Techtuts4U: Submitted by
Techtuts4U: Submitted by
Techtuts4U: Submitted by
Submitted in the partial fulfillment of B.Tech in Computer Science & Engg. under Punjab
Technical University , Jalandhar
Submitted by
Deepika Sharma
Ms. Swati
Java Trainer
Stellar Edge Solutions, Sector – 34,
Submitted To
Er. Kalpna Verma Er. Haryali Dhillon
I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Techtuts4U” is an authentic record of my own
work carried out at Stellar Edge Solutions, Sector – 34, Chandigarh as requirement of six
months training for the award of degree of B.Tech (Computer Science Engineering),
RBCEBTW, Mohali under the guidance of Ms.Swati ,during January to April, 2012.
(Signature of student)
Deepika Sharma
Date: ___________________
Certified that the above statement made by the student is correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Ms. Swati
Java Trainer
Stellar Edge Solutions
First of all I would like to thank the Almighty, who has always guided me to work on the right
path of the life. I acknowledge with deep sense of gratitude and most sincere appreciation, the
valuable guidance and unfailing encouragement rendered to me by “Ms. Swati, Java Trainer,
Stellar Edge Solution” for his proficient and enthusiastic guidance, useful encouragement and
immense help. I have deep sense of admiration for his inmate goodness and inexhaustible
I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to “Er. Kalpna Verma HOD, CSE & IT and Er. Haryali
Dhillon Lect of CSE/IT Department” for their guidance, encouragement and valuable
My heartfelt gratitude and indebtness goes to all teachers and guidance group who with their
encouraging, caring words, constructive criticism and segmentation have contributed directly or
encouragement have been a constant source of assurance, guidance, strength, and inspection to
I am immensely grateful to my parents, my family. They have always supported me and taught
me the things that matter most in life. I am proudly grateful to all of them.
STELLAR EDGE SOLUTIONS, the Training Division of Stellar Data Solutions is one of the
leading Software Development & Training Company having a base of the parent company
services and RFID solution providing company. Committed to delivering innovation Stellar
Solutions collaborates with its clients to help them become high performance professionals. With
deep Industry & Business process expertise, global services & proven track record, Stellar can
mobilize the right people, skills & technologies to help people excel.
Over the past 9 years Stellar with a vision to become the most admired technology service
providers globally and also preparing the people to work in the competitive environment, Stellar
has expanded its operations in 23 countries and today it has distinguished itself by one of the
software development Company which is sharing its rich experience of Industry with
B.Tech/MCA students who aspire to become IT Professional by preparing them through their
and information technology field to gain knowledge about their core subjects and to get
information about their demands to get placed in respective jobs. This project aims at providing
Techtutskit is a website which casts the opportunities for ‘techie’ students. It also allows their
knowledge tree to grow larger by providing free materials regarding their syllabus. As the name
suggests, it not only helps B.Tech students to survive in technical field, it motivates all the
graduates who have take up computer field as their core subject It is an Online Learning and
Placement platform. Provides Content through Videos and Assessments for GATE, CAT,
GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, Communication Skills, English Grammar, Team Building, Aptitude,
Online recruitment
Practice papers
The FIRST PAGE provides several links. The Home page contains several information about
the site like About Us, helpline no’s, search engine, student and faculty registration, login page,
various videos, links to different fields like placement papers, interview skills, syllabus, online
tests etc.
USER LOGIN module helps the user to login to the site. For that he must type the username and
password correctly. The login provision in this page helps the already registered user to directly
access the site and there is a link for registration to a user who is new to this site.
MEMBER REGISTRATION module helps the new user to register into the site. The
In the LOGIN LINKS a student or faculty can login using the appropriate Username and
password, through which he get the information about latest ideas and searches. He can also post
There should be a mechanism for the faculty members to create a test for the course specifying
the test title and a set of multiple-choice questions and duration of time of the test.
interface (API) that can handle graphics and user interfaces and that can be used to create
applications or applets. Because of its rich set of API's, similar to Macintosh and Windows, and
its platform independence, Java can also be thought of as a platform in itself. Java also has
T-SQL (Transact-SQL)
SQL commands are grouped into four major categories depending on their functionality.
