DomusLift Brochure 2008

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designed to impress™
Our Clients
With in excess of 1700 lifts
in our maintenance system,
the following list is only a brief
sample of our clients.

Sydney Opera House

Australian War Memorial
Eureka Towers, Vic
The world’s tallest residential tower!
Scenic World, Katoomba, NSW
Meriton Apartments
City of Sydney
David Jones Limited
McDonald’s Restaurants
Westfield Shopping Centre.
QV Building Sydney
Rod Laver Arena
QVB Precinct Melbourne
Carlton Football Club
The City of Newcastle
Blue Mountains City Council
Multiplex Property Services
University of Technology, Sydney
Victoria University - School of Law
The Australian National University
University of Sydney
University Square Campus, Vic
University of Queensland
Australian Catholic University
Richmond Football Club
Commonwealth Bank
Conder Apartments, Docklands
Aqua Apartments
Royal Brisbane Hospital
Circle on Cavill – Surfers Paradise
The Waterfront, Homebush, NSW
Roxy Theatre, Parramatta, NSW
Lindsay Gardens Retirement Village, Qld
Stradbroke Island Beach Hotel, Qld
St Patrick’s Estate, Manly, NSW
One World Sport, Parramatta
William Clark College
Westpac Headquarters
Pymble Ladies College
The Lakes Golf Club
Mount Panarama, Bathurst

Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators

About Easy Living Home Elevators.
Easy Living Home Elevators is Australian and site-specific lift drawings-through to
owned and operated. Our company has been in manufacture, delivery and installation. Like you,
operation since 1998, and during this time we enjoy the satisfaction of things running
period has grown steadily. smoothly and to plan within your project.

Our award winning reputation is based on a Easy Living Home Elevators has the flexibility to
commitment to provide an exceptional level of meet all your structural, design and budgetary
service, pride in the finished product and most requirements. We are proud to offer our extensive
importantly, the quality of the relationship DomusLift range to suit your application
established and maintained throughout our and style, involving quality materials and
clients association within all areas of the prestigious lift designs to meet your every need
company. and function.

Easy Living Home Elevators draws on the The Easy Living Home Elevators philosophy is
knowledge and expertise of our team of simple:
experienced - technical sales consultants, project "The things that matter to you are the
managers, installers, service and maintenance things that matter to us!"
administrators - assisting you in every phase of
your lift order and installation process. Ensuring
you receive the highest level of service,
from product specification, design information 1
Reasons Why You Should
Select Easy Living Home Elevators?

1] Easy Living Home Elevators specialise in lifts 6] Our installers, maintenance and safety
for private homes. We don’t market technicians are all employed and trained by
commercial lifts, but stay specialised in our Easy Living Home Elevators. We do not use
market. sub-contractors. What this means for you
is that we have experienced, capable
2] Both directors of Easy Living Home Elevators technicians who share our company vision
have 20+ years industry experience each. for excellence in lift maintenance and
They have selected the best products customer safety.
available on the market and have done
so using their technical experience and 7] We have ISO 9001 certification which
industry/lift code knowledge….not just formalises our processes and offers you
looking at the cost of the equipment. traceability through the entire off-site and
on-site program.
3] A lift in a home is a purchase with an impact
of over 20 years. Unlike a car, if you 8] We are very price competitive:
purchase a product you are not satisfied i. Easy Living Home Elevators take pride in
with; you can not trade it in and move on. producing very high quality products,
We have just completed the most extensive meeting all our lead times and delivery
survey of all our service customers and the dates - at extremely competitive prices.
comments have backed up our confidence ii. Easy Living Home Elevators only deal direct
in our after sales service. We believe we are with our manufacturers, thus able to pass
the best….and our customers do too. on our large savings to you.

4] Our supplier IGV is in the top 500 companies 9] We invite you to meet with our project team
in Europe. You don’t get there without before you decide…..after all; they are the
doing something right. ones that you will deal with for the majority
of the time.
5] We are just around the corner. Prospective
purchasers will appreciate the “local” We invite you to come and visit our state
presence and quick response if the need for of the art showrooms and discover our
breakdown assistance arises. quality and service at an affordable price.

