Pigment Dispersion: Theodore G. Vernardakis
Pigment Dispersion: Theodore G. Vernardakis
Pigment Dispersion: Theodore G. Vernardakis
Pigment Dispersion
76.1 Introduction
The dispersion of pigments in fluid media is of great technological importance to the coatings manu-
facturers who deal with pigmented systems. The basic aim is to change the physical state of pigments to
achieve desired effects in specific application systems. The dispersion process involves the breaking down
and separation of the aggregated and agglomerated particles that are present in all pigments in their
normal form after their manufacture. Dispersion is not considered to be a process of pulverization but
rather a process of particle separation, homogeneous distribution of the particles in a medium, and
stabilization of the resultant system to prevent reaggregation, reagglomeration, flocculation, and settling.
The process of dispersion must be done efficiently and in the shortest time possible to draw out of the
pigment its maximum color properties at the least cost.
The topic of pigment dispersion in fluid media has been covered extensively in the literature.1−6
Theoretical aspects of pigment dispersion apply equally well to inorganic and organic pigments. In this
chapter, the practical examples of surface treatments apply primarily to organic pigments, but similar
treatments can be carried out on inorganic pigments as well.
FIGURE 76.1 Scanning electron photomicrograph of copper phthalocyanine blue crude (top) and transmission
electron photomicrograph of copper phthalocyanine blue pigment (bottom) showing particle size differences; Pig-
ment Blue 15.
at the corners and edges in a looser type of arrangement. Aggregates are formed during the manufacturing
process in the course of the ripening period of the precipitates. Agglomerates, most often, are formed
during the drying of the presscakes and the subsequent dry milling of the pigment lumps. Figure 76.3
shows typical arrangements of aggregated and agglomerated pigment particles.
Flocculates consist of primary particles, aggregates, and agglomerates, generally arranged in a fairly
open structure, as shown in Figure 76.4. Flocculates may be broken down easily under shear, but they
will form again when such shear forces are removed and the dispersion is allowed to stand undisturbed.
100 µ 100 µm
FIGURE 76.2 Scanning electron photomicrograph showing primary particles: (a) individual crystals and (b) asso-
ciated crystals of micronized NaCl.
a a
0.5 µm
FIGURE 76.3 Transmission electron photomicrograph showing (a) aggregated and (b) agglomerated pigment par-
ticles. D&C Red No. 30, Vat Red 1.
FIGURE 76.4 Transmission electron photomicrograph showing flocculated pigment particles. Dimethylquinacri-
done magenta, Pigment Red 122.
surface area: the smaller the particle size, the higher the surface area, and thus the stronger the color.
Furthermore, the pigment is generally the most expensive constituent of any pigmented system; therefore,
the user normally wants to obtain optimum performance with the smallest possible amount of pigment.
Ideally, a good pigment dispersion consists chiefly of primary particles, with only a minimum of loose
aggregates and agglomerates. In practice, reduction to the primary particle size is largely determined by
the nature of the pigment (i.e., its dispersibility), by the dispersion system and processing equipment,
and by the end-use requirements of the product.
Dispersion should not be confused with pulverization. The latter is simply a comminution process
whereby large pigment lumps are broken down to smaller units, which constitute the powder form.
Pulverization does not break down the aggregated, agglomerated, and flocculated particles into primary
particles. Dispersion, however, accomplishes this effectively.
pigments have been developed to aid in the reduction of energy requirements. Such pigments are
produced by surface treatment of the pigment during manufacture, with the purpose of reducing or
inhibiting agglomeration−aggregation formation. In many cases, such treatments are highly specific to
a single ink, paint, coating, or plastic medium.
will be 0.1 µm. If these particles are cubic in structure, and if, for the sake of simplicity, we assume that
a 1 cm3 of pigment is broken down into particles 0.1 µm in size, then 1 ´ 1015 particles will be produced.
We assume also that the particles are in perfect cubic packing. To get an idea of the area created by the
new surface, we need only compare the surface area of 6 cm2 for the 1 cm cubic particle to the surface
area of 600,000 cm2 (60 m2) for the 1 ´ 1015 cubic particles that are 0.1 µm in size. The increase in surface
area is 100,000-fold. The new surfaces produced are tremendously large. The surface energies associated
with these new surfaces are also quite large. These van der Waals surface energies create the attraction
between the submicrometer particles that come together to form the aggregates and agglomerates.
