to answer questions regarding the research
The researchers will assure that the informants will not disclose informations to other
people, and that it will only reflect on the research paper and other research activities.
The researchers will ask permission to the informants to record the session so that the
The researchers will respect the emotions of the informants and will not discriminate the
The informants’ privacy will be protected and respected by the researchers. All
information about the informants will be kept confidential. The informants will feel free to
answer and comfortable throughout the conversation in answering the questions honestly and
All recorded data exposing the identity of the informants except pictures may not be
shown to anyone except the researcher upon requested by the informants to minimize the
exposure of their identity thus, maintaining confidentiality. Gathered data that do not coincide
with the main purpose of the study may not be included in the data analysis.
This chapter presents the results and discussions of this study. Results of the
analysis offer realizations about the lived experiences of the informants as childless couples
in the analysis of the data derived from the informants involving the four key steps. Moreover,
the categories had been determined to come up with a theme. All transcriptions were read
meaning units were extracted from the incidents relevant to the research phenomena. In addition,
concepts were constructed from the psychological meaning units and were arranged into
categories which then developed into themes. The results were incorporated into a rich and
From the interview transcripts or incidents, 244 meaning units were extracted
from the childless couples which evolved into the development of meaning units reflecting the
life of the informants. From these psychological meaning units, 32 concepts, 17 categories, and 7
themes were drawn from the informants’ narrative data (see Appendix H). Table 1 below
Table 1. Concepts, Categories and Themes Derived from the informants’ Transcription
G3 G is affected by CHALLENGES:
seeing her pregnant Experiencing Undergoing
colleagues difficulties as a Struggles trials and
G4 G is jealous of her childless problems in the
pregnant colleagues couple life of
The concepts describe explicitly the life of childless couples. It shows the lived
couples, about how their condition affects their relationship. It can also uncover their personal
show that it is not easy and that is the time for them to realized that they need to work harder in
preserving their sworn relationship. Table 1, illustrates the sample of the first emergent theme
surfaced from different categories, concepts and meaning units (see Appendix H).
Table 2. Theme 1. CHALLENGES: Undergoing trials and problems in the life of childlessness;
Concepts, Categories, and Themes Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G3 G is affected by
seeing her pregnant
G4 G is jealous of her CHALLENGES:
pregnant colleagues Experiencing Undergoing
G11 G experienced that on difficulties as a Struggles trials and
the first 5 years of childless problems in the
their marriage couple life of
A6 A is jealous because childlessness
of fear of losing his
B4 B thinks that
medicine directly
affects pregnancy
B6 B thinks that fatigue
is not the excuse
B7 B thinks that
miscarriage is caused
by the entrance of
external heat into the
B8 B thinks that a
stopper cannot shield
the body from heat
N21 N encountered an
opportunity to resort
to adoption
N50 N experienced societal
N54 N experienced being
mocked by other
N22 N thinks they are
obliged to adopt
A14 A’s wife was affected
by rumors
B35 B is emotional
towards negative Trials
rumors Societal
B36 B thinks rumors make pressure
them look like
failures because of
their condition
N45 N is challenged by CHALLENGES:
societal pressure Undergoing
chose to accept it than trials and
to feel stressed. problems in the
N48 Society thinks that N life of
prioritized their house childlessness
N51 N hides their true
feeling in front of
other people
N52 N thinks people
wouldn’t understand
their shortcomings
N53 N want to keep some
things private
A48 A questions the
choice of childfree
B1 B points the blame on
cooking bingka
B16 B states that their first
and second child have
indenial, and
the same fate Denial
B31 B is worried for the
expense of having her
wife’s uterus cleaned
O6 O didn’t try other
ways to have a child
Table 2 shows Theme 1: CHALLENGES: Undergoing trials and problems in the life of
childlessness. This theme was formulated based from the categories struggles, trials, and denial.
The childless couples’ response said based from the raw data presented in the appendix E that
they experienced difficulties in their life as childless couples and encountered struggles, trials,
and developed certain defense mechanism to protect themselves and pressures. Table 2,
illustrates the sample of the first emergent theme surfaced from different categories, concepts,
being childless.
“Our experiences… at first, in the first few years of our marriage, I said to myself that I
will get pregnant. Then, whenever I see my colleagues getting pregnant, I often pity
myself. I often think, “Why just them?” I did my best, and even have regular consultation
“The only factor that causes conflict between us is jealousy since we don’t have children.
Before, I get jealous maybe because I’m afraid of losing her.” A4-A6
“I told her, “What a waste! 4 months? 3 months? It’s also because of the medicine. I can’t
“We were just waiting patiently, that someday, God will allow us to have one. We also
want to have children… Being childless has sometimes affected our relationship.” O7-O9
“When we think about our past experiences, it was lonely because we were not able to
conceive a child. It was sad to think that we don’t have someone to play with. We were
Sally Robertson, BSc (2015) stated that infertility has many potential causes, which may
involve the man, the woman or both partners. In some cases, no cause of the problem can be
determined, in which case the infertility is described as “unexplained.” Of the causes that are
known, the most common among women are irregular ovulation, endometriosis and blockage of
the fallopian tubes. Among men, the most common cause is a sperm disorder.
Infertility represents a major crisis for most couples, with both partners experiencing loss
in ways that affect them as individuals, as family members and as members of society as a
whole. Examples of these losses include: Loss of the experience of pregnancy and birth; Loss of
opportunity to pass on family genetics; Loss of chance to contribute to the next generation; Loss
of chance to parent or become a grandparent; Low self-worth and self-esteem; Loss of family
stability; Loss of sense of control over destiny; Loss of sense of hope for the future; and Loss of
work productivity
Infertility can have a highly negative impact on self-esteem, with individuals who
previously had successful and well-planned lives, suddenly feeling they have lost control of their
destiny. A combination of the body failing to respond as expected, a sense that life has been put
on hold and having to face the disappointment of failure to conceive month after month, can
needs as a childless couple. This theme was formulated based from the categories conflicts, and
self- preservation acts. These two categories conflict, and self- preservation acts were
experienced and portrayed by the childless couples and resulted to discord. Table 3, illustrates
the sample of the second emergent theme surfaced from different categories, concepts and
something, the reason of having conflicts of the childless couples was discord or lack of
“But my husband was quite picky. He said, “I don’t like those kids because we don’t
know their background.” but my husband told me, “Let’s pass Ding, who knows which
bloodline that child came from, for all we know that kid might be from the bloodline of
crazy people.” We wouldn’t know. I tried to convince him that it’s a case to case bases. I
“The only factor that causes conflict between us is jealousy. since we don’t have
children. Her jealousy may be fueled by other people’s rumors saying I should just find
another woman or resort to adoption if my wife couldn’t provide me a child” A4-A5, A14
“It’s not my fault, it’s hers. I told her, “What a waste! 4 months? 3 months? It’s also
because of the medicine.” B10-B28
Lise Brix (2014) stated that when couples go to fertility treatment, they usually come
with a burning desire to have a baby. If this wish cannot be fulfilled, the couple has a far greater
risk of becoming divorced than couples whose fertility treatment results in baby, according to a
new study of 47,515 Danish women in fertility treatment. The new study shows that childless
couples have an increased risk of leaving each other up to 12 years after they first contacted a
Sally Robertson, BSc (2015) stated that Infertility generally refers to a failure to become
pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. The clinical definition of “regular”
After one year of regular sex, approximately 84% of couples will have conceived
naturally, with this figure rising to 92% after two years and to 93% after three years. After three
years of not conceiving, the likelihood of a couple achieving pregnancy in the following year
falls to 25% or less. About one in seven couples in the UK have difficulty conceiving, which
Table 4. Theme 3. ACCEPTANCE: Willing to take challenges through attuning with each other;
Concepts, Categories, and Themes Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G22 G finally gave up and
face the truth
G26 G’s wish ended there
G23 G has no regrets and Accepting ACCEPTANCE:
kept her faith strong failure and Willing to take
G37 G gave up on problems in Endure challenges
adoption and resorted the relationship through attuning
to taking care of their with each other
nephews and nieces
G39 G lost all hope and just
let time to pass by
A7 A realized that he
musn’t be jelous
considering the
faithfulness of his
A47 A respects the Willing to take
individuality of other challenges
people through attuning
N43 N thinks that if it is with each other
not given to them, it
is not meant to be.
N63 N thinks that if you
can’t accept the truth, Adjusting for
you can’t be truly each other’s Flexibility
happy sake
N70 N respects the
childfree couples’
G23 G has no regrets and
kept her faith strong
G51 G is not guilty
G56 G thinks that wives
like her didn’t chose
to be in that condition
A7 A realized that he
musn’t be jelous
considering the
faithfulness of his
A47 A respects the
individuality of other
B18 B and his wife Adjusting for
decided to stop trying each other’s
after 9 years sake
N43 N thinks that if it is ACCEPTANCE:
not given to them, it Flexibility Willing to take
is not meant to be. challenges
N70 N respects the through attuning
childfree couples’ with each other
G37 G gave up on
adoption and resorted
to taking care of their Resorting to
nephews and nieces other options
B17 B gave up and
resorted to searching
for a job
with each other. This theme was formulated based from the categories endure, and flexibility.