2 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators 3
IGV – Made in Italy
Quality since 1966.
Our manufacturer IGV is a
well established Italian company
and is ranked one of the “top
500 hot growth companies in
Europe”. IGV has been designing,
engineering and manufacturing
state-of-the-art lifts for over 40
years, with their main focus on
producing the highest quality and Easy Living Home
innovative complete lifts and lift Elevators Wins
products to over 40 countries in
Founder Eng. Giuseppe Volpe
the world market. World Title
Easy Living Home Elevators was selected from
Today IGV is supported by modern production plants and
personnel at all times. With the toughest lift product and over 40 countries around the world, achieving
safety standards in place - which is on par with world’s best first place in the prestigious award of
practice, this is continuously enforced to the European “Best Sales Performance for 2006”.
certification standards of 29001 and world ISO standard of
ISO9001 involving stringent quality tests. Passion,
This award only proves that time and time
competence and vigorous procedures has always been the
driving principles of the founder Eng. Giuseppe Volpe, again - Easy Living Home Elevators is the
which IGV continues to fulfil. He is also the reason for the preferred choice by architects, builders,
trust built-up over the years with the customers, with quick designers and the end consumer
and effective action to correct any issues that are identified
Australia wide.
at an early stage – ensuring the highest quality and safety
standards of IGV lift products.

Our manufacturer IGV and Easy Living Home Elevators

guarantee the quality, reliability, and safety of our products.
This gives you peace of mind when making your purchase.

“In fact the most successful lift manufacturer

IGV selected Easy Living Home Elevators over all
the other’s, to promote, install and maintain their
lift products”

4 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators 5
6 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators
Quality System Certification.
As the residential lift market leader Australia wide,
Easy Living Home Elevators combines innovative
technology, energy conservation features, design
breakthroughs and a comprehensive product range
to meet the toughest Australian and International
Quality standards of ISO 9001.

Easy Living Home Elevators are proud to

be the only specialist Home Elevator Company
that holds certification to ISO9001. We have
internationally recognized processes in place
to ensure you receive the lift you want……
on time!

Famous 3 Year Warranty*

Easy Living Home Elevators only install the best
quality lifts. We believe our DomusLift product is
so good and we are so confident on the quality of
our products, we are actually the first lift company
in Australia to offer 3 year warranties on residential
lifts. *Conditions apply.

3 Years Warranty - Now that's impressive! 7

Fully Design Integrated Space Saving

The DomusLift is a completely integrated design – it Our DomusLift is extremely space saving - A low
is not a collection of separate components bundled 130mm pit depth, 2450mm headroom requirement
together under the disguise of the “worlds best” and minimal footprint dimensions mean:
components. Our DomusLift system is designed as > NO wasted space.
one homogenous, integrated lift using specialized lift > NO deep excavation.
components. > NO ugly shaft protruding through the roof.
Even our tiny self contained control cabinets reduce
No Crane Required the lift area requirements – No separate machine
room is required – optimising building space. Making
All our DomusLifts can be assembled through
the DomusLift very easy to accommodate into your
landing entrance doors which means we don’t need
new or existing project.
to crane the lift in from the top of the shaft. No hold
ups waiting for the lift to arrive, no street blockages
and no crane hire costs which can run into
Reliability and safety
thousands of dollars. With few moving parts to wear out and an
integrated emergency battery lowering system,
Energy Efficient automatic return to lowest floor feature and
infra-red car entrance protection included as
The DomusLift has been designed with optimum
standard, you have the confidence of an extremely
energy conservation features. Low power
reliable and safe drive system.
consumption, reduced-start hydraulic system and
auto-off lighting in the lift car ensures your lift has
extremely low running costs.
Economical Maintenance
With over 1700 lifts in our maintenance system, we
have the knowledge and expertise to offer you a
tailored maintenance solution that provides you with
the most economical price whilst ensuring
continuous reliability.

Truly “World Class”

The DomusLift is sold in over 40 countries
throughout the world. The most amazing statistic is
that there are over 5000 DomusLifts installed
throughout the world – and growing! You can be
assured of the quality, reliability and back-up.

No Hidden Extra’s
We at Easy living Home Elevators pride
ourselves on offering you a package with no
"hidden" extras - what our competitors consider
as options, we provide you as standard.