FIGURE 76.5 Partial wetting of a solid surface by a liquid in accordance with the Young-Dupré equation.
sum of the adsorption energy (this is because of substances absorbed on the pigment surface) and the
attractive energy that holds the pigment particles together. Generally, lower energy (low surface tension)
liquids, such as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, will spread over, or wet, higher energy surfaces.
Quite often, it happens that a liquid does not spread over a pigment surface completely. This occurs
when a high-energy liquid (high surface tension), such as water, will not entirely wet out a high-energy
surface. In this case, the wetting energy is equal to or less than the sum of the adsorption and interparticle
attraction energies, and wetting may be either partial or nonexistent. The liquid will not spread entirely
over the surface, as shown in Figure 76.5. The relationship that describes such a system is given by the
Young-Dupré equation as
where γSV, γSL, and γLV are the interfacial energies at the solid−vapor, solid−liquid, and liquid−vapor
interfaces, respectively, and θ is the contact angle. For complete wetting, the contact angle is zero (cos θ
becomes unity), and the liquid spreads entirely over the solid surface. For θ > 0, wetting either is
incomplete or does not occur.
Charge Stabilization
Associated Solvated
Solvent Chains
Acidic pigments should be used with basic resins (polyamide, melamine, alkyd), while basic pigments
should be used with acidic resins (vinyl, acrylic, maleic). Amphoterics can be used with both resins.
Neutral pigments should be surface treated to improve their dispersion characteristics. The solvent must
have the same acid–base character as the pigment, whereby the interaction between the solvent and the
pigment surface is minimized and at the same time the interaction between the resin binder and the
pigment surface is maximized. In other words, there should be no competition between solvent and binder
for the pigment surface; to obtain maximum dispersion and stability, only the binder should adsorb.
other particles from approaching too close. This phenomenon is also called entropic stabilization, because
as the coated particles approach each other, the solvated chains of the adsorbed dispersant lose some of
their degrees of freedom, resulting in a decrease in entropy. Such lowering in entropy gives rise to repulsive
forces, which keep the particles away from each other. This type of steric or entropic stabilization is also
represented in Figure 76.6.
Aqueous System
Hydrophilic Lipophilic
Groups Groups
Non-aqueous System
FIGURE 76.7 Surfactant attachment on pigment particles in aqueous and nonaqueous dispersions.
C— O— O—C C — O—
O — O O
Ba H
FIGURE 76.8 Treatment of pigment surfaces with rosins and fatty acids.
surfactants may be used in the dispersion of the pigment particles as they are being formed — for
example, in azo yellows, which are precipitated in the pigmentary state, or in the dispersion of the
precursor (dyestuff), as in the case of metallized azo reds (which are first formed as sodium salts), to
control the salt formation (barium, calcium, etc.), and thus produce the final pigment. At the third stage,
during the conditioning of the pigment, surface treatments are used for pigment particle dispersion, for
coating the pigment surface to prevent aggregation, and for controlling the growth of crystal particles.
If particles are too difficult to filter, use of a specific additive (flocculant) sometimes induces controlled
flocculation and facilitates filtration. Complex formation with additives may also be carried out during
this conditioning stage to stabilize the particles and increase dispersibility, as is the case with diarylide
yellows, which may be surface treated with fatty amines to produce Schiff base stabilization and result
in easily dispersible pigments.
Diamaver = 0.104 mm
No. of Particles
FIGURE 76.9 Transmission electron photomicrograph and particle size distribution of an untreated diarylide yellow
AAOT, Pigment Yellow 14.
It is apparent that the particle size of the treated sample is smaller (average particle diameter = 0.073
µm) and much more uniform (narrow distribution) than that of the untreated sample (average particle
diameter = 0.104 µm and wider distribution). To show pigment flocculation in flexographic inks, optical
photomicrographs were obtained. Figure 76.11, a micrograph of the liquid ink on a glass slide with cover
for the untreated pigment, exhibits flocculation. Figure 76.12, on the other hand, represents the liquid
ink prepared with the surface-treated pigment and shows that this is a nonflocculating pigment.