These two categories endure and flexibility transpired in the life of childless couples in their
acceptance. Table 5 illustrates the sample of the third emergent theme surfaced from different
“That’s when I finally gave up, because no matter what I say, it’s impossible to bear a
child without a uterus. So that was it, but I wasn’t regretful though, because I wasn’t my
“but then I realized, “why would I be jealous when her faithfulness is obvious and
prominent?” In my part, It doesn’t affect our relationship because we accepted the reality
“We’ve tried many ways for her to get pregnant. But as much as possible do your best
“Our way of coping up is to appreciate each other. Although we don’t have children, we
Neff and Beretvas (2012) stressed that self-compassionate individuals can to a large
extent meet needs for comfort, kindness, and belonging. They should be more able to grant their
partners more freedom in their relationship without being overly controlling. At the same time,
the open-hearted, connected stance of self-compassion should facilitate the display of caring
experience should also soften defensive tendencies, allowing for greater mutual acceptance
One person alone cannot make a relationship work. Both partners have to want it
to work and be willing to work on it. Each must have the same goal and each must try to achieve
that goal. On must allow each other to grow and change and not restrictions or rules on each
other to force acceptance or one’s own principles or beliefs. Partners must accept one another “as
Table 5. Theme 4. CONQUER: Surmounting problems through asking God’s guidance and
doing their best by facing the challenges; Concepts, Categories, and Themes Derived from the
Informants’ Transcript
G17 G believes in God’s
A38 A advices to pray
A39 A surrenders their
fate to God and wants
to resort to taking
care of their nephew
and nieces
A41 A thinks prayer is
essential despite the Praying to God Praying to God
O11 O advises couples
like them to just pray
O14 O believes that CONQUER:
everything is Surmounting
according to God’s problems
plan through asking
N30 N thinks everything is God’s
according to God’s guidance and
plan doing their
G13 G still waited best by facing
G12 G remained hopeful the challenges
and waited Staying hopeful
A26 A’s doctor convinced and patient
them to never lose
G15 G found hope when Patience
she knew she can still
get pregnant with just
one ovary Perseverance
A19 A tried their best
A33 A and his wife strived
even more
guidance and doing their best by facing the challenges. This theme was formulated based from
the categories praying to God, patience, and overcome. The three categories according to the
childless couples were modes of surmounting hardships that comes along their lives. Overcome
is to successfully deal with something difficult. Table 5 illustrates the sample of fourth emergent
theme surfaced from different categories; concepts and meaning units (see Appendix H).
For the next 6-10 years… I was still hopeful of getting pregnant, I still waited.That’s it, I
still waited. But they say that, women can still get regnant even with just one functioning
ovary. This aside, I still believe that if it is God’s will that I get pregnant, then I will.
“The doctor told us to never lose faith and always pray. And so around 2016 we were
“We were pressured by the people around us, but we didn't mind them.” What can we do
Noreen Mokuau (1991) reiterated that Filipinos have a deep faith in God and an innate
religiosity that enables them to accept reality in terms of God’s will. This faith can be seen in
their ability to accept failure without their sense of self being destroyed. Filipino faith related to
the concept of “bahala na,” which tends to be incorrectly equated with an “expression of
Mokuau (1991) stated that the Filipino sense of joy and humor is evident in their
optimistic approach to life and its travails. Being able to laugh at themselves and their
predicament is an important coping mechanism for Filipinos. The result is emotional balance,
adaptability, and creativity was manifested in Filipinos’ ability to adjust to circumstances and to
Table 6. Theme 5. COMMITMENT: Building a strong relationship through spending time with
each other and helping one another and sticking to their goal; Concepts, Categories, and
Themes Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G45 G is confident of her COMMITMENT:
faithfulness Building a strong
G48 G did not give in to Avoiding relationship
the temptation of cheating through spending
cheating time with each
A17 A is not affected by Faithfulness other and helping
rumors one another and
A2 A doesn’t consider Loving the partner sticking to their
money as a thing to despite the goal
argue about
with each other and helping one another and sticking to their goal. This theme was formulated
based from the categories faithfulness, and decisiveness. The category faithfulness was used I
terms of avoiding the act of cheating or giving in to temptation. Decisiveness is the commitment
to their duty as a couple to build what they believe is an acceptable form of relationship; it also
refers to doing their best and never giving up. Table 6 illustrates the samples of the fifth
emergent theme surfaced from different categories; concepts and meaning units (see Appendix
“Some couples are prone to temptations leading to cheating fueled by the urge to have
children, but in our case in God’s mercy we did not end up like them. Despite being
“We tried our best to conceive a child. Yes, we even went to Cebu for check-up.” A19-
relationship satisfaction, and is increase when individual invest important or numerous resources
in the relationship. One such resource is the amount of time that the partners have devoted to the
Mokauau (1991) emphasized that for Filipinos, the family is the source of one’s personal
identity and emotional support and is the focus of one’s primary duty and commitment.
Table 7. Theme 6. SATISFACTION: Accepting the situation of being a childless couple in order
to be contented; Concepts, Categories, and Themes Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
A30 A’s relationship
wasn’t affected by
their condition
Staying strong
A36 A’s sex life wasn’t
affected by their
A43 A advices to just love Self- Accepting the
their partners and stay awareness situation of being
together Contentment a childless couple
O2 O prefers in order to be
understanding in their contented
N49 N didn’t mind the Understanding
pressure since they each other’s
did their best flaws
couple in order to be contented. This theme was formulated based from the categories
contentment, preparedness. The category contentment refers to how the couples cope from their
loss by being happy of what they have, thus being contented. Preparedness refers to how the
childless couples worries about their future thus plans ahead and visualize what to expect
considering their condition. Table 7 illustrates the sample of the sixth emergent theme surfaced
from different categories; concepts and meaning units (see Appendix H).
Satisfaction defined as the act of providing what is needed or desired. In this study it
meant being contented of what they have by looking on the bright side.
If it really is God’s will for you to not be able to have children, then you should just take
“But we didn’t mind it, we’ll just try our best.” N49
Cordova et al., (2005) stressed that due to high relationship satisfaction typical for both
partners to disclose to each other emotionally, to trust and share emotional pain with each other,
are able to communicate to their needs, and have a feeling of being understood in relationship.
Sprecher & Hendrick (2004) emphasized that relationship satisfaction can also be
measured by the emotional disclosure within the relationship. Self-disclosure is the process of
Table 8. Theme 7. LOVE: Cultivating a deeper sense of intimacy; Concepts, Categories, and
Themes Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G52 G is relieved to think
that her husband is Staying
faithful faithful to
A1 A rarely agues with each other
his wife
G55 G thinks that
childless couples like LOVE:
them should Cultivating a
understand each other deeper sense of
A24 A and his wife are intimacy
meant for each other
A32 A’s relationship stood Understanding
strong each other
A44 A thinks whoever
rettires first can take
care of the other
O16 O respects the choice
of other couples to
stay childless
Table 8 shows Theme 7: LOVE: Cultivating a deeper sense of intimacy. This theme was
formulated based from the categories strong relationship, and bonding. These two categories
strong relationship and bonding were two fundamental attributes in love. Strong relationship is
the way two people were strongly connected. Bonding is developing a close emotional
connection with another person. Table 8 illustrates the samples of the seventh theme surfaced
from different categories, concepts and meaning units (see Appendix H).
Love is an intense feeling of deep affection that is hard to sum up in word. It can also be
“For other childless couples with the same situation as us, all I could say is… please
“Our experiences as a childless couple? My wife and I never really quarrel and we don’t
Mokuau (1991) stressed that the family orientation of Filipinos is evident in their
possesions of a deep and sincere love for not only spouse, children, parents, and siblings but also
for other relatives such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Concerns for one’s family is
expressed in the honor and respects bestowed on parents and other relatives, the care provided
for children, and the sacrifices that one is willing to endure for the family.
Table 9. Thematic Map of the Study Emerged from the Emergent Themes
Themes Categories
childlessness DENIAL
of intimacy BONDING
Probing further on the meaning of the seven existing emergent themes, this global theme
emerged: Into the Life of Childless Couples: Strengthening the Relationship through Facing the
Trials and Hardships and Prevailing with Love. The couples’ response based from their
experiences shows that the challenges and trials brought by being childless and love made their
relationship stronger. Childlessness brought about challenges and trials unto the couples. In
childlessness, there were instances that conflicts, and misunderstanding could be encountered.
Through commitment to one another all obstacles can be overcome by the guidance of God and
by exerting effort of the couples. In addition, love made them satisfied and contented with each
The study investigates the life of childless couples in the Municipality of Claver. The
researchers’s objectives were to explore the life of childless couples, to know the reason behind
their condition, to know their principles and belief towards beling childless and to inform the rest
of the society about the real situation the childless couples really are in. As a phenomenological
Five childless couples were considered informants in this study. They were identified
based from the criteria and objective of the study. They were identified using the urposive
random sampling.
244 meaning units were extracted from the childless couples which evolved into the
development of meaning units reflecting the experiences of the informants. From these meaning
units, 32 concepts, 17 categories, and 7 themes were drawn from the informants’ narrative data
According to Maslow & Frager (1987), every human being has different levels of needs
and wants. It consists of physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness, need for
The researchers’ result from the gathered data of the informants, the childless couples
were not satisfied with their needs as a couple at first because of those challenges, difficulties,
and trials and so on but they moved to the level of love and belongingness because they have
overcome those challenges by means of acceptance of the problems, commitment and love in
their relationship, acceptance of the situation as a childless couple, exerting effort and by God’s
According to Sternberg (1986), the theory of lve describes three different scales of love:
by suffering and love; and commitment is characterized to have contract or marriage. There are
different stages and types of love, liking, infatuated love, empty love, romantic love,
In relation to this study, childless couples fell in romantic love with intimacy, passion,
commitment and marriage but their relationship was affected by their being childlesnes since
they consider have children to be essential in a functional married relationship. Knowing about
these components of love may help couples avoid conflicts in their relationship.
