Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Fruits: K. Sudha, D. Baskaran, B. Dhanalakshmi & T. R. Pugazhenthi

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International Journal of Medicine and

Pharmaceutical Science (IJMPS)

ISSN (P): 2250-0049; ISSN (E): 2321-0095
Vol. 7, Issue 5, Oct 2017, 1-8
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.



College of Food and Dairy Technology, TANUVAS, Madhavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

The present study was designated to study the antimicrobial activities of aqueous extracts, that were prepared
from fresh fruits of Emblica officinalis, Hylocereus undatus,Vitis vinifera, Syzygium cumini and Actinidia deliciosa.
The antimicrobial activities of the selected fruit extracts were evaluated, by measuring the zones of inhibition using
Agar well Diffusion method, against five species of micro organisms; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia,
Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The overall result of this study indicated that, the fruits
showed different inhibition zones, along with different concentrations and observed that, the effect of fruits against
pathogens were concentration dependent. Response against in increase and decrease in concentration was varied,
among all the fruits. Fruits might have antimicrobial activity, against different Gram-positive, Gram-negative and yeast
pathogens and could be used for prevention of various diseases, caused by these organisms.

KEYWORDS: Fruits, Antimicrobial & Diseases

Original Article
Received: Jul 13, 2017; Accepted: Aug 01, 2017; Published: Sep 15, 2017; Paper Id.: IJMPSOCT20171

Nowadays, antibacterial therapy is mainly focussed on the administration of antibiotics and synthetic
drugs. The indiscriminate use of antibacterial, particularly the antibiotics, has resulted in the emergence of
resistant microbial strains and accumulation of metabolites in tissues and fluids, finally culminating in toxicity
and adverse side effects (Noor et al., 2004). The increased demand for effective and safer therapeutics has
resulted in the renewed interest for use of natural products, in improving health and fitness. Medicinal plants are
rich sources of bioactive compounds, such as alkaloids, flavonoids and phenolic compounds (Kannan et al.,
2009). Fruits are amongst the first food items, known to human beings. Fruits, whether fresh or dried, have
always formed a part of the staple diet of human beings (Nayak et al., 2012).The reason for this was that, they
were rich in nutrients and provide some of the essential minerals, vitamins, to our body. Apart from that, they also
help in curing a number of diseases.

Emblica officinalis (commonly known as Nelli, Amla, Amalaki or Indian gooseberry), is a small and
medium sized deciduous tree found throughout India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia, the fruits of which are highly
valued in traditional medicine (Khan, 2009). H. undatus, or commonly known as white pitaya, owing to its white
flesh H. undatusis originate from southern part of Mexico and it is now widely introduced in Asian countries,
such as Taiwan, Malaysia and Vietnam, as well as northern Australia (Lim et al., 2012). Grape (Vitis vinifera L.)
is one of the most important commercial fruit crops of temperate, to tropical regions (Gowda et al., 2008). Grape
belongs to the Vitaceae family (Jansen et al., 2006), native to the Mediterranean region, central Europe and
southwest Asia and cultivated today in all temperature regions of the world (Gruenwald et al., 2004).

Jamun (Syzygium cumini) commonly known as, Indian blackberry and belongs to the Myrtaceae family.
2 K. Sudha, D. Baskaran, B. Dhanalakshmi & T. R. Pugazhenthi

It is widely distributed throughout India, Ceylon-Malaya and Australia. Jambul, java plum, Indian blackberry and black
plum are common names of jamun (Ali et al., 2013) and has been valued in Ayurveda and Unani system of medication, for
possessing variety of therapeutic properties (Kirtikar and Basu, 1975). Kiwi fruit belongs to the genus Actinidia
(Actinidiaceae) and is derived from a deciduous woody, fruiting vine. Kiwi plants were originally grown in mountainous,
forested regions of China (as Chinese gooseberry) (Ferguson and Ferguson 2003 and Motohashi et al., 2002). A. deliciosa
fruit has translucent, green flesh with rows of edible, black seeds, covered by a brown and hairy skin.