A website is a collection of Web pages, images, videos and other digital assets that is hosted
on one or several Web server, usually accessible via the Internet, cell phone or a LAN.
The pages of websites can usually be accessed from a common root URL called the
homepage, and usually reside on the same physical server. The URLs of the pages organize
them into a hierarchy, although the hyperlinks between them control how the reader
perceives the overall structure and how the traffic flows between the different parts of the
A website requires attractive design and proper arrangement of links and images, which
enables a browser to easily interpret and access the properties of the site. Hence it provides
the browser with adequate information and functionality about the organization, community,
network etc.
The website named "TECHTUTS4U" has been developed for the students of computer
science and information technology field to gain knowledge about their core subjects and to
get information about their demands to get placed in respective jobs. This project aims at
The first page provides several links. The Home page contains several information about the
site like About Us, helpline no’s, search engine, student and faculty registration, login page,
various videos, links to different fields like placement papers, interview skills, syllabus,
User Login module helps the user to login to the site. For that he must type the username
and password correctly. The login provision in this page helps the already registered user to
directly access the site and there is a link for registration to a user who is new to this site.
Member Registration module helps the new user to register into the site. The information
In the Login link a student or faculty can login using the appropriate Username and
password, through which he get the information about latest ideas and searches. He can also
There should be a mechanism for the faculty members to create a test for the course
specifying the test title and a set of multiple-choice questions and duration of time of the test.
HOME: This the front page of our website. It contains the all attributes of the project and the
true stories added on the home and it also provide the links for the further modules which
LOGIN: In this module there Is the registration of the new student, registration for the new
faculty member if they want to add themselves. After registration they are provided with the
ACADMICS: This module contains the all information and helpful materials for the B.Tech
students. Like it contains an online learning by the books, ppts, videos, tutorials, question
papers case studies and many true stories. It also provides the links for the further research on
respected topics.
CAREERS: In this module we represent the many career options for the user’s .like what
they wants to do after the B.Tech and how they achieve their objectives or respective jobs as
for learning new languages, new technologies. It also contains the self-evaluation.
ONLINE RECRUITMENT: It provides the online exam formats or question papers for the
PRACTISE PAPERS: It contains the papers of all subjects’ exams and recruitment
CONTACT: In this section we provide the different contacts and links for the further
HELP: In help we describe the all module information so if anybody does not get the data
then he can take help for this section and also provides the links for help.
Techtutskit is a website which casts the opportunities for ‘techie’ students. It also allows their
knowledge tree to grow larger by providing free materials regarding their syllabus. As the
name suggests, it not only helps B.Tech students to survive in technical field, it motivates all
the graduates who have take up computer field as their core subject.
It is an Online Learning and Placement platform. Provides Content through Videos and
Assessments for GATE, CAT, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, Communication Skills, English
Grammar, Team Building, Aptitude, Mock Interviews, Interview Tips, Group Discussions,
Time Management.
Highly user-friendly
Enterprise independent
Techtuts4u is an effective platform for students of all courses to network and share
information. We personally believe that it’s the right educational portal where one can
develop one’s knowledge in almost every educational division and also can get placed in a
prestigious firm. One can have knowledge on latest developments in technology and various
Apart from B.E and B.Tech students, Btechguru helps students of all bachelor and master
degree courses such as B.Com, BCA, BBA, M.Com, MCA, MBA, and M.Sc, on preparing
competitive exams like GATE, CAT by providing study materials and also in exams on Civil
Service of India. Training on Communication skills, Software & IT is also provided in this
entrepreneurship are provided along with materials for Resume building, Group discussions,
paper presentation and Tips on attending Job interviews and Visa interviews too.
In, every student is allowed to have a personal profile and resume so that
recruiters can get to know them. They can also browse and apply for jobs that have
vacancies. And recruiters in turn can register their company and post the job vacancies, and
they can recruit the students. Yet again a useful feature of techtuts is easy and effective
learning through watching videos and participating in discussions. To be rightly said,
Handling and auditing file uploads from web pages (multipart encoded forms)
How to best make large scale use of JSPs in a complex Java system.