Theme 1: CHALLENGES: Undergoing trials and problems in the life of childlessness and
couple would answer the grand tour question. “What are your Experiences as a childless
childlessness. This theme was formulated based from the categories struggles, trials, and defense
mechanism. The childless couples’ response said based from the raw data presented in the
appendix E that they experienced difficulties in their life as childless couples and encountered
struggles, trials, and developed certain defense mechanism to protect themselves and pressures.
For the Childless couples, societal pressure is one of the main factors leading for the
problem to arise in their relationship. The couples were affected by this pressure hence
disrupting the balance in their relationship. The couples tend to resort to defensive act to regain
Another factor is having medical problems. This condition turned their efforts into false
hope. At some point, the couples used this handicap to strive harder for the sake of the
being childless.
childless couple would answer the grand tour question. This theme was formulated based
from the categories conflicts, and defense mechanism. These two categories conflict, and defense
mechanism were experienced and portrayed by the childless couples and resulted to discord.
The participants showed unpleasant behaviors towards each other like doubting their faith
and blaming each other for their condition. Misunderstanding is the failure to understand
something and usually minor argument. The informants’ misunderstandings were the reason for
something, the reason of having conflicts of the childless couples was discord or lack of
Theme 4: CONQUER: Surmounting problems through asking God’s guidance and doing
their best by facing the challenges and Theme 5: COMMITMENT: Building a strong relationship
through spending time with each other and helping one another and sticking to their goal would
answer the first follow-up question. “Have you tried methods to break away from being
doing their best by facing the challenges. This theme was formulated based from the categories
praying to God, patience, and overcome. The three categories according to the childless couples
were modes of surmounting hardships that comes along their lives. Overcome is to successfully
from experiences.
with each other and helping one another and sticking to their goal. This theme was formulated
based from the categories faithfulness, and decisiveness. The category faithfulness was used I
terms of avoiding the act of cheating or giving in to temptation. Decisiveness is the commitment
to their duty as a couple to build what they believe is an acceptable for of relationship, it also
childless couple will answer the second follow-up question. “Is being childless affecting your
childless couple. This theme was formulated based from the categories conflicts, and defense
mechanism. These two categories conflict, and defense mechanism were experienced and
The participants showed unpleasant behaviors towards each other like doubting their faith
and blaming each other for their condition. Misunderstanding is the failure to understand
something and usually minor argument. The informants’ misunderstandings were the reason for
something, the reason of having conflicts of the childless couples was discord or lack of
Theme 3: ACCEPTANCE: Willing to take challenges through attuning with each other,
Theme 5: COMMITMENT: Building a strong relationship through spending time with each other
and helping one another and sticking to their goal, Theme 6: SATISFACTION: Accepting the
situation of being a childless couple in order to be contented, and Theme 7: LOVE: Cultivating a
deeper sense of intimacy would answer the third follow-up question. “What can you say/advice
to couples with the same condition as you? To barren couples? To Childfree couples?”
other. This theme was formulated based from the categories endure, and flexibility. These two
categories endure and flexibility transpired in the life of childless couples in their acceptance.
with each other and helping one another and sticking to their goal. This theme was formulated
based from the categories faithfulness, and decisiveness. The category faithfulness was used I
terms of avoiding the act of cheating or giving in to temptation. Decisiveness is the commitment
to their duty as a couple to build what they believe is an acceptable for of relationship, it also
order to be contented. This theme was formulated based from the categories contentment,
preparedness. The category contentment refers to how the couples cope from their loss by being
happy of what they have, thus being contented. Preparedness refers to how the childless couples
worries about their future thus plans ahead and visualize what to expect considering their
Satisfaction defined as the act of providing what is needed or desired. In this study it
meant being contented of what they have by looking on the bright side.
4. Theme 7: LOVE: Cultivating a deeper sense of intimacy. This theme was formulated
based from the categories strong relationship, and bonding. These two categories strong
relationship and bonding were two fundamental attributes in love. Strong relationship is the way
two people were strongly connected. Bonding is developing a close emotional connection with
another person.
Love is an intense feeling of deep affection that is hard to sum up in word. It can also be
Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusion is drawn:
The childless couples are strengthening the relationship through facing the trials and
hardships and prevailing with love for they encountered challenges and trials in their
relationship, experienced misunderstanding between the two of theme, faced all the challenges
together, conquered all there trials and obstacles in their relationship, built a strong bond to make
their relationship last, accepted and understood each others misfortunes, and lastly shared their
In the light of the foregoing findings and conclusions, the following implications were
The Couples. The findings of the study would help them attain sympathy and support
from other people and from their loved ones, and the acceptance of the society.
To the society. The findings of this study would enlighten the society of the possible
The teachers. The findings of the study would encourage them to give additional insights
and learning for explaining to the students clearly on the possible outcomes and cause of being a
childless couple. This is essential since students may get married in the future and may
experience the same fate, they will be able to prepare for the possibility hence plan ahead on how
Psychology students. The findings of this study would help them in understanding new
knowledge and ideas in the field of psychology in relation to the life of childless couples
School Administration. The findings of the study would be helpful to the school
Future Researchers. The outcomes of the study would serve as a future reference to those
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Keith E. Davis, Ph. D. The Relationship Rating Form (RRF) Retrieve from:
Lise Brix (2014) Childless couples have more divorces: Couples who receive treatment for
fertility problems are up to three times more likely to end in divorce if they fail to
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Rachel Gurevich (2016) , “15 Signs Infertility Has Hijacked Your Life” Retrieve from:
Rhiannon and Holly (2013) “Why is the happily childless woman seen as the unicorn of
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November 3, 2017
The undersigned are presently conducting a research study entitled: “Into the life of childless couples.” This
research is a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree on Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
With your expertise, the researchers are humbly asking your permission to validate the attached research documents
containing transformed meaning units, which will be used in the study. Whatever comments and suggestions you
may give to improve the said document will be highly appreciated..
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Approved by:
Statement of the Purpose: The study will explore the life of childless couples
Grand-tour Question:
(Uno may ijo mga kaagi isip isa ka mag-asawa na wayay anak?)
Follow-up Questions:
1. Have you tried methods to break away from being childless? If yes, which methods? If no,
(Nagtesting ba kamo nan mga pamaagi para magka-anak? Kun oo, uno man na mga
(Naapektohan ba nan ijo pagka-wayay anak an ijo relasyon isip isa ka mag-tiajon? Kun oo,
sa uno na pamaagi?)
3. What can you say/advice to couples with the same condition as you? To barren couples? To
Childfree couples?
Spokesperson: Wife
Uma’y ato mga kaagi Ben? Hehehe huyat anay… Ag among kaagi… Sa permero pa
kuan, first years sa paminjo nag-laong gajod ko na makabdos. Tapos, makakita gani ko’g
mangabdos na mga kaibanan na mga maistra, magself-pity ko. Laong ko, “Nah! Uman sila
raman? Ag ako, grabi na naho’gpaajon-ajon, balik-balik na ko’g doctor, waya man gihapon ko
One time diadto na ya na ko nag-mens, mga… Kuan mga five… Eight days na siguro ‘to,
laong ko, “Basi’g amo na ni!” Aw waya gajod! Mura’g niabot na ug ten days! Mao ‘to… Sus
pagka eleven, hinay-hinay na ko maglakaw, giingnan man gani ko ni ma’am Enaldo nga, “Ding,
kabdos ka?” Waya ko magsaba, “Dili man ma’am.” Pero waya na ko nagsaba. Pagka ika-eleven
days… Nagmens man ko! Nah! Nafrustrate nasab ko! Pero dili ko magestorya sa mga kaiban, an
ako ra, kay basig kun… Kuan-kuanon ko nila ba, amo adto na… First five years gajod to.
Next, another kuan 6-10 years… Hopeful gihapon ko diadto na magkabdos ko. Yan na,
sige ra lamang ko’g paabot. Human diadtong 10 years nilabay, kuan ra… Plus! Naoperahan na
dajon ko, Permero sa ovary, sa right ovary, so mura ra og kanang… wa na’y chance, mura’g
gamay rakan an chance na manganak kay... pero laong sila, naa man kuno’y uban na bisag isa
rakan ka ovary… manganak. Para sa aho na case… kay mura’g dili man kun… kung sa lupa pa
dili kun taba na lupa- kaitan, kinahanglan gajod og kanang fertilizer. So ako nilaong, “sige ra
Imbis na operahan ko og sa right ovary- after pag-opera naho niabot ko og 9 years gikan
pag-opera sa right ovary, nagkaproblema nasab ako sa ako uterus o bahay-bata- ang cyst nikanat.
Mao to pag… kay yearly man gajod ko magpacheck-up sa Cebu, didto nakita ni Dr. Abalos na
daghan na’y ahong cyst nan aka-kuan sa ako uterus. Mao to na… no choice na kay nilaong man
si doktora na, “kuhaon namn natu gajod ni kay dili naman…” Gikuha rakan gajod tanan. So
didto na ko nihunong kay bisag unhon pa naku paglaong ko na, “Manganak gajod,” di naman
kay ya namay kapuy-an sa bata. Na wa na, pero waya sab ko nagmahay kay dili man na kun amo
pag-buot, Ija man, kay kun ako’y magbuot gani, sauna mulaong ako, “Kun ako’y maminjo, ako
bata lima kabuok para bibo!” Amo ako ambisyon. So ang nahitabo, an lima nahimong zero.
human ato, daghay mag-offer sa amo mag…kanang adopt, pero kining akong bana arang
kapilian isahay, mulaong sija, “Nah! Dili ko Diana kay wa ta kabayo sa background ana. May
gajod nanawag sa ako taga Cantilan na, “Jari bata diri adapa!” kay lajo lagi kuno. Laong sab si
Ruben na, “Di lamang ta Ding, basi kun kanin-o jaon kaliwatan, basi kun kaliwat jaon nan mga,
jaon ba mga lang-on ta lamang na kaliwatan nan boangon.” Dili man natu mahibaw-an. Ok ra
kun… Amo dajon to laong ko na, “Nah, sagdi ra sab lamang Ben kay, basig swertehan baja ta!”
