Mathcad - ACI 350 Elevated Slab DF OZ UV

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The following calculations are in accordance with ACI 350-06. Reference

References are
Material Properties
to ACI 350-06,
concrete compressive strength f'c  5000  psi uno.

β1  0.85 if f'c  4000  psi β1  0.80 Sec.

 f'c  4000  psi  

max 0.85  0.05   0.65 if f'c  4000  psi
 1000  psi  
steel yield strength fy  60  ksi
concrete modulus of elasticity Ec  57000   psi Ec  4031  ksi Sec. 8.5.1
steel modulus of elasticity Ey  29000  ksi Sec. 8.5.2
maximum usable compressive strain εcu  0.003 Sec. 10.2.3
minimum net tensile strain εt_MIN  0.004 Sec. 10.3.5
β1  εcu 0.85  f'c
ρmax   ρmax  0.02429
εcu  εt_MIN fy

Strength Reduction Factors

shear ϕv  0.75 Sec
flexure ϕb  0.90 Sec
Design Loads
shear - max(STATIC, SEISMIC) Vu  13.0  kip Hand Calcs
factored STATIC moment Mu_static  37.0  kip  ft
service level STATIC moment Ms_static  26.5  kip  ft
factored SEISMIC moment Mu_seismic  37.0  kip  ft
Member Information
member thickness h  17.72  in
width of design strip bw  12  in
concrete cover over flexural reinforcement cover  2  in
flexural reinforcement bar_size  6
bar_spacing  6  in
bw 2
AS  As_bar ( bar_size)  AS  0.88  in
db  dbar ( bar_size) db  0.75  in
d  h  cover  0.5  db d  15.345  in
approx for
aspect ratio (long dim / short dim) aspect_ratio  1.5 calculations
Environmental Exposure Classification Reference
environmental exposure classification (normal,severe) exposure  "normal" Sec.

Maximum Allowable Tensile Stress in Reinforcement

strain gradient amplification factor β   1.2 if h  16  in  β  1.2 Sec.
 
 1.35 otherwise 
maximum allowable stress Sec. 10.6.4
In the equations for fs,max , the numerator is dependent on the
environmental exposure classification. Let α equal the numerator:

α   320  if exposure = "normal" 

kip kip
α  320  (Eqn. 10-4)
 in  in
 kip 
 260  in if exposure = "severe"  (Eqn. 10-5)
 
The lower boundary on the maximum permitted stress is also
dependent on the exposure classification.

fs_lower  24  ksi if exposure = "normal"  aspect_ratio  2 fs_lower  24  ksi Sec.

20  ksi if exposure = "normal"  aspect_ratio  2
20  ksi if exposure = "severe"  aspect_ratio  2 Sec.
17  ksi if exposure = "severe"  aspect_ratio  2

The upper boundary on the maximum permitted stress is 36 ksi Sec. 10.6.4
The maximum permitted tensile stress in the reinforcement is

fs_max  maxmin 
α  
36  ksi fs_lower (Eqn. 10-4
  2  db 
  or 10-5)
  β bar_spacing  4   2  in    
   2  
fs_max  34.8  ksi

Environmental Durability Sec. 9.2.6

Factor Mu_static
combined load factor γ  γ  1.40

 ϕb  fy 
environmental durability factor Sd  max 1.0 Sd  1.11
 γ  fs_max 
Check Shear Reference
shear demand Vu  13  kip
nominal shear capacity
Vc  2   psi  bw  d Vc  26.0  kip (Eqn. 11-3)
design shear capacity ϕv  Vc  19.5  kip
check_shear  ϕv  Vc Vu   "OK"

Check Flexure
flexural demand
Sd  Mu_static  41  kip  ft
Mu_seismic  37  kip  ft
Mu  max Sd  Mu_static Mu_seismic Mu  41.1  kip  ft

nominal flexural capacity

AS (from Whitney
ρ  ρ  0.00478
bw  d stress block
check_rho  ρmax ρ  "OK" equations)

 fy  2
Mn  ρ  fy   1  0.5  ρ    bw  d Mn  65  kip  ft
 0.85  f'c 
design flexural capacity ϕb  Mn  59  kip  ft
check_flexure  ϕb  Mn Mu   "OK"

Check Service Level Steel Stress

approximate service level stress in flexural reinforcement
fs  fs  26.9  ksi
0.875  AS  d

maximum permitted service level stress in flexural reinforcement fs_max  34.8  ksi
check_fs  fs_max fs  "OK"

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