Processor : Inspiron i7
Keyboard : 86 key
In our previous manual system, it is very difficult for students to find books, tutorial,
videos, help, views etc. regarding their particular subject in particular semester. So, they
have to refer different sites and have to buy lots of books because they are not able to
judge right books for them. Due to this most of time they become confused. Most
important problem is that there is not any particular site for B.Tech students and students
related to computer field, especially for them where they get all the material related to
their studies. Now in this era of techsavy, every student is using internet and most of
students prefer e-learning because it is cheap, get at one click. It is just like free lunch
service which is helpful to students. During their course they have some doubt related to
In earlier times we use CGI for the execution of java programs because in CGI we can
write in all languages and relatively easy for a web designer to reference.,but the main
disadvantages are:
Not scalable
CGI processing code (business logic) is mingled with HTML (presentation logic)
Language is not always secure or object-oriented and platform independent.
After CGI we use SERVLETS to remove the limitations of CGI for the execution of
program. It is better then CGI as per Performance (threads are faster than processes),
Concurrency issues
JSP technology facilitates the segregation of the work profiles of a Web designer and a
Web developer. A Web designer can design and formulate the layout for a Web page by
using HTML.A Web developer, working independently, can use Java code and other JSP
Disadvantages: If JSP pages are used in isolation, then the scripting code which
performs business and control logic can become cumbersome in the JSP pages. JSP pages
HACKING: As with the other problems there is main problem occurs if someone hack
the site or make changes in the site or code. So this is one of the major problem related
DATABASE: The major and import storage system of any site is database so the security
of database is very important. If u don’t use the proper commands and servers then it
does not retrieve the data and not save the all contents properly.
A Design Pattern. Controller -- receives user interface input, updates data model
Model -- represents state of the world (e.g. shopping cart).View -- looks at model and
generates an appropriate user interface to present the data and allow for further input.
FOR DATABASE: Now we are using Microsoft SQL server 2008 having different
Development enhancements
DATE and TIME data types, New MERGE T-SQL syntax allows different
Integration Services (SSIS) now scales past 2 processors and adds better
nicely with Office 2007 – export directly to Word, use Word and Excel for
Apache is a very popular serve, 66% of the web sites on the Internet use Apache. Apache
Full-featured and extensible, Efficient, Robust, secure (at least, more secure than other
Tomcat is the Servlet Engine than handles servlet requests for Apache. Tomcat is a
“helper application” for Apache. It’s best to think of Tomcat as a “servlet container”
Tomcat can be installed without Apache. It’s easier to install Tomcat standalone than as
part of Apache. By itself, Tomcat can handle web pages, servlet, and JSP.
JAVA SCRIPT: To avoid hacking we write all the code in java script. It is as much
secure that no-one can hack this code on the server and can’t make any changes . in this
we different tags for the security purpose and this code would never be visible for the
user on website.
File system metaphor seems ideally suited to the tree structure of XML
Meta data structure based on two nodes types; directory-nodes and binary-nodes
One XML document contains all meta information needed to build file structure for a
given class
Till now amongst the java modules we have covered:
Faculty Registered
IN REGISTRATION MODULE the registered data would store in the database and after
Student Student
Profile Page
Login module: in this module if the student and the faculty member have already their
account then they login with their user id and password. After the successful login their
profile pages would appear in front of them for the further processing
Be careful of scriplets in JSP; they expand to fill the available space!
students for refereeing the materials related to their subjects like question papers tutorials,
online test papers ,videos, tips to enhance the communication abilities, mock interviews
videos to prepare for the interviews, new updates regarding technologies, updation in the
And on the online recruitments user can prepare for the recruitment test and judge their
level to crack the exams or how much preparation would require for the exam. It also
In this website we also provide the further links for the more information on the respected
require with the passage of time. So in TECHTUTS4U website we can add the ample
amount of useful and informative data for the use of users. And we can also make it more
attractive by some designing tools. as per the usage this website is very much useful for
the students so that they can easily get the resolved information rather then wasting time