Kay aho sab to sa iya gishare tong sa didto pa ako sa Cantilan nagskwela may ija kuan kanang
Engineer sija sa kanang CPA, way ila anak ba. Nangadopt sila og kanang bata na gikan gajod sa
manila na waya hibay-I kung kinsay ginikanan. Pagkahuman, tagpaskuyla kinta nila siyempre
buhos man gajod sa mga panginahanglanon kay sija raman, waya pa may sauna uso an computer,
ang ijang room puno ma’g mga libro, mini library gajod tan-awon nimu, pero grabi gajod sija ka-
Amo to nilaong ko na… ahong giestorya sa ija, “Pero dili man tanan Ben,” laong gani si
Dr. Abalos naa raman kuno sa ato, kay kita man an nagpadako. Naa po’y akong madunggan na
mga adopted na, mura na noon sila og kanang, kung makabalo na gani na adopted sila, mura sila
nan kanang magrebelde, magkaproblema nasab nuon ka. “Sagdi rakan Lord,” naa may sab pag-
umangkon naku basta ok sab lamang imo dealng sa ilaa dili sab ka kun indifferent sa ila na dili
nimu sila kanhi-kanhion, mulook-up raman siguro gihapon na kun matiguyang ta, di pud ta
Mao to na wa na jud ko na ‘ya na! Hangtod niabot na lamang ko’g kuan ni-edad na ko’g
45. Pag-abot gajod og 50, wan a gajod, dili na ko mangadopt kay tiguwang na ko. Pero last gajod
nay nianhi diri, laong ko na, “Nay,di na man ko pwedi, di na an gani ko kaangot magbilar, na
kung nay batang gamay masakit, magbilar man ka.” Dili na gajod ako. Ya na ni-end gajod an ako
kuan di na.
Naapektohan ba nan amo pagka-wayay anak an amo relasyon? Inday… sa… inday kang
Ruben sa part sa ako, murag wa’ man ko apektohi. Kuan man prone kanang iban bitaw mag…
mangabit, maghanap og anak, pero kintahay kaluoy sa Diyos, i-ampo gajod lamang nimo na, kay
naa man gajo’y diha mga temtasyon nimo… Bisang way kinta amo anak, way lamang mga
estorya ba nga sugilanon na kabit kay nanginahanglan sija og anak. Sa ako, ok ra ako kay dili
man mulaong na ya man di, sa ako mulaong man gajod ako na aya man naku tujoa nay a ko
kaanak. Kun tagtujo siguro namu na dili manganak ako mismo ma-guilty ko, nakay dili man ko
guilty, kun sa ija sab, kaluoy sa Diyos faithful man sab sija. Inday lamang sab kinta kay waya
kita kabayo… hehehe sa ako ra, di man mi iban sa tanan panahon, inday lamang sa ija.
An ako malaong sa iban nga parehas namo na kahimtang, magsinabtanay rakan kamo.
Parehas sa ako na akoy depektado, magsinabtanay rakan kay in the first place dili man nato
tinuyoan, kinsa ma’y gajod mag-minjo na dili magkinahanglan nan anak? An ako malaong sa
mga di gajod gusto magka-anak, kuan kanang self-centered ra sila, dili sila mu-share og
blessings. Basta magminjo kinahanglan gajod magka-anak mintras kaya, kay kalipay man nijo an
Spokesperson: Husband
Kaagi namu sa ako asawa, sa amu gajud di gajud kami mag-away, dili kami mag-away sa
kwarta, kay murag ang kwarta sa amu kay dili murag ok ra tapos. Kun mag-away kami dili sa
kwarta… mag-away kami jaon selos-selos ra, isa sab siguro jaon kay waya may bata lagi namu.
Ako sauna magselos ko kay kuybaan ko pero narealize naku na uman magselos man ako na
nakita man naku na waya sija nagbinuang, tapus nareverse nasab sija nasab hinua an nagselos sa
2004 man mi ge-kasal mga 5 years siguro magselos pa ako jaon sa ija kay bata pa man lagi sija
sa ako. Manghud ko raman sija nan 11 years… So pagabot sa punto na nakasabot sab ako 6 years
pataas amo sab jaon magselos sab lagi sija sa ako… Hamok man sab lagi estorya-estorya na,
adto sa lain kun di kaw kaanak sa imo asawa didto kaw sa lain ug pang-adopt rakan… Oo amu
jaon mga estorya-estorya sa mga silingan namu... Pero dili jaon bahala kon dili… ayang-ayang
magpakamatay kami kun way amo bata… bahala na kun amoy abtan namu sa amu pagka-
pagpacheck-up namu didto laong gajod ang doctor na makaanak kami duha, puro lamang
gajod… kibali ako sperm sakto sa kahamukon pero weak lamang sija, ang ija sab kuno ovary ba
tawag jaon… or eggcell pagsaka kuno sa ako spermcell pagsugat sa ija eggcell jaoy kuno
nakaharang tungod sa ija kadakuon… taba ba sa ilayom… nagkapares gajud kami… kay kung
Laong ang doctor , “iagi lamang sa ampo na maka-anak ra lagi mo”… Mga 2016
nikabdos anay sija after 11 years na kabdos sija 3 months napunit mao to siya, saying gajod…
Waya maka-apekto sa amo relasyon ang wayay anak pero ambot lamang sa iban… amo ra
gihapon amo paghinigugmaay. Naningkamot na nuon kami… kay mabutang man samo
hunahuna na waya rabay amo bata. Kailangan gajod nato na jaoy ato kwarta kay pag-abot na
matiguyang ta, kay majaw ra lamang jaoy mag-silbi... among sex-life amo ra gajod gihapon. Ako
mahikalaong sa pareho sako na sitwasyon na gusto magka-anak… kuan siguro ako madvice
Kun dili itugot sab sa Ginoo na dili kamo hatagan ug bata mamahimo man sab siguro na
nimo itabang sa imong mga pag-umangkon kay siguro man gajod ug ma-feel nimo na motabang
sila sa imo pakatiguyang... kun may bata o waya basta ampo ra lamang gajod siguro. Kun sa mga
magti-ajon na maingnan na gajod ng doctor na waya na gajoy chance. An ako gajod mahilaong
na higugmaon gajod nila ila partner kay kuan, magstick-to-one rakan gajod kay total kun sin-oy
mauna jaon musilbi ang isa ang mabilin sa isa mo silbi man gajod pundar kaw sa imo pag-
umangkon. Jaon magtiayon nga tagpili nila na dili mag-kaanak gikan pag menyo. Jaon siguro
makalaong gajod siguro mga tawo gajod lahi na panghuna-huna siguro. Uman mupili man sila na
way anak o bata kagana ratun may bata, treasure gud tun.
Spokesperson: Husband
An amo kaagi, ini namn laging pagluto-luto, gumikan lagi sa pagluto-luto pagbingka, isa
sab naku kakuanan inin lain ato lawas tapos mutumar, syempre an tablitas jaon adto sa ija tijan.
Dili man kun laong ta jaon na an kinabdosan dili kun lain na tablitas an magdaya. Irelax ra kuan
kalma ra ba dili kun laong na pasmo jaon sija na syempre mapunit gajod jaon sija kay an
kalangka adto sa ija tijan kun magluto. Bisan mugamit pa sija nan stopper musibaw gihapon an
kalangka. Kaduha na mahitabo, amo ra gihapon, uno pa may ato mahimo? Di kun ako sajop,
sajop nija!
17 years na kami minjo. Nagtesting na kami nan lain pamaagi para makaanak. Di man
kun laong na ako’y daot! Nakabata man gani ako sa manila- isa sa lain na baji. Kun buhi pa an
amo maguyangi, amo na jaon kan tiya Lalay EJ. Pagka ika-duha, ya gihapon na ya na, nanarbaho
rakan ako nan ako. 9 years na since nisuko kami sa pagtesting. Sa pagkakuman, amo na gajod
desisyon na di rakan musuway na magkaanak kay amo ra man gihapon mapunit ra man.
matiguyang kami, simay sa amo mualalay? Amoy jaon tagalong naku sa ija, “ jaon na sa imo,
ikaw, di kaw mag-amping sa imo lawas, ako nag-amping ako nan ako!” Nanarbaho gud ko, jaon
ija luto-luto abag-abag ra man jaon, di gajod mamati. Jaon trabahoa dali raman jaon, amo jaon ija
kada adlaw ikonsomo, mas ipalabon man gud nija an trabaho kaysa pag-amping sa ija lawas- nah
kaduha lagi kapuniti. Laong ko, “kasayang,” 4 months? 3 months? Tablitas ra’y nagdaya. Waya
Naway-an na sab sija nan paglaom, kay an ija matres niubos na. gusto man gani naku na
ipalimpyo nakay madak-an naman sab. Permi bitaw naku jaon sija sagdahon pero di gajod
mamati. Mulaong man an mga tawo na ako kuno an daot, pero umay pagkadaot naku na nakabuo
gani, napunit lamang. Isahay masakitan sab kita inin ipanlaong sa mga tawo kay amora naman
hinuon kita ini nan inutil sanglit ra kay wayay anak. Di sab mi ganahan mangampon kay kanin-o
An malaong naku sa mga parihas namu na kaso, palihog ra pag-amping sa ijo lawas kay
jaon ra na sa baji kun mag-amping sija, maglikay nan mga tumar-tumar sanan stress. Sa mga
iban sab na baog na gajod gikan sugod, dawaton rakan an kamatuoran na waya gajod aw pagbuot
na jaon sa Ginoo pero mintras kaya pa, ariglar ra gajod sa lawas. Di ko mutuo na jaoy di ganahan
Spokesperson: Husband
Kaagi namu isip mag-asawa na way anak... Ang amu na lamang is mag kasinabtanay ra
lamang bisan way amu anak sana dili kami mag buyag. Jaoy mga preasure sab sa amu na sinati
sa iban na mga tawo.. Pero waya ra lamang namu tag- mind… waya sab kami mo testing nan
mga pamaagi para mag-kaanak , nag paabot ra lamang sab kami kung hatagan nan Ginoo.