Polymeric dispersants21 such as poly(12-hydroxystearic acid) are reportedly used both as free acid
and as a salt with a variety of organic toners; these agents show more effectiveness when reacted with
a primary amine (3-dimethylaminopropylamine, 3-octade-cylaminopropylamine, etc.). The latter types
can be used with pigment derivatives to produce a synergistic effect on the pigment surface for improved
dispersion. An example is copper phthalocyanine sulfonic acid.22 The mechanism of synergism is
illustrated in Figure 76.13 for the surface treatment of copper phthalocyanine blue. A great number of
other phthalocyanine derivatives have also been prepared and used as pigment stabilizers for phthalo-
cyanine blue.23
Phthalocyanine pigments may be conditioned from the crude state to the pigmentary form, for
example, by milling the “crude” with a phthalocyanine derivative24 such as a sulfonated phthalimidom-
Diamaver = 0.073 µm
No. of Particles
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Particle Diameter (µm)
FIGURE 76.10 Transmission electron photomicrograph and particle size distribution of a surface-treated diarylide
yellow AAOT, Pigment Yellow 14.
ethyl phthalocyanine25 in the absence of any milling of grinding aid.26 These large planar molecules appear
to lie flat on the copper phthalocyanine surface, as shown in Figure 76.14, and they impart stability to
the dispersions when used in printing inks, paints, and coatings, without any additional conditioning of
the milled product.
Pigment derivatives are by no means limited to phthalocyanines. Quinacridone pigments have been
surface treated with sulfonated quinacridone derivatives27 either as the sulfonic acid form or as the metal
sulfonate salt, with a wide range of metals possible. As in the preceding cases, the planar sulfonated
quinacridone molecules appear to lie flat on the quinacridone pigment surface and thus improve con-
siderably the dispersion properties of the pigment, especially when used in coating applications. Figure
76.15 represents the arrangement of sulfonated quinacridone derivative on the pigment surface.
Pigment derivatives of azo red,28 oranges, and yellows29 have also been used for surface treating the
corresponding pigments. With azo yellows, treatments can be carried out in situ with fatty amines to
produce easily dispersible products through a Schiff base reaction between the —C**=O (carbonyl)
groups of the pigment and the —NH2 groups of primary amines, to form —C**=N— Schiff bases.29−32
Derivatives of monoarylide and diarylide yellow pigments can also be prepared by reacting the pigment
with a primary diamine and a glycidyl ether33 to produce a Schiff base. The structure of one of these
FIGURE 76.11 Optical photomicrograph of liquid ink prepared with untreated diarylide yellow AAOT. Shows
flocculation of pigment particles. Same pigment as that of Figure 76.9.
FIGURE 76.12 Optical photomicrograph of liquid prepared with surface-treated diarylide yellow AAOT. Does not
show flocculation of pigment particles. Same pigment as that of Figure 76.10.
(CH2)5 — CH3
HO — CH — (CH2)10 — C — O — H :
Poly (12-Hydroxystearic Acid)
− + O C — NH — (CH2)3 — NH
CuPc — SO3 H
FIGURE 76.13 Surface treatment of copper phthalocyanine blue, Pigment Blue 15, showing the synergistic effect
between sulfonated copper phthalocyanine and a polymeric dispersant on the pigment surface.
O x
Sulfonated Phthalimidomethyl
Copper Phthalocyanine
FIGURE 76.14 Surface treatment of copper phthalocyanine blue, Pigment Blue 15, with a sulfonated copper phth-
alocyanine additive, surface modifying agent.
(SO3M)x — — (SO3M)y
Sulfonated Quinacridone Red
M = H, Al, Mg, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, Cr, Co, Mn
(SO3M)x —
— (SO3M)y
Quinacridone Red
FIGURE 76.15 Surface treatment of quinacridone red, Pigment Violet 19, with a sulfonated quinacridone additive,
surface modifying agent.