8 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators

Whisper Quiet Lifts for Easy Living

The DomusLift range provides safe, ultra smooth and We challenge ANY of our competitors to having
whisper quiet drive systems. We invite you to come a drive system that’s as smooth and whisper quiet
and visit our showrooms with fully operational lifts on as ours.
display, you will find yourself checking to see whether
the lift is in operation or not. 9
10 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators

Carrying Capacity 250kg
Speed 0.25m/sec
Maximum Travel 12m
Max No. of Stops 5 to 6
Minimum Pit Depth 130mm
Minimum Head Room 2450mm
Motor Cabinet 600W x 280D x 1000H mm
Clear Door Opening 750/950 x 2000
Control Automatic buttons with key isolation
Power 20amp Single phase dedicated supply
* Clear width between shaft walls.

Enclosed Shaft*
Standard Models Single Entry (Guide on side wall)
DL - 1C 

 b b 


1C/1 1C/2 1C/3 1C/4 1C/5 1C/6 1C/7
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 1200
C 1200 1200 1200 1400 1400 1400 1200 Shaft
D 950 1150 1450 1450 1150 950 1350
P 750 750 750 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load

Single Entry (Guide on back wall)

DL - 1L 

1L/1 1L/2 1L/3 1L/4 1L/5 1L/6
A 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 Car
B 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000
C 1100 1300 1600 1600 1300 1100 Shaft
D 1110 1110 1110 1310 1310 1310
P 750 950 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load
Adjacent Car Configuration
DL - 2A 


2A/1 2A/2 2A/3 2A/4 2A/5 2A/6
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800
C 1110 1110 1110 1310 1310 1310 Shaft
D 1000 1200 1500 1500 1200 1000
P1 750 750 750 950 950 950 Door
P2 750 950 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load

Through Car Configuration

DL - 2P 

 b b 

2P/1 2P/2 2P/3 2P/4 2P/5 2P/6 2P/7
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 1200
C 1200 1200 1200 1400 1400 1400 1200 Shaft
D 920 1120 1420 1420 1120 920 1320
P 750 750 750 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load

Customised sizes are available to meet your requirements. 11

DOMUSLIFT in tower ®

Carrying Capacity 250kg
Speed 0.25m/sec
Maximum Travel 12m
Max No. of Stops 5 to 6
Minimum Pit Depth 130mm
Minimum Head Room 2500mm
Motor Cabinet 600W x 280D x 1000H mm
Clear Door Opening 750/950 x 2000
Control Automatic buttons with key isolation
Power 20amp Single phase dedicated supply
** Fixing of at least 3 uprights at pit, headroom and each floor level.

Glass Shaft Structure**

Standard Models
Single Entry (Guide on side wall)
DL - 1C 

 b b 


1C/1 1C/2 1C/3 1C/4 1C/5 1C/6 1C/7
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 1200
C 1345 1345 1345 1545 1545 1545 1345 Shaft
D 1070 1270 1570 1570 1270 1070 1470
P 750 750 750 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load

Single Entry (Guide on back wall)

DL - 1L 

1L/1 1L/2 1L/3 1L/4 1L/5 1L/6
A 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 Car
B 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000
C 1290 1490 1700 1700 1490 1290 Shaft
D 1225 1225 1225 1425 1425 1425
P 750 950 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load
Adjacent Car Configuration
DL - 2A 


2A/1 2A/2 2A/3 2A/4 2A/5 2A/6
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800
C 1290 1290 1290 1490 1490 1490 Shaft
D 1165 1365 1665 1665 1365 1165
P1 750 750 750 950 950 950 Door
P2 685 750 950 950 750 685 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load

Through Car Configuration

DL - 2P 

 b b 

2P/1 2P/2 2P/3 2P/4 2P/5 2P/6 2P/7
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 1200
C 1345 1345 1345 1540 1545 1545 1345 Shaft
D 1040 1240 1540 1540 1240 1040 1440
P 750 750 750 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load

** Fixing of at least 3 uprights at pit, headroom and each floor level.

12 Customised sizes are available to meet your requirements. Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators

 b b 


DL -1C 1C/1 1C/2 1C/3 1C/4 1C/5 1C/6 1C/7
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 1200
C 1200 1200 1200 1400 1400 1400 1200 Shaft
D 950 1150 1450 1450 1150 950 1350
P 750 750 750 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load

DL -1L 


1C/1 1C/2 1C/3 1C/4 1C/5 1C/6 1C/7
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800 1200
C 1200 1200 1200 1400 1400 1400 1200 Shaft
D 950 1150 1450 1450 1150 950 1350
P 750 750 750 950 950 950 750 Door
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load