Gusto sab namu mag kaanak... maka apekto sab sa amu relasyun usahay an pagkaway
anak labi na kay mag katiguyang ta syempre adto mn gajud ta mapasingod tas mag katiguyang
Ang ma-advice naku sa pareho sab sa amo ba sitwasyon is “mag ampo ra lamang sa
ginoo”… ug sa mga tawo nga ni suko na or na ug paglaom, an ako lamang ma advice
bisan pa ug waya sila hatagi ug anak mag iban gihapun sila bisag magka-unsa… padajun ra
lamang kun amoy plano sa… Ako ka advice sa way gajud plano na magkaanak sagud
pa… Para sa ako ok ra sab sa ako respetohan natu ila desisyon kon amu gajuy ila gusto…Pero
unta panganduyon nila na magka-anak kay lain ra man gud an kalipay na maihatag nan mga
Spokesperson: Both
Kaagi namu isip mag asawa sauna medyo lonely kay waya may amu bata tapos waya say
gihimu nag pa check-up kami sa doctor… para madetermine namu kon uno gajuy problema… so
after examination nafound out namu na may kanya kanyang problema kami sa amu kaugalingun,
sa part nan ako bana medyo kuyang ang ija sperm cell… an ako sab may problema sab sa ako
It’s 15 years na. Hamuk nay amu nakadtuan na hospital, first diha kami sa medical
hospital sunod in 6 months kay waya man gihapun… so didtu na sab kami sa Cebu sa Chunghua
amu ra gihapon. After 1 month examination wayay nahitabo gihapon 2 years na lamang balik-
Pagkakuan gajud kay tungod sa pag paningkamut na mag kaanak… nag Davao Doc
kami. Nag undergo na kami ng artificial insemination, Bisan dili gihapon successful, naghanap
gihapon kami nan lain-lain doctor . Last namu sa doctor 2001,Matud pa ni doktora Bullo na “dili
So amu na tag stop adto tapos niabot ang panahon may nag kuan sa amu na mag adopt
kami or willing ba kami… May amu intention na mag adopt kay lahi ra gajud na jaoy imu
alagaan pero nag-duhaduha pa gihapon kami... Pero an premero pa namu ok ra gajud na way
amu anak total enjoy man kami happy man kami… Pero ni abot ang panahon ni kuan sa ako isip
na lahi ra gajud nga naa kaw anak nungka sige kaw paningkamot apan simay imu kabinlan ng
imu mga hinaguan…Naa lage mga pag-umangkon lumon pero lahi ra gajud ang imu bata na
gajud ingn-ana ni sangtop sa ako isip na gana gajod na jaon na usnaon taman waya paman lagi
hatagi ng ginoo…
So amu adtung time na may nag gusto tana namu mag kuan ampon sa mga kadugo namo
pero waya may sa kadugo namu, nagpa-advice rakan kami… testing kami nan mga lain
pamaagi… So amu lagi adtu sa OB gi-work out kami. Nag kuan nasab kami nag artificial
insemenation- ang ako bana tag kuwaan sija ng ija semen tapos tag process then tag inject sa
ako.. amu adto pagpaningkamut nasab namu pero waya rasab gihapun di hundred percent
Naapektuhan ba ang amu relasyon nan pagka-way anak? Sa ako waya man kay syempre
dawat ko unoy kamatooran gajud… kay dili kaw ma-happy kon dili nimu dawaton ang
kamatooran gajud no? Total namingkamut man kami na mag-anak so kun waya gajud taghatag,
di gajod siguro para sa amo…ang amu taghatag na time gidawat nako na amu adtoy pagbuot sa
Sa social factors dili man malikayan na usahay ma-challenge kaw pero dawat gihapun
kaysa ma stress rakaw… pero magbati gajud kaw syempre abi siguro nila waya kami
maningkamot dili baja malalim tapus kun ok ra ba kami kay tag-una namu ang bayay pero waya
Nag-agi sab kami ng preasure sa society dili man jaun natu malikayan pero ako tag-huna
huna gwatsi-gwatsi raba pero may meaning sab sie usahay sab ma challenge kaw... pero ok
rmaan sa ako kay kami man ang mas naka-bayo kun amu na… ayang-ayang ibandilyo ko…
waya ug magkuan sila usahay mag biay-biayun kaw pero ok raman sa ako kay mas kami man
Sa close family member nako usahay mag self-pity kami, labi na kon jauy mga gathering
kanya-kanya man gajud mga anak hu…. Usahay muabot ang time na mag self-pity kami..
syempre mangandoy sab gajud kaw na mas gana ra gajud kon jauy sab imu anak tapos ang imu
sab bation gana sab kay makuan nimu na parents gajud kamo… Kadugayan mo abot ra jaon sa
Amo ika advice sa pareho sa amu case na mga couples kung dili kaw mo accept sa
kamatooran dili gjud kaw ma happy dapat kabayo sab kaw modaya madawat nimu… Ug mag
sabot sab kamo magtiayun maningkamot gajud na mag-kaanak… waya may lain purpose an
marriage is to have a child man gajud ugsa diba mag-menyo kaw para maka kita nan liwat, so in
the 1st 2 years maningkamut na kamu na magka-anak para atleast saju ra nimu makita ang iju
Sa mga couple na choice nila ang dili mag kaanak ang amu insight kung choice gajud nila
na dili mag ka-anak… aw kung choice gajud nila na dili sila mag ka-anak ila man kalipay go
ahead… pero sa ako kung in my opinion murag dili saktu jaun kay ang marriage kon sa word na
Spokesperson: Wife
What’re our experiences Ben? Hehehe wait a sec… Our experiences… at first, in the first few
years of our marriage, I said to myself that I will get pregnant. Then, whenever I see my
colleagues getting pregnant, I often pity myself. I often think, “Why just them?” I did my best,
and even have regular consultation with my doctor yet I still can’t get pregnant.
One time, my regular menstruation suddenly stopped. It hasn’t come for around 5-8 days
so I thought, “This could be it!” 10 days passed, and on the 11th day I started moving and
walking slowly and carefully. Ma’am Enaldo, a colleague of mine, even noticed and asked me if
I’m pregnant or something, and I denied and said no. On the 11th day, my mens came, so got
frustrated again but I kept it from my colleagues because I’m afraid they might mock me for
being too presumptuous. And so I was like that for the first 5 years of our marriage.
For the next 6-10 years… I was still hopeful of getting pregnant, I still waited. That’s it, I
still waited. After 10 years, I underwent surgery in my right ovary, so I was like… there’s no
hope- there’s little to no chance of me getting pregnant. But they say that, women can still get
regnant even with just one functioning ovary. But in my case, if I would be compare to soil, I’m
not rich enough to sustain life or plants can’t grow on me. I need fertilizer… This aside, I still
9 years since my last operation on my right ovary, another problem came- apparently, the
cyst from my ovary spread into my uterus permanently damaging it beyond repair. I knew this
because I have yearly check-up with Dr. Abalos at Cebu. She saw that cyst rapidly multiplied
and invaded my uterus. I had no choice but to undergo surgery for the removal of my uterus.
That’s when I finally gave up, because no matter what I say, it’s impossible to bear a child
without a uterus. So that was it, but I wasn’t regretful though, because I wasn’t my decision to
not have children- it’s God’s will. If it was me, I have always wished to have children when I get
married because it was my ambition to have at least 5 children. Well… 5 became 0 then huh…
It all ends there… my wish to have children. Then, a lot of people came to us asking if
we would lie adopt children. But my husband was quite picky. He said, “I don’t like those kids
because we don’t know their background.” There was someone from Cantilan who offered us a
child to adopt but my husband told me, “Let’s pass Ding, who knows which bloodline that child
came from, for all we know that kid might be from the bloodline of crazy people.” We wouldn’t
know. Then I said to him, “ it’s ok Ben, we may be lucky.” I also shared to him a story of a
couple who also cannot have children. They’ve adopted a child from manila whose background
they didn’t know about. Back when computers weren’t popular yet, that kid’s room was full of
books that you would think it’s a mini library at first glance. But unfortunately, the child’s IQ
My husband’s way of thinking was influenced by that story, but I tried to convince him
that it’s a case to case bases. Dr. Abalos said that it’s up to the parents on how they raise their
child. I also heard about adopted children who tend to rebel once they know that they are
adopted. It poses problems for the couple. I said to myself, “ Never mind Lord, we will just take
care of our nephews and nieces. As long as we treat them well and avoid being indifferent to
them they’ll eventually look up to us and may be able to care for us when we grow old. They
So that’s it, we lost all hope! Until I aged 45… when I reached 50, it all ended there. I
even last person offered me to adopt a child but I refused since I’m too old for it. I can no longer
stay up late at night specially when in instances that the child may get sick. I couldn’t do it
Has being childless affected our relationship? I don’t know about my husband but in my
part, I don’t think it did. Some couples are prone to temptations leading to cheating fueled by the
urge to have children, but in our case in God’s mercy we did not end up like them. Despite being
childless, we haven’t resorted to cheating. I could say that we did not choose to be childless. If
we did, I would feel guilty, but I’m not guilty. As for my husband, fortunately he is faithful to
me. That’s at least what I know, I don’t know for certain since we’re not together all the time.