Many pharmacological studies have demonstrated the antioxidants, antidiabetic, antilipase, anticarcinogenic and
anti-inflammatory activities on fruits viz, Amla, Dragon Grape Jamun & Kiwi. However, studies have not focused much
on the antimicrobial effects of fruits, eaten ripe or unripe. The present study aims at screening for antimicrobials, in the raw
ripe fruit. Water extracts are used for their close resemblance, to the traditional way of the fruit consumption. Water
extracts of the ripe fruit parts are screened for antimicrobial properties.


Preparation of Fruit Extract

Fruits viz., Amla (Emblica officinalis), Grape (Vitis vinifera) and Jamun (Syzygium cumini) were procured from
growers located in and around Chennai. Imported fruits viz., Dragon (Hylocereus undatus) and Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
were procured from super market. The fruits were thoroughly rinsed in tap water and then distilled water, separately. The
whole fruits were pureed well using a sterilized juicer, and then filtered through a muslin cloth to obtain a clear aqueous
fraction of fruit, free from pulp (Waterhouse et al., 2009). The juice was then kept in tight container, and was stored in -20°
C, before further analysis.

Bacterial Cultures

Bacteria viz., Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MTCC2453), Klebsiella pneumonia (MTCC109), Escherichia coli,
(MTCC1303) Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC96) and fungus like Candida albicans (MTCC 227) were procured from the
Microbial type culture collection (MTCC), Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH), Chandigarah, India. The pure
bacterial cultures were maintained on nutrient agar medium, and fungal culture on potato dextrose agar medium. Each
bacterial and fungal culture was further maintained by sub culturing regularly, on the same medium and stored at 4ᵒC, until
use in experiments.

Agar Well Diffusion Method

Antimicrobial activity of different fruit extracts were evaluated by Agar Well Diffusion method (Murray et al.,
1995), modified by Olurinola (1996). Nutrient agar and Potato dextrose agar plates were swabbed (sterile cotton swabs)
with 8 hour old broth culture of respective bacteria and fungi. Wells (10mm diameter and about 2cm a part) were made in
each of these plates, using sterile cork borer. Different volume (50µl, 75µ and 100µl) of fruit extracts were added, using
sterile syringe into wells and allowed to diffuse at room temperature for 2 hours. Chloramphenicol was used as a standard
antibiotic in 10mg ml−1 range. The plates were incubated at 37° C for 18-24 h, for bacterial pathogen and 28° C hours, for
fungal pathogens. The diameter of the inhibition zone (mm) was measured, and activity was calculated.

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.9876 NAAS Rating: 4.14

Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Fruits 3

Statistical Analysis

The data obtained were analyzed statistically, using the Software of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS
16.0) and as per the standard procedure adopted, by Snedecor and Cochran (1994).


Tables 1 to 5, show the mean ± SE values for antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts of amla, dragon, grape,
jamun and kiwi fruits, against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus
and Candida albicans. From the data presented in the tables 1 to 5, it was found that, the antimicrobial activities of
different concentrations in fruit samples (P< 0.01), differ highly significant. The zone of inhibition of the isolates, was
found to be a function of the relative antibacterial potency of the extracts. Thus, zones of inhibition decreased as the
concentration of the extracts decreased (Figure 1-5).

From table 1, aqueous extract of amla (100 µl), exhibited the maximum activity against Klebsiella pneumonia
(16.50±0.342mm), followed by Escherichia coli (14.33±0.33mm), Staphylococcus aureus (14.33±0.42mm), Pseudomonas
aeruginosa(13.33±0.33mm) and Candida albicans (10.33±0.21mm). The bactericidal activity of amla, could be attributed
to the bioactive compounds present in amla viz., flavonoids, phenols, saponins, and tannins (emblicanin A and B), which
could be effectively employed as effective chemotherapeutic agents, in antibacterial treatment and therapy (Jyothi and
Subba, 2011 & Javale and Sabnis, 2010).