DL -2A 2A/1 2A/2 2A/3 2A/4 2A/5 2A/6
A 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 Car
B 800 1000 1300 1300 1000 800
C 1110 1110 1110 1310 1310 1310 Shaft
D 1000 1200 1500 1500 1200 1000
P1 Easy 750
The 750 Elevators
Living Home 750 tower 950structure
950 has 950been designed Door to impress™
P2 a design
From 750 point 950of view,
950the DomusLift
950 950
tower is750 Door and builders
popular with architects
Kgit is very
250easily incorporated
250 250 into250 new and250 existing250
projects. Load
Impressive features include:
> The structure is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications


> Can be assembled through b b
entrance doors. b 

DL -2P > The tower2P/1frame and panels
2P/2 2P/3 are2P/4typically2P/5
anodized aluminium
2P/6 2P/7 or steel,
A which can
800 be primed
800 or RAL
800 powder coated with
1000 1000 1000 800 over 230 coloursCar
>B Panels 800
are available in glass – in a
1000 1300 1300 1000 800wide range of colours and
C structure
up significantly
1400 less 1400floor1400
space than
1200the masonry
Shaft alternative.
D instance
920each wall
1120of an1420
1420 tower frame 920
1120 is only 55mm
1320 thick and a steel tower frame
isPonly 50mm
750 thick. (An average
750 750 masonry
950 wall 950is approximately
950 750190mm thick on each side)
Kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Load 13
Domus XL Lift
The economical hydraulically operated 1100x1400 Domus XL Lift with swing landing doors is our most
popular model in both private residential and commercial (limited mobility) applications. Fully complying
with the BCA and both AS1735.18 & AS1735.15 with a lifting capacity to take 4 adults or a wheelchair
occupant and a carer.

The Domus XL Lift is so flexible in design that it can be installed within a masonry or self supporting
steel/aluminium tower which can be installed indoors or outdoors. With a low pit and headroom
requirement the Domus XL Lift is very easily incorporated into any new or existing project.

The Domus XL Lift also comes with many optional extras, providing flexibility and the widest choice
of finishes on the market to satisfy the most demanding specifications.

14 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators

Car Size 1100 x 1400mm 1100 x 1400
Carrying Capacity 400kg 400kg (standard model)
Max Carrying Cap 600kg 600kg (special model)
Speed 0.25m/sec 0.15/sec
Maximum Travel 12m 4m
Minimum Pit Depth 130mm 130mm
Minimum Head Room 2500mm 2500mm
Motor Cabinet 720W x 360D x 1500H mm 720W x 360D x 1500H mm
Control Automatic buttons Constant pressure brail
with key isolation buttons with key isolation
Power Single phase for 400kg models Single phase for 400kg models

The economical Domus XL is available for both residential and commercial (limited mobility)
applications, fully complying with the BCA and both AS1735.18 & AS1735.15

Enclosed Shaft Glass Shaft Structure*

Standard Models Standard Models


A 1100 Car A 1100 Car
B 1400 B 1400
C 1500 Shaft C 1630 Shaft
D 1550 D 1660
P 900 Door P 900 Door
Kg 400 Load Kg 400 Load

A 1100 Car A 1100 Car
B 1400 B 1400
C 1500 Shaft C 1630 Shaft
D 1520 D 1640
P 900 Door P 900 Door
Kg 400 Load Kg 400 Load

A 1100 Car A 1100 Car

B 1400 B 1400

C 1410/1480 Shaft C 1590 Shaft

D 1580 D 1750


P 900 Door P 900 Door

Kg 400 Load Kg 400 Load
* The aluminium shaft solution must undergo
Easy Living Home Elevators Technical Office’s approval.

Note: These are indicative drawings only, please speak to our technical sales consultants for more
information on the various configurations available. 15
16 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators
White Black Firmament Downlights

Prestige pack


Standard Rounded Standard Gold


New. Pushbuttons embedded Full height control panel
within the round handrail

push buttons

button upclose

Standard Gold Handrail-integrated

push button panel 17

Coated Chipboard Laminate

813 418 853 443
2569 1834 1835

Stainless Steel
Mirror 128 Satin 127 132 leather 145 Linen 150 blue 131 Austenit
Chequered chequered

Prestige pack
Serigraph effect Coloured Transparent Smoked Mirror

Marmoleum Granite
3182 3163 3123 Logos 712 (1) Logos 732 (5) 633 605 604

Prestige pack
The colour of the original material may differ from that shown above.

