Disciples Through God's Love, Celebrating in Jesus' Name.: St. John's Lutheran Church ELCA
Disciples Through God's Love, Celebrating in Jesus' Name.: St. John's Lutheran Church ELCA
Disciples Through God's Love, Celebrating in Jesus' Name.: St. John's Lutheran Church ELCA
Flowers on the altar this weekend are sponsored by Zelda Anderson in memory of her
sister, Juliet Moris; and by Brett & Laurel Simonsen in honor of Amber’s birthday. Thank
you to Diane Hledik and family for the donation of flowers in memory of her brother.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: The Annual Meeting will be held next Sunday, January 28, at
1 PM. (A Potluck Luncheon is scheduled for noon). The Financial Forum is TODAY,
Sunday, January 21, at 9:45 AM (between services) in the Fellowship Hall.
meeting will be help on January 21, 2018
between services for the congregation to ask
1000 Riverside Blvd questions about the budget prior to the Annual
The Nominating Committee continues to
look for members of the congregation who may
Extreme Bowling have an interest in becoming Church Council
members, Benefaction Committee members or
representatives to attend the annual Nebraska
Friday, January 26 Synod meeting. If you are interested or know of
someone who is, please contact the committee
10PM - Midnight or sign the attendance slip in the bulletin.
Thank you to the Audit Committee for
completing the audit of the 2016 church
records. Recommendations are being reviewed
by the council and committees.
The St. John’s Council appreciates Pastor
This year during Lent, Meyer’s assistance as we continue to work with
Pr. Myron will be introducing Pastor Megan Morrow from the Nebraska synod
a noon brown-bag Lenten in the call process for a Senior Pastor. The
worship. Just like the idea of Council and Call Committee are updating the
Church Profile and continue to pray for success
round table Lenten services in the call of a new Senior Pastor.
in the evenings, this noon service will be “at
A complete copy of the minutes is available
the table” with your brown bag lunch while by mail or email by contacting the church office.
we worship. If you choose not to eat while
we worship, that’s OK, too. Just join us to
worship each Wednesday during Lent @
12:10 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Everyone needs