For other childless couples with the same situation as us, all I could say is… please
understand each other. Just like in my case, you should understand that it is not your wife’s fault
since she didn’t do it on purpose. What kind of couple wouldn’t want to have children? For those
couples who chose to not have children, all I could say is they are being self-centered, they
wouldn’t share their blessings. If you plan to get married, as much as possible, your goal is to
build a family and have children because they are you happiness, it’s because the essence of
Spokesperson: Husband
Our experiences as a childless couple? My wife and I never really quarrel and we don’t
argue about money matters because money isn’t really something to argue about. When we
argue, it’s not about money. The only factor that causes conflict between us is jealousy, since we
don’t have children. Before, I get jealous maybe because I’m afraid of losing her, but then I
realized, “why would I be jealous when her faithfulness is obvious and prominent?” There was
also one time when she’s become the jealous one, so I asked her, “Why would you get jealous?”
Our relationship went with time and we’ve been married for 12 years, as a matter of fact
we’re celebrating our 13th anniversary this coming December, 2017, since we’ve been married
since 2004. 5 years after marriage, I still get jealous since she’s a lot younger than me, she’s 11
Just when I finally understand her and stopped my jealousy, she became the jealous one.
Her jealousy may be fueled by other people’s rumors saying I should just find another woman or
resort to adoption if my wife couldn’t provide me a child, yes that’s what our neighbors say, but
that’s not the case for me. I wouldn’t resort to drastic measures just because we can’t have
children of our own. Whatever will be will be. Jealousy is our only issue aside from being
We tried our best to conceive a child. Yes, we even went to Cebu for check-up. There we
knew from the doctor that we have the potential to have children but it’s a 50-50 chance. It’s like
this: In my case, I have sufficient amount of sperm but they were weak and can barely reach the
fallopian tube; As for my wife, her egg is too thick with fat that its wall can only be penetrated
by a strong sperm. We’re unfortunately meant for each other. If only my sperm is stronger, we
can conceive a child. The doctor told us to never lose faith and always pray. And so around 2016
we were finally able to conceive a child. But after 3 months it was unfortunately led to
Being childless hasn’t really affected our relationship, but I don’t know about others. Our
love for each other remained as is. We even strived harder, since it was constantly set in our
mind that we still have no children. We need to strive and earn money so when we get older we
can afford a caregiver. Our sex life hasn’t been affected too.
For couples like us, all I can say is uhm… pray every day. If it really is God’s will for
you to not be able to have children, then you should just take care of your nephews/nieces
instead so they could help you too when you get old. With or without children, just pray. For
couples who are medically confirmed to be incapable of having children, just love your partner,
stick to one so that if either of you retires first, the other can take care of you. Or you can invest
to your nephews/nieces. For couples who chose not to have children, I could say that there really
are people who think differently. Why would they choose not to have children when they are our
Spokesperson: Husband
Our experiences? It was because of cooking, it’s because of baking “bingka”. One more
thing that concerned me is when our body aches we drink medicine right away, of course when
medicine enters the stomach it directly affects pregnancy. Just relax and rest calmly, it’s not
fatigue. One of the causes of miscarriage is the heat from the furnace that is directly absorbed by
the body especially since the womb is facing it directly. Even if she uses a stopper, it will not
help block the absorption of heat. It happened not just once but twice. What can we do? It’s not
We’ve been married for 17 years. We’ve tried many ways for her to get pregnant. We
can’t say that I’m the dysfunctional one! I am capable of impregnating a woman, I even have a
child from another woman way back when I was at Manila. If my first born from my current
wife was alive, he would have been the same age as Aunt Lalay’s daughter EJ. It was the same
case for her second successful pregnancy so that’s it, I just searched for a job. 9 years after her
last miscarriage, we finally stopped trying. As of now, it has become our decision to stop trying
Being childless really affected our relationship. What I’m concerned about is when we
grow old, who would support us? That is what I kept on telling her that it is her fault for not
taking care of her body while pregnant, unlike me who kept my body in shape! I work to support
our needs, but her cooking is just a hobby or in the very least, just a little financial support. Her
work is not hard, that’s what she does every day. She would rather work than take care of herself
which leads to miscarriage, see! She had two consecutive miscarriages. I told her, “What a
waste! 4 months? 3 months? It’s also because of the medicine. I can’t do anything, I would not
force he anyways.
She also lost hope since her uterus has already descended. I wanted to have her uterus
cleaned, but having it cleansed would cost us a fortune though. That’s why I used to always warn
her but she won’t listen. Other people would say that I’m the defective one, but how can that be
if I was able to impregnate he more than once? Though it all ended in miscarriage, I sometimes
get hurt by the things other people say about us, because it makes us look like failures just
because we can’t have children. We won’t resort to adoption since we don’t know the full
All I can say for those who are of the same case as us, please take care of yourselves, but
mostly for the part of the wife. Avoid drinking medicine unnecessarily and avoid stress. For
those couples who could never have children, just accept the inevitable, it would be God’s will.
But as much as possible do your best and take case of yourselves. I don’t believe that there are
Spokesperson: Husband
Our experience as a childless couple was lonely. Our way of coping up is to appreciate
each other. Although, having no child is saddening, our goal was to stay together. We were
pressured by the people around us but we didn't mind them. We haven't tried ways to have a
child. We were just waiting patiently, that someday, God will allow us to have one.
We sometimes argue caused by the pressure and stress. Having a child means that our
wealth will be pass on to them. When we grow old, they will take care of us. These are some of
To couples whose situation is similar to ours, we advise you to keep trying and to keep
praying. To couples who have already given up, we advise you to always stick up for each other
and to be patient on what God's plan will be. To couples who have no plans on having a child, let
Spokesperson: Wife
When we think about our past experiences, it was lonely because we were not able to
conceive a child. It was sad to think that we don’t have someone to play with. We were very
determined to bear a child; we were determined to know the reason behind the situation we were
in. We always consult our Doctor. After some examinations, we were able to find out that my
husband and I had some problems. We found out that we are both sexually dysfunctional- my
husband was diagnosed having low sperm count while mine was irregular menstrual cycle.
For almost 15 years, we have visited several hospitals. Within 6 months, we have regular
check-ups at Surigao Medical Hospital but they weren’t able to fix the problem. Our desire to
conceive a child drives us to depart from Surigao to Cebu just to look for a specialist in
Chunghua Hospital but same thing happened, after a month nothing happened, and for two years
still no progress.
Our last resort was artificial insemination at Davao Doc. We underwent Artificial
insemination. Although it’s stil a failure, we still seek for other doctors. Our last attempt was on
2001 “Doctor Bullo, whom was our obstetrician, jokingly said “I cannot afford to admit you
because it seems that you are having shopping sprees in clinics.” So we stopped. Other people
We feel obligated to have one just to fulfill our longing to have a child but we are still
doubtful. At first, we are ok, we were fine , but, time came that we realize that having a child of
your own brings you a different feeling, If you don’t have a child, who will succeed your hard-
earned wealth? Although we find joy in seeing our nephews and nieces, it doesn’t give us the
right satisfaction that we need, that’s what we thought. What can we do if God still won’t give it
to us?
There was also a time when we thought of adopting from our relatives, but we can’t find
one. We tried other means to improve our chance of bearing a child... And so we seek for advice.
We tried other ways. We had work-out sessions with our OB and we once again undergone
artificial insemination- my husband’s extracted semen was processed and was injected directly
into my uterus. Those efforts of ours never resulted to fruition. It doesn’t have a hundred percent
Does being a childless couple affect our relationship? In my part, It doesn’t affect our
relationship because we accepted the reality of our situation. I you won’t accept it, you won’t be
happy, besides we always did our best. If it’s not God’s will, it’s not meant to be. I accepted that
all those times we spend were all part of God’s plan. When it comes to social factors, it can’t be
avoided that we become challenged. The pressure is there but we don’t pay much attention to the
people around because it will result to stress and self-pity… But still we sometimes feel pain
especially when people doubt and mock our perseverance in trying our best to have children.
They may also think that we prioritized our house over children. But we didn’t mind it, we’ll just
try our best. We often experience societal pressure, but it’s ok- it can’t be avoided; they don’t
know the real story behind our struggle so why bother. We can’t announce everything. We’re the
only ones who knew what’s going on in our relationship; we can’t do anything about them
Within our family members, we often feel like an outcast and have self-pity, considering
during family gatherings, unlike them we still don’t have children…Time comes that we feel
self-pity. Of course we would wish to have children. It somehow feels like we haven’t fully
fulfilled our marriage. It will eventually come…it has been 15 years of being childless.
So, the advice we can give to other people that have the same case as us is… that we
should accept the reality of it if you want to be happy. And as much as you can, never stop
trying. Marriage has no greater purpose than to have children. Don’t we get married to have
family and procreate? So in the first 2 years of marriage you should start working. So as early as
For those couple who actually chose to not have children, I would respect their decision.