18 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators

5023 5011 6010 3003 9010

There are over 230 RAL colours

available. Please speak to one of
our Sales Consultants.

Natural Cherry-wood Light-walnut Deco style
anodized effect paint wood effect white wood
paint effect paint

D C1 B E Serigraph wood effect D Vision Panel
Steel & glass door
Finishes: Primed, RAL painted

C1 Blind
Can be fire rated doors
Steel door
Finishes: Primed, RAL painted

B Panoramic Aluminium
Aluminium profile door
with wide glass panels.
Finishes: Anodised aluminium,
RAL painted

E Panoramic Steel
Steel and glass door
Finishes: Primed, RAL painted

Serigraph effect glass

Wood effect
Artistic glass and special
“wood effect’ painted aluminium
The colour of the original material may differ from that shown above. 19
DomusLift Light Touch Range
Recent development within the DomusLift range involves a brand new design concept in order to
provide unconventional luxury.

The new stylish DomusLift light touch involves a refined attention to detail from the innovative colour
light scheme with polychromatic neon lighting, through to the high tech designed digital touch
screen control panel framed by a metallic white plaque, which can also play MP3 files or be
connected to the home automation system - upon request.

20 Copyright© Easy Living Home Elevators

Bisazza Glass Mosaics
An addition to the DomusLift range for 2007 is
a new luxury line in collaboration with Bisazza
mosaics, the Italian leading manufacturer of
glass mosaics

Offering a brand new décor concept enhancing

the DomusLift design by featuring the unusual
application of glass mosaics, delivering an
amazing aesthetical experience.

This ultra modern, sleek, clean line look

involved within the mosaic finish is designed to
create an impressive feature within the home
and will make a dramatic statement and a
stunning work of art inside the DomusLift.

Classic Luxury Range
The new DomusLift Classic Luxury range was
developed for those who love the warm and
inviting wood grain atmosphere within the
home décor.

This line was developed and designed to

reproduce the effect of a classic and natural
wood grain finish. Owing to a special
advanced treatment, all the metallic parts of
the DomusLift are transformed to wooden
surfaces. The result is a stunning and amazing
natural look. 21
The Future of Living
Easy Living Home Elevators has grown to be the
leading residential lift company in Australia.

With a growing demand for lifts into both residential

and commercial applications, and a continuous focus
on quality and service, Easy Living Home Elevators are
dedicated to providing the latest and innovative lift
products to the Australian market, while maintaining
the designed to impress™ traditions that has made
the company what it is today.

"The market leader in the residential lift industry,

Australia wide"

Try Before You Buy

g, public performance, co
castin pying
road or re-r

By appointment, you can inspect our lifts on display ed b eco

oris rdin
uth g
na in
yu an
rs. at
to rw

and in operation within our showrooms in Brisbane, Ele il






Sydney, Melbourne and West Perth Home Ideas





of c

Centre which have been set up solely as a way of



demonstrating our high quality, quiet and beautifully

finished lift systems to you. Fully qualified sales
consultants are also available to discuss our range and Information Disc

your needs in greater detail.

> Home Elevators
> Stairlifts
> Limited Mobility Lifts (public areas)
> Service Lifts/Dumbwaiters
Contact us to arrange a visit - of course you are

Cannot come into our showroom?

If you cannot visit an Easy Living Home Elevator
showroom, don’t despair call for your FREE promotional

All illustrations, photography and specifications contained in this brochure are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. Easy Living Home Elevators Pty
Limited reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice in colours, materials, equipment, specifications, models and warranty. Any variations in colours shown are due to
reproduction variations of the printing process.

Trademarks include: “designed to impress”, “installed to impress”, “maintained to impress” (All pending)

Supplying Australia Wide


Unit 34, 6-8 Herbert St, 7 Hoddle St, Unit 21, 388 Newman Rd, Home Ideas Centre,
St Leonards NSW 2065 Collingwood VIC 3066 Geebung QLD 4034 102 Railway Pde
T. 02.8116 1500 T. 03. 9094 8600 T. 07. 3216 2670 City West, Perth
F. 02.8116 1511 F. 03. 9094 8611 F. 07. 3216 2671 T. 08. 9322 4688
F. 08. 9322 4655
Catalogue Code: 170308 Copyright© 2008

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