Table 1: Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity in Aqueous Extract of Amla (Mean± SE)@

Zone of Inhibition (mm)
Name of the Vol.
Pseudomonas Klebsiella Escherichia Staphylococcus Candida
Sample (µl)
Aeruginosa Pneumonia Coli Aureus Albicans
50 11.33±0.42a 14.50±0.50a 11.17±0.40a 12.00±0.44a 9.50±0.22a
Amla 75 11.67±0.42a 14.67±0.33a 13.50±0.34b 13.33±0.42b 9.50±0.22a
100 13.33±0.33b 16.50±0.34 b
14.33±0.33 b
14.33±0.42b 10.33±0.21b
F value 84.174** 25.551** 62.511** 16.049** 28.118**
@- Average of six trials
**- Highly Significant (P ≤ 0.01)
Different superscripts in a same column differ significantly P ≤ 0.01

From table 2, the maximum antimicrobial activity was observed in aqueous extract (100 µl) of dragon fruit,
against P. aeruginosa (12.67±0.21mm), followed by E. coli (12.67±0.21mm), K. pneumonia (10.67±0.21mm), S. aureus
(10.50±0.22mm) and C. albicans (10.67±0.21mm). The results obtained were in agreement with the results of Nurmahani
et al. (2012), who studied the aqueous extract of dragon fruit, and found to exhibit highest antibacterial activity against the
pathogenic and food spoilage micro organisms viz., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The antimicrobial activity was mainly, due to the presence of bioactive
compounds present in the dragon fruit.
4 K. Sudha, D. Baskaran, B. Dhanalakshmi & T. R. Pugazhenthi

Table 2: Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity in Aqueous Extract of Dragon Fruit (Mean± SE)@
Zone of Inhibition (mm)
Name of the Vol.
Pseudomonas Klebsiella Escherichia Staphylococcus Candida
Sample (µl)
Aeruginosa Pneumonia Coli Aureus Albicans
50 10.33±0.21a 10.17±0.16a 10.17±0.16a 10.00±00.00a 9.50±0.22a
Dragon 75 11.67±0.33b 10.17±0.16a 11.33±0.42b 10.50±0.22b 9.67±0.21a
100 12.67±0.21c 10.67±0.21a 12.67±0.21c 10.50±0.22b 10.67±0.21b
F value 170.538** 90.000** 138.395** 323.333** 21.970**
@- Average of six trials
**- Highly Significant (P ≤ 0.01)
Different superscripts in a same column differ significantly P ≤ 0.01

From table 3, the maximum antimicrobial activity was found in aqueous extract of grape (100 µl), against S.
aureus (16.00±0.36mm), followed by, K. pneumonia (13.67±0.21mm), E. coli (13.67±0.21 mm), P. aeruginosa
(13.33±0.49 mm) and C. albicans (10.33±0.211mm). The present study was found complementary to the report of
Baydar et al. (2004) and Ozkan et al. (2004), in which they showed that, different mixture of solvents containing
polyphenols from black grape, significantly inhibited the growth of S. aureus, K. pneumonia, P. aeruginosa and C.

Table 3: Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity in Aqueous Extract of Grape (Mean± SE)@

Zone of Inhibition (mm)
Name of the Vol.
Pseudomonas Klebsiella Escherichia Staphylococcus Candida
Sample (µl)
Aeruginosa Pneumonia Coli Aureus Albicans
50 12.00±0.25a 11.67±0.33a 10.33±0.33a 12.33±0.49a 9.83±0.16a
Grape 75 12.83±0.40ab 12.67±0.33b 13.50±0.34b 14.17±0.30b 10.17±0.30ab
100 13.33±0.49b 13.67±0.21c 13.67±0.21b 16.00±0.36c 10.33±0.21ab
F value 77.111** 30.283** 149.795** 50.098** 2.281NS
@- Average of six trials
**- Highly Significant (P ≤ 0.01)
NS-Non significant
Different superscripts in a same column differ significantly P ≤ 0.01

