Design and Development of Microstrip Sensor With Triple Frequency For Determination of Rice Grains Moisture Content
Design and Development of Microstrip Sensor With Triple Frequency For Determination of Rice Grains Moisture Content
Design and Development of Microstrip Sensor With Triple Frequency For Determination of Rice Grains Moisture Content
The micro strip moisture sensor is designed and developed with triple frequency, for determination of rice
grain moisture content at 4.9GHz, 6.7GHz and 8GHz, with good return loss, as well as good bandwidth. The
numerically and experimentally analyzed data using moisture sensor was for dry rice as well as wet rice. The proposed
antenna is designed with substrate εr = 4.3, h =0.038mm, tan δ = 0.001, as well as the parameters length and width are
10mm and radius is 2.1mm, simulated by CST software and measuring by the vector network analyzer (Model No.
N9925A). The proposed design is useful for agricultural field, for determining the moisture content as well as low cost,
Original Article
small size, easy to fabricate, accuracy, less time consuming.
KEYWORDS: Micro Strip Moisture Sensor, Triple Frequency, Rice, Grains, Return Loss, CST Software & Vector
Network Analyzer
Received: Sep 03, 2017; Accepted: Sep 23, 2017; Published: Oct 13, 2017; Paper Id.: IJMPERDOCT201738
The micro strip sensor was first introduced for fish and meat processing, in 1970. After that, it was used
for detecting the ripe fruits. This technique was increased gradually in the past years [1]. Micro strip patch
antennas have been enhanced, with high bandwidth and the gain. In the other hand, Micro strip patch sensors
have been also widely used in many fields, such as agricultures, industrials, food products, medicals,
communication, etc [2-8]. It has been more useful, for detecting i.e., broken rice detection, impurities detection in
water, soil moisture measurement, Rice Grain moisture, Rice quality detection, etc. Basically, the use of sensors
is to change the physical & chemical properties [9-12]. A patch, which is a very thin metallic strip in micro strip
antenna & the function, is to create a flat radiating structure on the ground plane [13-15].
Cereals and grains are very important part of the life without grains, nobody can survive in the world and
important is how to protect the grains and seeds by the moisture, how to determine the quality, how to store the
materials for a long time safely from the moisture content. This can be determined by the micro strip moisture
sensor with a cheap, versatile and less time consuming [16-19]. Rapid determination of moisture content in the
natural and manufactured products is important, for process and quality control [20-23].
The micro strip moisture sensor is very important, for measuring the moisture content in agricultural
fields such as wheat, rice, soil, etc. Rice is most widely consumed staple food, for human beings, especially for
376 Sweety Jain, Pankaj Kumar Mishra & Vandana Vikas Thakare
Asiatic population; it provides minerals, vitamins, etc. Rice can be grown easily, but important is that, how to protect the
rice from the moisture because, we can’t dry the rice in sunlight so, the micro strip moisture sensor is important for
moisture content. Therefore, with the help of micro strip moisture sensor, it can be detecting the moisture in percentage in
the storage place [24-26].
The proposed antenna is designed with substrate εr = 4.3, h =0.038mm and tan δ = 0.001, as well as the parameters
of length and width are 10mm and radius is 2.1mm as shown in figure 1, simulated by CST software and measuring by the
vector network analyzer (Model No. N9925A).
The micro strip moisture sensor is designed with the parameters of length and width is 10mm and radius is
2.1mm, simulated by the CST software, after that fabricated as shown in figure 2 and measured by the vector network
analyzer. The design is analyzed numerically and experimentally with dry and wet rice, as well as focused all the
parameters which are related to moisture sensor, such as magnitude, phase, gain, return loss etc.
Simulated Results
The design is analyzed by the CST software, as well as focused on all the parameters, which is related to the
moisture sensor as shown in figure 3-6 given below-
Figure 3: Return Loss of Micro Strip Moisture Sensor Figure 4: Magnitude of Micro Strip Moisture Sensor
Figure 5: Phase of Micro Strip Moisture Sensor Figure 6: Gain of Micro Strip Moisture Sensor
The design is analyzed numerically with the dry rice grains and wet rice grains as shown in table 1 given below.
378 Sweety Jain, Pankaj Kumar Mishra & Vandana Vikas Thakare
Figure 8: Performance of Micro strip Moisture sensor for Dry Rice Grains
Figure 10: Performance of Micro strip Moisture Sensor for Wet Rice Grains
The design is measured by vector network analyzer (Model No. Field fox N9925A) as shown in figure 11.
The micro strip moisture sensor is designed and developed with triple frequency, for determination of rice grain
moisture content at 4.9GHz, 6.7GHz, and 8GHz, with good return loss -13dB, -35dB, -31dB, as well as good bandwidth.
The numerically and experimentally analyzed data was obtained, using the moisture sensor of dry rice as well as wet rice.
The data of dry rice moisture sensor as shown in table 1, at frequency 4.9GHz, 6.7GHz and 8GHz with good return loss
are -13dB, -35dB and -31dB, the data of wet moisture sensor as shown in table 1 at frequency 4.9GHz, 6.7GHz, 8GHz
with return loss are -10dB, -15dB, -18dB. It is clear that, this numerical data and experimentally analyzed the moisture
sensor is used for the determination of moisture content of rice grains, at triple frequency. The design is useful for
agricultural field, for determining the moisture content, as well as low cost, small size, easy to fabricate, accuracy and less
time consuming.
Authors are deeply indebted to Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior for providing the central research facilities
(CRF) for computational analysis of the microstrip moisture sensor and also thankful to LNM Institute of Information
Technology (LNMIIT), Jaipur and Madhav Institute of Technology and Science (MITS), Gwalior for providing lab facility
for design and measurement of microstrip moisture sensor by vector network analyzer. It was indeed a delightful and
professional experience to work in the labs.
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