R V Hopley
R V Hopley
R V Hopley
in Eastbourne, England, concerning the death of 15-year-old Reginald Cancellor (some sources give
his name as Chancellor[1] and his age as 13 or 14)[2] at the hands of his teacher, Thomas Hopley.
Hopley used corporal punishment with the stated intention of overcoming what he perceived as
stubbornness on Cancellor's part, but instead beat the boy to death.
An inquest into Cancellor's death began when his brother requested an autopsy. As a result of the
inquest Hopley was arrested and charged with manslaughter. He was found guilty at trial and
sentenced to four years in prison, although he insisted that his actions were justifiable and that he
was not guilty of any crime. The trial was sensationalised by the Victorian press and incited debate
over the use of corporal punishment in schools. After Hopley's release and subsequent divorce trial,
he largely disappeared from the public record. The case became an important legal precedent in the
United Kingdom for discussions of corporal punishment in schools and reasonable limits on