From table 4, the maximum antimicrobial activity was observed in aqueous extract (100 µl) of jamun, against S.
aureus (16.67±0.21mm), followed by K. pneumonia (16.00±0.44 mm), E. coli (15.33±0.33 mm), P. aeruginosa
(14.50±0.22 mm) and C. albicans (10.17±0.30mm). The result of the present study was in line with a study observed by
Priya et al. (2013), in which antimicrobial activity of jamun fruit extract, against S. aureus, E. coli and C.albicans were
determined the selected microorganisms, showing potent antimicrobial activity.

Table 4: Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity in Aqueous Extract of Jamun (Mean± SE)@

Name of Zone of Inhibition (mm)
the Pseudomonas Klebsiella Escherichia Staphylococcus Candida
Sample Aeruginosa Pneumonia Coli Aureus Albicans
50 11.67±0.21a 11.67±0.21a 12.17±0.16a 14.67±0.33a 10.33±0.21a
Jamun 75 13.67±0.21b 14.50±0.34b 14.33±0.21b 16.33±0.33b 10.00±0.25a
100 14.50±0.22c 16.00±0.44c 15.33±0.33 c
16.67±0.21b 10.17±0.30a
F value 169.296** 58.333** 104.737** 28.194** 5.741**
@- Average of six trials
**- Highly Significant (P ≤ 0.01)
Different superscripts in a same column differ significantly P ≤ 0.01

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.9876 NAAS Rating: 4.14

Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Fruits 5

Table 5: Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity in Aqueous Extract of kiwi (Mean± SE)@

Name Zone of Inhibition (mm)
of the Pseudomonas Klebsiella Escherichia Staphylococcus Candida
Sample Aeruginosa Pneumonia Coli Aureus Albicans
50 10.50±0.22a 12.00±0.25a 10.67±0.33a 11.17±0.16a 9.67±0.21a
Kiwi 75 11.50±0.22b 13.00±0.00b 11.17±0.16a 12.33±0.21b 10.17±0.30ab
100 12.33±0.33b 14.83±0.16c 12.17±0.16b 14.17±0.30c 10.33±0.21ab
F value 204.831** 161.538** 225.286** 214.444** 4.386NS
@- Average of six trials
**- Highly Significant (P ≤ 0.01)
NS-Non significant,
Different superscripts in a same column differ significantly P ≤ 0.01

From table 5, the maximum antimicrobial activity was found in aqueous extract (100 µl) of kiwi against K.
pneumonia (14.83±0.16mm) followed by, S. aureus (14.17±0.30 mm), P. aeruginosa (12.33±0.33 mm), E. coli
(12.17±0.16 mm) and C. albicans (10.33±0.21mm). Nessma Ahmed (2015) concluded that, kiwi extracts showed the
highest antibacterial effects against S. aureus, K. pneumonia and C. albicans. The results of the present study were in
concurrence with the findings recorded by, Mishra et al. (2010), in which the maximum inhibition was shown by
methanolic and aqueous extract of kiwi fruit, against E. coli.

Figure 1: Antimicrobial Activity of Fruits against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Figure 2: Antimicrobial Activities of Fruits against Klebsiella Pneumonia

Figure 3: Antimicrobial Activity of Fruits against Staphylococcus Aureus
6 K. Sudha, D. Baskaran, B. Dhanalakshmi & T. R. Pugazhenthi

Figure 4: Antimicrobial Activities of Fruits against Escherichia Coli

Figure 5: Antimicrobial Activities of Fruits against Candida Albicans


The results of this study have revealed that, these commonly consumed fruits may contain promising
antimicrobial activities. This study, however, provides in vitro data, which may not be exactly replicated in vivo. Further
studies directed at isolation of novel antimicrobial compounds and in vivo studies, which may validate the in vitro findings
are recommended.


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