O C Cl Cl C O
H—C— N N— — —N N — C— H
(R′OCH2CHCH2)2N — R — N C C N —R —N(CH2CHCH2OR′)2
FIGURE 76.16 Diarylide yellow AAA, Pigment Yellow 12, derivative; Schiff base.
derivatives in shown in Figure 76.16 for Pigment Yellow 12, AAA yellow. Again, the planar pigment
molecule appears to lie on the pigment surface, and the long chains project outward into the vehicle to
produce stabilization of the dispersion.
molecules. The remaining parts of the resin molecules (long chains) extend away from the surface,
creating a considerable amount of steric hindrance around each pigment particle, thus resulting in steric
stabilization of the dispersion.
Alumina-coated titanium dioxide, iron oxide red, and other inorganic pigments and fillers can be
surface treated with alkanolamines (aminoalkanols), having the general formulas
R 1 − CH − CH 2 − NH 2 , R 2 − CH − CH − R 3 , etc.
| | |
where R1, R2, and R3 are alkyl groups containing from 1 to 22 carbon atoms in the chain.35 The dispers-
ibility of these pigments is increased considerably when used in paint formulations containing air drying
resin vehicles. The stability of the dispersion is similarly improved because of the steric stabilization
imparted to the pigment particles by the R1, R2, and R3 long chain alkyl groups.
Organic isocyanate adducts36 are used as effective dispersing agents for several classes of inorganic
pigments, including zinc oxide, iron oxides, Prussian Blue, cadmium sulfide, ultramarine, vermilion, and
chrome pigments (zinc, barium, and calcium chromates). These agents improve the dispersion charac-
teristics and the flocculation resistance of the above-listed pigments when incorporated into conventional
alkyd paint vehicles with organic solvents, where these systems also contain a substantial amount of
titanium dioxide.
76.10 Conclusion
There is no question as to the desirability and effectiveness of a fully dispersed and stabilized pigmented
system. Such a dispersion brings out the optimum color properties of the pigment in terms of color
strength, gloss, transparency, and rheology. When a pigment is completely dispersed, it contains a larger
FIGURE 76.17 Particle size results of a copper phthalocyanine blue, Pigment Blue 15:3, aqueous dispersion by the
Coulter Model N4 Submicron Particle Size Analyzer, used to assess the degree of dispersion (SDP = Size Distribution
number of primary particles; therefore, a smaller amount is required to produce the necessary coverage
and color strength than would be necessary for a pigment that was not as well dispersed and contained
a larger number of aggregates, agglomerates, and flocculates.
The trend today is toward production of more easily dispersible pigments, as counterparts to the easily
dispersible azo yellows, which are already used widely in certain printing ink systems. Pigment manu-
facturers are always improving pigment dispersibility, through the use of surface treatments, in terms of
surfactants, polymeric dispersants, and pigment derivatives. The end result is the achievement of complete
dispersion easily and quickly. Since this is an energy-intensive process, in terms of the dispersion equip-
ment utilized, less energy is required, which results in greater economic benefits for the pigment user.
1.G. D. Parfitt, Ed., Dispersion of Powders in Liquids, 2d ed. New York: John Wiley, 1973.
2.T. C. Patton, Paint Flow and Pigment Dispersion, 2d ed. New York: John Wiley, 1979.
3.V. T. Crowl, J. Oil Colour Chem. Assoc., 55, 388 (1972).
4.O. Hafner, J. Oil Colour Chem. Assoc., 57, 268 (1974).
5.W. Carr, J. Oil Colour Chem. Assoc., 61, 397 (1978).
6.D. M. Varley and H. H. Bower, J. Oil Colour Chem. Assoc., 62, 401 (1979).
7.H. M. Smith, Polym. Paint Color J., 175, 660 (1985).
8.P. A. Lewis, Ed., Pigment Handbook, Vol. 1, 2d ed. New York: John Wiley, 1988.
9.G. D. Parfitt and K. S. W. Sing, Eds., Characterization of Powder Surfaces. London: Academic Press,
10. H. P. Preuss, Pigments in Paint. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes, 1974.
11. W. M. Morgans, Outlines of Paint Technology, Vols. 1 and 2, 2d ed. London: Charles Griffin, 1982.