If it’s their happiness to not have children than go ahead! But in my opinion that is wrong,
because for me, the purpose of marriage is building a family and that includes children.
G6 and on the 11th day I started moving G believed she is pregnant and acted
and walking slowly and carefully. accordingly
(Mao ‘to… Sus pagka eleven, hinay-
hinay na ko maglakaw,
G7 Ma’am Enaldo, a colleague of mine, G ‘s colleague noticed a change in her
even noticed and asked me if I’m behavior, and made an assumption
pregnant or something,
giingnan man gani ko ni ma’am
Enaldo nga, “Ding, kabdos ka?” )
G8 and I denied and said no. G denied her colleague’s
(Waya ko magsaba, “Dili man claim(speculation)
ma’am.” Pero waya na ko nagsaba. )
G9 On the 11th day, my mens came, so got G’s theory was proven false by the
frustrated again return of her menstruation
Pagka ika-eleven days… Nagmens
man ko! Nah! Nafrustrate nasab ko! ) G’s assumption was proven false
when her period came
G10 but I kept it from my colleagues G kept her miscaculation from her
because I’m afraid they might mock colleagues to avoid mockery
me for being too presumptuous.
(Pero dili ko magestorya sa mga
kaiban, an ako ra, kay basig kun…
Kuan-kuanon ko nila ba, amo adto na)
G11 And so I was like that for the first 5 G experienced that on the first 5 years
years of our marriage of their marriage
(First five years gajod to).
G12 For the next 6-10 years… I was still G remained hopeful and waited
hopeful of getting pregnant, I still
(Next, another kuan 6-10 years…
Hopeful gihapon ko diadto na
magkabdos ko. )
G13 That’s it, I still waited G still waited
(Yan na, sige ra lamang ko’g paabot. )
G14 After 10 years, I underwent surgery in G started losing hope for pregnancy
my right ovary, so I was like… there’s after her operation on her right ovary
no hope- there’s little to no chance of
me getting pregnant.
G15 But they say that, women can still get G found hope when she knew she can
regnant even with just one functioning still get pregnant with just one ovary
(pero laong sila, naa man kuno’y uban G found hope with the possibility of
na bisag isa rakan ka ovary… getting pregnant even with just one
manganak. ) ovary as what others claim.
G16 But in my case, if I would be compare G thinks she is not fertile enough
to soil, I’m not rich enough to sustain
life or plants can’t grow on me. I need
(Para sa aho na case… kay mura’g
dili man kun… kung sa lupa pa dili
kun taba na lupa- kaitan, kinahanglan
gajod og kanang fertilizer. )
G17 This aside, I still believe that if it is G believes in God’s will
God’s will that I get pregnant, then I
(So ako nilaong, “sige ra lamang kay
basig manganak pa ko kun an Ginoo
na gajo’y magbuot. )
G18 9 years since my last operation on my G encountered another problem 9
right ovary, another problem came- years after her last operation
apparently, the cyst from my ovary
spread into my uterus permanently
damaging it beyond repair
(Imbis na operahan ko og sa right
ovary- after pag-opera naho niabot ko
og 9 years gikan pag-opera sa right
ovary, nagkaproblema nasab ako sa
ako uterus o bahay-bata- ang cyst
nikanat. )
G19 I knew this because I have yearly G had annual checkup with Dr.
check-up with Dr. Abalos at Cebu Abalos
(Mao to pag… kay yearly man gajod
ko magpacheck-up sa Cebu, )
G20 She saw that cyst rapidly multiplied G found out from her Dr. About the
and invaded my uterus her condition
(didto nakita ni Dr. Abalos na daghan
na’y ahong cyst na naka-kuan sa ako
G21 I had no choice but to undergo surgery G underwent surgery against her will
for the removal of my uterus for the removal of her uterus
(Mao to na… no choice na kay
nilaong man si doktora na, “kuhaon
namn natu gajod ni kay dili naman…”
A10 Our relationship went with time and A states the timeline of their marriage
we’ve been married for 12 years, as a
matter of fact we’re celebrating our
13th anniversary this coming
December, since we’ve been married
since 2004
(Nagkataas amu relasyon… kay 12
years naman kami mi 13 na kibali sa
December… 2004 man mi ge-kasal)
A11 5 years after marriage, I still get A still gets jealous even after 5 years
jealous since she’s a lot younger than of marriage
(mga 5 years siguro magselos pa ako
jaon sa ija kay bata pa man lagi sija
sa ako. )
A12 she’s 11 years younger than me. A is 11 years older than his wife
(Manghud ko raman sija nan 11
A13 Just when I finally understand her and A’s wife became the jealous one
stopped my jealousy, she became the
jealous one.
(So pagabot sa punto na nakasabot
sab ako 6 years pataas amo sab jaon
magselos sab lagi sija sa ako…)
A14 Her jealousy may be fueled by other A’s wife was affected by rumors
people’s rumors saying I should just
find another woman or resort to
adoption if my wife couldn’t provide
me a child
(Hamok man sab lagi estorya-estorya
na, adto sa lain kun di kaw kaanak sa
imo asawa didto kaw sa lain ug pang-
adopt rakan…)
A15 yes that’s what our neighbors say A confirms what there neighbors said
(Oo amu jaon mga estorya-estorya sa
mga silingan namu... )
A16 but that’s not the case for me A thinks that it is not like that in his
(Pero dili jaon bahala kon dili… case
A thinks that it’s different in his case
A17 I wouldn’t resort to drastic measures A is not affected by rumors
just because we can’t have children of
our own
A18 Whatever will be will be. Jealousy is A thinks jealousy is their only issue
our only issue aside from being
(bahala na kun amoy abtan namu sa
amu pagka-menjuon amu raman jaon
selos-selos ra. )
A19 We tried our best to conceive a child A tried their best to conceive
(Nagtesting kami para makaanak…)
A20 Yes, we even went to Cebu for check- A went to cebu for checkup
(Oo nagpacheck-up kami sa Cebu na
A21 There we knew from the doctor that A recieved the good news
we have the potential to have children
(pagpacheck-up namu didto laong
gajod ang doctor na makaanak kami
duha, )
A22 but it’s a 50-50 chance. It’s like this: A explains each others condition
In my case, I have sufficient amount
of sperm but they were weak and can
barely reach the fallopian tube
(puro lamang gajod… kibali ako
sperm sakto sa kahamukon pero weak
lamang sija, )
A23 As for my wife, her egg is too thick A continues to explain their condition
with fat that its wall can only be
penetrated by a strong sperm
(ang ija sab kuno ovary ba tawag
jaon… or eggcell pagsaka kuno sa ako
spermcell pagsugat sa ija eggcell jaoy
kuno nakaharang tungod sa ija
kadakuon… taba ba sa ilayom…)
A24 We’re unfortunately meant for each A and his wife are meant for each
other other
(nagkapares gajud kami…
A25 If only my sperm is stronger, we can A regrets his condition
conceive a child
(kay kung ang isa kuno active kuno
maka-anak kuno mi. )
A26 The doctor told us to never lose faith A’s doctor convinced them to never
and always pray lose faith
(Naapektohan gajod sa amo
pagkawayay-anak an amo relasyon.)
B21 What I’m concerned about is when we B is worried for their future
grow old, who would support us?
B43 just accept the inevitable, it would be B thinks it’s better to accept the
God’s will. inevitable if it is God’s will
(dawaton rakan an kamatuoran na
waya gajod aw pagbuot na jaon sa
B44 But as much as possible do your best B thinks that if there is a chance they
and take case of yourselves. should never stop trying
(pero mintras kaya pa, ariglar ra
gajod sa lawas.
B45 I don’t believe that there are couples B doesn’t believe in the existence of
who would choose not to have childfree couples
(Di ko mutuo na jaoy di ganahan
O7 We were just waiting patiently, that O is still waiting until God grants
someday, God will allow us to have them children
(nagpaabot ra lamang sab kami kung
hatagan nan Ginoo.)
O8 We also want to have children… O wants to have children
(Gusto sab namu mag kaanak...)
O9 Being childless has sometimes O thinks that being childless affects
affected our relationship. their relationship
(maka apekto sab sa amu relasyun
usahay an pagkaway anak)
O10 When we grow old or sick, who will O is worried about their future as
take care of us? childless couples
(labi na kay mag katiguyang ta
syempre adto mn gajud ta mapasingod
tas mag katiguyang nata way mu-
alaga alaga sa ug magka sakit.)
O11 To couples whose situation is similar O advises couples like them to just
to ours, we advise you to keep trying pray
and to keep praying.
(Ang ma-advice naku sa pareho sab sa
amo ba sitwasyon is “mag ampo ra
lamang sa Ginoo”…)
O12 To couples who have already given O addresses the advice to couples
up, we advise you to who’ve lost hope
(ug sa mga tawo nga ni suko na or na ug paglaom, an ako
lamang ma advice)
O13 always stick up for each other O advices other couples to stay
(bisan pa ug waya sila hatagi ug anak together despite the circumstances
mag iban gihapun sila bisag magka-
O14 and to be patient on what God's plan O believes that everything is
will be. according to God’s plan
(padajun ra lamang kun amoy plano
O15 (Ako ka advice sa way gajud plano na O addresses the advice to childfree
magkaanak sagud pa…) couples
O17 But I hope they’d realize the true O hopes that childfree couples would
happiness brought by children and that dream to have children because O
they would strive hard to have them as thinks that children can give
much as possible. happiness unlike any other
(Pero unta panganduyon nila na
magka-anak kay lain ra man gud an
kalipay na maihatag nan mga anak.)
