This compliance action plan outlines activities and targets to rehabilitate an old waste water treatment plant to meet Philippine Clean Water Act and DENR standards for Class A bodies of water by June 2023. Key activities include removing sludge from tanks by October 2017, purchasing new equipment by November 2017, replacing damaged parts by December 2017, and conducting self-monitoring, sampling, and reporting on a monthly and quarterly basis. The plan assigns responsibilities and budgets 360,000 PHP for piping materials.
This compliance action plan outlines activities and targets to rehabilitate an old waste water treatment plant to meet Philippine Clean Water Act and DENR standards for Class A bodies of water by June 2023. Key activities include removing sludge from tanks by October 2017, purchasing new equipment by November 2017, replacing damaged parts by December 2017, and conducting self-monitoring, sampling, and reporting on a monthly and quarterly basis. The plan assigns responsibilities and budgets 360,000 PHP for piping materials.
This compliance action plan outlines activities and targets to rehabilitate an old waste water treatment plant to meet Philippine Clean Water Act and DENR standards for Class A bodies of water by June 2023. Key activities include removing sludge from tanks by October 2017, purchasing new equipment by November 2017, replacing damaged parts by December 2017, and conducting self-monitoring, sampling, and reporting on a monthly and quarterly basis. The plan assigns responsibilities and budgets 360,000 PHP for piping materials.
This compliance action plan outlines activities and targets to rehabilitate an old waste water treatment plant to meet Philippine Clean Water Act and DENR standards for Class A bodies of water by June 2023. Key activities include removing sludge from tanks by October 2017, purchasing new equipment by November 2017, replacing damaged parts by December 2017, and conducting self-monitoring, sampling, and reporting on a monthly and quarterly basis. The plan assigns responsibilities and budgets 360,000 PHP for piping materials.
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Policy: Objective(s): Target(s):
RA 9275 (PHILIPPINE CLEAN WATER ACT OF 2004) Compliance with Philippine Clean Water Act; Rehabilitate the old Waste Water Treatment Plant in Compliance with DENR Administrative Order No. such a way the Effluent discharge will pass the 2016-08 (Water Quality Guidelines and General standard parameters of DENR X for Class “A” body of Effluent Standards.) water Sample Program / Activities Responsible Person/s Budget (PhP) Target Dates Start Completion 1. Rehabilitation Activities A. Removal of the sludge from the Anaerobic Tank October 16, 2017 October 28, 2017 - Open the Anaerobic Tank (chambers) - Apply Natureaide Enzymes to soften the build-up sludge -Pump out all sludge and dried to be used as organic soil conditioner -Cleanup of all chambers B. Purchase of Roots Blower - 4-5 weeks delivery October 16, 2017 November 14, 2017 C. Purchase of Piping Materials VIMAN Treatment and PhP 360,000.00 (VAT EX) October 16, 2017 October 23, 2017 D. Installation of additional Roots Blower Recycling System November 20, 2017 November 25, 2017 E. Replace damaged Aeration Diffusers to have an Corporation November 20, 2017 December 2, 2017 excellent oxygen transfer F. Install additional Aeration Diffusers to match the October 24, 2017 October 30, 2017 bigger aeration system G. Replace all airline pipes to prevent leakages November 6, 2017 November 17, 2017 H. Put-up additional FOG tanks November 27, 2017 December 11, 2017 I. Put-up Screen to block fecal matters to flow to the December 4, 2017 December 9, 2017 WWTP J. Install MCC and wiring system November 3, 2017 November 3, 2017 2. Conduct Self-Monitoring / Sampling Activities PCO June 2017 June 2023 3. Check effluent result analysis based on the PCO June 2017 June 2023 monitoring done by EMB-R10 4. Monthly water sampling done by Aeronics Inc. PCO MONTHLY 5. Submit Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) PCO QUARTERLY Company Approval