Watch Dog For Telephones
Watch Dog For Telephones
Watch Dog For Telephones
ost of the telephone security an alarm in case of any misuse. In ad- cut off and the remaining circuit does
devices available in market dition it transmits a loud tone through not get any power supply. In this state,
are simple but quite expensive. the telephone lines to prevent further only a small (negligible) current is taken
These devices provide blinking or beeping misuse. by the circuit, which will not affect the
type line-tap/misuse indications. Quite When switch S1 is turned on, the telephone line condition. However, when
often they do not offer guaranteed pro- normal (on-hook) telephone line voltage handset of any telephone connected to
tection against unauthorised operation. at the output of bridge-rectifier diodes the telephone lines is lifted (off-hook),
A very simple and unique circuit of a D1 to D4 is approximately 48 volts, line voltage suddenly drops to about
telephone watch-dog to safeguard sub- which being well above the break-down 10 volts. As a result, transistor T2
scriber telephone lines against any fraud voltage of zener diode D5, the diode is switched off and transistor T1 gets
is described here. conducts. As a result transistor T2 gets forward biased via resistor R1. Now, the
This little circuit keeps continuous forward biased. This effectively grounds astable multivibrator built around timer
watch over the telephone lines and sounds the base of transistor T1 which is thus IC1 starts oscillating and the speaker
starts sounding. Output of
the astable multivibrator is
also connected to the base
of transistor T1 through ca-
pacitor C5. As a result, only
a loud (and irritating) tone
is heard in the ear-piece of
the unauthorised telephone
This circuit can be con-
structed on a veroboard us-
ing easily available low-cost
components and it can be
connected to any telephone
line without the fear of mal-
functioning. No extra power
supply is required as it draws
power from the telephone line
for operation.
EFY Note: Please discon-
nect the gadget when you are
yourself using the telephone as
it cannot distinguish between
authorised and unauthorised