N17 Although it’s still a failure, we still N experienced failure and tried again
seek for other doctors
(Bisan dili gihapon successful,
naghanap gihapon kami nan lain-lain
N18 Our last attempt was on 2001 N’s last attempt was 16 years ago
(syempre mangandoy sab gajud kaw
na mas gana ra gajud kon jauy sab
imu anak)
N60 It somehow feels like we haven’t fully N thinks that to become a parent,
fulfilled our marriage. having children is highly required
(tapos ang imu sab bation gana sab
kay makuan nimu na parents gajud N thinks that to become a parent,
kamo…) having children is essential
N61 It will eventually come…it has been N realized the need to have children
15 years of being childless. later in their lives
(Kadugayan mo abot ra jaon sa imo
huna-huna pero sinugdan waya kay
syempre 15 years nagud…)
N62 So, the advice we can give to other N addresses the advice to couples like
people that have the same case as us them
(Amo ika advice sa pareho sa amu
case na mga couples)
N63 that we should accept the reality of it, N thinks that if you can’t accept the
if you want to be happy, truth, you can’t be truly happy
(kung dili kaw mo accept sa
kamatooran dili gjud kaw ma happy
dapat kabayo sab kaw modaya
madawat nimu…)
N64 And as much as you can, never stop N thinks that a couple should do their
trying. best to conceive a child
(Ug mag sabot sab kamo magtiayun
maningkamot gajud na mag-kaanak…
N65 Marriage has no greater purpose than N thinks that the purpose of marriage
to have children. is having a child
(waya may lain purpose an marriage is
to have a child man gajud)
N66 Don’t we get married to have family N thinks that to get married is to see
and procreate? your offspring
(ugsa diba mag-menyo kaw para maka
kita nan liwat, )
N67 So in the first 2 years of marriage you N thinks that couples should try there
should start working. best from the beginning of their
(so in the 1 2 years maningkamut na marriage
kamu na magka-anak)
N68 So as early as possible, you can N thinks that the earlier they try, the
already see your decendants. earlier they’ll see their children
(para atleast saju ra nimu makita ang
iju mga liwat… pero sa amu
maningkamut man... )
N69 For those couple who actually chose N addresses the advice to couples
to not have children, who chose to be childfree
N70 I would respect their decision. If it’s N respects the childfree couples’
their happiness to not have children choices
than go ahead!
(aw kung choice gajud nila na dili sila
mag ka-anak ila man kalipay go
N71 But in my opinion that is wrong, N thinks that being childfree is not
(pero sa ako kung in my opinion right
murag dili saktu jaun)
N72 because for me, the purpose of N thinks that the main point of
marriage is building a family and that getting married is building a family
includes children.
(kay ang marriage kon sa word na
marriage ang main point ana is to
build a family.)
Theme 1. CHALLENGES: Undergoing trials and problems in the life of childlessness; Concepts,
Categories, and Themes Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G3 G is affected by
seeing her pregnant
G4 G is jealous of her
pregnant colleagues
G11 G experienced that on
the first 5 years of
their marriage
A6 A is jealous because
of fear of losing his
A18 A thinks jealousy is Experiencing
their only issue difficulties as a
B36 B doesn’t want to childless
adopt couple
O10 O is worried about CHALLENGES:
their future as Undergoing
childless couples trials and
N1 N was lonely for not problems in the
having children life of
N58 N pity themselves childlessness
N38 N’s effort were in
N23 N longs to have
N27 N is concerned of not
having a successor to
their wealth
N28 N prefers having their
own children over
nephews and nieces
N31 N once thought of
adopting a relative
G2 G anticipated to be
pregnant in their early
years of marriage
G5 G thought she was
pregnant because of
the symptoms
G10 G kept her
miscaculation from
her colleagues to
avoid mockery
G25 G’s goal of having 5
children was never
accomplished Being drawn to
A21 A recieved the bad false hope
good news
A28 A’s wife’s pregnancy
led to miscarriage
B9 B explains how many
times his wife has
miscarriage CHALLENGES:
N17 N experienced failure Undergoing
and tried again trials and
N18 N’s last attempt was Trials problems in the
16 years ago life of
N19 N’s doctor jokengly
expressed the bad
G14 G started losing hope
for pregnancy after
her operation on her
right ovary
G16 G thinks she is not
fertile enough
G18 G encountered
another problem 9
years after her last
operation Experiencing
G20 G found out from her medical
Dr. About the her problems snd
condition seeking for
G21 G underwent surgery remedy
against her will for
the removal of her
G49 G’s condition is not
their choice
A22 A explains each
others condition
B2 B also points the
blame to medicines
taken when
experiencing body
B4 B thinks that
medicine directly
affects pregnancy
B6 B thinks that fatigue
is not the excuse
B7 B thinks that
miscarriage is caused
by the entrance of
external heat into the
B8 B thinks that a
stopper cannot shield
the body from heat
N5 N and her husband
both have problems CHALLENGES:
Experiencing Undergoing
N6 Mr. N has low sperm
medical Trials trials and
problems snd problems in the
N7 Mrs. N has irregular
seeking for life of
menstrual cycle
remedy childlessness
N8 N have no children
because of that reason
N11 N’s first hospital visit
did them no good
N12 N’s second hospital
still can’t help them
with their case
N13 After a month there,
they still haven’t got
B36 B thinks rumors make
them look like
failures because of
their condition
N45 N is challenged by
societal pressure
chose to accept it than
to feel stressed.
N48 Society thinks that N
prioritized their house
N51 N hides their true
feeling in front of Societal
other people pressure Trials
N52 N thinks people
wouldn’t understand
their shortcomings CHALLENGES:
N53 N want to keep some Undergoing
things private trials and
A48 A questions the problems in the
choice of childfree life of
couples childlessness
B1 B points the blame on
cooking bingka
Being Denial
B16 B states that their first
and second child have
indenial, and
the same fate
B31 B is worried for the
expense of having her
wife’s uterus cleaned
O6 O didn’t try other
ways to have a child
B20 B thinks that their
relationship was
affected by their
B22 B puts the blame on Blaming the DISCORD:
A13 A’s wife became the
jealous one
G44 G seemed unaware of
her husband’s
faithfulness Doubt
G53 G is somehow
N24 N is doubtful
G28 G’s husband dislikes
the idea of adoption
G30 G’s husband is
skeptical towards the
idea of adoption and Conflict of
continue to reject it desires
G34 G stays positive and
tried to convince her
G6 G believed she is Conflicts
pregnant and acted
accordingly DISCORD:
A31 A isn’t aware of how Lacking of
other people handle Misunderstanding agreement in
their relationship terms of
N47 N thinks people don’t handling their
understand their needs as a
situation childless
A25 A regrets his couple
condition Regret
A29 A is full of dismay
G8 G denied her
colleague’s claim
B10 B defends himself
from blame
B13 B thinks that t he’s Denial
not the dysfunctional Self-
one preservation acts
B14 N exclaims how
potent he is
B21 B is worried for their Worrying for the
future future
Theme 3. ACCEPTANCE: Willing to take challenges through attuning with each other;
Concepts, Categories, and Themes Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G22 G finally gave up and ACCEPTANCE:
face the truth Accepting Willing to take
G26 G’s wish ended there failure and Endure challenges
G23 G has no regrets and problems in through attuning
kept her faith strong the relationship with each other
G37 G gave up on
adoption and resorted
to taking care of their
nephews and nieces
G39 G lost all hope and
just let time to pass
G40 G reached the
menoposal age and
finally stopped
G42 G explains that she
can no longer handle
the role of a full time
G51 G is not guilty
G56 G thinks that wives
like her didn’t chose
to be in that condition
B17 B gave up and
resorted to searching
for a job
B18 B and his wife
decided to stop trying ACCEPTANCE:
after 9 years Willing to take
B19 B thinks that any Accepting challenges
further attempt would failure and Endure through attuning
only result to problems in with each other
miscarriage the relationship
B42 B thinks it’s better to
accept the inevitable
if it is God’s will
N20 N finally stopped
N40 N accepted the truth
N41 N thinks that you
won’t be happy if you
won’t accept the truth
N44 N accepts that
everything is
according to God’s
G22 G finally gave up and
face the truth
G39 G lost all hope and
just let time to pass
Theme 4. CONQUER: Surmounting problems through asking God’s guidance and doing their
best by facing the challenges; Concepts, Categories, and Themes Derived from the Informants’
G17 G believes in God’s CONQUER:
will Surmounting
A38 A advices to pray problems
everyday through asking
A39 A surrenders their God’s
fate to God and wants Praying to God Praying to God guidance and
to resort to taking doing their
care of their nephew best by facing
and nieces the challenges
Theme 5. COMMITMENT: Building a strong relationship through spending time with each
other and helping one another and sticking to their goal; Concepts, Categories, and Themes
Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G45 G is confident of her
G48 G did not give in to Avoiding
the temptation of cheating
A17 A is not affected by
A2 A doesn’t consider Faithfulness
money as a thing to Loving the
argue about partner despite
O13 O advices other the
couples to stay circumstances
together despite the
circumstances COMMITMENT:
G24 G dreamed of having Building a strong
at least 5 children relationship
G47 G never gave up until through spending
the very end Trying to time with each
A34 A constantly reminds conceive a child other and helping
himself of their as much as they one another and
condition can sticking to their
B12 B have tried many goal
ways to get her wife
G19 G had annual Decisiveness
checkup with Dr.
A20 A went to cebu for
Theme 7. LOVE: Cultivating a deeper sense of intimacy; Concepts, Categories, and Themes
Derived from the Informants’ Transcript
G52 G is relieved to think Staying Strong
that her husband is faithful to relationship